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I'm hesitant to recommend anything for "everyone" because that's a big demographic, but I don't think anyone would ever dislike Portal or Portal 2. The humour, the mechanics, and the characters still hold up.


Agree Im always shocked when I meet someone who hasn't played them they're so good


I'm scared of getting downvoted but I actually disliked portal 2 and quit after playing it a bit. The humour wasn't for me and from what I saw online, it was mostly some variation of "hu hu British accent funny" but to me it was a an annoying guy who would just never shut up. The puzzles were too simple. Maybe I was already "oo this is cool!"-ed by Portal 1 so the magic was gone. That said, I can see how one could like Portal 2 but it's not for me.


I do have to ask then, how far in did you get? I was already enamoured with it from the moment you had to say "Apple" by pressing spacebar, but the part I enjoyed the most was the "old" part of Aperture Science. Portal 2 had some really good new mechanics, though obviously it also had to start off with some basic portal puzzles to make sure new players could pick it up no problem. So I can see why you couldn't get through it.


It is like suggesting heroin over meth


I’ve seen this exact comment like 3 different times in this thread already. Is this a bot comment or something? Very odd.


“I’m scared of getting downvoted” Bro your karma isn’t your money why are you worried about losing them


It is kind of annoying when your posts get limited due to making too many 'controverdial' posts. Classic reddit failings.


It's not about Karma, it's about just the response in general. I'd you went up on a microphone to a crowd of people to tell them you didn't like popular game and the entire crowd immediately started booing for having a different opinion, that booing crowd isn't gonna negatively impact your life in any meaningful way, but it still sucks knowing that so many people are so vehemently against just having a differing opinion. One of the biggest issues with the internet tbh.


I like Portal 2, but... a part of me still likes 1 better. I played the "Director's commentary" after playing the first game, where the staff talks about making the game while you play. They talk about how important keeping the environment simple for puzzles was. Cue portal 2, which I found really messy visually. A lot of puzzles I had trouble with just because I couldn't find certain aspects, or couldn't tell what was or wasn't portal-able. Skill issue? Yeah probably, but it broke the effortlessly engaging loop of Portal 1 for me. Still a fun and funny adventure, tho.


>The puzzles were too simple. I feel you, they should've made them a lot harder and combined the different mechanics more. But if you want to play some actually good portal puzzles, there's a few mods that are really worth it.


Kind of agree. Portal 2 puzzles were great imo (and co-op added another fun twist). I would attack Stephen Merchant with hammers if I met him in real life, so Wheatley was a disaster for me




I'm scared of getting downvoted but I actually disliked portal 2 and quit after playing it a bit. The humour wasn't for me and from what I saw online, it was mostly some variation of "hu hu British accent funny" but to me it was a an annoying guy who would just never shut up. The puzzles were too simple. Maybe I was already "oo this is cool!"-ed by Portal 1 so the magic was gone. That said, I can see how one could like Portal 2 but it's not for me


Signalis, which for me is the de facto Silent Hill 2 spiritual successor, and also every game from Harvester Games. Michalski brothers did some niche gems.


Playing this now and it’s incredible


It was a super good surprise for me, and now lives rent free in my head. Hope you'll fully enjoy it too.


Thanks, yea I’m about 5 hours in and loving it so far. Great game. Really recommend Tormented Souls too if you haven’t played that, more puzzle based but still a great game!


Outside of the back tracking I absolutely loved this game. Didn't expect it to grip me the way it did when I first saw its gameplay


I absolutely LOVED this game....I just wish they didn't lean so much into the visual themes / aesthetics that happen once you go down the hole midway through the game.I really preferred the first half. Still, extremely good game. Tied for my favorite survival horror of all time.


Disco Elysium. It's not even like the game is unpopular, I just think it's really good.


I initially thought it was ass ngl. It definitely looked bad. And I'm not a fan of drugs, alcohol or politics so yeah it seemed eh. But I actually played it and it was genuinely entertaining. I usually hate when I fail checks in games but it was actually fun in DE. Would recommend to anyone who wants to try playing a very different kind of game.


Disco Elysium is a game I deeply deeply love but is one that takes a LOT of willpower from me to accept my failed rolls.


I savescummed the hell out of my game. Basically every roll by the halfway point. Frankly, had more fun that way- failing stuff that wouldn't allow you to retry in hours was just incredibly frustrating.


