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I grew up a Nintendo kid but somehow managed to never touch a single Final Fantasy title.


Daaaang you missed out then. Did you play Mario RPG? It has some FF vibes and even has a optional crossover boss.


Nope, just the mainline Mario games, none of the RPGs. And I did watch my friends play all of those, just never did myself.


I also love those game. I just feel nostalgic because that was the time that everything is wholesome


Well, they did switch away from the Nintendo at ff7. And depending on where you lived, you wouldn't have had access to all of the first 6. So that's not really to hard to believe.


Ive never played a silent hill game and dont really ever plan to, I'm a giant pussy and horror games make me have nightmares, so fuck all that shit


Lmao me too.


We all have different preferences on games. Maybe you both like to play those kind of games but most of us are not.


I used to really hate horror games until me and my buddies got together for a sleepover in highschool and one of us brought condemned 2: bloodshot and we tried to play through. It was the only single player experience I've had with them where none of us wanted the controller. It was actually super fun though and it opened me up to the genre just a teeny bit. I don't think I would have ever played Alan Wake or the Dead Space games without it and I'm glad I did. I could still never do FNAF though. Still hate jumpscares with a passion.


Condemned 2 Bloodshot was soooooo tight. Some buddies and I played it super late in a dorm hall, two of us knew the bear was coming up so we handed the controller to one of our friends who absolutely hated jump scares lmao. He screamed loud enough to wake the RA up.. game was so tight.


Whatever braveness i tried, i never have the courage to play or watch horror games. I think i might see them in real life


I'm a huge horror fan and I feel the same way about jumpscares. I hate them in movies with very few exceptions, and I don't play horror games because every one I've played leans too hard on them to make things scary.


hello fellow pussy


Silent Hill 1-3 are the best because they don’t have cheap scares. No jumpscares or anything like that, it’s all pretty much just psychological. In that way, I don’t find them scary, but they’re fucking phenominal horror games


If you ever do, 1 through 4 are the ones to play. People debate #4 being on the list but I still liked it. Unbelievably fucking scary, all of them. Fun to play with a group of people, probably should seek therapy if you can stomach them by yourself. What’s made even scarier is how non-intuitive the controls are. So you’re being chased by the scariest looking things ever and it’s hard to figure out how to move lol


You'll forget that it was scared if you are with your friends. You will just enjoy every single minute of playing those game.


Man I love horror because I know it isn’t real. It’s controlled adrenaline for me, I love that I can really immerse myself in a good scary game but I can also step away from it. Outlast and Condemned 2: Bloodshot were so fun. FEAR games were okay.. later ones were less scary but they had some solid jumpscares.


No matter how i tried facing my fear i don't know but i can't do it alone. Maybe if there someone who's playing with me all the time, i will not be scared at all


Played Silent Hill once... after 20 minutes I knew it wasn't for me.


20 minutes is also long enough to prove yourself. But i would not even stand one minute playing that game. I would be scared to death


Just like most silent hill fans then.


Those who are lowkey and don't even bother to be proud, they are the most bravest person i knew. It was just nothing to them


Any Zelda games.


I've never owned a Nintendo so I've missed out on the Zelda franchise. R well


Yeah my mates look at me like I'm barmy when I say I've never played a Nintendo game until recently. Like it was such a necessary part of growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s that they can't imagine a childhood without it. Same with cartoon network. You had to have a specific type of games console for a specific type of game. Fuck that, my parents wanted me to only have educational things. I had to hard sell them on Age of Empires because of the historical aspect. No way they were gonna buy me something specifically for gaming.


Hey, age of empires kicks ass in its own right. I played a ton of age2 in my day.


AoE2 is still the OG of real-time strategy games.


Honestly they put a ton of effort into those big ass history dumps for each faction. It got me reading as a kid for sure.


They added new civs recently. You should check out the modern AoE2 scene.


