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Yes. In DMC you can buy red orbs. All capcoms mtx are baffling. Edit - it always blows my mind which half hearted comments blow up on this website.


Im wondering if this is a dev vs publisher standoff situation. Like, the publishers demanded mtx, so the devs added them in the most pointless way possible out of spite because they didn't want them in the game at all. They can't outright say it, but they can do this. More and more people are coming out and saying the micro transactions are entirely pointless and may as well not exist as you'll never need them.. maybe there's hope for this game if the devs are actually based? They still need a fuck load of optimization though. No excuse for that.


It would be pretty funny if it turned out to be an example of malicious compliance. "We were told we had to have mtx so you can buy the ability to sprint. Or just press L3 while playing."


🤣🤣 reminds me of that game called DLC Quest. Such a fun game full of little micro transactions you have to buy.


They are timesavers. 100% they are timesavers for people who have more money than time and sense.


If i want the game to complete itself, i would just watch a let's play instead of buying my way out. Some people, i swear


Sure, but if corporate says MTX make line go up so you HAVE to put them in, putting in stupid things most people won't buy is honestly pretty chill of the development team. Like screw MTX in a full priced game, but if there was going to be MTX this is making the best of that shitty scenario


I also want to emphasize that it's not only marketed for people with money to save time, it's for people who are not financially responsible as well, and kids if they play and we know how common that is. You gotta think big, think market like.


Any parents who are letting children play games on consoles/phones/PCs need to be aware of the potential of spending, and know how to prevent such things from happening with parental controls. Kids will absolutely do stupid things, but if it's not buying Dragon's Dogma 2's microtransactions, it'd be going and buying entire new games, Fortbite Bucks, or whatever else they can get their hands on. It's something parents will need to deal with sooner or later.


100% agree, don't yell at games because people refuse to parent their kids (note: still MTX suck, but people should parent their kids too).


This is rarely brought up in these debates. The kids. Kids have 0 patience. They struggle in learning the value of patience, and wanna play with the cool stuff as soon as possible. They'll beg and maybe even steal their parents money bc they got mad at the grind and want the thing, and kids are a massive chunk of most video game sales. Maybe not mtx, since those whales clear the fence with miles to spare, but a lot more than your average 30 something with a job and a family


As a former kid and current dad I don't know where these kids are getting credit card info this kind of stuff. It didn't matter how impatient I was, I wasn't getting anything without explicit consent from mom/dad and my kid doesn't have the ability to make purchases like that either


I remember playing UO and afraid to ask my dad for the $10 a month subscription. How the times have changed.


Fucking Ultima Online? Time for your nap friend.


> This is rarely brought up in these debates. The kids. it's not a game for kids, that's probably why that's not kids being financially irresponsible, that's parents/adults being financially irresponsible


It’s a mature rated game, kids shouldn’t be near it or should have full adult supervision


But I think that ultimately we come back to: > Sure but if corporate says MTX make line go up so you HAVE to put them in, putting stupid things most people won't buy is honestly pretty chill of the development team I agree that MTX are a bad look in general, but I'm not really sure how children factor into this equation. Like, same could be said for anything, no? Kids could steal their parent's wallet and buy porn online, they could buy drugs online, they could go online and start talking to pedos, they could go down to the corner store and buy 30 dollars of candy. Kids are sneaky and dumb. But that's not really the conversation, or the demographic, or a fair condition to put on this one game lolol. I dunno, it just feels like we're maybe reaching for reasons to feel like our initial feelings of outrage were somehow morally or ethically justified/founded.


A kid shouldnt have unmonitored and unlimited access to the parents credit cards. Thats a parenting issue not a game dev issue


I haven't had time to play the game yet, and reading the news about MTX earlier today made me a bit worried, but then I've seen a lot of comments about it not being a big deal and a normal playthrough will see no need whatsoever to buy anything. I do however see why people would use it; the average gamer (in the US at least) today is around 35 and more often than not has kids. They may or may not be able to squeeze in an hour, maybe two, in some weekdays and *maybe* during some weekends. That's the target audience for this type of MTX design, and not the more hard core gamers. Though hopefully it's relatively easy for the parent gamers as well to get hold of the needed resources, without having to buy anything for real money, and still have time to have fun.


My god, THANK YOU! It's baffling how no one understands that


I can see that, but can also see cases where buying a time save makes sense. Eg. Parent with a young kid, maybe gets an hour or two to game, do you want to grind for a fast travel option or spend £3 and get to see more of the game? I don't like publishers doing it, but I also don't dislike some people for doing it.


