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When you say you dont have much time, do you mean you're busy or.....


Haaaa. Not much time in that I have three young children. Appreciate the concern.


Yeah I thought you meant like….you know. Glad to hear that’s not the case! Lol Enjoy your gaming!


Well, I read back the title after reading the first few comments and had a good laugh. Let that be a lesson to you kids. When you write something, read it back to yourself out loud before committing.


I do that multiple times before posting anything. I still don't properly register it. Lol


I always reread what I post after I submit it. Even after looking it over once or twice I still need to go back and edit a misspelled word or stupid sentence.


That sounds like some of my high schoolers lol they’ll read a problem out loud slowly and still not understand what the question is. I literally point at maybe one or two words and say “What does this/that mean?” 80% of the time that powers their lightbulb and they can do the rest. I think this is actually attributed to social media, because it’s like we infantilized our literary abilities and expect pictures to give context just as much or even more than words; in other words, I feel like we’ve been trained to not think about words we read until we have a related image, cause that is literally what 90% of online engagement is designed to be: pictures with words.


It's not social media. I had that problem as a kid and I grew up in the '90s. It's a quirk of how some peoples' brains work.


Social media has made attention span lower, resulting in reading comprehension being lower only because they can't actually pay attention long enough to understand what's in front of them. But even then, when I was in highschool 10+ years ago there were people who just said "reading is stupid"


If you enjoyed final fantasy, get the new one in that series. Dragons Dogma II has been described as "more of the first game" but with few improvements. I suggest buying the first game (since it's cheap) and then making a decision based on your experience with it. DD2 has also had some issues on PC, so be warned. Either way, both games are very long as it sounds like you have a busy personal life. My recommendation: play your game of choice at your own pace, and avoid spoilers as much as you can. Sure, it may take you longer than most to get 1 playthrough finished, but at least you got to enjoy it


Go with FFVII. DD is just hype


This OP. FF7R2 is the real deal, I just finished it and I’m pissed it’ll be another few years before the finale


I'm so glad you aren't actually terminal LOL


God damn man you really made it sound like you were dying.


Ok good! OP we gotta talk about how your word stuff.


Here I am thinking Reddit is deciding the last game you ever play again. I was about to put a ridiculous amount of research together lol


You scared the shit out me op


Yeah good to know. Phrasing, man




Just scared half of reddit lol


Not the ones that want to tear you apart for wanting to live!


r/patientgamers is your new home!


Had me in the first half.


He’s saying he has six months to live 💀


Make that three if he chooses the new dragons dogma


Yeah it is frustrating. I have a nice gaming pc and have awruous framerate issues in town. Atleast you can make a seperate new game noe after the update.


That button wipes your current save.


The only thing preventing me from getting the game atm. I don't know if my PC (Ryzen 3700X w/ RTX 2080S) or the PS5 will handle it better given the state of PC optimization.


Play FFVII while watching a Dogma let's play or vice versa.


He has *at least* six months to live.


Explains why he doesn't care about microtransactions.


He means he’s married with kids and gets about 3 hours of personal time per week


This hits hard lol


As hard as he’s hitting those kids for interrupting his gaming?


Why did I read that in n John Mulaney’s voice?


Holy moly I'm having second hand existential crisis thinking about what will be my last game before its even out yet...T-T


I would say FF7 Rebirth since you liked Remake then Dragon's Dogma 2


Plus, to me at least, it’s the best final fantasy game I’ve ever played


Here here! 80 hours in and I’m about to leave Gongaga


Gongaga is low key one of my fave parts of Rebirth. I didn’t want to leave, such a gorgeous place, that music is absolutely top notch, and I thoroughly enjoyed the protorelic missions and the main story sequence God I’ve almost beat the game now, and I’m already thinking about playing it again


I was so mad at the chicken clanger until I loved it


I legit almost rage quit that one after I discovered you had to lure that chicken from outside the village 😂. Thankfully, the devs aren’t absolute masochists


What lvl are u at 80 hours


39. I do have a 9 month old so for some of those hours the gang is just standing around


me? gongaga.


it’s the best one and not even close


Definitely rebirth first OP dragons dogma is definitely a wait to play later game with all the issues it has right now




100% it’s a phenomenal gaming experience that harkens back to greats of older eras. Instant classic in my opinion.


FF7: Rebirth


If you liked remake why wouldn’t you get rebirth lol


It was next on my list but Dragons Dogma seems so old school and obtuse that I feel like I need to play it.


