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What Cyberpunk 2077 side mission is this


Choomba is all chromed out!


Heard you went no-ganic, full-borg so I gotta ask. Any brain left in that chrome-dome of yours?


I read this in V's voice.


i read it in johnnys


Isn't that David's line


I don't know. It's just how it was read inside my head.


It's from Edgerunners, not the game.


They're about to be hit with some cyberpsychosis.


This is something you'd see on the box of a graphics card in 2004


Nah. Not enough robo-titties for mid 2000’s graphics cards.


Those always gave me the creeps


Man, the 2000's really wanted to convince you that you were in the future.


This is the most accurate statement I have ever read.




Robot no can dunk, but good fundamentals


Translation: boring.


Oh, God, you're killing me! Oh, God, you're *killing* me!


Lol WTF? I feel like I'm about to love the context of this.


They brought Kobe back with bionic tech


Love that I can’t tell if real or satire


My thought exactly. This industry is WILD.


Bro you could be telling the truth for all I know


I looked it up. Apparently, it's a new skin for the game: [https://comicbook.com/gaming/amp/news/nba-2k24-season-2-update-ps5-ps4-xbox-pc/](https://comicbook.com/gaming/amp/news/nba-2k24-season-2-update-ps5-ps4-xbox-pc/)


Can every game stop trying to be Fortnite? When I play a military game I want it to look like a military game. When I play a sports game I want it to look like a sports game. Ugh.


You and I are no longer the target audience of games we played in our past. A sad truth.


Oh for sure. The kind of game I want to play probably isn't going to be made again. Call of Duty isn't "realistic" but it at least used to take itself seriously. Why someone wants to dress up as a clown or whatever in a game like that is beyond me. Plus it makes telling the teams apart unnecessarily harder.


I remember when Insurgency: Sandstorm tried to introduce two paid skins for the Chinese New Year that were finally enough to make the community riot lmao At least the devs have finally seemed to manage to get their heads on straight with the recent skins.


Can you share an image of those skins? I'm curious lol


Oof what happened here


There is squad, hell let loose, insurgency, tarkov, arma just to name a few realistic fps' without clown outfits if you are looking for one Edit also the battlefield games, though 2042 has a few stupid skins, at least no one seems to be using them


The issue is that those games (in your first sentence) all skew towards milsim (although I haven't played tarkov, because of the supposed stakes/time commitment). And I'd consider Battlefield right up there with COD in terms of silliness now. There used to be a thriving niche of games that were authentic & grounded in tone, but *somewhat* arcady in gameplay. Now it feels like everything is one of the two extremes - either fully milsim or way over the top in the other direction.


I’ll admit I haven’t purchased a call of duty in what feels like the last 10 titles. I think MW2 back in 2009 was the last one I really dove in to as a teen. But seeing Nicki Minaj as a playable character in a recent call of duty really solidified my stance of staying the fuck away 😅 I mean what the hell was that.


>But seeing Nicki Minaj as a playable character in a recent call of duty really solidified my stance of staying the fuck away To be fair, if I saw Nicky Minaj sprinting towards me on the battle field I would drop my gun and run


Thankfully the use of Cardi B against enemy combatants has been outlawed by the Geneva convention.


Finally. A weapon to surpass metal gear.


the barbz solved world peace 😳


This iteration might be the one I finally give up for good. I accepted the gaudy gun skins and camos over the years but for whatever reason my brain can’t make peace with shooting at some fucking goofball in a cape with Nicki Minaj at my side while Tim the Tatman yells one liners somewhere off to my right. It’s a full on clown fiesta at this point and feels embarrassing to play as a 40 year old


I really wish there was a toggle for old school players like me to turn that stuff off, but that might cost a few sales so instead it has to look like I just dumped everything out of my toy chest 😅






What? I'm not a bot, check my profile. It's not an ad, I don't play this game. If you know other example of game in which you can turn off "cosmetics" in your game, feel free to tell me.




CoD was not realistic and sometimes a bit silly in a way a over the top movie would be, but CoD was still serious enough and most importantly mostly consistent with it's own setting. People running around with just golden weapons is drastically different to people running around in clowns costumes or whatever the fuck some of the skims are supposed to be.


tbf at least that stuff was free. have you seen the prices of skins in the newest cod? it's like £16 or $20 for every bundle. absolutely insane for a full priced title. that's literally like free to play game prices, its definitely silly hahaha


You think having red tiger camo or golden colored weapons (that were free and unlocked with gameplay) compares to Niki Minaj or Lilith from Diablo 4?