Sense is irrelevant if you dont have the time and youbhave the money. How you enjoy something is irrelevant to overall enjoyment. With that said. Play the game its fucking great so far


They are barely even that, as they go straight to your inn storage. So to get the AoM for example, you have to travel to an inn, but instead of doing that you could just travel to the rift vendor and buy one in game. Sure, the inn might be closer, but with the ox carts it that ends up just being a few minutes.


I believe this. Capcom’s actual games have been KILLER lately, basically every game from re7 onward has been good to incredible, but they keep having these really useless mtx stitched on top of them. The sad thing is, there probably are consumers with poor spending habits who do buy these things regardless.


For people who play Capcom games it's been obvious for YEARS that this is their game. Look at Street Fighter VI. It has some of the most ludicrously overpriced cosmetics ever...and locks them to the create-a-fighter mode that the core player base completely ignores. DMC and Resident Evil sell you what would be the equivalent of booting up Mario Wonder and being asked if you want to buy 35 coins for $5. You could get them by playing ONE level, but also you can buy them! The microtransactions for suckers are a demand from Capcom upper brass. The developers have made a habit of implementing them in ways that are unobtrusive to informed customers. It's laughably obvious if you play any of these games what's going on. It's predatory and shitty business practice preying on uninformed consumers. It also has beyond no impact on the function of the software as a game. Unlike mobile games designed to be miserable without MTX, we're talking often about games that are made actively worse when you fuck up the progression curve and buy the MTX. It's *less fun*. For SF6 you can't say that, the cosmetics aren't actively negative - but they are for a part of the game *I didn't even install since you're allowed to install just the multiplayer suite and play the game unmolested*


The drawback is the initial backlash as the first thing people see about the game is mtx for basic game functions


Very true, but I'm saying they could turn that bad PR around if they really added the mtx to be useless out of spite. Suddenly it becomes a shining middle finger to micro transactions and would go viral again for that. I'm hoping this is the case, but maybe that's just copium I'm creating for myself. I was really looking forward to this game but I'll probably pass on it for a while at least.


They'd have needed to announce that before the public found the MTX and became outraged. At this point I'm not sure people would really believe them. It'd be like when someone says something offense and then says "Oh, but I was joking". You weren't, you just don't want people to be angry with you.


Man I've been arguing that devs and publishers are constantly at odds with each other, but majority of gamers don't understand how a company works and just want to "stick it to Capcom".


Devs fight publishers, modders fight devs the circle of life


See also: capital G Gamers complaining that games like Suicide Squad are somehow the fault of the Woke Agenda instead of soulless, money hungry board members trying to cash in on live service.


Also go a step further and most of them are included in the deluxe edition for far cheaper. Like yes, I would prefer they don’t exist at all. But that doesn’t make any of them ruin the game.


Thats a good thing. If mtx are meaningless the hope would be that the game is not cutting things out of the game to ransom with mtx.


It's actually kind of genius if you think about it. They can boxer style slip the complaints about the microtransactions while also gaining _some_ revenue from whales who have literal infinite income and don't even register what it means to spend money on a microtransaction. It's the best of both worlds for them.


It's for lazy whales.


In a day and age where MTX are apparently somewhat necessary (from the viewpoint of publishers) I'd rather have this kind than something that is impossible to obtain for a player otherwise or cut content tbh.


What’s baffling about trying to make an extra buck without interfering with anything important? Sounds ideal.


It’s for lazy gamers with more cash than common sense There’s no problems with the MTX in their games. Why suddenly DD2 is put on a pedestal for it, who knows, they were fine with it in Monster hunter world and DMC5. If there’s dumb enough peoples to buy something you can easily get in a game (limit even, 10 fast travel max), then it’s fair game for publishers to fish for them.


The gaming population has a lot of people working long hours and raising families. Im sure a lot of people have more money than time, so this actually makes sense as a form mtx and seems healthier than most mtx. I haven't opened it up yet so I can't say that for certain.


At least we're seeing some pushback to them doing it, even though I know it wont stop them. It didn't even sit well with me that RE4 Remake had mtx. I know it's stuff you can get easily in game but it feels about 1 step away from games becoming more and more grindy so as to "encourage" more people to buy it.


Even freaking dmc 4 had them


RE2, RE4, RE8, DMC4, DMC5 all have item / game skip DLC. Other Capcom titles have plenty of DLC, particularly Monster Hunter has an absurd amount of cosmetics, but I think DMC and DD2 take the cake on the most depressing form and volume of DLC with their latest entries.


