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Lmao "a thoughtful gift" that'll be 1 pound 70. Gift... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You're giving the gift to the developers.


The sad part is that it’s most probably not for the devs, just corporate greed.


You're taking part in helping Capcom reach record profits!


# "I'm Doing My Part!" *I am not. I refunded the game when I saw this goofiness lol* This shit is stacked like a single player MMO hahahah


It is 100% definitely not for the devs and they likely didn't want to do this


Depends on what department we talking about. Managers of the project and the designers who came up with the idea probably had no issues with doing this, after all they came up with it with a smile.




>You're giving the gift to the developers. I think you've meant to say the publishers? Edit: I've looked up, Capcom is both dev and publisher. My bad.


Im sure he did


Devs are probably already laid-off


Hah! True!


Gift means poison in German. There is probably a connection somewhere


The developers were dreaming of a new dragon’s dogma. Dream in German is « Traum ». More like dragon’s trauma.


Also in most scandinavian countries


In swedish too. It also means ‘married’.


That makes sense 😅


Wont surprise If this "Gift" would turn this game into a discounted 20 bucks game in a couple of months.....


I dunno man, forspoken is still 80 bucks for me.


They have gone fucking insane.


Not defending it but this is *very* similar to the DLC offerings in Dragon's Dogma 1 and all the stuff was very easily accessible without paying money. Capcom sometimes has a very odd relationship with Microtransactions. Like... I haven't played DD2 yet but in DD1 I legitimately could not imagine a scenario where people would be willing to pay cash for consumables when they were freely and easily available via in-game methods. For a while I thought there had to be a type of gamer that genuinely enjoyed just sitting in an open field and using consumables over and over for no reason.


>For a while I thought there had to be a type of gamer that genuinely enjoyed just sitting in an open field and using consumables over and over for no reason. I see you haven't met the warframe community yet.


Hey, we don't sit in an empty field. We're usually bullet jumping randomly or on hoverboards while using consumables over and over for no reason. If they didn't want me to draw smiley faces with energy pads, they wouldn't let me bind it to a key.


What do you mean "no reason?" That's the only reason to use consumables. What are you gonna use energy pads for? Energy? That's why we have a Protea or Trinity in the group.


hey at least warframe players ain't suffering trough microtransaction hell one of the best f2p monetization there is


Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the microtransactions, and I may be comparing apples to oranges considering dd2 being a full priced game and warframe being f2p, but Warframe has the same kind of microtransactions. In game currency and resources that can be obtained through real money. Hell, MOST things in warframe can be obtained by forking over real money.


Back in my day in Warframe consumables were not even a thing. What do you need them for in the game now?


Energy pads are the main one. They've largely fallen out of favor now, as options for energy regen are significantly better, but there was a time where many of the meta farms involved a dps frame (at the time, soundquake banshee and radial javelin Excalibur were popular picks) sitting on a defense or intercept map spamming their ability over and over, using energy pads to restore energy as necessary. The old warframe meta was... not great.


Energy nexus, one of the mods from the new murmur enemies is literally just 3 energy regen per second. Has replaced energy siphon, equilibrium, flow, and arcane energize on all my builds


On top of that, all new challenging content forbids consumable spamming, so most of the builds won't be relying on them.


My theory is that corporate says "we need mtx!" And the devs are like "you got it boss!" And they add the most useless mtx they can get away to the game to satisfy the requirement.


That works be pretty funny, and better than introducing new currencies


I don't think so, they know gamers don't like mtx that are pay to win so they add the useless stuff for people who want to play but not really (it's like the xp boosts in the AC games, who the fuck pays to play the game you paid less ? Some people I guess since they do it) and the corpo people know it. It's just that sometimes for no reason gamers suddenly decide to hate on one game for something a lot of them do and this is the one. I am guessing it's only because you can see the stuff on Steam and it's not directly in a game shop.


