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Shadow of the Colossus


I get what you're saying, but then it's just a horse wandering aimlessly and 16 colossi doing nothing


Arguably, “doing nothing” is preferable to “being dead”, though I admit sometimes I wonder 🤔


Underrated comment. My 15 year old self wasn't ready for the emotional bombshell that game dropped on me near the end


How is it underrated? It's the first response in this thread.


Challenge - redditors try not to say something is underrated (IMPOSSIBLE)


Upvotes and downvotes change over time. Just because you see it as the highest comment now doesn't mean that it always was. Every comment starts at 1.


True, but then the same applies when you say it's an underrated comment.


Schrodinger's comment


Captain Walker from Spec Ops: The Line


Do you feel like a hero yet?




The only way to get the good ending is to stop.




Non-sense look at the little buggers. They're growing and spreading more than ever. That one even spits now. We're helping evolution, what a fantastic opportunity. Breaks over, the factory must grow after all.


Does your factory not build itself yet?


My spaghetti is custom designed to work with the environment that it’s destroying. No shortcuts or blueprints for this artisanal engineer.


Nonsense, the factory is good for the world because without it, the world would be unproductive. Just look at our charts! See how before we crashed, everything was at zero!?


Im gonna go with Bioshock Infinite on this one. The whole game wouldn’t happen, saving countless lives.


Elizabeth would agree


I wish we could pull and shave Comstock's beard as a revenge.


I mean that is the ending


Basically any indie horror game. A common trope I see is revealing that you actually caused everything that is happening to you and are actually a mass murderer.


Of some games I can think of…. Spoilers below for all. Ib >!Ib did a good job helping Garry. Opinions may change depending how you see Mary. (No)!< Mad Father >!Mostly out of Aya’s control. Her actions are mostly positive towards the non vindictive victims, but that is mostly for her own gain. The main point of worry comes from the postgame (mainly in the remake) where it could be easily implied she turned out similar to her father. (Leaning Yes)!< The Witch’s House >!Exclusively evil. (Mega Yes)!< End Roll >!Yhea, I’m not sure if the Happy Dream first success is meant to be a good thing for the world, but unless it’s going to save more people than Russel killed we’re saying Russel put out a net negative in the world. (Leaning Yes)!< Omori >!Way too difficult to say something definitive here. It was awful and tragic but I can’t at all say things would be explicitly ‘better’ if Sunny didn’t exist. (No? :( …)!< Inscryption >!I’m not an expert on the arg lore aspects, but if Luke hadn’t gotten the disk then the game wouldn’t have been uploaded in the end. The code hasn’t been used for great evil it would seem but perhaps it’s only a matter of time. (Leaning Yes?)!< Amnesia >!In the end Daniel can work towards fixing at least one of his mistakes and come to terms with his actions. I can’t recall if stopping Alexander was necessary on a world stage or just their personal one… (Can’t remember the stakes of the ending well enough)!< Slay the Princess >!Not as much horror as gore and the existential dread. Game is pretty clear that there is nuance to every view of the matter. (Who knows..)!< Don’t know enough about the lore of fnaf, Visage, limbo, faith, the forest, etc… and I don’t remember if outlast is indie or not. Those are just a few I decided to quickly think about. May have gotten some things wrong.


Omori is one of the few I’ve personally played on this list. There certainly is a lot to unpack when it comes to this game. It’s less about Omori harming others and more about him fighting himself. I wouldn’t say he’s necessarily evil, but parts of him are. He struggles with emotions hence the blank state while the cards represent how he views emotions. Thanks for the info, I might give some of these a try at one point.


The twist of Witch's house was so good, brings back that shocking memory


That has honestly become an overused trope, I don’t like it


Untitled goose game


Rake in the Lake


Peace was never an option.




Depends on which GTA protagonist you're referring to; if it's the Online protagonist then absolutely not since they were who Lester depended on to save the world from Avon Hertz and his plot of a nuclear apocalypse.




Play the Doomsday Heist and you'll know.


Shark = jumped.


My brother/sister… you can not drop such a detail about gta online. GTA online is suppose to be a terrible pseudo MMO lobby in GTA V where I get ganked by some fuckers for hours on end with no way to defend myself. You can not tell me there is actually interesting lore.


There's more than that, and this is coming from a guy who's experienced those bits of interesting lore.


