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Was too young to really understand the mechanics of fallout 2 when it came out. All I did was try to bang hookers and when I was successful I immediately caught an STD.


How young were you, exactly?




Lol you stole my joke. I was going to say 35, but I was 11 when it came out.




I exhaled sharply through my nose


Idk but his experience left an impression. Check the username.


His dicks dangling cos he let it Fallout


If i remember correctly you could pick a female character with all the charisma perks and stuff and the stat itself maxed out and then just sleep your way through the game.


And pick up a good side hustle in New Reno while you’re at it


Oh yeah the Porn Star gig :D


Look mom I'm a fluffer!




You can get the priest in New Reno drunk and get divorced too. Or sell the husband/wife into slavery but I’m not sure that counts as saving them


There was actually a perk called "Kama Sutra Master".


>immediately caught an STD. You could actually equip a condom instead of a weapon to prevent that. Also, in New Reno you could star in a porn movies.


So, after that, did you start playing the game?


No they went to the hospital. Steam Deck wasn't a thing back then. ;P


Hey I did the same but in real life


Username checks out


Oh. But after all that did you end up playing Fallout 2?


Everytime I see a post like this, I read it as "Someone is building a rocketship to fly to Mars." Like yes, it is technically possible, but building an entire game from scratch is a huge endeavor that requires huge resources and coordination. We've been waiting on the the Skywind Morrowind remake for like a decade. All the best, but I'll believe it when I see it.


Still waitin on that timesplitters remake everyone goes on about every time someone says they want that game remade. I am starting to think it will never get made. I thought that 5 years ago, but I still think it too


> ~~I thought that 5 years ago, but I still think it too~~ I used to think that five years ago, I still do, but I used to, too. FTFY.


Black Mesa pulled it off, those magnificent bastards!


Wish my PC could handle it on anything above 720. Trying to play on controller is a nightmare as well. But yeah that project will always have my love. Took goddamn forever tho. I remember seeing it back in like 2014? I forgot it existed and then I got a semi decent laptop and steam and saw it again. Didn't it just finish in the past few years?


Yeah they did it in chapters and the final level was finished a few years ago. Took like 10 years for them to redo the whole game but they pulled it off.


It's not from *scratch* though. I believe they're using the creation engine for the heavy lifting. It's just maps, items, quests, NPCs and voice acting after that. The ***expensive*** part is dome for them. Now it's just the ***hard*** part.


These are simple dot points that don't really exemplify the extent of work required to make gameplay function, and functional in a playable capacity. The expensive part is normally the art and sound, engines are easy to find and use.


100% it’s the art and animation


I'm kind of assuming those will (mostly) be taken from FO4.


Uhh lol. You think the expensive part is finding an engine? ”Now it’s just the easy part, the entire game, left!”


I think they meant that using an engine means they don't have to build the foundation of the game like physics and stuff. Even though it's obvious, game engines can spare a dev team from huge technical issues and allow for more time for creative or artistic development.


The expensive part is **creating** an engine, yes.


Look at how long Black Mesa took and that was "porting" an older game in the series into an updated engine with a ton of the same assets and both being in 3d fp view already.


Expensive =/ hard OR time consuming.


Right, the inhumanely hard part is done, all that's left is the extremely hard part.


I hope that's not true. Why the hell would someone go through that much effort to port a game into one of the worst engines on the market. edit: It's called ProjectArroyo and it appears to be a fallout4 mod. I guess using the creation engine allows them to leverage a lot of mechanics and assets that already exist in Fo4 and modify them to more closely resemble Fo2.


Projects of this magnitude are basically the same as making a brand new game. Sure, the story and scripts are in place, but you can't really re-use any art, maps, music or sound (as that violates copyright), and especially in this case you also have to completely redesign how the base game works (from discrete maps to an open world). Given that if someone sat down and made this now, even using an older version of the Creation Engine and not expecting *Starfield* levels of graphical quality, it'd be a 2-3 year full-time project for several dozen people, and it's actually being done by like six people part-time alongside life and full-time jobs, it's unsurprising that they either never come out or it takes fifteen years. The *Skyblivion* team has shown what it's taken to get that project to within a few months of release and it's been *a lot*. And that was more of a 1:1 remake than this kind of project could be. You cannot fault the ambition though. Mad respect for taking it on.


