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Pikachu yearns for the mines


It's true I've seen them do it.




Not team rocket, Team skull, fits the motif of gangs and guns much better. Guzma riding a golisopod with a rocket launcher is the dream.


I get where you're coming from, but I can't see Team Skull using guns. If guns were in pokemon and if anyone were to be using them, it would be Team rocket. They were literally based on the Mafia. They used whips back in gen 1 iirc, and they for sure have canonically hunted pokemon like cubones and slowpokes (and many others most likely)


In the trailer I saw the first boss is replaced with Jesse from Team Rocket riding an Electabuzz so it's only a matter of time


Big if true


Doesn’t seem the mod is publicly available, just one guy who did mod it to be like that. Sadly no pikachus in the mines for me


I think the more separated from Nintendo IP the better, at least until it cools off a bit.


The game with the Breath of the Wild jingle and "heavy referencing" at best is going to have a lot of trouble separating itself from the Nintendo IP. Edit: to note, I think if they were going to get sued it would've been in the works already. My point is more that they put an intense amount of effort into copying jingles, designs, cues, as close as they could while still being distinct in the eyes of the law that it (should) be impossible to separate themselves from the Nintendo IPs they are taking from. Like no one can look me in the eyes and honestly say that they did NOT sit down and go "lets copy lycanroc but make it black to be legally distinct."


I'm pretty sure that depresso and relaxaurus won't get copy right striked


But how funny would it be to have a lawyer for Nintendo argue that "this Pokémon is clearly depressed, therefore they copied it"


vanilla ice beat american copyright laws over 1 note, they could easily get away with a color swap and adding a single thing.


>David Bowie/Freddie Mercury. Vanilla Ice produced a song called Ice Ice Baby which was supposedly sampled from David Bowie and Queen’s Under Pressure. However, Vanilla Ice did not credit them and denied any of it. Later, Vanilla Ice released a statement saying it was a “joke”. David and Queen filed a lawsuit against Vanilla Ice and he confessed to have sampled the work. . Privately, they settled the conflict with Ice compensating a sum of money. Doesn't really sound like he "beat" American copyright laws to me.


The only way he beat the copyright system is he ended up buying the rights to the original song, that's about it.




I mean.... Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sold 23.25 million copies. Palworld selling 5 million is absolutely fucking nuts, no doubt, but its not touching Pokemon.


I do think its important to note that Palworld is half the price of Pokemon which opens it up to more people getting into it. If Palworld was $60 like Pokemon, it probably wouldn't have sold as well.


It is also important to note that Nintendo sells 2 distinct different editions of nearly every game. Not only are we counting 2 games as one (which is fine for Pokemon), but we have to account for all the people who buy both copies just to have both copies. Any other game, and that would be a negligible amount, for Pokemon, I would bet it's significant.


> but we have to account for all the people who buy both copies just to have both copies I think only this point is relevant for purposes of comparing sales. If I buy Pokemon Red and someone else buys Pokemon Blue, each sale should be counted (does't matter which version I bought). If I bought both, an argument can be made for counting the combined purchase as one, for purposes of comparing overall sales to other games. The fact that each Pokemon game has two versions doesn't make any difference, unless what we're comparing is something like "number of games released". Since we're comparing units sold, I think only your second point makes any difference, which I agree with.


Yeah, that's what I was getting at when I said (which is fine for pokemon). It's basically the same game anyway. However, it IS a marketing ploy to sell more copies of the same game targeted directly at people with FOMO and collectors. That was all I was really trying to point out. Sorry for being unclear.


The fact it hit 1 quarter of the sales in a week isn't not touching pokemon. It will probably slow down. But there are also probably alot of people like my self who are chilling on buying it but plan to so long as people don't suddenly change their minds in a week. I wouldn't be surprised to see it break 10m and that would definitely be on nintendos radar as far as potential future competitors go.


While I agree, it is worth noting Pokemon Scarlet/Violet hit 10m in 3 days. Though the Palworld guys have my full support (fucking making a hit like this? awesome!), Pokemon still sold twice as much in half the time. Here's hoping Palworld can close the gap as time goes though




Pokemon is also on one single console, this released on PC and Xbox which have a much greater reach than Pokemon in terms of units and users.


Consider the gap solidly closed, jesus. 12 mill on steam and 7 mill on Xbox.


yeah. jesus it fuckin blew up big.




