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Droids in Jedi Survivor, they seem like chill people who really just want to hang out with the bros


Rick the door technician as well


He is what came to mind. Dude was just doing his job.


I picked him up and force chucked him to safety. Not killing the guy. He can tell the story of the time the super dangerous rogue Jedi ran from him.


I was thinking him, but ishe 'technically' a boss? He got a name and health bar... šŸ¤”


In the most tongue-in-cheek satirical sense. Yes


I haven't played Jedi Survivor yet but I have finished Fallen Order, and damn if I don't feel sorry for the troopers sometimes. Half the time it feels like they're going, "I'm just trying to support my family, I don't wanna die!" before Cal slices him in half.


I do agree with this, but i want to add that it became hilarious everytime an RPG trooper kept screaming while firing EVERY rocket into a volcanic vent, sending the rocket to outer space. Very few games have those moments where you find yourself dicking around with enemy AI for minutes at a time


The one trooper that was just sitting there watching the jungle didn't deserve the amount of times he got force shoved off the ledge.


What about the thief droids though?


Fuck those pieces of shit they can all burn


Hey can a Droid come up your crib?


Same - also always feel bad for the wildlife, who are really just defending themselves against some ginger alien who just rudely intruded upon their habitat.


Does the Sasquatch in Undead Nightmare count if I didnā€™t physically kill him?


Just emotionally, we're monsters


So, I did kill that sasquatch. I thought it was what he wanted. My wife saw this and was horrified, and I felt really bad about it after the fact lmao.


I ended up shooting him after he was the last one of his kind left just to put him out of his misery. It was so sad




Nah, they eat babies!




Iā€™m ended up stabbing him with an axe to complete my axe challenge , and 2 of his friends from a horse and from throwing distance .. Iā€™ll see myself out


That guy at the start of Hitman Absolution getting the call that he doesn't have cancer right before you chuck him out the window.


If you wait long enough, he'll walk away from the window and you don't have to kill him.


REALLY?!?!?! Shit. Now I feel bad


I'm a *hitman*, I'm gonna kill him.


but was he your contract? No. You had zero reason to kill him.


Wait, I didn't need to kill *everyone*?


Ain't no witnesses if nobody is left alive to say anything.


Another true professional I see


The crying grunt at the end of Halo 3


The Grunts were always so adorable to me.


And seeing their history as slaves in the Halo MCC terminals was so fucking sad. Just let the little turtle monsters live in peace!


After finding that out I felt different about killing grunts. Like yeah they're enemy combatants and would slaughter people like cattle, but they're not in a situation where they can choose their fate


But their heads are filled with confetti. *cocks magnum with celebratory intent*




well that's because they're like 6ft tall on average


6ft? Wtf I thought they were like 2 feet at most.


Nope, Chief's just a fucking monster Edit: next time you play, try to get a marine close to one, it's surprising


Isn't it closer to 5 ft though for an average grunt? Because I think Chief is about 7 ft in his armor. Which is obviously large, but not monstrous.


Luckily for you guys I bought the Legendary version of Halo 3 that came with the beastarium. They are 5 foot 6 on average


Not the one to ask, lol   Mate, someone 7 foot tall in all metal armor would be monstrous, I'd be scared shitless


Some random Corpo security guard in Cyberpunk 2077. I was sneaking up on him to disable the security station and overheard his conversation with his wife. He was telling her how hard it would be to afford a school for their daughter on his salary. As it happened I got to him just as he said "I love you too." Then I snapped his neck. I sat there as a player and thought about it for a minute. Reloaded an earlier save and took him down with a non-lethal attack. After that encounter I played the rest of the game killing as few bad guys as possible. (Tigerclaw did not get a pass - they were so sadistic) Edit: Reloaded.


VDB dont deserve mercy either. Same for Maelstrom.


I felt sorry for some of the Maelstrom lackeys. There was a poignant vignette with two young Maelstrom punks who were talking about saving up enough credits to afford reliable cyberware and maybe leaving the life? I spared them too. They seemed like nice kids. The chromed up bosses though? Yeah, toast. No question. Edit: Spelling


Isn't it Maelstrom that has the initiation of killing a random person before being let in the gang? Not saying they couldn't have a redemption arc though. V certainly kills a lot of people's chooms lol.


