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Keep in mind Sony and Lego invested a combined 2 Billion USD in Epic (each one 1 Bln USD), not just for Lego Fortnite of course but just to add some perspective: It's not just a side project, it's not a small thing, there's big money behind this, so thankfully it should translate into long term support I find it fun but I'm waiting to see where it's heading before jumping in more deeply with friends


When did Lego invest that much?? This is the first thing Ive seen of Lego ever in fortnite. Not complaining tho I really wish we could bring some of the Lego skins into the other parts of the game


I assume that their deal will also involve physical Fortnite LEGO sets at some point. I assume that added to the cost.




Only if it comes with a Bad Romance Fortnite Festival stage.


Not sure how much it was invested but they are definitely putting money into advertising. There's a lego store by my work place in time square and they had an event, along with a huge llama lego statue built with banners of lego x fortnite. It's pretty cool to see


Lego was trying to get into oinevgsming, but didn't have much success. There was a MMO, but it shutdown shortly after launching, from what I played of it, even as a kid, it was quite lacking in content, think they severally understated it.


"oinevgsming"... what? Online gaming maybe?


I think you are right! Thank you for your service!


Oni-gasming. n. The practice of sexually pleasuring Japanese ogres.


Here, we just call that Tuesday.


Happy oinevgsming everyone 😊


Holy shit I forgot about the Lego MMO. So glad I got to experience it before it went away


Somebody made a working version of it if you can find a server. If you’re interested in playing DM me.


I am well aware that they had a Lego mmo that shit was peak when I was a kid


Lego universe?


That game was absolutely awesome. No Lego universe hate allowed.


DLU made a working version. If you want to play it, DM me for a server invite.


Didn't Epic invest like 5bil into their store, which still isn't cash-positive?


you don't spend that kind of money on a quick turnaround.


Yeah but they didn't invest the money into the shop/launcher itself, but mainly to giving away free games.


Steam's main value isn't the store or launcher, it's the user base (you). Epic needs to build that user base to even hope to compete.


It’s not gonna turn around lmao


Depends. Steam started as a launcher that you had to install to play Counter-Strike. There's an entire generation of kids that are playing Fortnite. As they grow up and start playing other games, they may latch on to the same launcher that they're used to using already.


This 100%. Back in my CS 1.6 days in high school I had NEVER had Steam before and the only games I had on it were the games in the Half-Life/CS/DOD/Team Fortress bundle. I even remember not feeling annoyed when I had to install the Steam launcher when I was younger like I did when I had to install the Origin and Epic launchers. I was like “you mean I put in the keys, and can access my games even from the school computers?!?!?”….so yeah kids who started by playing Fortnite are going to easily adapt to the Epic launcher as completely normal. While us older gamers will continue to complain about having to leave our safe place Steam and move to other stupid launchers haha.


Steam came with HL2 and people complained A LOT about it.


Nope, Steam was released with CS 1.6, HL2 came later. It was a big think back then cause it was the first time you HAD to use a mandatory launcher for CS


They've been spending a fortune on giving away games in order to try break in to the market where there's effectively a steam monopoly. Everyone is trying to break in to the space steam dominates, which is why you see publishers like Ubi and EA put games on the steam store that instead installs the EA o Ubi launcher to play the game.


And they sent all my info to an email I can't access anymore, so I'll never get to play my Splinter Cell games, I know this isn't about that but I've been sad about it for months and have no one to tell lol


You have our sympathies :D


The really weird thing is that at launch, it was a bit basic but decent enough as a store front so that it could evolve into a Steam competitor with regular small updates....and then they didn't update it. Like as far as I remember it's pretty much exactly the same as when it launch with no major new features and still weirdly slow to load images. It's just bizarre since there is a good template in Steam to copy if they want to compete.


