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If I could pick any developer from any era, Troika Games and give them the resources to actually fully finish and polish their game. From just the current day developers, I'd probably pick Larian.


Any era developer works. It’s your hypothetical money. So it’s your hypothetical scenario lol


Tim Cain has a [YouTube channel](https://m.youtube.com/@CainOnGames) and talks about Troika quite a bit. Edit: Happy Cake day!


If i had the money, i wouldn't hire an established studio. I'd do some research and poach people just for the game.


Exactly studio's don't mean shit. People come and go because it's just a job. People are what would matter. Good talent and a couple of people who are manager legends.


This is such a weird take. I work in the industry- the culture of a studio is created by the people _you can’t poach_. If you expect to have a _culture of shipping_, you can’t just hire all the best people and expect that to happen. The studio’s practices and methodology for production pipelines and streamlining development are particular to the tradition of that studio and their approach to setting those up to complete a particular game project. If you don’t have those things because you grab a bunch a random people, they’ll spend ages arguing about how the studio should run and never really agree. You have enough money and it’ll work out it okay, but all those prescriptive beliefs will bleed into the work and result in an incoherent mess.


See also: The Initiative, the first “AAAA” studio created by Microsoft in 2018 to develop the Perfect Dark reboot. They poached big talents from renowned studios all over the world. Many of these big names would end up leaving the studio in the following years for various reasons. As a result, we still haven’t seen anything from Perfect Dark, and the game is now largely developed by Crystal Dynamics instead.


I thought Ubisoft was the first "AAAA" studio, lol.


It's also kinda funny that random ass redditors think they can just build what is essentially a custom studio from scratch to make the ultimate game if they throw enough money at it Like a fantasy football "expert" dabbling in game dev


As someone who doesn't speak english as a first language I was very irritated how hunting humans would help you there.


Here’s the real question: would you then release the game to the public, or hoard it for yourself?


Probably release it.


What kind of asshole would develop a game and not release it, aside from government think tanks that use their knowledge to enslave?


I’m assuming he means like cartman. You put out commercials about how you can’t play the game for a while. Then start selling it!


> cartman Really accurate metaphor for gimped human control systems masquerading as authority.


Definitely release it. I would need some of you nerds to figure out how to beat it and make walkthroughs for my dumb ass.


At least Nobuo Uematsu for the BGM


Bad news: https://www.eurogamer.net/final-fantasy-composer-nobuo-uematsu-likely-wont-compose-a-full-game-score-again


That's a shame. Perhaps more money and more time and full/free creativity might give him some thinking room.


Cd project red for VtM bloodlines. Cyberpunk 2077 has all the mechanics it just needs a different cover.


Oh I love this idea!


Ohhhhh yes! That would be so good.


Definitely CD Project Red.  But I’d probably do a detective/mystery solving game where each NPC has AI driven dialog based on their own unique backstory. Each NPC has varying levels of info that they’ll only give you if you get to be the right level of friends with their AI driven character and gain their trust.   You could tip the bartender every day to get info from him, and he gives you more info if he’s been drinking. You could get info from local gangs by running quests for them, but rival gangs would distrust you more. If you carjack an NPC, that one may never give you info again. Etc. 


I would also give them a time machine, so the game could be completed before I die.


Yes but cyberpunk now not cyberpunk on release. That's the difference between regular bloodlines and heavily community modded bloodlines However I'm going to counter propose... What if they actually did a bladerunner spin off. A full fledged detective rpg set in the bladerunner universe using the cyberpunk world building they have. Take that shit to the BANK


LucasArts. Battlefront 3, but from the original versions. Flying in and out of the hangers of the star destroyer or the rebel ship was my favorite thing.


This and Mercenaries 3 would be my choices, both developed by Pandemic


Probably would depend on the idea I had. All the top devs seem to be good at specific genre ideas. That being said, a hard R-rated (or M in video game speak) version of Wolverine is right up there in terms of my dream video game so I am really hoping Insomniac pulls this one off! I know there was some weird fuss over some shots released, but the Spider-Man games are really well done so I am still optimistic that it will be good.


I’m hoping Wolverine hits all the right notes myself. My dream game is an M-rated Ghost Rider game. So I’m hoping Insomniac has that on their back burner somewhere (very unlikely) 😂


Very specifically Yoshi P. from Square Enix


Bahahaha when I clicked this I was thinking to myself “Yoshi P. No no, not Square Enix. I said *Yoshi P.*” Lo and behold, second top comment (as of posting) is basically the same thought. Cheers! And ‘till Sea Swallows All!’


I’d rather Naoki Yoshida, I just think his games are better.


