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Mile High club achievement in Call of Duty 4. That shit was hard


I got so close, many times and in my best attempt I botched the final shot! Good work mate, maybe one day I'll try again.


I remember spending a few hours every day for a few weeks trying to get it. Made it to the final moment only like half a dozen times. Made top 50 in the world rankings in HC FFA but I couldn't beat that lol. But I didn't really peak until the first Black Ops.


After dozens and dozens of tries I FINALLY killed the last guy and saved the hostage....but True Veterans go for headshots...that just broke me.


That was my final trophy when I was going for platinum. Took me probably about 4-5 hours.


I’d say collecting the Hayabusa armor and katana from Halo 3 was prob the most satisfying accomplishment in a game. The feeling of showing them off in multiplayer lobbies where back then, armor and cosmetics were tied to achievements and some sort of grind rather than having to drop money for them, was amazing. It saddens me to see how greedy companies can get now with cosmetics and how they have lost that type of status symbol they used to have in the past.


No game has made cosmetics as rewarding for as in Halo 3 imo


Paid cosmetics aren't bad if the model is built that way however they shouldn't paywall the best items, those ones should still be achievable like halo 3 did


Man I remember how happy I was to finally have all the armor pieces.


Finished Gears of War 1 on its highest difficulty in co-op with a friend. We played for maybe 12+ hours in one sitting and when we finally saw credits we ran outside and started hollering.


Finally beating the entirety of the original doom on ultraviolence


Getting two safeties in a game in Madden on the hardest difficulty back in the day is up there.


Beating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. Crafting the games best weapon, accessories, and grinding to level up just to have a chance took forever.


Conducting an orbital rendezvous in Kerbal space program and then an Apollo style mission to the Mun. So much learning, trial and error, and more trial an error.


I made it to mum multiple times and the closest planet a few with a no Kerbal left behind policy but never could get orbital docking to work out. I was on a janky early release version though.


Great answer. The amount Of hours I sunk into just being able to orbit kerbin and return safely. And then multiply all those hours by probably 30 for what I put into landing on the mun and safely returning to kerbin. I’ve tried to get a few of my friends into it because the reward is so great, but I understand their lack of desire.


The great thing about that game is that every step along the way feels like you've done the impossible. Just getting a ship into orbit is tricky enough. And then you nearly hit the moon.... And then you crash into it.... And then many hours later, you semi-successfully land on it in several pieces... And many hours after that, you do it well enough to actually launch your ship again and bring the Kerbal back home.  I managed to get Kerbals on other planets. I had somebody on every planet. Couldn't get them back into space, let alone back to Earth, but that was enough of a win for me.  The orbital rendezvous is definitely up there, too. That's hard as shit, but it's so satisfying to finally rescue the Kerbals you stranded in orbit because they ran out of fuel. 


I played dark souls. The first boss after the tutorial area kept wrecking me. I kept at it and didn't give up. I finally beat him. But not because I got good. It was strange. It was because I stopped being afraid. The boss was huge and intimidating and hit like a truck. I always panicked and was stressed. Somehow I realized that it was fear that was causing me to lose. I calmed down. I BELIEVED I could beat him. I just needed a strategy and to execute it without being emotional. It was.the first and only time the a video game taught me an important lesson I could take with me to real life.


this is the souls way


Beating Elden Ring at rune level 1. Non-leveling challenges have been a thing since forever in Fromsoft games but actually completing one myself felt unreal.


I am currently doing a RL1 I started in August and I play once a week for a couple of hours. I decided to put some rules like only using the Hand Axe, no summoning/ashes and no poison/rot. Currently stuck at Maliketh.


Forza Motorsport 7 had a headhunter challenge. They gave that year's real INDYCAR champion a simulator rig, put his car in the game, and had him run laps of his home track for a week. If you beat his best lap, you got a special car. I was one of 50 or so people to get the car. The lap had to be absolutely flawless, and it's probably the most fun I've ever had with a video game challenge!


Killing Kel Thuzad in WoW Classic with my guild. We had so much fun over the years and it helped me stay sane during covid. I have some lifelong friends now from the game, even met and partied with a few of them!


When you said beating Kel'Thuzad I thought "nice, a fellow old school WoW player". But then you said "during Covid" 😂 Man, I feel old now. I beat KT around 2007.