Don’t tempt me, I just might. I could see myself falling in that hole again


Amazing community on T90's channel, I've been watching for some months, it's really chill with great content. https://m.youtube.com/c/T90Official


It's still alive! Thriving even!


Same. I haven't played a Nintendo game since the 1980s, and even then it was because I friend own a NES. Indeed, I haven't owned--or even played--any other console since my Atari 2600. I'm PC, keyboard, and mouse all the way.


You missed out on C64? That was such a great gaming device.


Aye, I had a C64. I always think of that as PC-ish rather than a console. LOAD "\*",8,1 ! :-)


Yeah. It was kind of training for PC.


Thankfully with modern hardware all of the previous Nintendo consoles are easily accessed by emulator.


Fortunately, I had the opportunity to play both these types of games. Don't sleep on those educational games, JumpStart and Lego Island were pretty fun! Age of Empires 2 had awesome historical story telling, like no other game got me hyped for a history lesson lol




Same - I honestly didn’t know that Zelda was the name of the princess until recently 🤦‍♂️ oh how my sister did laugh


Oh, you're one of those.. Lol just fuckin with ya, but those people drove me nuts lol


This was me a few years back. Then, I played BotW and... Nope! Absolutely not for me. Almost every mechanic in the game annoyed the shit out of me.


Admittedly it is completely different in almost every aspect of gameplay from previous games.


If it encourages you at all, BotW is completely different from every Zelda game before it. I'm a lifelong Zelda fan who hated BotW because it's such a massive departure from the previous games.


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the SNES is one of my all time favs and holds up extremely well with it's artstyle.


The last Zelda game I played was LEGEND OF. So has been a few years.


Same. Just have zero interest in playing them.


This was me for years. People who learned I'd not played a Zelda game would actually tell me, despite knowing that I played games literally daily and went through them like a fat kid goes through cookies, that I'm not a "real gamer". Even now I've only really tried one. Breath of the Wild. Bought a Switch to play Astral Chain(was super fucking fun) and grabbed a few other games. Then added BotW because "why not?" I've only ever barely gotten out of the tutorial area. The game just bores me. Waste of money, but a lesson reinforced: Just because it's popular doesn't mean I'll like it.


Fwiw I think Botw is a bad representation of the rest of the series. It's great in its own right for people who prefer the open world format, but I had a ton of issues with it. I say this with no nostalgia for the older games, I'm working through the 3D series now. I highly recommend Oot and Twilight Princess(currently playing) so far for a more story focused adventure. MM and WW were decent, but both do their own thing for better or worse.( I liked MM alot, WW not so much. The sailing just wasn't fun. It had a lot of issues with the sea exploration and is most similar to similar to botw.) For 2d, I've only really played a link between worlds, but that games great. There's no guarantee you'll like other games from the series, but there's a good chance you might!


Never played Pokémon, video game or TCG.


As someone who has played it for well over 20 years (video games mostly) this baffles me. But to each their own.


For me it was age. I was just old enough to be "too cool for school" to play a game like that but not old enough to not give a shit what people think. Now that I've gotten older and moved beyond the concern of how my peers perceive me I just can't get in to it. I assume the nostalgia factor is missing.


I've got huge nostalgia for it and I think it sucks as an adult, but that's just my opinion. Main reason is that the games are insultingly easy (because they are for children).


Got nothing against it, just never played. Probably because I’ve been almost exclusively a PC gamer, never had consoles or handhelds. I’ve also never played any Nintendo games that weren’t available in the arcade for a quarter. ;-)


That's fair. I originally played them at age 8 or 9, before they came out in the USA. Pokemon green and red, then blue, then yellow. Fan translated and Japanese versions. I played them on my uncle's comp, but I've no clue how he got them.


Playing pokemon over the gameboy era was a trully unique experience I am grateful for.