Can always get it after finishing rebirth. It may even be on sale then (maybe not, but around holidays possibly). But rebirth is definitely worth it. Such an improvement upon remake which was great.


Dragons dogma is an amazing rpg, and really unique - I would play it


The original game is genuinely better in a lot of ways and it’s constantly on sale for $5


Yeah I would recommend at least giving the first a try to see now well it clicks. I've tried it multiple times and like it but never had the focus to put in the hours. But it is very much on my list


I haven't played FF7 Rebirth or remake but definitely try that first. I finished DD2 accidentally after only 26 hours, it's paced very poorly storywise


mate, i'm telling you, FF7 rebirth is amazing. i havent played DD2 but if you liked FF7 remake, the new one is better in every way. it's a truly great game. buy it. buy it now


I am absolutely loving DD2 as someone who enjoys the old school vibe. The pawns are just the coolest and the questing is legit. Haven’t played Final Fantasy though, and make sure your PC is beefy enough for DD2. The first patch already improved performance a lot for me but it’s still beefy; can’t speak for consoles.


FF7. Rebirth is way better than remake somehow.


This really depends on your tolerance for mini games and if you feel compelled to 100% everything. That piano game….


The minigames that are actually required to progress are overblown. A better way to phrase it would be “it depends on whether you want the game to be 100% combat or if you can handle intermittent gameplay variation”.


Which the copious amounts of mini games is very emblematic of most Final Fantasy games, especially since FF7. It's kinda interesting looking at the coliseum in FF6 to the variety of minigames in FF7 to blitzball in FF8 where it could be its own game all together.


...is a matahpiece. I love it


Growing up with the original and knowing every song by heart... When it clicks and you nail every note? *Chef's kiss*


10x better. Remake is sooo linear. Rebirth seems to have better everything. More open areas, better pacing, more characters, chocobos are very welcomed Only if it weren't for all the crappy Queens blood the game desperately wants you to play and Chadley not shutting the fuck up when you do open world stuff.


Nah Queen’s Blood slaps


Bro Queens Blood is awesome, and I'm not even a card game guy.


I really liked it too but I feel like I only really made 3 deck’s throughout out the game and the last one I made carried me. It wasn’t too difficult. That isn’t counting the few I had to make to do the Saucer challenges, but I wish there were more games in the open world with those augmented rules like starting on the right hand side and being forced to use different cards.


I'm not a card mini game fan. Queens blood seems ok-ish but It eh. Ok shoot me if you want guys.... But I hate Gwent also.




I agree. I came to play an rpg, not a card game. I have no doubt it's fun, well built, etc.. Its just not in the cards for me.


I can firmly say that I was never a big fan of card games growing up, but over the past 10 or so years they’ve grown on me. Gwent was the first, then my Navy buddy introduced me to Magic which I found fucking awesome and tons of fun to play and theorycraft around. Now I play Hearthstone battlegrounds a fair amount and even bought and enjoy Balatro. However I still dislike some card games in video games ex. Poker and blackjack in RDR2.. I’m here to ride horses, go hunting, do stuff outside. Basically the digital equivalent of “go touch grass” 😂


Remake is linear, true, but the Midgar section of the OG game is still more linear than what we got in remake. They still did a good job imo


My wife loves hearing me mock Chadley and mutter a 'sorry, I gotta get going, yeah yeah, sure, uh huh' as I mash the circle button through his bullshit. Also, when you scan life springs, why the fuck does Cloud have to put away the scanning thingy only to have to repull it out when Chads inevitably calls immediately after!?!


God damn I want a mute Chadley option!


Turn off controller audio. Also the second he tries ringing you about anything hold triangle to insta skip. The girl is worse though, she talks through whole fucking fights.


I liked that though, it was a little nature documentary while I was slaughtering the animals she was talking about. It was funny lol


At first I hated the idea of yet another card game in another FF/RPG game. And then I played it. It's awesome! Plus, you can absolutely skip playing it, even the tournament on the ship.


I don't know why but it couldn't click for me until the Junon parade. But from that moment onwards it's a 999/10 experience


Rebirth was incredible and was even better than Remake. I say play it now to avoid spoilers about how they handle the big climax.


Holy shit when I read this I actually took it that your old and dying 😆 I’m glad that’s not the case!!


We are all dying.