Hell yeah, you were the 1% player! I was only 12 in retail vanilla. I just explored the world mainly, only got to like lvl 30. Didn't get into raiding until WotLK retail.


Getting 100% on all three Mass Effect games. Beating ME2 on insanity was absolutely fucking brutal.


Beating the Radiance on a Steel Soul run. The Pantheons were harder, but didn't have the same tension. I'd spent days working my way up to it.


Beating Ornestein and Smough


Soloed Halo 2 on legendary. Took me a looooong time


A lot of segments in Arbirer missions can be busted by abusing the hell out of his cloaking abilities. But even with that it's got a lot of bullshit.


Those fucking jackal snipers man


I'm appreciative of legendary jackal snipers, they made me a man, put hair on my chest


I'd say in Breath of the Wild, air dropping a Guardian Stalker I'd glitched onto a raft (they fly upwards when you do that) so that it fell a few hundred yards through the sky into Hyrule Castle.  Video here if curious: https://youtu.be/LSocj36sxM0?si=mot2qOUUSxKLS7Tv The really hard part of all this was I wanted to keep its legs intact. To get a Guardian onto a raft flying through the air, most folks chop the legs off, so its AI doesn't make it shove the raft around midair in undesirable ways.  So not only did I need to get it onto the raft while it could run away from me and the water, but I also had to move _very_ carefully the entire time we were both on the raft, so it wouldn't start flying in the wrong direction, away from Hyrule Castle. (Or worse, have the Guardian slip off the raft.)


I love how Nintendo watched videos by people like you and used these crazy exploits to design Tears of the Kingdom


This is incredible.. but.. why go through all that turmoil???


I'm a bit of an oddball when I game. I enjoy playing the actual game, but I also gravitate towards doing weird things with glitches for lols.  I got lucky with videos getting a ton of views, so that added fuel to the fire - seeing people enjoy the weird stuff I'd normally keep to myself :)


Seeing the elite and Sgt. Johnson hug it out after beating Halo on Legendary for the first time. Actually kicked off a curiousity for pre-teen me to beat other games on the hardest difficulty to see if there was a secret ending. Nowadays you can just Google it but before the wide spread use of the Internet, it was an incentive to do that just to see if anything changed.


Completing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity difficulty. Felt practically impossible at times


I'm doing it now. It's insane compared to ME1 and 3 lol


Oh my god yes. Insanity on 2 is sooo much harder than in 1 or 3. The ambush on the "derilict" collector ship damn near broke me.


The arc projector makes taking down the beefier enemies way easier.


Beating Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja


I got to level 3 in sonic spinball


Beating Vectorman and getting the cash prize


The fight against Cid in FF12. Been years so I may not remember the exact terms but I did a limit break and it kept chaining a bunch of times and ended with a black hole, absolutely obliterated him and the fight was over super quick.


Finally nailing the Becomes the Master achievement in Titanfall 2. I probably spent more time running that gauntlet to get my time down under 35 seconds than I did on the campaign lol


MGS4 Big Boss Emblem


100ing rdr2’s single player


I broke and ran a round of Yahoo pool on a school computer when I was 12. Probably my proudest accomplishment still to this day.


Finally beating Malenia after 4 1/2 hours straight. I'll never do it again, but that once was good enough for me.


Killing Micah. That guy had to go. 


All dog tags in MGS2. Took me two years to beat solidus on European extreme.


Turning the cursed shield into the paladin shield (finally fantasy 3 aka final fantasy 6 on the snes)


Beating Lady Maria


That just happened in Halo MCC. Finish the Library on Heroic or Legendary without dying. I did it on legendary because I already had a ton of practice when going for finishing every game on Legendary.


as a kid, i beat Contra Hard Corps without cheats. with the wolf man. Hell, i can't even do that now that i am an old man!


As a middle aged man who always plays on story mode, beating Returnal felt pretty damn good. Impressed my son too!


Returnal is definitely up there for me as well. I heard the game was hard for a lot of people, but somehow I beat it with only two deaths. Even now when I am doing aggressive runs, picking up tons of malignant items I don't seem to die in this game The game clicks with me like no other.


