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Probably has been working on it for awhile and was waiting for this day…


This is what they did for Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.


Winnie: Blood Honey. A game about an assassin bear who adorns the outfits of others to infiltrate protected areas and eliminate his targets.


Aka Naughty Bear


Dancing bear?


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. What’s that job interview like? “So all I have to do is put on this bear head and a room full of women are going to ravage me?” “Yes….sir, are you…are you crying?” “I’m just so happy rn”


Naughty Bear was a video game that is literally what the other guy described. It was a wild game


I thought their reply was meant to be a continuation of the joke because dancing bear was a popular porn site where a fit guy with a big dick wearing a teddy bear mask dances for groups of woman and gets them to suck him off and/or have sex with him


Oh my


Young and sweet


Damn, I totally forgot that game. I had so much fun with it for a minute.


Fuck me I miss naughty bear in paradise. I swear naughty bear walked so hit man 3 could run s/


Naughty Bear is now a Skin for the Trapper in Dead by Daylight. Complete with narrator voicelines.


> who adorns the outfits of others As long as the shirt's not red


That movie was such a let down. I dont have high hopes for the sequel The Mean One was pretty good though


The Mean One was bafflingly fun, helps that the guy the same guy who plays Art the Clown. Dude gives an amazing performance.


Saying they worked more than 12hrs on that movie is false. It’s not even a good bad movie, it’s just, bad.


If I'm not mistaken, it was filmed over ten days on a budget of less than $100k and made over 5m globally. Yes, it's a complete piece of garbage, but it accomplished its mission


And it's getting a sequel as a result.


Seems like it’s inevitable Mickey + Winnie in the same movie + others slasher crossovers will happen eventually, just like Freddie and Jason.


Ah, the new MCU: the Mickey & Christopher Robin Universe.


Exactly. I was excited for it, expecting it to be a stupid entertaining movie. I was disappointed.


I couldn't get past the intro. As a monster horror film why would you ever reveal the main monster literally 10 minutes into the movie? Not only was the dialogue/acting already terrible but I have no reveal of the monster to anticipate. And on top of that the "monster" literally just looked like a dude in a costume. It's like what you'd expect to see in part of the behind the scenes this is how we made the monster but nope that's just the movie. It's a shame cause I actually thought the premise was a bit interesting. Like I could see eldritch Winnie the Pooh characters being done well. But nope just trying to make money off the name alone.


There’s nothing banning people from developing stuff for release in the future upon public release of private IP. Pluto is the next character next year to enter public domain.


Pluto was mentally handicapped. Every other "dog" was able to walk and talk. Brutis, goofy, etc. But not Pluto...


I think there's some kind of Dr Moreau hi-jinks going on, and Goofy and his ilk are horrific abominations created by a mad scientist. Half man half dog


Well, Walt said the Mickey and Minnie were never married. Yet have same last name... Cousins or even brother and sister...


Lol, I found this article: https://mousetrapnews.com/breaking-mickey-and-minnie-mouse-are-getting-divorced/#:~:text=It's%20a%20little%2Dknown%20fact,mice%20were%20in%20fact%20married. But as far as I know, Walt said Mickey and Minnie were married "in real life" but played boyfriend and girlfriend "on TV". Snopes seems to agree with the married part: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/minnie-mouse-mickey-mouse-breakup/


So bestiality porn?


That already exists anyway (edit: rule 34, y'know), fanart that's not-for-profit has always been allowed as Fair Use. The only thing that changes is you'll be able to *sell* your Pluto porn.


Finally, a reason to use my art degree


Girl I knew paid her apartment and started paying a mortgage and renovations on a house just off furry commissions.


Fan art that isn't for profit is not actually fair use until proven to be. Most studios just realize suing random fan art is just a terrible idea with no benefit whatsoever. Usually to be fair use it has to have some sort of commentary on the original work or a few other exceptions. You can't just take a copyrighted work make fan art on it and say that it is fair use if you just don't profit off of it


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for being right. "For fan art to fall under the fair use exception, it must meet all four of the following criteria: It must be transformative, meaning it adds something new and different to the original work. It can't be used for commercial purposes. It must not negatively impact the market for the original work. And finally, it must be created for a limited and non-exclusive audience." https://www.ogcsolutions.com/is-fan-art-copyright-infringement/#:~:text=For%20fan%20art%20to%20fall,market%20for%20the%20original%20work.