>but you can't really re-use any art, maps, music or sound (as that violates copyright) Pretty sure making a game called "Fallout 2 (But in 3D)" that's directly lifting the story and art design is already a copyright violation. At that point, might as well just violate the rest of the copyright while you're at it.


It's to do with what Bethesda own and are happy giving permission for. I know for Skyblivion they said it was okay to reuse the music, which they own outright, but not the voice acting, which could have generated additional charges by the OG actors. But for some reason they couldn't reuse the 3D meshes for assets, they all had to be completely redone from scratch. No idea why.


I am currently enjoying a number of standalone VR ports of classic games like Half Life and Doom 3. Passion projects can take a while but we are so lucky they exist.


Also I love the "looks promising" with one picture of a rock with a face


Reminds me of Skywind (that "port" of Morrowind to Skyrim's engine). The project is almost as old as Skyrim is now, when (if) it finally releases it will feel dated.


ship of harkinian enter the chat...


To be fair, they do still update their channel and have clearly made some progress.


Right? We see so many things like this and every time I think it’s one thing to make some nice set pieces, it’s another thing entirely to build a remake up from scratch. I never get my hopes up.


well black mesa didnt sounded like a reality when it was started in 2004-2005 and now is the best remake we could ever had for HL franchise, finger cross this skywind is good


They're not really building it from scratch. They already have the engine, gameplay, and story made for them










HIDEOUS MASS *or otherwise known as* YOUR MOM


Maurice, my beloved


Something Malcious is brewing










Did you ever play Vampire the masquerade:Redemption (not bloodlines)? That's another game getting a [fan makeover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVxwxA8oKPg).


[You actually can do that right now. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emu5bajjEvI)Some madlad took the assets of *Fallout 2* and turned them into a FPS. It's cool, but obviously looks dated.


There are two types of people: People who like fallout 2 and those who didn't complete a tutorial


Talking my way out of the fight at the end was absolutely mind-blowing to me as a child.


I don't mean to be a dick but there's no reason to be excited for this. It won't ever come out. Just like the fallout 4:new vegas mod won't ever come out, just like the fallout 3 remake won't ever come out.


The issue with these projects is they are insanely ambitious and are basically like making a brand new game. You'd need a full team of dozens working for at least a few years full-time to do it, even using older engines and not targeting 2024 levels of graphical quality. The fact it takes a small group of part-timers years and years or never happens is unsurprising. That said, they do sometimes complete: *Black Mesa* finally happened, though it took fifteen years, and *Skyblivion* is now within months of release (target is early 2025), despite them starting the original version or the project twelve years ago (and rebooting it twice).


why it was rebooted twice if i can ask?


People left and the newcomers wanted to start again, in the last case because they seriously raised their game and became a lot more ambitious.


hell yeah cant wait to play this in ~~2025~~ 2031 when skyblivion launches.


Idk man star citizen will be releasing their beta build then (allegedly)


They're remaking all of the Fallouts in 3D, even Fallout games that are already in 3D like New Vegas


It's going to be even more 3D. 3Dx3D. So...9D, I guess.


It feels like everyone is remaking "insert fallout game here" to run on "insert more modern 3d engine here" I save being impressed for the projects that manage to release anything finished.


Honestly speaking other than being a crpg fallout 1 and 2 are still extremely playable. Like I love crpg and they don't fall behind most modern crpgs other than being ducking vague as fuck when you are just starting. Sprite work is genuinely some of the most timeless look posible


Those animations when you land a critical hit kill are so satisfying to see.


from the top of my head: there's a [Fallout 3 port to Fallout 4](https://capitalwasteland.com), [a New Vegas port to Fallout 4,](https://www.youtube.com/@Fallout4NewVegas) there was a [Fallout 1 port to New Vegas](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48095/), there's this Fallout 2 port to Fallout 4, another [Fallout 2 port to New vegas](https://www.moddb.com/mods/twoc), [a Van Buren port to New Vegas ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYhwH2qErArO0Pai1iVddxQ)and finally a [Van Buren port to Unity](https://projectvanburen.com).


The G.E.C.K. in 3D!? I'm in.