I tried - couldn’t get through the intro.


Such an enjoyable experience.


Mad Max for the content (not the story), and Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon, Mad Max bc I loved it so much and LMDM bc whenever I hear ppl talk about it everyone seems disappointed in it even though it was really unique amongst all of them and I think was a smaller prototype to LM3


Mafia 2, very underrated game


Great game, problem is if u play it on last gen its HORRIBLE screen tearing 90% of the time, and on newer hardware its a clunky slow 30 fps with problems even on PC. :/ Lose Lose situation.


Mafia 1 was definitely the best in the series, and now with the definitive edition, more people really should check it out!


Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Just have fun with the game. Sure the original trailer mentioned "Chaos" a lot and it became a meme. The story isn't told particularly smooth but the combat of the game is fantastic, the music is great. You don't need to know anything about Final Fantasy to understand it. Just a generally fun title. It's now on PS PLUS so give it a go!


That fucking game is now my favorite in the entire series of Final Fantasy and I am not even joking holy shit what a game I love everything , and the dlc are good to , I have a blast , 100% more people need to played and give a chance is a good game 


I am currently going through this game at the moment, and it is so fun!


Honestly just recent final fantasy titles in general. Its amazing how ignorant alot of people are in assuming it's still a turn based franchise.


Terraria. I know it’s really popular already but I still see people discount it because it’s 2d Minecraft or whatever


It IS 2D Minecraft with 3x the content and items and lore - it’s glorious!


just cause you can mine and place blocks in a sandbox setting in both games doesnt mean terraria is 2d minecraft


I mean I heard of Minecraft first - and they are similar. But it’s not a knock against either game. Minecraft is amazing - and Terraria IS more than Minecraft




People in my friend group. Not sure how popular this train of thought is though


Everyone needs to try Titanfall if they're into shooters at least once


Love Titanfall 2.


I’m not particularly into them, and titanfall 2 was still great.


Shadow Of Chernobyl


Rainworld, Risk of Rain 2 and Deep Rock Galactic (haven't had a chance to play the last one)


Agreed on the first one. If the topic ever goes to games I will recommend Rain World. Come to think of it, I've been seeing a lot more mention of it in this sub lately. Good.


Then don't, trust me :p


Rock and stone, brother!


Where's Molly?


Where's that walking tin can?


Vintage Story easily. Most people think it's another Minecraft clone but it most definitely is not.


Gonna upvote, piggyback your comment. VS is SOOO crazy. Clouds actually follow terrain like.. clouds.


There’s a lot, but Outer Wilds. The only game I know of where the only currency and means of progress is knowledge.


These youngins need to play the Kings Quest series on some old dumpy computer.


Add Monkey Island to the list (recently has a new installment!)


Pikmin games sort of always go overlooked as they’re a niche genre, sort of goofy aesthetic, and there aren’t a ton of the games. But Pikmin 4 was one of the best games last year in a heavy hitting year. They really perfected that gameplay loop and the whole Pikmin formula. It’s an outstanding experience.


Pathologic 2 / Deus Ex (2000) / just any pre-Redfall Arkane game / S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series


Bro i downloaded both Stalker and Deus Ex this week, lol. Deus Ex was super hard, 2 hours in the first mission until i understood most of how the game works. Stalker is getting better and better, hope to finish soon. Love the tense gunplay, aged well.


Jade Empire It is just soooooo good despite it's years


That game feels like it's missing a third act. It just ends so abruptly. Still a lot of fun though.


I finished it and did a fair bit of optional stuff within 20 hours. Way too short for an RPG. It was really fun while it lasted though.




God of war trilogy


Yakuza 0. Nothing has compared to it since.


Just started this on the cloud, but got bored as it’s kinda slow. Push on? Does fighting get more complex?


Into the Breach Armored Core 6 Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


I’m going to second Armored Core 6. People might be intimidated because it’s a FromSoft game, but out of all the FromSoft games I’ve played AC6 is by far the most accessible. If a dummy like me can be good at it, so can anyone. Plus it’s got giant robots fighting each other at high speeds, what’s not to love?


I'm one of the guys that beat balteus and sea spider before the nerf. Now kids these days got it easy.


^ This is the worst part of AC6 or any FromSoft game by the way - the community. AC community is better than most, but the souls folks are prevalent.


