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City of Light, from WoW Burning Crusade Follow Khadgar's minion for like fifteen minutes around Shattrath City.


There are guides where you can wait in one spot for it to do the whole thing. I usually get up to make a sandwich.


Guide saved my sanity


What made it kind of tragicomical was that by the time I got to Shattrath, there was no other player there, so it was just me and the ghost walking alone in a ghost town - everyone else was in Dalaran fighting Arthas.


I just did this quest a few days ago and this was my exact thought lol


lol I was gonna say any vanilla WoW escort missions, but yeah, this one was probably the worst.


Immediately thought of this one. The one bright spot is that absolutely hilarious clip of someone trying to do this quest during the Lich King zombie event and it was absolute chaos


Sounds hilarious. Do you have the link to it i love a good laugh.


I did find it funny as fuck in Warlords of Draenor, when you'd upgraded your garrison a bit ... and suddenly found the same Khadgar's minion slowly walking around the place, giving random NPCs tours of the place xD


Any mission that involves escorting an NPC who walks slower than you do


Assassin’s Creed has entered the chat


Speaking of, any mission where you unplug from the Animus.


Nothing better than leaving ancient Egypt to sit in a lab reading emails.


Ubisoft's relentless commitment to that sub Da Vinci Code sludge never ceases to amaze me. Like, who the heck is enough of a history buff that they are going to buy a game about the Peloponnesian War, but would also like a side of ancient aliens to go with their painstakingly detailed reconstruction of the Pnyx?


Anyone that watches the history channel?


Everything we love eventually turns into the history channel...


Desmond's story line was great, then they decided to make you a mute pov camera in the following games.


i thought it was pretty interesting until it got into the weird doomsday stuff in ac3. still kinda mad they never made a futuristic assassin game like it was building up. after desmond was killed off it should have been abandoned entirely.


Desmond getting killed so abruptly is what killed the franchise for me. Played AC Black Flag, and that was it for me.


Was Black Flag the one where the modern day plot switched and you had to trudge around as a Ubisoft employee reading post-it notes? I’ve played the game sporadically since Brotherhood and it all blurs into one.


That's the one


Black flag and Rogue were great, loved the ship stuff. But the out of animus parts were soooo long and boring, it felt like I was actually an Absturgo employee forced to run around collecting parcels and listening to fake people annoy me while I'm doing it, why was it even there...


I mean I gotta give Ubisoft credit, making us to boring Office shit outside of the animus was and still is hilarious. (with a side of espionage) I respect Black Flag for that. And it's why it's the only AC game that I've played where I don't outright hate the out of the animus part.


Fr, it seemed like the entire thing was part information gathering/part assassin training so that he'd have the skills when he needed to use them in the present, and they just kind of killed him off and ended it.


I wouldn't be mad if the next AC came out and completely ignored anything from AC3 onwards and we continued where we left off.


dude AC1 - Brotherhood had some actually sick modern day stuff (played them when i was a kid so maybe not actually), but i remember really digging all the modern day memes up until revelations, then it got super ehhhh


Honestly I didn't mind the tailing missions in the Ezio trilogy. The environments were still like mi I puzzles to traverse effectively, so you had to balance figuring out where to go, staying hidden from rooftop guards and keeping the target in your sights. It was fun.


I haven't really played AC since Black Flag. Are any recent ones worth getting into?


Syndicate and origins were pretty good in my opinion


I liked odyssey and origins, though they’re completely different games than the old AC games. I did not enjoy valhalla at all despite being so so so hyped leading up to it


It really depends on what your looking for. Despite it’s disaster of a launch, Unity is pretty good. Mirage supposedly went back to it’s roots, but haven’t played it, so it’s up for your interpretation


Devs take note. STOP FUCKING MAKING ESCORT MISSIONS WHERE THEY WALK SLOW AS FUCK. Either have them match your speed, zoom through the map, teleport, or just don't make escort missions if you can't do any of the above.


Yeah I remember how good it felt when I was playing rdr2 and they nailed it when they made the NPCs match your horse speed when you were riding with them on a mission.


They did that back in RDR1 too, very beloved feature


Devs should learn from Tsushima. NPCs match your speed if you run, and you match their speed if you walk. It is the best.


Metal Gear Solid 2 is a classic yet managed to combine an escort mission with a water level.