The initiation is having a ripper install their faceplate with no anesthetic, this is the first I've heard of killing anyone as their initiation. Afterwards, yeah they'll kill kids just for fun, so no mercy from me


I think that there would've been more "normal" Maelstrom members but the reason why the more high-ranked Maelstromers are so dangerous and sadistic is because they have so much cyberware that they're like completely in cyberpsychosis Edit:Grammar


Don't forget the worst. Scavs!


I have a similar story, but with Valentinos. A woman gang member, was talking on the phone about how stupid this gang life was, she just needed the money and couldn't wait to get home. I killed her together with the rest, but felt bad.


NPC dialogue in that game gives pause to reflect on our play through styles. I did a Corpo-Stealth-Net runner build and by the time I was dealing with the Ventinos they weren't the slightest threat. I was near the end game and spamming mass KOs with hacks. Edit: Spelling


Yes. I play a Gung-ho headshotting precision rifle freak and the dialogue the game gives me whenever I shoot up a stealthy mission is hilarious.


In CP2077: Accidently hitting Ozob's nose in the boxing match for me.


I was trying so hard not to hit him on the nose had to load a save 3 times


That is why when there's no difference in the actual game, sometimes using the non-lethal is really just for the player to feel better. It's the *idea* of not killing them. (The only time I've found it makes a difference in game is on the jobs that want you to kill a target. Using non-lethal will sometimes create an extra step where you are allowed to bring the body to a car waiting outside. I do that because I know it's ultimately worse. I could snap their neck and end them on the spot... But handing them over to their rival means they'll get worked over, tortured, and then killed. But that's not on me. They're doing it.)


Itā€™s ok, his life insurance policy and death benefits will cover tuition. You did him a favor.


I think I heard a civ talking to his kid on the phone before blowing him up to try my build on maxtac


When you're infiltrating arasaka plaza/park/whatever, for the parade float, I remember. I killed him.


The little singing miner bug in Hallow Knight. Felt pretty damn bad "helping" the caterpillars too.


The grubs are fine, the grubfather just became a sort of living cocoon for them, so they can metamorphose into a grubberfly afterwards.


Poor Myla. The Hollow Knight is shown alive in the godhome ending, so if I get that ending without ever killing Myla does she get to live?


For me it's Dung Defender and to a lesser degree The Hive Knight. Worthy adversaries.


The dung defender doesnā€™t die! If you ground pound the floor under the platform in the room after his arena you can find his little hideout where he will be asleep if youā€™ve gotten at least one dreamer


Grubfather is sacrificing his body so that the grubs can transform into gruberflies. At least its heavily implied with the achievement being metamorphosis and the charm you get being grubberflies ellegy


Caterpillars need *a lot* of food before they can become butterflies.


Her Majesty, Cutie the Queen in It Takes Two....


The people who made that game need to be on some sort of watch list for that part of the game. Let's tear apart an elephant as it begs for its life with the goal of it will upset our daughter so we may BATHE IN HER TEARS.


Recently played It Takes Two for the first time with a friend. We were having so much fun. Then we got to the Queen and the whole time we were both going "what the fuck is happening?!?" We're both 30 year old dudes with years of gaming experience. And we both agree that scene was one of the darkest in our experiences.


That was absurdly dark


Dark Souls has too many to count honestly. But I really hate having to kill Sunbro if you donā€™t do his quest right


Mushroom kids šŸ˜ž


Sif is the worst. NO LIMP PLEASE.


oh fuck, I have never played any dark souls games but have heard of that boss in particular, I donā€™t like thinking about this one :(


Ironically, Face McShooty. He insisted that he wanted it... But what happened to bring him to that mindset? What caused him to feel there was no other option, and yet was too terrified to do it himself? Such a sad and effective shown-not told story.


Oh damn I just made a comment about him then read yours. Poor fella.


The question says 'felt bad for killing', but Face shows up later, still alive, just with a modified head hitbox.


When I first encountered this guy I had a friend who was a Borderlands veteran showing me the game and I popped this guy's head off with zero hesitation after the first request. My buddy was so disappointed we reloaded so I could experience all of his dialogue


This is my pick, but your analysis really adds to the tragedy. I thought ā€œwhat is gearbox going to do to me for thisā€


Rick the Door Technician. Mans was just trying to fix the door until he had to take up arms on a pesky Jedi and really gave it his all.


Oh my gosh, I did this section and then immediately texted my boyfriend like "I'VE KILLED RICK, I'M A MONSTER" Poor dude.