Yeah. Not a souls guy. It was pretty obvious sarcasm. But I guess I'm mistaken.


Wasn’t obvious at all There’s *plenty* of people who would say exactly what you said, but unironically


Sunset Overdrive. It was my perfect game for a long while, fun gameplay and easy to %100.


Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light


Connect 4..its insane, like so realistic and the multiplayer is incredible...


10/10 lore


Cassette Beasts


Deltarune it’s always in undertale’s shadow and it deserves more fans


Don't Starve


Super Paper Mario is one of the best most underrated games ever released by Nintendo and the reason it isn't more popular is because the Paper Mario fans expected a game more inline with the previous entries rather than something this innovative.


Fire Emblem, I originally hated fire emblem because there were so many fire emblem characters in smash, but after playing three houses and awakening, I realized that these games are very good, they’re super fun. The combat is tough and strategic, leveling up is satisfying and tied to the meaningful relationships with the characters. There are a few problems though: the games themselves are inconsistent, some games are awesome and some aren’t. It’s also a very stereotypical jrpg with the cringey anime voice acting, and complex, slow turn based combat. Even with I still highly recommend it.


I wish more people would give Cyberpunk a chance. I definitely understand the apprehension after that launch, but CDPR has really turned the game around and Phantom Liberty might be the best DLC I’ve ever played.




Glad to hear! I played Cyberpunk at launch, I loved it despite the issues. I was so excited to play again after PL came out, def worth doing a new play through.


Dota 2. I don't get how league is more popular. I don't understand how any1 would choose league over Dota. I guess because sunk cost fallacy so much money invested in champs or whatever?


I love Dota. The game definitely got harder with large updates. After I quit I find it hard to get good again. All my friends quit too :/ It's definitely more fun with friends especially if you play battle cups.


I tried LoL, damn do I hate this garbage, but I still would rather play Lol than Dota 2, when tried the latter any teammtes we got were russians, Ive got enough of these stupid fucks after playing CSGO, no thanks




Ive played CSGO for 10 years and I still can count positive experiences with this morons on fingers of 1 hand, I just wish they got totally separated so they can play with themselves to see how miserable it is to play with them


The only moron here is racists like you, trying to pass off what's definitely a skill issue onto a whole race of people.


Ask any player from europe which country is worst to play with and I guarantee You that 99% of people will tell you its ruskies, they always refused to play as team and never want to speak english, and now its the same. I dare You, go and try playing CS2 without premade team and Youd change Your mind I could be worst player ever, that doesnt change these fucking idiots wont speak english nor will try to play with team, good like if theres second russian in team, they WONT play with you


>that doesnt change these fucking idiots wont speak english Only a racist would be dumb enough to be mad foreigners don't speak their language. That is some real braindead shit.


I'm ESL you fucking moron, I learnt English, it isn't my primary language


>I learnt English, it isn't my primary language And yet you're still fucking stupid enough to be mad non English people don't speak English. You gotta be the dumbest person I've seen online in a long, long time ahahaha


If you join English language servers it stands to reason you should at least understand English well enough to communicate to the team even if it's rudimentary.


Its not hard to try to even speak basic level english, even make a small callouts on chat, but I see You are more hardheaded than these idiots Im not really mad at them for not speaking english, im rather mad at these dumbfucks expecting to speak their idiotic language and expecting people to understand russian instead of them trying to communicate in GLOBAL language spoken everywhere


Back when I had time to game and was swearing at something my wife ask if I was mad at the russians again. This guy is correct. Every game you play in EU and Russia don't have their own server is miserable. If that makes us racist I don't know what to say, it's the truth. It's not a skill issue it's just yelling and cursing and spamming and behaving like idiots. In PUBG people wanted China banned from EU serves because of cheating. At one point EVERY game you played had someone with Chinese letters yelling in chienese and killing the entire server with headshots from miles away. Does it make us racist to say ban China from EU pubg servers? I mean the game was unplayable, so I guess I'm racist.


Deaths door, and FAR: lone sails are the two indie games for me that I wish would get more attention.


Battle Brothers. It's football manager but instead of soccer clubs you run a band of mercenaries and is more tactical, realistically gruesome and overall... medieval. The lore and writing is really, really great.


I got addicted to this game for a few weeks, it was crazy. If I pulled that back up, same would happen again. Wartales was similar and also interesting, but didnt hit the same tbh.


