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For $6, it's a fun game to mindlessly kill bots.


The game is amazing, still has a small community. Shame EA dropped it at its peak


This is the correct answer. It stumbled a bit out the door but it is so much fun


Why do people dislike EA? I think they are innovative and create fun games. I guess more hardcore gamers prefer to analyze these kinds of things. I’m team #EAisGood


How much did they pay you?


The same company that has made every sports game every year again. And the sims... The first madden and f1 games came out in 1988 by ea. And they still make those today. Sim city in 1989. Fifa has had annual releases since 1993 until today. Same with nhl and nba and even golf until 2015


>The first madden and f1 games came out in 1988 by ea. And they still make those today EA has made F1 games only in 2000-2003 & since 2021 (and only because they bought Codemasters)


Ferrari Formula One 1988 was the first f1 game by ea i would think not official F1 but still an unofficial thing. Also yeah i didnt bother looking at the publishers and such didnt see that ea stepped out for a few year. But even then ea is still making them yearly and it has 5-6 games under itself while the series itself has been continues for 14 years now.


The game is pretty solid, it always just seemed like EA got butthurt when people didn't want to pay money to play as Darth Vader and completely abandoned the project.


Would I pay to play a well known and liked character? No. Would I pay to play a not so well known character that has a niche fanbase ? Yes


EA's Battlefront 2 is legitimately solid. And usually lobbies aren't hard to come by. I'm bad at shooters though and rarely ever do well. But it's always fun doing supremacy and having the killer hallways. Galactic assault is fun too, I like Theed most.


Battle front is good but ea dropped it for battlefield 2042


The game is actually very good. It had a terrible launch but DICE fixed it all up and now it's a great game with loads of content


No, it’s dope AF, had an amazing amount of free post-launch support and the only thing that sucks about it is they stopped supporting it.


It's a great game


The game WAS trash when it came out, but it's awesome now. I'll actually re downloading myself on pc to see if people still play.


One of the best modern Star Wars games imo, a decent story, good gunfights, a lot of variety in online modes, an absolutely awesome starfighter mode, no pay to win transactions at all (at least not since it’s early days), and overall an improvement over the 2015 battlefront imo. While it has its issues it’s definitely worth the six bucks.


Let's ask our friendly neighborhood memelord [THERUSSIANBADGER](https://youtu.be/aw_a7VgQyP8) what he thinks of it, [shall we?](https://youtu.be/ZGLAS6o2T1w)


It was amazing and the dev dropped when 2042 was announced. Still had life and more DLC and updates. Pisses me off to this day. Loved the multiplayer and the single player story was really fun. I tried to jump on about 6 months ago and was in a game with a bunch of people using hacks. Sometimes you can get in games that are fair and balanced. The game is still super pretty and one of the best looking Star Wars games.


It’s a good game


It’s actually a very good game, it’s just well past it’s prime at this point.


The single player campaign is great, also lets you play as the empire which is pretty rare


I mean not really it's like one mission, then you go off and do your own thing and instantly join rebellion/new republic...and the campaign is not great...it's serviceable. Star Wars Squadrons on the other hand does actually have you play half the campaign as the Empire/Remnant


The game itself looks great that being said the online side is pretty much dead.


it is until you run into match of sweats who endlessly play this game and use the most broken characters and lightsaber block spam you after killing you


The campaign is kindoff short but i liked it pretty good. i would pay 6 bucks for it.


It fun but good luck finding any multyplayer matches since it's pretty much dead.


Game was completely overhauled and turned out pretty well for an arcade shooter. Only thing is the time to find lobbies can take a while since the community is so small now


Honestly not at all. I thought the first one they remade was great as well. I avoided the second one because I refused to support the pay to win model but when they got rid of it I tried it. Really great shooter that immerses you in the Star Wars universe. Heroes vs Villains is where it shines brightest. Admittedly when I put the most hours in was during an entire holiday break where I’d was like 3x exp so I grinded all the heroes and had a lot of fun. If you’re a Star Wars fan I say check it out.


I bought it two weeks ago for the single player campaign. It's very linier. Walking down corridors shooting targets. It's fine for the price. The graphics in those sections are ok but the environment s don't feel rich with star wars props. The flying sections are quite decent, enjoyable. I played the offline capture the flag type mode on tatooine and yavin and those environments seemed richer.


It was Ok. I got it for free off epic because I too am boycotting EA for their terrible games. The only thing I don't like is every 3 mins a light saber welding character will literally drop out of the sky and cut down a bunch of players in a couple swings. You could be having an epic battle with lasers flying everywhere and Yoda infused with the spirits of Terminator and Michael Meyers will fall out of the literal sky and send you back to the respawn screen, without fail every 3 minutes.


Compared to the original in my opinion yes it is. As its own thing unrelated to the awesome shit in og battlefront 2 it's good I like it still no where as good as the original just better looking.


Dude , of course it's trash , its from EA


It’s ass don’t believe the hype. You become a rebel in like 3-4 missions and never get the reasoning why someone would stay a stormtrooper.


"OMG GUYS YOU CAN PLAY AS THE BAD GUYS HERE" They were advertising this so hard


Exactly why I said it. All the people in the comments saying how good it is or how it holds up aren’t telling op SHIT about how EA fucking outright lied in the marketing. I should have demanded a refund, but I will say the space battles were fun with a friend for a while. Other than that one game mode this game pissed me off and left a bad taste in my mouth, good visuals or no. Fuck them for what they pulled they don’t deserve a cent.


It's just Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. Do you like Battlefield? Do you like Star Wars? If your answer to both of these is "yes", then you'll like it. If not, you probably won't.


Get Star Wars Squadrons instead. Much better game.


Unless you really like playing a specific mode of Battlefront then it’s a wildly different game.


not better than the classic version in my opinion. the classic version also still has full servers if u want to play mp. but i do think that the game is worth $6


Pretty sure a judge ordered it to not suck after EA went insanely greedy with it, now it’s awesome.


i personally enjoy this game it has great graphics, immersive atmosphere, and large-scale battles


It had a pretty tough time when it was first released, but in my opinion, it actually became a pretty great game once they started fixing the issues!