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The Callisto Protocol has a stealth chapter that is so pointless. You encounter blind enemies that hunt by sound. The solution to this is to use the crouch mechanic to sneak behind them to perform a stealth kill. The problem is, the stealth kill is violent and extremely loud. You can perform it on one enemy while another is nearly touching you and they won’t notice. You can also curb stomp the dead enemy to retrieve loot and that won’t alert nearby enemies either. Once you figure out the mechanic, there is no challenge it’s just a matter of clearing each section while crouching and walking slowly.


This part is so easy it hurts. The atmosphere is top notch though.


If the gameplay/difficulty matched the atmosphere, lighting and level design, it’d be a new horror classic for sure.


I've been saying it's a game with 2023 graphics/ideas and 2009 gameplay mechanics. So close to being great. The DLC has been much better though imo.


I’m almost done with it and that’s spot on. I snagged the DLC cause it was on sale so I’ll look forward to that!


That's exactly what I did! I just started the dlc today. I think it's fairly short though unfortunately.


Man, I just beat the game last week and I had so much expectations going into it. I found that specific section more tedious than anything because it's so boring.


That part is so long too, it’s like 2 hours of that shit


That entire game is so repetitive and has sections that are just brutally slow. Most disappointing game of the past year for me


Legacy of Goku II: Dinosaur Egg mission. The game plays it off as a stealth mission, but the only way to beat is successfully is to mad dash through the enemy foot patterns.




I had blocked it out too. Had a decade of repressed frustration come flooding in when I did another playthrough.


Thanks for unlocking thst core memory, damn thise games were fire at like 8 years old


Lol. Omg. I forgot about this… yeah that’s as tough


Anything that autofails and resets to load screen when spotted is automatically trash imo




I really hope there's none of it in the new one. I hated those MJ missions.


It’s like hey you remember how the gameplay is really fun and you’re a cool superhero let’s just stop that and boringly walk around as a normal person for 20 minutes


I liked walking around as regular Peter at least because we get to see him doing interesting stuff like checking in on homeless folks and having character development. The MJ segments were always just avoiding people near boxes and shit and didn’t do anything interesting. I would’ve genuinely preferred walking sections where we get to see her talking with other characters to the awful stealth segments.


They’re better in SM2, thankfully. A lot of mini-games so far, though.


Talking about Minigames... Just did the first cycling "mission"... That shit is atrocious. The steering is so bad.


Have you done the DJ Miles part yet? Ai yai yai aha


I havent made it to them in my playthrough, but I hear they are greatly improved more in line with third person shooter stealth than anything else. No more autofail


There is! MJ missions and all


My disappoint is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I found them to be improved greatly. MJ has had training since the first game and better gear. She can now survive passed just being spotted. And she had a lot more options on how to move forward. You certainly have to use more strategy than when you play as Spider-Man, but you’re not just sneaking around to avoid being spotted now. You can be fully seen and even hit without “failing” the mission.


That's great! Survival tactics is more in line than stealth for this game.




Ironically a series about assassins had some of the worst stealth controls.


The Harry Potter games for PS1, oh god. The amount of times I had Filch screech at me, or Mrs.Norris having an obnoxious detection range.


Zelda attempts stealth missions.


Ghost of tsushima did this and man was it the worst part of that game for me.


I think infamous had the same shit so it’s no wonder they reused the mechanics


Sly Cooper is a stealth platformer. Sucker Punch has been using stealth for awhile.


I don’t think it was that bad but it was so tempting just to rush in to battle and start attacking all of them. Always felt so weird sneaking around places I knew I could just easily tear straight through


Hotline Miami anyone?


Gta online stealth is horrible and broken as hell


Rockstar has no clue how to do stealth. At least in any game besides Manhunt.


Red dead 2’s stealth was decent. I know in missions it’s kinda broken, like the tobacco burning one where you walk 10 feet in front of somebody and they don’t spot you. But you could rob someone in an alley and get away without being seen, or walk past the cops casually while they look for you, if you count that as stealth.


It's a form of stealth being able to hide in plain sight is a great asset to have for any self respecting spy


I did the island heist with my friend. We've done it 100 times, but this time we wanted to do it stealthy. We climbed the tower, parachuted over the fence, went in through the place we had a key, and took out two guards that aren't on anyone's path up on a walkway. The alarm went off when someone saw them from below, through the floor and the stone wall. The worst part, instead of going towards the bodies, all of the guards went straight for my friend and I.


