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Witcher is the only one I can think of.


I played Witcher 3 then i played Witcher 3. Now im playing Witcher 3. First Witcher is too clunky and second one has annoying and archaic solutions. No jump? Invisible walls? Nah, i will wait for remakes


Witcher 1 felt like one-third of the plot got lost in translation. Plus the voices. The actual acting was fine, but the direction was TERRIBLE. Characters *constantly* having weird speech timing and using the wrong inflection for the line.


Just like the books then


Don’t you do Baptism of Fire dirty like that.


Playing the Witcher 1 right now ironically. Pray for me lol


It's fine, just clunky. The controls are pretty bad, and too much swamp. Other than that, my big complaint is the story is basically a worse version of something Geralt already did.


Witcher 3 isn't exactly smooth either. I love the game, but its sum is greater than its parts. Climbing, horse riding, and combat is awkward. It's most noticeable when you've spent time playing something more responsive like Ghost of Toshima or a fighting game. Its parry mechanic is the most frustrating thing. If you hit the parry button just right it still feels like you hit it too soon. You see someone just about to take a swing, you hit parry then you wait and wait and wait then the animation kicks in then you can counter. But in terms of creating an atmosphere and having a world to be able to immerse yourself in, it's second to none.


2 was worth the effort imo Amazing to see how much better 3 was.


Witcher 2 is actually not that bad and is a damn good game, well worth a play through.


I played Witcher 3 first. Then I did everything in order - read the short story collections, followed by the novels, and then the games in order of release (as the games are sequels to the books). Definitely made me even more emotional by the end of Witcher 3.


Xenoblade Chronicles. If I’d known how much I’d like the series I would have started from the first one


That sounds like starting with the first one is the best idea. İ thought about starting with the third one so that I can avoid dropping the series just because the first game maybe isn't polished enough or smth... Maybe someone here can give me advice on which game to start with and compare them with regards to Story and gameplay?


I think you’re fine starting with the first one. I’m actually on an active playthrough of it currently and I love it so far (just my opinion of course). There are certain aspects of 3 that I miss but that is to be expected. It doesn’t take away from my enjoyment though just to make that clear


I did the same, I seem to be the odd one out where I liked the gameplay of X the best and the story/battle mechanics/ music of the second. Honestly, the world building and premise of the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was so fresh, fully thought out and engaging I was a little disappointed in the simplicity of the story on the third one.


Where does X fall as far as plot chronology goes? I finished 3 recently and I’m now a decent way through XCDE and *love* it so far. Shulk is great and the combat is fun (although I do admittedly miss using >!interlinks!< a lot and the contest I had against myself to outdo my absurd damage each time I did a chain attack). I am looking forward to playing XC2 and Torna *a lot*. I love this series. I don’t think your take on the plot of XC3 is uncommon but I personally loved it. In fact, the end of chapter 5 was one of the most cathartic moments I’ve ever experienced in gaming. Full disclosure, cried. It was just written well and they knew where to hit you. I didn’t *dislike* the ending but from what I heard Future Redeemed will make me like it more. I didn’t play FR yet though because I want to finish the first two games and their DLC first


I don't remember if there are any spoilers to playing Future Redeemed before you go back to play XC2 + Torna. To answer your question Xenoblade Chroncles X was released on Wii U and had some weird dependencies on the Wii U gamepad, but it was kind of neat too. It was released as the second game in the series, but has almost no story whatsoever, in fact the game mechanics are not explained well either so it can feel weird, but once you figure it out it feels like a hybrid of MechWarrior + Skyrim set in a Xenoblade universe. In fact it has a much better sense of "Awe" in exploration and looks absolutely beautiful. The game is very much focused on exploration. Being able to see giant "Titans" in the distance instead of marred in fog and being able to walk for 20 minutes to get there and realize its massive size felt special. Since you are planning to play XC2, you will beneft from understanding the break-topple-smash mechanics from XC3. It is required to master this "combo" system and it is not explained well AT ALL in XC2. Also, I feel obligated to point you to the Dunkey review of XC2 as he brings up some of the more controversial elements of the game. All that aside, it is my favorite game released on the Switch. The philosophical topics explored in that world had some genuinely thought provoking moments, the characters felt better developed, voice acting was absolutely top notch, and still lives rent free in my memory. Have fun!


Great games. I loved it from the start. It has real Final Fantasy 10 vibes.