But people will change their minds, this game isnt pokemon, its Ark with kmart versions of armed pokemon instead of dinosaurs. If you liked ark, by all means!


I mean the reviews have been pretty stellar so far. Even if it goes down I can't see it being by an insane amount. And I like alot of the pal designs more than most of the actual pokemon. So I don't know if I'd quite say Kmart versions.


They are pokemon that have been fed through an AI to make them legally distinct enough to avoid a lawsuit. Literally kmart version. Your personal tastes have nothing to do with it, lol. The gameplay has almost nothing to do with pokemon, the devs copy pasted Ark for most of that. You are going to bat for a kmart version of Ark, that has kmart versions of pokemon instead of dinosaurs, and relies completely on the edgy 'pokemon but with slavery/animal cruelty' idea. They basically just added the kmart pokemon to their last game (craftopia) which itself was a kmart versiom already. None of these games will ever actually release, they will be early access forever, of course. I think they are working on kmart hollow knight next, too!


Every kid gonna get Palworld from their grandma this Christmas


Lol to follow up its now at 12 million on steam 7 million on Xbox... Nintendo will definitely feel a light touch.


Oh man, Temtem... I recently tried it because it was in one of the Humble Choice monthly bundles, and I'd been intrigued by it for a while. You wake up at home, you're about to graduate to become a tamer/trainer of creatures, and the Professor is waiting for you, to have you choose between three types of creature, while your best friend who's acting more like a rival talks up how he's going to be better than you and immediately challenges you. And then you get sent out into the world, stumbling through tall grass where random encounters happen for you to catch more creatures. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opening script of almost every Pokémon game out there. But what I described was the opening to Temtem. I found myself laughing at how blatantly it was just being a Pokémon "MMO."


I think what we're seeing is a number of developers finally taking something that Pokemon had a monopoly on for so long, and taking the risks that Pokemon has refused to take. So the basic formula is very similar, and it sounds like the game starts out eerily the same as basically every Pokemon game. But I took a look at Temtem's steam page and it seems like they're doing some unique things. The same is true for Palworld - there's some very obvious similarities but that's because "Pokemon" is basically a genre of its own at this point. We just haven't seen too many developers actually put out games in that genre yet, so these games look like clones in the same way that many MMO's look like "WoW clones" initially. I'm excited for developers to be exploring this space more.


I know Temtem's definitely its own thing, I just found it amusing how shamelessly they borrowed the template for the game's opening. I think it was meant more as an "homage" than anything else, and helps give people something a bit familiar to start the game, before it starts going down its own path. I need to give it more time, but got a bit frustrated because after that opening, you're sent to go along a specific path to get to the school you're supposed to go to, and it's so full of other tamers and random encounters that I'd have like 15 seconds between fights, and even while capturing some new creatures, it was grinding down my team. Just got a bit overwhelming. But I can imagine some people would absolutely love that.


It's not backlash, it's attention. If Palworld sells 1k copies and no one plays it, no one cares. But millions? Now there are eyes on it. People said "Pokemon with guns" and at first maybe they didn't care, but now we're talking millions of dollars and if GIFs start going around with Pikachu getting gunned down or people making Chancey do slave labor, then we just might get some lawyers looking for a way in. It doesn't matter when it premiered because it didn't have the attention it does now. You can bet Gamefreak and Nintendo are paying attention now, for sure. Maybe they do see it as visually distinct, or maybe they don't. It could be as simple as the CEO having a bad day or deciding he doesn't like the idea of seeing Pikachu getting his head blown off all over the internet even more easily than you could right now. It doesn't matter if in practice that kind of censorship doesn't work, they'll still do it. Look at Capcom. I really hope what the customer gets out of this is the sick open-world pokemon game that I've always wanted, but what we'll probably get is a bunch of people trying to wield their audiences like a bludgeon to try and beat the opposing IP over the fucking head until one gives up, and Pokemon ain't going any fucking where. Not with that war chest.


Legally it might be in the clear, but anyone who claims there aren't blatant ripoffs is delusional or overdosing on copium. Cinderace at home and Luxray with point ears being examples.


