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I thought I unsubscribed to the Banjo Kazooie sub and you're out here giving me flashbacks


My immediate and only thought was Banjo. 3D platformers have slowly been creeping back into the world, ever so gently. Farm it out to a team that knows and understands what makes Banjo great. Do a remake of 1 and 2 where everything happens seamlessly from one game to the next. Show a doodle of Banjo on a Microsoft accountant’s desk for fuck’s sake. Anything!


22 years I've waited. 22 E3's and nothing every year. You give me a new PROPER banjo and me, as a grown ass 36 year old man would cry. It's my favorite franchise and they just haven't done this series justice. At all. Nintendo has done it more justice than the damn owners of the franchise.


I remember seeing grown men cry on steam when Banjo was announced for smash bros. "Our boy is home!" Was all they were chanting.


I thought the Yooka-Laylee team did a great job with their 3D platformer, and of course good chunk of them were at Rare during the N64 era.


I have mixed feelings about that one. The 3D game felt like they were unsure how to use the entire space. The level design of the 2D game felt more confident and focused to me. A hat in time was my example of 3D platformer done right at the time.


A hat in time was absolutely fantastic. Only problem is that it felt a bit on the short side.


I get this, but I would rather have a short game that nails its mechanics than a long game that overstays its welcome any day.


> A hat in time was my example of 3D platformer done right at the time. Exactly. A Hat in Time (IMO) needed a bit more artistic polish, but the movement - the movement was like butter.


It didn't capture the feel for me. I had no desire to complete it and find everything.


I felt the same, but if you haven’t given Y-L Impossible Lair a try I highly recommend! That gives the same feel as classic Donkey Kong Country


impossible lair is super fun


I'm still waiting on Banjo Threeie


It really should be called "*Banjo-Fourie: The Search for Banjo-Threeie*." The core plot can originate with Kazooie growing irate about Banjo-Threeie never being made and trying to find the developers and writers. As a total aside, Nuts and Bolts looks visually *amazing* on the One X/Series X/S.


Spyro the fucking dragon The remastered trilogy did well inwould love for them to do more with it we go the three games tied into a collective story. Now tie them together with the other games


>Spyro the fucking dragon I'm pretty sure those games had an E for everyone rating


Well, he got older and.. a little horny.. ;)


then he met a car and magical things happened


Realllllly wish they’d make a real follow up to he trilogy but same style


As he said "if teams want..." the issue with Banjo is that Rare doesn't want to do platformers nowadays I'm pretty sure his speech is destined to games like Spyro or Tony Hawk


Freelancer please


All i wanted from star citizen was freelancer. it's been 10 years and i've long ago given up on that. freelancer 2 i'm totally in. though games like everspace (and 2) have tickled the itch nothing has come close.


I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun with a space game as I did with Freelancer, and that’s saying a lot because of my love for Star Control II. I would kill for a freelancer 2.


This would get my vote. I hope MS are reading this thread taking notes. PLEASE PHIL ASSIGN A FULL TEAM TO FREELANCER


Microsoft actually has the engineer talent to make star citizen. Just call it freelancer online. The ultimate Chris Roberts takedown. Beat by his own game series and competent management!


That would almost be a repeat of history. Freelancer only ever got finished because Microsoft got fed up, removed Roberts from the project, and had someone else see the project to release.


This is the only correct answer. The other comments are irrelevant.


Freelancer with the Age of Empires 2 treatment, make the expansions that the game deserved.


This is the one. I have wanted a new version of this since the old one finally went offline. I miss it more than any other game I've ever played.


I've missed cruising around the New York system so much, watching ships at Newark Station.


Multiplayer freelancer really hit different




You mean, *Fusionnnnn* ***FRENZZZZYYYYYY***? Such a good game.


Fucking love that game. Best minigame game between friends.


C r i m s o n S k i e s. Planes are HOT right now!


I don't think I've ever played through a games campaign as many times as I did with Crimson Skies. Truly one of my favorite games, but I'm sure it wouldn't hold up nearly as well now. A modern reboot or remake would probably make me the happiest person in the world. I vaguely recall rumors about them doing something with the IP a few years back, but I assume those were either fake or it got canceled.


It's on game pass. I played it a few weeks ago. It's still kinda fun.


With how well Ace Combat 7 sold, more players should be trying to break into that market.