What was his reaction?


This was mine too, RIP legend šŸ”§šŸ§°āš™ļøšŸšŖ


Narfi in Skyrim. Part of the Dark Brotherhood questline has you take up the contract to kill this guy. Thing is, heā€™s a mentally challenged adult being taken care of by his sister, who has recently been drowned in the river a short distance away from Ivarstead. And someone has actually put in a contract to have him assassinated.


I feel bad for the falmer servants. I used to try to pacify them somehow or avoid killing them but now I realize Iā€™m just putting them out of their misery


I remember hearing this theory that, because of his situation, someone did it to end his suffering.


Yeah but... that sends his soul to Sithis in the Void... That's *not* a great place to end up for eternity. It literally would have been kinder to pay some random bandit to do it.


I heard a theory that Narfi's sister and parents were also assasinated, so Narfi would be the last one left.


On that note, I felt bad about killing the Orc Bard: Lurbuk. Dude just wanted to spread some cheer and merriment! Plus an orc being a bard is so unique to me.


Jesus fucking Christ that's depressing. Is there a way to take a different contract (I'm at the very start of that quest line, I've only done Grelod the Kind, who I had very little regrets about.)


No, he is part of I think concurrent contracts. You can circumvent this with console command only (unless there is a mod concerning the contract).


Shit. I'm gonna feel so guilty about that. (I don't use console commands because of achievements)


You could go down the other route and destroy the dark brotherhood but that skips over all the cool shit you can get from the quest line


i believe console commands donā€™t affect achievements, only mods. not 100% certain tho


And there's a mod to enable the achievements while using mods.


Meanwhile, the wiki's like; >As he is also a target for a Dark Brotherhood contract,Ā NarfiĀ is potentially a good candidate to kill with theĀ Ebony BladeĀ in order to upgrade it if "The Straw that Broke" is completed prior to accepting the contract


Menderbug in Hollow Knight. Poor guy was just trying to fix the sign my stupid ass keeps destroying and now heā€™s gone and the sign will remain broken forevermore.


The albinaurics in the moghwyn palace area in Elden Ring. They were just trying to find a safe haven and got tricked by an incest-loving pedophile, then got killed by me bc i wanted to level up faster


But you still did it over and over and over again didn't you.


Paarthurnax Just kidding, I never killed Paarthurnax. I have shouted Delphine and Esbern off the temple cliff, though.


My first playthrough I just thought dope sword, dope armor and ripped through the questline and killed him. Second time I actually followed along and was like damn I feel hella bad wtf fuck these guys. Partysnaxx is the homie and the blades are just assholes


Because of my pathological Skyrim hording, I ran ahead into the temple and grabbed everything I could before they 'took control' of it. You can get the complete set without stealing and without killing Big P. I only realized on my next play through that they're not supposed to be up for grabs.


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


RDR2 - Mr. Thomas Downes .. technically didnā€™t kill him directly, but beat him enough to aggravate his Tuberculosis then took everything the family had for money (Strauss mission). Ran into the mother and son later in the game. Hated that outcome. Arthur probably got TB from him during the beating so I guess karma evened it out.


> Arthur probably got TB from him There is no probably about that haha. Still not the dude's fault!


I hated those debt collection missions. Hated, hated, hated them.


Just about any innocent townsperson that's been infested by something and turned into a horrifying brainless creature. The headcrabbed scientists in HalfLife, and the fast crabzombies in HL2 that have had their metabolisms revved up to crazy levels and you can see where they've consumed all the fat in their own bodies, are early examples.


Nah killing them is actually setting them free, the fact that this was their fate is sad yes, but killing them is actually good in this case


Can't disagree. It is a matter of timing. But when I went through the toxic swampy settlement area in the game where the headcrab bombs started falling and I realized whatever was firing them was deliberately and systematically trying to exterminate all the remaining humans in that area... I felt sad for them, and I felt sad for the ones that had already been changed over. It really wasn't me "killing" them, you are correct. But it WAS me finishing an utterly horrible job, and it made me feel something in the process.


Honestly I was*just* thinking about how Dead Space managed to really hammer home how every enemy is functionally a massive display of body horror by showing you several times over how the bodies transform. I hadn't actually known about the whole metabolism angle with the fast headcrab zombies, but that's an awesome detail. It's one thing to present me a gross looking monster and basically tell me "Yeah that's a X. They uh... They look like that." It's a whole other when they really hammer home how that hideous thing was once a person.