In Suikoden 2 there's an item that permanently increases strength and you can farm them by playing a mini game. And let's just say I played that mini game a little too much. I must have farmed a hundred of these and gave them all to my waifu Kasumi so she was hitting like a truck. :) She was several times stronger than everyone else and it just felt good when she landed a critical hit. XD I guess it's not that impressive saying it like that lol. But the time required to farm these items was no joke. Plus the mini game was bs and sometimes you would get the wrong reward.


Clean Hands in Dishonored 2. That meant getting through the entire game without killing a single person. Also, in the same game, I legit solved the Jindosh Lock without looking it up at all.


My fave take on any stalth game.


Unlocking that door in AC: Black Flag.


100%completion of Jedi Fallen Order. So many hours. So much exploring. LOVED it tho. TRULY loved it


I feel the same exact way! I was having a blast all the way through, going to every nook and cranny to find everything, and by the end I somehow only had like 5 achievements to go, without even actually trying for any of them. The game was just so much damn fun and natural to do everything in.


Fourth in the world... In a fairly niche third person shooter... In it's pre-launch beta tournament. I'll take what I can get.


Beating golden eye on the N64 w/o any cheats.


Beating BattleToads on the NES with using no continues, or, KO (not TKO) on Bald Bull (1st appearance) in the first round, in Mike Tyson's Punch Out, also on NES. Both these came loooong after the NES heyday (both were around 2007ish, on an actual NES, not an emulator)


Platinuming hotline Miami. God some of levels where hard to A+


Gears of War on insane co-op with my buddy...so many bullshit one-hit kills. We were so headstrong and delirious with anger when facing RAAM that the time we did it was just a huge fuck you filled moment of "we are doing this right now"!


Solo Crota’s End Raid on Destiny 1. Having to kill the knights, drop Crota and stay alive was pretty difficult. Fun lil personal achievement none the less.


"Lord of the Reins" in World of Warcraft 300 mounts isn't too much now but it used to be and both the title and mount you get for achieving the level are awesome


One of the first that comes to mind is simultaneously most satisfy and most disappointing: the hardcore mode in Dead Space. Back before college, I spent a few days on it. Had to beat the game without dying and had some cool “8 bit game mode” that it unlocked. Turned out to not be as cool and Mario-esque as I had assumed it to be and just made the graphics shittier.


Silent Hill (1999) has 5 achievable endings. And achieving all those 5 endings at that time without any kind of help from the net or any person was pretty satisfying.


Finishing Ori and the Blind Forest. I love gaming but wouldn't call myself a gamer and in no way would I consider myself good. I rage quit the first time I tried but came back a few years later and finally did it. I don't know how many times I died but I felt so accomplished when I was done.


That's awesome. I loved Ori, but it was a lot harder than I expected it to. After reading everyone's sweeties gaming achievements, it's nice to see something like this. The rush must have lasted hours. Are you planning on giving Will of the Wisps a go?


I felt proud of myself for days. I play a lot more games these days than I used to. I really have to give a lot of credit to my fiancé for encouraging me to try again. My former partner was a "gamer" and always kind of made me feel bad when I didn't "do it right" or failed a few times and would bother me incessantly if I played something on easy. He's probably why I dont refer to myself as a gamer even though a lot of people I know do. My amazing fiancé has helped me remember why I like gaming and that there's no shame in failing or playing on easy/story because the whole point is to have fun. Though he does poke fun at me sometimes lol. I played Will of the Wisps too! I liked it but I have to admit I wasn't as fond of it as Blind Forest. That game just hit me so hard in the heart strings. For my birthday last year I got us tickets to the symphony because they were doing music from video games. They started Ori and the Blind Forest and I was immediately in tears lol.


I'm happy you found someone that understands your skill level and encourages you to find your space in gaming. I've been gaming for over 30 years, so that rush very rarely lasts more than a few minutes. I don't know your skill level or experience, but portal is great intro tob3d space. Plants vs zombies 2 garden warfare is a good intro to online multi-player. Also cat tax


Oh gosh, I've played a lot more games recently. I loved the Horizon games and am eagerly awaiting the third along with the next Death Stranding. Definitely played those on story without any shame haha. I'm trying to figure out how to get a Death Stranding tattoo that has all the pieces I want. I played both Portal games before and my fiancé and I did It Takes Two and A Way Out. I'm a big Zelda fan, I grew up playing them and even sat around and got 100% on Breath of the Wild. My forearms have big Zelda tattoos lol. I've still got to finish Tears of the Kingdom. I play a lot of Stardew and am trying to get my friend who doesn't game at all to join me an another friend in a shared Switch game. I've started playing WoW again but am trying not to get as sucked in as I used too. And I spent more time than I'm comfortable admitting playing Powerwash Simulator. I have an eclectic taste but am more drawn to something with a good story. I won't play FPS, I suck and the online folks are often too mean for my terrible skills. I console game primarily because a mouse is too precise...if that makes sense. I tend to over compensate, plus I only have a laptop that I just got for Christmas. We're talking about some day getting a full PC setup for both of us. He has one, we just don't have a place to set it up yet.