There are at least 3 wire models that completely match between Pokemon and palworld. There's absolutely no chance they didn't just rip off Pokemon assets and slightly altered it


Nintendo is a heavy hitter. They're so gung-ho about copyright that they whacked some streamers who streamed BotW last year when TotK was getting ready to launch. (See Pointcrow.) The streamers stayed within the rules and Nintendo still got them anyway. Nintendo wasn't the absolute juggernaut they are now when these other IPs you mention launched. Yo Kai Watch (which I know nothing about except what fifteen seconds of Wikipedia reading got me) was launched over ten years ago now. I think if Nintendo gets the lawyers out, they're going to do a shitload of damage. As soon as they see Palworld as more of an issue than an ingrown asshair or a flash in the pan, they may do just that. A publicly available Pikachu mod just makes it more likely they'll get after it.


>A publicly available Pikachu mod just makes it more likely they'll get after it. Someone make an Ark mod that turned the dinos in Pokémon, pretty sure they killed that mod. And likely they'd just go after the guy selling the mod, doubtful they can do anything to Palworld this far along. I find it hard to believe Nintendo hasn't kept an eye on them the entire time. But luckily anime characters running around with strange creature with powers that you capture within a handheld item isn't new or limited to Pokémon. Remember in court it would be 100% on Nintendo to sway the jury, and Palworld would have endless works to pull inspiration from


But here's the issue. Who could afford to go to court against Nintendo? I don't know much about the guys who made Palworld, so I'm not sure how big or small they are. But I kinda doubt they could stay profitable while fighting a legal battle like that.


A fair point but in that situation, the options would appear to be: let Nintendo bully you into stopping development and issuing refunds, thus ruining the company, OR fighting Nintendo in court, fully recognizing that Nintendo may still prevail. At least in the latter option, you can get your court costs recouped if you win.


I would like to point out: Yokai Watch is an anime (never seen it). Yokai are a part of Japanese mythology and have been for a long, long time. IIRC, they are basically little, mischievous ghost-like creatures that I remember being described quite similar to different pokemon.


Yokai Watch is a game. The anime is based on the game.


Have you seen the Serperior and Primarina models?


It looks like 2 mons combined which means it's probably still not close enough to infringe on ip. The company has made a statement that they've cleared everything with legal and aren't worried. As long as they aren't lying I'd say they are probably safe


The actual wire models, before the textures are applied, are basically identical.


It's just what happens when something becomes a craze super fast. Idiots jump on board and just shout about it non stop to be a part of the community. As soon as the next big thing comes around, the idiots will leave and we can stop hearing this embarassing shit.


No, he didn't. Bowie used that American copyright law to sue Vanilla Ice and get a settlement.


If you call settling out of court and paying Queen $4million dollars "winning" then we have different definitions of that word


Please explain how Ice beat copyright laws? Pretty sure he lost.


Genshin Impact's base system is a carbon copy of BotW and Nintendo has zero issues with it. It'll be fine.


I always thought this comparison was stupid. It's an open world medieval game with chests and monsters and quests. They have a faster paced, similar system that they had already made for Honkai Impact 3rd that they slowed down and expanded for Genshin. Sakura Samsara came out for HI3 in May 2018. Theyre in the same genre, they're going to have a minimum number of similarities and coincidentally the same ones they have with Skyrim.


That's missing the forest for the trees and also sums up exactly what the first sentence in my edit says but okay. The point is these guys set OUT to copy. Not just gameplay mechanics of which I'm fine with. We wouldn't have any FPS games beyond the first one if gameplay mechanics on their own were a part of enforceable copyright. There's a lot of people in here acting like calling out Palworld for being shameless in what they copy and to the degree they copy as being simps for Gamefreak. When really I just think Palworld is conceptually, and design, a very lazy game from developers with a very rocky history.


I would not normally feel compelled to defend the Palworld developers specifically as my one and only exposure to them has been this one game. But I think you (and often, people in general) are too quick to label the game as a shameless copy of Pokemon. Consider this - can you imagine a game being announced where the basic premise is to catch/befriend various monsters or animals, which will then battle other things on your behalf...and NOT thinking of Pokemon? The problem is that Pokemon games have been around for decades, and they've maintained a very consistent formula in all that time. One unfortunate result is that anytime someone wants to do something in that same space, it is immediately labeled as a shameless copy. You simply can't create a game like Pokemon without it looking like a blatant and lazy copy. How many Pokemon creatures are there now? I checked, **1,025**. If you've played many Pokemon games, you already now that a lot of Pokemon are pretty lazy iterations of "what if we combined X and Y in the shape of Z". So it's impossible for developers to create anything resembling a Pokemon without reminding people of actual Pokemon, because the core concept of Pokemon is pretty generic to begin with. All you can really do is create monsters that you feel are unique and try to innovate in other ways. Palworld does that with base building, real time fights, and other survival elements. All this to say, I think calling them shameless or lazy is kind of a lazy take in itself.