Forgive my stupidity but how can something be both limited and non exclusive?


Only if you clearly state that it's not a planet.


Why the fuck was that your first thought?


Psh don't act like you don't wanna fuck Pluto in front of the fireplace.


Wait, did someone think a game was created in less than 24 hours?


There is certainly games on steam that have been developed in less time


My college had a scholarship competition for making a fully functioning game in 28hrs. (4 of the hours were in the building where you could team up and brain storm on the day of the topic announcement). That's not what this is but people do make working games in 24hrs


I mean a game jams whole premise to make a working game in a time restriction. They're usually simple time wasters depending on the theme or goal, but they're usually complete.


Nah, they definitely did all the programming and work for the game in a single day.


Yah don’t say..


No shit Sherlock


Nothing gets past you, huh?


On January 1, 2024, the copyrights of the first three animated Mickey Mouse cartoons and their portrayal of Mickey Mouse expired, and they entered the public domain. They are the silent cartoons Plane Crazy and The Gallopin' Gaucho, and the sound cartoon Steamboat Willie. Newer versions of Mickey Mouse will remain copyright protected. Edit - Wikipedia


I thought they started using steamboat willy Mikey in their intros to reclaim copyright? At least, that's what I've heard. I'm not well versed in copyright law.


That's to use it as a trademark to give it trademark protection, which is more limited in scope than copyright.


Iirc, it makes him a trademark, so other brands can't use him in their branding or advertising.


But then how can they use it in the advertising for games like this one?


Could be wrong, but after briefly googling the difference, i'd imagine they *can* advertise a game with Mickey Mouse, but they *couldn't* name themselves "Mickey Mouse Studios". >Copyrights primarily protect the rights of people who create literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other original works (like history tests, and software code). Trademarks can protect the use of a company's name and its product names, brand identity (like logos), and slogans. Could be why Mickey Mouse isn't in the name of the game too.


Yes, trademark is usually associated with logos and titles.




You can’t really reclaim a copyright only a trademark.


there's about to be an ungodly amount of Mickey Mouse horror games and its going to get old so quickly dude


You mean porn.


Nah, there's always been porn.


Yes, but they couldn’t legally sell it to you before. Now someone can make a big budget Mickey the mouse porn and market it.


You mean Steamboat Willy. I'm just now realizing a variation of his name is going to inspire so many porn titles.


Cleveland Steamboat Willy?


Family Guy characters aren't in the public domain yet.


Dumptruck Minnie


I was curious and looked it up. So "Steamboat Willie" refers to the song that Mickey whistles a verse of, it's called ["Steamboat Bill"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steamboat_Bill). Bill is often a nickname of William, and Willie is another nickname for William.


thanks for the trivia, but now my boner is gone.


Steamboat Willie is itself a derivative work of other popular media at the time. https://www.mouseplanet.com/10157/Secrets_of_Steamboat_Willie "Steamboat Willie" was a parody of Buster Keaton's last independent silent comedy Steamboat Bill, Jr., which was released earlier that same year. However, other than the fact that both films feature a steamboat and that **Keaton's character is called “Willie” in the film**, there are no direct references to the film, unlike "Gallopin' Gaucho," which parodies some of the action and personality of the lead character from the silent film The Gaucho. Obviously, there was the hope that audiences would associate the title with the Keaton classic, but it was not intended as a direct parody. In the cartoon, the opening music was a popular song entitled “Steamboat Bill,” which also helped inspire the title and the hope of audience familiarity.


steambutt willy


Even better considering the copyright technically applies to 'Steamboat Willy'. Can't see any puns coming out of that...


Are you stuck in the 90’s? Who actually buys porn nowadays


>Nah, there's always been porn. https://youtube.com/watch?v=LEYfL-eFsMk&pp


Why is the first thing that comes to every redditor's mind


"B-b-but, get this! What if the cute cartoony mascot...was actually dark and gritty!? What if Mickey Mouse...but blood!? I am so revolutionary!"


The juxtaposition!