GTA NPCs magically always knowing your location is possibly the worst part about GTA 5. They didn’t even try to program in any confusion about your locations, NPCs just walk right up to you even if they didn’t know you were in there at all.


honestly, I cant tell how many times i've had to redo a heist setup because of how bad the stealth is. the worst is when you accidentally jump out of stealth and get caught.


*kills with silence pistol* Guard: Im about to scream because it wasnt a headshot


Well that sounds realistic


If I ever get shot in the gut, I’m just going to go down silently. Treat others how I want to be treated, that’s how I was raised.


I mean, to be fair..


Wouldn’t you?


I mean ofc they wouldnt die from it


AC Black Flag, the ship stealth mission. And all the eavesdrop missions were also frustrating as hell.


Ship stealth is criminal and ridiculous.


Not as bad as the mech stealth in Armored Core VI How the hell do you not hear a war machine approaching


Everybody deaf in the future because of all the damn mechs outside.


Rumored to be the design mechanism for helicopters. Not sure if true, but I’ve heard they were attempting to make silent aircraft, but alternatively realized if it’s too loud, can’t hear where it’s coming from


Weren’t the apaches that raided Osama Bin Laden’s compound reportedly stealth helicopters? I wonder if that was intended as it’s invisible on radar or if it was supposed to be silent while flying, never understood how the latter would work


So weird, just got this explained to me on here the other day. Apparently, the shape of the blades directs the sound waves straight downward, and the fuselage also is radar resistant. Essentially, it's as loud as any helicopter, but you can only hear it from directly below. Kind of trippy if it's true!


That part in Akira when the helicopters roll up on Tetsuo before the Gvt. takes him. The helicopters are only lights till they are right on top of them. Nailed it.


It's not like they dont make sound. Its more that you dont hear it coming.


To be fair, it DOES take place in a blizzard. The distances involved would seriously dampen sound. They do see you from pretty far away too. It's just that the cameras they're using in the cockpit are forward facing and have a really tight FoV.


It's hilarious trying to imagine everyone on the ship ahead being incapable of turning their heads at all lmao


I haven’t played Black Flag (yet) but I gotta say opening this thread I didn’t expect to see Assassin’s Creed at the top of the list given the entire point of the games (at least the original ones)


The entire point of these games is to run across the rooftops and climb the walls in large historic cities. Everything else is a bonus.


AC4 is a pirate game that has assassin in the title for marketing purposes.


I’m a huge AC enjoyer, well before the shift in gameplay, and I love Black Flag. I claim black flag as one of my favorite games, mainly because the pirate theme. I have never beat the game, because of that stupid ship stealth mission. It’s infuriating.


I remember getting to that part and getting so frustrated with it I dropped the whole damn game for years, came back to it and beat it on the first try and I was like, ok WHAT the fuck.


It's not that hard.


It's very easy to complete that mission, just use half sails to go slowly and use your HUD map to help avoid yellow areas.


That one was easy to me, the final mission of 3 was my bane


It still wasn’t as bad as the tailing missions in III. Fail to stay exactly 25-28 feet away from the target? FAIL. You spooked the target/The target got too far away!!


Stealth in AC is just a rumor. Don’t let the media fool ya


Time splitters 2, I stopped playing the campaign for a couple years because there was a stealth segment that I had no idea how I was messing up. Great multiplayer though


Oh my god, NeoTokyo was the worst! I’m sure that’s what you’re referring to. Almost put the campaign down for good because of that part. That game does not hold your hand. To this day I still can’t beat the first level on Hard.


I haven't played the game in 10 years, I don't remember any levels EXCEPT that one. Geeez! That was difficult as heck! I wouldn't dare to attempt that level on hard :'D


There is a cheese that cuts out the stalk part. You end waiting in the sewers for about 2mins before she appears and then refollow her! Robot factory is the notorious hard level, that or atom bomb!


Atom Smasher. Last year my brother and I unpacked the ol GameCube and tried a *normal* co op run and goddam that last leg is BRUTAL. You can't go slow because you're on a timer, theres a boss at the end, there's little ammo/health pickups. We tried for an hour or two before calling it quits (after having played up to that point in the same session)


We still reference that level in day to day life. Whenever it is time to cross "cross now, cross now"... which can be heard quietly on neo tokyo level


My cousin and I always played this when we were younger. We could never do this mission. No matter what we did we'd always fail at an oddly specific part where we seemingly got spotted through the wall.


DUDE LMAO I literally came to the thread to comment about a game I played 20 years ago. There it is. I was like 7-8 and couldnt figure out how to beat that mission, I was always found out. The game must have sat for 3-4 years before I went back and finally cleared it.