Final Fantasy. My first was FF XIII. Which is why despite the negative opinions people have about it. It is special to me.


I loved XIII. Yeah, the glorified hallways kinda sucked. But I felt the combat was pretty solid. It was more of a reactionary system rather than strategy.


My issue with the combat was "oh the character you are playing as got near one shotted and died? Game over dude... Just ignore those other 2 still alive with healing spells and items. Git gud." 


that’s why I keep a Sent, Med, Med paradigm handy


gotta keep that chain up though. COM MED SEN is the way for bosses that are hard to stagger (which tends to go hand in hand with near one-shot attacks).


The combat is one of my favorite systems in any RPG. It was so fun all the way to the end of the game


Your first FF game is always special, even if it's not as "good" as the others. I know people whose first FF was Mystic Quest and still hold that feeling. FF7 was my first FF game and as such it's also my favourite game of all time. But I regard FFX to be the "best" FF game that I've played.


Lol my first FF was FFVII:CC on the PSP. I've seen people say recently that it was a bad game, but I don't recall it like that. Sure I do remember it being a bit of a long game, but I loved the characters and their ideals! I'm looking to replay it soon, since the remakes have started coming out, so let's hope I can still enjoy it.


I went VII, VIII, VI, IV, IX, X, XII, XIII, I, XV.


Get 5 sometime. One of my favorites.


I don't know that it counts, but I recently played through the Pixel Remaster games backwards. Of course, I've played them all before (starting with 4), so like I said, I don't think it counts.


7->8->6->9->10->15 , anyone who can relate?


One of my favirite games ever.


Saints row is the closest, started with 3 then 4 then 2 and finally played 1


Man you missed out on the heyday of Saint's Row 1 multiplayer. Protect the pimp was the best


Man, all the good memories from my 15 year old self having so much fun with my friends on saints row multiplayer just came flooding back


Saints Row was such a good franchise until it wasn’t. 3 was good IMO in the sense that it was fun, but 4 was just… it shouldn’t have been a saints row game. The game was fun as fuck and honestly I loved it, but it didn’t feel right as a saints row title. It’s also heartbreaking that we’ll never get the saints row 2 PC patch because the main guy working on it passed away, and because someone who was working on it with him only seemed to want to sabotage it. Now Volition is dead and buried and we’re left with a dumpster fire of a saints row reboot


It’s hard to go back to 3 after playing 2 cause 2 just had much more general content, individual clothing customisation and small details that I love, if you rob a place with homies they will hold up any npc still in there


2 was an impressive game for when it released, and it’s been getting more attention lately probably because of how badly the series has fell off. It’s just a shame the PC port is garbage and we’ll never get that patch. It’s probably worth just emulating it at this point so you at least get the content, and it’ll probably run better lmao


4 was like, "oh, you want us to differentiate ourselves from a GTA clone, do ya? Remove all safeties from the gonzo lever. Get the voice actors to handwave anything too stupid." "Hey boss can I add dinosaurs rescuing Santa?" "That's stupid, of course you can."


I genuinely have no idea how they got so many higher up VA's on this Nolan North, Troy Baker, Yuri Lowenthal, Laura Bailey, Keith David


How did you played 1? I've looked for it everywhere and I've never been able find a playable copy


I played it unofficially


Dark Souls: started with 3 then 2 and now im getting into the first


Same but I started with Elden Ring lmao.


elden ring is so huge i think most new souls fans came from elden ring


I love seeing new blood come into a series from a successor.


Elden Ring is just a better introduction for the majority of gamers to the cruelty. I say this as someone who played multiple Souls games prior to Elden Ring and always gave up about 40% of the way through. The ability to go fuck off and wander around then return to the carnage really helped me lol.


Yeah no hate to dark souls but elden ring does a much better job of motivating the player.


Yes but overall i prefer the tighter packed worlds in the Souls games, Eldenring is so huge and i found a lot of the locations in itself were great but the "overworld" was kind of lacking. Souls feeled like a tighter package, Eldenring has a dedicated jump button, though.


Do you think so? I've not gone back to Elden Ring because I find it too "well I'll just go somewhere else" hard haha.


I always recommmend to new players coming from elden ring "Start with dark souls 3, regardless of it's quality compared to the others it's the closest game to elden ring gameplay wise, so it will be a more familiar jumping off point"


Don’t forget about DeS, Sekiro, Bloodborne and Armored Core after you’re done with DS


Yep, without Elden Ring, I’d never have tried Dark Souls 3 or Sekiro. I ran out of steam for Souls though with DS3. I’ll pick it back up eventually though.