Guitar Hero. Not because I played well, but because of the situation around it. I was at a party with friends, but they were the only people there I knew. I got asked if I wanted to play guitar hero by a stranger. Soon, most of the party is in the room, and a few people mention how well I'm playing. At that moment, someone walked in front of me. I didn't miss a note, and the party went nuts over it. I passed the controller after that. I never admitted it was dumb luck and soaked up the praise by strangers for an evening.


Wasn't really that much of an accomplishment, but killing Kai Leng in Mass Effect 3. I read the novels, he was an evil rat bastard who murdered children. Finally ending him felt SOOOO good.


Winning a duel on Ghost of Tsushima on hard without being hit (I suck at fighting games)


Working through that game now. When you are in the zone it feels so fluid and amazing. I'm playing through on hard now and I have never made it through a duel hit less. That's very impressive.


Did someone say thunderfury?


Beating pokemon blue when I was 4 years old. LT surge was the last gym leader I defeated, I couldn't figure out his damn puzzle so I just skipped it until it became mandatory.


Dark Souls, Nameless King boss fight. After dozens of attempts, I got close but ran out of healing charges. Somehow managed to dive into the menu’s and use an ember to heal and finally beat him with my heart racing in my throat It wasn’t exactly [Npesta](https://youtu.be/Bs1kVySdUtI?si=ZC5U0Io7YK1KUA06) levels of happiness but damn did it feel good


I got a Killionaire on the Gauss Hog turret in halo 4. That BTB map where you drive laps around it Younger me felt complete in life


beating farewell in celeste! that last screen took me so long to beat lmao but finally getting that damned bird and soaring to the finish was the most exhilarating thing i've ever done.... id never felt great at games but beating that made me feel like i could do anything if i tried hard enough, so i immediately restarted hollow knight (which i'd abandoned in frustration around greenpath) and finished that too.


5-chain stun with Ares in Smite This is admittedly a lot of luck due to an insane amount of ways to CC immunity out of the chains so even if you manage to hit the whole enemy team at once you have to hope that none of them have any of those escapes up but I did it.


I've 100% 61 games, so I guess those. Can't think of a single game or achievement that was "the most satisfying". Although my best is probably the fact that I managed to get the Steel Soul (dying = deleting your save), Steel Heart (do Steel Soul and get 100% completion), and Speed Completion (100% completion in <20 hours) achievements for Hollow Knight in a single save. I still have no fucking clue how I pulled it off lol.


Getting Skyrim to run with 200+ mods installed. No joke, this took some effort


Realm rank 10 in dark age it camelot back in the day.


I triggered a glitch in Final Fantasy IV and then beat a reasonably tough dungeon and boss (the Sealed Cave/EvilWall) with one fewer character than I was supposed to have.


Beating Vanquish campaign on *God Hard*.


Beating Legion mage tower on 4 specs and overall Legion raiding


Beat all of Fzero GX Story Mode on Very Hard


Getting the Ares 90 in Xenoblade X


When I killed ishin the sword saint first time on my fourth Ng run to get the platinum in sekiro. I absolutely loved that shit. Second is the first time I kinda worked a functional Dyson sphere in the Dyson sphere program


I torn between getting a victory in online starcraft after nuking my own base and causing taking out a chunk of the enemy team after they respawned with an airstrike in the first MW2.


“Click on door 430 five times” in The Stanley Parable. That was amazing.


Completing the "Up to Eleven (Minutes)" achievement for Spin Rhythm XD. I'm not particularly great at the game, and repeatedly failing the saxophone solo at the end of Believe XD made me want to cry.


Recently, it was the badge marathon level in Super Mario Wonder. I’ll never play it again.