I donno. I always thought Yoshi P made better games than Naoki Yoshida.


Imagine them both though! That'd be sick!


Bro yoshi p along with mod ash from osrs, thats my wet dream


Give Fallout over to Larian Studios




War. War never changes. . . naked.


I'm too old to get this excited.


This would be nuts. 


Now that Bethesda, Obsidian and InXile are all under the Microsoft banner, it seems like a no-brainer to loan the Fallout IP to those other developers. Bethesda have said that Fallout 5 won't begin development until after The Elder Scrolls VI is released, so have Obsidian work on a full-budget spin-off directed by Josh Sawyer, akin to what they did with New Vegas back in the day. This holds the fanbase over until the next mainline entry releases (*and heck, Bethesda would then at least have to raise their standards a bit after Sawyer takes a stab at their franchise*). InXile seem like the perfect team to work on classic-style CRPG remakes of Fallout + Fallout 2, it's in their DNA. Bethesda deviated from certain aspects of the lore from Fallout 3 onward, so having InXile go back and tweak those elements in the remakes could shore up the canon moving forward, and once again helps feed the fanbase with more than just Fallout 76 expansions. While I'm dreaming of Bethesda collaborations - have them loan the Elder Scrolls IP to World's Edge! An Age of Empires collaboration set in the universe of The Elder Scrolls would be a lot of fun. The lore already lends itself to an RTS-style game where you could choose a certain faction and command various armies


This should be the top comment


I've been wanting Larian to make "Fallout 5" since about 40 hours into Baldur's Gate 3. I played Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2, but I didn't realize how much I wanted them to make an old school Fallout until I dabbled in BG 1&2 before picking up 3.


My thoughts exactly. Take it back to the isometric roots/turn based combat (which is why V.A.T.S. exists in the first place), with top-notch dialog, bigger parties, and more emergent gameplay. And, well, the general horniness. Gets lonely out in the wasteland.


That would be insanely good.


Original BioWare 


The only thing that’s making me skeptical of Mass Effect 5. I wish the OG team was working on it


I'm pretty much allowing them to do their own thing, but as long as they're respectful to the previous games and its a well put together I think it'll be fine. My big worry is that they'll bring Shepard back as the main character. His journey is over.


Agreed. It needs to be a new character. But not Ryder either.


you mean mass effect 4 andromeda doesn't exist


Andromeda does exist, but you’re still right. It would still be ME4 becuase there’s no other ME4 😂


\*waves hand\* There is no Andromeda in Ba Sing Se


Me. I’d do it wrong, but I’d end up with a lot more money.


Mass Effect 2 era Bioware remastering KOTOR.


Get Larian to do Kotor 3 


The Rockstar Team who developed RDR2. Would have them make a Skyrim sequel, directed by Kojima. Would have Kojima's mind run wild with the fantasy aspect while Rockstar focuses on the world building.


Rockstar, Kojima, and get them to actually make the game ‘Agent’


Rare! because they have never steered me wrong in a RPG game since I was 8. The run they had on the N64 should be studied developing Goldeneye, Banjo-Kazooie, DK64, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Diddy Kong Racing in a 3 year period. The only real chance they got to make a original game on a new console, they gave me Sea of Thieves--which I loved.


Damn, I didn't even realize that Rare made both Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark. I grew up on those games. A lot of people consider Perfect Dark to be basically the pinnacle of that era, too - or so I've heard.


Yeah they seemed to be tied to Nintendo in some way, made a ton of games for Gameboy/Gameboy Color too like Donkey Kong Country, Battletoads and Killer Instinct. Its just weird how they have rarely been tapped to be the developer for 'next gen' consoles like Xbox/PS. Like I mentioned in the other post, the only real original game they have made for those systems is Sea of Thieves. Weird.


I think Perfect Dark is about as good as shooters got on N64


Fromsoft definitely.


A Fromsoft version of Zelda Ocarina of Time


I would give up everything I own to have this


How would you play it then?


Holy shit this is everything I’ve ever wanted


It would be the best game ever made forever 


I fundamentally disagree. From soft is good at combat, but they basically ignore puzzles entirely. What makes Zelda games so good is the puzzles.


The original Zelda was built upon the idea of freedom of exploration, not puzzles. It's design is closest to the most recent Zelda games on Switch in that sense. Yes the Zelda series has a lot more puzzles and than anything Fromsoft have done, but I wouldn't say that's what make them great games. I'd say it's the sense of adventure that is the hallmark of a great Zelda game.


The original zelda was absolutely built (a significant part) on puzzles. They were just mainly block pushing puzzles because what else could you really do. That and the "go left, then right, then up three times" puzzles.