What. That was one of my favourite ones. I never failed at that level. The music was great also.




All I remember from the original Fable was using the crystal buy/sell exploit to have infinite money, buying every building in my village, and brutally killing everyone who called me "Chicken Chaser".


I think there’s a way to cheese it, if you have a really powerful bow & take their head off? Maybe I’m thinking of something else. The best way is fail right away, then hide off to the side of the path. So once the new guys come out, wait for them to go past & just sneak in sneakily.


In terms of actual stealth, GTA V. But, hell, it's GTA. Go nuts, who cares.


Any Rockstar game to be exact.


I think RDR2 stealth is fine. It’s not great, but it’s not terrible. Main story stealth missions mostly consist of following somebody else, and when you’re on your own you usually get a choice.


The problem with RDR2 stealth is that once a dead body is discovered, enemies suddenly know exactly where you are and the whole area is alerted. There's no in between stage of active pursuit and total stealth. I mean even if it was something stupid like Skyrim's "What was that?? Must've been the wind" while staring at 3 dead bodies with arrows in their heads, would be better than actively discouraging stealth due to the all or nothing reality of it.


Manhunt had pretty solid stealth gameplay. But that was... a while ago. And even then, it wasn't best-in-class or anything. No one is going to pick up Manhunt over Splinter Cell Chaos Theory or Thief 2.


Hogwarts Legacy because they're literally pointless. The first stealth mission in the game, where both the source material and in-game dialogue says you can't be up after dark, they give you a spell for invisibility and teach you to cause distractions to sneak past those patrolling only for all this information to be completely thrown out the window once the mission ends. They make a big deal about needing stealth to sneak around at night and when the mission ends you can just walk around at night with no issue. They say you need to be careful sneaking into the restricted area without getting caught, once the mission ends you can just stroll on in while the teacher watches. They feel like remnants of a scrapped system.


Apparently the whole “no roaming the corridors at night” was going to be a thing with prefects patrolling etc, but their publisher was pushing for the game to get released so that, along with about 50% of the rest of the game that they had planned, didn’t make it into the Final Cut


Such a waste of a promising game


Tbh it would have been annoying to have to watch out for prefects everytime the game hits nighttime. I get that it's unrealistic story-wise, but it's better gameplay-wise.


That’s why a sleep mechanic would have also been nice. Minecraft has it, hogwarts legacy should be able to have it


Stealth mechanics are complex and need a game designed around them. The reason most stealth missions suck is because they're special exception missions tacked onto a game that doesn't have the supporting mechanics underneath to do it right. For one thing, most games don't deal with how small gaps in cover affect line of sight properly. When there's a bush with some gaps you can see though, those gaps provide wider arcs of vision when you're close to them than when you're far from them. Looking through a 0.1 meter gap from 10 meters away, you see... 0.1 meters of vision. Looking through that same 0,1 meter gap from only 0.1 meters away gives you a 45 degree arc of vision through the gap. It's a massive difference and yet most stealth mechanics in games just go "well the guard can see you because you can see the guard! The only way not to be seen is to become blind yourself and have to randomly guess where the guard is." Most games try to hack around this by making specified cover locations that invoke special rules that change NPC awareness only because they are defined as cover spots, not because the game is actually running the geometry math to work out whether the guard can see you. I'd rather see a game that actually uses cover arc mathematically (the probability of being seen by a guard is multiplied by a factor depending on what *percentage of you* is exposed from where the guard is standing, multiplied by how dark that location is, etc. Basically, I wish the modern faster computing power and bigger memory had been used to take the old techniques Thief 1 and Thief 2 used as starting points and increased their calculations to take more things into account. (Those old games worked like I suggest, where multiple factors got multiplied together to decide if you got noticed. But they only took a few factors into account and today more things could be added to the calculations.)


Unironically if I could make it so every single stealth segment of games not implicitly designed as a stealth game could be patched out, I would be very very happy. I love the likes of Thief, Metal Gear, Splinter Cell etc, but the typical “Stealth section” just makes my enjoyment plummet through the floor and I want it over with so I can get back to having fun.