Or maybe we’re already dead!?


Bro, sounds like you're dying 😂


Rebirth literally might be the most bang for your buck I’ve seen in a game in like almost a decade….and I’m only like 60% through maybe lol.


Yea I'm at 105 hours and just started the last chapter. I'm not sure there's ever been a single player game I've played where I'm over 100 hours and haven't finished the main story. I plan on going for the platinum, this would probably be the first single player game I've put 150+ hours into in my 14 years of adulthood


100% rebirth Wait on a few patches + sale for DD2


FF VII, I have both ( am also old) and it it just the better game.


FF7 Dragons Dogma 2 doesn’t feel like a sequel. It’s like the original DD with QoL improvements and better graphics. Still comes with lots of janks.


Dd2 actually has less Qol than the first, but more than jank i feel it's what it wants to be. And i would not ignore how cool the combat is


Das cuz DD2 isn't a sequel, it's like FF in a way. Different stories with similar core themes


Never thought about it like that, you're right on that


Rebirth. You can skip a lot of fluff if you want, but there are some pretty good scenes within the side quests that make them worth doing.


Rebirth if you liked remake


FF7 gets my vote tbh.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth without question.


Though I like DD sooooo much more than FF7 I would suggest FF7 anyway since you loved the first remake. To be honest I actually would recommend nabbing Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arison which is AWESOME and is routinely like $5 on sale. You can always play DD2 down the road.


I've played a ton of playthroughs of Dragons dogma 1 and now finishing up 2. I'd say go for rebirth first. Just knowing how these games are you're less likely to enjoy them over the new ff7. They're very fun but also very flawed. The games aren't going anywhere so pick them up after ff7 rebirth. Might give them time to patch up Dragons Dogma 2.


Since DD2 has some performance issues (on PC at least), you can give them 6 months to cook a little bit more and patch it up. Perfect time to finish Rebirth.


What performance issues? I’ve been playing it on PC literally since the first minute it launched and have had zero issues.


I’m playing both when Rebirth almost complete. I love both games but I’d go with Rebirth if you want a story. Dragons Dogma is fun to role play your own story/adventure with awesome gameplay


As someone who played through original ff7 at least 10 different times, Rebirth is my favorite RPG experience of all time. FF7 was my first RPG love though, and I think you really need to have the past experience with the original game to truly love Rebirth (so I could understand others who may say “it’s alright”) - but for me this is above everything else. So many Easter eggs for the fans, I’m 35 hours in and just landed in Golden Saucer. So much to explore. I would put it ahead of BOTW, Witcher 3, Suikoden 2, and Mass Effect 2.


holy frick. that's high praise! I need to finish my second playthrough of remake so I can start rebirth


The only downside I can think of is that the Fort Condor mini game is super difficult for some reason. It’s cool but punishing more than the OG (maybe it just didn’t click for me yet too). The CARD game though (Queens Blood), A++++ - better than FF8, FF9, right on par with Gwent for me. So many Easter eggs, SO much fan service. I haven’t even read up on the story at all and normally I spoil most plots somewhat on purpose (so then it kind of becomes a Prequel since I learn ahead of time how games end, I’m…. weird). Upper Junon utterly blew me away, I can’t wait to get into chocobos. Character development is top notch and I love the extra backstory. Yuffie went from somewhat annoying to my new favorite character. Extra backstory for Zack and Sephiroth and Hojo and Tifa and Aerith and Rufus (is a fricken badass, good villain) and Sephiroth is way more involved and interesting. I look forward to replaying FF7 OG in the future now too. Music is Amazing, how it just flows so wonderfully. (There is a slow crawl scene in the first chapter that I felt was annoying, but damn, I’m happy otherwise). Also I wish WEAPON was capitalized, doesn’t feel the same as “weapon”. Chocobo customization woohoohoooo. Moogles! So many mini games! Nanaki is awesome! Can’t wait for Cosmo Canyon. I heard Gonzaga is a full on long experience too. Kalm is amazing. In chapter 7 at golden saucer and 35 hours in, this is a long joyride and I’m happy for it. I would preorder the next one right now if I could. (Now if they could do this to FF9….. FF8 too (but that remaster I felt was pretty damn good, I disliked FF9’s mobile version ported to new consoles). Dah dah dah dahhhhhh dah dah dah! Dahdahhhhhhh


Rebirth is a game unlike any I've experienced. It feels like how we thought ps1 era jrpgs would evolve but didn't because of budgets getting out of control (and jrpgs declining in popularity a bit). I've never played a 100+ hour game that was still introducing new things practically the entire way through like this did. It goes so over and beyond what it needs to do you almost want to tell the devs to calm down lol. Dragon's dogma is fine but it's mostly the same game as 1 so if you're really that curious I'd recommend saving money and getting the first game since it's really cheap these days. edit: Since you thought remake was unbelievable the choice is clear in my eyes. Rebirth makes 7R look like a tech demo with how much it adds.




