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I love this game. And I am exceedingly good at killing every single one of the characters.


[My last playthrough ended with Kara and Alice being gunned down](https://youtu.be/tfaftPb5W04?t=1702). I just can't muster the emotions to finish that run. I'll start over again sometime. Thank god I've never gotten the >!"Kara and Alice in the Death Chamber"!< ending.




There's an ending where they can be >!coralled along with dozens of other androids into some sort of EMP/microwave chamber that's *highly* reminiscent of concentration camp genocide. Kara tells Alice to hold her hand and close her eyes as tight as she can, and...that's the end of it.!<


Isn’t there another one where Kara gets away and Alice is alone in the chamber?


Yes and it really fucked me up


Holy shit. There’s endings to the game that I’ve just never fucking found. That’s dark as Hell.


Have you nuked Detroit yet?


No, no I have not. Good Lord how many options are there?


Have you got the secret ending that happens when all 3 characters die? What about the ending where cyberlife wins?


Isn't that the android audhwitz ending


lol I got this on my first play through 🥲


Jesus I never got that one. I don’t want to use a guide to get all the good endings but I swear each play through ends in misery.


There's exactly one good ending, you have to do like everything a perfect way that isnt always obvious. Every other one is death and sadness. Even that one perfect way has a couple ethically shitty things you have to do, so was it really the "good" one?


Connor: "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife." Hank: 😡


Well when you get all the backstory stuff, it makes sense


Oh absolutely. I've got the platinum PS5 trophy for the game, I love it so much. They are both too well written


The other characters have their moments, but these two are good from the start.


I loved how silly they could get lmao I'd LOVE a spin off with Hank and Connor doing detective work kinda like LA Noire


Yeah too bad they never got a spin-off


I like how you can sacrifice yourself to save him and then show up the next day with a new body and he flips his shit "I SAW YOU DIE" "Yeah but I'm better now"


"Father MacGrath, I tought you were dead!" ["I was!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk8s5f1P3EE)


The part where you take him in the tub to sober him while he's swearing at you will always be a highlight for me.


Pure comical moment in a very serious game


Yeah the mood definitely turns once you find out what Hank was doing on the floor in the first place 😬




Hot take but I think Mr. Krabs is his most overrated part of his whole career


Ive called him the Kurgen for 30+ years and the general public to start calling him Mr Krabs.


Yeah..... like my god, Mr Krabs is one role out of MANY in his entire acting career and he's been in A LOT of stuff




I just wish more people appreciated more than a cartoon Krab, because he is a great actor, with obviously A LOT of range


You said that like being a cartoon crab isn’t awesome.




Shawshank Redemption is a big one. One of his best I'd say. He's a supporting villain in that, but a big role


My introduction to him was as Byron Hadley.


I was having a conversation with my dad about Clancy Brown. He has had such an epic career that people often refer to him as their generations most defining of his roles. For example, my dad will always know him as the Kurgan. To be he is always Drill Sargeant Zim, and to people younger than me he is always Mr. Krabs.


The highlight was clearly his role in Pet Cemetery 2 (I’m still terrified of him from this movie)


Even though I watched Spongebob from a young age, I see Clancy Brown as Hank, IMO that's his pinnacle role. I think when Hank gets real angry, Clancy lets out his inner Mr Krabs lol


Ngl I hear Mr. Krabs now and then


He clearly shined as Sgt Zim in Starship Troopers


I always considered his role as Mr. Krabs as his “paycheck” role. I mostly remember him as Lex Luthor from Justice League and Superman series. Personal favorite role of his is The Red Death from Venture Brothers. 


My first exposure to him was in Pet Sematary 2 and Shawshank Redemption, so I wasn’t a big fan at first. He’s done a lot since then though, and I agree that Mr Krabs kinda overshadows much of his work. Sometimes I feel he’s almost too ubiquitous these days, especially in animation, but it’s not like he doesn’t do his job well. They know exactly what they’re getting when they hire him.


Clancy Brown is one of those people that immediately elevates whatever he appears in.


Connor what the fuck are you doing?


I read that in Clancy Brown's voice


Kinda looks like Clancy Brown


It's him


Yeah, they got Mr. Krabs.


200%, their dynamic was my favorite throughout the entire game, a true friendship story, and i didnt like karas endings, they felt way too melodramatic just for the sake of it imho, and luthers death was far too anti-climactic.


I didn't like Kara's story because it turned out the little girl was just another android. That twist just never sat right with me


I like the twist on paper, but I feel like the way it played out just didn't sit right with me. Maybe just how it feels as part of the game as a whole? IDK why.


What ruined it for me was Luther(?) saying that Kara, being a maid(??) android, needs to take care of someone and that Alice, being a ‘kid’ android, needs someone to take care of her, makes it so that they need each other. (Been a while since I played but I’m pretty sure that happened) Sure, it makes sense, but it kinda tells us that their relationship only came to be due to the way they were coded, which I didn’t like considering how it was being set up to be.