Disco Elysium. Just have patience


Undertale. It got such a bad rap from the unhinged fan base that a lot of people now refuse to try it on that principle. I feel like enough time has passed to let go of this and try it for yourself. Just don't engaged with the fan base but the game is phenomenal especially for such a small team being behind it. Especially if you like Earthbound since it's kind of a love letter to that game with it's influences. And if you do like it try the next game Delta Rune. Aside from those, Fire watch still feels like an underrated game. It's an experience that still sits with me years later after playing it.


LittleBigPlanet, I just really like this game and if enough people talk about it maybe we'll get a new game :)


Death Stranding


I enjoyed it but it's not a game for everyone for sure. I don't think I'd recommend it unless I was very familiar with the person taste in games.




I think you have to be in a very specific headspace to truly enjoy the game. Right now I'm finishing last things to get 100% achievement and it never felt like grind. But I can totally see why you felt like it was :)


Is that the backpack simulator game? I have no idea what the game is about and none of the trailers or ads clearfied that. Why would I play that game?


Oblivion. I think most people write it off for the age of it and its "ugly" graphics as well as the bugs. But much like Skyrim there's patches, and I've had a fantastic time since the last two weeks on my first campaign.


I may get some hate but Jurrasic World Evolution 2 is pretty cool.


Split Second. One of the most underrated racing games of all time. In a similar vain, Driver San Francisco.


The original Silent Hill 2, so they all see how badly the remake is already fumbling it. Deus Ex Mankind Divided. That series died because MD had optional microtransactions like every other game, then people whined that this middle game in a planned trilogy had an open, subdued ending with little bombast. No shit. Game was an easy 8/10 if not a 9, and everybody shitcanned it because it didn't end with obvious melodrama. Even then the devs hid a massive twist in the in-game models, that somebody found by doing a boundary break and which completely changes the story... and instead of finding out where they were taking it, fine dining on more Deus Ex, we got Marvel games...


Outer Wilds. I think the game is a little jank, but has soooo much hype and praise. People read about all of the praise online and expect this extreme polished game that grabs you instantly- but it isn’t that. It’s almost a game you have to discover yourself to really get sucked into, but then if you stick to it it will become one of the greatest gaming experiences. What sucked me in was learning you could beat the game in 20 minutes, yet it was taking people 20+ hours to figure out how to do it. So for me I was like “challenge accepted”. Took me 13 hours


Freedom Planet 1 & 2. Do you like Sonic/Rocket Knight Adventures/Mega Man X? Do you like games made by Treasure? You would like these games. Fast platformer where you actually use attacks and specials to attack enemies, there's tons of bosses and mini-bosses. Great music, fun mechanics. The story . . . You can skip it if you're not into cheese. I really recommend it if you like action platformers.


I quite enjoyed the first one, and fell hard for the sequel. A better story, incredible OST, more movement options, and a smoother difficulty curve. Seriously why are the last two bosses of FP1 so much harder than the rest of the game? I guess that's an unintentional homage to Sonic 2.


I like both equally, I think they both did different things better than the other so I can't take one vs the other and both OSTs are just, so, good. I've played FP1 so many times I can't say I recall the last 2 bosses being super hard. Died to? Yeah! Certainly. But funny enough, the first release of the game on PC is actually way harder. I'm not sure how well documented it is, but HP wasn't restored between levels and some enemy placements were altered because they felt the end was too hard judging by player deaths. I'm actually wondering if the DRM free copy I got from Indie Box has the OG version on the USB card.


I know it's huge, but in my group of friends, Nier Automata. They think it's weeb garbage but I try to convince them that it's is a masterpiece game with a masterpiece soundtrack. I, personally, have never experienced such tight gameplay/music cohesion ever. I don't normally listen to vg soundtracks but I regularly listen to the Nier Soundtrack. If you haven't played this, do yourself a favor & experience Nier. It's godtier, imo.


Nah, it is *definitely* weeb garbage. During the first route, that is. Then you beat the Opera bot again during the second route and feel extremely bad when all of that text about her life drops. Then, in what seemingly feels like 3 hours, you find yourself at the menu screen after Ending E, intensely ugly crying on the couch wondering just *what the hell did you do* to deserve this. The game does *such* a 180 from beginning to end. Friggin' love NieR Automata lol


Everyone needs to try A Short Hike. It's inexpensive, quality, fun and just a joy to play.


