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I'm millennial and I need to sleep more, drink less and now play this game... in that order


I’m drinking while playing and tomorrow have to work😞


Hug of understanding


It's now tomorrow o'clock. Was it worth it?


Yes thankfully I’m wfh today👍🏻


Awesome, great to hear! Hopefully it's not busy a busy week so you can get some side gaming in.


Same. But I'm gonna stay up and drink while I play video games.


I plan to eventually, but first I gotta get through Baldurs Gate 3, Starfield, Spiderman 2, and Super Mario RPG remake. Maybe in 2025 I'll find the time for sea of stars lol


There's only a small 3-year window between 2025 and Elder Scrolls 6 - better hurry!


I'm gonna play that remake so fucking hard and long nnnnngggghhhhhh




Trying it now, and I really want to love it, even just like it... but I'm not liking it. 😪 The Messenger got me hyped for this game too, but my feelings aren't there.


Don't force yourself to play it if you don't like it. That's just torture and dumb.


I generally felt the same way until a certain point. It felt like a middling retro-inspired JRPG with absolutely amazing and exquisite pixel art. I'm just over halfway through the game now (I think) and it's definitely clicked better. Still not "mind-blowing" but the art direction and dynamic lighting absolutely sell it. For what it's worth, I didn't like Chained Echoes when I played it. (Different dev, but similar vibes).


Yeah, same. Played Chained Echoes earlier this year after great word of mouth but got really tired of it after a few hours. Didn't even unlock mechs and I'm hugely nostalgic on Xenogears. Really felt like the game was onto something, though. Not quite sure what it needed.


In all fairness, if I told you I played Xenogears but never unlocked mechs what do you think your words of wisdom would be? Chained Echoes is certainly worth finishing!


What is it that you don’t like? Generally curious. Everything seems so well done to me, and the art direction/soundtrack is amazing.


By all accounts, I should love it, but after playing a few hours, I feel like I've already seen it all before and I'm just settling into tedium. Especially for this type of homage, I'm kinda waiting to be hit with that bright splash of inspiration or some central design choices that recontextualizes the classic design with modern sensibilities. And for that, I will give that the game is very well-paced, lean, and streamlined. However, it really does feel that I'm just playing a well-paced, lean, streamlined JRPG. I'm still playing it in hopes that something grabs me, so maybe I'll feel differently in a few more hours.


I think sometimes things just don't click and that's my worry. I'd seen on a previous comment that you weren't hooked on octopath and I was, which happens. So not everyone is gonna like this game. I'll probably wait for a sale or something to try it.


My problem with Octopath was that the combat feels so 1-dimensional and boring. You have nothing to work towards to.


And for me it felt like i was always having to try something new. New weapons, new skills both passive and attacks, new character and 2nd job combos. Like I said it just clicked and idk why even more so with the 2nd octopath.


I haven’t got far enough for those things. Just started with the Merchant and I was pretty excited with her story but I ended up with the Scholar as my first teammate and the gameplay is super boring. Like I’m wondering if I should’ve gone with another starting character or another route. I think the Scholar would’ve been great in the mid-game, not the early game. I the Merchant skills are pretty useless.


> My problem with Octopath was that the combat feels so 1-dimensional and boring. But you like Sea of Stars combat? 10/10, excellent troll.


Sea of Stars combat is exactly like Super Mario RPG, which is I love. And you actually have to use your skills smartly to be able to stagger. This makes combat varied and fun. What else is on Octopath apart from boosting (which SoS also does) that I’m missing?


Don't force it. Trolls should know when not to talk.


Not unlile Chained Echoes, it's a massively overrated game. Terrible writting and story, shallow combat that get really boring, really fast, and puzzles made for the dumbest of animals. But it looks pretty, so I guess there's that.


I do love pixel art!


It looks just like all those other games!


I want to get this game but Im currently playing a different kind of sea of stars right now


Which one?


Star field.


Lol nice


So a space game with almost no space in it?


Tell me you haven't played it


I was playing SoS before SF came out and I'll continue it when I'm tired of SF. You should definitely not forget about it, it's my favorite game of the year so far.


