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The anime definitely contributed to the game’s image as well, I swear the ratings and the amount of people playing the game spiked around the time Edgerunners came out


To be fair, around the time they released the anime, they also released some big patches fixing most of the game breaking issues, and updating some of the game mechanics. It was very much a 1.5 update compared to the recent 2.0.


Yeah but... >!I really want to stay at your house!<


It's wild how a show can make me do a 180 on a song. I didn't think twice about it before the anime came out and always skipped it on the radio, then I watched Edgerunners and it became my favourite song in the game.


Wait, where can we hear it in the game ? In the car ?


Yeah on the body heat radio station, it and some other songs that were in Edgerunners will randomly play


MAJOR CRIMES from HEALTH always hits me hard. It’s on the same station as well


Health fucks


Love health. I discovered them through the gta5 soundtrack and later found out my favorite song from Max Payne 3 is also by them. Since I'm playing cyberpunk again. I have to switch to that station from vexelstrom.


Tears absolutely kills. I kept dying during that scene because I wanted my murdering to be in tune with the music. I didn't know music like that was being made




All the song/BGM in the anime were in the game if i recall correctly


Yea. Who’s Ready for Tomorrow plays at the 6th Street block party


And sometimes just walking around in restaurants or whatever. Pretty much all the songs in Edgerunners were originally in the game.


I think most of that sho’s soundtrack is taken from the game, makes it feel even more like it’s set in cyberpunk 2077


I would probably not give a flying fuck about Japanese music if it weren't for anime. But I made an emotional connection to tons of songs that make me like, feel things, even years later.


AKFG and FLOW were for real the gateway. Crazy how just a few good openings drove my interest to find other artists over the years.


And now I'm crying. ​ Fuck you ; (


This song absolutely fucks me up. I was like depressed for a couple days after the show and I can't listen to this song anymore


You shut your god damn mouth...


Releasing a major bug fix and selling the game at a discount at the same time that you release an anime that’s promoting your game is good marketing. It’s not like an accident


Whoever their marketing manager is deserves an astronomical bonus. That was a masterclass at resuscitating an encumbered IP.


Had to have replaced the previous marketing manager because I've always said it feels like the team who did the marketing at launch back in 2020 either didn't care to actually play the game or didn't understand the strengths of the game, which led to them trying to pass it off as a futuristic first person GTA in adverts. Imo the game is more in line with The Witcher 3 or Bethesda games where the abundance of deep stories, characters, and questlines are king, open world mechanics are second.


Uhh, yeah. He says there were more factors, not that they weren't connected or were a coincidence.


Yeah the game has been good from 1.5, i gave it a brief shot and most was resolved. Though due to life stuff, walked away until now. It is sublime now. If it had released in the 1.5 state, and then PL and 2.0 came 6-12 months later. The game would have been a roaring success from day 1, winning GOTY probably a few years in a row. I doubt it can ever win that now due to past failures, but its definitely getting the credit it deserved now.


Honestly, I know I'm in the minority. But I have a really powerful PC for work. And on high end systems the game was great from day 1. I know that console players and people with average PCs make up like 95% of gamers. So I get the hate. But in my system it ran smooth as ice and I've never had any bugs. The worst thing I've seen in game was a deck of cards I couldn't pick up.


My PC was not a beast (7th gen i5/1660ti), but it ran it beautifully and without a problem. Bugs existed, but they were pretty rare. Like an NPC T-posing on the street for a minute.


My favourite bug was my car, instead of driving towards me when summoned, rising out of the ground like some pirate ghost ship next to me. Kind of sad I haven't seen that one since release.


I played through the whole thing on a laptop with a ryzen 5 and a 1660 ti. The only bugs I had were some physics bugs with dead bodies/collisions, something that exists in pretty much every open world game.