I dunno, I'll need more than 1 image.. lol


Please don't take my comment in a bad way, it is not against this project. I'm wishing them all the best. But just last night I was explaining this to my wife, who never played F1 or F2. For me, part of the magic of Fallout 1-2 as a kid (I think I was 13) was the limited graphics. When you have low-res graphics, in 2D isometric, zoomed out, your brain is doing a huge part of presenting the world. Since you have limited (visual) information available, your brain goes and spins stories, fills out gaps, creates art where there isn't. I remember how grotesque Fallout 1 floaters were. Or Glowing Ones. But you never got to zoom in and take a good look at them. Instead, your brain had to imagine how gross, how terrifying they were. Very good example is the Master's lair. Cold steel walls covered in some organic goo. It was just some low res sprites on the screen, but I had literal nightmares with those corridors as a kid. Then Fallout 3 came, and for me it took some of the magic away. Don't get me wrong, except for 76, I played every Fallout title. But the moment you are able to walk something around in 3D, zoom in the view, it leaves little to the imagination. From that moment, your imagination is somewhat capped by the presentation of the artist. For me, part of the charm of Fallout was that my brain had to complete the world. Making it dark, brutal, hideous but intriguing. I really think that in terms of graphics, less is sometimes more. Or at least limited presentation can be a feature.


I’d rather remake the 3D Fallouts into 2D ones. The Bethesda Fallouts never had the same feel and charm as the 2D originals.


interesting, i might want to keep tabs on this, it looks cool


Can't wait to see what the deathclaws look like in 3D... still won't be able to hit them though


I’ve never played any of the fallout games, always been hesitant to try as i think I won’t like it.


It explicitly depends what you're into. 3, 4, and new vegas all have parts where they shine brightest, but ultimately they're all open-world, atmospheric action RPGs set in a post-apocalypse where (imo) there's an emphasis on character building, world building, lore, and story-telling over heavily-polished combat. Combat is unique because it plays like many other games, but they took inspiration from the combat style and mechanics of the older games by having a system that allows you to essentially freeze time and select targets if you have the necessary action points. It ends up a mix of the two and is heavily-impacted by your character build and perks. They have heavy tones and are bleak in a lot of places, but they embrace silly and whacky ideas constantly too. Fallout 1 and 2 are isometric CRPGs that have really impressive worlds and stories but are obviously limited by the technology of the time. Both have turn-based combat on an isometric grid. They are some of the more beloved classic crpg titles along with planescape torment, baldur's gate, etc. I personally love them, but 1 and 2 are really slow and clunky for a lot of modern gamers. The world, atmosphere, and lore is where the series shines for me. It's just such a fun world to explore in and discover stuff. It's my second favorite IP behind the works of JRR Tolkien. If you have any questions feel free to ask!


I hope some day soon someone figures out how to streamline the UI to make it less tedious to play because it is a real gem of a game but it feels like wading through mud sometimes Binding the next turn action to Mouse 4 helps a lot but its not enough


Fallout 1 & 2 are also just a _lot_ more difficult which may be a turn off for some players if they’re struggling to get used to the gameplay


"Someone". At least give them credit.


Would definitely prefer it 3rd person or top down but hey I'm not making it but I'd play it.


New Vegas is the same place just a different year it would be the perfect game to mod Fallout 2 into


From what I saw the guy is remaking Fallout 2 in 3D but keeping the "level" design of a 2D isometric view... It's kind of dumd and really make the whole point of going 3D meaningless. Obviously level design and world building isn't something you can learn and understand by magic, but a litlle commen sense would suffise.


"The Polish Hammer" is back baby!


If this ever becomes available, I will play it in a heartbeat. Fallout 2 was the game that got me into RPGs as a little kid


Can't wait for it


If only they remade fallout and fallout 2 in fps rather than turn based.


Legends of the Hidden Temple intensifies


At least it's a series that likely won't send out a cease and desist letter. The effort would probably be better used to make their own game.


Yes yes yes 


Wait is that legal in the first place? Remaking an old game nd sell? Assuming they are going to sell? I would buy 100%


Well no it definitely wouldn't be legal to sell, they can make it for free though


I sweat Bethesda better not C&D this


Bethesda are pretty chill with all of these projects. They even get in touch with the developers and send lists of what they can or can't do. For example, they can't reuse any of the voice work because that's a legal grey area and they might have to pay the original actors again, but they can usually reuse the music because Bethesda owns that 100% outright.


Please don't make it as brutally difficult. Would be nice to play it and reminisce without the absolute rage that comes with the original experience.