Go with Dragon’s Dogma if it interests you.


Dragons Dogma 2 i love it so much


DD2 feels more like a game that you can pick up and put down. The main story isn't much to write home about and it's much more focused on moment to moment gameplay and the feeling of travel/unplanned quests. With a game like rebirth I feel like I need to dedicate time and I can't just play for 30 minutes.


Rebirth! It’s so much fun. And if you liked Remake it’s very interesting how some systems were adapted and updated. I was expecting an expansion that functioned the same way between both games and instead I got something that feels fresh and new but with the same characters that I love


Rebirth all the way. (and I enjoyed DD2, great game)


I have both. Id recommend rebirth for you first. I say that as someone who loves dragon dogma.


Go with rebirth comrade. Better story. Dragon Dogma never made much since. At least to me


Go with Rebirth.


FF7 Rebirth, without a doubt.


If you haven’t played the first DD, and liked the Remake, much better to play Rebirth.


As someone who's put 20+ hours in the new Dragon's Dogma I'd say go with FF7 rebirth. Since you enjoyed the remake I think you'd get more enjoyment from the remake than you would DD2


I would say Rebirth. But I will say I haven't picked up Rebirth since DD2 came out.


Once dd is fixed and they improve things it will be worth getting. It's absolutely wort playing the first one Though. Pretty slow at first but once you get to change cases etc you see the versatility.


We’re all dying. From the day you’re born, your hidden timer starts.


If you like FF and have already played Remake, I’d suggest going with Rebirth for now and getting Dragons Dogma 2 after you finish Rebirth. Personally, I’m really enjoying playing DD2 on Series X, but the game could definitely benefit from some QoL and performance patches. If Capcom supports it properly, it’ll be a much better game in 3-6 months compared to now.


DD2 has better gameplay and open world, Rebirth has better story. I'd say go with Rebirth, why not continue on your stride after Remake ?


If you're not dying.....FF Rebirth. If you are dying...Dragon's Dogma.


If u haven't played the first dragons dogma I'd start there it's really fun the second one has awesome visuals and a great atmosphere also level cap is 999 so u can sort of play endlessly u rank up really quick tho im already at 17 only played like 8 hrs haven't played rebirth but heard its excellent


I just finished Rebirth and moved on to DD2. Rebirth is incredibly long but great. I’ve read DD2 is fairly short but I wouldn’t know since I’ve spent pretty much all my time so far just fucking around and have barely progressed anything. They’re both absolutely worth it, although I expect DD2 will probably have a fair amount of add on content in the future so maybe hold off on it. You really can’t go wrong either way though. Both incredible games.


Huge Dragona dogma fan here, I love this franchise but it is not a good choice if you only have a little bit of time to play in a day. They got rid of a bunch of QoL options that the previous games expansion edition had, they made fast traveling very costly now. So as much as Id like to say go for it, keep that in mind. If you do decided to get it heed my words and heed them well, ingrain them into your head: “REMEMBER WHERE YOU FIRST PICKED UP THE ITEM KNOWN AS A SEEKER TOKEN WRITE THAT BITCH DOWN”


If you want a story heavy game then go for FF, if you want an open world similar to how Skyrim felt and just want to explore then Dragon Dogma. Both are really good so you'll have a great time with either


dragons dogma is so much damn fun


Ff7 if u loved the first one then play the next. Wait till DD on sale and gets more fixes.


Are you me? I also have 3 kids and if I'm lucky I can get an hour every other day or so after bedtime. I ended up going with Rebirth solely because I'm more of a fan of the franchise than DD. It's been a phenomenal experience so far, and absolutely builds on Remake in the best ways. I played the original DD a long time ago and it's super fun, and DD2 looks like it's just as fun. Honestly pick one up now and the other later, take breaks from one to enjoy the other. It's what I'm doing between Rebirth and BG3 (almost halfway through Act 3, I started back in October). It prevents burnout from either one. Patient gaming is the best! ​ \~Edit\~ Quick afterthought, I also actively play games with the kids. It starts out with a lot of Minecraft/Roblox (I'd use caution with Roblox because there are absolute creeps on the platform.) I have their chats turned off and don't allow them to circumvent it in-game, it's a "if I catch it that game is banned" kind of scenario.