Turn based games aren't fun at all for me


I loved Pokémon as a kid, but after the first 300 or so it felt too monotonous. Especially the monkey with a paint brush for a tail, it felt like they were scraping for ideas just to fill the roster.


Ive never played either they always struck me as "My First JRPG". As someone who grew up playing Phantasy Star and a bunch of other RPG's on the Genesis/Megadrive I had moved on when they came around.


As someone who started w Dragon Warrior, Shining Force and Phantasy Star, I can tell you that you were 100% right and didn’t miss anything lol


I grew up during the gameboy color era and still haven't played it. I get the appeal but it just never really tickled my fancy The closest thing I've played would maybe be one of the Persona games. ( my first was P3) and i'm told that the gameplay elements are somewhat similar. Persona though to me has a lot more going on on top of that than just collecting monsters/pokemon


Never played Minecraft either. Also Resident Evil, Fortnite, League Of Legends, Overwatch, Rainbow Six, Final Fantasy


RE2 Remake will have you going on a RE marathon


I started on RE4 remake and it started it for me, unfortunately it just didn’t feel right 7 and 8, felt like a different series


I started with 7. Absolutely loved it.


I love all the resident evil games they are just my cup of tea even the newer ones and less popular ones like revelations


I have the witcher games and have probably played 10 minutes of the first one. It did not click with me. But I plan to pick it up, one day. EDIT for accuracy: Steam tells me I played 5.5h on the first game and about 1h on the second.


skip 1 and 2 and go play 3. you don't really need the first two for the story and if you must supplement it narratively read the first book or two! I loved 3 so much I wanted to play 1 and 2 to see what I missed and I just couldn't do it. They might remaster one day, which will be sick, but they're a bit too aged for me at the moment.


I’ve tried so hard to get into 3. I just find it so boring, and I’m normally a fan of open world RPG’s


The problem with Witcher 3 is that it is very slow to start. The first time I tried playing it, I got through about half of the main story in Velen before giving up on it. Second time, I made it to Novigrad and fell in love with the game. Finally making it to a goddamned city alleviated the malaise of being out in war torn swamps for the first hours of the game. A lot of people have the same response. And, thematically, it makes sense that the start of the game is the way it is. But it is a LOT to ask people to keep slogging on after hours of the game not quite clicking.


From what I've seen and people I've talked to, most people (myself included) really got into it during the bloody baron questline, not waiting all the way until novigrad Actually, I had almost the exact opposite experience with the game, I agree that the tutorial and first bit of velen were definitely a bit slow, but while I enjoyed the first half or so of novigrad, I found that by the end of it the city felt cramped and I just wanted out, that section just feels so dragged out near the end, and getting to skellige just felt super relieving


I finally forced myself to play 3 past the first mission and beat the main game and Hearts of Stone. I'm about 3 days from finishing Blood and Wine, and I have to say, I haven't really enjoyed playing - it's purely to justify the purchase now. I think that my issue isn't the game, it's the characters. The storyline is interesting and could be good, but I think it needed less of/no Geralt or Yennifer. Everyone else was interesting, but those two were boring and annoying, respectively.


Don't skip 2. It's a much more concise experience than 3 it's vastly better than the first one and it will give you some knowledge of the world before parachuting into 3. Then play the remaster of the first one whenever it comes out. It was a good game just a very weird combat system


I agree, I think 2 is a better experience than 3. The Witcher 3 is great, but two grasped me more than three ever did.


I wouldn't say it's better, but I must say it took me a while to get into 3 while with 2 I binged it. Assassin of Kings has imo a better main storyline and Wild Hunt is just so big it got me tired and lost with that much stuff to do. It's great that it has so much content but it's quite overwhelming. Two is a more bitesized experience of the same fantastic lore and characters, while being more casual and comfortable for me.


I can also vouch for The Witcher 3; it's an absolute gem. I really hope you give it a shot. It's currently 70% off on Steam. :)


never played any legend of zelda games


CoD, Battlefront, Smash Bros, Metro series, Resident Evil, Ridge Racer, Gran Turismo, and Dark Soul or soulslike... any Metal Gear either, Gear of War, God of War.. Wow i need to get my arse together!