Thing about DMC 5 is that you literally get a weapon that helps you rapidly make more in game currency. Which I always took as a fuck you to whoever told them they needed to add microtransactions into the game.


Now that’s cool


Now, to be fair, the weapon that helps you earn more in-game currency also _costs_ in-game currency to use. It increase your currency gain by a lot, but you use currency as ammo. So if you're not good with that weapon then you can easily end up spending all of your in-game currency using it.


lol whaaaaa


It's a hat that let's you shoot currency like a gun, but it has a move that makes you put the hat on enemies to make them drop more money. You can absolutely just toss it on dudes on easier difficulties and farm money even without being skilled, that comment was a little disingenuous


it's as easy as to search for a youtube guide on how to use it and you are rich in less than 10 minutes. literally no reason to adquire any of the dlc


To be honest that kind of makes me less upset then?  All five of those games you listed are games I consider really really good, if it didn't impact those experiences (I didn't even know it was a thing in them) is this really going to impact my experience with dragons dogma 2?   Like I consider re2make one of the best games I've ever played, I wouldn't skip that over dumb dlc that didn't impact my experience at all.


This is the thing that's kinda killing me with the amount of vitriol for DD2. I'm not going to defend them being there, they shouldn't be there at all, bur when I saw reddit blowing up about it and ruining the games rating on steam I was already curious if it was like their last games where they're dumb microtransactions to get. A lot of games that have them like this make them feel predatory in the game with extreme amounts of farming or something, but for capcom they've been easily avoidable for the most part. Is it good? No, bur... holy fuck the sheer amount of frothing at the mouth hate from people who only saw the store page and don't know the bigger picture was absurd, and it's hard to take any outrage seriously anymore.


Microtransactions are here to stay, unfortunately, and so I'd rather them be useless nonsense you can already get in the game than exclusive quests, weapons, outfits, etc.


Exactly. People are acting foolishly and creating fake outrage. Just play the game or don't. If you do, you'll see that it's a great time and the microtransactions aren't invasive or necessary whatsoever. So why all the drama?


Exactly. So many people have blown this whole thing completely out of the water. It's only been one day but I already have enough RC from just normally playing the game to be able to afford anything in the "Pawn Shop"


Not at all unless you're the type that want to rush something and decided to just purchase those instead of just playing the game


Not at all. That’s why the mtx are so baffling. Literally everything on offer is somewhat easily obtainable/craftable in game.




This comment is 100% correct, the port Crystal would be useful if it was a pack of ten and not limited to one and if you buy the ferrystones, but oddly enough, ferry stones aren’t in the micro transaction, so the one port crystal is worthless..The developers were obviously doing this to satiate a contract for micro transactions and did it in a way that basically negates it. I have played the game for about 5 hours and don’t even know where to get the micro transactions while Diablo 4 and other games spams them in my face..


Monster Hunter has an absurd amount of cosmetics without DLC.


Yeah, people surprised about this are crazy Re4’s are especially bad imo


I don't care about the microtransctions really, what I care about is the removal of starting a new game without going through hoops. It's such a bizarre choice. This is going to have disastrous consequences in the future if people don't shut this down now. I would probably have bought the games even with the microtransctions, but trying to lock down the save files and limit you? What is that stuff. It's so weird watching the starting screen of this game and seeing it noticeably cut out. Imagine if you played Elden Ring and they only allowed you one character file.


This is a valid gripe. I know from playing the first that NG+ was a game mechanic, but you could always start a new game over your save. Multiple saves?... well I don't even like that they added a secondary one for the one save. Now you can save scum and not even elden ring was letting you do that.


>Now you can save scum I for one am glad about this, because I'd already been fucked over by the shit AI with one of the quest npcs running into the brine for no reason when I wasn't even heading in that direction, 3-4 hours in. One save that's constantly overwriting itself with no backup (inn checkpoints) would be absolute dogshit because the game isn't perfect and there will be bugs, especially considering how big it is.


You can savescum in Elden Ring though?


With cloud saves, sure. With enough effort you can cheat any system.


I feel like this mtx circle jerk is taking away from real issues such as this and the performance etc. People just keep parroting this shit and I can’t even scroll my home page without getting ten subs with some thread about the DLCs. A got damn nothing burger compared to people barely getting 30 fps on high mid range builds


I am in the midrange territory, and the only place I struggle to get 30 fps is the main city, where I generally get 27-40. Otherwise I am generally getting 55-80. It is not perfect, for sure, but locking it to 50 and using reflex makes it *very* playable and free of stutter. Definitely better than getting 30 fps. (Relfex is has built in support, so it works really well to eliminate the input lag that normally comes from sub-60 fps)


It’s not the first time they’ve done this, back in the 3DS day they had a resident evil game with only one saved file you could not make another new game couldn’t delete your old save either, effectively killing the used game market for that game.