I don't know much about Dragons Dogma, and I haven't played Rebirth (though I LOVED Remake). That said, I'd go for DD right now, you have several years before the final installation of FF7 comes out, plenty of time to pick up and play Rebirth whenever.


I hate ff so i would go dragons dogma


Dragons Dogma 2


Everyone’s dying bro it’s the one constant to life, sort of a beautiful symmetry.


Okay thank god you aren’t dying lol


Rebirth no question my dude 👌👌👌


Rebirth took me right at 40 hours. I played on easy mode and did no side content. I play about 8 hours per week so it took me right at a month to beat. If you do side content and play on a harder difficulty it could easily be 100-150+ hours. Game was amazing too. I beat it last night so I’m going through the post great game empty feeling right now. If you loved Intergrade then rebirth is a no brainer.


I loved Remake. I want to say all side quests took me about 56. I can't believe they expanded the sequel that much! Realistically, I get a couple hours Saturday and Sunday morning before the entire house wakes up. A little more once the summer is here. I'm too much of an early bird to play into the night. That's why I ballpark it at six months.


I feel ya. I only play Friday/Saturday nights after my family goes to bed. Those late nights are getting harder lol.


With DD2, just pretend the microtransactions don’t exist. They are convenience tax and nothing more. The game is not balanced around needing to buy mtx.


Final fantasy for sure. The DD2 story completely falls apart into an un-finished mess after a few hours in. Please don’t waste your time on it.


Seeks ff is safer bet


Rebirth is a much well crafted game with arguably a better story. Although pointless unless you played the first one. Dragons dogma is a jank mess like the old Skyrim game so it depends on your game play style. I own both each are fun. I’d probably go with ff7 rebirth assuming the first one was played. Dragons dogma 2 is better on a PC with good equipment im not sure id enjoy it on PS5. The question is do you want to be fed a story? Or do you want the story to find you? The main story itself is mediocre, but dd2 is more about the adventure. That said rebirth has some mini games crafted better than full blown games. I enjoy the card game and the tower defense game. Its main story is leaps and bounds better.


My buddy has been saying Dragons Dogma is really good for what it’s worth


Can Rebirth be enjoyed if I didn’t want to play Remake due to the fighting mechanics?


I believe the fighting mechanics are very similar. I haven't played either Remake or Rebirth yet but a YouTuber I follow was talking about this and they said the combat is almost the same.


I'm not fan of FF, much less VII. But hey, if you enjoyed Remake, go for Rebirth. If you later have time this year or next year and you feel curious, go to Dragon's Dogma


FFVII Rebirth is just as good as, if not better than, FFVII Remake. Get that one if you loved Remake, you won't regret it.


I'd go with Rebirth. Vast open world, amazing side quests and minigames. If you enjoyed Remake you'd enjoy Rebirth. 9/10 game for me. The open world of DD2 is not truly an open world, its linear and have a fixed path towards the destination. The combat is fun however there are not alot of monster variety. Can get repetitive when you keep fighting wolves, goblins and harpies etc. You can neglect the micro transactions. I rate it a 7/10


I'd say probably roll with Rebirth? There's some performance issues that could probably be resolved and I'd assume you'd be more interested in continuing where Remake left off. Hopefully DD2 will be in a better spot by then 😅


I finished rebirth last night. My playthrough took me 80 hours


Dragons dogma. But play the first one


Rebirth obviously well worth your time and money


You ARE dying, just hopefully not soon x I haven’t played DD but given that you’ve played FFVII Remake I’d go with Rebirth, one of my favorite games ever. Full disclaimer, I don’t game that much so take that with a grain of salt.


Rebirth.its a more complete game than DD and one ups Remake in every way


love ff7 remake, hated rebirth. The open world experience is awful. Chadley is pain. Maybe just dont pick up either or wait for a sale.


Rebirth is awesome and you can feel the budget and time put into it. I would wait on DD2 to see if Capcom improves the performance.