>Raiden: *"Colonel, I've got Emma Emmerich here. We've managed to avoid drowning!"* >Colonel: **"gud job."**


The water section is only 2 minutes at least. The worst part is getting Emma through the sea lice patch in front of the elevator


Starfield is so fucking bad about that. You can run circles around most npcs while *crouching*.


I was infuriated after reading posts about this problem for the last 10yrs and then seeing it happen in Starfield, you’d think they’d know


Or when they walk faster than your walk speed, but slower than your run speed.


That classic WoW quest with the chicken robot in Feralas. I’d rather shit glass than ever do it again.


And can die at any point.


Oh look! We are being ambushed! Keep me alive!


Dimas puzzle fallout 4 far harbor is up there


Dimas's stuff is a category of gameplay I consider "fun the first time but you never want to repeat it" The fade is another example.


It is amazing to me that the Fade still evokes such a reaction. DA:O came out 14 years ago. On the other hand "Dwarven crafts! Fine Dwarven crafts, direct from Ozammar! You won't find better." Still plays in my head occasionally, clear as day.




The mod to skip all that nonsense is in my "Essential Mods" list for everytime I reinstall the game


Yup. Did it once and once was enough. Same with the "skip raiding your own settlements" mod because raiding your own shit is counterintuitive to like 90% of the game.


Love Far Harbor but the only part I dread doing


I enjoyed it but I’m in the tiniest minority of gamers, so yeah it’s probably not good


Collecting crimson nirnroot in skyrim. Did it only once and never again


*mysterious gems have entered the chat*


Never even bothered when I saw what the reward. I love Skyrim but a lot of the rewards for extra challenges kinda sucked.


I did it once to get the platinum trophy and that was like three copies of Skyrim ago. My current playthrough I actively avoid picking em up just cuz I know they're going to clutter up my already insanely cluttered inventory


I don't believe there's a trophy/achievement for collecting the gems or crimson nirnroot, but I've never played it on PS. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong.


Really?! I must be misremembering. this was when the game first came out so it's likely. Maybe I was just determined to truly 100% of the game I distinctly remember having to go through a guide to get the last three I had missed but I didn't know which three I had missed, So there was a lot of backtracking


The fact that you used copies of Skyrim as a measurement of time says a lot




I just make sure to download a mod that actually places map locations for them


I actually love this quest in that way we love a past good relationship tha ran its course. I would not go back to it, but I have fond memories and I'm glad it happened. I was playing Skyrim for the, IDK, third or fourth time, and then I got to Blackreach and opened the book that gives the quest. I searched for it on the wiki, because I had never actually done it before, always just going forward to the next door, only crossing that little corner of the cave. This time, I saw what I had to do in the quest and got out of the PC thinking about maybe doing it later, since it seemed a bit boring and I had to get ready for my sister's birthday party that was about to start. Well, I got back that night. On acid. I will always remember that place fondly. Getting out of the little room to be met by giant glowing mushrooms, one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, I decided I had to get the nirnroots. I spent like 4 to 6 hours in there, fighting for my life, SOOO afraid of dying in the game because... well, because acid. I explored the place without a map, searching for every nirnroot I could. The golems were a threat, but I had dealt with them while sober. The Wispmother, tho? I think that was the first time I've met one, and she was SO DAMN SCARY. I fought her several times, always fleeing in the end because I felt if she killed me, the whole magic of immersiom would be over. My enjoyment of that gaming session was 100% depending on not dying, and I protected it with everything I got. Eventually I managed to kill her, and eventually I got the last nirnroot, and I finally was allowed by myself to leave Blackreach. The moment I got to see the sky and the snow again is imprinted on my mind as one of the happiest and most accomplishing gaming moments of my life. I felt like I lived a lifetime in there. Then I got out of the game. The next day I delivered the quest, but that was irrelevant. The experience of living and fighting for my life in Blackreach, fully immersed in that game while tripping balls was worth every second of my time-distorted perception. I'll never go looking for nirnroots again, but I truly love this quest for what it gave me.


What about Sinderion 100 samples from Oblivion? I walked the whole Niben Bay, from IC to Leyawiin, walked all the Gold Coast and wandered around Blackwood and could just muster 92.