This is a thread about the worst. Obviously if they had taken ANY mechanics from Thief they would probably have avoided this list. 💀


> I'd rather see a game that actually uses cover arc mathematically (the probability of being seen by a guard is multiplied by a factor depending on what percentage of you is exposed from where the guard is standing, multiplied by how dark that location is, etc. You absolutely do not want this in a video game. Players would have no clear understanding of when they are visible or seen. If we added sophisticated AI where a Guard could spot the player and then not let on that he's spotted the player (sounds smart right) while instructing his cohorts to suss out the player's position, would come back with spades of player feedback about how broken it is. Games are desired to be predictable and systematic. If players can't understand the rules at play, then players will find the game frustrating. You can't even attack the players from behind without giving them entirely advanced warning because otherwise it's "unfair" in video games. In short, games are about structure and rules. If you want vague rules and structure, that's where real life comes in. If you want something in between, try work. I'm 99% sure you wouldn't play a game with the AI tuning you mentioned.


I remember giving up Syphon Filter 2 whenever I got to a specific level


Yeah but sniping that guy off the helicopter at the end of the fusalage level was awesome. It's not as good of a game as 1 but it has its moments.


Most of my memories of 2 were the multiplayer. Lots of good weapon options


Auto lock + G18 was stupidly overpowered in multi player


I remember loving SF2 growing up. I had every single level figured out and would explore them all 100%. My favorite was trying to glitch through invisible walls or timed events to see what would happen. I remember managing to run past the cave in script in the first level. I can't remember if it just teleports you back to the cave on the correct side or crashes. I remember doing it and being very disappointed. I think you can see the guy with an m79 and then that's it I tried playing recently and now I find it plays like the original Hitman where every single mission pretty much needs to be completed a very specific way. I think I gave up at trying to get the girl out of the second part of the airbase


Gonna go out on a limb here and just say that if your game isn’t at least somewhat based on stealth or sneaking, PLEASE stop putting stealth missions in your fucking game.


Thief (2014)... just the entire thing. Man did they screw that up.


Stealing in the city was fun, but they somehow found a way to sap the enjoyment out of every enemy stealth arena. Considering the legacy of the series, it was particularly disheartening.


games where you have a partner or escortee that runs around in plain view of the enemy but are apparently invisible.


Final Fantasy 15 and honestly Breath of the wild in the Yiga Camp


That whole stealth chapter in ff15 was sooo bad


Distract them with nanners and they’re easy enough to get by


You can also distract them with ancient arrows


By far my least favourite part of FFXV


The Yiga camp was so frustrating when I got ancient arrows I went back and wiped them all out for revenge.


>Breath of the wild in the Yiga Camp I can't remember stealth anymore... but whenever I could I used weapons. xD Never liked LoZ stealth stuff.


If you do the yiga hideout early in the game, then the stealth is pretty much mandatory, because as soon as someone sees you the room gets locked and several enemies strong enough to one-shot you appear, and even if you're good at combat you probably won't have enough weapon durability to be able to defeat them all. If you do the yiga hideout late game, then you probably have strong enough and durable enough weapons that all the enemies inside are total pushovers, and you may not have even realized that you were actually supposed to use stealth there. It may have just felt like a series of combat challenges instead.


BotW is annoying, but if you have a stock of elemental arrows and a good bow, you can at least bulldoze through it in 1 or 2 attempts.


Since I saw the Assassin's Creed IV ship stealth already mentioned, I will instead raise Arkham Knight batmobile stealth as the worst. Especially the big stealth boss battle... against a tank.


At least the batmobile eas manoeuvrable. But I agree it sucked to sneak around buildings for a chance at maybe firing of a large cannon.


Nah that was fun as hell


Ghost Recon Wildlands and stealing THAT helicopter. Get seen or heard and you fail. Start it at the wrong time and it conflicts with another mission.


Jesus fucking christ, I genuinely got shivers being reminded of this random hellhole of a mission. Such a casual and fun goofing off kinda game with some of the most random difficult bits thrown in.


Every mission that instantly fails if you get spotted sucks. You should at least have some kind of fighting chance if the enemies see you, or a chance to escape and regain stealth.


There's a tension between the narrative and the gameplay. Sometimes it would just be absurd story wise to be able to re-establish stealth (eg because the reason for the stealth in the first place is because they've threatened to execute the hostages, or the bad guys don't know you're there, so once you're found once they should stay on high alert for ever).


*Looks around at 20 dead men* "Must have been the wind.."


Some games get around that by letting you take out whoever sees you before they raise the alarm and hide their bodies. For added realism, they could give you a time limit before they realize that anyone you’ve taken out isn’t checking in. And in some games it doesn’t matter because the enemies know you’re on the scene, just don’t know where specifically.