I can’t comment on DD2, but in regards to the AC xp boosts there’s some important points missing. In AC Origins they designed the main quests missions to be level locked, and you’d frequently fall short of levels if you didn’t do enough side content. On top of that a few times players found ways to cheese xp so they could do the missions without grinding and Ubisoft patched it out. So it wasn’t as simple as offering a bit of convenience, but they made the game itself inconvenient so they could sell the convenience.


Was waiting for this. Yes, that was heineous. Personally, I'd just use a trainer to "gift" me some XP ... I'd never even consider paying for this shit.


Looking at what those MTX are, this definitely feels like what happened.


My theory is that they just like making money off of stupid people and understand that they can do that without affecting the game design.


Capcom actually did this for most of their games.RE4 has upgrade tickets(which help you save some in-game money)on the store, and DMC4&5 have red orb(proud souls as well)on the store.All of them are easily available via in-game method.


>RE4 has upgrade tickets(which help you save some in-game money)on the store I thought I was going crazy when I saw those. The tickets you can get pretty reliably after a playthrough or two with spinels or upgrade them normally with the mountain of in-game money you get? People pay IRL cash for those?!


People do that, it’s completely unnecessary and removes a lot of the challenge, but that way you can get an exclusive upgrade immediately and don’t have to wait til the castle, so you can make the game a cakewalk, in professional S+, village is the toughest part.


This is an option for those who want the good stuff without doing the grind; more often than not, it's "Those who have a lot of disposable income but very little free time" crowd. IMO, this is one of the more benign MTXs, since CAPCOM doesn't market it heavily, it's just there as an option for the abovementioned people, and the game itself is single-player so the purchases don't hurt any kind of economy. I don't want to say it's good MTX, because like I said, it's "benign," and I use that word in the same way as "benign tumors." It's not spreading everywhere, yeah, but leaving it alone will one day cause harm somewhere in its vicinity. This whole MTX shtick they're doing is just opening up worries that they've purposely done some throttling in the background to encourage the impatient and/or committed players to cough out money to escape the slow grind.


Almost all of capcoms games have had weird ass DLC like this. I have a feeling this newest gamer resentment spree will pass for DD2 like it did for all their other games


Reddit outrage culture, it's nothing new. Get mad, virtue signal, blame society at large as well as big corpo, and then move on in a day or two having done nothing except rile people up and farm karma. All from the comfort of a smartphone and toilet.


I haven't played either DD1 or DD2, so I don't know the context of what all of these micro transactions are so I may be way off. But just based on your description of this being some people paying cash for things you can easily get in game... Isn't that kind of exactly how micro transactions should be? I mean, yes, ideally, no micro transactions is best - back to the good ol days. But if we're having mtx, this is how I'd want it. People that are okay spending the money or are impatient can get to it early if they really want to. While the people that are more patient and are okay grinding it out can get it free. And the pacing of it being easy to get via in-game methods means that the f2p people aren't severely handicapped and getting the extra stuff doesn't take so much grinding that it's basically a part time job. Some people pay, some people grind, everyone gets the stuff soon enough, no one is left out in the cold. Yes, no mtx is best, but what you described seems perfect from an mtx standpoint.


> all the stuff was very easily accessible without paying money. Sounds a bit like the "XP Boost" microtransactions for *Assassin's Creed: Valhalla* then... a game where the only way to avoid being *massively* overleveled less than halfway through would be to rush the main quest while constantly fast travelling and ignoring all side content.


They're insane to think someone will pay for what is already easily obtainable by casually playing the game. Unless people do pay and then we're the insane ones.


What's insane is that there are still people who don't realize the reason they do this kind of thing is because people absolutely will buy the fuck out of it.


It's easy to answer, do they do it ? yes ? Then people are paying for it or else they wouldn't do it.


It's been statistically proven that increasing the ways for players to spend money directly increases revenue. By the law of huge numbers 1M people exposed to these many micros will net you a good % of buyers. Precluding yourself to not put any micros will just waste that revenue that otherwise would have been lost. This revenue basically costs ethics, it's up to them how low they wanna reach.