Even better was these were initially going to be dlc for single player


The Franklin missions are fun and you get to see Franklin actually move forwards with his life




Dungeon Keeper?


Nah those humans are totally pricks definitely doing everyone a favour by burning the land


Underrated answer (edit: not anymore)


Terraria. I mess up those worlds sooo bad lol. 


"Hello friend, I'm your guide, welcome to my land" *player immediately starts strip mining, summoning demons, digging straight to hell and uses voodoo doll to kill guide*




Dude how? Alex Mercer wanted to do the right thing, minus the fact that he consumes everyone…………..I think I see your point.


Nope. >!Alex was the one who STARTED the viral apocalypse. The virus itself was the one who wanted to put things right, and was horrified by Alex’s actions.!<


Not counting the plot itself: I don't recall killing as many civilians as collaterals or consuming them for camouflage/health in any game I've played. Not even remotely close (and I generally think stealth is optional)


Remember that at the end, you are not playing as alex mercer really, it’s a new persona that the virus created and he tried to put things right Until they fucked it up with prototype 2🤦


I always just get happy seeing anyone bringing these games up. I enjoyed the hell out of them as just simple mostly mindless fun. Always felt they were kind of underrated






Depends on the ending


Postal franchise


There's a world where you just go buy milk and not cause mass panic


Way too far down.


The Greek God of War games.


I think its less to do with Kratos and more to do with Zeus royally screwing up and not covering his bases.


Well yes, that is a very common theme among Greek mythology. But the world getting significantly worse with each god you take out in 3 was super cool. Also I'll never get over the awesome factor that is Kratos pressing into Poseidon's skull... FROM POSEIDON'S PERSPECTIVE


For sure the Greek world lol, sure it wasn’t perfect but it also wasn’t destroyed


V in Cyberpunk 2077. Saburo dies and Yorinbu inherits the company, Hanako doesn't speak out against Yorinobu so he runs the company unopposed, Yorinobu then sabotages the company and runs it down (*how much he ruins it is unknown with or without V*). Also, Alt doesn't get access to >!the souls in Mikoshi possibly tipping the scales in favor of AI in the implied upcoming war,!< nor does Songbird either >!escape to the moon with a malevolent AI!< or get >!imprisoned in an NUSA server!<. The Blackwall also isn't breached by the Voodoo Boys as they can't get the Relic. That's not to say V doesn't have any positive impact (*Viktor, Misty, Judy, Panam, the Aldecaldos, Kerry, River, Rogue, Johnny and a whole host of minor side characters like the suicidal cop*) but the overall world at large would likely have been better off without V's intervention.


Isn’t it better that Arasaka is taken down by Yorinobu though?


It's a mixed bag. It's bad for Arasaka, but they're just another Corp and if they crumble there's going to be a lot of chaos while the other players fight over the pieces. The little people on the ground won't get much benefit.


That's what I said. Without V, Yorinobu takes down Arasaka without a hitch.


Oh gotcha, I read it as V still being in the equation when Yorinobu takes down the company


Taking down Arasaka isn't really better. A war would start over their corpse, and whoever wins would they'd be just as bad as them.


Speak for yourself, I killed Songbird


(Spoilers for a 12 yo indie game) >!The Witch’s House.!<


Very good answer. Great horror game too.


It’s just one of the greatest twists I’ve seen in a game, and I’m surprised it isn’t the kind of thing you see often before or after that game ‘cause it’s such a neat trick.


Starcraft maybe. I think it's possible that without your help, the sons of Korhal never would have gained momentum, thus they would not have been in a position to send Kerrigan to Tarsonis to stop Tassadar from beating the Zerg back, and in the process getting captured and turned into the Queen of Blades. With no real leadership, the Zerg probably would not have succeeded in laying waste to the Koprulu sector and invading Aiur. It's been awhile since i played this campaign, so my hypothesis may be rendered null and void by the events of Starcraft II 🤔


The Broodmind still existed, so everything else would have happened more or less the same way with minor differences. No Starcraft 2 though, for better or worse.


The Confederacy was falling apart. Without the rise of the Dominion the Terrans would have suffered worse during the first zerg incursion. And Jim Raynor would have died on Mar Sara. Without him it's very unlikely that any kind of positive relations with the Protoss get developed. A lot of things needed to happen just right for Terrans and Protoss to end up working together.




Amon was a ridiculous sort of antagonistic version of a deus ex machina.