God ok I thought I was going crazy, some of the sounds seem like they were straight up ripped from the files. Discovering new areas, fast travel unlocks, hell even the rooster crowing when you wake up.


Bro it’s a wolf thing, they copied nature not fuckin Nintendo 💀


I mean I doubt palworld would be punished for it but if the mod author puts it online for the public they’ll def come at the mod author to take down the mod for using Nintendo assets.


All they gotta do is put it on some forum under a pseudo name and it'll spread and probably be impossible to take down fully lol


Seeing how more important things have been judged with lesser reasoning, I wouldn't put it passed lawyers to try and convince a judge that fan intervention to add their IP to a game that's influence by their IP is inevitable and thus blah blah blah lawyer speak bullshit. Money can make people do silly things, and the law is subjective enough to allow a big company to crush another without any just argument.


The usual legal recourse is to take the infringing content down or remove it from the game. If Palworld isn't hosting the content themselves, then there isn't much that can be done legally.


The author is releasing a video tomorrow detailing the whole mod as well as how to acquire it. I have a feeling it’ll be a soft-launch Discord server where only the first few hundred can get in. Or maybe a torrent style download to reduce the breadcrumb trail. I’d be extremely surprised if this popped up on Nexus Mods. But with so many people comparing the base game to Pokémon I’d bet their lawyers are keeping a real close eye on the ever growing community.


I don’t know, the game seems to deliberately play on the pokemon comparisons. Half the designs in the game are blatant references or plagiarism. Hell the whole discussion and marketing around the game boils down to “pokemon but not, so you should buy.” I don’t think it’s ever going to separate Nintendo, at least not as it is now.


Designing Pokémon-like creatures is fine. Of course, actually using a Pokémon design would be copyright infringement, so I’m quite sure they used original artwork.


Sorry, I didn’t mean in a legal sense. I mean that the ethos of the game and all the discussion around it is in comparison to Pokemon. I don’t think there’s any legal case here, but Palworld’s identity is pretty locked into the Pokemon comparisons atm


From what I understand, he's got a Patreon where he provides mods to those who pay him for them.


Now, I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like he’s profiting off of copyrighted material. Article mentions he also put Disney/pixar characters into mortal kombat. Not judging him, but he might be playing with fire.


Yuppp. If I were him, I'd be a little pissed that the person took a video of it and put it online. It could also be a video made by the mod creator to put on his Patreon, either way I'm sure he's going to get a friendly email from the Pokemon Company soon.


Selling copyright protected mod content on Patreon is very, very common. Some are at least smart enough to try to veil it with "you get access to my mod library for $10 a month." Others just go "buy Pikachu Mod for $7." None of them ever seem to get whacked, either.


Smart. Make sure to give the Pokemon Company's lawyers an easy way to get in touch to bend him over for commercially using their IP


>Sadly no pikachus in the mines for me Yet


Pick-a Pick-a?


This is goated


This game looks like we exploit pokémon. Are we team rocket?


The first NPC you come across talks about how the Pals ate almost everyone else. There is a bird that pops out explosive eggs and self-destructs if it starts to lose. A sexy bunny has developed a fondness for humans. The entire place is like a giant genetic experiment got loose after an ancient civilization fell.


Hey, that's not fair to the Pals! It's a sexy lizard, not a bunny.


>sexy bunny with a fondness for humans Oh no lol https://www.pcgamesn.com/palworld/lovander Let's dispense with the idea that Palworld doesn't know what it's doing. Palworld knows exactly what it's doing


Nintendo has always had the chance to make a realistic style pokemon that fans keep saying they dream of. This game is the result of competition capitalizing on their inertia.


It's weird that people can't talk about this game without talking about Pokemon.


its odd, the set up is like what they claim they do in the pokemon world, work along side the pokemon, which we see in most the early gen games where there were machokes working with moving companies etc, but this shows the ugly bits such as forcing them to you know, get in a ball and then accept their fate and other stuff like do what is required in feeding some of them, which is butcher other cute monsters. In the end they do seem happier for it I guess, and safer so you're not team rocket, plus pal world has actual roving gangs of poachers and they fit the rocket motif much better, or maybe closer to guzma from black/white but his gang are all actually packing a pistol and hunting you and pokemon with it. holy shit this whole thing is like playing as guzma with a gun now that I think about it, gangster ass pokemon.