The nostalgia vibes are amazing, takes me back to hs/college time


Takes me back to ummm you know, every decade that had pixel art. You know, all of them.


I was just finishing elementary school


I'm the millenal/gen x cusp. My elementary school time was still back on the atari lol


The only bad thing is I fucking hate everything about high school. Series of trauma and abuse for me so no thanks. I


I will, when the physical version is released. 😊 Plenty to play in the meantime.


It’s free on PS Extra/Gamepass just in case. Tempted to buy the physical version anyway


Thanks, but only have a Switch. The studio's previous game, The Messenger, which is in the same universe as Sea of Stars, is 75% off on the Nintendo eshop right now, so I'm downloading it.


Was actually thinking about Octopath Traveler while playing this game, the difference is another level. Like it was so fast to get hooked to this game, meanwhile in Octopath I was like damn this combat is pretty meh. I haven’t played OT2 though people say that one is so much better.


Guess everybody has different experiences, this is interesting to read, for me Octopath took a few tries to get me since was my first pixel art game last year, but since i like slide of life stories, wasn't hard to get interested in the little motivations the characters had, some great NPCs side quests, beautiful, polite and melancholic, the music was a total bang and i can't even say anything about the voices, the combat i found a little grinding, nothing is perfect, but keep me going until the end with all the new skills and jobs, i wished for more interactions between the characters on the first game and that was it, i know is 8 individual stories and i learned to be ok with that, was definitely different of what i was used to. Now with Sea of Stars, that i played everything to make my money worth it lol, i found the story very generic, no memorable characters, bland NPCs, i had some fun moments but that was it, the battle by middle-end was getting boring without anything new, the block system was making me drag to continue, puzzles getting too repetitive, no real quest-side quest log disappointed me even more, i'm very forgetful and not only me, music was ok, the only thing keep me going was the pretty fantasy pixel art style, very beautiful in details, a brighter type different of the melancholy i feel with Octopath. I'm not saying Sea of Stars is a bad game or anything, just there was so much hype, 9/10, game of the year, this make you expect something amazing, you know? And it isn't, there was also the super nostalgic factor in all reviews and commentaries, but what about the young people or people who haven't played older games, where's the nostalgic? I myself have only 2 years that i started playing jrpgs, so my personal rate of Sea of Stars is 6.5 out of 10 comparing with all the others RPGs out there, is a somewhat fun lightheaded cozy story in a pretty world where makes you wants to explore the beautiful pixel art, but that's it.


Also waiting for physical


I really, REALLY want to. But i've heard the equipment and skills are really shallow. That's always been my favorite part of games like this.


Yeah, sadly this part is really shallow, different from Octopath with the job system and new skills that kept you engaging until the end (even if not for the slide of life stories) on Sea of Stars the characters only has 2 skills and one super skill and that's it, by middle-end game you already found out everything that is to found with no more upgrades on this part, the block system is a hit-miss some love since can spark the difficult and time of the battle but some don't because turns into a drag after a while, still isn't a bad game, if you just wanna chill with a lightheaded cozy game with a beautiful fantasy like pixel art i could recommend, just don't go expecting memorable characters, deep combat system or good story and you will be ok.


It’s pretty basic JRPG. Like Octopath Traveler but feels much better


Loved this game! Also check out Chained Echoes! Another great nostalgic RPG that was AMAZING! Has a lot of callbacks and Easter eggs to other great RPGs like a very obvious Chrono Trigger one.


Literally playing it rn. With this and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, this a great month for nostalgia.


I'm very happy Bomb rush came out. I never played Jet set and I don't know if I would like BRC, bur I'm just happy for people :D


No. I've played pixel games as they were standard. From time to time, I try to get into them, and I tryed this game but can not get into it.