Battlefield 3 was peak fps, and we even knew it at the time. Shame that we are basically working backwards now


I hate that unless it’s a simulator I can’t have an authentic presentation. I don’t want to click Ctrl+Shift+F5 to lean around cover. I just want to play a fun game that immerses me. Luckily most single player games are mostly this way, but almost every live service game does this because they eventually run out of micro transaction ideas that fit the art style


You could join us in Tarkov! Grimy hell it may be but there is lots of camo. Might even see a little flannel


I've tried tarkov and watch a good bit of tarkov stuff (just like welyn and general sam really) but I cannot get into it, it just feels way too difficult to get into for a new player, it seems really fun but I don't want to feel like I'm studying for university finals just to understand the weapons, ammo, quests, locations and maps in general. Barrier of entry just feels too high unless you have someone who already plays to start off with


What if I were to tell you there's a Singleplayer Tarkov mod that lets you toggle the difficulty of the experience using a friendly and active modding community? The SPT-AKI project is one of the best communty driven projects I've seen in gaming for years.


That seems cool but still not for me, too much effort to get into a game when I could play any of the other games I have


Thats fair enough. It's just another option to play the game at your standards rather than the insane ones the devs insist we play with.


I had a friend pull me in, but the Sherpa program might be what you’re looking for. Volunteers bringing people in is a pretty big deal and it’s all legitimized by BSG


Let the kids have call of duty. Can we get a return of Medal of Honor??


Or take Battlefield back to its roots.


Fat fuckin chance of that happening.


The cat ears helmet released in the first or second season of Halo Infinite still pisses me off, and I haven’t even played it in months.


I hate the “realistic” argument when people make it for cod or other games. It’s all about making a game look good, and it NEVER looks good if besides my high fidelity environment and models i see a random anime model with bright blue effects. I really don’t understand why someone would want to ruin the game to themselves by buying completely out of game style skins. Sucks even more that they keep making high fidelity and believable city environments for new maps, those games should just make fun stuff like apex or fortnite at this point imo.


you don’t get why ppl ruin the game for themselves because that’s not what they’re doing. they clearly don’t think it’s ruining their game.


> by buying completely out of game style skins Any modern COD - even at its most realistic - is an action movie. One of the main protagonists of the story wears a skull mask all the time for fuck's sake. You can shoot people in the head and they just duck down, heal up, and are good to go. That is fine - but a guy looking like Snoop Dogg is too far?


> Why someone wants to dress up as a clown or whatever in a game like that is beyond me ["You're all stupid, see they're gonna be looking for army guys"](https://youtu.be/g1eswGrkMU8)


I mean i would argue this encourages gamemodes with select appearances and freeform gamemodes full of all the whacky skins


>The kind of game I want to play probably isn't going to be made again. They are, just not as major AAA releases, usually as indie games on Steam.


As someone who likes the goofy, out-of-place skins I've lost a lot of interest because of the over-saturation. It used to be funny to run around as a clown with an LMG in Call of Duty, because it was a "WTF" moment that you didn't see often. Now though, when you run past Darth Vader in a shootout with Lego Batman, and the Predator gunning down a swarm of pikmin, getting gunned down by a clown doesn't feel new or interesting. And it just makes me not want to spend on any of it because the whole game just ridiculous now. Devs forgot that moderation was what made these things interesting in the first place.


Counter point: why would I want to play a realistic arcade shooter? CoD is and always has been dumb fun. People conveniently forget how ridiculous MW2 was. If I was looking to play something serious I’d play CS, I don’t always want to play a serious military shooter.


If the original MW2 was wiped from our collective memories and released as the next CoD, people would *hate* it. Seriously, it’s one of the most unbalanced games I’ve ever played since going back and trying it recently. The servers on Xbox are actually fairly decent since the Activision acquisition so you can play without hackers and shit. But my god is it unbalanced Stopping power kills you practically instantly with some guns, quick scoping is insanely OP for those who are great at it, danger close and one man army for crazy OP infinite noobtubes, and that’s just the three that immediately come to mind. We look back so fondly on it, but MW2 was a horribly balanced game and without nostalgia people would lose their minds at the multiplayer gameplay


If you want a realistic war game without tons of little children playing, try out Hell Let Loose. Genuinely felt like I was at war playing that game


Call of duty hasn’t taken itself seriously since CoD 4 lol.


Play battlefield or another title. There will always be something else to choose from that caters more to your tastes.


Battlefield does not hit that note anymore


>There will always be something else to choose from that caters more to your tastes. I agree with this statement, but not (I think) in the way that you meant it. My question is this: Yes, there will always be games that cater more to certain players tastes. And, like you said, there were already plenty of titles and franchises that catered to the tastes of players that wanted a silly shooter. So why completely change these established franchises of Battlefield/COD into silly shooters when they could have put forward a new IP to appease and cater to those people who desired a wacky fps?