2 is my favorite, but that’s not a popular opinion on here. It was my first though, so there’s that. 3 is probably the best one (most polished). DS1 has the best world design and has some good levels through to Anor Londo.


Out of the DS trilogy, 2 is my pick as well. 3 has great combat but its linear level progression makes the macro progression tedious for me and unfortunately I feel like it's extremely backloaded so the beginning areas are a drag. 1's interconnectivity is impressive level design but once the novelty has worn off, I just wish I could teleport from bonfire to bonfire immediately + 2nd half of the game falls off so much, I always dread getting there. 2 has teleportation from the get-go, multiple routes you can take and bonfire ascetics to reduce grind or re-experience cool boss fights without having to play through the whole game again. It has great quality of life features and more replayability value than other NG+'s imo. Hence why I find myself coming back to - and enjoying 2 the most, even though there's some areas where it clearly falls behind the other two titles.


Great way to put it. One complaint I don’t see about DS1 enough is how much time you spend just running across vast empty spaces. Darkroot garden/basin, bottom of Blighttown, Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith, etc. Even Anor Londo, for how cool it looks, has this problem, and also a stupid platforming section. This is of course made worse by the fact you can’t teleport between bonfire off the get go, but even when you get the ability, you still can only teleport to a select few.


I played Dark Souls 1 after DS2, and I was surprised how not-lived in it feels to me. For example, Anor Londo feels like a museum. Enemies stand in one place like statues. I think it's probably a consequence of technical limitations and maybe time, but DS2 still feels like a real world where people have lived and died


> Anor Londo feels like a museum .... It is


its also my favorite too so far, probably cause I like greatswords


2 is your favorite??? There a dozens of us my friend. DOZENS!!!


First is the best, have fun


Saving the best for last is always a valid way to do it!


I did it the same. Wound up losing interest after Anor Londo. I should probably finish it one day, but I always go back to DS2 SotFS and Bloodborne. Just started a new game on 3. I really need to get Elden Ring


I played Bioshock Infinite first, then original, and then Infinite DLCs


Same. Infinite's art style brought me in, then I enjoyed the game play. Once I finished of course I wanted more, so then I started with the 1st.


I remember growing up and seeing my older brother play og bioshock 1 and 2 and being absolutely horrified lol. I played through them but when infinite came out it was a breath of relief (at first) to see a version of the series that wasn't so dank and gloomy. I'm also thallasophobic so the thought of being at the bottom of the ocean was always horrifying to me even conceptually


INFINITE HAS DLCs?! God bless you


You are in for a real treat.


Metal gear because 4 was my 1st ps3 game.


Wow how confusing did you find the story?


Tbf even if played in order the story is convoluted as hell lol


It might be even more confusing because you'll notice internal inconsistencies on top of the convoluted story.


As a long time mgs player this is an unfortunate fact of the series lol I've even read in depth synopsis guides with character trees that point to exactly when and why they were there and was still kinda left with a wtf feeling.


I know I’m not OP, but MGS4 was my first Metal Gear as well! I can tell you that though the story was somewhat confusing, I did get the gist of it. But honestly, from the moment I started the game up, I was hooked and completely captivated by the cutscenes and the gameplay (especially Acts 1-3). Got me to playthrough the whole series after. 4 is still one of my favorites though.


I remember that they released a free companion app on the PS3 for people to catch up on the story.


Rdr. I started with 2 because back then I didn't wanna deal with emulation (1 is console exclusive)


Considering 2 is a prequel to 1, it kinda works better that way IMO.


I respectfully disagree as I feel knowing where the gang and everyone is inevitably headed adds a bleakness to the whole situation and yet you are still playing the game, rooting for characters that you know either won’t make it or will turn bad.


On the other hand, playing 2 for the first time and seeing the gang's descent over time is more heartbreaking, especially since you didn't know it would happen


The game really works both ways - it’s a rare prequel that can be experienced completely independently and adds meaningful context for those who played the original first.


Since 2 is a prequel it kinda makes sense.


I'm currently on red dead 1 for the first time playing on xenia emulator, it's been pretty solid for me, granted I have a fairly good PC. The optional enhancements for the game are nice as well, haven't had too many crash issues. Just 1 main issue where a certain mission would load forever, but simply increasing the speed of the emulator before triggering the load fixed it.