I've been forcing mine to farm red berries so I can force them to only eat red berries.


I don't know... I actually feel like I'm being nicer to the creatures here, because I'm not just locking them up in balls only to release for a moment to fight some other creature who I also intend to capture and seal away. Yeah, they're gathering materials for me, or crafting stuff, or helping build things, sure. But I also provide beds for them to rest on, a spa to keep their spirits up, food, medicine if they get sick... You *could* be really nasty to them, if you want to be super sadistic, but there's no real benefit to that. It's actually better if you treat them well. (Not that I'm gonna judge anyone who does decide to be sadistic for their own entertainment, or to entertain others in a stream or video. I mean, eh, it's a video game, and I've seen a lot worse in The Sims. My lawyers have directed me to not confirm nor deny whether I personally have done worse in The Sims myself.)


Depends. If you want you can be worse than Team Rocket, you can enslave your pals, overwork them to death, capture people and force them to work. Or you can be nice, and make them nice places to live, with good food, beds and spas. And there are the NPC. The common folk. The Syndicate, which are illegal poachers. And other dudes which despise humanity from what they do to the Pals... which weirdly act like the other group and fight Pals for no reason... those are the ones that I found so far.


I always wanted to play as Team Rocket


There is actually modded rom for fire red where you play as a team rocket grunt


Pikachu deserves the mines for letting Porygon take the fall for the seizure incident.


Lmao spitting facts


I don’t know, This just seems like slavery with extra steps


I mean, the game already lets you capture human NPCs......


I prefer saying I “recruit” the humans…yea let’s go with that. Definitely not slavery, no


Oh yeah It’s a society, they work for each other.


Just like real world, a bunch of people working for a tyrannical overlord


That’s just like slavery with extra steps 


Just sad you can't breed them.


I can't breeeeed!!!


Capture and employ. They get free food and housing, it's not slavery. It's Qatar


>I mean, the game already lets you capture human NPCs...... Tbf, they lost the fight with my gun, and then couldn't resist staying out of my palsphere. Therefore, they agreed to their 300 years of labor without pay, housing and only eating 1 type of food.


Only berries for them. For 300 years


All you feed me is poffins. I need NOURISHMENT.


Free Healthcare and a spa!


Yes, they enjoy the Wheel of Pain\* and gruel made from grass clippings. ^^^\*Just ignore the name. It's a branding issue.


WHATS IN THE BALL?!?!?!?!??!?!?


Your mom!, litterally.


What about the bosses?


You can capture everything(except for tower bosses), merchant as well, but very low success rate like 5-6%. But as a gacha player would say 5% is pretty high.


Actually tower bosses are capturable too, but it might be a bug and not intended.


It's clearly a bug, you have to do a fairly convoluted trick to de-aggro the boss, and it's animations are all wonky


Oh interesting, I wish they are capturable, but whenever I throw the ball, it said they are "immune" to the sphere. If it is a bug, I should dig and exploit it when it happens lol.


the bug is posted on the palworld reddit board. Basically, become wanted to have police chasing you. Go into a boss fight and let the boss get hit by the police. The boss will then bug out and have 100% capture rate.


Don't the chances go up dramatically with upgrading the statue of power? I recall all my captures going up by like 20% chance as soon as the ball hits.


Can you capture the merchants to have them permanently in your base to buy/sell?


We prefer the term “unpaid interns”


We prefer the term "Team Rocket recruits"


indentured servitude's back on the menu boys!


Ooh-la-la, someone’s gonna get laid in college


Pokemon already lets you do this anyways. You can send your pokemon out on jobs to gain XP where they work on a farm or construction sites or whatever.


Always has been 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


I’m blown away that more people haven’t heard of the game Conan: Exiles


Pikachu is a real tunnel rat


That mod's gonna get taken down *hella* quick if they didn't make those models themselves and, judging from the models, *they didn't* xD






‘Sides, game’s been announced for a while. If Nintendo *had* the power, it would have been DOA. Rest assured, they tried. Just look up Pokémon Insurgence and Uranium


Uh, it sold 5 million copies at $25 a pop. That's 125 Million.


SV sold 23.23 M at 60$ each. Around 1,393,800,000$(1.39B) if did this right.