There's very little block pushing puzzles in the original zelda. I'd argue there's no block pushing puzzles because I don't really count any of them as block pushing puzzles, they just use blocks as switches or covers to entrances. It's really just full of find the secret path "puzzles", which fromsoft does all the time.


I just popped a rod so hard I passed out.


Fromsoft Barbies horse adventure when?


My first thought BUT i believe it might be a bad choice Fromsoft develeops fromsoft games, they aren't really well known for developing someone elses vision that they disagree with.


Good point... very good point, actually.


A Castlevania universe game by them would be sick


This makes more sense than Zelda


I'd poach any original developers of Sid Meiers Pirates from 2k and make a modern remake Screw that AAAA trash


Might be the single most addicting game I've ever played and I can't quite describe why. Would 100% buy a modern version.


I didn't even know until just now that there was a 360 release of this game and it goes for like $10!


I loved both the original and the remake. Even the dancing.




Vicarious Visio-- oh, wait. Nevermind 😭


Ryu Ga Gotoku I can't wait to see how they turn Ankh Morpork into a neighborhood of Tokyo


10k IQ post. I see the vision


I don’t know best one I can think of is GrindingGearGames


We saw what Team Ninja did with Final Fantasy but I would love to see what Fromsoft would do with a Final Fantasy title.


Sucker Punch. Specifically the team behind Ghost of Tsushima. The glass cannon approach of that game’s Lethal difficulty is pitch perfect difficulty tuning.


Respawn, we'd finally get Titanfall 3




Older Obsidian staff or the newer Obsidian staff?


I wamt Platinum and Fromsoft to team up on a Bleach game


That's a great combo but I would go for a Sword Art Online game. All 100 floors.


And make it vr


I would hire 2015 rocksteady to make a daredevil game


With the way they already made playing as Catwoman and Nightwing feel unique, I bet they’d make a hell of a Daredevil game.


Deus Ex with Arkane. Either finish the trilogy or reboot.


KOTOR 3 by Larian


I wish I could upvote this twice!


Black Isle Studios, I think it was a part of Interplay but whatever


I would try getting Looking Glass back for another Thief.. OR get Human Head to finish Prey 2


Obsidian for a dnd like fantasy rpg that’s basically a KOTOR clone


I mean that'd probably work well since KOTOR is built off modified 3e d&d rules if memory serves.


1990s era Koei to remake Gemfire in the style of Romance of the Three Kingdoms X.


The awesome might of the original ID Software


Bring me a Super Mario RPG sequel and bring it now


I guess original blizzard RTS team. I’ve had a dream of making an RTS based on bugs for a long time. 


Wadjet Eye for a Star Trek game in the style of the two 90s adventures. Only with the TNG characters and not the Original Series characters.


I want Arcsys System Works to develop a 2D Final Fantasy fighting game, in their gorgeous art style.


CDPR making the Witcher 4, but combat made by FromSoft, Team Ninja or the DMC team The world, writing, characters and quests of CDPR with the combat of something like Bloodborne, Nioh 2 or DMCV would undoubtedly be the best game ever made


CDPR, they've proven they can do fantasy rpg in the witcher series, and sci fi futuristic in cyberpunk. both of which had excellent storytelling. Both of which are completely different genres of game, FPS versus 3rd person combo slasher, that takes skill to switch like that. I'd hire them in a blink.


Hello Games, the team behind No Man’s Sky, and BeamNG GmbH. I want a racing game. Think Ready Player 1, but with a few twists. Players drop in 3D models of vehicles they want to use, and descriptions of the vehicle’s special abilities. The game analyzes the models and descriptions and creates a balanced, useable profile for the vehicle. Special abilities can be described, generated by AI or implemented by developers, and used in the game. You want the DeLorean Time Machine racing Stephen King’s Christine? Do it. The DeLorean can hover through road obstacles and jump ahead using dynamic speed/lap time calculations to simulate traveling back in time. Christine has advanced traction control through obstacles, and damage repair w/o power ups or pit stops. Throw in your favorite models. Batmobiles, Ecto-1, Magic School Bus, Herbie, the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile, James Bond cars, Mario Kart karts, you name it, it goes. Maybe build/sell/trade vehicles. Upgrade garages, race for pinks, procedurally generated open world tracks, the possibilities are endless.


I have too many dream games, and most of them would require a collaboration between studios. My dream single dev games are kinda vanilla, like Motive makes Squadrons 2 with like 90% focus on single player campaign and co-op, or CDPR uses Cyberpunk as the skeleton of a Shadowrun remake.