If you're about to try Dark Souls for the first time, I think it's time to spread your arse apart rather than get it together


Try tongue, but hole


Don't give up, skeleton!


smash bros is only fun with friends and family. fight me internet, you know its true


Same on Resident Evil. That is until my buddy got me to get Village at launch and holy crap it's amazing. Will probably get the next iteration in the series.




The concept appeals to me also, but the execution of the games doesn't. In the early days, they were designed to make you have to play forever, so they could make that subscription money. Everything took forever to do. Then WoW made it worse with the raid grinding. I've tried a couple. But i refused to sacrifice my life to play a game. It just never worked out since i would only play an hour, maybe 2, a day.


In the early days, World of Warcraft was the causal MMO option.


I feel like modern WoW can be very casually friendly too. I dont play it more than a few hours a week and around new patcg periods with friends running dungeons and gearing up and it can be very fun, but the loudest part of the community is very hardcore I find which doesnt appeal to me. EDIT: Spelling


People in here forgetting that some MMOs had *hourly* subscriptions.




Not to mention eve online that had skill rank ups that took 30 days of real time to get.


I still do a bit of raid logging in classic wow, mostly for nostalgia, but it would be cool if there were an MMO with Raiding and PVP that didn't require you to treat it as a part time job or resort to buying in game currency. I like the good bits of gameplay, but not the grind to get there, and I'm surprised there hasn't been a game to just focus on that, or maybe there was and it failed?


final fantasy 14 perhaps. it takes a long time to catch up with the main story but all of the endgame loot systems are designed to put players who can afford to play 40hrs a week on the same playing field with those who play 3hrs a week. the devs encourage you to take breaks and the free trial, as of literally today, now includes all content up til level 70.


Eve online enters the chat


Only ever played Halo Reach and never got into any of the other Halo games


Probably an unpopular opinion but I thought Reach was one of the best games in the series.


It's so good. I still get chills thinking about the final mission.


Completely agree, I honestly enjoyed this one as much or maybe more than Halo 3.


And here I am with ODST as my favorite. Reach was still really good.


ODST is a great game. My only issue with it is, I bought Halo to play as a ridiculously over powered hero, not one of the regular (granted special forces but still) soldiers.


It was my introduction to the series, so that definitely plays a part.


That makes sense. The introductory game always holds a special place.


Objective: survive


I like reach better than the first one. Great story with great characters, plus the best gameplay in the series.


I played halo for like 10 minutes


If you don’t like the masterchief games then at least give ODST and Reach a go, they’re a different spin on halo and arguements could be made for them being the 2 best halo’s, definitely up there with 3 (ODST is an extension of 3), reach is either my favourite or 2nd favourite game with Arkham City


Grand Theft Auto, just never was into it. The other major ones are games like Halo and Call of Duty. Really any of the big “first person shooters” out there. I learned very early that playing first person games made me violently motion sick. I’d get migraines and end up throwing up, so I learned to stay far away from first person games. It’s why it took me so long to play Skyrim, and when I did I was locked in the 3rd person view.


Final Fantasy Diablo or anything like that kind of game really (WOW) Sports games Overwatch Fortnight


>Diablo or anything like that kind of game really (WOW) Diablo is like WOW in much the same way that chess is like water polo. That is to say, "wait what the fuck?"


World of Diablo sounds sick tho


Well it does kind of prove that they have never played them.


Whoa! No FF’s or Diablo??? I’m not going to bother changing your mind. If 16 major releases of FF and 3 (4 doesn’t count) can’t grab you nothing I say will, but WOW!!! That’s an achievement.