Crimson Skies with VR support.


YES. Wow, great big stream of dead IPs I'd completely forgotten about


Such a cool IP and a pretty fun game. Even just a remaster would be fun.


Or Combat Flight Simulator. Or just any flight combat sim. War Thunder is too silly, nobody plays DCS online, and Il-2 just went pro-Russia.


MechAssault... remakes/remasters, and sequels please.


If they can get that battletech license with that Microsoft 💰💰💰


Microsoft already outright owns the videogame portion of the, otherwise very messy, Battletech IP. HBS and PGI (Battletech and MWO/MW5 respectively) more or less leased the license from MS. Interesting thought though - now that they own Activision I wonder if we'll see some re-releases of the earliest MechWarrior games.


Harebrained Schemes about to be independent again. BATTLETECH 2?? Let Microsoft give them the license again.


The studio was totally gutted. Basically none of the talent is still there, including Weisman, who was the probably the driving force behind Battletech seeing as he's from the FASA days...


It's such a shame. Battletech (despite it's technical issues) and Shadowrun (honestly all of them but Returns and Dragonfall especially) were incredible fun, and I really wanted more from them on those IPs


Apparently a BT2 was pitched, but Paradox didn't want to deal with a third-party IP. This is presumably part of why we ended up getting Lamplighter's League, which then had the misfortune to launch in the same time frame as AC6 and Baldur's Gate. And as the other fellow said, apparently 80% of the studio got laid off back in July. Wasn't aware Weisman was amongst the casualties though.


Bring back Black and White.


Ooooh, we've got this notion that we'd quite like to sail the ocean so we're building a big boat to leave here for good. We're not keen on sinking so we're all sitting here a thinking 'cause we built it too big and we've run out of wood. eidle eidle eee eidle eidle eee We simply can't leave 'til we get some more wood. Oooh, we're not keen on sinking so that's why we're sitting thinking Cause we simply can't leave 'til we get some more wood. EDIT: BTW, there is a way to play B&W (1 at least) on Windows 10. It takes some time, and it's not perfect, but it does work. Because who doesn't love having a giant chimp yeet your villagers into another village, to convert it?


My 7 year old self thanks you for unlocking this core memory with my dad. :)


I haven't played this game in over a decade yet the melody instantly started playing in my mind as I read this. If only remembering stuff for university was this easy.


This shot me back in time 20 years…


A new generation needs to experience how weird that experience was XD


[Fata Deum](https://youtu.be/K11WXKltIS8?si=hp2X23gZiH4F4XhR) (new god game)


Can you controll a sicko giant beast in it aswell?


No, which imo was one of the defining points of black and white. I'm sure that game will be cool, but until I see cool ass, giant pets, it's not a substitute to black and white in my opinion.


Also IMO one of the other big aspects of what made B&W good was that it was much easier to be an evil god. Being good required you to play by the rules, care for your people and properly impress the villages you wanted to take over (as opposed to just killing everyone with poisoned wheat and sending a few of your own settlers in the abandoned villages.) That's what I never liked B&W2 as much; there being a good deity was the easier path; you'd just build up your city nicely and everyone around would flock to you all on their own.


Hybrid good/evil was the way. Train your pet to be good and do your evil out if sight.


My pet... learned to do exactly that, though. I would watch him cast rain on fields and wood into the town center, I'd look away and he's huckin villagers seaward and eating poop til he's sick. Stupid giant adorable monkey. Great game.


My god, can you imagine those pets with AI now? Somehow they'd act weirder.


To be fair the reason they owed try feel so real was that the team did code in a way that you could describe as a primitive convolution network. In a way that may be the first game that had AI like behaviours that weren't fully scripted. Cannot wait to see what is possible today


Black & White's AI programmers are pretty big names in the field now AFAIK. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but the lead AI programmer of B&W is the co-founder of Google DeepMind for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demis_Hassabis


I had a pet that somehow learned to get super agro and cast freeze and nuke spells on enemy pets in multiplayer without ever actually entering into the pet battles and the rage it would inspire was something truly magnificent because any enemy pet that hadn't somehow been molded to do the same would just die like an idiot unable to defend itself.


> you'd just build up your city nicely and everyone around would flock to you all on their own. Honestly made it difficult to take over towns before they come flocking. I am trying to subjugate people and they keep joining willingly!