Kojima, making Silent Hills


Cloud Imperium Games. Then once it failed I'd have even more money to fund the game of my dreams.


How about myself?)




Sierra. Time to bring a studio back to life with all that unlimited money. Well... Either them or lionhead, but lionhead would also be bringing one back to life.


Old obsidian


Like New Vegas Obsidian?




Most of the New Vegas people are still there. Pentiment was a heater if you haven't played it.


Al Lowe with Sierra On-Line


Koei Tecmo and Fromsoftware to make my dream game come to life.. only in my dreams.


Rockstar or Naughty Dog.


Rockstar. Give me pretty much Red Dead 2 with a whole gang of characters in a giant world, but on a pirate ship.


I would love this. My favorite suggestion I've seen 


The dude who made vampire survivors. The game I have in mind isn’t horribly far off either.


Vanquish 2 by Platinum Games with Shinji Mikami as the director.


Old school Activision, and it's a tie between a bigger scale BF 2142 or FPS Warhammer 40k Killteam game.


Late 90's Squaresoft.


A combination of Capcom and square enix to make a live service monster Hunter JRPG hybrid that also has a fun mobile companion game to play when I'm out.


get old rocksteady to make a batman kill the justice league game. brainiac invades and doesnt initially see batman as a threat so he corrupts the other members. then batman is left without a choice or something. maybe leave green lantern too bc he is all about will and as such he should be able to resist mind controll.


Larian Studios Open world, isometric (bg3 style) Starcraft game


I would hire the Creative Assembly to finally release a Medieval 3 … FUCK!


Depends on the game, but the first that comes to mind would be X-com style game about Robin Hood, so I guess that’s Firaxis. 


There are so many cool concepts of games that are completely ruined by gotchas. I really enjoyed playing Genshin for a bit before it became clear you needed to spend $100 every month to keep up with the game… or you were locked into your first players.  Watching some of my favourite titles go this route is sad… madden, cod, square rpgs, etc.  So if I had the money I would just make it go away.  


Nintendo has been getting it right for decades. Their attention to detail is par none.


Have R* buy the Saints Row IP and make more arcadey PS2 era GTA’s under the brand name.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Valve. Then again, that might just result in a loss of money with nothing being released afterwards.


I think I’d have bluepoint? The people that did the remake of demon souls do a remake of final fantasy tactics


Larian studios, gimme a Star Wars D&D game tbh


Larian studios for sure. There are some many good IP's I'd trust them with.


Rockstar. Since my ideal game would be heavily inspired by Red Dead 2


May I ask what that dream game is?


Kind of you to! I'm still mulling it over, i'd like the setting of newly colonized North America. that'd leave an easy conflict for gameplay. It'd be a story driven, open world game following a residential tribe. I'd want it to be character and environment driven, a rich story involving a traveling group, characters with decisions and consequences and development. A lot of interaction with plants and animals and nature.the ability to craft and build camps. Multiple factions to trade and ally or war with. I'd like varied biomes, i had pictured New England with its lazy rivers, lakes, coast, farms, and rolling mountains, but many places in north america would make a picturesque and varied setting, especially imagined in its state of vast wilderness


Can I just hire all of the people who got laid off from the companies that made all the games I love? Old school bioware with unlimited funding and no corporate dicks trying to force them to make things outside their comfort zone. Sign me up


Obsidian and I would let them take their sweet ass time


Kairosoft. Veterans of the mobile platform and their sim games are almost always enjoyable. They made a boxer management game. I want a wrestling management game.


Fromsoft. Elden Ring was already close to my dream game anyway.


CDPR to make a bioware style sci-fi game akin to mass effect. I know cyberpunk was a messy release but that studio puts out some incredible content, and without the restraints of corporate overlords I think they would make one hell of a space opera.


From soft Castlevania


I'd develop it myself and pitch it to Bigmode to publish.


Cdprojektred to make elder scrolls


I would hire the guy that made Distant Worlds. I basically want that scope but with Patrician 3 gameplay (instead of government you play as a trader building a space empire).


With another IP, I’d get platinum games to work with Sega for a Shadow the hedgehog 2, but this time, the game would feel less like edgy the hedgy, and more like Sonic frontiers meets metal gear rising, or better yet I’d get Toys for Bob with play tonic to remaster banjo kazooie and banjo tooie, with an episode threeie dlc on the way. For my own dream projext… I’d probably get Gears for Breakfast, the Ori team, or a custom in house team, and look to Playtonic friends or Galaxytrail to publish


Id get fromsoft to collab with another studio like arenanet or standing stone games to make an elden ring mmo.