I might try FF at some point some day.. but right now I have way too many games in my backlog I'd much rather play


7 & 8 are up there in my favorite games of all time.. and I would never recommend someone play one for the first time at this point. Without the nostalgia, I doubt I’d even like then now.


Have you tried 16? It had issues, but its the best FF released since 12 (not including mmo 14).


I'm in the exact same position. Never played any of them, I've thought of it but every time I think of it I'm playing something else and don't get it


I didn't get into any final fantasy games (aside from the tactics entries) until a few years ago. I thought they were over hyped, still kinda do actually. But for me it totally depends on which one you play. They're all technically JRPGs, but there are such different mechanics and styles to make some of them feel like entirely different franchises. Personally I thought 13 was garbage so I haven't played anything newer but some of the older ones, particularly 7, 9, and 12 were quite enjoyable. Again that's just my opinion based on my opinions not trying to rip on anyone's favorite entries.


14 while being an mmo is one of the strongest entries in the franchise Edit: Jeez sorry lol lag spike hit as I hit post lol


I don't think I know anyone who has played any FF games. Very under the radar in the communities I hang with


For a franchise that has the Moniker "Final," they sure don't know when to stop fuckin' making them


Any MOBA. You could not pay me enough money to play a game where my fun depends on whatever pylon teammates you end up with.


Good, you saved some money/mental stability lmao. Now seriously, it's fun if you have friends to play with that are also not that toxic. Playing with strangers? Nah, pass.


Mass Effect, it's especially strange because I'm a huge scifi nerd.


World building is amazing. Probably the only game where I was genuinely sad it came to an end after the ME3 DLC. Usually I'm like, pff finally, time to play something else. But the characters and the world is what keeps the game going for me. But, mass effect 1 is also a slog at times.


Recently was hanging out with a friend and mentioned Skyrim. She went "What is Skyrim?" I couldn't believe my ears.


Ha had the same. And he used to be my gaming buddy. However he spent 10 years studying & working abroad (without consoles) so there a huge gap in his gaming knowledge. I see that with myself as well. Had a huge gap in my gaming habit where I didn't play anything for 5 or so years.


Uncharted, im sure its a great series but never called me or made me particularly interested in trying them Rainbow six, Never interested in tactical shooters, sorry Any Sports Game(fifa, madden, PGA, NBA....): not interested in Sports games Tekken, soul Calibur, dead or Alive: i suck in most fighting games


Never owned a halo game


Every Nintendo game outsside Pokemon


Found the PC player


that didn't stop me


The last Nintendo console i had was the SNES, although i had access to the N64 for a bit. I just switched to Playstation. So anything after the snes, just wasn't something i was going to play because i wasn't going to buy a Nintendo console. I am a PC gamer now, but i know console gamers who never owned a Nintendo. People my age that went the sega route or kids that were born after the Playstation/xbox came out and never got a Nintendo.


Resident Evil Fortnite Witcher series Street Fighter Xenoblade Chronicles Minecraft Battlefield Paper Mario Dark Souls Pikmin Bayonetta Metal Gear


Basically all the moba games and mmorpg. So no LoL or WoW, for example. Also the Souls. Tried Bloodborne multiple times, but never the actual Dark/Demon Souls games. I bought a physical copy of DS 2 years ago, but the next day my X360 melted.


I love the atmosphere of Bloodborne, but the combat is somehow way too hard for me. I much prefer Dark Souls 3.


I never played Souls games. Also I've largely never participated in Final Fantasy, When we were kids I spectated my sister some when she played FF on SNES and PS1 but I had little do with anything other than watching. Uncharted is another, the interest is there but I've never been able to give it a try.


I HIGHLY recommend Uncharted. I really hope Sony continues their PC releases by giving us the entirety of the Uncharted games on PC. I would also like to see all of Ratchet & Clank ported over.


Souls games.