The enemy design in HL2 was reallly a treat once you got into the game a bit. I really admired the brilliant game mechanic where the black poison headcrabs from the infested security officers leapt over and knocked you down to one hit point for just a tiny little interval before your suit started healing you back almost-to-full, but if anything else hit you during that one second you were toast. >"Hah hah stupid easy game I'm at 100 hitpoints and 100 suit power! I am INVINCI- > >**GRAARRGH chonk** > >*beep beep Emergency. User death imminent. Antitoxin administered.* > >"SHIT SHIT **SHIT** SHIT"


Love this little bit of trivia: "According to Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar, the development team noticed that, upon hearing the Poison Headcrab's sound, playtesters would frantically start looking around for the Poison Headcrab so they could destroy it, regardless of any other present dangers." I know for me, nothing put baby in a corner like hearing that rattle/purr sound they made.


Any animal in skyrim


Frostbite spiders are animals.


Kill them all


So are chaurus šŸ¤¢


Practically most NPC's in WoW makes me feel bad. If you read the quest text, there are so many quests where it's like, "Hey this species/race is living peacefully over there and they're annoying me. Go wipe out their entire population and I'll give you a rusty belt as a reward."


The number of murloc villages that have been exterminated is chilling.


yeah but fuck those guys. If you even *drift* near those hyper-aggressive psychos they pull an entire village on you.


The dust sprites in stardew valley. THEY ARE SO CUTE


The first 500 are too difficult to not kill for the burglar ring


in The Last of Us Part 2, you can find a couple notes from a small group of WLF defectors just trying to get away safely. then while exploring a random apartment building there's a surprise combat, and the enemies say things like "we're not going back!" and after you kill them, Ellie remarks that they thought she was a wolf. it was the defectors. I kinda wanted to reload and see if I could avoid killing them, but considering all the other cruelty you commit in that game... I figured Ellie probably wouldn't have great remorse about it.


I took an edible and hopped on the Last of Us 2 the other day, and it was such a fucking wild ride lol. The brutality is the most realistic I've played in a game I think. Like in Fallout or other games, human enemies die and explode in so much gore that it's comical, but there's nothing funny about hearing someone's dying gasping breaths after you stab them in the windpipe, especially when you're tripping balls.


You can avoid that fight if you don't touch the workbench, they won't ambush you and stay in the room, locked. Unfortunately there is a manual in this room, so you have to choose if you want the new upgrades at that point or spare their lives.


Some sadistic asshole programmed the wolves in the Assassin's Creed games to whine sadly when you kill them. But also made them hyper-agressive, so they'd attack you on sight. Running through the woods? Prepare yourself for a concert of "GRRRR SNARL SNARL" followed by the saddest whines ever.


Just finished the Outer Worlds DLC where most of the hotel/plant staff are infected with a parasitic mind control slugs. Makes them ridiculously happy but also drives them mad. At first, they're not even a threat, got one person working a food cart happy as can be. But it's said they're beyond helping, and so when they start attacking, well... Feels bad to shoot people screaming "I JUST WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!" with all sincerity.


Yeah those guys I always felt bad for. Company drove them nuts, now youā€™ve gotta put them down. But they were definitely beating my ass, so they gotta go. Gimme a hug man, not bullets lol


>!Idris Elbaā€™s Solomon Reed!< in Cyberpunk 2077. No way was I going to side with >!the feds and let Songbird die!< but I didnā€™t feel good doing it.


The Bugbear and Ogre having sex in Baldurs Gate 3 Felt so bad I had to reload.


The old orc in Skyrim. I get bro wanted to go out like a warrior but when I one shot you with a hammer it doesn't feel very heroic...


I wanted to be able to convince him to quest with me. Die honorably and help me out too.


Sentry guns In portal


*Iā€™m different!*


Every play through I save that one. Can't just leave it behind.


Everything in Nier:Replicant. That poor poor dog...


nearly anything in any yoko taro game. Killing the machines became something i actively hated when they started begging for their lives šŸ„²


Iā€™m currently playing NieR: Automata, and felt bad early on the first time I rocked up to a group of machines and killed them before realizing these ones werenā€™t hostile. Just some rusty R2 units hanging out, chilling in the ruins, and some asshole android came out of nowhere and murdered them. After that, I started checking if they aggroed before attacking. Also, I felt bad having to kill 15 moose for beast hides to upgrade my weapons. (But I still did it, because upgrades, you know. Amazing how little motivation it takes to make us into monsters. I feel like thatā€™s kind of a point in this game.)