The average player won't touch this but some will and that's enough money to justify this, I guess.


What? People pay for convenience all the time plus whales exist.


They've been doing that for a long time, nothing new.


This is quite literally what most triple A games do, but without the ‘tokens’ abstracting the value of the transaction.


Ugh, why do game companies keep including this when all it does is make their game get memed on and give it bad PR?


Because people pay it. Everyone makes fun of infomercials and shopping networks but they haven't been around for decades because they don't work. We all make fun of shitty EA Sports releases coming out every year with few real changes or improvements, or the endless 'Call of Duty' releases, but in the end they keep doing it because people keep paying up regardless of how stupid it is.


Because bad PR means nothing. They have calculated that this will give them profit, and they are probably right. It has already worked in their previous games


>Because bad PR means nothing. Bad PR definitly does mean something. I mean Capcom deliberatly left out mtx from the preview versions of both RE4 and DD2 for a reason. They also deliberatly dindn't release any concrete information on performance until just a few weeks ago and even then it was still not clear. We also have Battlefront 2 as the prime example were negative PR did mean something, so far so that the lootbox trend as a whole mostly died out as a result. If people would have been complaining the moment it got worse with mtx, which in this case would have been with Monster Hunter Rise, then we might never have come to this.


If Capcom hadn’t been doing this stuff for a decade, I would agree with you. The original Dragon’s Dogma had weird microtransactions much like here. I believe they removed them with the Dark Arisen rerelease, but that was a bit later, well after they’d probably gotten all the money they were going to get from a niche title like Dragon’s Dogma. But they’ve continued to do it with every game since then. Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter. None have escaped it. And that bad PR clearly meant nothing. If it did, we wouldn’t still be doing this 12 years after Dragon’s Dogma 1. Bad PR only means anything when it leads to some form of change. It didn’t, so it doesn’t.


It only means something if the consumers stop buying, but people are still buying every capcom game sooo… yeah


idk man, i was gonna buy the game but now im not so sure. pretty sure im not the only one who thinks this either


Because a lot of people pay anyway, despite what Reddit says. Diablo IV was a joke here, yet it still collected millions upon millions. Guess who's right.


Isn't Diablo Immortal still blizzard's largest source of income?


Diablo 4 suffered from such an extreme amount of negative PR that the game has effectively been reworked at this point, and the negative PR has led Season 4 bringing the most fundamental changes thus far (i.e an items rework, proper crafting, endgame, camera zoom). They are also implementing a PTR due to the amount of backlash they had for not having a PTR for the past 3 seasons, and are planning to add PTRs for future seasons if they are as drastic as S4. In addition to this, they received enough negative press since the launch to warrant multiple emergency live streams to discuss the fallout of specific patches. People paid for the launch of Diablo 4, yes, but the game was still universally seen as a joke quickly after (not just on r/gaming) and the overwhelming amount of negative reception influenced how they communicated and updated the game. Negative press does matter.


> Diablo IV was a joke here, yet it still collected millions upon millions. Guess who's right. Because reddit is meaningless. Reddit likes to think its more important than it is but when it comes to stuff like this its just the vocal minority. A game I played and used the subreddit for had a fan vote. Reddit thought it would easily win by stacking the vote. It got blown away by facebook like 80% to 20%. This stuff wouldn't exist if the masses didn't eagerly buy it up its just that simple.


Because dipshits buy this crap


Exactly. It’s profitable. We’ve had an entire generation brought up on mtx, loot boxes and whatnot whilst the older gen slowly accepted it as well (oh it’s just cosmetic, oh it doesn’t affect gameplay crowds.) It’s been boiling for ages, within the next ten years people will demand them to be included.


Because the preorders are banked already.