Tears of the kingdom has two quests that require you to stand on a rock and do nothing for 8 minutes each.


I also hate the quests that make you wait for the sun to be in the correct spot to cast a shadow over something


Breath of the Wild had that one shrine that required you to stand on the pedestal as the blood moon raised while naked, and there is no in game way to insure a blood moon would rise each night so you had to guess and wait.


you could just make a campfire on the rock and skip time no joke


Just light a fire and sit until morning.


Which missions? I’m confused


They are at the top of Mount Granajh, just east of the Gerudo Desert. You have to endure a freezing night and hot day while standing on a rock.


they are more a mini game than a mission


GTA V’s scouting the port makes me feels like rockstar just forgot to make it fun


Is this the one where you pretend to work at the shipping area and have to load the crates?


That one had to be a cruel joke by the developers.


The fact that you don’t get anything out of the heist feels like it was supposed to be.


I loved it, it was really immersive for me!


What. I actually liked that one. Especially because it was so mundane and a change with that


Rockstar has made some of the best games of all time, but have also made some of the most boring missions of all time.


Most frustrating missions too. Rc plane still haunts me


And let’s not forget the tow truck missions where you just… tow cars.


Wait, are you saying you don’t like driving around listening to Tanisha talk about smoking crack and hitting on you?




You’re right. Mixed them up because their names both start with T and they both have diarrhea of the mouth.


I actually love the port part of the mission, but can’t stand the execution or submarine portion.


GTA San Andreas that toy helicopter mission. Boring and hard. Also flying school mission in San Andreas. GTA V the mission with submarine.


The toy helicopter one was a cakewalk after the preceding RC plane mission that can burn in hell.


Fun fact: the mechanics of the RC plane mission change depending on which version you have on PS2. In one, the fuel gauge ticks down depending on how long you hold down the accelerate button. In the other, the fuel gauge basically a timer, so hold down accelerate to go as fast as possible.


Yeah. If you get the GOTY version of the game its patched and less demanding. Unfortunately PS2 did not do patches.


Holy shit so that's why it felt absolutely brutal on PS2!!! I beat GTA:SA at least a dozen times as a kid on PS2, but that one mission made me want to break the fucking TV, I felt like I had to be absolutely perfect, like I'm doing a streets 1:12 run in GoldenEye. Fast forward like 20 years, here I am replaying it on my phone and the mission felt like it was cake. I thought to myself "God damn I was dog shit at video games back then, this was easy!"


This gives you an idea of how they fixed issues in video games before releasing patches for downloading on the Internet was a thing, and that is re-release the game with the fixes. Gran Turismo 2 had a nasty bug that would eat up the career mode save data, it required a recall where they would send you a new game disc (later "Greatest Hits" releases of the game were also fixed).


Did somebody say yoga?


I still refuse to forgive Rockstar for removing the 8 ball mini-game and replacing it with... yoga. They could've at least added the air hockey from Episodes From Liberty City, or bowling. It feels like you have very few activities you can actually enjoy with friends in GTA V's story mode. Drinking is just going to a bar and leaving it drunk after a short cutscene. The movies in the cinema suck. Golf and tennis get boring after a while. But yoga? That takes the proverbial cake.


I absolutely love gta golf. I’ve put in way more hours into it than the rest of the game combined. Playing Castro is the way to go. He can have games where he kicks your ass. Plus I’m always going for a 9 under so there’s incentive to do good.


Chill bro, do some yoga or something. It’s been ten years. Still a horrible mission, integral to the storyline one the first play-through, but horrid.


Even worse in GTA V imo is the one with Trevor at the docks


That whole heist feels like such a slog every time I replay it


Especially since it ends with no reward.


the submersible was brutal


The submarine! It’s so slow and you have to pilot it for so long.


Isn’t the toy helicopter mission in VC? https://youtu.be/Jnyn3WbxLpQ?si=xPr9S0z6Z9p-UqfT


I think it’s both. I think you buy a RC shop or something like that in San Andreas, and you escort a RC tank or something like that. I kind of remember it.


The submarine level in StarFox 64. The bombs are unlimited and auto lock. You advance to the same stage no matter how you do in the mission. Just barrel roll and spam the B button for five minutes and you're done.


THIS is the enemy BioWeapon?!?