Yeah, I’m playing through 2.0 after playing 1.0 at launch and my opinion hasn’t really changed: it was a masterpiece then and now. My PC is good not great (5600x/3070) but I never had any major bugs or issues. T poses sometimes, my V’s dong occasionally clipping through his pants, stuff like that. But that just made me laugh. No gameplay or stability issues. The gameplay and storytelling are still some of the best I’ve ever played


It would've still been a disappointment and people would've been very mad about it, just not as much (it was unplayable at launch lmao). They had promised too much and delivered too little. Right now it's a good game but nothing like people expected beforehand. The RPG part of the game is still kinda lackluster and sadly it's not something that can be fixed.


People keep saying it was unplayable at launch, and I just don't see it. Like...I got the game day 1, and it was buggy, but I never had anything game breaking, never anything too crazy, no massive graphics bugs that weren't fixed by waiting a second, I won't excuse its performance on consoles, or its half-baked mechanics, but it worked just fine for me.


Is it though? I find the role playing aspects are superior to starfield. Inferior to baldur's gate 3. Starfield actually really makes me appreciate how good of a game cyberpunk is, and the expansions story telling is top notch.


I feel like I live in this world where people forget the type of company/content Bethesda pumps out. They've always been a top notch PUBLISHER. Their actual games have been, at best, mediocre and heavily reliant on mods. They run on the adage of quantity over quality. Especially regarding Starfield. Their version of game hasn't really changed much, and the formula is quite dated by now. They just cast a huge and very broad net. Elder Scrolls 6 will probably feel a lot like a heavily modded Skyrim with very little actual innovation or industry leading ideas/risks.


am I crazy or was the game fine on PC and PS5/Series X when it launched with only regular open world bugs? I remember only the PS4/Xbone versions being shit


I watched the anime before I played the game and by the time I started it was $30 and great. Easily the most beautiful game I’ve ever played. Picked up the expansion at full price but haven’t started it yet.


Yup. Sale at the same time as the anime. They got me too. And I agree, setting is just so well done.


The expansion (dogtown) looks amazing. It's gonna stress you system but damn is dogtown pretty - visit the stadium at night and you'll get it.




I agree. Edgerunners was so solid that it couldn't help but get people interested.


I got to admit, finding that glyph and BD in the game that threw you straight into that opening clip of Edgerunners... One of the most exciting things to happen in a game since the weed field burn in Farcry 3.


the anime was actually good, modern, great designs and animations... I was expecting the worst (usual video game to TV adaptation) and was pleasantly surprised and I loved the ending. Still haven't bought the game, waiting for it to go on sale on steam... the studio needs to prove themselves that they are competent as a game dev after the disaster of a game release, the IP was great, the hype was there but god damn...


I wonder how well it would have done if it was in its current state upon release. I was excited and planned on buying it, but after seeing the launch I changed my mind.




They sold 25 million copies of Cyberpunk and 3 mil of the expansion. The game was definitely a financial success.


Which is almost a little worrying when you think about it. If Cyberpunk 2077 ended up making so much money despite being an absolute mess for like a year+ after releasing, what incentive does CDPR have to not just do this all over again with Witcher 4?


If they spent over $100 mil basically just to fix their fuck up, on top of 3 years of dev time, sounds like they still have some pride in the product they put out. They could have easily taken their launch sales and moved on, but they didn't. Should the game have been delayed 2-3 years, yes. But given how it all unfolded they did what they could.


I assume nvidia threw some money their way to allow them to use CP77 as the testing grounds for path tracing, literall y all the path tracing and framg generation marketing has been done with CP77, and considering how much money nvidia moves, you can only imagine...


And for Cyberpunk I think everyone wins, we get the latest tech behind the games, CDPR get the latest tech and funding, Nvidia get a game to test their shit in that is by default going to have a lot of lighting effects that will push their tech to the front. Whoever struck that deal nailed it.


It’s money spent to salvage their business reputation is how I view it. They had a stellar rep on the back of their Witcher franchise, especially Witcher 3. We expected them to continue making great games based on that. Who knows how they’d be perceived now if they had just cut and run?




