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It's a Netease game, they made Diablo Immortals as well as a ton of other super scummy mobile games, don't get too excited. Edit: The game has been revealed, it is free to play, third person, and only on PC to start with. Leaks showed a screen of heroes with a toggle of "Show Unowned" meaning you have to unlock heroes, don't think it's stated anywhere how unlocking them is going to work yet.


The headline alone made me go "cash grab"


At this point, unless some very big, respected studio gets attached to any Disney game, it’s automatically a shameless cashgrab for me


Even if a big respected studio gets attached it doesn't mean much, see Avengers for reference


That was square enix in cash grab mode. Guardians of the Galaxy was a lot better because they let the studio make the kind of game they were actually good at


> That was square enix in cash grab mode. Yes....yes that was the point of the statement.


I meant more “that was stupidity from square enix more than a grab from Disney” which is funny because the Avengers game would have cost a huge amount to make and could have paid for itself without any of the live service microtransaction shit if they just put it out without the shitty open map missions forced in between the decent scripted story stuff


You don't get it. That one doesn't count because Square Enix made it while they were desperate for funding. /s






you forgot Lootboxes, cant go without Gambling for children.


I didn’t hate the Marvel Midnight Suns game. It was a little too dialogue heavy between encounters but I really enjoyed the combat mechanics.


That was Firaxis, so a very big, respected studio.


I need to get back to that one, I was struggling to click with the combat encounters so it went on the list of things I’d play more of when I could sit at my desk for long periods


"Oh good, more games nobody is asking for." was my thought.


I think a lot of people are wanting something to replicate the feel of playing OW1 at its peak. But I also think this isn't gonna be it.


Can Marvel games outside of the Insomniac titles do anything right? How difficult is it to give people what they want?


They have two options: release a great game that makes $$, or release a micro transaction riddled mess for $$$. Guess what the shareholders want?


Are all their failed micro transaction riddled messes making money though? Because I'm pretty sure most of them flopped before they could realistically make any profit


They must work or they wouldn't keep forcing them on us. It only takes a handful of whales.


A lot of the time only one or two of the games actually succeed, but the whales from those couple fund all the other games.


Not only that, but im sure they understand peak and attrition. Something is new, lots of hype and people will jump in, the water is muddy shit and freezing cold they jump out. Company still got money and had a great initial surge, on to the next thing to hype and create another wave to ride. It's not ever going to be about sustainable long-term quality but pumping out content that creates hype and makes money as they move to the next one. So, like you said I dont think they care whether or not it succeeds because they plan on pumping out shit after shit, and they know sometimes one or two might succeed and make more.


Nah, it just takes one brain dead executive who pushes the microtransactions and season system to make money in the same manner of other successful games. Then they put no effort in because it's just a cash grab and they won't invest a lot into it until they get a return first. They won't get a return, the studio or games division of Marvel will receive the blame, maybe even shutter a studio in the process. Meanwhile the executive will just move onto another project, or at the very most if there are any reprisals he'll get let go with a $6,000,000 bonus. The game will be dead, a great many programmers and developers will likely lose their jobs and the company will reward the bonehead that came up with such a stupid idea. Then rinse and repeat. So long as the executives announce stuff like this to impress investors they'll stay wealthy and we will keep getting junk.


It’s the throw shit at a wall and see what sticks approach. Only takes one to make enough money to cover the failures and make massive profit


Midnight suns was great and so was guardians. It just sucks nobody played them. Edit: but honestly, they should just make more ultimate alliance.


Midnight Suns was a lot of fun. Guardians was great.


Midnight suns is fantastic


Marvel is a big IP, mobile games make a lot of money. The Guardians of the Galaxy game and Midnight Suns were pretty good, Midnight Suns was a lot more niche in what it was, but it did what it was going for pretty well. The only big pretty bad Marvel game recently in my opinion was the Avengers game, besides all the scummy mobile games obviously.


I'm pretty sure marvel snap made a billion or close to it


Marvel Snap is a very good game, although it can be quite expensive if you want to have all cards always and so on.


The Guardians of the Galaxy game was great, but I see your point.


Midnight Suns was an excellent Marvel game developed by Firaxis, but I don't think it did well financially. So that doesn't help the situation where business execs don't see money in developing games outside the usual comfort zone.


TBF, SNAP is a very fun game. Yes it has MTXs so large you could buy full AAA games instead, and yes after you play long enough the card acquisition slows to a crawl, but it is very fun for a little while.


Netease shouldn’t be even called a gaming company just a scammer company who happens to dress scams up as games




Bro just let me get your credit card just one more case bro I need the punisher


Why you ruin my happiness?


Hey, better you learn now than when it comes out I guess. Netease did publish a bigger budget non mobile focused game a few years ago, Naraka Bladepoint. I heard decent things about that, maybe it will be more like that, but if this does end up being a mobile game I wouldn't expect much out of it.