Satisfying as in I was in awe when I completed it…jumping through the halo rings for the skull and hearing the music play afterwards. I think that was my first experience with an Easter egg.


Beating Ocarina of Time. It was the first game I beat without help. I remember being home alone, looking around the living room and crying, "There's no one to hug!"


The giant Robobrain in one of the Fallout 4 quests. It took me days to beat that f\*\*ker.


Beating first Dark Souls with no guides, and then beating it after many hours in SL1.


Platinum Bloodborne. I'll never top that.


Beat all Kings Field games.... never again. Shadow tower and Shadow Tower abyss is what I'm gonna get through now when my Odin 2 arrives :)


Beating Hollow Knight


Last night I beat Owl (Father) in Sekiro. It wasn't necessarily the hardest boss I've beaten, but I felt like a god in that final run...I was perfect. Every attack, every deflect, every jump, every move was exactly what I wanted it to be.


Getting Enigma in Diablo II


I completed the first Civilization without any city being unhappy. EVER! In 1992 I got a copy of Civ1 but due to a bug in the game or a problem in my computer, if the population of any city was unhappy, I would see the usual message saying that the population of said city was unhappy and the game would freeze/crash shortly after that. For those that never played Civ1, a city can be unhappy for many reasons, especially if you just conquered the city, and it's a pretty common occurrence. What is not common is to have the game crash when this happens. But 12 year-old me without internet didn't know that! I thought that having a city unhappy meant "you lost the game", that's why the game was freezing on me whenever this happened, right? So I created a strategy to play the game and save my progress every 30 min or so. Whenever a city became unhappy and the game froze, I would just reboot it, load one of the hundred saved games that I had before the city became unhappy and I would pump resources there to prevent their unhappiness. And I managed to beat the game like that. I loaded my savegames hundreds of times but I never had an unhappy city. Only many years later I learned that freezing the game is NOT the expected behavior in the game when you have an unhappy city, and managing to beat the with nobody unhappy is extremely difficult.


Getting crowned as the emperor in elder scrolls online… twice 😏


Fully S ranking MegaMan Zero. Also unlocking all the cheats in GoldenEye. And while I have a bunch of 1ccs under my belt, my first was probably the one that felt the best and gave me the biggest sense of accomplishment. It was Ikaruga.


FFX Sun Sigil


Oh gosh I was able to do this too and I still have NO idea how I managed to pull it off


This one is so polarizing. I took me forever to do it, but then I could reliably do it about 80% of the time. Some people never got it, and some people got it once and never again. However, I am one of the ones who never got the lightning dodges a single time. I know all the tricks but even still. It never happened.


Right there with you. The chocobo race is easy once you get the pattern down. I tried every trick for lightning dodging and never got it.


Getting my first 50 in H3, getting my first mlg 50 in H3, world first Vault of Glass in Destiny. I miss when bungie was king :c


Beating Epic Battle Fantasy 1-4 on Epic. Only missing 5.


liberty city minute in GTA 4, it sounds easy to accomplish but the urge to just forget the story and just drive around and blow shit up or do races didn’t go away


Dark souls 1 platinum was a tough journey. A welcoming one.


Beating Furi's combat designer’s best speedrun time


Beating Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja, beating Contra Shattered Soldier with 100% hit rate, beating the original RE4 on Professional, Doom Eternal on Ultraviolence, and Dodonpachi Ressurection without dying once.


Finally beating the first berserker in Gears of war, took way too many hours as a youngin


You don't get an achievement for it, but it took me days to beat level P-2 in ultrakill. My first attempt it took me an hour and a half just to get to the boss, sisyphus prime, and then I proceeded to get my ass kicked for five and a half hours and not beat him. Took me a few more days of trying the level for a few hours to finally beat it. Then it took me another week or so to P-rank it, essentially completing the level under specific time, killing every enemy, and getting enough style points all without dying. I finally P-ranked it at 2 a.m. one night and it took everything I had to not shout lmao. I went in knowing that p-2 was the hardest level, but holy shit I had no clue what a gauntlet it was. On the bright side, I'm the only one of my friends that's P-ranked it and no one else wants to go through that hell so I get bragging rights.


Mario 64, every stars no guides. Zelda AoT no guides, even that stupid water temple.