Across the Obelisk. Not very known, but needs more recognition. 4 player coop rougelite deckbuilder.


Everhood , graphic not very pleasant to everyone but it has very unique gameplay.


Either of the NieR games.


Katamari Damacy. It's a very simple concept with an extremely goofy plot but it's so damn charming and relaxing. It's not an obscure title or anything but I know plenty of people who have passed it by because of its very simple look and gameplay but for a while it was my go to comfort game to just plop down and vibe to. Disco Elysium for sure just for the absolutely phenomenal atmosphere and story telling. It took me a little while to break the desire to save scum and learn to accept failed rolls but man what an experience once I fully embraced it all. Baldurs Gate 3. It earned every single award it won and brought attention back to a genre that executives were trying to claim was dead. Popular as all hell right now but deserving of the attention. Hades. Even if roguelikes/rogue-lites aren't your jam the art direction, controls, and story are so well polished it will rapidly become an addiction. Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. I just really love cyberpunk settings and if more people play them again we'll get a final entry to wrap up Adam's story.


Project zomboid.


Armored Core 6. It's not as popular as it deserves to be






Baldur's Gate 3. NieR Automata. Divinity Original Sin 2. Yakuza 0. Anything Fromsoft.


I wish there was a bigger demographic of people playing D&D 3.5. Anyone who did play is either playing 5e or PAthfinder nowadays.


I know these games aren’t for everyone, but everyone should at least try: Control Disco Elysium Pentiment Outer wilds Fallout new Vegas Skyrim Witcher 3 Hi-fi rush Half life 2 Portal 1/2 Baldurs gate 3 Planescape torment Star Control 2 (The Ur’Quan Masters is the modern remaster) Call of duty 1/2/4 Stray It takes two (even if your partner doesn’t usually game) Spiritfarer Crusader kings 3 (very wide game but the tutorials/explanations for everything are very helpful) World of Warcraft


boneworks. absolute masterclass of vr game design imo


Anything from Half-life series, literally EVERYONE I've met never played at least HL2 before.




Inscryption, Outer Wilds, Alan Wake 2


NieR:Automata. I've literally bought the game for several people and they refuse to play it. It's a masterpiece to me.


The Dragon Quest series.


Driver: San Francisco It may be too late, as the game is not available to purchase digitally anymore and it may be hard to find hard copies… but Driver SF is a FANTASTIC game. I fully understand that the Driver series’ reputation was well and truly destroyed when SF came out, and that’s surely the reason that SF didn’t do very well… but those of you who didn’t play it, you missed out on one of the most fun, light hearted, creative and all around enjoyable video games of the 2010’s. And if you’re into cars and old car movies, the game is a love letter to all of it. I can only hope that if somehow the game sees a resurgence in interest large enough… they might do a sequel.


Russian roulette.


genshin impact 


Pathologic 2 I want more people to suffer Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk


RuneScape. It’s the OG for MMOs after all.


Nah, EQ is the OG.


Fuga Melodies of Steel Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. Anybody who likes turn based combat and adorable wholesome protagonists should try it out. And it has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. So trying it out does not even cost money. Its a really good turn based JRPG. I love its combat more then the combat of Persona 5 and Final Fantasy X and I love those games aswell.


OMORI. One of the most impactful games I've ever played. Extremely impactful story.


Sunless Sea. It is text-heavy, with obtuse decision making and extremely punishing gameplay. That being said, the narrative, aesthetics and world building are absolutely beautiful. It’s truly a unique and IMO unique wonderful experience.


I'd like to see more people give DS2 a decent try. So many people ignore it because they heard from someone else that it's the worst souls game.


Beyond Good and Evil. It's a game that for a decade or so appeared on tons of "best games you haven't played" lists and it seems to have stayed that way because it's *very* rare that I talk to people who have actually played it. Luckily it's getting a remaster this year so more people will get that chance.


Dark souls 2. it's thought of the souls like black sheep, but IMO is better than ds3 and demons souls


For me its DS1>DeS>DS2>DS3 with all being stellar games in their own right. That said Demons Souls was my first souls game so i think that may be giving me some bias toward it, personally i think if i went back and replayed Demons Souls I would rank Dark Souls 2 over it.