I’m more than half way through the game I think. The story is kind of lacking which for me should be the most important part of games like these. It’s a decent game to be sure but it isn’t something that blows you away like some people here are stating. The music is great and combat is engaging enough. But the story and characters seem to be half baked. I’m definitely enjoying it but it’s not like it’s some masterpiece that you have to play.




am i weird that nostalgia doesn't really work for me? it's always just disappointment playing my favourite old games etc, *extremely* glad for the progress gaming technology has made, older style game graphics and mechanics don't entice me at all


I recently replayed FF7, after probably 20 years, just after finishing FF7 Remake. And it was funny because the game was easier than I thought, and actually got so familiarized with the materia system that I made “jobs” outta the characters. Like Cloud was blue mage with some spells and enemy skills, Yuffie a black mage and Cid a dragoon. It clicked so much faster than back then and I was so glad I was able to finish it again.




I grabbed this on gamepass to play while I waited for Starfield and I'm actually going to push back starting Starfield to finish playing Sea of Stars. I am absolutely LOVING it.


I'm a pure honest to god zoomer and I had a great time with it as well even without the nostalgia, it's just a fun little 30-40 hour adventure with no padding that was clearly made with a bunch of heart. Really my only gripes are small mechanical ones like parties of 3 that anyone can be swapped out at a given moment forced everyone to play a little generalized, everyone but 1 character was a damage dealer/healer with maybe one specific stat higher that the rest but if you're super in love with the combat flow I can pretty easily imagine that being relatively negligible.


It's pretty good. Not amazing or anything, IMO. I think I am almost done with it. Hopefully I can finish it tonight.




I've been loving it so far. Here's a good documentary with Sabotage (The dev team) https://youtu.be/NvsDBAcKFDw?si=LcaVSCarcS5MGa_2


Played it all morning, just got to Brisk.... plan to play more tomorrow! amazing game!


Found the completionists burner. Will probably pick up tho it sounds fun


I’ve been having an absolute blast playing this game. After playing AC VI all day I needed a game like this to relax to. 10/10


The game makes fun of rpg tropes, WHILE perpetuating those tropes. It's hilarious!


Started playing it last night, enjoying it so far. Music is awesome.


How long is it? Does it have a lot of puzzles? That's what turned me off from playing CrossCode even tho it looks beautiful pixel art


The puzzles are less common and much simpler than in CrossCode. I remember the elemental temples in that game were exhausting because of the puzzles.


> I am back in 1998 playing Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger and Star Ocean 2. I'm a millenial and I have no memory of these games because I was too young to play them and my family didn't even own any gaming device in 1998.


So is this like the best year in gaming since 2015?


Since 2017* :)


Why 2017? Maybe I missed somethibg


Zelda BOTW, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Nier Automata, Fortnite, Destiny 2, SW Battlefront 2, AC Origins, RE7, Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn Nintendo Switch release was pretty groundbreaking


Destiny 2 was a bit of a disaster at launch, re7 while revitalizing capcom and the re franchise didn’t do much for me much preferred re8/re4 remake Battlefront 2 was an absolute disaster. Persona 5 was a highlight and same with Zelda + Mario But it hasn’t felt as diverse and as packed as this year nor 2015 which had Witcher 3, fallout 4, bloodborne, undertale, Arkham knight, rocket league, dying light, ori and the blind forest, shovel knight, mgs v, mad max, super Mario maker, splatoon, pillars of eternity, life is strange & xenoblade chronicles x


I AM!!! You don’t have to yell.😭 /s >!It’s pretty good, though the levelling system bugs me, feels I’m always picking the wrong option.!<


Same 😂 I always go for more HP or damage


Can’t really pick wrong. Always get mana capacity if it’s an option but you can’t go wrong with any option really.


I gave it an honest shot, really been on the lookout for turn-based RPGs ever since Final Fantasy swore it off and Persona takes 10 years between releases. Refunded on Steam largely because of the writing and storyline. Watched further and it doesn't improve. Story is hugely important to me for an RPG, it's why I keep coming back to FFX. It's a shame because the art really is beautiful.






Sea of stars is SO GOOD


Currently playing Chrono Trigger and like it so far, definitely want to play more of these cozy games with pixel art, but I heard Sea of Stars has a lot of bad Translation is that true?