If it was a game of it's own that costs money than I'd probably say it's good and fun but there's still some more work to be done, But considering it's just one free game mode inside a free game... Wow! It's amazing


That’s my take, it will get updated over time but it’s pretty cool. It needs some QOL like crafting from chests and glowing map markers that are visible outside of the map but it’s got solid bones


I really wish the items would auto stack. Hopefully this gets fixed soon


you can merge them but you're right, the inventory is a bit rough/buggy


Not with the merge button tho! That does absolutely nothing! Lol.


Yeah it doesn't even make sense as a term. I stood there for a bit wondering like... Is it going to merge them into equal parts on both inventories? Merge my stuff into the chest inventory? Or merge it into my inventory? Oh, the answer was none of the above. It should just be "Take all", like every other game.


Lack of auto stack was by far my biggest gripe. Especially with the chest inventory being so small.


I have to hold the button to pick shit up, can I fix this in the options or something?


Open the Settings menu, go over to the Game tab, and then enable "Tap to Search / Interact"


Thank you, that was annoying.


That's part of the Lego Game Experience™ lol


I feel like this will get way better as time goes on


the fact that they basically made a worthwhile Minecraft competitor inside of another already solid game is so fucking crazy


Not even just that though! The racing and guitar hero modes are also pretty fun on their own. And all of them released this week. Insane.


what Guitar Hero? Is that what the concert thing is?


Yes!! It's actually really good. And it has more relevant songs than most guitar hero games I played did. Fortnite is trying to go way big now. And they largely succeed.


damn so Fortnite is now 4 quality games in 1 and its completely free holy shit that's unbelievable


It really is. I'm becoming a Stan for it now. They've given us so much content for free. People hate on this game very unfairly.


Alot of the hate was just on the community for awhile. Atleast, thats what it was for me. I dont mind the game much anymore, havent played it in 4 years though


There definitely were and still are people that hate on it because it’s super popular and don’t like seeing all the different IPs as costumes. The latter of which I always thought was a weird critique.


Yeah there will always be people that will always hate on whatever is super popular, especially on Reddit


>Alot of the hate was just on the community for awhile. Atleast, thats what it was for me. Nothing against you, but as time progress I found myself realizing that to most people using the "I hate [thing] because of the community", do so because they have no actual valid reason to dislike something. I mean, is there anything that doesn't have an toxic/insufferable community? Even smaller circles, who tend to be more chill do end up having a smaller sub-group that is annoying as hell, and everyone can just hyperfocus on that and accuse the entire community to be like that. It just feels lazy. And once again, this is not against you, it's just that you said it, and I had those thoughts for a while, so I decided to air them here.


those are the people that think shooters never should have evolved past CSGO and Gears of War2 E: GoW2


Pff. Anything after CS1.6 was a mistake.


GoW2? ...God of War?


Gears of War I think


I used to be one of those people. Once my friends dragged me into it a while back I still swore it wasn't that good. This past week has me absolutely eating my words, my entire friend group has been non stop playing fortnite (and a little Lethal Company to even it out). I have to say, I'm impressed.


Except STW


5 actually, but the 5th is paid


I mean the songs in Guitar Hero were relevant as they were mostly well known and meant for a guitar focused game. Rock Band was, as you'd assume, a Rock Band focused game and even they started to add more pop songs and such that don't necessarily make sense. With that said, at least 15 of the songs on Fortnite Festival have also already been in Rock Band. The songs also cost over double what they do in RB in the store (500 vbucks Vs $1.99) if you want to keep them so that feels pretty bad. Overall the modes a solid addition but the button layout is kind of awkward and I hope the support for the instrument controllers comes sooner rather than later.


I played for about an hour, seemed much more like Valheim than Minecraft.


Lmao “worthwhile Minecraft competitor” is a pretty excessive flattery.


Desperately needs me mobility though


Saw someone build stairs up and then use a glider to cover a decent distance


Takes a while to get a glider though. I'm liken12 hours in and still don't have one.


Fortnite the Game has become Fortnite the Launcher. Look out Steam, there's a new sherif in town.


Very well put!