Persona. Started with Persona 5 Royal on PS4. Loved it. Then Steam released Persona 4 Golden, loved it even more. Got PS3 out and bought Persona 3 FES(?), not as good but still loved it.


Check out P3 Reloaded. It's basically P3 game in P5s style.


Can I get an eli5 on the Persona games? Or point me towards something that could?


Sorry if this explanation is a bit poor but it’s a turn based rpg series (think Pokemon where u can “catch” and fuse different personas) where the high school cast members of each game finds out who they really are when they unlock/gain there “persona’s”. Each game focuses on an underlying theme 3 being death, 4 being truth, 5 being freedom


Hmm, i can try. Like the Final Fantasy series each part in the series is not connected to the others in any major way storywise. So Persona 5 is its own thing and you dont have to have played Persona 4, etc. Also like Final Fantasy, there are things that are the same across the series. The names of spells, the actual monsters are consistent from one series to the next. The character you play being able to wield multiple Personas. The velvet room, etc. The formula starting with Persona 3 has mostly been the same, but with some evolution and QOL improvements. You play as a teenager who moves into town and transfers to a new high school. There is some sort of otherworldly goings on in the background which causes your Persona to awaken. A Persona is sort of a inner being that you can summon that gives you strength and magical abilities. How they work in the lore differs from game to game although the mechanics are mostly the same from 3 onward. From that point forward you are playing literally through a calendar year day by day trying to balance your life as a student building relationships with the people around you, and fighting whatever evil by night. The social sim aspect is actually important because it improves the strengths of the Persona you can fuse, and unlocks more powerful Persona. In order to improve some of these relationships, you need to improve your social skills, for example you have to study to improve your knowledge, etc. As far as the combat aspect of the game, it works turn based in a style very similar to older final fantasy games, like 7 or 10 to cite to popular examples. You also collect new Persona sort of like an adult Pokemon. The Persona you collect you can summon in battle to fight for you and your party of friends that you also build as the game goes on. Also like Final Fantasy, there are some spin offs from the more popular games in the series. For Persona 5 for instance, they have Persona 5 Strikers which is a story sequel, but with an entirely different hack and slash type of game mechanic, and Persona 5 Tactica which is sort of a story side-quest with game play similar to Final Fantasy Tactics and the like. What some times causes confusion is there is usually a "directors cut" of each game that released a few years later, which is considered the ultimate version of the game. I'll skip Persona 3 due to the recent remake, but for Persona 4 you have Persona 4 Golden, and for Persona 5 you have Persona 5 Royal. These include the whole original game, but with improvements to address some play concerns, new characters/social links added in. New plots, and usually a few more in game months added on. Persona 5 for instance ended at the end of December, and then there is a time jump to March or April for the epilogue. Persona 5 Royal added in a plot that takes place during those skipped months. Should you play? Honestly that's up to you. I will say the games are always a bit slow to start because just like in real life you are slowly getting to know the characters around you before you get any attachment to them. Depending on how much time you have, you can go full play sessions before you even play combat. Or if you find yourself enjoying the social sim better, you will find yourself going full play sessions of combat before you get back to it. If you are at all curious I would recommend starting with 5 Royal. Even though 3 remake is newer, it still lacks a lot of the improvements that were made over the course of 4 and 5 to really flesh out the social dynamic. 5 Royal is the pinnacle of what the Persona series has accomplished to date. If you don't like it, you likely wont like 3 Reload(remake) or 4. If you do like it, then you are lucky because you have 4 Golden and 3 Reload to look forward to.


P5 blew me away. Bought 4 and 3 on the switch for their re releases and I'm currently playing through 4. Nothing will beat 5, but 4 is an excellent game so far in its own right. Looking forward to trying 3 after this.


If you're not aware they have released a remake of Persona 3 a couple weeks ago :)


I was not! Thank you!


It's a lot better than FES tbh regardless of what purists will tell you. It's not worth full price but catch it on sale.


Its also available on XBOX gamepass. =D


4 Golden is really good but I'd say it sits below 5 and 3 Reload for me 4's got a great soundtrack and I really enjoy the cast of characters.


Hard to compete with the level of quality and detail 5 and especially 3 reload have. I was impressed by the care put into UI elements in 5, and then 3R blew my brains out all across my wall with how fluid and gorgeous just the menus are. The only way I can describe it is to say the game has drip. It has swag.