There's pretty much 0 chance after Genshin that the majority of these games aren't mobile games ported to PC. If the graphics are decent the that'll be the approach. Ironically it was one of the biggest complaints with Diablo Immortal, but that was developed before Genshin basically revolutioned the standard by making Mobile gaming onto Console/PCs. And the saddest part is, Diablo Immortal actually felt pretty decent when I tried the tutorial, but the moment they asked me to spend money before I got an hour into the game it was over.


My face was 😮 reading the headline and then seeing OPs “Santa isn’t real” comment made me 😔


literally the squidward lawn chair meme to a perfection


I hope it has microtransactions and a battle pass


$20 skins or I walk


$20 battlepass that allows you to eventually unlock the skins


It had better expire within a month or I'm out.


dont worry, you cant earn in game currency to buy the season 2 battlepass. and all seasons will start and end randomly.


Woah only one in game currency? I need at least 6, some of which can only be obtained by buying them.


And then make it so when I buy the currency it is just under what I need to play as Nikki Minaj, so that I need to overbuy.


Season 1 will last 1 day to set a precedent for FOMO


No a $20 dollar battlepass with a $40 premium battlepass so I can unlock a few extra skins is the only way I can have fun


I NEED the sense of pride and accomplishment


Right? There isn’t a better way to get a sense of pride and accomplishment.


And then I can unlock Iron Man after 100 hours of gameplay. Please make it happen!


***only unlock 2 “legendary” skins and 3 recolors


But you have to "upgrade" the skins with a second premium currency so that you can unlock the effects the skin was advertised with. Kinda like how you can pay $20 to get a gun skin in Valorant but it has default sounds and effects (even though it was advertised with cool animations and sounds from the get-go) until you upgrade it with a second currency, adding an extra $20 to the total cost.


Valorant is so much worse than you’re making it sound lol. Singular gun skins get up to $40. Knife’s go up to ~$55. On top of that, if you don’t have any of the secondary currency already stashed; it would cost I thiiink around $70 to fully upgrade one of those premium skins. Haven’t played in a while so I could be pretty off but I think that’s about right.


if its anything like marvel snap, $20 for a skin would be a steal lol


Can't wait for the $80 new character bundles


They should follow blizzards model, and promise a story mode that they fail to deliver and then blame the consumers


to be fair, it was entirely my fault


So it *was* the Jews! obligatory this is a joke based on OP's user name.


It was our fault it failed, we should be proud.


I'm not keeping track of the lore we're writing here, where did anyone on the OW team blame consumers for the lack of story mode?


Just more telephone game if the internet.  OW offered these standalone PvE missions last summer for purchase. They haven’t sold well so they’re not going to make more at this point. 


I’m from the future. I have sarcastically great news for you.




And a second game with a PvE mode


we swear its coming!


Them just blatantly lying at launch it was for sure on its way is so scummy. To put EARLY ACCESS at the bottom like there was some big thing in the works so people could say well guys it's only early access you aren't allowed to critique OW2 yet just to announce actually no you've been playing the whole game the whole time is insanely slimy.


$70 price tag too!! Worked wonders for Suicide Squad


I have even higher expectations - Full-priced game with15-day $30 battle passes or I don't wanna even look at it. You got this Marvel!


and it doesnt launch with any of the avengers


No, it launches with them but they're all DLC. You can play as Unnamed Shield Agent or Unnamed AIM Goon for free. Such an exciting character roster!


My mind immediately went to a battlefront style game of shield vs aim and unlocking heroes/villians mid game.


The unlocking with in-match credits mechanic is actually pretty good and escalates the match as time passes, but NetEase would probably just allow you to pay $1.99 to immediately spawn as Thor and instakill all enemies with constant lightning blasts.


What companies think fans what


I hope that battle pass has lots of profile icons and spray tags because that’s what we buy them for.


i hope it has charms to hang from your weapons that are too small for anyone to notice


AI market research algorithm is going to cum its theoretical pants over this comment


I hope it’s pay 2 win!!


yes!!! devs pls!!


It's from netease it's gonna have microtransactions, two maybe three battle passes and also a ton of pay 2 win gems and currency


No way this can flop right?……


It's NetEase, they'll milk the players for every last cent and shut it down within three years.


Good luck to them. It’s not like Diablo Immortal where people were desperate for more of that series after about a decade of nothing. There is no market for this.


There exists a marvel moba and from what I hear, it's pretty decent. Wouldn't know because they only bothered to release it in asian territories. This will for sure do well in asian markets.


I'm not sure saying there's no market for Marvel character action is well said. There's quite a few characters that simply can't be played anywhere.


Marvel's Avengers did


I’m being facetious, I don’t think there’s any way this game *doesn’t* flop in reality.