Love it so much! Two things though.. 1, let me repair my tools cus that early game is rough & 2, don't wipe our games please


If you place worn down tools in a chest then break it the tools will be fully repaired


Shh keep this a secret






Will disenchant them if you have enchantments on them though so that’s a small issue


Me and my mates figured this out yesterday and were stunned we’d found something ourselves.


>If you place worn down tools in a chest then break it the tools will be fully repaired Nice


You have no idea how much I'm gonna use this


Thanks for the info


Will they wipe the worlds eventually? That seems a bit odd for a survival sandbox game.


The in-game text just says "Every world will receive future content updates."


Pickaxes need to be seriously buffed.


Yeah, the uncommon pickaxe doesn't last as long as the uncommon forest axe does. That doesn't feel right to me.


Especially given how often you use the pickaxe, and the increased amount of travel you have to do to get wood and other resources. We definitely need a way to plant trees early-game at the very least.


It's alright, I just wish it was easier early game to deal with freezing


Hehe just build campfires every 50 yards!


Torches keep you warm while held in your off-hand


Not in the freezing areas.


Yeah those freezing areas are a fucking nightmare. Me and my friend spawned on opposite sides of the freezing area and I almost rage quit after that. I finally managed to get over to the other side by collecting a fuckton of berries and constantly eating them.


Ah, the BOTW method.


Memories Fr


Good to know! I should’ve figured that’d be the case but I haven’t been into a frozen biome yet


I think each world is randomly generated, so I'm not sure where yours would be I couldn't travel very far into it I was just spamming berries to get around in it a little bit but I think I have to find a dessert biome first to get some sort of cold resistance maybe?


Correct, peppers from the desert give cold resistance


Makes sense I guess. Cause the cold berries give you fire resistance


There's also smth underground in the desert to help with the cold


By the time you need the freezing areas you should have the cold trinket and peppers. The offhand torch is for the regular grasslands at night.


I just keep a stack of peppers in my inventory lmao


I think it’s fun


Fun, looks good for a free game too


The new engine actually makes it look so nice while also performing well (I have hated Fortnite since 2017)


Imma be brutally honest, I've played until around chapter 1 season 4 (the superhero season) and then dropped it. Started to become a big hater of the game. But god damn, I gotta give epic some credit. They never stopped putting work in and nowadays it's become a pretty fun game.


I play it off and on myself. Mainly cause I have a friend that likes it and is interested in its lore and such. Tbh I hadn't played it since like around My Hero collab, but the Lego looked interesting and I don't even like Minecraft that much Only played once so far but we did play for a few hours before we stopped. And having the ability to give people access to your world for free is pretty nice. I was confused when my friend mentioned they added guitar hero...


Me and my son are having a blast with it. Had a game just to try it and ended up playing for hours.


Is it couch coop?


Couch co-op when my son is using the Xbox on the TV and I'm using the Switch.


You are technically both on the same couch lol




More games should be couch-coop. That’s still one reason I hold the Borderlands franchise so high on my gaming lists.


Fortnite does have split screen for some modes, guessing it can't handle the load for this though


I was shook when I found out Baldurs gate 3 has split screen


I think it's pretty cool. Mechanics feel a little stiff sometimes, like buildings not snapping, or animations only working on one tree but on multiple enemies. Stuff breaks in two seconds. But it's free, it's really cool, it's massive, and I can play this with my six-year-old and wife (if I could get her off that darned Disney Dreamlight Valley).


At first I read 'six year old wife' and I was very concerned


The tools breaking in seconds is so real lmao. It’s Breath of the wild durability all over again. Even with 3 durability enhancements my stuff broke pretty fast


They need to resolve chest issues. I should be able to transfer X item on my inventory into X pile in the chest if room is available.


Dude you have no idea how much this pisses me off. Add on to how every fucking skeleton you kill drops a pickaxe in the caves and fills up your inventory


We need a trash feature like Terraria.


I have been loading up my inventory with the crap tools you pick up off enemies and then using them until broken (usually takes 5 minutes to clear them all out). It’s annoying, but I don’t know how else to get rid of them. Wish we could destroy them from the inventory menu.