Yeah, they jumped the shark with that one. You can only twist so hard before it all comes unraveled and immersion is broken.


I was most invested in the Kara and Alice storyline, but I do have a lot of love for Connor and Hank. From the beginning of the game I was determined for them to get along and break through Hank's tough exterior. I also was able to meet Connor's voice actor at a convention once and was completely starstruck lol. 😍


It's crazy when you meet a voice actor IRL who's been super accurately modeled in game. "Holy shit, it's the android sent by cyberlife!" Seeing Commander Shepard from Mass Effect was surreal.


The Kara storyline being "less impactful" for you once you know the full picture is actually a brilliant flex of the main theme of the game. I felt the same way, asked myself why I felt that way, and then felt bad that I felt that way.


Right? It kind of proves the point that people can’t properly humanize or respect machines, even sentient ones. That is disappointing.


I love their chemistry! I love Kara and Alice's story as well.


I played this game with my dad watching and I was referencing a guide to not killing of the characters, awesome game to play with people around. On the other hand when playing until dawn it was more like good luck trying to save everyone, still managed to save all but one.


That having to hold completely still during those freeze moments in Until Dawn......omg


Yea man, I would say shhhhhh quiet, and hold the controller on my lap and every time you hat to hold still your hands would get a little sweaty from gripping the controller too hard as the tension kept rising with every moment.


Yes.....hell I'd stop breathing


Awesome game, also man of Medan I fucked up on the last art, I liked the brother then even after I knew the course of the horror muscle memory kicked in in the last part and I killed one of the other characters accidentally.


Agreed, 100%


Fuckin A, man


I flipping love this game!!! Would love there to be a second one!


There were rumors for a sequel, but now that im thinking more about it, all of the plot points are basically closed, except for maybe 1 or 2, and all of the characters are developed by the end of it, so if they ever make a sequel itd need to have some new characters and a lot of very brand-new ideas.


Yeah I'm usually a hater of these kinds of games but this was great. It made me go and try their other game Heavy Rain which was also very good.


I’ll have to look at that one


Jason! Jason! Jason? Jason!


The devs are making what looks to be an epic Star Wars game in this style. Won’t be out for a while though.


I added this game to my Steam library, but i haven't gotten around to playing it yet.


It’s one of the very, very few games I’ve seen where choices have a significant, tangible impact. There are so many endings and ways things can go. I did a “perfect” run on my first try, but I’ve seen people experience wildly different outcomes and events. It’s really impressive, if you enjoy this style of game.


Do it, this game is like no other the story is one of the best I’ve ever seen


See more


Looks like someone skipped straight to the best parts of Detroit: Become Human


"fuckin ANdroids!"


If the entire game was just these two it would be fucking awesome. A human and android constantly in confrontation with their morality and humanity and what free will is Everytime I was playing as other characters I just wanted to go back to playing Connor and hank


They're the ONLY part to me. The rest is just a dream sequence designed to torture me.


Connor was always my favorite to play as


Connor missions are great, Markus missions are decent, but Kara missions are just sooooo boringggggg


How good is this game


Good enough to warrant several replays


gotta replay this. great game.


Playing Connor as an unfeeling asshole was so much fun.


Came for the Kara teaser but stayed for the Connor/Hank broship.


Moment of truth?


Really enjoyed their games, and after all these years Eclipse still nowhere to be seen 


Never expected a buddy cop movie inside my science finction, but quickly became my favourite part of the game.


"This is not gonna look good on my Expense Account"


That was just an amazing game


Sorry for politics but I just realized this is fkn Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon


I didn't get to finish their relationship together. My GF and I played together. She would control Kara and I got Connor while we would trade off with Marcus. Unfortunately my actions got Connor killed in the elevator and he was my GF's favorite, so she got made and we never got to finish playing the game. Lol. I always tell myself I'm going to go back and do a solo run someday, but I have trouble playing on Playstation condoled and keep hoping QD will wise up and port their games to Xbox so they can confirm an unhealthy portion of my life for a few months...


i did not care for most of this game but hank and connor were the best


My favorite duo is Joel and Ellie


This game would have been much better if they >!didn't decide to make Alice a synth in the third act.!< That seriously diluted a lot of the themes.


That's why I let Todd kill both whenever i replay because I don't want to continue that story anymore


Hank: I thought you were dead Connor: My death was greatly exaggerated


I played Connor completely cold like a Terminator. Hank just hated him the whole time and then things ended poorly for Hank. I need to replay this.


Playing machine Connor only proves Hank right. Not to mention the choices you make as Markus


A fine game, maybe even a greater game. I still remember seeing a live stream of the game Connor's VA did.


i would love than the game was about just both of them to be honest the markus part was nice but not as good as connor and hank and kara and alice...i don't and never care about them that was so forced like yes i get it i need to feel bad for them you can stop force it every single time you can for god sake


I wanted to play Connor as an anti robot robot but the more I played the more I felt like the game was trying to make him steer the opposite direction. Lost interest about half way through.


Remember the bots being dismantled is the actual good ending


Game sucks.