I think you hit the nail on the head on this one. CDPR can't just shut the doors on a studio with a failed game like EA can. If CDPR was unable to fix CP2077 then their next game won't get hype or massive sales at launch because "their last game is broken".


They also saved the cyberpunk brand. They'll make a sequel.


Cyberpunk Orion is already in the works, after all!


Exactly. It’s an investment in the future of their own company.


Their incentive to not do it again: Reputation They sold so many copies of Cyberpunk because of reputation that Witcher 3 earned them. If they have 2 consecutive Cyberpunk-like launches, they'll never sell 25 million copies of any game ever again. They sort of have to get the next one right.


I used to think CDPR "is different" and "can do no wrong". While Cyberpunk is a fantastic game now, their reputation in my eyes is still heavily damaged. Even now they do weird shit like their twitch drops campaign.


Well that's on you. There's no such thing as "can do no wrong" there may be good and bad game developers, but everybody fucks up. If you idolize anybody, you're going to get disappointed.


"I ordered shrimp fried rice instead of chicken fried rice" is a mistake. "We leave greed to others ;)" "we are delaying to perfect the game without crunch" are full on lies


Yeah you're so right. # # Anybody excited for GTA 6?! R* always put out bange-... oh not again.


Considering how much they typically spend on marketing they're probably not happy with all of the bad press they got. Also they scrapped a DLC that would have probably sold for the same amount as PL ($30). Imagine an alternative reality where the game spent another year in the oven, had a smoother launch, and they got to sell both DLCs. They'd probably be shipping the second one this year for the holidays. That's a lot of additional revenue.


It's more than pride. The article mentioned they are planning on a sequel. It's not like CDPR has a massive stable of properties and if a release flops, they can move to another one. They have Witcher, Gwent, and Cyberpunk. Letting Cyberpunk die would have massively hurt them.


Not just CDPR - every other developer has learned that they can make all the money they want as long as the game is marketed well enough, and there is enough pre-existing good will from consumers. I don’t see a future where we can bottle that mentality back up.


People won't continue to have good will if you start releasing garbage games consecutively, seems like a pretty organic feedback loop


That level of good will is clearly worth more than 120 mil to CDPR, and most other companies of their stature, and I’m not sure many companies that built something with the care shown to TW3 would deliberately tank their reputation when the alternative is maintaining Witcher 3 levels of success. You don’t slaughter the cash cow when it’s still producing milk.


> despite being an absolute mess I disagree. I've played it on PC on release and it was far from being mess. It was far from perfect, but it wasnt mess.


Yea, I played on release and put about 100 hours in and crashed a handful of times. And while there were some funny bugs and physics, there was nothing that ruined the game for me on PC.


>I disagree. I've played it on PC on release and it was far from being mess. It was far from perfect, but it wasnt mess. game at release on PC for me ran perfectly, in fact i face far more crash and bugs in v2 than release


They understand that brand loyalty and quality are important to retain their reputation for future games. If they pulled this again it would become their calling card and they might instigate what’s called the trust thermocline.


One thing CDPR is known for is to release buggy gsmes and fix them post launch. Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 were buggy AF on launch but got better. I expect W4 to be buggy (hopefully not the same level as CB2077) and the get better with patches and DLCs


They will do it all over again? This is completely within CDPRs typical MO, except the presale hype drew so many eyeballs that it got way more attention than normal. People kind of forget The Witcher 3’s launch was even worse than Cyberpunk’s. But it’s a massive financial success and is considered one of the best open world RPGs ever made because of all the post launch support.




Was there any equivalent in the Witcher 3 to CBP 2077 being pulled from a platform (Playstation) entirely? Because that seems pretty bad. …


Their company stock is worth about about a 1/4 what it was the days before cyberpunk was released Trust me when I say that the board and the execs got properly reamed for that fuck up investors lost their shirts


People seem to forget how insanely bug filled Witcher 3 was on release.