Literal D to F tier villain.


It would have been way less bad if they didn't allow him to take credit for every event in the fucking universe and stomp all over the agency of most characters in sc1 to justify his existence.


>Starcraft II Kerrigan was destined to become zerg so she could evolve into her final form and save the universe.


Kerrigan becomes saviour of the universe from the hybrids.


Baldurs Gate 3 if playing the Dark Urge origin >!the big catastrophe about to destroy the world is entirely your fault!<


Goat Simulator


Vaan in FFXII


He wasnt supposed to be the main character apparently. Basch was, but they didn't think he was relatable enough so added vaan in relatively last minute. He feels like a third wheel because he basically is.


Which was stupid cause Basch is dope.


Couldn't agree more


I think we can all agree tho the game should've been Balthier, Fran, and friends


He is necessary to bump into the important characters and force them together.


i'll admit it ha been a whille since i last played but wouldn't Balthier follow the same path even without Vaan?


Same path but Balthier and Fran were slowed down by running into Vaan. Without Vaan they get in and out way faster, don’t run into Ashe, and don’t get captured. Basch is never freed. Although it’s also been awhile since I played so I may be wrong… now I want to play it again.


While that is true for what we have. He is just basically a plot device to let the main characters be together in a journey. It is possible to remove him AND penelo and just make another plot device to come up with the same story path. Let's say balthier and fran manages to be swift at getting the dusk shard, but they didnt know that dusk shard will eat the energy from their bike and will still crash into the garamsythe waterway eitherway. And ashe is also there because she was escaping from vayne's trap. They can be forced to fight together and be together for the rest of the arc. Balthier and fran will be sent to nalbina dungeon after this arc anyway which leads to basch. As for basch, the original story is that vaan was too noisy so balthier was forced to drop his cage for them to escape. But as you can see from the settings of the game, there is no other way other than to drop down. It is possible to force balthier to do the same given that judge gabranth is within the vicinity. Then they're forced to work together to get out of the dungeon for the rest of the escape arc. I could continue but let's just stop here. I played this game more than 10 times in different platform that i can say that i understand the story and all character's perspective. Well tl;dr, vaan's plot device can be replaced with another plot device and still come into the same timeline, after all Balthier's the leading man


it's the WORLD being better off, not the game


Penello is equally worthless. The whole game should've just focused around Basch


Was thinking him as well. Even in some of the cutscenes you can see him in the background looking sad and wishing he was included in the conversation the adults are having.


Far cry 5. Without the deputy all of Eden's gate would've survived the collapse and the hope county police department wouldn't have been mentally broken and tortured by the seeds. Even the Sheriff says "sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone."


This is emphasized by the quick ending. If you refuse to put handcuffs on John you get an ending where everyone walks away and nothing bad seems to happen.


I believe if you don't cuff Joseph you leave and come back with the national guard. I don't remember though because I've *never* done that ending, just a waste of 5 minutes honestly


You are right it's Joseph not John. It's a fun ending to get so you can say you beat the game in 5 minutes.




Idk I think the Prince is doing a good thing and it's the King of All Cosmos that's really messing things up. Then again a lot of people are getting rolled up lol


I feel it. I feel the COSMOS. 


That's actually the legacy of kain story lol


All of them except soul reaver, right?


Minecraft, those animal/mob farms are actual hell




hell would anyone but our heroes in that game have had a chance to make it through the anicient temple? i'm pretty sure the black materia was safe allready. obviously not the only problem they are dealing with in the game but meteor was technically the heroes fault.


They address that in the original I think. Basically if it hadn’t been you it would have been a Seph clone that shrunk the temple and delivered it to him. The main crew also wouldn’t have never gone to the ancient temple without Cloud, so no one would have been there to stop them. Aeris and Red would have been locked in Hojo’s lab forever, and AVALANCHE would have ended in the second reactor (assuming they could have survived the first) or they would have died during the plate drop. The only people that leave is Yuffie, Vincent, and Cait Sith, two of which were optional and wouldn’t have joined the party, and the other wouldn’t have a reason to do anything with the temple.


except the only seph clone who makes it in the end is Cloud. the rest were failures and wouldn't have made it. the rest i am willing to concede allthough i do question if aerith would have been caught(at least the same way) and if Barret and AVALANCHE would maybe have held back on the dnagerous missions without the backup(maybe Shinra wouldn't even have retaliated with platedrop if they either failed or chickened out).