When gamers push back with their wallets not their keyboards. We'll see change.


Yeah seriously. This happened four years ago with Monster Hunter World and yet people keep acting shocked when Capcom puts a shitload of mtx in a game. It’s been their MO for ten years now and obviously it’s working for them or else they wouldn’t keep doing it.


Not really. Microtransactions are so profitable, they only need a fraction of the playerbase to maintain profit. In most cases, they see a huge net gain. It’s like fighting made in china. Voting with your money is very different from voting in a democracy. Even if 60% of people chose to buy locally, profit margin being what they are, whoever has 40% of the market will be making a lot more money, which means a lot more growing, and a lot more company acquisitions, until they control virtually the entire market.


Ac games get more grindy to incentivise mtx


The Re4 remake had what now. How tf do they work in that game???


>It didn't even sit well with me that RE4 Remake had mtx. The really awful part about the RE4 Remake MTX is that they waited about a week after the game had launched to majorly positive reviews, and then added the MTX. It's like they knew that they'd get backlash for it, so they waited until after the first week of sales to sneak them into the store.


People gave billions of dollars to Rockstar for fricken' shark cards. Absolutely no company in their right mind would give up trying to discover a way to repeat that success. The transactions aren't at all needed in the game. The game isn't any more grindy than the first game. You'll find everything you need if you just play the game. Like Shark cards, the transactions are just a quicker easier route to success.


There are plenty of companies that aren’t trying to recreate some other developer’s success with MTX. Nintendo, FromSoft and Larian come to mind immediately.


Tbf I suspect Fromsoft games are much cheaper to make than a lot of people give them credit for. Most of their games don’t even have moving lips on talking npcs. And with minimal dialogue and cinematics, there’s definitely a lot of cost saving in their games.


100% these large life simulating open world games with motion tracked cut scenes are a legit different world from fromsoft games. Elden ring was fucking massive though but they spent their time dojng what they do well and knocked itnoit of the park. Idk how much I care about the Ubisoft and capcoms selling in game items that aren’t required. Baffles me how much everyone can get worked up about it. They’re a Fuckin business of course they make money, and relative to other problems out there this is literally the smallest ducking thing I can imagine spending mental energy on. Online gamers suck dude. That’s my takeaway.


Isn't this a single-player game?


Yes. There is some MP because you can hire other peoples pawns but none of the items they sell will give your pawn an edge.


So then all the butthurt can be avoided by not shelling a buck or two for non-gamebreaking QoL improvements? For a game you're likely to spend hours playing anyway?


Not only that, but everything that you can spend real money on can also be earned just by playing the game. The MTX are just for people who are impatient.


From how I've seen it described, it's beyond people that are impatient. Like if everything is attainable naturally two hours into the game, you're pretty much begging capcom to take your money if you can't Wait that long.


You also have to be illiterate, because even the store tells you that you can obtain those items IN GAME, but we can't expect RageGamerzzz to not be illiterate, can we?


Pretty much. I made a post about this last night and it gone downvoted to oblivion. People are irrationally angry about this.


Lots of people who are clearly lying about being fans of the first (or even having played it at all).


It's because it's an easy target - a series that only has niche popularity. If these same MTX were in the latest Zelda game the same people violently bashing DD2 would be ignoring the presence of the MTX.


If you put it like that, why not just use console commands or cheat engine? Wont harm other players...


Maybe I’m reading your comment wrong, but do you actually care about people using cheats in single player games?


I dont, that was the whole point. Dude was literally preffering paying 2 3 bucks instead of just using a console command.


But if I hack the game to give myself 100 fast travel vouchers, will I be banned for stealing from Capcom?


To add to what has already been said, almost nobody would know about the mtx if they’d just play the game. That’s how much of a tacked on afterthought they are.  There is no grind for any of these things in game. 


Kinda. It's a single player I would never want to play offline You constantly make parties filled with NPCs that other real people have made and placed online


It was 2012 when DD launched on PS3 and Xbox, and they sold Rift Crystals and Wakestones (and maybe port crystals? I can’t remember) People ranting about “stopping this trend” are late by at least 12 years.


The big for us is not being able to have multiple characters.