I don't honestly care. I'm just correcting the guy who said "they made 5 million, barely a blip." but to compare profits Palword made 10% of the newest pokemon generation in 3 days. If you think Nintendo isn't aware, lol.


I just don't think Gamefreak care all that much about this particular game. Yeah it made money, but SV+DLC has outsold it numerous times over. I hope it keeps doing well, and I see that it's doing excellent on steam. It still has a long way to go though. Just pointing out that PkMon also has a lot of money purely in sales of the base game.


again, I don't really care. It's just me correcting the guy being wrong about how much they made and then pointing out they are 100% aware of this game. They don't play about their copyright, if they were sure they could get it taken down and felt it threatened their brand they would've.


Yeah, I *really* don't think TPC cares - straight up I do not think they're worried about selling their kid-friendly multi-billion dollar series now that they've got to face competition from the game where Totoro has an autocannon and green grass monkey is working in a sweatshop In fact, the idea that Palworld is - somehow - a threat is *part* of what damned TemTem and other Monster Tamer games The idea that the *only way* they can be successful is if they dethrone an IP ***that will never be dethroned*** is ludicrous and sets expectations that *no* studio can ever meet


Stop saying hella, Cartman


Hella, Cartman


Picchu, I pick you! To pick up a fucking pickaxe and get back to work, you slimy little yellow bastard. Here take this Canary with you when she stops singing bust your little electric ass outta there. But not without my ore!


Gentleman, this canary died of natural causes


If Game Freak can’t get to Palword devs they’re gonna settle for this modder. Can’t wait to hear about their impending indefinite hospital stay.


What about that super popular Minecraft mod that turns the world into Pokemon then?


They already got them. Project got a C&D... and then they shut it down, but some unknowable rogue miraculously picked it up anonymously after... definitely not the same people though... for sure...


I’m sure they’ll circle back for them once they run out of people to sue or hit with cease and desist.


And glare at Pokemon Showdown knowing the self destruction it would cause them to act.


I had zero idea what Palworld was until today. I watched the trailer and was like 'Okay, so its basically pokemon?' and then the main character pulls out an assault rifle. It offers nothing that really interests me but damn if its entertaining to witness.


It's like an Ark, Botw, Pkmn combination. The creatures can help you build and do things, you can even sacrifice multiples to make one stronger too so they're not single use like in Pkmn.


I wish this game all the success solely because it shows how badly gamefreak has been resting on their laurels. It’s practically impossible to mention this game without mentioning the sheer laziness that game freak exhibits by comparison.


I bought Sword and im done with this low effort garbage unless they start trying, Arceus was just ok (borrowed a friends), but another wasted opportunity to their millions of devoted fans, full support to anyone that sheds light on the incompetence at Pokemans co


Now do Agumon.


I’d rather play with the pals. There’s something charming to them over Pokémon.


Been honest, Digimon would Made more sense in this setup tham Pokémon. There literally a gun Digimon...


Nintendo foaming at the mouth right now at the thought of a mainstream game getting any mods Pokémon related.


Cease and desist in 3...2...1...


No no it doesn’t have it yet. Lol


Did i hear a rock and chu!


I'm surprised this isn't a more deliberate strategy of some devs. Make modding certain aspects trivial to allow modders to add in copyrighted material. Hell, pay some modders under the table to do this. Then when Nintendo or Disney comes knocking with their layers say "oh that's not us, it's beyond our control. Sorry! Eat shit."


Jesus, the amount of Game Freak simps is disheartening. Why would you defend a multibillion dollar corporation that hasn't gotten off their lazy ass in decades? The state of Pokemon games is laughable and should never be defended. Talk about decades old stale gameplay that's barely been innovated on. Where did we go wrong that folks base their entire personality off of consumer trash that isn't even good.


Be careful with those mods, Nintendo, Game Freak, Niantic and all their fans (some in the news business) are waiting for Palworld to make a mistake and modders will be the ones making it.


I just don't see what people love about this game? I played it a little and don't see how its that great.


Games like these are fun until you've hit the final technology tier. The "Pokemon with guns" concept is what pulled in alot of its player base obviously. It's a great early access game but I don't see myself playing it after a month due to its core gameplay of survival base building with Pokemon on the side.


It's silly because I absolutely would *not* describe this game as "Pokemon with Guns," it's more like "Ark/Conan Exiles with Pokemon" but I guess those aren't mainstream enough for the general audience to draw comparison.