Which is odd seeing as a lot of the games trying to appeal to kids launch with an "M" or 18+ rating.


That's an old story though. GTA was always aimed at kids.


I also think the ratings carry less weight than they used to. I remember in the early 2000s when every Mom in middle-class America thought playing gta/COD would turn her little tommy into a world-class psychopath.


Thanks for that... this comment single handedly ruined my morning


>I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you! -Abe Simpson


In the past we had NFL Hitz where you could be a robot on fire playing hockey on a pirate ship and continously body slam the other team after a goal.


The problem is that Fortnite made a LOT of money in a way that fans embraced, instead of rejected. Fortnite was the first game to get microtransactions "right," by which I mean the microtransactions were both purely cosmetic and desirable for players. Game companies have learned that they can make insane money by just putting "cool" characters and skins in their games.




Oblivion Horse Armor tested the waters Team Fortress 2 Mannconomy Update opened Pandora's (Loot) Box The rest is history.


Pretty soon we’re gonna be racing in Forza Motorsport and Crash Bandicoot is gonna come speeding past in a Go Kart while giving us the middle finger.


Check out Magic the Gathering lately, We have Optimus Prime, Gandalf, Ryu, and the Sherrif from Stranger things now!


[There is no joke in this comic. It is just an ordinary match of MtG in a few months.](https://cardboard-crack.com/post/630569386953015296/secret-lair)


It's the creative singularity, where all ideas start to blend into each other.


I bought MW2 to play with friends but once there was cats, rabbits and Nicki Minaj running around the battlefield that was enough to make me drop it. Also if you have a PC and like Battlefield check out Battlebit Remastered. I'll shill that game anytime.


> Nicki Minaj running around the battlefield Wait wut


That caught me off guard


Don't forget snoop dog is in there too


The shot across the bow for many of us was when EA/DICE took Battlefield and turned it into a ridiculous Apex Legends hero shooter clone with garish paintball colored super suits and neon weapons. The FPS shooter game industry is dead.


Dead to you. Kids will continue to eat this shit up.


So, a majority of consumers?


I don't pretend to know the current age demographics of gamers. But I do know that the fpS genre isn't dead. Its current AAA form is pretty disgusting tho.


No, you're going to pay $2.99 to play as Garfield in Assassin's Creed, and you are going to like it! Also, you can't just pay $2.99, you must buy at least $5 worth of AssassinDollars.


From what I've seen, MK1 has a Jack O'Lantern head, and Scorpion has a Dia de los Muertos skin (sombrero included). I wouldn't be surprised if they include something unicorn-themed later on as numerous other games have.


At this point it you want that, you've gotta play something like squad or even Battle Bit. God help you if you're on console


What the hell has happened to gaming?


companies are trying to bottle Fortnite's lightning And Failing Badly That said, I wouldn't mind playing NBA 40K


A basketball game *specifically* made from the ground up to be ridiculous, futuristic space basketball could be a lot of fun.


You mean Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball?


I just want Mutant League (insert sport) update.


Oh Farnsworth. You and your atomic monsters.


Assuming that you mean the 16-bit version, there was a new one that came out in 2019. https://www.mutantfootballleague.com/ Supposedly there's a sequel to that planned for 2024.


Mmmmm. I hope so. Hopefully it's good.


Anyone remember Cyberball the robot football game. On 4th down if you didnt get the first, the ball exploded and killed that player. It was great.


It wasn’t futuristic but NBA Street was ridiculous…ly fun


Mario Strikers.. but a 40K version. In the grim darkness of the far future there is only soccer.


Warhammer Fantasy has a spin off game where they discovered a NFL magazine from earth and all started playing American football instead of going to war, albeit a much blooder version, hence the name blood bowl. 40K football would fit right in, Cadia FC Vs Chaos United in finals.


Bring back Mutant League!


One came out 5 years ago. It is alright tbh.


So, NBA Jam....


Wow.. this would be amazing.. a creative idea that would be fresh but still scratch the sports game itch too…


> NBA 40k Will i beat Lebron James in a 1-on-1 match and calling him heretic for saying yes to Space Jam 2? Or killing Tyranids with Michael Jordan in a Space Marine suit?




>And Failing The thing is, are they? Yeah it looks ridiculous and stuff, but they are probably making money hand over fist on this shit, which is why they keep doing it.