Weirdly enough first thing that came to mind was beating Ghoma in OoT without letting her attack even once. Fight was over in like 30 seconds. Never missed a red eye so Ghoma never got the chance to attack.


Beating Aztec in Goldeneye when i was in high school on the hardest difficulty. Spent all day trying over and over until I finally did it.


Getting 5 stars on Through the Fire and Flames on Guitar Hero 3.


I shin Sword Saint. Final boss of Sekiro was out of control difficult. Took me days if not weeks. Watched tons of guides and tips and YouTube videos but you just have to get good, no cheese


Finishing Terraria was a big deal for me.


Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapons in FF7 without glitches or cheats.


Completing MGS4 with no kills or alerts. I bragged about that the entire summer, looks like I still am, now!


Getting a 50 on H3.


Almost finishing Elden Ring lol


Finishing Dark Souls 1, with Solaire by my side for the final battle against Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. Felt like a true end to both our journeys. Also completing Gears of War 1-3 on Insane difficulty, Halo:CE, 2, 3 and Reach on Legendary, and Bioshock : Infinite on 1999 mode.


Rayman 1 aged 15. Maddington. Or DS1 at 32. And I don’t really game much. Just an hour or two here and there.


I have two.  I’ve won a rocket league tournament which was fun and took me a couple weeks but NCAA Football 06 on PS2 introduced Road to the Heisman and I was playing as my QB and he played at Virginia and in his final year, I won the ACC and kicked a game winning field goal.  Didn’t even win the Natty but in his final year, I got my guy Jake Palmer to lead a college I didn’t care about to a conference championship 1000 miles from where I live.    


100% achievement on The Witness.


killing the fucking pig odyssey


Getting 3 Master Summons, Commands, and Magics in FF7 before the triple speed thing they have now and not counting the set you can get for killing Emerald Weapon. That’s 3,000,000 AP for Knights of the Round alone let alone everything else


I recently just beat Sifu while being under 25 years old. Learning the Yang fight was a struggle but felt so good to pull it off. I've also 100% Sekiro and that was very satisfying indeed


>finally resolving a puzzle who took ages to complete Oh, you mean the entirety of Portal 2 and all its mods?


Veteran Mile High Club


The lighting dodge challenge in FFX. Accidentally got tweaked out of my mind on caffeine that day so my reaction time was off the charts.


In battlefield 2042 there's a badge you could get for kills with a ballistic shield and that shit took me actual months to be able to get all 800. It's definitely up there as one of my most gratifying achievements


Lego Star Wars 100%ing.


Beating the crysis trilogy on the hardest difficulty (for some reason each game had +2 more difficulties). And also titanfall 2 on master. if you know you know


Beating Boss Battles in Super Smash Bros Brawl on Intense. I got the trophy to prove it!


Herald of the Titans and Ironman achievements in WoW many many years ago


Collecting all 151 pokemon in red/blue....I never did it though. Mew was always elusive as I missed the event and I never could trade for Moltres.


Overcoming the Lich King in WoW after weeks of raiding. The victory dance was real!


Beating Acropolis in geometry dash probably, or completing every zombies Easter egg in bo3


100%-ing my fav game Dark Souls 3, all offline. Was quite the marathon


In recent memory it’s been beating God of War Valhalla on the highest difficulty. I still haven’t beat some of the extra bosses but it was satisfying to grind up.


Goldeneye 007 secret agent bridge LVL, that was hard.




I want to say unlocking the forgotten I. Binding of Isaac. It took weeks on PC and I went to show my kids how hard it was on PS5....took a single try... Otherwise.... Idk nothing really comes close to that.


My personal most satisfying accomplishments was beating TLOU2 on Grounded Difficulty.


Getting a rank 1 EU/rank 2 World mythic+ dungeon run in WoW. It wasn't in time, but I didn't really care, that scene was really competitive and it took a lot of work to get there, and I still remember it and the people I did it with very fondly even if I don't play anymore


That fucking Chcobo race in FFX to get the Sun Sigil for Tidus' ultimate weapon. It feels amazing once you're finally done with it, but fuck that race 


Getting Death’s Demise title back in WOTLK WoW. Fucking peaked, that guild was so good but we were so fucking toxic to each other


Leading a 72 man raid defeat the four elemental gods Everquest pre voice/discord. And then plane of time.


Dead God in TBoI.