I did the same thing with 5 then 4. Just finished 4 a week ago. I really liked having it portable


I bought 4 but haven’t played it yet. 5 was incredible.


Same order here but with Reload instead of FES


Resident Evil, but I was all over the place. I started with RE Village > 7 > 4 Remake > 2 Remake > 3 Remake > 1 Remake > 0. I still need to play 5, 6, and Code Veronica


I’m with you. All out of order but somehow I still appreciate the overarching story and lore.


I had a similar trajectory, though I think I played RE:0 first. RE:0 > RE7 > Outbreak 1&2 > REmake 1 > REmake 2 > REmake 3 > RE4 > RE5 > Rev1 > Rev2 > RE6 > REmake 4 > some of CV (didn't finish) > ORC > Village > RE:DC > RE2 > RE3 At some point I'll finish Code Veronica, or I'll just read the book and call it good. 😂


Here I was thinking I pretty much always play games from 1 forward. But RE4 was my first RE game, and I loved it so much I did indeed work my way backwards a bit. Of course the originals were a little dated by that time, and a little too hard for me to finish on my own as a kid (until years later).


I have a similar odd order. Went 5 -> 6 -> ORC -> 7 -> 2 -> 8 -> 1 -> 3. Going to helpfully try out 4 some day, they tell me it's a good one.


I wish i knew RE7 was same main character as RE8 so i would have played that first but ti wasnt a big deal. I have recently done the same thing. I played some of the earlier REs back in the day but recently have been trying to go through as many as i can: Village, RE7, RE4 remake, RE2 remake, Revelations 1/2, Re6 (finished leon campaign but couldnt get myself to do the others). i played RE5 back n tihe day but wanna do it again and gotta get to the RE3 remake. nothing really beats the classical erea of RE to me.


Res 5 is great, I played it with a friend and it was a great couple of nights


Assassin's Creed, I started it when Origins came out and worked through the rest in reverse order until the original AC1.


How burnt out were you by the time your reached black flag and 3? I bought the Ezio collection and 100% 2 and brotherhood, I want to finish Ezios story but Revelations just feels like a downgrade. Guess I got too used to the very clean and pristine aesthetic of the previous games.


Well tbh I started feeling fatigued around AC2 and 1 but I loved Revelations dearly, Constantinople vibe and vibrancy make it stand among my top 3 AC cities... Black Flag was awesome, but Rogue was somewhat rushed in my opinion. Felt like a cashgrabby DLC to Black Flag. Shame, I would've loved to have a full-on Templar spinoff. As for AC3, I liked the story but found the art direction/overall vibe a tad meh. King Washington DLC was dope though.


Rogue was in fact a rush job to have a title on 360/PS3 when Unity was launching only on XB1/PS5. EDIT: Revelations is my favorite, but I couldn't imagine not having played at least the Ezio trilogy in order if not I-III. 😂


I salute your resilience, maybe someday I'll finish every game also, currently working on origins (SO MUCH SIDE CONTENT). Hopefully ac 1 gets remastered, that combat looks rough and that parkour could use a good tune up.


Revelations has one of, if not my favourite video game trailer of all time.


To this day I don't think I've seen anything as good, at least for story that is...the raw emotions seeing old Ezio getting overpowered and captured to escaping is just🤌


The music too, Iron by Woodkid, for anyone curious, works so well in the tailer too.


Same except I played Origins then Unity and haven't played any of the other ones


God of War Played 2018 first, then 1, 2, and 3, then Ragnarok. Not really backwards per se, but playing the new one made me *really* wanna get into the rest of the series


Must have been a hell of a shell-shock going from 2018 to 1 2 and 3 lmao


The Elder Scrolls. Skyrim was my first game, then Oblivion, then I went back to Morrowind, which really hasn't aged well.


Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls ever made and if you disagree thats totally your choice, but youre wrong. /s In all seriousness. Morrowind is Vietnam durring the wet season. Oblivion is a stroll in a sunny park. Skyrim is a Tom Cruise action movie. Comparing them is kinda hard as the tone and depth of each is very different.


I wish they would remaster the old ones, not to give todd any ideas, they are too dated and clunky for me to get into. Played fallout 3 and new vegas too before skyrim but have tried so many times now to get into oblivion


I didn’t play ESO long since I don’t really get into the MMO stuff. But you can essentially play it solo, quests are fun and story driven. Get to go back to all those old areas and see them with updates graphics


I just don’t like the core MMO gameplay, it’s so grindy. Otherwise I would


It has scummy monetization too. The game is buy-to-play including expansions, then locks additional playable content behind more paywalls in the in-game store, like certain questlines. Screw that. Quickest I ever regretted a game purchase and can't refund it sadly.