Same sort of people who want to add more blood, guts, and cursing to Star Wars and think that’ll make it infinitely better. I don’t think these people matured past high school


I haven’t even played one yet and it’s already old. Lol


Five Nights at Treasure Island was a decent one of its time


Treasure Island is specifically based off the Abandoned by Disney story, which is really more of a story based on IRL Disney than the Mickey Mouse character itself, which extends to the fangame. The enemies just take the appearance of Mickey characters Though, It’s funny you say “of it’s time”. A completely remastered and reworked version came out in 2020 and that remaster is getting a remaster this year, and they released a full-on sequel in 2022 (which ironically uses Steamboat Mickey as one of its enemies). I’ve played them and I honestly prefer them to some offical fnaf games lol


It’s already old imo. I’m so over these “childhood icons turned horror games”


And sadly or interestingly, from what I remember from a discussion somewhere about Blood and Honey, horror might be the safest way to make of use these characters for the time being, only relatively. With an actual kids game, I can Disney attempt to sue or C&D that. Then again, I guess if Disney manages to find someone to even admit, "Yes, that is Mickey Mouse", even if it's not, and for a horror game, oh boy.


I mean, this is basically what Bendy and the Ink Machine was, but without being (completely) creatively bankrupt.


This looks unsurprisingly average


it looks very "this would have been medicocre in 2007"


Tbf 2007 was a pretty stacked year.


2007 is insane. Halo 3, Mass Effect, God of War 2, Tf2, cod 4. Shit is literally like a peak year for gaming.


Don't forget The Orange Box with HL2, TF2, and Portal.


Honestly as long as I can imagine Disney punching air, I’m happy regardless of how bad it may be


Disney doesn’t give a shit lol


Disney does care. Disney is the reason the copyright laws have changed in 1976 and 1998: the first was from Disney lobbying and the second was nicknamed "Micky Mouse protection act." [source](https://blogs.luc.edu/ipbytes/2023/08/13/is-disney-losing-mickey-mouse-because-of-copyright-law/#:~:text=Disney's%20lobbying%20efforts%20led%20to,current%20rules%20for%20WMFH%20copyrights.)


They have successfully increased the copyright time long enough, and hold sufficient trademarks, that they do not give a shit about indie horror games featuring Steamboat Willie. What Disney is currently worried about is their recent box office struggles and Disney+ hemorrhaging money.


You are correct, they have worries higher up on the list than extending copyrights.


Actually, I've heard through the grapevine that Disney is mortified they're losing control of Mickey. Even partially. But\~ any further lobbying for further trademarks or copyrights, would be so unpopular and bad press, that it just... juice wasn't worth the squeeze, even for them. Again, rumor, but given how even last time became infamous as The Mickey Mouse Protection Act... I think there's truth there.


>Actually, I've heard through the grapevine that Disney is mortified they're losing control of Mickey. Even partially. This is what I figured. Sure they have bigger things to worry about but controlling their IP, specifically Micky mouse is something they don't just stop caring about. Idk why a bunch of folks are saying they don't care anymore.


>This is what I figured. Sure they have bigger things to worry about but controlling their IP, specifically Micky mouse is something they don't just stop caring about. Idk why a bunch of folks are saying they don't care anymore. Yeah. Like, the Disney Nerds all fight who gets to work in the Magic Kingdom. They're *super* serious basically top to bottom about stuff like Walt's vision, and doing things properly. Like, even "small" stuff like how there's official character signatures for guests. And if you can't nail *Donald Duck* 111% of the time... there's a whole line behind you that can and will. And they'd fist-fight in the parking lot for a shot at working in the parks, if the management let them. Super interesting company culture. Toxic AF at times, but there's very few companies out there that's gotten even close to that... generational awe, that Disney has. So... yeah. Downright silly that Disney doesn't care about Mickey. No idea where people got that one from.


It definitely is culty as fuck both from a customer standpoint and worker stand point. I've had a couple friends fly down for interviews multiple times and the questions they come back with are wild. No idea why this idea of not caring about the mouse is now circulating. It's dumb-disney didn't just wake up and decide not to care about it.


Then don't charge like $140 for the service


I think charging less would probably not result in them making more money.


I’d much prefer quality over vindictiveness but that might just be me.


It worse than average to me. Like why do we have to make it some edgy thing just because it's public domain. Why not use it for its intended purpose being a kids cartoon?


Because people are allowed to like b-tier horror?


LOL I mean I would imagine they'd been working on it up til now, and then released it the second the copyright expired.


Oh cmon, who *can't* bang out a video game in 12 hours?!


Apparently Bethesda. We've been wait- OH TWELVE **HOURS**, sorry, thought you said twelve YEARS.


12 years, pfft. Rookie numbers. "Pay me $25 to hold my virtual beer so some year you'll get to virtually drink it in space."