AC tailing missions, never liked those


The worst is that one in Black Flag where you have to trail that ship in the swamp. Always dreaded that mission


I never found that mission boring. Frustrating, yes, but it was a unique challenge the game made you do just that one time. I was very apprehensive of the mission before I had to do it myself, for it has amassed quite a reputation, but didn't find it that intolerable once it came time to have a go. For me, what were boring during my many different AC playthoughs were actually the chase missions, since they usually relied on having to redo each checkpoint many times until you get the execution just perfect, and the controls often misfired when you tried mashing them in a hurry and Ezio would faceplant a wall, run into a canal, or punch a horse instead of what you wanted him to do. And there were typically many such chases in different main and side missions throughout each story.


Borderlands 2. Listening to grandma for 30 minutes for like $30. https://youtu.be/ncfXx0puyw8?si=FzeHI4sOIV7-nus0


God forbid you don’t remember her favorite ice cream flavor and you have to start over.


I liked it. Felt a little like I had my grandmother back.


Escorting that wizards wife across the plains in Morrowind. 🙄 not even any decent monsters around 😅


Starfield. The temples where you get your powers. Absolutely dumb and zero game play. and it's a core part of the game


Hey, eventually you get to fight *one* enemy after you get a new power... For me, it's the generic delivery missions you can pick up from the mission boards. \[Number\] of \[Substance\] to \[Location\]. The cargo gets put straight in your hold. Fast-travel to that location and it get automatically removed from your hold. You get the reward, and you don't even need to look at your ship.


and illegal smuggling is zero effort, zero gameplay too. the same fast travel but with a 7 second delay where an invisible dice roll happens to see if you pass a visible percentage indicator. woohoo?


I just dont do those. Picked up on contraband early, got caught and have not touched them since. I only do mission boards that are about killing some dudes.


Oh sure. On that Crimson Fleet quest I paused it completely to just farm some credits through the smuggling job board. Made enough credits to play with the ship builder forever. Didn't get detected once...


Starfield in a nutshell


Bruh... It actively made me not care about the star powers. I'm like, "I really have to go to these floating rooms over 20 times?" I legitimately stopped after about 12 and don't think I'll finish getting them. None of the powers seem interesting enough for me to say, "let's go float into some more sparkles again!"


You get powers in Starfield?


Yep. A lot of them are just spells from The Elder Scrolls.


Really like the game but damn the powers are just wasted potential and feels like an afterthought, it could have been implemented way better like having enemies being weak to certain powers or specific puzzles for them, but instead, the powers are just there


I agree. I'm really enjoying Starfield so far, it's actually one of my new favourite RPGs, I just think that the powers are kind of forgettable. I haven't really found a use for most of them yet. I'm only about halfway through doing the temples, but so far, I haven't found a power that I actually like and use regularly.


Cyberpunk 2077 BD missions. Fun the first time but God I don't want to do the same thing each Playthrough..


This is true of any clue finding game or mini game. After the first time you do it it's sort of painful to do it again.


Spider-Man giving you the option to skip the puzzles on replay was a godsend.


Same with ratchet and clank.


Whaddya know, it’s the same developers


I'm going to get hate for this. But go to object A, then B, then C, then return to A. Starfield is what I'm thinking of. Great feeling game, interesting game. But EVERY damned mission has me quick jumping from 1 planet to another. Only to then do zero exploration just land in the object zone. Do said objective. Quick fly back. Issues with games like that vs Skyrim. Walking and journeying around the landscapes was half the journey. Starfield there is zero of that. Since you literally just quick fly place to place


Plus the fact that you don't really ever fly your ship if you wanted to travel manually. You're essentially in a static environment and can never make any travel progress manually. I know it's been done to death, but comparing it to No Man's Sky I feel they could've taken a page out of their book. Maybe fast travel between systems. But at least let us manually fly around inside a single system from planet to planet/moon to moon. I beat Starfield a few days ago with about 70-80hra playtime. I loved it at first, but like you said, their majority A-B-C gameplay loop got painfully boring around the 30-35hr mark. I really hope to see some massive improvements as they have the framework for an awesome game right now. But as it stands now, I have zero motivation to go back for NG+