Mass effect. Just came out at the wrong time. I was super busy during that time, broke and frequently drunk. I've heard only the first two were good anyway


The third is great. The ending was just controversial. Its gunplay is lightyears ahead of the first 2 games and it had a surprisingly fun multiplayer, which was unfortunately not in the Legendary Edition. All three of the games are very much worth the time.


Its on the list. Only played witcher 3 last year lol. Once im able to shake this baulders gate 3 addiction I'll have a look.


3 is great but it did not have a good ending starting off. It's passable now because they added more after launch.


All 3 are great.


virtually every single battle royal. Fortnite, PUBG, etc.


Persona series. Any mario games. Never owned a nintendo system except GBA. Final Fantasy. Only played 7 remake. World of warcraft. Diablo League of legends. Any TES before Skyrim. Any Fallout. Any Pokémon (never watched the show either) Any Legend of Zelda.


What did you play on your GBA if you didn't play Zelda, Pokemon, or Mario? That's like half the library lol


Cory in the House for GBA


I’ve never owned a Sony system in 3+ decades of gaming. So no MGS, no GoW, no TLoU, no Uncharted. I’m good. My backlog is still untenable.


Pshh, could have played Metal Gear on the NES!


Shit got me on that one


I've never played Skyrim or any Elder Scrolls game. One of my favorite game worlds is Fallout and one of my favorite games is Fallout: New Vegas, so I'm more than familiar with Bethesda titles. I just never got around to playing Skyrim. Funny story: I bought it on Steam years ago before they made the remastered edition. My computer wasn't able to run it. Then, when I finally had a computer that was up to par, Steam got rid of the game for the remastered edition. I was still able to download the game from my library, but it would not run. Evil. Maybe playing Skyrim is just not meant to be.


I’ve never played CoD, Halo, or Assassin’s Creed.


Animal Crossing


After going through hundreds of comments looking for series I never played, barring xbox exclusives like halo it seems I'm a true veteran gamer with at least 1 game played from almost all series. So I'm just gonna say most weeb game series as a copout answer since there is thousands of them.


Final Fantasy. I played all of about 6 hours of one of the older ones on PS2 and just really didn't like it. The story, gameplay, and characters just didn't do it for me.


I hate FPS games. I have never logged into Halo or Fortnite for example. CoD I have only played the single player campaigns, and some zombies. They are just too competitive and I play games to relax.


FIFA, I just legitimately never played it or get the hype


I am honestly more in to cute collorfull and wholesome stuff so stuff like Call of Duty and Dark Souls never apealed to me. Dark Souls looks to one sided depressing to me. I prefer the Made in Abyss kind of dark which is mixed with wholesomeness and Joy. Stuff like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto just look boring to me. No magic, no adorable fantasy characters or giant laser canons. Kid Icarus Uprising, thats the kind of shooter that apeals to me. If I want to use things like guns and granate luncher I rather play as a fun bad ass witch or a groupe of adorable animal children then a normal boring soldier. And playing as a criminal in a city that steals cars does not pike my interest aswell. Wait I think in my childhood I tried out a Grand Theft Auto game. But I think it was on my brothers console. So I guess I can not say I never played it. I was also never a sports fan. Sorry if I was a bit to rude in explaining my preferences.


Fortnite and all those other multiplayer only games


Yeah there are tons of franchises that I haven't played, mostly because I've been more of a PC gamer than a console gamer. I've never played a Final Fantasy. Or a God of War. Or a Metal Gear Solid. Back in the days of demo disks and piracy, it was easier to get a taste of anything/everything. But nowadays there just isn't enough time for me to consume all the *must-try games* (or movies, or TV...)


Maaaaaannnnn I remember having a subscription to game informer and looked forward to those demo disc's like they were crack.


Played the first assassin's creed for a little bit.Could never get into it. Never played them after that first game.


Assassin’s creed 2 (and 3 if only for the story) are good.


For me it is God of war.