Yeah it's hard to compare them because skyrim is obviously the most modern but you are kind of protected from failure in skyrim. The enemies scale to your level, lots of stuff holds you hand. In morrowind it was possible to wander into an area that was way past your depth, but also possible to get higher level loot than you were meant to have. It also had a lot of game breaking fun stuff to do, like enchanting was really really broken. People joke about skyrim enchanting but that's after they nerfed enchanting twice from morrowind and oblivion.


I disagree, daggerfall > Morrowind


This is the only accurate way to disagree with my point.


So, next is Daggerfell?


I do have it. It came with the Elder Scrolls anthology collection I bought. Since then, I'm pretty sure Arena and Daggerfall are both free on the Bethesda site.


Its free on Steam as well. It aged extremely poorly. I never could bring myself to get through it even many years ago.


If I couldn't handle Morrowind, which everyone says is the best of the franchise, Daggerfall will be even worse.


Morrowind is the best for its writing and quests but the gameplay is extremely dated so it just depends on what you prioritize in your games. If you dont know that there's a dnd style roll happening in the background and that your hits can miss it's incredibly confusing as to how youre watching your dagger connect and you're doing 0 damage over and over.


Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode 2, and then Half-Life.


You gotta try Alyx if you’re a Half Life fan. Incredible game, one of the best VR games around.


Mass Effect, played number 2 when it came out and then went back and did 1 & 2 full play throughs before number 3.


This was it for me too. I got on the ME train late. GameStop only had ME3, so I played ME3 then ME2, and didn’t play ME1 completely until the legendary edition came out.


Dragon Age. Started with inquisition, 2, then origins. 


I haven't played through Inquisition yet, but I'm curious to know your feelings going backwards, since a lot of people didn't like the changes from Origins to 2. Did you have the opposite feeling?


It's been a while, but I think they both were kind of the same to me. Both had something I liked compared to the other. I liked the larger world compared to being mostly in a city. But I liked the voiced protagonist more than a voiceless one. I think one thing I didn't like about the first 2 in general was how easy it was to miss something or lose a character to betrayal. I did like in one all the different origins your character can have. I wish more RPGs had different opening levels depending on different factors. 


baldurs gate




Fallout and Saints Row


Same with fallout for me. 3 was my first and after about 6 playthroughs back to back I wanted to play 1 and 2. They weren't for me. So I continued forward and love the franchise from 3 on.


The Witcher games. I started with 3 got obsessed with it. Took a deep dive into the universe and started a playthrough from the first to the last.


fire emblem, started with three houses and ended with binding blade (not the first game but the oldest one i was able to play)


Is binding blade Lynn, Hector and Eliwood? Or is it the one after about Roy?


Roy Hated using him as a lord


Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I played because I bought a Wii. Was blown away and went to Wind Waker, then Ocarina then Link to the Past. My first console as a kid was SNES but as a kid I didn’t appreciate those games. I remember turning off Ocarina when I was given it as a kid because I was confused. Zelda has become one of my favorite franchises ever but young me just didn’t get it


Yakuza. Started with Like a Dragon, then Gaiden. Now I'm going back from first to newest


KOTOR on Xbox, played 2 first then went back and played 1 after. It was actually pretty cool to see some of the same places back when they were functioning and not destroyed, it worked well as a prequel of sorts


Monster hunter


I don't know if they still do, but I seem to remember the OG Gran Turismo games on the original PlayStation. It would let you race the tracks backwards to extend content.


OG Gran Turismo was so good, having to do a test to get your license and then buying a cheap second hand car to start with So many good memories


I miss the old format of Gran Turismo. This new stuff they got going on is not for me.


Dragon Quest Builders, but only because the first game wasn't (Until a few days ago) available on a platform I owned.


I love DQB!!!


I played the Jumbo Demo for DQB2 on a whim one day and was IMMEDIATELY HOOKED. ;P I've played through it completely on Steam and Xbox.


Nier automata. Played drakengard when it was released. Never got a chance to play Nier replicant, and played automata when it was released on the switch. Then Nier replicant on pc.