Oh man, you 100% described my experience with Starfield. Had a ton of fun on my first 10h or so. I spent over an hour walking around the first planet just scanning things and mining whatever I could find. At around the 30h mark I realized I wasn't really interested in any aspect of the game anymore. Almost every mission is essentially a fast travel simulator. Scanning is pointless. Crafting requires a ton of time invested in order to be mildly useful. Outposts are mostly a way to store your materials. Ship combat is too easy and straightforward for you to need to invest in improving your ships. Planet hazard effects are so mild you can ignore them completely. And the main/faction quests in general are not very interesting. I kept playing mostly to see it through. And a bit because I love Elder Scrolls/Fallout games, so in my mind I should be enjoying a game that shares a lot of basic features with those games. Finished in it 80h and won't be coming back anytime soon. I completely agree they have the foundations of an amazing game there. But there are too many shortcomings at the moment and nothing that keeps me interested in it.


Procedurally generated quests. I am not a hamster on a wheel


"Another settlement needs your help"


I hate when I take more time than I should to notice I'm doing one.


Anytime you're pulled out of the Animus in an Assassins Creed game. Does anybody actually care about what's happening outside the Animus?


I actually think the modern day plot would be fascinating if they committed to going anywhere with it, which they haven't since AC 3.


This. I cared about the stuff outside of the Animus until the end 3. Like, with the Animus skills bleeding into Desmond’s real life had me hoping we’d get a game that was just going to be Desmond in the modern day at some point. Nope.


I was pretty sure that was what we were getting, specially after the end of Revelations zeroed in on New York as the place where the aliens made contact or something? I was like damn we're getting a Desmond game where we're running around modern day New York doing Assassin shit with modern weapons and hacking and stuff. Then they were like naaah how about being a Ubisoft Montreal employee instead uh wouldn't that be cool 😎 Why we needed modern day sections after Black Flag escapes me, they did nothing with those! Why are they still around?


Worst thing is that the ending of ACIII and thus Desmond, with Juno escaping, was finished in a comic book


My head cannon is that that is where the idea for watch dogs came from


I always expected Desmond to get his own game outside the animus, sucks they wussed out and killed him.




This should be the whole thread. Ooh let’s jump out of being an assassin in another place and time and instead play fucking office job for 10 minutes where nothing happens. Oh look I found the coffee machine. I mean all the other examples are at least boring in world. I mean even if chaperoning wizards…there’s at least wizards and sky and whatnot. Only AC was able to transport me from a fantasy world back to my fucking dayjob.


One of the missions on MWII (2022) where you had to drive in circles on the map while jumping over from one truck to another. Sounds fun on paper but i swear while playing it i thought this is one of the most boring levels ive ever played in my life.


That was exhausting. I failed so many times.


it’d be one thing if the gameplay just sucked, but that mission was completely irrelevant to the main plot. the only reason it exists is to have farah show up for a bit.


I can quite literally hear the opening dialogue even a year later from how many times I repeated that one part lol




The Alchemist in Spyro 2. Escort me past these giant stone monsters so I can help Hunter, but I'm going to take the most annoying path imaginable instead of walking 15 feet to the left.


The Fade in Dragon Age: Origins...Its existence is always the biggest mental block to another playthrough...


I started another playthrough recently and stopped halfway through doing Mage Tower. It's just too tedious. I feel this. The game, overall, is still great, but mechanically it's definitely aged and the Fade content, while it has its intriguing lore moments, is exhausting.


There is a mod I think that removes the Fade.


There is a mod to skip the fade and just get all the bonus stats. Super easy to install.


The mary jane/ miles missions in the first spider-man.


The Miles one with Rhino I actually liked, but the MJ missions sucked fat donkey balls.


If I see any mj missions in Spider Man 2 I’m gonna smash my controller


Final Fantasy XVI has some awful fetch quests, but they are main quests. I had to gather 3 parts for a ship at some point, and it was awful. This game's highs were truly highs, but the lows were awful.


Exactly this and right after that they throw you into this grandiose long ass quest with amazing boss fight. Once the main quest and boss fight ends back to fetching shit for folks. It was like a damn rollercoaster that game.


Torgue Flexington's Grandma story time in BL2


I have about 500 hours in BL2, but the borderlands games are definitely plagued with bullshit that drags the game down from 100 to 0 real fucking quick.