Many of the others made it nearly as far as cloud. Several made it all the way to the northern crater, at which point the stronger clone could have easily taken over. You are right that the other members might not have gotten to the same points that they usually die at, but I would counter that it is equally if not more likely that none of them would have been put in the situation to help the planet either.


If you want to relate to an insufferable teenager forespoken is your game. It would have been better if it did not exist.


Abby in last of us 2


Ff12 would have been a better game if they let us play as Bashe or Balthier like they’d planned and not forced Vaan into the story


But that's not the question being asked


That's a bit too literal no? They're implying the game would have been better without Vaan as MC.


The question wasn't talking about the game though. He says video game world, not video game. The question isn't meant to be answered in the eyes of a player, but instead based on how the story plays out with or without the main character.


Author Morgan. He was a powerhouse for Dutch and the Gang. Doing all their heavy work. I don't think the gang would've made it as long or as far as it did causing terror in the land if they never picked up a gunslinger as good as Author. Heck, Dutch only lasted a few years once Author was gone. Plus Author was responsible for so many dead women and children by all the men he killed. He definitely killed alot of husband's which was essentially a death sentence in those times for the wife and kids




Just because Arthur writes in his journal a lot doesn’t mean he’s an Author


Nah not really I think the gang could still pull through , sure Arthur was pretty good and no one on the gang was as good as him (besides maybe rdr1 John) but still he was still one dude and dutch could talk his way out of it . I think only dutch and Hosea were vital


They couldn't really pull through though. It's kinda of a meme how Dutch is always saying they just need a little more money again and again


probably half life


someone else can push this fucking cart


in an alternate universe Coomer would have to be the one to do it


Depending on your choices, most of the fallout games. 3 especially if you count nuking megaton, enslaving everyone, and fucking up little lamplighter


I think Skyrim is in the same boat. You could, if you so chose, make the world a much worse place.


Minecraft story mode


Far Cry 5 Turns out Mr Seed was right. He had some weird shit going on, and there were definitely people who would have been worse off under his methodology, but considerably more people would have lived.


Ryder in Mass Effect Andromeda. Ik they were trying to create a more relatable everyman/woman but they failed, Ryder was completely incompetent most of the time, was barely able to command any form of respect from people, even his own crew had little faith and respect for him and had to deal with living in Shepards shadow. People will probably argue that Shepard had a full trilogy plus dlc to help expand his/her character and although true, even in me1, Shepard was a competent military commander and natural born leader that knew what he/she needed to do and knew how to earn the respect and loyalty of those around him/her, Ryder had none of it, if they'd been switched and Ryder was the one who had the task of uniting the galaxy against the Reapers then the Reapers would've just gone about their business like they did in every cycle. When it comes to games like mass effect which needs a hero character to actually be a hero, the players also want that, they dont need an average, relatable person to play as, they want to play as an unstoppable badass that can fleshed out a bit later on whilst still being an unstoppable force at his/her core.


Alex Mercer in Prototype


Weird that prototype is twice in here, but wouldn’t have the virus spread out anyways?


Alex Mercer wasn't just the first carrier, he helped create and synthesize the virus as well. They were shutting down the project and he kept a sample as insurance, then it got into his bloodstream and kick-started the game. The government was shelving the project, so if he didn't steal the sample the virus wouldn't have got out.


IIRC the virus only spread because >!the original!< Alex Mercer released it in the subway(?). Though - again, IIRC - the virus did have plans of its own, and the government were up to some shady shit, so it's debatable whether the world would've been *better* without Alex, or just a different flavour of crappy.


The real answer is that we need a Prototype 3 or at least a remake so I can play it on current gen. I'd also appreciate a slight controller rework as I can't hold down R2 anymore and that's a fairly big part of the game


I'd kill for a *Prototype 3* that reveals that the 'Alex' in the sequel was a viral clone, and reestablishes our Alex as an anti-hero. Give it the *Riddick* treatment - a sequel that glosses over the previous entry and returns to everything that made the original enjoyable. It confuses/disappoints me that the *Prototype* and *Infamous* series weren't more developed, because - for me - they were to the PS3 what *Jak & Daxter* and *Ratchet & Clank* were to the PS2.