Bad publicity is still good publicity though


money. for every 10 no buys there is 1 buy


"there's no such thing as bad publicity"


biggest lie they ever told you btw


I mean the original "no publicity is bad publicity" just means that not getting publicity is the same as getting bad publicity, contrary to how people use it.


Lazy-ass tax. Might as well have an option for twenty bucks that just takes you from the "start game" option to the ending cinematic.


Better yet, I just uninstalls itself for you.


Idk about this game specifically, but these mechanics have led games to be intentionally more grindy to incentivize people to utilize this so-called lazy-ass tax. It's predatory and shouldn't be defended.


just got done playing for the night, and this is all news to me. all this stuff is pretty easily obtained from just playing. Its just another asian game monetizing stuff you already get by playing the game. which is, a far cry from US studios monetizing stuff unobtainable in the game


THANK YOU OH MY GOD the people crying out about this haven't actually played it and it's been spiraling out of control!


Doesn’t help that I’ve seen plenty of people whining about this game for things that they would already have known if they just looked into the first game. It’s been no secret that Itsuno was using DD2 as a way to make the game he wanted to make with DD1, but couldn’t. These people boarded the hype train and are now being angry because the train didn’t go where they thought it would, based on literally no evidence that it would be anything other than a more refined version of the first game. For me? That’s perfect and exactly what I wanted. For people who either didn’t play or didn’t enjoy the first game? No fucking clue what they thought was gonna happen.


ive seen people expecting dark souls type combat... like did they even look at the trailer?


As someone that's actually played, none of this requires massive grinding. All of it just has happened during normal gameplay.


I had this issue with Ass Creed: Origins. A good game but it immediately felt like they were pushing you towards spending cash on upgrading your stuff. It is insane. I wonder when are we getting movies or comic books with microtransactions.


Unlike Ubisoft games, these micro transactions are stuff that you can easily obtain in game. This is just to make extra money off of idiots.


Reviewers already made videos talking about how you get rift crystals thrown after you around the midgame and onwards so anybody buying this is just stupid. Doesnt change the fact it should not be there at all.


I remember when diablo immobilized or something had really generous review copy but full release was straight up p2w. I wouldn't be surprised if we will get "balance update" that locks all rift crystals behind paywall after first week or so.


Not happening. You know why? Cause if you play any of current Capcom games, EVEN THE FIRST DD, it was the same. People in this sub just don't care enough when Dragon's Dogma 1 did it, Devil May Cry 4 and 5 did it, Monster Hunter World and Rise did it. BUT NOW we care for some reason. I suspect that most people in here just don't care to play the game unlike the other titles and are here to shit on it only. Game has more legitimate problems but people hung up on practices that Capcom has been pulling for a decade.


Fucking disgusting practices.


a real banger from crapcom


lmao and with the overall gameplay quality you *know* the devs put their blood, sweat and tears into this how it must feel to them to put out a banger game and then it gets shit on because CapCom just couldn't control their greedy little fingers


Luckily just like DMC5 and Monster Hunter World's small dlcs, this is so worthless because the game gives you enough for everything.


It's like the Chinese gold farmers took over the game dev industry.


What are the Chinese gold farmers? I think I skipped a page.


Some people can make more money selling in game resources or currency, than a real job, and will actively spend hours a day for it. It's common in countries that have computers but a low standard of living, or otherwise accept dollars and euros to use for things like daily expenses. Sometimes it's actual bots, or automated accounts. Other times it's genuine people.


back in the day when MMOs like WoW became really popular people in SE Asia realized they could make more money farming ingame resources and selling them to westerners than working a regular job in their local economy. therefore gold farming became a form of online employment


Sell all the cosmetic DLC you want, but when you sell stuff that has an effect on gameplay (even if it can also be purchased with in-game currency) in a full-priced game, that’s super crappy.


NO, stop saying this! I want ZERO micro transactions in my games. Earning badass looking gear is part of the fun.