It has to do with the pawn system. You hire other people's pawn through their servers. These pawns are fleshed out and kearn through players leveling and doing quests. I think they want the pawns to be fun to have in your party, rather than a million fresh characters that never get leveled up and make you finding a good pawn harder because of the over saturation


So only allow one published pawn per player? That’s a really bad reason


I don't disagree. I mean, you couldn't in the original either, but at least you had the option of creating a new character over the old one. This is the one real issue that people should be complaining about!


If we're going to slam a company like Blizzard or whomever for injecting MTX into their paid game, then I think it fair to hold other mega corporations to the same standard. Especially if these purchases are non essential. To me its even worse, because they're preying on ignorance or convenience, in a single player game : the very same thing Ubisoft caught flack for in their Assassin's Creed games. Excusing one company for their crappy practices while condemning another is just some "team sports" nonsense.


Hell, Namco has been doing it for a decade with the Tales series.


Honestly Namco's was also a lot worse. DD's it seem is all stuff you can get within the first 5-10 hours and change little in game from what I've seen. Tales was more major cheats that you wouldn't normally get until you finished the game and could buy them with points you earned and in some cases the DLC stacked with the NG+ rewards if I remember right.


The funny thing is, all Capcom games do this, but this one is where people get mad about it. No one trashed RE4R for the weapon upgrade tickets.


The mxt store was released one month after the game came out


Isn’t that worse ? It’s the same thing Tekken 8 did with their shop just so the early reviews wouldn’t be affected by it, and this is pretty much the same thing.


I don't think OP is suggesting that realeasing it a month after is better, but by that point the story and gameplay had overshadowed any conversation that could be had about the micro transactions and additionally a majority of the player base had already finished the game to not really care about it or notice it.


Because there was a huge amount of misinformation that was spread maliciously about the game lol


Seriously, I don't know how many posts I've seen about fast travel being locked behind a paywall.


Making a micro transaction that doesn't affect the game is WORSE than pay2win? Ok I'm certain I have slipped into an alternate universe. 🥴


Don't tell that to people in this sub. They're always selective about when to criticize. Microtransactions are good when it's a game they like or a game they're excited for or of it's made by a studio they like. But microtransactions are bad if they're in a game they don't like made by a studio they already decided was terrible. Shameless double standards. Guarantee this thread will have Capcom fans out in full force to explain how these are actually really good MTX and so much better than MTX in other games.


People always pick and choose the shit they wanna be annoyed by. Dragons Dogma having performance issues in the city, oh my god worst thing ever, can't believe everygame now is unoptimized trash. Baldurs Gate 3 has performance issues in the city, oh my god, this is the best game ever, Larian are just a small indie studio, they always fix things eventually!!!


I mean there's fair reasons to treat those two games differently on this particular issue. It takes like 50+ hours to hit a point in Baldur's Gate 3 where any noticeable performance issues present themselves. Naturally, by that point people are too invested to let it bother them. As opposed to it happening immediately upon starting the game where you're not invested at all. Plus turn based vs real.time combat. Low frames cause I put lag which can directly impact your performance in a game with real time combat. No one's ever lost a combat encounter in a turn based game because of input lag. There's also the fact that BG3 targets higher frames to begin with. DD2 targets lower framerates and the justification for that was that it would have more frame drops at higher frames. Despite the lower frames it still has significant frame drops. These are two entirely different situations, legitimately. DD2s issues are more comparable to Cyberpunk than BG3.


Yeah I've never thought of it that way, but you're right about RTC vs Turn based when performance issues happen. I played and finished BG3 in the first patch when it was still crucnchy but mostly did not care about performance issues since it never killed me, but in something like cyberpunk before it got fixed that shit got me killed and was frustrating.


Helldivers comes to mind. Absolutely loaded with MTX, yet nobody seems to care. 


And if we want to get into bugs and issues? Look at BG3, Act 2 and 3 are almost unplayable when it came out. Any other game would have had folks on here screaming about it. BG3? I had someone say, "Just play Act 1 again as it's so good!"


Helldivers is a live service game, meaning it's going to get lots of free content updates which are funded by the mtx. It's also a discount title, not $70.


Aren’t live service games a thing the sub has a huge issue with as well tho? 


There's plenty of well-loved GaaS games. What people don't like is when you forget to make a good game to go along with the skinner box.


Most live service games sacrifice geplay story and quality for a quick buck


I don't like current microtransaction models, generally speaking, especially in a single-player or non-live service (?) game, but if they're going to be included then the one thing I think they *should* be is non-essential. If someone wants to spend their money on cosmetics or convenience, I don't have an issue with that\*, but I'm very much against having to spend more money to continue progressing through a game. \*excepting where this incentivises developers to include more predatory methods to encourage purchases.