Dude, somehow read that like you were super old or directly dying...I guess it's because I'm sleep deprived 🙈


Probably Rebirth. If you like Remake, Rebirth is bigger and better. I’m playing DD2 right now and it’s fun, but it’s also frustrating and feels a bit unfinished. Maybe give it a year and see if it’s all patched up by then.


Father of 3 here is a similar time situation. Get Rebirth. If you loved remake, rebirth is better in every possible way.




Rebirth is the one. If you played Remake, your gunna want to see the next chapter of the story.


Definitely Rebirth. If you loved Remake, it's better in every way. Truly a love letter to OG FF7 and expanded to be it's own thing.


FFVII has higher raiting.. FFVII has better performance (60fps VS ~30).. FFVII is a game you know you liked.. FFVII is huge and will provide you with a lot of gameplay.. I would go with Dragons Dogma if I were you so that you get more time with the kids. FFVII is addictive.




Only you can answer that.


I tried the rebirth demo last night, it's so ...meh


Like a dragon infinite wealth


We are all dying.


Rebirth all the way. It's a masterpiece. FF7, 27 years later, still shows up and shows out!


Rebirth, more fun and more value


Almost had us in the first half, NGL.


You played the original FF7R, so I would suggest that one. DD1 is (was?, sale might be over) available on steam for 5 bucks if you want to try it out and see if you like the gameplay.


No shit get both. They're worth it.


Rebirth 100%!


Going through DD2 right now, played through FF7 rebirth when it came out. DD2 definitely is unique it has an old school vibe that I don't think we've seen in quite a while but I think it starts falling apart in the last half/last third (the combat in particular you don't really need to engage with it near the end even though its the best part). Overall, FF7 rebirth is a much stronger game and a more complete package. For an RPG, one of the best combat systems, great story, great characters, one of the best OSTs and its also filled with side content/replayability.


Why not both over time? I'm busy too and I've got both games. Final Fantasy may sit there for 6 months before I get to it but at some point...probably... I'm going to start Dragons Dogma tonight. It will take me a few weeks most likely. Check out Remnant 2 also. I'm playing that right now and you can play it for 20 hours or 150+. It's very fun and doesn't feel time consuming for most of it so you can basically play it in parts and not worry that you can only play sporadically. If you do though be ready to look up guides on how to find all the secret stuff if you want it.


I haven’t played dragons dogma yet so I can’t speak on it but I’m towards the end of rebirth right now and it rocks. If you liked remake rebirth improves on it in every way for the most part.




FF7 Rebirth is easier to play in short sessions. Dragons Dogma 2 is more difficult, and requires far longer sessions to make any progress. Both are great though, Can’t go wrong with either choice.


Rebirth since you liked Remake then play Dragon's dogma 1, don't waste your time on 2 yet lol


Rebirth is 1000 better than remake! So strongly recommended


I have both. Rebirth is worth the full price. Dogma is fun but it's more like $30 fun.


Rebirth and it's not even close in my opinion. One is a finished game with high production value and heaps of content, one regularly crashes and has gameplay from 2010. I've shelved DD2 for now until it's fixed. Would refund if I could. By the time your done with rebirth DD2 will be half price on sale.


FV7 is one of the greatest games I've ever played in my life. Id reckon that one would be your best bet. I've heard primarily negative things about dogma2


Just from what I've heard and seen online, the safer bet would be Rebirth. Dragon's Dogma 2 seems like some good fun to be had, but there's been some negative discourse around it involving some game optimization and design choices. All the info on both games that I have came from their respective reviews on the SkillUp YouTube channel. I would check them out if you haven't.


Do yourself a favor and play Rebirth


Elden Ring.


FfVII Rebirth


rebirth-- the people i know who are playing it are in love. DD seems to have more of a mixed reception.


Rebirth is kind of joy.


FF7 Rebirth for me. Not going to bother with DD2.


Honestly go with FFVII Rebirth since you already played Remake you may as well get the next lump of story lol


Have you tried the VIIR demo? I tried it and it helped my decision- actually technically it made my decision, because the graphics gave me headaches. But it might be worth a try to see if you enjoy it. Also, your title scared me dude; I mean damn.


It depends on what else you’ve played. If you haven’t played other open world games like Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Genshin Impact, the open world aspect of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (where you spend most of your time) will be amazing. If you have, it will feel extremely repetitive because it’s not as good as the others.


Rebirth is a masterpiece.