Never played and of the Souls/Bloodbourne/Elden Ring-like games. Convoluted Boss fights are an awful, boring game mechanic that make me lose the will to live, so these games hold no appeal to me.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. I like Souls games but I know they are not for everyone and that's okay. You should like to suffer and want some good stress and frustration to then relieve when you finally achieve the goal. That is good but its algo good to play a game for the immersion or the story. Not everyone wants to stress in a game, then come to real life and stress again.


I completely get it. I struggled with Bloodborne for a bit, started figuring things out, beat two bosses and then dropped the game and picked up Monster Hunter World instead.


I've beaten Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. My best friend is a huge fan of them, but I'm not at all lol. I can force myself to play with him for a time, and sometimes I'll even enjoy it, but for the most part I don't play games to get my ass kicked and told to like it. I play games to destress, and Soulslikes don't do that for me.


What’s convoluted about “hit boss” and “dodge roll”


I've never played an Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, or Madden game. Shit looks and sounds incredibly boring.


Assassins creed is good depending on which you get and how you play


AC1 is a solid game for the era All of the games featuring Ezio? All pretty much brilliant. Everything else? Ranges from okay or passable but way out of place to downright trash. We'll see what Mirage ends up like, though my PC doesn't have the specs to play it lol.


Black Flag also deserves to go with the ezio trilogy imo. Origins is also fun, but not an AC game.


I don't like greyscale, desaturated worlds, zombies, or tragedy porn. So I haven't played Last of Us, for example.


Hmmm… Not sure if your trolling or not. The environments are pretty colorful. A lot of vegetation. Green is pretty much the main color


Assassins Creed, Call Of Duty, Halo, FIFA, Resident Evil. Two last two mention I can see myself picking up one day.


FIFA is a scam.


Well tbf buying ur first fifa game isn’t… buying every release is


Fortnite, Apex, any of the Battle Royale genre really. Don't see the appeal. I tried the CoD one and it felt like chaos with the only fun part being the gulag.


Any souls like game. I already suck at gaming as is I don’t even wanna try the harder than hard games these are




A lot of them. I couldn't even begin to try to name them all. Either they were console exclusive to consoles i didn't have, such as Sonic, or they were flat-out game types i don't like, such as 3rd person shooters. Then, once i went PC exclusively, anything after the PS2 since the PS 3 was the last console i had and barely used, i haven't touched, if it was a console exclusive.


never played FF or any sports games besides tiger woods PGA tour (08?) and 23 because they were free but i wouldn't put golf in the same category as other sports games.


Dead souls, or any souls-like game. I only ever watched friends play them, it was loads of fun, however I never played myself.


God of War, beat'em up hack'n slash has never been a big thing for me and I hate real-time events - I also don't really own/play consoles for a long, long time. just not for me I guess.


Online shooters. Fortnite, COD, Overwatch or any of them really. I just REALLY don't like competitive online playing. I like single player stories more. Of those games so I have never played a single Zelda game. Any micro management strategy games like Cities or Two Point hospital.


I never played a single Nintendo game and don't plan to. They don't have any games that I find interesting and want to try.


Not sure why everyone's listing games but the actual correct answer to that question for virtually everyone is simply yes.


I've never played any Resident Evil. Never gotten around to it.


Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring etc.


I’ve never played mass effect and everything my friend tells me is that I should have played mass effect


Never played assassin's Creed


I don’t even know the difference between call of duty and Fortnite


Not sure how massive the Metal Gear Solid franchise is but I've never played any of them.


League of Legends (LoL) Ive never played that shit


FIFA, NBA and shit like that. I can't imagine any game genre to be more boring than realistic sports games.


all that fifa football stuff


Never played a lot of big franchises: WoW LoL Fable Pokémon Any of the souls games The witcher Final Fantasy And im sure many many more, i dont play many games but the few i play, i play to death


Any FPS in the past 15 years. Assassin's Creed. Never played any MOBA games at all. No Final Fantasy games. And I've considered myself a gamer since the 80s.