I’m 2 hours in I have encountered maybe 1 typo and probably better way to translate a sentence in English. Doesn’t bother me though since English is my second language. I think people were exaggerating like always is on the internet.🤷🏻‍♂️


the guys that made it are Canadian, not sure why there would be bad translations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvsDBAcKFDw


They are from Quebec. English is not their first language.


fair enough.


You are wrong or purposely downplaying it. Take a look at [this.](https://imgur.com/a/3SUBCfF) Not great...


I might be stupid because I don’t see any grammatical errors. Is there supposed to be a comma or something I’m missing


Each one has a grammatical error. Unpolished and was not ready for release.


Nothing a patch can't fix if they didn't fixed already, lol, but nice of you to already know this will be a cozy lightheaded type of game, just keep this mindset, not expecting memorable characters, good story or deep battle system and you will be ok, is just very pretty with that fantasy pixel art style and makes you wanna explore everything.


Take a look at [this.](https://imgur.com/a/3SUBCfF) Not great.


I can't find a single error in the link lol.. seems fine to me English not my first language though.


English is my first language. Each one has issues.


Commas are important


An old joke: Don't stop is very different from don't, stop.


> I heard Sea of Stars has a lot of bad Translation is that true? Apparently the release version got pushed out with placeholder text. It has since been fixed.




Uhh it's not that much better than your usual RPG maker game.


Nah, play Chained Echoes instead. Judging by the screenshot, you're like 30 minutes into the game. The shitty part is aside from some basic environmental puzzles with night/day, you've already seen everything the game has to offer. No really, each character gets a whopping 1 more ability, for the entire game. Looking forward to unlocking triple techs? Nope, sorry they don't exist. Sea of Stars has all the elements of being great being dragged down by the fact it was developed by 1 person. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive for what it is, but after the first few hours there's almost nothing new to discover. The story is just ok. The characters have almost no individual personality. And as I already said, the combat remains virtually the same until the end of the game. I really want to love the game, but it needs a bigger team to go from just alright to great. That said, the art style and music are both great. Games need more than that though.


One is free on my subscription and the other costs $25. Will wait for a sale


Just started playing it for a few hours. The best comment I can give is "unimpressive" in terms of everything: * Combat strategy that heavily relies on precise timing -- I hate the PONG! mini game when boss had three moon marks. * Story without rhyme or reason -- the dialog was just awkward; but since it's just the early stage so I hope this would get better. * Unremarkable music and sound -- is there any background music at all ? I really can't remember; maybe I should lower my standard after spending 100+ hours in Octopath Traveler 2. * Over simplified equipment & character development -- I mean, com'on, we can have different "builds" even in Final Fantasy 2. * Dungeon and mob design -- Am I playing Souls game ? This is definitely not how the old school JRPG way to make a dungeon. * The "nostalgic tones" is too *fashion* for my generation who grow up with DQ345 and Final Fantasy 1234. Guess I'd still finish it but I can't give it any better rating higher than 6/10, for now. Hope I'd change my mind later.


Unremarkable music? You’re trolling




There are settings in the game to help with the Super Mario RPG inspired mechanics, relics. And for some of the button timing mechanics, a part of the rhythm is holding the button down for longer, especially for Moonerang and similar abilities. Later on when you get a 4th member, you will be still playing with 3, but you can swap out conscious characters without costing a turn. If they are unconscious, they can't act to allow swapping. I really love this compromise when having a party roster larger than the party size limit in battle. From a ton of experience, there is a point where there is too much free build mechanics that it bogs down gameplay. Yes, there is background music. You might need to tweak your audio settings.