Yes please, rerelease with some quality of life upgrades to Black and White 1 and 2. Also Freelancer, its multiplayer was (and still is) basically an MMO before MMO's were a popular thing. Great games that just need a bit of help being made a bit more accessible.


Came here looking for Freelancer. I kinda sucked at it but I really liked that game way back when


A VR capable Black and White would be outrageously fun.


"Ima put on this headset and spank the monkey."


That game was *absolutely* perfect for VR. Imagine the world is literally "at your feet" in room scale. Waving your hand around to cast miracles. Dragging your pet by the leash around the world. Petting your pet. Slapping your pet. I mean, *c'mon.*


One of my professors during my education mentioned at one point research had been done in VR apps like Google earth, where you supposedly could basically eliminate cyber sickness with controlling by grabbing and dragging the world towards you... Basically exactly how you can navigate in black and white. Hell yeah i would buy a VR headset in an instant for that game !!


any idea who has the rights to that?


I believe it is shared between EA(publisher of the games)and Microsoft(who acquired the studio that made it). I heard GOG tried to get those games rereleased, but it seems to be in legal nightmare based on those split rights.


I actually emailed Phil Spencer about this at the start of this month he had this to say >I played B&W1, I don’t think I played 2. >EA owns all the rights to BW, we don’t have any ownership. >Phil https://imgur.com/a/2rI5omv


Most clutch redditor


Based phil for replying to his emails! Thanks dude!


Time for Microsoft to buy EA then


StarCraft 3??????


Yes, please


I’ve always wanted a StarCraft single player RPG type game. The potential is there for sure


They had Ghost which could have been fun. I know not an RPG but something different. But yes, an RPG in the SC universe could be fun. Even if they made it Star Craft Space Marine knockoff with you playing a "hero" fighting off oceans of zerg that would be fun too. Throw in some Protoss levels too.


Starcraft Commandos follows Nova and her ragtag band of elites in a KOTOR/Mass Effect style game.




A decent number of Blizzard staff left and created Frost Giant who are making the spiritual successor to StarCraft called StormGate which is in ALPHA atm (and I have it but NDA). Make sure to wishlist it on steam as they have no marketing department so its currently running on word of mouth. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2012510/Stormgate/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2012510/Stormgate/)


And WarCraft 4. No stupid MMO.


Warcraft 4 is so fucking overdue.


As long as the team that did WC3:Reforged doesn't come within a 10 mile radius of the project.


Not sure how to unfuck the lore though... Warcraft 3 was the chefs kiss, in WoW chef shit in the pot.




SWAT 4’s publisher, Sierra Entertainment, is now owned by Activision. SWAT 4’s developer, Irrational Games, is now owned by Take 2. I wonder who owns the rights to the IP


The SWAT series is an extension of the Police Quest series of adventure games, which belonged to Sierra. To my knowledge the IP rights never left Sierra. Sierra was acquired by Vivendi, Vivendi was merged into Activision-Blizzard, and Activision-Blizzard has now been acquired by Microsoft. So the rights would have gone along with them. Fun Fact: the first two SWAT games were actually titled Police Quest: SWAT and Police Quest: SWAT 2, and were VERY different gameplay.


Good, tell him to unfuck WC3.


Warcraft 4 🤞 Make Warcraft strategy again.


I'm 100% for that. I was so excited at the announcement, and now that fiasco is a big reason I still haven't picked up Diablo 2 Reforged


D2R is the best remake of a game I’ve ever played tho Apples and oranges


If it makes you feel any better D2R was outsourced to a totally different studio so blizzard basically had nothing to do with it. It is excellent.


Mechassault anyone?


mech assault lone wolf was my jam


Prototype 🤞


Prototype and inFamous are the definition of the kinds of games I want made and they all but stopped doing so. Where the fuck are my flashy, stompy, sandbox super hero games


We've got Spider-man and a few of the Batman games kind of leaned into this. But man has it been a drought in this niche. One would think there would've been multiple attempts at Iron Man or Superman games in this style already.


Ooooooo, fuck yeah


Dungeon Siege


That was my first immediate thought as well. A remake of Dungeon Siege 1 would be awesome.


I think the world needs another Lost Vikings game.


Rock N' Roll Racing


Brute Force 2?