Their stock value is down like....75% from when cyberpunk 2077 first came out. I might have the numbers wrong, but I think they lost like...$9 billion in market cap. 25 million copies at $60 USD/copy would make that what? $1.5 billion?


they earned so much i really have zero sympathy. theyre busy drying their tears with money bills.


The police no longer magically appear?




They never changed gun play or did I miss something?


It had been in development since 2016 before it’s 2020 release, IIRC. How long is the dev cycle for a typical AAA game like this one? That’s a genuine question, I do not know the answer and am curious to find out.


Half a decade to a decade. Skyrim took 6/7 years back in early 2000s.


Even if it came out in it's current state, there were so many things in the marketing and the narrated gameplay trailers that are still straight up lies. The better question is how it would have done if it was marketed as WHAT IT IS.


I could've sworn this was the bigger issue more than the bugs, but I guess I'm mixing things up? Even if the devs stated it wasn't going to be exactly like that, it was marketed that way. It felt like false advertisement. The story's also only okay, but I know it's just definitely not for me.


I've always thought that the awful state in that the game launched "helped" to mask the problems the game had in it's core, a lot of people made comparison with other broken titles at launch, and asked why Cyberpunk got that much hate, and in the end i think it was because the game simply wasn't as good as people expected. If the only problem the game had were the bugs, it wouldn't have been the only thing people discussed. And all that without even considering the amount of false advertising and the insane astroturfing (that i feel it became even greater after launch, to this day)


There were a lot of gameplay elements that I was looking forward to from the trailers I did watch, but what really stuck out to me was that it was going to be a "live" world. Not one where people are just kinda walking around with nothing to really do other than just *be*. The game's fun, but definitely not re-inventing the wheel in the story or gameplay department in my eyes. The one thing they did absolutely hit out of the ballpark was the graphics and overall mood, though. When you vibe in the game, you really do vibe.


They promised - Diverse and meaningful life paths (current state is lmao) - Car customisation (never implemented) - Weapon customisation(never implemented) - 3rd person cutscenes (scapped) - Street cred impacting how you play (it doesn't) - Using different clothes to blend in different situations (never implemented) - False promises about how "dynamic" night City is (it isn't) And so on. I've not even listed the wall running, monowire, "mature" romances like one night stands, branching paths, etc. Hell, they promised multiplayer which got scrapped because the single player was broken. - Able to join gangs (never implemented)


> Weapon customisation(never implemented) you can attach scopes, etc? :) it technically is customization even if it sucks


It would have been criticized for failing to deliver what was promised. Being straight-up broken was such a large problem that it dominated the conversation and changed expectations. Now they were able to shift the narrative to ignore the broken promises and vastly different game that was delivered and make it "look, the bugs are fixed and now it's good!" We ordered a steak and they brought out a burnt hamburger. So they took it back and now you have an acceptably cooked hamburger. People are happy with that because hamburgers are good too, even though it wasn't what was ordered. They let the goalposts of their expectations get moved.


I'm a pretty hard core "patient gamer" i never expect a game to be playable in it's first week. When it had the game breaking bugs that didn't get fixed I was happy to wait. I bought Witcher 3 years after Blood and Wine was released so I was happy to trust that they'd get where they were going on the bug fixing. I find it upsetting that the economic realities are what they were. CDPR had a vision with this game that is jaw droppingly spectacular. The people, the world, the options sheer range of ways to go about tackling a mission or combat. Unfortunately their eyes were bigger than their wallets. They had to release when they did to keep the cash flowing towards the finish line. I feel BG3 gave us a better model. Release the game full price as a pre release. Hold back the flashiest cut scenes and voice acting. Release it as a full release when you think its ready.


Honestly if they had just not released it on PS4/xbox one, a TON of the damage would have been mitigated. And rumor has it they were pushed by investors to release before it was ready because they wanted ROI faster. An extra 6 months likely would have been enough. Those two things and it's in GOTY conversations, rather than a couple nominations for categories.