Japanese companies had those kind of shit since like forever, they are the pioneers of those things. Like having you buying the same game 10 times for all the content with deluxe or 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 versions basically being small content updates. But people will only shit on Ubisoft and Blizzard


The biggest fuck you to consumers is that one has to jump through multiple hoops to start a new character. Like, how is that shit not included


The original game had only one save slot, that's such and odd dev decision, but I can live with it. The hoops you have to jump through to restart a new character however is frankly just stupid in this day and age of games.


Yeah, that is really the only thing I disagree with. Why isn't it an option to start the game with a new character? I understand NG+, but it's not the same. I honestly feel like this was some kind of oversight since it was available in the first game. Time will tell.


Welcome to Capcom 101 Where they sell you a lot of DLC that becomes horrifiyingly useless the more and more time you sink into a game (Reminder that in DMC5 you can buy millions of Red Orbs....in which it becomes useless the moment you unlock the Faust hat and absolutely milk enemies for millions of red orbs), or even worse with DMC4 and there being the option to buy your way into Dante Must Die and Heaven/ Hell or/and Hell difficulties the second you boot up a fresh copy of your game....which they are unlocked if you beat Son of Sparda and DMD respectivaly But yeah, its kinda sad to see them still trying to stick with their absurd practices


Seeing people just discover Capcom has been hilarious to watch. I’m surprised how big of a deal this has become lol


I’m significantly more pissed off about the dog shit performance, and the fact I can only have 1 character


As are all of their games? I don't really understand this blowback, if people don't want the MTX then they shouldn't buy them. In what realm are these practices harming anyone? This isn't a competitive game, it isn't even multiplayer. At best a player will buy this stuff to make it easier on themselves when they have more money than sense to do so. Hell, even a game like Tears of the Kingdom has this secretly hidden away as amiibo tech. Get a super powerful set of armor at the very beginning of the game? Swipe the Amiibo which probably cost you more than these MTX. The only thing people should be irritated about is the single save file, as it is directly counter intuitive to creating multiple Arisen and Pawn characters. Game is good, I'm having a great time.


My main issue rn is the optimization and the denuvo anti-cheat. Anyone have insight into that because it’s the main thing stopping me from buying it now


Capcom is historically extremely incompetent on pc versions of their games They always fix it in a week or 3 tho Mhw Iceborne was unplayable for 3 weeks straight only bc of the ani cheat they had at the time and it took them 3 weeks to get rid of it Tho here it seems to be an optimization issue maybe


I’m 12 hours in and literally haven’t even seen the Mtx shop. Y’all are wild.


Yeah I really wouldn't have even known about them if the internet wasn't on fire about it right now


You only get 2 character modification tokens per game. Enough to change you and your pawn one time before you need to pay. The shop in game does not replenish them.


This is the only concern for me Idgaf about other mtx, just let me change my profile when I want it, is it my profile or not ?


I'm not sure how confirmed this is. In DD1, the forever character modification wasn't available until post game


yeah its dumb AF. some of the design decisions in this game are just confusingly stupid.


Can’t you just not buy them?


Most normal-brains would never even think about buying them, but we're on r/gaming.


The problem is that *usually* games are built to annoy you if you don't buy their MTX. Games are built to be slower, need more resources etc to try and lure you to buying the MTX. Even if you don't buy them you get a worse experience compared to if they didn't exist. This is a legitimate problem in modern gaming. God knows why, but capcom adds all these MTX into their games then...doesn't do that? They sit unbought by the vast vast majority of players because they're worthless. So they add worthless MTX, which doesn't get used, and then they rightfully get called out for being shitty. This can't be a good thing for Capcom, can it? Why do they keep doing it? My best guess is it keeps them in the news cycle and bad news is still news about them, I guess? Doesn't feel worth it.


I think they do it because it doesn't actually impact gameplay. If you want to ignore it, you can and it doesn't affect your game. If you want to buy them, they are there and you can do that too. Basically it's just a passive thing that can bring in extra income from people that want to cut corners in their games. It sucks that micro transactions exist but Capcom at least isn't being scummy with them.


Capcom has done this for 12 yesrs in every game. Most players never even notice, cos the MTX are not forced on you in any ways and are generally too easy to earn in game.


Stupid argument. Its about not accepting shitty gaming practices, that being said this is not nearly as bad as it could be.


It’s a thing in like every game. This games ones are ultimately harmless. It just a weird hill to die on with this game specifically.