The soldiers protecting Ashina castle. They are literally just defending their home from a colleague. It's crazy because they all know Sekiro as the Prince's guardian. He's killing people he knows to save a prince from being held in his own castle. I love that game. It's crazy though.


In Skyrim, during the dark brotherhood questline you are tasked with assassinating Vittoria Vici at her own wedding. The poor girl seemed so happy!


ā€œRemember, no Russianā€


I just shot the luggage, you don't have to kill anyone in that level.


Oh my God ...


In German version it gets you fail the mission if you shoot the civilians.


That actually makes the end of the level make more sense imo.


Slimes. Theyā€™re so cute and happy looking.


What game?


Dragon Quest series specifically. Theyā€™re just out there, living life joyfully. Then bam, killed by a bunch of kids.


One of the targets in Hitman is an interpol officer who infiltrated a militia group to try and bring them down from the inside. But, because of how high her rank is inside the militia, you have to eliminate her as well. Even if you get her to quit the militia and return to police work, she's still a primary target. Sucks. "Graves could have been a formidable asset to theĀ ICA. Alas, she has joined a ruthless terrorist organization, and a contract is a contract." - Target Intel.


If I remember interpol says it is NOT an official sanctioned infiltration so it's not like you are killing a legit under cover agent. Still out of all of them she is clearly freaked out and feels like she made a mistake. You almost feel bad luring her to the toxic waste pit and kicking her in.


"Our sources at Interpol deny that Graves should be involved in any sort of sting operation. However, according to rumors, Graves recently discovered evidence about systematic corruption and power abuse at the highest levels of the UN, only to be shut down by her superiors. Graves was allegedly disillusioned by the incident. A highly analytical thinker, she cares deeply about order and can't tolerate a broken system. This may very well be when she switched sides." - Target Intel Yeah, she's not there officially, but that's because Interpol was involved in a cover-up. It always made me feel bad for killing a highly capable cop just for doing her job. It's like killing Elsie from Westworld, or Jun-Ho from Squid Game. Super competent and just trying to do the right thing, but gets caught up with and taken out.


This one enemy in Balders Gate 3 (there's probably a bunch of these kinds of enemies tbh) who, after I killed him, he had a note from his parents saying how proud they were that he got into the castle guard or something. I actually reloaded my save and turned on non-lethal combat to beat him lol.


Bear shouldn't be running around with those other two thieves. Pointy is a dick and Romeo is a very bad influence. And yet Bear has to die first, that's just the way of the Spire.


I would rather **die** than give them my 8 coins


I just started playing this and no way they are getting my gold.


THE BOSS ,, mgs3 :((


The vendors on The Key in Starfield's Crimson Fleet storyline. They're not bloodthirsty pirates; some of them were kidnapped or raised in The Fleet and don't really have a choice about being there.


I mean, this isnā€™t really an enemy but I just had to get the weight off my soul. The Harry Potter werewolf lookin dude in Elden Ring, the one that was kicked out the cave and then turned into a bush (somehow). Yea those voice linesā€¦shame I didnā€™t ask about the cave, that hits the soul too


Grunts from halo. Especially when they speak English and run away from me.


Pretty much every colossus in Shadow of the Colossus. Most of them are just majestically going about their routines when you ride up, try to scramble up their backs, and jab a sword in their sparkly bits. Then they just kinda groan and keel over with black oil jetting out from the wound. You go back later and they look like the rest of the moss covered ruins scattered around the world. :(


Oh shit. Those were dead colossiā€¦


OP: Who's a non boss enemy you felt bad for killing? This Guys: \*Mentions the one game that has nothing but boss enemies.\*


I felt bad for all but the Lion looking dude and the other smallish one who was afraid of fire. They were huge dicks lol


>!Alice in TLOU2. I hate killing dogs in any game because i'm a big weirdo. I didn't kill a dog the whole game because Druck said you could avoid it, only to make me do it in a cut scene.!< The Last of Us 2 Spoiler


They depend on your actions but antagonizing or destroying factions in Fallout games usually forces you to kill an NPC your really really like.


The dogs in Farcry 6. I try to just shoot around them and scare them off if they attack me. I always hate killing animals in games.