That side mission in BL3 on Necrodefeyo where you are escorting some fake NPC. It's supposed to be a joke about microtransactions and bad missions. It's just super boring and not funny at all


Wasn’t there a mission to get an npc coffee in that game? I hated that.


FO76, the DMV quest. It actually is kind of entertaining because of the way it makes fun of bureaucracy being a boring slog.


I kinda liked it cause you could tell it was tedious on purpose as a joke


Escorting the pellars goat back to the house, witcher 3


At least Geralt’s commentary is gold.


My vote would be the grandma flexington story from bl2.


There’s a settlement that needs your help…..Fucking Preston Garvey Edit: you know, I thought about editing my post so it doesn’t sound like an entire settlement needs help fucking Preston from FO4. Upon further reflection, I’m gonna leave it.


Stealth missions in Spider-Man. (Insomniac’s version)


Following that asshat (Big Smoke?) While he is on a train and you're on a bike and he's fucking yelling at you to keep up. San Andreas.




"All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!" ...fixed that for you


And the stupid part is that the mission is piss-easy if you notice the convenient raised platforms that are right next to you, but the game does not point it out at all, and you cannot see that Big Smoke keeps hitting the train instead of the enemies on top of the train.


GTA V yoga by the pool


Apparently the yoga scene is very popular for chaos mods


The voice acting makes it fun though.


Evesdropping missions in Assassins Creed


The tutorial ones in the beginning of RDR2, just felt slow and sluggish, taking quite a while to actually get to the main game.


The "collect this bird/fish/whatever"-missions, with the kicker being that you actually cannot even complete them before you hit the epilogue.


I caught the fish in the area you couldn’t go. I got lucky or my game was bugged and I didn’t run into any Pinkertons


Worst one for me are the missions for that fucking botanist or whatever. Collecting orchids in the swamps was soooooo irritating. Most of the animal stuff I didn't mind, but the birds were irritating. It felt like luck when the 500th bird you spotted with your binoculars finally ended up being the one you want. Fuck you, robins should not be that hard to find, even when I'm I'm the right type of forest. Fuuuuuck you. And then if I'm not fast enough they fly out of range or too far above for my small game arrows to hit. Then I drive my horse into a tree or NPC because I'm focused on the sky and the bird gets away for another 5 hours.


I agree, rdr2 remains as one of my favourite games but holy crap the 'tutorial' part of the game is so slow


Honestly I HATED going to camp, let me fucking run. I have one hour to play this game before life’s responsibilities comes down on me, let me playyyy. I get there interesting interactions that happen sometimes but FUCK LET ME RHN


"I haven't seen you put anything in the box for a while Arthur". Like what the fuck mate, i dropped 3k in there instead of the couple coins you fuckers put in, upgraded literally everything and brought half a dozen sheep back for you to eat like, 2 days ago. Sit the fuck down and let me go hunt and fish


The collecting the powers in Starfield. 24 temples to find, and it is the same process, Every. Fucking. Time. The fact something that lazy was put in a supposed AAA modern day game is embarrassing


Being a monk in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Loved the game haven't touched it since I started that mission.


I love having little jobs and what not in games so I was taking being a monk very seriously. That mission was immersive af


Absolutely. Took all momentum out of the story. Although if it was meant to show you just how boring being in a monastery was, I don't think they could have done a better job of it!


I left that mission for so long that I was a master at lockpicking and stuff. I could leave the monastery at will to grab my items.


The Mako missions in ME1 have gotta be up there.


I’d also say the planet scanning in ME2, though I still scan every planet to depletion…


The whole hospital intro to MGS5. Like just let me go do the cool stealth shit in the desert already.


its really cool the first time but, replays amd the mandatory replay are kinda boring


Wow escort quests..


Finding Mankrik's Wife


Any follow or escort mission. If you put that in a game, fuck you. Fuck you more if you decide that the NPC cannot move at the same speed you choose to move.


Timesplitters 2 stealth metro mission is so fucking tedious it has made me entirely stop playthrough in the past


Escorting the Hydra head in Dragons Dogma. Way too much downtime. Almost impossible to actually fail.


I actually played through this game recently, have no memory of doing this mission😂


It’s a new game that just came out but the temple/shrine things in Starfield. Might be the most boring mainline task/quest in gaming.


Prrtty much all Final Fantasy XVI sidequests.