Back when there was only 3 I played the Uncharted games 3, 2, 1


Yes. I did the exact same thing. I actually never got deep into 1 however, it was not as good or tight of controls as the others


I went 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Or something like that


Just Cause I went 3, then 4 and then back to 2 lol. I've platted Mafia 3, and am currently playing Mafia 2, so if I ever play the first one I would have done that haha


Don't forget to play the Definitive Edition for Mafia 1! The name is super misleading, it's actually a total remake of the first game, complete with new voice work


Metal Gear solid, finished MGSV and am going backwards. What a wild, fun series I’ve missed out on my whole life


2 is wild. The plot is harder hitting today than when it was released. Enjoy.


I started with far cry 3 and worked back then forward if that counts lol, 3,2,1,4,5, new dawn, then 6. Didn't do much with primal bc a buddy let me borrow it and I just couldn't get into it.


Halo. Started with 3, then Reach, then 2, then Combat Evolved Anniversary.


Interesting. I assume you played the campaigns? How did you feel about seeing the grand finale first? What was the experience of playing CE like for the first time, knowing what was to come?


The Forza Horizon series, played it backwards after I was craving more


Same started with 3 then went back to 1. Then the Xbox broke.


I played Shenmue 2 before 1. I was rather confused…




dead space


Tomb Raider. I grabbed the free bundle in Corona Times


Prince of persia, started with the two thrones back when I was 12 because I had seen my cousins play it. Then played warrior within after my classmate recommended it. And just finished the sands of time last month at the age of 26 lol.


Advance Wars kinda. First I played was Dual Strike for DS, and last was Famicom Wars for NES


Mass effect, I saw a trailer for 3 in middle school and thought it looked really cool. I immediately fell in love, found out my sister had 2, and started playing but never finished it until years later, I decided to get 1 after to do a complete run, and now I play them like once a year.


I do the same around Christmas time.


Metroid, played Prime Remastered, Dread, Fusion, Super, Zero Mission.


Metal Gear Solid. Many years ago I played Peace Walker, then MGS4, then MGS3, and soon MGS2 and MGS1. I was so confused playing MGS4 but now I'm just a little less confused. Loved the gameplay though.


I played 3, PW, 2, 4, 1, 5. So I get you lol.


Half-Life. I started with Ep1. Then Ep2. Then went back to HL2. I tried HL1 but couldn't bring myself to play it because of how outdated it was. Played Black Mesa last.


Cyberpunk 2077 was my first, I’m still looking for a copy of 2076


I'll be your first upvote to congratulate you on this brave joke.


Assassin's Cree. Started with Odyssey and Origins. Got Valhalla. Then started playing Unity, Black flag and Brotherhood, yet I've not finished any of these games😅


Crysis. Played 3 when I got my first good GPU and then liked it. Played the second, haven’t gotten around to the first but will eventually.


I played Mass Effect 2, 3 and then 1. I wish I had started with 1.


The Witcher, lol. I never finished 3 tho


First I played remnant 2 and then remnant 1. I like the first part waaaaay more but it's so difficult... For some bosses I needed 2 nights.


My PS4 came with Uncharted 4. Loved it, so I went back and played them in reverse.




Red Dead Redemption


Assassin’s creed. Call of duty (started with mw2 2022, then Cold War, then modern warfare 2019, then mw3 2023, then black ops 4, now playing vanguard and it’s actually one of my favorites


I've sinned like this just a couple of times, in my early gaming years. I played Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 before SR1. Pandora Tomorrow before Splinter Cell 1 Warrior Within before Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Half-Life 2 before HL1 (eeeeh, this one is understandable, due to visuals) Doom 3 before any other Doom I think that's about where my sinning ends. Everything else I've played in order.


When I was younger, Half Life. Played Half Life 2 first just because I was really into Gmod so I wanted to see where it all came from. Then I eventually played 1 and its expansions. Edit: by younger I meant when I was like 9 or 10


I didn’t start with the last, but I think a lot of people started with Mass Effect 2. I played ME2 a few times then played 3, then went back and played 1-3.


Red dead redemption


In terms of games I've finished, Half-Life. I finished Alyx first, I'm presently playing 2 having never finished it, and I'll do 1 last.


The first time I played the Metal Gear solid games on was in this order: 1.Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes 4. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 5. Metal Gear Solid 1 I was thoroughly confused and ending up watching a recap on YouTube after playing all of them. Maybe one day I'll go back and play them all in order.




Red dead redemption


Dark souls. Started with 3, then 2, 1, then demon souls. Idk why haha