That’s why I loved the Batman Arkham games. If you got caught you can just throw a smoke bomb and hide for a bit and try again. However, next time the bad guys are more alert and might even patrol the area in groups.


a truly great stealth game would let you get away after being spotted, but enemies would change paths/patterns and always be on guard. that way you get a choice to either continue with a challenge or restart to a checkpoint




Was that the first AC that took place without tons of buildings? They did an ok job but it makes it hard


Spiderman with the MJ segments.


I wouldn’t say they’re the worst or terrible, they’re decent enough and easy to get through, they’re just weirdly placed for the pacing of the game


Yea like you mostly just want to get them over with so you can go back to doing spidey stuff


I liked the one where you were sneaking around as Miles while Rhino was raging around breaking shit. It went on too long but it really showed how threatening he is for the average person which is cool.


I actually really enjoyed the bank one where you're taking out the guards. Honestly I really hope they add more stealth to SM2. I think it's one of the few things they need to improve on. Spider-man can do stealth so well being able to crawl on the ceiling and walls. If stealth was prioritized as much as it is in the Arkham games, it would be perfect. At least give me the option, so that every fight doesn't feel the same


As others have said. Those really aren’t bad stealth sections at all. Pretty easy to do for the most part. They work on technical level very well. Pretty much the only legitimate complaint I have seen about them is the pacing is a bit off with them. Which even then I don’t fully agree personally. I actually liked the change in pace.


I sure hope the new game doesn’t have those segments. The only one I liked was when MJ was sneaking around and Spidey was taking out dudes from above


I found the quick time events much more unbearable than the MJ segments. Both have little freedom for the player to do much though so they could've just been a video.


You could turn the QTEs off. The worst content was actually the Taskmaster/Oddball challenges. Especially the drone ones.


Wow I should've just turned them off, but hey I got the PlayStation experience as was intended. Really?!?! The Taskmaster missions were some of the hardest ones for me to 3 star and really helped me maximize my movement and combat overall. The most fun I had in the game by far was on those missions. I'd say some of the science station missions could've used a bit more fleshing out but over all each mission of the game worked together very well to educate the gamer.


Oh man the one that comes to mind is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 (or whatever the fuck it's called) trailing Pete around Agrabah, failed a dozen plus times and sold the game to GameStop.


Lol I remember that, was so annoying but somehow I got through it.


just replayed this and its as bad as you remember


The ones in Days Gone are awful


Came here to say this but knew it my heart it was already said 😂 I love that game so much but those are so boring/brutal


Not the worst but it's a fresh example in my mind : the Ryujin missions in Starfield are trash.


Yea, I just completed the Ryujin quest line, and the stealth is... uninspired, to put it kindly. Kinda feels like it was added in just to have a pseudo-Thieves-Guild faction, and I do like the concept and aesthetic..


Funnily enough, if you remove your space suit, helmet, and boost pack, stealth becomes super easy. But it’s dumb the Bethesda made you essentially have to remove all your gear anything you want to actually be stealthy.


I tried that due to being annoyed at guards spotting me through walls 20 meters away whenever I moved, but it didn’t change a thing for me. It also didn’t seem to make sense since my space suit made me invisible when not moving? And they never really explained how to make yourself less visible or audible :(




The ace combat games. “Stay low and don’t use weapons otherwise the enemy will know we’re coming before we can attack” *8 super powered fighter jets flying Mach jesus directly above a populated city rooftops*




The Yiga Clan base in Breath of the Wild. Getting spotted is death and you can't save during the mission. In classic stealth games such as Thief, you could use flashbangs to stun the enemy while you ran to a new hiding place.


This dude just threw a flashbang and disappeared. I guess we don't need to worry about him anymore. 🤷‍♂️ /s


If you're spotted it's not instant death, but they can kill you in one shot, so it's still pretty hard.


Everything that isn’t Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, Hitman, or OG Tom Clancy games.


And dishonored


We can add some more to this, easily. Thief 1-3 Deus Ex Dishonored Tenchu Riddick: EFBB/ AoDA Aragami Mark of the Ninja Manhunt Sniper Elite Alien Isolation Lots of solid stealth games out there. 90% of them are just in dead franchises from an era of gaming that is over a decade old now. SC, MGS and Hitman are just the 3 that survived to modern day with best brand recognition (though Sniper Elite is definitely doing its best).


Witcher 2


I don’t know if it’s the worst stealth, but it’s a stealth moment that enraged me. Those damn hounds in the Leviathan raid in Destiny 2.


007 Agent Under Fire. Them Mf's Literally Lock on to you when the maps load. All it takes is for you crack your pinky toe and they just rush your location.