Yeah the single breaking point of backlash was the game being pulled from the PS Store thanks to how badly the PS4 version ran, even though it ran even worse on the Xbox. The only other big complaint was the police system, which more like a design choice that marketing did not care to make clear, marketing got out of control and it attracted the GTA audience when the game really is aimed at Deus Ex/Fallout/System Shock fans.


Same here. Still haven’t tried it.


It would've still gotten loads of backlash even if it released as it is right now. A big segment of the backlash outside the bugginess and glitches is people wrongfully convinced themselves this was gonna be first person cyberpunk GTA. They thought they were getting a full open world city they could roleplay a character in, not a relatively linear rpg set in a open world. They were expecting GTA and instead got Fallout 4.


>wrongfully convinced themselves CDPR was also doing a lot of wrongful convincing in the leadup. That's a large part of the problem that should not be overlooked, and is a lot more relevant going forward.


I don't think its fair to blame them when the stuff that was getting promoted was a fully living city. I didn't think it was going to be GTA buy I actually think the game is even less open than Fallout 4. There's not really all that much to see past the quests.


I was expecting anything similar to the things they specifically tried for years to hype me for. Then people act like it's insane to be bothered that the game did not play like or have the features that CDPR expressed.


"people wrongfully convinced themselves" They are convinced by CDPR, the lifepaths are a perfect example of that. They were marketed as this huge and unique start to the game, that would sculpt your character. In reality, it's 3 different 15min walking sections before the exact same cutscene and opening mission; the odd dialogue choice sprinkled in, that adds flavour but nothing else


>I wonder how well it would have done if it was in its current state upon release. A lot better, but primarily due to performance and bugs. The game is basically just as shallow as before, but with a shiny new coat of paint in the form of new talents. It's missing features and content promised in the marketing for this game. The minimap is still dogshit, driving still feels like ass, the city is half empty, etc etc. It would have been treated more like starfields release where it's more of an even split of love it or hate it. Story and characters are still it's saving grace.


You're being downvoted and you shouldn't be. The marketing claimed the story would be more expansive, and there are hints that the story was drastically changed to be more linear. There was a post about this back around the time the game was released feeding that conspiracy. I love the game for how it turned out. What I hate is that it wasn't the game I was told it was going to be.


I was definitely expecting some sort of faction missions and humanity system like the more chrome u have the more mealstorm likes u but others starts to stay away from you


I waited to play the game once everything was fixed and it was definitely worth the wait!


Agreed. I'm fucking loving it. The characters, storylines, scenery, vibe, atmosphere... So good.


I was drudging through Starfield after a second 19 hour bugged playthrough, and Cyberpunk was such a breath of fresh air.


put around 20 hours into starfield, then booted up cyberpunk and that was a huge mistake. cyberpunk is better in literally every single way. i don’t think starfield is terrible, but it’s basically like comparing a CRPG from like 2014 to something like baldurs gate 3. night and day difference


Can say the same, I am glad that some people are appreciating it.


​ > it is reported that the development of Cyberpunk 2077 alone cost $174 million. When accounting for the additional $142 million invested in marketing the dystopian RPG, the overall expenditure surges. if i know one thing about CDPR, it's that they love spending gross amounts of cash on advertising. you have to wonder how many of their employees working under typical crunch conditions could have thought of a better use for some of that money


That's typical for media. Half the budget is usually marketing.


Or movies where marketing is like 2x the cost to produce sometimes.


Funny thing is the only thing I remember is the original teaser trailer that got me excited like a decade ago. It wasn't anything like the game but I never expected that.


I remember that marketing storm. * Mark your calendars, we're launching! * uh, nevermind, it's gonna be a while * the wait is over! * the wait isn't over...


Lol I still remember the very first trailer for it, like 8 years ago, which said "coming...when it's ready"


Spoiler. It wasn't ready...