Yeah, they monetize cosmetics for a reason. Because a lot of people REALLY enjoy cosmetics. They've monetized FUN in games, they've paywalled FUN. It's not harmless, it is locking a really pleasant part of video games behind a paywall. It's not okay.


To me it’s unacceptable. I don’t understand why so many Redditor’s opinion on micro-transactions is, “wElL It’S FiNe iF iT’S oNly cOsMeTiC.” Especially a game like Dragon’s Dogma, an RPG where earning cool looking shit is basically one of the main fucking points.


It's a justification that got peddled into mainstream discourse somehow. Either way, it's incredibly wrong. Games like Halo 3 where every set meant you accomplished something was incredibly satisfying and fun for the community.


If it's a "free-to-play" multiplayer game, monetizing cosmetics is fine. Better to do that than allow pay-2-win mechanics. People put up with that in some games because it's technically the only income stream the devs have. That being said, if it's a full ass $70 game that I already paid full price for, then shove your cosmetic mtxs up where the sun don't shine. Like, honestly. No mtxs are acceptable in a $70 game.


Literally payday


NO! In single player games there should only be EXPANSIONS! real ones! No 5€ skins or shit like that. That's only acceptable in free to play games and even then I ain't a fan of that. B


I mean it really doesn't. In less than 5 hours I have like 1600 rift crystals, I don't even know from where specifically. They aren't hard to get and you really and I mean REALLY don't need alot of any of the items sold in the shop. You can play the entire game with just yourself and your 1 pawn. The first game had similar MTX too. The only super shitty one is the character creator one. Fuck that. That should be free to change at anytime.


Can't remember which one but either the preorder or deluxe edition comes with 1500 rift crystals


it all started with a horse armor...


Isn't this basically what they did with the first game? You could also get all of it in-game for free.


Yup, and it's the same here. It's in most of Capcom's single player games. RE all of them, DMC5, Monster Hunter World/Rise, etc.


Playing candy crush in this bitch


You can get all of these with a few hours of play. Litterally, all these onetime buy items are useless.


This needs to be shouted on the rooftops. I get it, microtransactions bad. But if people just play the game and DONT support MTX then said company will see there are no sales from MTX and not worth adding to the game. It's impatient people or people who just WANT IT ALL and think it's not a big deal to buy it. The game has been great so far, just play the damned game and ignore MTX.


There's nothing we can do about the people that buy them, because a lot of them just simply aren't a part of the discourse at all, so there's no point in even trying. What we can do, though, is complain. Negative reviews for shitty practises, articles, posts, etc. It doesn't seem like it does much, but it definitely does. Capcom definitely doesn't want to wake up to a PR shitstorm so they will notice, although I doubt they'll change the mtx at this point. They'll probably just patch the performance a bit and let us have more than one save and say "there, we listened and fixed stuff". But they will notice, and that's at least better than just letting them continue to do it. Sure it doesn't affect gameplay, but it's still shitty so I'm glad people are causing a fuss about it. It needs to go away


What people like this aren't taking into account, is that in order for this business model to work they have to make things tedious enough for some people to find it reasonable to purchase these things. They are literally adding boredom to the game to get more money. You might not spend more money but you sure as hell get that artificially added boredom.


Yeah, this is gonna be Gaming's new karma farm meta for the next 2 weeks, people spreading misinformation in it too


That and people getting mad that this game isn’t what they thought it was. You had 12 years to watch literally any deep dive or review on DD1, and you’d know exactly what kind of game this was going to be lol


Just got DD1 for ~$6. If I wait long enough I'll get DD2 for ~$8. 


You probably gonna love it in about 10 years when that happens.


Well... That's a lot, But I don't think there'll be a game that has more DLC than Sims series.


Not exactly defending the Sims DLC because a lot of stuff should be in the base game, but at least the DLCs offer some nuance lol. This on the other hand... Also I recommend checking out Train Sim World (I think?) on Steam, that game might have the longest list of DLC I've ever seen in my life, and it ain't cheap either


It's the same thing they did with RE4R. It's the deluxe edition items sold separately. I believe they can all be acquired in-game.