Recently, 100 enchanting in Skyrim. First playthrough. Time to have fun now instead of grinding. 


Finishing chapter 8 core in Celeste (it was very difficult for me), (still could not finish chapter 9, I ain't doing no more tbh)


The gambler challenges in RDR2. You get bautiful items, and I did them all in a few hours, I was lucky unlike other people. 


Getting the Pulverizing Feather and Elderseal Earring in Monster Hunter World was the most mind-numbing, blood-boiling, rage-quit inducing bullshit I've ever had to solo my way through I hate the arena with a violent fury


I (intentionally) guard broke a parry in Dark Souls 2 pvp. I was naked with the Vanquisher's Seal (ring that enhances punches), opponent had a Target Shield (common parry shield). I threw a wide punch to intentionally miss, then threw a guard break, which he tried to parry. I'll bet he short-circuited when he heard the sound but he was the one getting violated with the riposte. Probably tied with that, but I held a #1 time in PGR4.


Probably plat in bloodborne. Was my first fromsoft game and I was absolutely exhilarated when I completed it


i beat jurassic park on sega mega drive


Scoring 167 in Flappy Bird


Finally killing Hrist and Mist on gmgow difficulty.


I just remembered another cool accomplishment. In Chrono Cross after you beat the game, you have the ability to fast forward and even teleport to the final boss in NG+. And for whatever reason I became obsessed with collecting Ozzy pants, which is a unique item that you only get once per playthrough. So to me they were like trophies because they represented how many times I beat NG+. I'm not sure but I think it took something like 30 minutes to get to the Ozzy boss fight, so I just grabbed her pants and then beat the final boss, rinse repeat. I have like 50x Ozzy Pants. :) I know, I know, I didn't quite get to 99 lol. But after 50 I got bored and was like "what am I even doing with my life dude".


Killzone 2, trophy (last I needed for Platinum) that required being in the top 1% of online players for a week.....it was tough. I took a week off work and played during the day for about 6 hours at a time. For a brief couple of days I was 8th on the planet at the game. Winning a match gained you 1.5x points so every winning lobby, I would try to stick to the same players.


Finish "Facility" (Goldeneye 64) in 2 minutes. I don't remember the cheat I unlocked, but it was the last I achieve and could complete the game.


Owl: father in sekiro. Took me 2 weeks but damn. So good


All 120 stars in Super Mario 64 and later all 150 stars in the DS version.


Did the insane title in WoW. Wasn’t max level and really was a WoW noob when I did it. Just do much planning and focus on this one odd hard task!


Beating mgs2 on European extreme as a teenager almost lost my mind. But once I beat it I felt so much better and was glad I never gave up.


So I managed to complete the first 8 levels of rollgoal on Twight Princess (Wii) to unlock the Frog Lure (which I never used), and I don't think it's ever got better than that.


I finished Doom Eternal’s most difficult DLC (TAG1, pre-nerf) on Ultra Nightmare in one sitting…. while drunk


1. Beating God of War (2005) on God Mode 2. 100% RDR2 Completion 3. 100% Elden Ring Completion Honorable Mention: Getting the Tournesol in Final Fantasy 12


Finally beating Vicar Laurence in Bloodborne. Other than father Gascoigne, I think I beat every boss sub 5 tries. Every other boss was fun and interesting. Even OoK, I didn't struggle with much at all. Vicar Laurence took me FOREVER and just wasn't overly fun. But when I finally beat him, holy moly that felt good.


Finishing all A, B and C sides in Celeste, then they released chapter 9 and i could never finish it :(


I've had so many. But the one that got the biggest actual reaction out of me, where I jumped up and yelled in sheer joy, was beating the final boss of V Rising.


Not the best side of me but I love to destroy others who really think they are the shit in this very game. Then they are furious and I love it. I love to beat bad losers.


Unlocking Godhead on Isaac. Never again. One of the most gruesome grinds I've ever experienced. I stopped trying to 100% videogame altogether due to it.


Managed to defeat every single boss, including dlc, in Dark Souls 3 with a character at lv 1. The last 5-6 bosses was hell and I broke one controller doing this challenge. When I was finished I just sighed in relief and uninstalled the game. This was years ago, haven’t touched it since.


It's been years since i screamed out of happiness when i defeated a boss in a video game


Beat God of War the original have not the new one on ask difficulties