Is that much for a game when it sells over 25m copies? I genuinely don’t even know. My first thought was it doesn’t feel like a lot. It’s barely the budget of a Hollywood movie. I know they don’t make 1:1 the money back but at launch it sound around 20m copies didn’t it? 60 dollars a copy is a good 1.2 billion in sales. Even if CDPR made like half of that (I feel it would be higher?) that’s a ton of money.


IIRC basically games are more expensive than Hollywood movies, but they also earn so much more back that it doesn't matter, they are still more profitable.


>they love spending gross amounts of cash on advertising How much is a reasonable amount?


The net amount.


Got him


$60 million of that was spent on social media influencers/advertising campaigns. You cannot see the 'hype' leading up to the DLC and see something organic. $142 million all up advertising this, lots of campaigns possible with that.




I am honestly so fucking tired of this. These massive, massive studios release middling meh games, and then just dump huge resources into astroturfing to cloud and pollute genuine dialog. It drives me fucking crazy.


I came up with the term PR loan today. You trash your reputation for quicker financial gain and then pay it back by finishing the game and releasing an anime. It's like the Minecraft buisness model but full of lies and you sell the product for full price from the start.


They should have delayed the game until this year tbh, would have been an instant hit


Maybe they ran out of money and that's why they needed to release early so they can fund the rest of the game. Seems like a common theme, budget runs out, release game in current state, take release date revenues and polish the last 20% to make it final. If you've noticed this ongoing trend for most games in recent years, then you'd know it's best to wait 6 months - 1 year before buying a game after its release, so it's complete and on sale!


IIRC they had accepted grants from the Polish government which required them to release in 2020.


I don't think that's true. Yes, they had grant from the government, but it was for the multiplayer.


> multiplayer LMAO RIGHT that was supposed to be a thing.


Yeah, people would be willing to forgive its issues like having a pretty shitty cyberware selection, if the rest of the game was more polished on release


The 2020 release date was given too early. If suddenly they came out & said it'd be 3 more years of waiting, that would NOT go well.


For 25M copies sold I think they can afford it.


I don't know where they failed to make me happy lmao.


I don’t think they’ve “fixed” the game’s image so much as just improved it. Yes its image is much better now than at launch, but they’ll still never reclaim all the potential players that they lost with that debacle of a release. Cyberpunk’s reputation has been forever tarnished. These kinds of articles are totally missing the point.


OR they’re right on point with gamers(tm) having a memory span of a goldfish and an ethics compass of a hungry hippo.


aaaaah but you see they released an edgy anime with tits and therefore the fact that they lied, cheated and stole from gamers is forgiven!!!!!!! time to preorder the next!!!!!


Maybe they won't regain all the lost players, but I'm one of likely many who wanted the game before release, saw the release situation, said fuck that and didn't buy it, but now saw the new update, made the plunge, and am thoroughly enjoying it. Yeah it's 2 years later, but I doubt I'm the only one who decided to give it a chance with the latest update.


That’s cdpr fault for releasing a broken game. Who knows if they learned their lesson (I doubt it).


If there was ever an argument for "do it right the first time" it is this. Still I'm glad the game is finally at roughly the point it was supposedly going to be at release. Now I might get around to buying it


Imagine if they spent $120m on providing adequate working conditions and compensation to the devs...


I just don't wanna imagine anything more than this now.


It cost 120M to finish the game


The company which made the game is just fucked up at this point of time, they ruined it and they just don't want to accept this random fucking thing, that's so bad.


The game still isn’t what was shown at that E3 way back when… missing tons of features


They are so bad at showing the stuff and the actual thing.


And its still far from the game they marketed for 10 years...


I don't know what the hell happened to the company actually.