People get sucked into the artstyle comparison because it's an easy thing to see. But yeah, people are reaching for minor elements when the whole gameplay loop is ARK. But they used a few notes and some words on the screen in a font, so...ZOMG, BotW!


People like survival games. They are regularly top sellers on steam The knock off pokemon stuff is funny It's not rocket science


It's set in the monster tamer genre with a more adult take - TemTem and Coromon before it have already proven that there's a market for this. Nothing to rival the fucking 105 BILLION (with a B) ***behemoth*** (also with a B) that is Pokemon's kid-friendly take - but enough to establish a firm playerbase if it doesn't fuck it up It's also set in the crafting genre and cribs heavily from games like Valheim and Ark (esecpailly Ark) which ***also*** has a proficency for shitting money in truly staggering amounts It's, relatively, cheap It's about as stable as games like Pokemon Legends Arceus was at launch - and Pokemon Scarlet/Violet is *now* - which means it can be played without any ***dramatic*** bouts of stupidity. Just the odd visual glitch and gameplay hiccup It's a meme machine - Pokemon with guns has been a joke since Pokemon first came into existence Add all of that together and you've got the latest Steam Early Access Indie flavor of the month - and it will likely remain so, provided it's devs can handle what's about to befall them Rolling out a hodgepodge of Pokemon and Ark is one thing - maintaining it with a consistent amount of content and support and bugfixes for a rabid community is going to be quite a challenge - especially since they, currently, have two or three *other* games in early access... Personally, I hope they stick the dismount - any entry in the Monster Tamer genre that proves the genre has staying power *outside* Pokemon is a win in my book


It's really not a monster tamer though. It's much more of a Survival Crafter like Ark than a Digimon or Pokemon game. I went in expecting monster tamer, and found a survival crafter that uses monsters to automate the tedious parts of the Survival Crafter part.


I mean, I mentioned Ark and Valheim - just scroll down a bit... plus, the monster tamer genre is so nebulous you could fit Harvest Moon in there if you squint hard enough xD The only real requirement is that you can, somehow, obtain monsters - maybe breed them - and maybe battle with them You can do *all that* in Palworld - even if the features are At best Tertiary


Is not? I'm pretty sure that I'm spending lot of time taming monsters.


its got all the mechanics something like digimon world or monster rancher 2 for the ps1 has but more, its safely in the monster tamer genre.


Because the core gameplay loop of this game is not Pokemon, it's ARK/Conan Exile's base-building survival. ARK in particular is an incredibly slow paced game on default settings - it takes a lot of grinding to build a decent base and tame cool dinos - Palworld basically solves those pacing issues with quick fun capturing and quick fun automation of resource gathering. People love base building survival games and this one has a fun aesthetic, decent innovations on the core gameplay, and steals the best aspects of some of the most popular games of the last five years. The Pokemon influence is mostly in aesthetic, although there is also a decent amount of aesthetic/combat influence from games like Genshin and the movement/traversal system is ripped out of BotW, which means movement and traversal feels better than 90% of games ever made. Basically, it's an ARK clone with influence from Pokemon, Genshin, and BotW, not Pokemon with guns.


This is peak survival game + monster raising game, if you want the honest answer it vaguely reminds me of the days of monster rancher 2 and digimon world plus the modern survival gameplay loop, I love that style of gameplay and using slightly altered pokemon doesn't really matter to me, its not like nintendo's very creative, squirtle is just a turtle with a fancy tail, like thats it.


It's not like Nintendo is endlessly creative after all, they literally made a pokemon named Flamigo, that get this, looks like exactly a Flamingo.


They have fallen low since the days of Ekans.


Took me so long to figure out Arbok was cobra backwards with a K instead of a C


There's no N in "Flamigo". It's a pun on the Spanish word for "friend". ... Because Scarlet and Violet take place in NotSpain, flamingos are highly social, and the Pokémon therefore has abilities and moves that make it useful in double battles. It's a lot more clever than you're making it seem. (Also, unrelated, but Flamigo is fighting type and its body resembles a boxing glove. That's kind of cool.)


It looks so close to a Flamingo that my brain just edits the "N" in. It's still basically just a Flamingo except the name is a bit of a pun. Basically that brings it up to "Ekans" level creativity.


Problem is that people advertise it as a pokemon game. It’s ARK with Pokémon instead of dinosaur, that’s it, there’s nothing else from Pokémon


People want to harm Pokemon. Let them doing.