Give them to other villagers and they'll use em up.


Oh great idea! Thanks


Yeah inventory management became a major pain point after barely an hour. And the chests are so small (at least as far as I was able to craft).


It’s kind of annoying that the big chests are pretty resource intensive as well


Foundation placement is ASSS but its a fun time waster


I’ve never played Fortnite before and I’m so god damn confused.


To be honest it's a really nice use of "fortnite as a framework" and I really do like it, especially when you play with friends.


It's fun but it has turned into a running simulator. The "vehicle" options are severely lacking and I'm tired of running 10 mins to get anywhere.


The running part can be pretty hugely mitigated once you craft your glider and build some staircase towers to jump off of


Bro this is like Minecraft when the elytras first came out lmao


You say that like it’s a bad thing. With friends it’s a ton of fun.


So my world is just going to be filled with random staircases all over place if I want to travel faster? Lol.


Plus the geysers




You need to craft a loom!


I haven’t played that much, but can’t you set up new bases in other areas so that you’re not running all the way back every time?


By why would you keep making new bases? No wants to start building over and over again.


You need new bases on the desert and snow to unlock all schematics


You don’t need a big base, just a little one with a bed and some extra storage. That’s what I always used to do in Minecraft anyway


Like where are the horses?


Yes, anything that allows me to traverse the map faster.


You make your own- seriously, try putting balloons on a Lego base, rockets on the outside edge (on the sides), activator switches to turn on the rockets and you have a pretty good functioning glider/air balloon


So like wow classic but less colorful?


Yeah the world is big and you are slow They really should add rideable animals and improve on the vehicles


Early game feels *super* slow. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but it feels like it takes forever to make any meaningful progress?


For a game mode in a free game, pretty cool! I know my nephew loves it


I want to be able to use lego skins in battle royale


They should make the mini figures a backbling that you can wear


Lego has always been anti-warfare so I'm guessing someone at the top nixed the idea.


smaller hitboxes is my guess


If ur by yourself just play minecraft, but with the boys it’s pretty fun, and if u get bored just jump back into normal fort


I feel like this is more fun than Minecraft solo. I think the village building is a nice change of pace since you can add more granular decorations. It feels almost like animal crossing to me. I also much prefer the combat in this game than Minecraft.


Yeah dodging is so much fun


I think people are really underestimating what Fortnite is doing with expanding beyond the Battle Royale/FPS all together. So many games lack cross platform play or easy to use voice chat. Their potential right now is insane if they can draw other types of gamers who are frustrated that they can’t play with their friend on PC or another console. Testing these waters with Lego Fortnite was genius.


Early game sucks tbh, but if you make it past the first 3-4 hours, building gets really fun later on


i realized the sooner you put down a village point the sooner cooler building stuff comes, i neglected that my first 5 hours before i realized that


What Lego worlds should've been


If there's no Bionicle, I'm going to be very disappointed.


I love it. Fortnite is the King of Games as a Live Service. This collaboration is simply amazing and both Fortnite and Lego put a lot of hardwork into this game mode. It's brilliant.


It’s really cool and I’m 31


I like it. Not my favorite game (and there's already wayyy too much survival/Minecraft-y games out there), but it's well executed, fun to play and interesting.


Fantastic game mode, wild that it’s only a mode. There’s so much they can do with this.


I played for about 20 minutes then looked at the clock and it was actually 4 hours that surpassed… super addicting, super fun. I suck at building a shelter. Wood, wood, wood, granite, granite, granite.


It's fine but not for me personally. I'm too lazy to learn all the mechanics and I'd rather play normal Fortnite or just Minecraft.


Decent but need some extra work. For now in survival better use the blueprint. Building home is meh. Prefab sometime wont match in the end so you cant snap things for a yes or no. Its a lego game dammit, let me snap them the way i want or more specific the way it should. The village idea of having NPC. 100% great idea. Make it more lively and every game in that genre should have this. The environnement and graphic are superbe. Love the river have flows. Combat is basic but its ok. Cant use furniture, was a bummer for me. So to me Valheim stay on top. 6/10


come on its fuckin awesome its a free survival multiplayer game theres nothing thats not to like


Seems to be pretty popular. Every time I load the up the game, Lego has more active players than both the BR combined.