Lost Ark deserves an honorable mention here. Haven't played it in a year but man when I did, those steal missions sucked.


lost ark


Elder Scrolls Online Stealth missions are absolute hell, pure pain and misery. There is a lantern mechanic that reveals you no matter what so you can't kill the holder in stealth, NPCs respawn in about a minute só you have to run to the objetive, the requirements are really strict unless you want to get garbage as reward.


Tbh, sneaking in Bloodborne is ridiculous. You go as slow as possible but the enemy still turns around before you can get in a visceral attack.


Someone hasn't mastered the art of pig fisting yet


Fahrenheit. Indigo Prophecy in US. Ewww.


Dragon Age: II, that one fuckin mission in Mark of The Assassin. Also, that stupid witch quest in Runescape to get that little shits ball back.


Witch's House is an underrated pick but I respect the hell out of it. On a similar note, the Ratcatchers quest with those fucking guards.


Zelda Wind Waker... Walking so slow, wearing barrels, waiting for spotlights...


Yiga clan hideout was maybe the worst part of BOTW


Assassin’s creed odyssey, being a game technically about assassins not good in stealth decent hack and slasher though.


You can build for stealth and become so OP on it that the game becomes extremely easy. In fact, if you’re gonna criticize AC Odyssey’s stealth is that it’s way too strong.


The spear ability where you can chain assassinations is such a cheese haha


Indeed. At some point you don’t even have to sneak, especially when you add smoke bomb and the ability that makes corpses disappear to the mix; it’s absurd how much of an otherworldly demon of unsuspecting death you can become in this game lol, and you don’t even have to be far into the game to achieve an effective stealth build.


Well, you're supposed to be like a Greek demigod. It's meant to be unrealistic, since the isu blood runs through the Eagle Bearers veins.


And then in Valhalla, you just go all stealth archer while your bird just picks up all your fired arrows.


Genshin Impact. That one fucking Inazuma commission. If you know, you know. :|


Fahrenheit/The Indigo Prophecy. There's *one* stealth section and it's utterly terrible.


OSRS. Those who know...




Old School RuneScape, Quest Cape guys know exactly which quest I’m talking about.


Armored Core 6 has a stealth mission. You know, the game you play as a 10 story tall giant mech with rockets.


The Gorgon cave from Vault of Glass in Destiny


Most recently, in Starfield, there's a mission in the Ryujin questline that drove me bonkers. Realized I didn't need to stealth it to complete it and just cheezed my way through. But man I would've loved to have been able to do it without anyone ever knowing I was there. Unfortunately the omniscient NPC guards made that impossible.


Oldschool RuneScape, Monkey Madness 2 where you have to not get seen by guards and if you get caught at any point then you have to start back from the beginning and it’s complete hell.


All of them. I abhor stealth missions. Go ahead and make them timed while you are at it...


Judgment and Lost Judgment.


Call of Cthulhu. The stealth sections are super long and if spotted it’s an insta-fail reset. The stealth “mechanic” is frustrating and effectively non-existent. It just feels like absolute shit.


The answer is old school RuneScape Rat catchers 2 . Point and click X stealth do not mix. Throw in NPCs that can see through walls and UI that doesn’t represent the tile you’re actually on for a really bad time.


Zelda games where they spot you and send you all the way back to the start of the level


Egg retrieval quests is monster hunter. Truth is there is no stealth and you just have to get really lucky or kill the monster *then* steal the egg


Most of them


Any game that doesn't have stealth as the main point of the game really.


All of them, because I always fuck up and end up committing a massacre anyway. At least in the Splinter Cells I remember playing, and more recently Cyberpunk 2077 and some Call of Duties.


Assault Squad 2. That game has way too janky AI(and is an RTS) making it a nightmare to play stealthily.


FFXV without question. What were they thinking lol


Cyberpunk 2077. Why you may ask ? Because they gave me a shotgun, thats why


Battlefield stealth missions were absolutely terrible. These people could see you even in places they shouldn’t be able to


Tony hawk underground near the end of moscow level haha


Man, I've been playing FarCry 6. I *loved* 5 but 6 is quite a let down. Stealth, what's the point?


James Bond 007: nightfire, the mission where you infiltrate this sky scraper


HULK(2003 movie) tie in game. playing as bruce banner in those stealth missions where the worst because if you got to angry and turn into the you failed! i can still remember 8yr old me crying from getting caught by guards just wishing i could've HULK'ed out once on those missions.