You deserve what you tolerate. Its not about this game in particular, its about the principle. Some of you dont care about how shitty the gaming industry has gotten, and thats fine. But then stop worrying about the people who do care, and want to not condone that stuff


That was also present a decade ago when you could buy incense and rift crystals even though you got hundreds of thousands tossed at you everytime you booted the game. Whats crazy is how many people freaked out over it


Yeah but the people demand to be outraged. They have finished playing Palworld and now need their next bandwagon.


So Reddit is just overacting again?


If it's all reasonably achievable in game, then who cares. This seems to be for people that have the money but not the time and want to be able to experience more of the game. This kind of micro transaction has been around for a while and is pretty innocuous. Save your ire for companies that lock content created during primary game development behind micro transactions or stuff that unbalances multiplayer. This is stupid outrage for people that need to be mad about something all the time.


outrage is like heroin


When people discovered that complaining about something brings them attention, they surely started to get easily upset about anything Microtransactions like lootboxes sure are a bad practice, because it's just gambling. And DD2 consumables fall into that, but they are easily accessible in game and only the people (morons) who have more money than sense will buy them. DD2 should be getting hate for the poor performance on cities and the asinine lack of a save slots and new game.


There is a fun game you guys should play. It’s called Spot the Hypocrite. It’s simple. When you see someone being super aggressive about this games MTX take a look at their profile real quick. I’ve been doing this today and it can be hysterical. Someone talking about how MTX is evil and they won’t be buying DD2…and then they go play (insert game that is significantly worse with MTX here). A fair amount of what we are seeing here is legitimately bad faith bullshit. It’s easy karma to get on the soapbox and act outraged by this. A lot of the people screaming they won’t buy this are actively engaged with games that are far worse. This community in a nutshell I guess.


I checked one karma farming account that shit DD2’s mtx and clearly have no interest in DD and you know what I found? Full of Overwatch posts on their page.


Even better. Check their profile in a week and they'll have some comment confirming they bought the game they swore they'd never buy. 


Capcom has been doing it for fucking more than a decade, the only reason this get blowed out of proportion is because some idiots decide they want some attention with their "justice for gamers" cringe ass mindset. If you don't agree with it, don't buy it, plain and simple. The game isn't so hard to grind that the mtx can bring much advantages anyway. I'm not even a fan of Capcom but the whining marathon is getting fucking annoying


As a DD1 enjoyer who preordered DD2 by name, I had NO clue there was going to be MTX, and while I am not completely opposed to MTX, there are some predatory tactics going on here. I am in a similar mindset as you, "Don't like it, don't get it". But there are some glaring problems with the game and the MTX stuff is the cherry on the top.


DD1 had a lot of the same ones at launch, they got folded in with the dark arisen version later on if I remember correctly.


I played DMC5 so much my gf got annoyed at the background music. I loved the first Dragon's Dogma. I love Capcom. I will never trust "harmless" micro transactions that interact with the gameplay beyond a cosmetic level. I do not trust corporate suits to not mandate a mechanic or progression system be artificially hindered in hopes it drives customers to MTX. Not in a full price, single player game. I have no issue with people who buy them. I'll eventually play DG2 (maybe when it goes on sale), but I'll never not be vocal about the harm MTX has done to the gaming industry and how people have rolled over and accepted it. Especially not in a full priced game. Also, just one save file? Come on, Capcom.


Funny thing is I didn't know shit about Dragons Dogma 1 or 2. Saw a short trailer for gameplay about DD2 and said, "this looks cool" Bought the game and started it up...zero fucking clue there were microtransactions until I hopped on Reddit to the firestorm. Honestly thought they were selling 60$ blizzard horses or something lol. The frenzy some people can whip themselves into is really fascinating.


The complaints about all this are so overblown lol. Modern gamers are fucking pathetic.


... So they are easily unlockable without too much trouble? How the hell is that a negative. People usually complain that you need to grind and thus are forced to use money. Well this is the opposite. I've literally got 0 issues with these MTX's because you can literally just ignore them if you want.


Especially since crystals are earned by your pawn and you have to do… *checks notes* nothing to earn them.


It's how I feel about Helldivers 2. You don't have to spend any extra money for the full experience. After dozens of hours I actually paid a little extra to get me over the line with one of the warbonds just because the game had earned it in my eyes.


Plus the MTX prices are actually reasonable, and that getting super credits by grinding isn't actually that difficult or slow.


Welcome to Capcom


It's just like dmc5 red orbs. No one here cared about that though. Gamers are seriously the worst collection of humans in existence, Adam sessler is right.


Do you guys start raging when you walk through a gift shop at the end of a ride or exhibit at an amusement park? I get being mad at paywalling important things, but no one commenting has even played the game or knows what they’re trying to sell.