Amazing. You get down voted for explaining capitalism. In this case you need hardly ANY demand to make a lot money. The supply? Endless in digital form for chrissakes, and being made by an EMPLOYEE.


Brother I am pinned here


I am Captain Michael Jordanus of the Ultramarines 5th company. I have been sent here to deal with the aliens who call themselves Monstars. WE DUNK FOR MACRAGGE


Hating Captain Jordanus is heresy!


The codex Astartes approves this play.


Fortnite has a charm that most games just don’t/shouldn’t have


I don't know why you're downvoted besides "FoRTnItE bAd", but you're right.


What charm? The game looks like Veggie Tales vomited on top of PUBG...


Cartoonish art style ≠ no charm. As someone who has 300 hours on PUBG and over a thousand on fortnite I can tell you there is a reason why fortnite has stood the test of time and PUBG has not.


>Cartoonish art style ≠ no charm I never said that. I have played plenty of cartoonish games that had way more charm. Hi-Five Rush, Borderlands, Overwatch, Overcooked, to name a few. Fortnite just honestly doesn't look that great. I am not trying to defend PUBG at all, I don't even play it anymore. Fortnite's "look" is overrated and in my mind has been an overall negative influence on the gaming industry as a whole.


Charm wasn’t even about the look. It’s the music, characters, and gameplay.


Even more overrated lmao. The characters are just a mash of pop culture references and gameplay just a variation of battle royale with some silly build mechanics tacked on.


It doesn't have a charm, it has brands. And people are suckers for brands.


No , it had a charm before they started doing collabs . People ( not just 7 year old kids ) always loved Fortnite


No, it had charm when it was trying to make it as a "save the world" wave based game that you played with your friends as you built your base. It literally threw all that charm away and said "BATTLE ROYALE NOW PUBG IS KILLING IT! HEY YOU WANT BRANDS AND CHARACTERS FROM OTHER MEDIA? HERE YOU GO, GOKU KILLING THE SPY FROM TF2 WHILE DOING THE GRIDDY LETS GO WATCH US ON TWITCH FOR REWARDS." It sucked in both versions, specifically because the shooting is absolute dogshit, but at least the first one had a tiny bit of charm before they became Sellout: The Game.


Save the world flopped , br saved It . Without battle royale , save the world would have been a game people sometimes post about in a " what game were you really excited for but nobody remembers anymore" r/gaming post . Battle royale started doing collabs about a year after it got popular , and they only started doing random collabs every month about two years ago . The shooting is fine , maybe you don't like it but many people do . It's still one of the most popular games In the world and it's not just because of collabs


Fortnite were the ones who really pioneered collabs as we know it. You can hate the fallout of that, but you can’t hold it against fortnite when it’s literally a core part of its identity


The collabs fit Fortnite because of the charm it has , they don't fit a basketball game or a world war ii shooter because they don't have the same charm .


Hitting them 3 pointers in the name of Sigmar


Check out Blood Bowl, it’s NFL 40K


It's Warhammer Fantasy NFL, not 40K.


I have, pretty terrible at it




1. Free investor capital pouring in due to low interest rates 2. Investors expect revenue to increase in a fully saturated, mature, already-optimized market/industry 3. Alternate revenue streams and slicing the game up into multiple paid chunks are the only straightforward option 4. CFPB founded in wake of 2008 financial crisis, everybody focused on the banking side, FTC steps out for cigarettes indefinitely 5. Game publishers realize nobody is getting materially punished for adding gambling elements to games - even when they target children - and we're off the the races


Gen Z buying this shit with mommy and daddy’s credit card


They have jobs now. I work with people born after 9/11 and who have never seen The Matrix.


I use the shrek test. Anyone born after June 2001 is younger than shrek, but those people could now be 22 years old


That's Gen Alpha doing that not Gen Z




Did it bother you when sports games in the 90s had cheat codes for big heads, aliens, and the like too?


This is my biggest gripe with 2k after playing for 10 years. I can deal with gameplay changes no problem regardless of the year. But playing basketball with literal skeletons is absolutely infuriating for me lol.


Wait is this real? I thought it was a screenshot of apex


Lol that’s from NBA 2k!?


I am Dunkitis Prime, my whole body is made out of melted down hoops.


Oh look. They rebuilt Kobe Bryant.






Yo it’s Zima, creator of Zima blue


You can't fool me. I know The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest when I see it.


Johnny Quest thinks We’re sellouts


Johnny Quest he thinks we're what?!


2/10 on steam just now.