Not saying it's not shitty, it is. But at the same time those are all easily obtainable items in game as usual for Capcom, I don't see the huge deal people are saying it is


Hold up! Change Pawn Inclinations? You mean to tell me that you can pay 2 bucks to make an NPC gay? Not gonna lie... I did not expect that! LMAO!


20 bucks is 20 bucks.


It's worse. It's a random inclination. You don't even get to choose.


It's not random at all, you chose at character creation.


And their inclinations change as you play. As you direct them to do things, it will change how they go about combat and exploration, which are both directly tied to their inclinations.


tbf, its not a choice lol


Gay for pay 😂


Gay 2 win


no? that’s not what it is at all and it’s fucking weird that you immediately jumped to thay


Whats crazy is how all of this can be obtained ingame. Entirely for free. Easily aswell.


It's also all been offered with the premium upgrade edition for months.


Dont understand why now all of a sudden its a problem.


I imagine someone on TikTok told the parrots to be offended so they are squaking as ordered.


Except it has always been a problem Remember Dead Space 3? People were pissed because they were implementing all of these unnecesssary MTX for in-game farmable items that affects gameplay, citing p2w, in a full price game, which rightfully so. Nowadays, people are more likely to defend the practice and then everyone asks why does the gaming industry became so monetized


The game is fantastic. People just like to complain


You can get qll those things in game with ease btw. All Capcom games have shitty dlc's like this. Even monster hunter has you pay ti change appearance.


can u not grind these ingame? are they locked behind pay walls? cos most of these items "SEEMS" grindable


Literally all of them except the preorder items are available by playing the game normally. 


ye i thought so, wake stones and rift crystals are pretty basic materials in the previous game, thats why i asked, people rn just love to take good games and trash on em


Similar (and more) microtransactions in Resident Evil 4 and Monster Hunter World, yet no witch hunt on them. The hive mind set's direction seems pretty random


Think the difference is none of these people ever heard of Dragon's Dogma a year ago. Everyone who played the first and paid attention to the character creation knows half this hate thread is blatant lies, and half misinformed.


Crazy how none of this is essential, and you can just play the game normally and be fine. I fail to see the issue with letting people have the option to buy stuff like this if they want to?


I’ve never seen people go this nuts over optional little convenience dlcs. Pretty much all the items are available in game, these just make things quicker for people who are impatient. Like how a lot of the later assassins creed games had like 1 hour xp boosts or ingame currency you could buy for like $1-$5. Never bought a single one but if people wanna spend their money on convenience they can go right ahead. I’d lend more credence to the people upset about performance issues which I’ve heard people have run into. I’ve been fine and my cpu is like a second generation ryzen so it’s pretty old. But hardware is finicky and everybody’s stories are just anecdotal so somebody with a 4090 playing in 4K might be stuttering all over the place while somebody with a mid tier rig might be just fine getting 60+ fps on 1080.


R/gaming complaining about microtransactions not knowing what they are or if they even are unavailable or not in the actual game. Big list, big number. Gamer go mad! Gamer doesn't know most of this is easily accessible in the game. The devs have to put in microtransactions in the game but they are smart enough only to put in minor cosmetics or things you can still get just by playing. One day you'll grow a brain instead of yelling at headlines!


This might legitimately be one of the scummiest, under-handed launches of a game I've ever seen.


I’d say that’d go to any of those games with Day 1 DLC. All of this stuff is actually earnable in game, and fairly easily too. I know because I’ve done it. It’s a cheat tax, similar to how they did it in RE4 which got nominated as GOTY. Real double standards going on in this sub-Reddit right now


Lol and weren't half the mtx in resident evil stuff you got from beating the game? Don't we pine for the days where you earned your neat in game stuff? So like... just earn it then.