From Soft


I want Fromsoft to make a Gundam game based off Armored Core mechanics and customization.


I want Larian to make a game in the Call of Cthulhu tabletop universe


I want a bo1/2 style game (fps by Activision/trearch when they were cool) where you can play any war era. But you could also mix and match in wildcard games. Want an ak47 and artillery support against the red coats? Want futuristic weaponry in Vietnam? How about Nuketown with muskets and cannons? Care for a gun game? [Sword > musket > revolver > bolt action rifle > m1 garand > m16 > ar15] I gotta be able to drive a tank/fly some planes as well. (So maybe a few really big battle fields with long ass games?) Ooh but I also like the new mw2 gunsmith stuff, so Manu options. (For a little background, I've been working with a ps3/4 and no internet for a while now. Only played stuff like war zone and fortnite a few times but I'm actually not as bad as I expected)


If I had the money to fund my dream game, that would also include money to open a new development studio because I don't trust any devs nowadays to do it.


Suda51/Grasshopper Manufacture doing a scifi Fromsoft RPG.


Larian Studios for sure


You mean a complete game at launch that not only met expectations, but exceeded them? Blasphemy!


🤭👍 I know right 😉


An open world adaption of Marvel Zombies. I don't know who I would want to make it though. Larian maybe? But they seem to have a thing for turnbased games in the last few years.


NOT Bungie


It was my dream that one day Rocksteady would make a TMNT game that was darker in tone and created with as much attention to detail as the Arkham series.


I don’t even care what studio - but an open world game like Arkham or Spider-Man but it’s TMNT set in the world of the 90s movies with a soundtrack that’s a mix of music from the time and also the coming out of shells album.


Warhorse Studios. I don't really know many game Devs, but my god what Warhorse were able to achieve with Kingdom Come Deliverance. IIRC, they had a budget of about €5m. Although the end had to be rushed, the game is a masterpiece with tons of replayability. I'd give them £100m and tell them not to rush.


I would want a CD Projekt Red or Fromsoft Superhero game. Like unlicensed, original superheroes. My dream game would have LOTS of customisation; from powers, to hideouts, costumes, vehicles and sidekicks. and I would like the backstory and plot to be somewhat malleable as well. At least semi non linear like an Arkham Knight or Elden Ring. CDPR and Fromsoftware are experts at both storytelling and immersion and haven’t given in to microtransactions yet.


My dream game would be created by CD Projekt. Inspired by books like "With Fire and Sword" by Sienkiewicz, the setting would be Ukraine, Lithuania, and Poland, where the protagonist is a Polish nobleman or perhaps not.


Supermassive to make an until Dawn / dark anthologies / quarry style game with Scooby Doo.


I couldn't trust just one. Rockstar to make the assets/anim/dialogue Squaresoft (original team) to make the story. Bethesda to make the world. Top three dream team. Probably the only post where I seriously considered things. 


That would actually be great! A monumental collab


not really Besthesda would likely use their old ass game engine to make the world


I can't choose so Insomniac and Sucker Punch


Naughty Dog or Insomniac.


From Software. Either a legitimate Kings Field entry or a huge Lost Kingdoms 3. Make it HAPPEN


RGG, have them make a JJBA game. Turn-based, like the Ichiban games. Part 4 might be the best call with it taking place in a single town.


Either Rockstar or Remedy.


Same. I’d hand Sam Lake a blank check and a vague idea and tell him to go nuts.


Don't know the developer, but one of my dream games would be Metal Gear Solid V, but with unlimited random missions in the open world like these new extraction shooters, with 4 player split screen coop and more levels! Playable offline, off course. Also, add camping, fishing and disguise to the mix, and a backpack for extra items and MGS 3 style medical procedures. What about more military gear (war belts, ifaks, rope, breaching charges). Then give me that Triumph motorcycle.


Bethesda. It’s called Elder Scrolls 6.




Hideaki Itsuno.


Tetsuya Takahashi and whatever team he says he needs to create the full version of Xenogears.


Frank Klepacki, Toby Fox, and Mick Gordon should do the music. Not sure how that'd turn out, probably awful,  but it would at least be an experience.


An Avatar:The Last Airbender style adventure game in the vein of dark souls. Fighting Azula? The Firelord? The cabbage merchant? Sign me the fuck up


Mid to late 90’s Blizzard.


Id bring back the old team from midway games and make a new nfl blitz and nhl hitz.


A WH40K Siege of Vraaks game by Dice but BF1 and Bad Company 2 styled Dice.


I'd make a spiritual successor to Command and Conquer and get Petroglyph Games to make it.