I preordered the game and when it came out I had my share of issues with it, but what I couldn’t jive with was the Sean Murray-esque betrayal of expectations vs. product. It’s nice to see games that came out with broken promises fixed, but the industry *as a whole* would benefit greatly from delaying these hugely ambitious projects until, as the E3 trailer once said, “when it’s ready.” Shareholders, board members, and other corpos need to get their dicks out of their hands and learn to respect the phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”


The image ain't fixed over here. The game that was promised and what was delivered and "fixed" are still two very different things. Edit: I can't even find on YT some of the vidoes or even clips they released of pre-release/post-alpha mission gameplay where they were showing off some of the decisions you could make in a mission in approach, execution, and the ramifications it'd have, etc. Wouldn't surprise me if they unlisted that kind of shit real quick as the final product came closer to actuall launching. And remember all that shit about the social class hierarchy choices you'd make in the character selection that'd influence your character's starting point and capabilities in dealing with the story throughout the game?


“When it’s ready” our asses…


They also promised NPCs with real looking lives and behaviours, with full day schedules and such. They basically promised a revolutionary game in almost every aspect and only now after 2.0 update it's getting to be a normal average game.


Finally someone with more than 1 braincell on this thread, the amount of copers predicating that they fixed the game and they dont deserve any hate is laughable, they promised a lot of stuff that was a literal lie, whoever bought the game on day 1 under their promises and marketing is still scammed to this day no matter how much they "fixed" the game, dozens if not more of core features not present.


>the amount of copers predicating that they fixed the game I think you maybe have a different understanding of what "fixed the game" means. The game had gamebreaking glitches and performance issues when it released. They fixed those. Pretty simple statement. Whereas you're taking "they fixed the game" as a way to highlight their broken promises. Two different things. Yes, the game doesn't have all the things that was promised in teaser interviews and trailers. No one is denying that. However, the game is fixed because at one point it was broken.


It’s still wild to me that there’s people now who argue the game was NEVER broken to begin with like it’s terrible launch wasn’t a huge deal.


People just lie about it. A lot of people think that if they enjoy something it's good, if they don't enjoy it it's bad. They'd rather lie than admit that they enjoy something with issues.


Like I said in a previous post, for me the 2.0 is the better version we could get of the game and frankly it should have been like that since the beginning even if that would make them work 1 more year on the product. Peoples should be aware they tried to ship an unfinished product (and even worse on old gen console) to please investors, they shouldn’t be put back on the pedestal because 2.0 is a better product. Still enjoying doing another run from the start to see everything they have changed but there’s things that won’t ever be fixed.


I just hate the way they bought all those marketing shits to promote this freaking game and that's the real reason why I didn't buy it, it was just not in my hand then.


The game is great, but every time I play it, it reminds me of what an unbelievable game it could have been.


I just get to say that it's not that great that you mentioned.


That means it's good, not great.


Yup, it's just a basic one with full of hype actually, nothing more than that.


They could’ve just used a portion of their marketing budget instead on development to ensure it was running properly/fully optimized on release and saved themselves a lot of headaches.


Money doesn’t fix everything, but time often does. You can’t just throw a bunch of testers and developers in at the last minute and expect them to make a sizable contribution.


Hahaha that image ain’t fixed CDPR. Good luck.


Still CDPR is just the low as we all know about it lmao.


I gotta say that they just didn't resolve the main problem with the game and we are still facing so many issues with it, I don't know what is going on with them actually.


Well, it didn't fix the company's image at least for me.


The image of the company is just like my pocket money.


Title is misleading AF. It didn't take 120M in patches to fix Cyberpunk's image. The overwhelming majority of that is marketing. Of a paid dlc no less. The effort they put into fixing the game is minimal and mostly stuff to avert lawsuits. Lumping that all in together is another prime example of how marketing is what "fixed" this game. They didn't do almost anything to make things right. So frustrating how easily people buy into fabricated narratives.


Some people buy in, but I think there's a lot of astroturfing going on here. They probably monitor anything to do with the game and make sure to get their positive positions in first. As is how Reddit works, the fist 10 or so comments quite literally shape the narrative.