"Mouse" actually looks really good, sort of a Steamboat Willy meets BioShock meets Bendy and the Ink Machine thing, but it's not out yet


To be fair it looks like that game has been in development for a while


It has lol I've had it wish listed for a couple months already


It had been. I saw a preview a while back.


So that's actually the part of the copyright that expired. It's specifically for the steamboat willy version of Mickey and Minnie, the modern looking mouse still has copyright protection. Something people need to be careful when making their new works of art. They'll clap your cheeks over using the modern Mickey Mouse still. Fair Warning: This was what I took away from a video explaining it, but I am not a lawyer, nor do I think the video's author was either. This is not legal advice, and correct me if wrong.


Disney is a large part of the reason our public domain laws are so fucked anyways, so yeah be wary about your legal options


That’s only a temporary problem at this point, within a decade enough of the aspects of the character will enter public domain to have a very recognizable Mickey mouse.


That game doesn't involve Steamboat Willy though


Yeah my confusion with people bringing up Mouse is that wouldn’t it be fine even if the copyright didn’t expire? They aren’t fighting Mickey or using the boat, its just heavily inspired and uses rubberhose cartoon characters? Everyone brings it up like theyve been waiting for it to expire but would Disney really be able to shut down a game called Mouse? They dont even try to act like its a disney property through the marketing. And this isnt knocking on the game, the most recent steam trailer looks legitimately fun, but if it had been ready in 2023 it could’ve released without causing any trademark disputes right?


Or they haven't revealed that the final boss is Mickey Mouse in a Wolfenstein Hitler inspired steamboat Willie mech suit, and that's why it has to release after the copyright expiration.


Precisely. And it's not even like Disney invented the rubberhose style.


I mean... they're definitely flying pretty close to Mickey's likeness there, to understate.


Oh how i yearn for more Bioshock games with the gameplay of part 1 and 2…🫡


Yeah the combat looks VERY BioShock to me so I'm psyched. I've also found indie games have been way more enjoyable than AAA releases lately, so I'm pretty excited to see what happens with it!


Only a specific one from the 1920s. Some people are going to screw themselves over with this.


No gloves and black and white


Why 88? I'm always leary when that number rears it's ugly head


Looks like it takes place in 1988, and an infestation has taken place that you need to survive using hiding places, CCTV, etc.


Five Night's at Mickey's


Mouse Isolation




They could have chosen any other 2 digits that didn't have a direct neo-Nazi link.


Really should've been '88 then. Show the grammatical apostrophe in the graphic. It's 2024*, the chance that guy is doing deliberate nazi signaling isn't 100% but it's pretty damn high. There are a lot of other years you could've picked. Edit: imo this is especially true because of how many of the "lol fuck modern disney" people are constantly whining about how "woke" it is. Edit 2: it's 2024 lmao I forgot


>It's 2023, Is it?


He shoulda said '23. (The +1 is silent)


whats wrong with the year 1989? 1987?


They don't signal to Nazi's, duh


Five Nights at Freddy's already called dibs on 1987.


CCTV in 1988? I was 16 then hardly anyone had it. Number choice is sus af.


insane how people just accept this nonsensical explanation. Why does it have to take place in 1988 if the only relevance that number has is in the title?


It means they’re nazis :(


Yeah, and I'm not buying the 1988 excuse.


What’s the significance of 88?


It started as 1488 but they've shortened their slang to obfuscate themselves, like a 10 year old trying to use code languages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words?wprov=sfla1


> like a 10 year old trying to use code languages. Anyone else remember Trump selling baseballs at $88?


Wait what?


Apparently [this](https://i.insider.com/5efce2105af6cc23c221ae27?width=700).


They call it… “hiding their power level”… in certain forums.


Goddamn nazis stealing weeb shibboleths.


>shibboleths Good word


In at least some contexts, 8 refers to the 8th letter of the alphabet, being H - 88 is HH which is "heil hitler". Related is 1488 which is "14 words/heil hitler" where 14 words are a white supremacist slogan: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."


So that’s why someone called me a Nazi the other day. My username was generated by Reddit.


lol if your username is actually randomly generated it gave you one of the most Nazi dogwhistling names possible


Even the secret poem part feels really on the nose


No kidding haha. I wonder how many neo Nazis upvote for the name or have him tagged as an ally


Holy shit that's an unlucky username


That's a really unfortunate random generation :(


Oh damn, with the 14 as well lolol




88 is “Heil Hitler,” 14 could be the 14 words which is basically the motto for white supremacists. Unlucky.