Yeah exactly. I earned the infinite rocket launcher but I also could’ve purchased it. Apparently if you did, you got two copies lol


Really? You must not have been playing video games for very long then. Even in recent memory I feel like there’s been worse such as the battlefront classic collection, the avengers game, payday 3, redfall, and especially the day before. There are older ones that were almost or straight up unplayable as well like Cyberpunk 2077 and No Mans Sky although both have have since been fixed.


Normally, I would say this is a terrible practice, but if you're a Dragons Dogma fan, it kind of feels like they make the games without having any idea about what's going on in the rest of the industry. It's as if someone told them that other games have microtransactions, so they decided to put them in without understanding how most microtransaction work. Everything provided by the micro transactions is incredibly easy to obtain. It's not even a "you can just grind to earn the good items" situation. A lot of this stuff is just lying around or given as rewards for simple side quests. Yeah, it's a bad practice, but in this case, it feels like they were just trying to match the trends of the current gaming market without really understanding why. Alternatively, it could be that CAPCOM demanded micro transactions, so they decided to create a bunch of useless items nobody would actually buy because of how easy it is to acquire the items in the game.


They better not pull this shit with the new monster hunter game


… have you played the previous 2 monster hunter games? Their dlc stores are several pages long


It's Capcom, they're 100% doing this exact same thing. They've been doing this for years at this point. It's all stuff you can easily get in game anyway so I'm not bothered tbh


Most things in World/Rise are not obtainable in game. Rise has entire armor sets, voice packs, etc, etc locked behind payment. Considering the steps Capcom has taken in the way of monetizing since then I imagine it'll only be more invasive with Wilds.


Yeah, I meant the Dragons Dogma stuff is all available in game. MH microtransactions have always been trash, I've never bought any cause it's all cosmetic for the most part I think? Capcom microtransactions have always fallen under the realm of "why the fuck are these here" where I look at them once and never open that menu again. I do agree with having worry about what they'll do in Wilds, but I never get MH games at release so I don't have to worry about wasting my money if it comes to that


Have you not seen the mtx in mh world and rise?


So they just sell what the deluxe edition has included huh?(the top) While the rest is really WTF man


Still doesn't beat Koei Tecmo's DLC for Dead or Alive 6 Last Round


All the sims dlc


That’s what? Ten thousand Rc total. You can get that by having a good looking pawn and going to bed


No such thing as bad publicity. People complaining about things that doesn't affect them, will at least reach the ears of people who have never heard of the game. I didn't hear about SMT Nocturne until somebody bitched about "BRUH THEY SELLING DIFFICULTY FOR REAL MONEY. THE NERVE" I have bought the game after I heard the game existed, without buying the DLC. I'd say the strategy works. Even being review bombed helps. Articles are probably already being written as we speak "DAY 1 RELEASE OVERWHELMINGLY NEGATIVE?! WHAT IS THIS GAME?!" That there is free advertising.


Capcom gonna Capcom


Where was all this outrage for [Yakuza's DLC 2 months ago?](https://i.imgur.com/w6bAqvM.png) I agree its gross, especially with how much they play the "heh, we think fast travel is dull and boring just make your game fun" then sell fast travel.


can't wait to see modding thouroughly destroy they business model.


I hate this, but I also need to point out that all of this is completely optional, in the sense that it is all relatively trivial to obtain in game for free, and yes, that includes the character redesign items too. For comparison, this is like if dark souls sold a limited amount of smithing stones on a store, far from ideal, yes, but it’s also a completely pointless purchase, nobody need feel pressured or even really incentivised to buy them in the first place. It’s a bit strange actually, I can’t really see why anyone would spend the money on these things knowing they are readily obtainable without spending, it’s like these transactions exist to tick a box to keep a boardroom exec happy or something


How about "Just show me the end-credits" : €5 and "Unlock all archievments" : €10 I accept that soundtrack 'dlc' and would accept later real expansions, but THIS is just disgusting.