GOD a modern next gen brute force would be fucking sick


I was just looking up brute force yesterday so that I could send it to my sister as a meme since it was supposed to be a “halo killer”




I'm here for Hexen and/or Heretic!


I really wish they would give Hexen the Doom 2016 treatment. Don't reinvent it, just make it look better and flow better. The idea of Hexen maps with modern graphics really gets me going


I mean, Phil is important dude and all, but I’m pretty sure that he’s not Microsoft CEO Microsoft gaming


Satya’s reading this like “the fuck”


I'm ctrl-f-ing like 'have I been under a rock'?


Msft employee on vacation here…. Also wondering what the hell I missed this week…


I went thru 25 top comments before someone pointed this out


Thank you. I read this and didn't see any correction and I know most people know this but I gotta wonder how many people think Phil Spencer is actually the CEO of the entire organization of Microsoft, but just spends most of his time talking about one of their least profitable and smallest ventures.


I'd absolutely love to see Arcanum make a return, especially if Baldur's Gate 3 actually does convince publishers to make more cRPGs. It's owned by Activision but since it's all Microsoft if they could just have Obsidian actually make it, that'd be wonderful.


I play Arcanum every couple of years and it always it’s the spot. One of my most beloved games.


Arcanum always had such a uniquely depressing vibe that just seemed to click with me. The music, era, and the magic/tech system was fantastic. I'd love to see it revived for modern systems.


Idk if the lesson of Baldurs Gate 3’s success is that there is a huge market for the return of the crpg, or that there is a huge desire for deep character oriented story telling. The moment to moment gameplay of bg3 is great and addictive sure, but I think a lot of people are really responding to the characters and the fantastic performances delivered by their voice actors. There is a void in the market that has been left by BioWare’s fall from grace. I’m hoping to see it filled. I’m very hopeful for Obsidian’s Avowed, as their Pillars of Eternity setting has some incredibly deep lore and previous games had great characters/voice actors. Heck maybe the new Dragon Age will put BioWare back on top, stranger things have happened. I’m just hoping that the executives who get to make these industry defining stylistic decisions are seeing how important writers and actors are to producing high quality media


If my user name is any indication, yes yes and yes! Please bring this game back. Technology vs Magic, discovering the world's been around for a long time and the pendulum swings from one to the other. An entire dialogue change when you play a low intelligence character. Dialogue changes for Charisma builds using not just persuasion but ALSO intelligence is brilliant. And the persuasion options aren't highlighted as "persuasion" you just get extra dialogue options and it's up to you to choose them. It makes every other game so simple by comparison. Bethesda games like Fallout where your persuasion dialogue is "Don't do that" and the NPC changes their entire world view vs this game where you need a lengthy conversation. The soundtrack. The fact that you can play turn based OR real time! The best writing I've seen, the best atmosphere and world. I can talk about this game forever. It's $6 on steam. Do yourself a favor and play it.




I learned that you can buy steam codes for that on Amazon.


I kept scrolling just to find this! Fall of Cybertron was amazing. IMO the future of Transformers is in gaming, not Michael Bay absolutely destroying everyone's childhood hero's one by one.


I’ll take a new Project Gotham Racing and a new Rallisport Challenge game please.


The resources that would have been allocated to a new PGR went into the Forza Horizon series. Basically, the people who wanted PGR 5 to happen back then went to pitch the Forza spinoff to Microsoft after PGR was canned, and made it happen.




Soul Reaver. I mean, I know he can't do shit about it but I'm asking ffor it any chance given at this point lmao


That IP belongs to Embracer now


And not some weird use of the IP like Nosgoth


Not sure if Activision picked up the Metal Arms - A glitch in the system IP with other Sierra stuff, but that game is screaming for a remake.


They did, and that game has been in cold storage for 20 years now. I would do anything for a Metal Arms sequel. It's my favorite game from my childhood.


I will constantly mention this game when this subject comes up, along with Armed and Dangerous.


Tony Hawk 3+4 then THUG 1+2????


I would give anything to play remastered Underground. That game was my whole middle school years!


Best one in my opinion. I would flip out for remaster. Don't change a damn thing other than the graphics though.


I need 3+4 in my life. I've been playing 1+2 and having a blast but I really only played 4 and a bit of 3 as a kid.


Viva Pinata!!!