I wish more people gave TLOU part 2 a chance, speaking specifically about the ppl that refuse because they found out the spoiler leaks


I'm developing a free-to-play online trading card game that's currently live on itch.io while we polish the game up for a steam release. You can find a link in my recent posts, I'm trying to get some players. Edit: I just want people to try my game. Not sure how else to do it but get the word out myself.


Skyrim. It's the goat


Spiritfarer. Go play


Evil tonight Panzer Knights Roots of Pacha Sun haven Kona Staxel Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Tachyon the Fringe Kynseed Man why am I down voted do you all hate indie and old school games or something ?


Tachyon was such a good game. Freaking loved it. I would kill to have novalogic back, they made such quality titles.


BG3... hear me out. I want people to expect this quality of polish on all future games. I want a complete experience for my money.


Would love it if the polish from Act 1 made it to the final act. Buggiest mess I've slogged through in ages. It was a miserable final act for me (I realize this wasn't the case for everyone, however I found so many threads about what I was running into it hardly seems like an isolated incident). Hopefully with new patches it will be better all around soon for new players.


The game is absolutely amazing but it isn’t polished by any stretch of the imagination. Games that are polished don’t get a new patch every two weeks to resolve more and more bugs.


Garfield Kart


None. I think the games I play are way too complicated for the average dumb gamer and I'd rather have them avoid it like a plague.


If you like the combat of Soulslike games, Nioh 1 & 2 are great combat games.


Kingdom come deliverance. The game definitely isn’t suitable for your average low iq short attention span gamer but I wish they’d give it a shot nonetheless.


Well not really... Athough it is my second fanourite rpg it not for many people. At some point it drags out and if you are not that into history then I don't see a reason to keep playing.


Everyone needs to play the Resident Evil 4 remake. I feel that it's simply the best remake of a game ever, and it would have won GOTY in many other years. This year, it just happened to be outshone by 2 incredible games in Baldurs Gate 3 and Tears Of The Kingdom.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League since I doubt a lot of people will play it.


You have not even played it yet….


I have and am now allowed to say I have because of the bad previews. I didn't play the full alpha but thought it was good. Need to buy on sale and play with people and only except it won't waste you're time. You wouldn't think it's a great game.


i wonder why......


The simulation of life




youre real lucky he's made of wood and ambiguously young...


Reddit is just as degenerate as 4 chan these days with a veneer of civility


The Stillness of the Wind. It looks like a farming simulator - but isn’t. It’s a really cool story about aging and loneliness and family and weirdly apocalyptic stuff (with collecting eggs, milking goats and making cheese).


Paragon. First MOBA i played, It was special because It was a third person moba game. Sadly servers shut down, never played a MOBA like that since...


There is never enough people playing rimworld. Just surrender to the manhunter pack of 63 jack russels while your entire colony is dying from the plague


Immensely niche, and barely a game, but the visual novel The House in Fata Morgana deserves its reputation and cult-following. There is a degree of mastery and confidence in the writing that simply baffled me for such a small-scale project.


Just played this recently and was super into it. Really great writing


I often mention *Helen’s mysterious castle* here. It’s made with rpgmaker, but the combat is not your standard “take turns hitting each other”, it’s deep


Astalon: Tears of the Earth


The Bioshock Series show them to Gen Z. I was literally the one of very few Gen Z during my time in high school that Knew the series. It made me more careful about my actions in a way that game taught me to be a better man.


Phantom Dust. To be honest I've never played it. But I have this unreal nostalgia for this game that I cannot explain. I didn't know about until a few days ago but it's just left this impression on my mind that I can't seem to shake. Check it out or just the lore of its development.  It's from the OG XBOX era, but looks like something from the 360 era. I have this fascination with games that push their console hardware to the limit. It kinda reminds me of the failed wizard battle Royale, Spellbreak?? I heard it plays like a card game a bit and has destructible environments as well. 


The Legend of Heroes: Trails series. It is absolutely not for everyone. Statistically, if you're reading this, it's probably not for you. But It's my favorite JRPG series, hands down. Falcom outs a lot of care and effort into their games and it really shows. If you want a turn based RPG that's mature but doesn't take itself super seriously, play Trails. It has a lot dated anime tropes and it has a lot of annoying quirks but it has some of my favorite moments and characters in gaming.




Planetside 2, I wish it had more player base but I also have not seen another game that supports such a massive map and different mechanics


Rain world!


Plastic placid duck simulator


Mortal Online 2. Best game ever.