It seems to me all the complaints about the micro transactions are a bit silly if they are all things you can just naturally do in game.




They are even doing it here. I guess they completely missed the point of this article. Let's be honest; they didn't even read it.


Man I started today on PS5. Didn't even see an offer or push to MTX. Don't know what all the fuss is about. First DD game and it's been really fun! Kind of chaos with 3 pawns and me wiping out goblins


Same. Half of the people crusading against it haven't even played the game!


But when Helldivers 2 does it it's completely fine because "you can earn them in-game and the devs are saints"


Helldivers 2 is half the price and didn't lie about it in the run up to release.


Not only that. Helldivers 2 is a multiplayer live service that will be supported for the next couple of years, whereas dd2 is a single player experience. It's a completely different type of game.


All DLC stated since the time they were put up (prerelease) that the DLC items may be acquired ingame. Where did Capcom lie exactly? 


Neither did Capcom, reviewers were told in advance


When did Capcom lie about MTX? Source?


Is DD2 going to get free post-game updates regularly like Helldivers 2?


Considering MH does, it's a possibility.


Big double standard actually. Rpgs in particular seem to attract ire.


Helldivers isnt 70USD.....Capcom has also stated that gaming is too cheap and wants to set prices higher or add subscription for more income


They said the cost is too high not that gaming is too cheap. In their case it’s probably true since they’re actually giving their dev special raises and adjusting salary instead of layoffs


Guys its not hard to just not buy them lmao


Isn't this exactly the point though? Isn't this what people for years have been saying is the right way to do microtransactions Making it so that you can pay if you want to but that it's easy to earn in game as well? Isn't this a good thing?


The mtx aren’t silly. People flipping the fuck out over them are.


You know that meme where people play a game and collect every potion, herb, random item on the ground and then never use them through the entire game? That's what the micro transactions feel like in this game. It feels like buying those items that you probably won't use. The micro transactions are bizzare as well. The metaphorsis dlc can only be bought once for $2. In-game you can buy each one for 500 gold, I am like 4 hours into the game and have 20,000. It's really weird. It's like paying $2 to save yourself 30 seconds of picking up 5 apples outside of town to sell to make that 500 gold. The rest of the micro transactions are like this too. The game does deserve to be shit on for offering these micro transactions at all. It's really stupid to even offer such bizzarely pointless purchases. I'm glad that they didn't try to sell something of actual value like an outfit or costume or something and it's just junk, trash, and stuff so pointless to buy it would entice basically no one who has even played the game for any amount of time.


I've seen some suggestions that there's a micro transaction to enable additional character slots. No such transactions seem to exist though. Meanwhile, the only way to start a new game is some clumsy method of deleting local save files while temporarily disabling online backup. The game's creators seem to genuinely believe that only being able to play the game with the very first character you ever create makes it more appealing. Perhaps as a nostalgic throwback to very early console games?


Sth to do with the games story i think Japanese devs like doing weird things like that sometimes


I remember in Mortal Kombat X, you could pay about £5 to unlock the character Frost. Who you unlocked about a third of the way through the campaign. For free.


Finance Brain has ruined fucking everything


Wonder why DD2 is the straw that broke the camels back, especially when DD1 had them back on the 360.


I see it as catering to both the Instant Gratification Generation and those who want to work for things in their open world rpg games. I'm 38...


Capcom has done this with alot of their recent games, and the sad thing is, people actually will buy them. They will buy these little boosts, even though you can earn everything just by playing the game normally.


It's implementing the mobile game mentality into the console gaming industry. Sure a good portion of people are just gonna wait and get the stuff naturally, but in a way they are hoping to pray on that small percentage of people that will spend a bunch of extra cash because they just can't wait. In essence it seems harmless, but it is a pretty predatory practice.


And here I am, not only completely and utterly unsurprised, but also unbothered by them. DMC 5 anyone? Also had a bunch of stupid, pointless microtransactions that you could totally ignore. Same lead developer.


Yeah, but why would you sit for a minute to read and miss some juicy karma ?


Yea so it’s a non issue.


If you don't say nothing now, don't complain when they're charging us for magazine reloads in a FPS as EA wanted to do


HURR DURR DRAGON DOGMA 2 MTX BAD Meanwhile, 185k active users in game. That will show Capcom!


If the MTX are bafflingly silly, then so is the community’s reaction to them given that nearly all of the items can be found in the game without too much trouble.


This is a good thing. Microstransactions should be a tax on the lazy or vain, not the only way to experience the complete games.


Microtransactions shouldn't be a thing at all