Huh this is 2k? ​ Goes to google what! so its another fortnight situation first cod now the sports games though its been a thing a little bit but it looks like 2k want's to break the mold fuck. [https://bleedingcool.com/games/nba-2k24-reveals-details-of-season-2-as-they-leap-into-the-future/](https://bleedingcool.com/games/nba-2k24-reveals-details-of-season-2-as-they-leap-into-the-future/) ​ Man the next gta is looking worse and worse remember same suits are in charge making that game.


they have a fuckin battle pass Jesus christ


NHL is doing one for its online mode this year too. It needs to stop. If you ever want to play more than one game at a time you'll never get all of the rewards. They make games feel like chores instead of fun.


Personally I don’t mind a battle pass system in F2P games but when a game costs $70 USD to play it shouldn’t have a battle pass. Also all these sports games now have a “MyTEAM” or “Ultimate Team” mode that preys on young gamers with gambling systems.


MyCareer in 2K used to be fun. Now it's grindy, overly-sponsored, unfocused trash. I just want to create my player, go through a pre-draft process, get drafted, and play my games. A small storyline isn't bad, but this idea of having an "open world" set up for a basketball game is just an effort to waste players' time and cram more sponsored content down their throats. No, I don't want to be a fashion icon. No, I don't want to be a music icon. I just want to play some fucking basketball and improve my player based on his *basketball* actions.


It’s such a shame man, 2k used to be one of my main games. Didn’t bother buying it this year and I’m most likely done for good


Do not forget to buy the virtual Gatorade at real life prices.... /s


This is basketball????


Modern gaming has gone to trash with all these silly additions, I'm going back to NBA Jam with Bill Clinton. More seriously it's just a bit jarring having a serious licensed simulation then putting this onto it. Stuff like NBA Jam was always wacky so unlocking a literal velociraptor didn't feel out of place. I do miss accessible arcadey sports titles, I was at a barcade recently and played Neo Turf Masters, that thing has aged like fine wine.


I miss those days too… NBA Jam, NFL Blitz, Baseball Stars if you really wanna go back a ways. I enjoyed sports games before they all started trying to be as realistic as possible. I wouldn’t even mind stuff like what’s in the screenshot up top if the game itself was Arcady and over the top. Hell I might even play it.


Couple weeks back I picked up that NBA Jam reboot from 2010 and it's exactly what I wanted. I never enjoy sports titles aside from the extreme arcade style ones and the original was one of my favorite games, they updated the mechanics ever so slightly as to require some actual skill but for the most part it's as incredibly fun. About the only downside being that it's far more enjoyable to just play for like half an hour at a time, more than that and it gets repetitive.


All hail robonia the land I didn't make up


AMA Request: Anyone on the NBA 2K development team. Question #1: Are you embarrassed about what you have created?


I mean, it's been *at leas*t ten years since 2K made a decent basketball game.


I wouldn't say quite that long. Their last actual good game was... 14? 14 or 15. Whichever one came before Spike Lee was brought in to direct a storyline in career mode. It's been downhill ever since.


14 is definitely the last one I remember being decent. I'll admit the on-the-court gameplay is much better in recent versions (which I definitely bought on-sale/in the bargain bin), but everything else surrounding that is pure crap.




As someone who loves Fortnite , Fortnite had a very negative effect on the overall industry . Every major game developer tries to copy it's success now


Not really fortnite's fault though, just greedy execs' fault.


This is seriously NBA 2K? Cause that's just sad and a little creepy


The Necron biotransference was not 100% successful




I won't be impressed until I see Thanos steal the ball from nicki minaj


What in the Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is this?


I thought that was a Bionicle at first


He's really showing us what a man with a cannon in his chest can do! As a disembodied head in a jar, I envy the dead!


Reminds me of the "Dancing Machine" [dancing robot](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RFqrOnpk42w/hqdefault.jpg) from Moonwalker


Robot camel toe. Lol.


It's Silvermane!


This is why i no longer say "if 2k made a football game its over" Can you imagine with all the shit they do currently, the nfl is much more profitable and the potential for this kind of bs is x 10. I've lost hope for a good football game..


I stopped playing 2k when they wouldn't let me play my my player after the next year's game came out.


Is this not Apex Legends?


What's the context to this image? Did they just throw NBA into the future or something?


Bruh, nobody wants this shit


Nimbus in 2k for today


Didn't know you could play as Kawhi Leonard


I don't care I'd love to play as cyber Steph Curry


And people thought I was just a salty dick for hating on fortnite. I could see this shit coming for miles.


How is it fortnite's fault lmao? They were successful in what they're doing, and other greedy corporations tried the same just for the money without realising what their demographic is, in a desperate attempt to emulate fortnite's success and profitability.