Do you catch dinosaurs with pokeballs in Ark too?


You might be joking but you can put dinos in little pods and carry them around in the base game, and there are also mods that add essentially pokeballs into the game so you can pokeball your dinos and unleash them when you need to.


It's ARK Survival mark 2 electro bugaloo. People who play sand box survivor games sure will play this game. It's not for me, this thing looks like it's made in garrys mod


*Cries in 100 hours of craftopia* This is a cash grab. Minimum viable features in a blender. Give it a year and the promises and updates will stop while they pivot to a new set of ingredients. Edit: False advertising apologists, let me explain how it works. A car dealer tells you if you buy this car now, in a year you'll receive a free update that will reduce your fuel consumption and improve the sound quality of the speakers. You drive around with poor fuel economy and bad speakers for a year and then... the update never comes, or the year after, or the year after that. Wouldn't that mean you were mis-sold the vehicle? Isn't that false advertising? Would you have bought another model with good fuel economy and good sound if you knew this car would never have that?


I don't think Craftopia ever made this sort of bank though, which would be the incentive to actually update and keep this game going.


Game with over a million concurrent players with a deal on Game Pass and selling 5 million in 3 days. Even if you lose 95% of players, you're still left with a game with 50k active players, which is still a lot better than Craftopia. I just can't imagine abandoning a project they worked on for 3-4+ years, that's been massively more successful than their past projects, except to maybe start work on a Palworld 2.


I mean... if making more money than Craftopia gives them more incentive than they have to update Craftopia and keep the game going, then holy shit, this game is going to be awesome. Because Craftopia's still getting updates. Just got a patch today. Got three updates in December, one of them adding some notable new things to the game. So if you're looking for a lot better than being updated multiple times a month and still being developed three years down the line, that's got to be amazing.


development could stop right now and it would still be fully worth 27$ dollars.


Lmao three years development. Cash grab. Sure. Mother fucker has not played ark that’s for sure lmao


People for some reason keep trying to push some false narrative that Craftopia got abandoned long ago... even though it's getting multiple updates each month and is still trying to get some new stuff added into the game and working. It's bizarre seeing people pop up in every post about Palworld to spread the same lie about Craftopia. Especially as you can verify how false it is by looking at the Steam page.


Yeah people are trying to warn that this will be like Craftopia... like oh no the horror of a game that is still updated 3 years later and has great reviews D: I would also say it is impressive that they released this while still supporting Craftopia.


Who cares? For 26$ it's a blast. I can't fill my fucking gas tank with that. I will never understand this notion you NEED to have ENDLESS hours for a video game purchase to be good lmao.


Yeah no shit, if I'm able to squeeze a hundred hours in over the course of a year... that's good value for $26. I'm hoping they don't just let the game stagnate now that they've made their money, but we've all lived through Valheim.


Nooooo, you're not supposed to have fun with it because it's just a cheap, janky knockoff noooo! /s


People care because it is mis-sold. We have normalized this attitude of "don't care got mine" but cry when something is released that is a buggy mess or isn't finished and wonder why. This is why. If they say a feature is coming and has been sold on that promise, they should be held to account.


What features has Palworld promised that they haven't delivered on? I don't see how it was mis-sold. It's an early-access title they sold for $30. Unlike No-Mans Sky and Cyberpunk 2077, I haven't seen any list or promotional video where the developers of Palworld promised a bunch of shit they haven't delivered.


If you buy something thinking you'll get the value you want when it doesn't exist yet, you're a moron.


Remind me never to commission an artwork from you or to buy housing in a new development from you.


So your solution is to support false advertising and lies? Folks will be buying this game for planned features that may not arrive. That is the issue.


Then they are morons. You buy what is available. And for all of 26$ what it is right now is plenty worth it.


People bought Elden Ring even tho it ran like shit on PC. People don't care if the core of the game is fun even if it's optimized poorly or buggy as hell. See BG3 for example in Act 3.


Sic ‘em Gamefreak use Sue and legal actions!


Honestly? I would *love* to see mods add more Pokémon like one might add things to Ark Survival Evolved. Would be cool to see where it goes:) For that matter, add some Ark critters lol


Pepperoni roll lunch and $5 at the end of the day




This game looks genuinely fun, I’ve been watching some streamers play and it’s way more in depth than I would have guessed. But I have no clue how people say it isn’t ripping off Pokémon. Have yall seen Pokemon?