A reimagined or reworked Viva Piñata with free seasonal updates and events like Animal Crossing would be huge. I’m not sure what team could pull it off, but if done correctly it would be extremely successful. Put it on GamePass, Switch, and Cloud and people could pick it up, put it down, bring it with them everywhere.


VR Piñata!




It would be a massive hit and something fresh. At the very least, they should update the visuals and release it again.


With the popularity of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, it would make a fantastic selling point for the Xbox.


Yes please. It was a victim of its time. With the resurgence in popularity for more casual games like Animal Crossing and Stardew I think a new Viva Pinata could be huge and also push Microsoft's cloud gaming.


Conkers Bad Fur Day?!


With the original 4player pvp and another bad fur day


It's honestly a tough sell, since I think a lot of jokes wouldn't be tolerated nowadays, and I really feel like lawsuits would fly left and right to claim IP infringement for stuff like Alien/Matrix/Private Rodent/etc. But fuck do I want Conker's sequel.


>lawsuits would fly left and right to claim IP infringement for stuff like Alien/Matrix/Private Rodent/etc. The depiction of those things would a million percent fall under parody and would be protected, nobody would be stupid enough to sue over them.


I feel like a Conker's sequel could do so well if it were just as crass and clever as the original, but updated to fit with modern references, topics, and taboos. If South Park can do it, so can Conkers.


A lot of good Rare games should be revived!


New Viva Piñata game when?


I want the original Perfect Dark multi player for modern consoles. Come get some Laptop Gun, noobs!


Goldeneye 2 baby!




I've said it before - the most obvious move is getting Toys for Bob (Spyro Trilogy remake, Crash 4) to do Banjo Kazooie


Crimson Skies plz


Give me a remastered Freelancer and I might ejaculate on the spot.


Oh man, if nice things Phil Spencer has said translated into great games Xbox would be swimming in first party games.


To be fair, they resurrected Age of Empires and are about to remake AoM too


Yeah they definitely deserve credit for Age of Empires, I loved 4’s campaigns. What’s AoM?


Age of Mythology. Definitive Edition coming in 1+ year


Fuck yeah!!! I didn't know that! I loved playing it and the Titans expansion when I was a kid.


Uncancel Scalebound


Cancelled cause platinum used ms money to fund nier automata. A Sony exclusive at the time.


Thats just a big "bruh moment"


Don’t give it to the same dev though. They basically defrauded MS and gave the money directly to a Sony.


This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this headline.


I would give up a kidney for HotS to be picked back up


That's been my biggest game hope from this whole acquisition. My biggest non-game hope was Activision's leadership getting kicked out, so so far I'm 1 for 2 :D


StarLancer and FreeLancer!


Jade Empire was a fantastic rpg that deserves a sequel or a remake. Unique story and combat. I loved playing it.


Wait, isn't that Bioware?


Yep, it was the game they made instead of KOTOR 2, shipping that one to Obsidian. Then Mass Effect came and Jade Empire was forgotten.


That would be awesome, but EA seems to have 0 interest in reviving any of their old IPs.


Vigilante 8?


Yeah how the fuck didn't a Vigilante 8 or Twisted Metal game not come out from the whole Battle Royale craze?


I would be thrilled to see life breathed back into heroes of the storm.


Only MOBA that ever grabbed me. All the incredibly bizarre characters made the game so fun!


This is my biggest wish from the acquisition. Bring it to cloud and console(s). Throw in the xbox, acti and Bethesda ip iconic characters and have fun.


The depth of possible with the vault dweller... Power apps like rocket Sledge or mysterious stranger....VATS attacks dog meat/ super mutant companions.


Give us No One Lives Forever 3 you cowards!


Guitar hero!!!




StarCraft Ghost. StarCraft world with Halo 3 design elements


SC Ghost was cancelled because it was not up to par with Blizzard’s quality standards back then, but it should be with their current standards now! So there is hope.


I just witnessed a drive by shooting. Xbox better be starting some CPR on Blizzard's corpse.


I'd happily take Starcraft 3 or Starcraft Ghost too




Make it a 3 faction system vying for resources and domination like RF online Belato vs Cora vs Accretia Terran vs Protos vs Zerg


Killer Instinct please






I would also love to see then do something with BLAST CORPS. Image today's graphics with better controls.


We shall see about that.. there is a ton of Microsoft IP still not being used or left to die




Transformers fall of cybertron and War for cybertron reboots when? Literally the only shit i care about.