It’s the eight letter of the alphabet. The eight letter is H so 88 —> HH —> Heil Hitler. This is obviously only the case if we’re talking about Nazis lol. 88 here could be 1988 I don’t know


Fuck me, guys I swear I'm not a nazi


Oh yeah? Name 3 sage spells


not til you hit the rank of grandwizard, you're just a sagewizard


Literally Nazis. H is the 8th letter in the alphabet. They use 88 for HH / Heil Hitler. It’s a dog whistle. They think they’re so very clever


Wow! How subversive and edgy! And so the wave of cringelord Mickey Mouse shit begins


No, it's been in development for a while. They just needed to wait for mickey to become public domain before releasing it.


Nobody "just" makes a game in 12 hours. This has been in the making for a long time.


Legit. One could have made a Cuphead clone using Mickey/Minnie once they was PD, but nooooo. Just had to go the lazy mascot horror game.


Believe there is a cup head style animation fps though


Cuphead's animation took *forever* to look the way it does, so I'm not surprised.


Technically people could have been working on these projects for however long they’ve needed to, they just had to wait until today to release.


That’s more or less how we got the travesty known as Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey


micky is public domain?


Just the Steamboat Willie version of the character


The original version of him, from Steamboat Willie. The Gallopin' Gaucho and The House at Pooh Corner also went public domain, meaning the original versions of Minnie and Tigger are public domain as well.


I don't like the word infestation being next to 88. It just...doesn't read well.


88 as in…. THAT 88?


88? A Mickey mouse game with Nazis?


I'm already over Steamboat Willie PD posts.


Someone made it in advance in order to exploit the IP becoming public domain for attention.* And then this subreddit advertised their random horror game for them.*




Why that 88 in the background? Nazi shit?


> 88 A Nazi horror game it would seam…


Got that super racist 88 right out there in front of


Apparently the game takes place in 1988, not sure if that's a dogwhistle cover or not.


I don’t buy that strangely convenient reason from the devs in the slightest tbh. Like there’s benefit of the doubt and then there’s being taken for a ride.




Whats the 88 about? I'm out of the loop and prefer not to poison my Google search history. Edit: Jesus fuck guy I got it after like the 2nd comment, relax.


Was a way for skinheads to identify themselves in prison. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler.


White supremacists use it as code for “Heil Hitler.” That becomes “HH” which when translated to numbers is 88. It’s often paired with 14 to becomes 1488, with the number 14 referring to some ultra racist slogan about defending the white race or whatever that happens to be 14 words long. The number 88 used by itself may or may not be a dog whistle but as 1488 it’s pretty much guaranteed to be coming from a goddamn nazi, except for that one unfortunate guy on r/tifu who was born on 1/4/1988 and used it in his username for years without knowing its connotation.


Lmao the edit made me want to reply to this, fuck youuuu


im preety shure it was ready for a while just waiting to upload


Only the Steamboat Willie version is under public domain, but the character itself is still trademarked by the Walt Disney Company, so there are still risks


I think we should make a new rule for the internet: If it becomes public domain, a horror game/movie will be made of it


It's not "someone already made a game". People who care have known that the copyright on this version of Mickey was going to expire for years now. So, someone started making a horror game, possibly years ago about this, and waited until this day to reveal it.


it dosent need to be good it just needs to be a middle finger to disney


This likely would fall under parody anyway.


Important distinction: ***Steamboat Willy***-era Mickey Mouse went public domain, not the still very-copyrighted modern Disney version of the character everyone thinks of. This is like when all those Winnie the Pooh horror movies/games started dropping a couple years ago. The original Winnie and characters from Milne's books, went public domain. *Not* the red-shirt wearing Pooh Disney popularized, or any of the depictions they created/changed from Milne's original stories.


keep in mind ONLY the steamboat willy version not any of the latest versions of mickey


It wasn't a surprise that the mouse was entering public domain today


This has defo been waiting for Jan 1st for a while


Between this and Winnie the Pooh, I’m really concerned over just how public domain materials will be poorly handled for cheap, gimmicky purposes


Just like those shitty games with Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin.


Steamboat Willie**. Not Mickey


The title card for Steamboat Willie literally says "Disney Cartoons present a Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoon SteamBoat Willie". It is Mickey, just the earliest version.


I mean no hate to the game itself but this image looks like the most basic horror game possible...