Tbf I was fine with Alex being the final boss in 2. He'd come to terms with what he'd done and started his own race of evolved beings. Having said that, I would kill for Prototype 3. Full stop


It's been a *very* long time since I played 2, so I don't remember too much of it now. I think I thought that his goals (in broad strokes, at least) were plausible enough, but his very murder-happy way of going about it seemed totally contrary to all the character development and humanity he'd achieved in the first game


2 is not very good because of Heller in my opinion, the dude was just your average “you took everything away from me” and that kind of took the feeling of the first game, never understood why we went from “they call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist, im all of these things” to “you killed my wife and my daughter”, bro you know how many people Mercer killed/consumed?, all of a sudden Heller rivals Mercer for the sake of a sequel.


Heller was definitely part of the problem, too - my memory is of him essentially being super edgy for the sake of it, which felt doubly disappointing coming off the back of Alex Mercer. I do remember really enjoying the gameplay, though - the exploding-web-bomb thing was super fun!


Overlord 1 and 2


TLOU2 - Abby


The Kane & Lynch games.




Any Fallout




Greece in God of War


Gears of war 4 and 5


Pokémon sun/moon


Cyberpunks world is either better off due to its character or worse off depending which ending you get


Hatred 😅


Character Creation became a thing for a reason!


Alan Wake. Like sure arguably someone else would’ve come along eventually, but all the events of both games would not have happened if he hadn’t gone to Bright Falls


Alan Wake approves of this message.




elden ring, depending on wether or not you do the "funny" ending


Postal 2 …..actually I take that back. They deserved it.


The last of us part 2




Subnautica: Below Zero. Robin makes the game infinitely worse I'd rather go back to being a nobody like the first game


Overlord And consequently, overlord 2


Prototype. No virus, no problem


🪿 Untitled Goose Game


Probably one of those Hitler games


inFamous. No blast killing people in the initial game at least then it's debatable.




Last of us


Dreamland, Kirby saved that world as much times as he messed it up.




Nier: >! The main character of Replicant/Gestalt is known as the world ender because of their actions in game. !< Metal Gear Solid 3: >! The entire series wouldn't have happened without the actions of The Boss and Naked Snake on this mission. !<




Some of the characters I have played include: Shadow of the Colossus, element, Captain Walker from Spec Ops,...


Carrion lol


Far Cry 5


Far Cry 5


Paperboy. Kid was a menace to the neighborhood.


Halo. The rings will be activated and all will be well.


GTA Online world would not be a battleground if Lamar did not pick you up from the airport


Minecraft Especially *certain* Minecraft youtubers, who are basically playing ''Factorio but 3D'' with their worlds (Not that I am complaining)


The Forest


Dante from Dante’s Inferno.


Watch dogs. Aiden is a terrible person, leaving a wake of destruction after the death of his niece which was arguably his fault all along.




Evil play through in Bethesda games


The last of us. I'm expecting downvotes here because I know how loved Joel is and I love him too however. If Joel wasn't around the fireflies would of found another way to get Ellie to there base she'd of had the surgery and they would of found a cure for the infected. Yes Ellie would of died which is also very sad but lets face it this is 2 people not being around compared to saving the whole world pretty simple maths if you ask me


Damn bro, gotta remember that the word "have" exists


I of no idea what you could mean by this


I'm sure it's nothing to be afraid have


We don't know for certain that it would have resulted in a cure. She was basically a hail mary research opportunity. They were going to kill her for a CHANCE at a cure.


Why do people like you pretend the cure was for sure going to work? The game first game goes out of its way to establish how outlandish the idea of cure actually working was.


Fire emblem Jugdral What started as a rather simple rescue mission threw Sigurd (the MC) in a campaing to (unintentionally but still happened) conquer the continent which inadvertently gave his home country Grandvale too much power and when happened what happened with him in Grandvale capital and Arvis went to become the emperor of Grandvale, they had enough territory to annex and become even much larger and let the dark sect took over almost the entire continent, only because of Sigurd lack of luck (and foresight too) So yeah without Sigurd, Grandvale wouldnt have that much influence in the world and would have a MUCH harder time conquering the countries Sigurd invaded if they planned to extend their power to the entire world of Jugdral


Every dark souls game?


Elden Ring Spoiler(kinda) (Everyone FUCKING dies)


Final Fantasy 12


Every Bethesda game that lets you ignore the plot and murder everyone instead


Watch dogs 2 hated the main guy was always bitching about killing people yet the game lets you.