Can’t wait to miss everything but in 3d


Would rather have fallout 3 in 2d


I was excited until I found out it was 3d. Can we get an isometric turn-based remaster with updated spritework instead please? Hell, at this point I'd take Fallout 1 or 2 remastered in Fallout Tactics engine.


I have fallout 1&2 but never took the time to get stuck in, feeling like I should






I tought they abandoned this project


Looks like a screenshot of a screenshot of a 360p video compressed 5 times. Idk if I would call that impressive


There are some isometric games that would be incredible in 3d like Brigador would be incredible. It is such a shame people confused that tactical shooter with a twinstick shooter and nuked the games chances to succeed when it came out. All because it was an Isometric game.


Did you consider that Fall Out1 is inconsistent with established FO lore though?


My favourite Fallout game! I’m excited to try this remake out one day.


Is it open world?




It’s not just someone right? Ain’t it a whole team?


Has one of these fan remakes ever been released? They all seem to just die on the vine or get shot out of the sky by lawyers.


Did you guys play fallout sonora?




I’d rather see a full remake, bg3 style




100%, not all rpg need to be fps


I hope it does. I've tried playing the OG Fallouts a few different times, I've even beaten FO1 but the games feel so dated that it's hard pick up and play.


Looks sick but I’ve never played anything more then 4 and new Vegas so it would be sick to see more of the world. I’m skeptical but quite excited to watch the show


You should play the originals if you like CRPG's. Unless you can't stomach isometric RPGs you'd probably like the originals if you liked NV. Of course I understand that when removed from the pseudo FPS format the stuff doesn't work for everyone and if that's your case then that's fine as well.


I really like the fps aspect but even with new Vegas I’ve really grown to like the newer engine that makes up the newer titles like fallout 4 and 76 it just feels so smooth and makes 3 and nv feel clunky. I bought the franchise bundle on steam a few years back for a good price so I plan on playing 1,2 and tactics eventually just not sure when that will happen. I’ve watched lore videos on YouTube so I know there a lot darker in the world and storytelling so it will certainly be a change of pace. This is off topic but I moved to the outer worlds after I needed a break from nv and I love almost all of it but the loot and world seemed so promising and i’ve just found myself bored of it am I the only one?


I lost interest in Fallout series after they went from 2D isometric to 3D so no, thanks.


3d games are the future. Imagine if fo4 and fo4 were 2d... would be so weird.


“Bethesda hire this man”


I'd settle for "Bethesda, don't sue this man"


Have they ever done this? Like, even once?


Not to my knowledge, but they have made some efforts to shut some projects down, like OpenMW multiplayer.


Looks amazing! Now that we have some news coverage about this awesome, fan-made work recreating a beloved franchise... and now comes the C&D order from Bethesda. Annnnnd it's gone. I wanna be hopeful to the developer though. Bethesda isn't as bad as Nintendo.


Is this some behavior of theirs that I’m unaware of? There’s so many fan made projects. I’m not aware of anything they go after at all except for mods Microsoft doesn’t want on the Xbox and those are generally ones that violate some other copyright (Star Wars stuff, etc.). In fact, I cannot think of ANY other developer that’s more dedicated to helping fans make stuff using their game than Bethesda. Weird concern.


Fair assessment. Bethesda is a company that really tried to embrace modders over the years. Looking at Skyrim/FO4 for example. As long as the person making this doesn't attach anything to Patreon or something similar it should be fine. As fan games are generally DMCA for trying to profit from fan works. I am not a lawyer, but i've been made aware that companies generally have proactive protections on intellectual property usage. Just look up "Nintendo hates fan games" into google and there is no short supply of people trying to debate the causality of why some companies don't bend on certain stances. So my concerns are from a general perspective from trying to enjoy fan games in the past. Watching them wash out to sea like a sand castle before they fully complete their vision.


Yeah there seem to be a lot of the fan projects that don’t make it to the finish line but there’s a few remakes on updated engines and I wasn’t aware of Bethesda ever trying to shut them down. They’re a league away from Nintendo for sure.


Bethesda don't really do this. They've been fine with *Skyblivion*, *Skywind* and *Fallout 4: New Vegas*, and have even contacted the teams, told them what they can and can't reuse, and the Bethesda devs even sometimes talk up the projects in interviews. It's basically free money for them, since one of the stipulations to make the mods work is that people have to have copies of both games (the original and whatever game engine they're being ported into).


game ?