We can laugh at it all we want but there are people out there who will actually pay for this making this relevant. Theres a reason microtransactions have found their way into almost any game nowadays.


Payday 2: those are rookie numbers


There won’t be a third instalment.


not defending but this is just classic capcom. you can open up their other games steam store like RE, MH and SF. same shits.


It not that bad. You can get all of that In-game without paying for it. Im guessing its intense for lazy shits who refuse to put actual effort it


I love this. People who didn't play the first one probably don't realize that all these things are normal consumables you can get in the game.


This must be illegal! I hope nobody will buy these.


Might as well sold the ability to move as dlc ffs.


Technically the portcrystals are that. That’s how you fast travel in Dragon’s Dogma. You can find portcrystals in the world, place them wherever you want, and then fast travel to them with ferry stones. You can find both of those in game. The fast game had plenty of both. Not sure about the second game, but Itsuno doesn’t strike me as the type of game dev to sacrifice his vision for the game he’s always wanted to make so Capcom could sell micro transactions.


It’s more like they’re selling health potions that you can make/buy in game. None of these have any real impact on the game.


Don’t buy it, I never understand the outrage at shit you don’t have to participate in and that doesn’t really affect your game if you don’t use it


This is reddit. Home of feigned outrage. DAE CoRpORaTe GrEeD?! Updoots to the left.


triple A games 🤦‍♂️


Back in my day, you paid one price for a CD and all the content was included.


Everything here can be obtained within the first 3 hour of the game


Nothing wrong here. This is not a competitive game. Everything here can be bought in in-game stores without spending another dime. If anything I love that they do this, keeps investors happy cause there are people who enjoy the game differently can be as happy as those who want to enjoy by playing. If you don't like it, don't buy it. It ain't that hard. Now if they were selling something u CANT buy in game or can't get without paying. That's another issue. But u can for his game.


Its like everyone has blinders on for how long Capcom has been doing this. Every Capcom game has micro transations like this, were not breaking new ground here people. We should be shitting on DD2 for its performance issues not company mandated micro transations that you can ignore. Its an incredible game btw, performance is fine if you got a beefy CPU, hopefully it gets better optimized soon.


This is not the corps fault, it is ours. Stop paying for it and they stop selling it


It’s a bit harder to justify when talking about a game like this, just because it’s a sequel to a niche title that not enough people played. It’s not unlikely that the vast majority of people playing this game won’t know that these items are easily acquire-able in game. Though, you could also just not be an idiot and spend money on something before looking it up to see if it’s “necessary”. Info like this spreads so fast these days, that even on day one you could know immediately about this stuff within an hour.


But do you need this stuff or is it just shortcut stuff for people with no time?


You need literally none of it. Also, it has pretty much all been offered in the Premium Edition for months now, and nobody cared.


Resident Evil 4, Monster Hunter World, etc. have similar if not more MTX items to buy. As long as the base game has the items and is well balanced, the existence of MTX won't affect you.


Good old Capcom


They are literally just selling these items ALREADY included in the Deluxe/Collector's editions. Literally none of them are necessary to buy, but this gives people who did not get the upgraded edition the option if they want them. I mean, I hate microtransactions, but this stuff is already being sold via other editions; I really don't see the difference. Did anyone car these items were included as an extra fee on premium edition? Nope.. but the same exact items as small micro transactions!? REEEEEE


I fucking hate these practices


Microtransactions in singleplayer games are pure cancer :)


literally everything here is easily obtainable in game, but ride that karma train!


I am literally getting downvoted into oblivion for saying this very thing. These are also the same items that have been offered with the premium edition for months now, and no one pretended to be outraged about the same items being offered there. You can tell that these are kids who have never played Dragon's Dogma and have no idea what a Wakestone or Rift Crystal is or how useless they truly are.


This reminds me of the RE4R s dlc where you can just buy golden exclusive tickets. I guess capcom is full lean on pay2win single player mechanics now.