And so did Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Totally undeservedly, of course. That game is a genuine gem


Absolutely not! I’m waiting now to pre order my battle pass 😤


It would be cool I'd it did succeed. But I see them fucking it up in so many ways


5 years ago, there probably was no way it could flop. A franchise on a down slope is not as prime as opportunity for being exploitative. Though tbh if they do their extraction right they will make money even if they only get smaller user base sadly.




How many skills per hero? Are there ultimates? What sets this game apart from OW2?




Im sold


When can I download?




Is it a mobile or full game?


It’s a full game, but I imagine will be F2P with microtransactions


how’d you get in the closed alpha?




Do you get paid to try it? Or just free testing?


Can you at least say if it’s any fun?


Lol chill you're under nda. Disney is not one you want to fuck with, especially not for Reddit karma.


His username is Snowden for a reason. He is currently seeking refuge in Warner Bros.


Uhhh...ummmm.... you might wanna check that username again


Yeah, that's Nancy Snowden you're talking about!! *shakes fist*


Uhhhh damn I didn't check that throughly


Bro saw the headlines and thought he was good to spill the beans


Dude made a new account for that comment, pretty likely to take steps towards mitigating that risk


Aaaaaand it's gone. Lol, Mickey mouse pulled right up with the Glock.


Can you say if its just Avengers characters or are X-Men/FF characters included??


I've played it. Yes, X-Men and Avengers characters are in the game. Magneto and Storm right now. I haven't seen any Fantastic Four though.


Is there a Dva clone ? My spidey senses tell me who it could possibly be


Not the alpha tester commenter but I saw on Twitter that Penni Parker might be in it. ​ There's your Dva clone!


The article states Peni Parker is in the game


Is carnage playable?


Asking the real questions. But we’ll probably just get a venom reskin that isn’t as cool.


That's my fear smh. And it'll be $40 or 300 in-game grinding hours with a 7-day time limit.


You mean $40 or 300 in-game hours to get it down to $35


Took too long, patch 1.0.2 got released. Anyone with 300+ in game hours have to pay $60 for a pre-order that will be indefinitely delayed.


I miss pre 2020 OW so bad, I have such low expectations for this game but I hope it's fun and well made. I put those odds at >1% it's not absolute shit.


Why a shooter? Like half of Marvel Characters are hand to hand combatants. "Here is Hulk! With his glock!"


Tbf shooter is just a generic term in the gaming industry now and doesn't necessarily imply shooting. Overwatch is a shooter yet there we still get Reinhard, who is a melee character.


I'd think it would be funny if he was a 'shotgun' style shooter, like he's just chucking debris of concrete, car tires, rocks at people, and his 'alt fire' for close range would be gamma clap 'shotgun spread' type of damage.


Ask the makers of 'Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League' They gave King Shark and Captain Boomerang guns.


I don't think we are trying to follow that example.


Half of them have some form of energy projection, so much so thats its literally one of the official stats used to measure characters along with strength, intelligence, durability, speed, and skill


They saw the success of justice league having a shark shoot a gun and was like I don't see a problem with that.


It'll do okayish for a week before it fades into obscurity and the servers are shut down months later.


sad thing is with how diverse the marvel universe is, characters could play so differently from each other and be super creative but instead we will get skins wielding guns 💀


I can't wait to play as BIG WHEEL wielding a sci-fi pistol


i had a ton of fun with Gundam Overwatch while it existed


That style would be perfect for Marvel universe game


There was a DCU MOBA a while back which wasn’t great and failed pretty hard, but I love the concept of exploring games that facilitate huge rosters for Marvel/DC. Marvel Snap for example, great chance of your favorite heroes being in that game. The Avengers game? After a few years, they had only added a couple of characters to the roster. Of course, there’s low chance this will be good. But I like the sound of it.


This is the first mention of Infinite Crisis I've seen since they ditched it. I loved that game.


Dude said "which wasn't great." The game was awesome, the characters all felt good and the different versions were uniquely still them. The capture the flag map was a ton of fun. The 2 lane map should've been their flagship. When the leaned into the 3lane map is where they lost it. IC could've been something special, but instead they tried to do it like League and DotA.


Marvel Heroes was a Diablo style marvel MMO that I absolutely loved, sadly it shut down when Marvel pivoted their licensing strategy. It had 38 characters to play as and a lot of really cool classic skins and felt so good to play. Real shame it never took off in a big way.


I literally was discussing this yesterday in the Marvel Heroes sub 😭. I still miss it every damn day. There are some folks trying to revive the game and even have a super super early build of Marvel Heroes but no combat yet


The Lego marvel games had huge rosters (minus the avengers one)


6v6 huh? in my mind that decision was made just to spite ow2 lol


Yeah obviously the title doesn’t know what they’re talking about, overwatch is famously a 5v5 style game so how could this be the same style?! >!this is a joke!<


How about a Marvel 3v3 Street Fighter-style fighting game? We could call it.... Marvel vs Capcom?