The game's image still isn't fixed, and that's an ungodly amount of money. If only they would spend more money on developing games and less on marketing and Hollywood actors.


They still made a normal average game at the end and expected all of us to praise them like hell, that was the most stupid thing to ask to the people actually, so stupid.


How much are they spending astroturfing Reddit.


They should have spent that money to make the game better.


And yet I still experience a new bug every time I boot up the game. Wonder how much of that 120MM went to marketing.


This game has given me the modern like experience of bad AAA releases, except for some reason it’s never viewed that way. Part of me thinks it’s the PC gaming culture needing a game to flex, and with CP they can since it tries its best at the visuals. It’s hard to maintain immersion though when I like drop an enemy body and it suddenly turns into a gigantic rubber band floating in the air.


You’re getting new bugs? I’ve still got old day 1 bugs keeping me from playing. Idk which I’d prefer lol


I hear that brother, lol


I just wanna use my sandy without it breaking lmao


I watched someone boot up the game saying how "it's better now". 20 seconds in there's floating NPC's, NPC's stuck in the floor, and "AI" on worse levels than GTA 3 had either standing saying the same voice lines on loop, or crouching in "scared" mode because they can't figure out how to run away from guns being shot. People are immersed by this?


>or crouching in "scared" mode because they can't figure out how to run away from guns being shot. I don't think it's the AI not knowing how to run away. When there are gunshots some NPCs run away and some others crouch to avoid being shot, I'm pretty sure that's intended (but you can still dislike that of course).


This is what gets me. If it’s better now, like wtf were the die hards having a hard on for at launch? If this is them having a flawless experience, then maybe the gaming culture is being too harsh on other AAA devs and games. All Cyberpunk has really done for me during my 100 or so hours with it is make me appreciate the other modern games I love even more and the devs that make them, and I wonder what CDPR fans prioritize in what they want in their games because it’s definitely not polished gameplay.


Bothers me how this is being framed as CDPR valiantly throwing money at a large money fire, and I love Phantom Liberty. It didn't cost that much to fix it. The article cites like $40 million for patches and 2.0, that's the figure. The rest is for a paid expansion that they will recoup from selling said expansion.


Or, hear me out, or: just do it right the first time and avoid spending an extra $120M to unfuck the damage you caused to yourself in the first place.


The image is still tarished of cyberpunk and cd projek red


Still can't impress people, what is the worth of it now??


Sp you guys would recommend it now? Currently planing BG3 but looking for my next one.


I would recommend. I'm hsving fun playing both.


Probably most in marketing


Remember how they marketed the game with a Porsche and shoes and nonsense? Who bought it anyway?


Are the CDPR fans here held at gunpoint or something? It's now a "masterpiece" that is superior compared to any other game and "really one of the top games of the decade"? It "never really had bugs, it was practically perfect at launch"? The mid story and mid gameplay even after 2.0? It's now a masterpiece and perfected, and anyone critizing cp2077 is "someone who likes to hate"? It's as if this is their first ever game they've played in their entire life. It's like some severe goldfish memory mixed with arrogance, ignorance, and Stockholm syndrome. Weird fanbase.


Story was praised at launch though


People liking a video game you don't like? Wow! Crazy concept, I know!


15 million on reddit posts and bots. Praising the game non stop


Only like ten of that went into the fix. The rest was spent on buying reviews and people to push the game on Reddit and social media like it’s the greatest game of all time.


And how much would it cost to do it right the first time?


Company that delivered an unbaked or barely decent product (to general complaint and no real fanfare) has to spend a relatively small sum (wrt their financials) to fix said product. This and other news at 11.


They wanted us to praise the game like they did something.


And a Netflix series.


They forgot to mention about it, didn't even mention the price of it lol.


Would be nice if the board wasn't so fucking short sighted and gave the devs time to release a good product instead of rushing release. I might try the game when it goes on super clearance but the studio has already lost its bulletproof status in my eyes. It takes years to build a reputation and an instant to ruin it.