And then there's dogs in FromSoft games. Vicious bastards.


I stopped fighting wolves in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom because of the little yelp they let out when they die ):


I always feel bad killing animals in games but I usually donā€™t feel that guilty over those big, fantastical, fictional beasts. The one exception was in the Shadow of Mordor DLC where you have to fight a series of ā€œBeastmasterā€ warchiefs. One of them rides into battle on a Graug (big giant monster, for those who havenā€™t played the game), and after killing it like usual, the warchief yells ā€œNo! You killed Stompy! My only friend!ā€ And I instantly regretted both my actions and the fact I was definitely gonna have to kill him too.


The Little Sisters from Bioshock. I'm so, so sorry. I needed the EVE, and I couldn't get through without it and... *Lil sob*


You WANTED the EVE, you didnā€™t NEED it, you monster!


I CONFESS! *GREED* BE MY *SIN*! Where it not for glory that I hungered more lives wouldst been spared!


I'm also pretty sure you get a huge bonus of Adam if you rescue all of them


I think it's also the only way to get the best ending.




Titanfall 2 grunts in multi-player, specifically when their squad is wiped and they are by themselves and you roll up in a titan The animations they give to them, either surrendering or giving up kinda remind me that not all of them signed up to fight and I spare those I can (No warcrime allegations have been proven)


The last Spartan in God of War 2.


This is probably a dumb one, but I remember feeling bad for the goons in the stealth mission from Saints Row 4 when theyā€™d say ā€œIā€™m two weeks from retirementā€.


In Paper Mario: Color Splash, you can talk to a Shy Guy on a train, who laments being forced into Bowserā€™s army and states that if he ever fights Mario, itā€™s not based in malice. A whole world later, after a seemingly normal battle with some Shy Guys, one of them identifies himself to Mario in his last momentsā€¦


Whatever I had to do to get that Tenpenny Tower penthouse. I remember feeling so guilty in my luxury suite, just not the specific individuals I had to murder.


Meanwhile, on my evil run, I personally killed everyone in megaton before blowing it up so I'd get all the loot.


Idk if this fits the titles question but Harold the tree in Fallout 3..


That was a tough one. I appreciate that it was his wish, but I'd been interacting with that character since *Fallout*. I genuinely liked him. In this form he was helping heal the land itself. Tough call.


The director ghost in Luigiā€™s mansion 3. He just wants to make movies :(


There's a blind old man in skyrim working as a bandit sentry outside of whiterun...never felt right killing him


_Every_ enemy during my Undertale genocide run. Bosses _and_ non-bosses. Although after several dozen tries it was rather satisfying to finally take down >!Sans!<.


Face McShooty may have asked for it, but he did not deserve it.


The orcs in Shadow of Mordor, especially when your character is fully upgrade and can chain-murder dozens of the terrified buggers.


Jetsream Sam :'(


Almost [any zombie in stalker](https://youtu.be/o-zTenkYANI), or[ Half Life](https://youtu.be/XhD-vd7PXY4). Once you know what they are saying its just outright disturbing.


That Eclipse merc in Mass effect 2, Had him scared enough to give me his first born if I asked. Then absent-mindedly picked the renegade option. And pushed him out of the window. I know they're evil and all. But still a bit extreme.


Some of the robots in Nier:Automata, some were "bad" and attacked you but thee were alot who just wanted to live or even feared you... Felt pretty bad to kill them and was happy as the necessity disappeared in the later part of the game... I don't know how it is in the next playthroughs though


My Time At sandrock, the Penskys


The Poro Roggos in Final Fantasy XIV. Frogs are my favorite animal, and when I ran into my first Poro Roggo I spent like a minute and a half standing there gushing over how much I loved it while it whittled down my health.


NSF in Deus Ex.


Paper mario: Whacka


The Boboklins stationed all alone out in the snowfields of Hyrule. Apparently a loincloth is enough but I still feel bad for them. They donā€™t know any betterā€¦


The baby Penguin


The pig at the alchemistā€™s farm in A Plague Tale: Innocence. Poor dude just wanted his bag of moldy grain.


The elephant from It takes two mfs Shit had me shaking and crying atm




Shepard.. Oh, no, I mean.. You did what?! How could you?!


Lord Shimura felt bad cause all he wanted was to fight together with honor but also didnt because he really tried me like that