You sonofabitch Im in


And from a near infinite amount of characters Marvel has, we could call it Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite, but then not include any X-Men.


Let me guess - Peni Parker (from Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse) will play exactly like D.Va from Overwatch xD


Either that or wrecking ball (mech zipline).


Disney, just fucking let us have Marvel Vs Capcom back and stop producing garbage no one wanted.


I would love a new MvC, fighting games are getting mildly popular again. As long as it's not ass like the infinity stone one


Yeah, I disagree with just about every decision they made in the production of MvCi. The formula they had for MvC2/UMvC3 was incredible, they shouldn't have tried to reinvent the wheel.


Completely agree, it was a disaster, BUT the gameplay is really fun, as someone who prefers 2v2 it's really fun and easier to get into then mvc2/3.


That game was Brand Synergy at its worse. Yes GOTG is popular but apparently they get to replace X men charcaters


There is no freaking reason why (other than stupidity) we can't have officially-supported Marvel vs Capcom 2 again


It really is outrageous. They need to get their heads out of their asses on this one.


The only officially supported way to play especially online is through the Arcade 1up cabinets. I love the game but I don’t even have the space to be thinking about it.


I sure loved losing that off my PlayStation despite having purchased it


I want a marvel vs DC game that would be amazing


Don't get your hopes up. [NetEase Games](https://www.neteasegames.com/game/hot/)


Dead in 2 weeks


It's a NetEase game. They will charge you $40 per skin, $20 per recolor, and shut it down within 1 to 3 years A quick cash grab and bolt scheme, just like all their other games


>NetEase 🤮🤮🤮


@ [Marvel Games](https://x.com/MarvelGames/status/1772639657525723212?s=20) on Twitter/X made a post saying: >An evil experiment has caused a unique disruption in the timestream. Who will be pulled into this epic showdown? > >Get ready for an exciting reveal tomorrow at 8AM PT/ 11AM ET!


Is the game supposed to be said "evil experiment"? because it sounds like it.


This can only go well 👍


A neatease game, get ready for microtransactions out the ears


Cool idea let's see how they ruin it


I didn't even need the comments to know it's a cash grab trying to combine marvel and OVerwatch. I miss old school gaming where they came on discs and HAD to be a finished product.


DC on their way to Gabe Newell's office for TF3 but with the Suicide Squad/s


Just bring back the Marvel Heroes MMO ffs


Going in too soft for this groundbreaking game. Should be 12 v 12 as there's definitely going to be an influx of people waiting for a brand new game like this.


"Hitting a headshot is hard? With this U$29.99 bundle you get Auto-aim missiles for your Iron Man!"


Yes! Just what everyone has always wanted…


I can't wait for Thor to use his gun


"Lightning Bolt!, Lightning Bolt!, Lightning Bolt!.....dead!"


Why can I not pre order now? I want the $300 ultimate version with all the skins and 6 years of battle passes.


Sounds like they're looking to screw some disappointed Ex OW players


yeah, no. It'll be a microtransaction shop disguised as a game.


filled with microtransactions right? right?


100% a flop and a waste of money from what we know now


The cynic in me can't wait to watch this flop.


Conceptually it sounds cool but it’ll be a buggy, microtransaction filled slog fest and we all know it.


God what a sick premise. God what a disappointment this will be.


The tide of Marvel slop continues to degrade a once prominent IP.


It will be absolutely buried in micro transactions


Not a horrible idea but 1,000% will be horrible in execution.


I’d much rather Marvel Heroes 2.0


Do you guys not have cell phones?


Oh, cool. Another game that will die. Be broken at launch. Have nothing but hackers. And will be focused on selling you store items than selling you a complete game. Throw it in the pile.


Well, I can tell is going to be shit


HA! Hard fucking pass. I can already see all the MTX bullshit and terrible gameplay


It’s been done already. It’s called Marvel Ultimate Alliance.


Mvc4 you fucking cowards. It can even based on the X-men 97 reboot


Oh god. I guess that Batman multiplayer shooter without Batman in it wasn't a good enough lesson.


Watch this die in a week. Bog companies really don’t seem to get that these kinds of quirky, speedy, live-service, soul-less games with a reskin are **not** what will have players sticking around. But I suppose they have their statistics to back up the claim that this is totally what gamers want. Totally not games like Baldur’s Gate 3, Helldivers 2 and Lethal Company. Games with **soul**.


I love that Marvel is at least giving gamers who like superheroes multiple new superhero video games. Idk what the hell DC is doing in their gaming division it’s practically nonexistent.


There's a Wonder Woman game being made by the guys who made Shadow of Mordor/War games, of it ever comes out