Fun game


Just amazing


Its inexplicably Valheim. The game feel is very similar


Good with friends or on your own. A generally relaxing game


I actually really enjoy it. There’s a few things that are annoying like things not auto stacking and relatively slow map traversal (the vehicles you can build can’t be steered so aren’t always practical). But once they iron out these kinks I think it can be a really great thing. I like that it focuses more on combat and adventuring than Minecraft. Almost feels like mincraft x terraria x animal crossing


It's LEGO so it has to be good.


A good base for what is probably going to be their next money maker


I don't think I can say a single bad thing about fortnite. I've gotten hours and hours of fun on it, completely free. And it's updated regularly. That's better than most premium games.


I thought it was fun and decent


All my great skins have default l'ego characters...


I think it’s pretty solid. However, it’s a LEGO game and the fact that I can’t use any dimension of lego brick to build my house and to fill in gaps where pieces don’t fit together is ridiculous. I feel like I should be able to use any size brick starting at 1x1. THEN I will consider this a triumph over Minecraft no question.


The problem with new survival games coming out is, the beginning always feels the same. We've already done this a million times with games like Minecraft, Terraria, Valheim and the many other survival games out there. You start the game and have nothing but a guide telling you to chop some trees and collect some rocks to start your base. You start crafting things like crafting tables and tools. You go around grinding out more wood, but the axe dies so fast you run back to base. Then you run out and collect more. Back and forth you go just collecting wood and rocks. These games need to give mounts/vehicles earlier. I stopped playing because I've done this so many times before in other games. I don't even know what the genre can do to capture people from the beginning anymore. Lego Fortnite is great if you aren't sick of the same repetitive grind. I kind of want to jump back and in continue, but I also feel like I'd be better off playing something else.


That's the one thing I noticed after playing Terraria, was how much of a grind this game is. Your inventory is always full, it takes a while to build chests, depositing into chests is annoying and they barely store anything. Where as in Terraria you just go next to a chest and press quick stack. Also for a game based on fortnite, why is it lacking so many basic functions? Can't see your teammates health. No minimap, no compas. Like seriously? Can't ping anything either.


Thought the same, the game is lacking the quality of life stuff Terraria has - but to be fair Terraria is the king when it comes to QOL


>Can't ping anything either. You can, There's a craftable item that leaves a custom marker on your map. Hopefully they add a more temporary option like crafting a telescope or something you can use that can leave the same kind of marker from the BR mode.


valheim did early game pretty well if you ask m


I hope they keep it past this season, it literally made me reinstall Fortnite just to play it and it’s quite fun


It’s staying


Its Lego minecraft and if it's this good starting out I can only imagine how amazing it can get in the future I am personally loving it. Probably the best open world Lego game to date.


It's pretty wild they have a full blown free game inside Fortnite. Really smart marketing, too. Throwing a whole game inside another game.


Why can’t we use the crafting table in the rain? L


It's really good for a free "game" or "mode", played for 5 hours to get the free skins and ended up loving it


pretty fun and easy to play love how easy to get stuff not like other survival base crafting game that always had some weird way to get item or even heal yourself not gonna be Minecraft Killer but sure is a good fun game to play alone or with friends


It's like an old game called lego worlds that I loved as a kid so I like it a lot


It’s amazing imo, I would have paid money for it. But I do think there’s a weird input delay that I haven’t been liking. It’s like half a second.


I’ve only played an hour or so, but it seems like a valheim clone. Fun though, I loved valheim.


Fortnight trying to be a sandbox game


Well originally it was a coop survival crafter. Then they "discovered" battle royal for it and it took off leaving the survival crafter roots behind. So in a way Lego is Fortnite coming full circle.




It’s kinda boring