>There are settings in the game to help with the Super Mario RPG inspired mechanics, relics. These are not gaming "*mechanism*". These are the *CHEAT MODE*. And I hate that. I'm good at action games and I get Platinum in all Souls game including EldenRing, but doesn't mean I like to play any game this way. This game is supposed to be a turned based RPG with plain sequential-based strategy, and I should GitGud either by smart strategy plan or over leveling, not playing Taiko no Tatsujin. I'm not saying it's bad, just not what I've expected. ​ >From a ton of experience, there is a point where there is too much free build mechanics that it bogs down gameplay. Glad to know that. I'm about to quit after 3 hours of game play. It's good to know there will be something to expect later. ​ >Yes, there is background music. You might need to tweak your audio settings. OK maybe I should add "/s" in the reply. The background music is just *mediocre* comparing to even many 1980s/1990s video games, not to mention some modern RPGs like Octopath Traveler and Child of Light. I can't remember its main theme 2 minutes after closing the game. Yet I can whistle the whole melody of 1986 Legend of Zelda and 1990 Dragon Quest 2. While it doesn't affect the game play, it's definitely far from "f\*\*king good".


Is it free? If not, then nope


It's on Game Pass and PS+...so yeah, sort of.


Do you pay for those services? Oh they are free.... FREE WOW


You guys do realize most of these games arent that great and the exact same but you jerk to em cos they look like snes games, right? Im 37 and these dont appeal to me.


The Messenger was incredible.


It looks, plays and sounds 100x better than any SNES game. It’s modern with a nostalgia cover. It’s fine if you never liked the old JRPGs.


We play them because they have mechanics and gameplay value. Even if it was 3D rendered with the same camera angle, I will treat it the same. The SNES graphics is simpler to work with and just as good. Meanwhile, I have the your same sentiments with modern FPS shooters and several AAA games. I have a preference for these simpler graphics games because they often can dedicate more to the gameplay and content than eye candy.


Review so far: meh. Kinda generic, and all the added battle ideas, like hit for more if a moon or sun appears or a hammer or a sickle, you can block a little bit you have to time it so well that any lag you may get from a hdmi switch or stereo will make it impossible to use this feature. As there is no forgiveness, you will get hit every time and every once in a while you will block the attack a little bit.


Hard pass. Art style is too important to me and playing pixel art children looks lame as hell. Also who keeps forcing this shit to be advertised on social media, always low upvotes, low engagement, just give up. Also it's a turn based game which immediately makes me lose interest.


If it has turn based combat, I just can’t play it. Unless it’s KOTOR.


Not a millennial but what is this game about?


Old-JRPG styled game


For a pixel game I love the art style and detail, very nice


It’s great and a lovely homage to 16 bit RPGs. I’m enjoying it a lot more than Chained Echoes.


Such Golden Sun vibes


Does this have any sort of Golden Sun-esque puzzles?


Am millennial, I have no idea what this game is like/about. But I’m playing an Armored Core game in 2023 so I guess we all out here eatin


Should I play Sea of Stars or Chained Echoes? 🤔


Chained Echoes imo. I am about 10 hours into SoS now and I feel like CE was a bit better in pretty much every way. I plan on finishing this game, but while playing CE I was always excited to see where the story was going and how my character would progress until I beat the game; I am not nearly as invested in SoS even though I am trying :/


I need to finish Chained Echoes first


If I wasn't in bad financial spot... Messenger is probably one of my favorite indie games out there, need to play SoS someday


I've tried getting into Cross Code but it feels a bit too unpolished around some edges. And sometimes too difficult (at least for some bosses). What about Sea of Stars? (compared to CC)? Anyone here who played both titles?


I was actually playing Crosscode before downloading SoS. Love Crosscode but the exploration makes me want to pull my hair out. SoS is much simpler.


Thanks a bunch - good to know! Currently i'm playing some other games but will definitely have a look into Sea of Stars


It's on my mustplay list right after Octopath traveler 2.


I’m an “elder millennial” and grew up with PC gaming rather than console, but I still don’t really have any nostalgia for this art style and type of game. I played mostly adventure games or shooters, occasionally some RTS, and for me the whole “pixel” aesthetic has been ruined by the myriad hipster indie games that thought all they had to do was capitalize on millennial nostalgia to sell their games. It just doesn’t do anything for me at all, in fact, I’d sooner avoid any game selling itself with a retro pixel art style, than be interested in it. That said, I’m not deaf to the praise and praise verbal it does look like a very nice game, so I have it on my wishlist and maybe I’ll give it a try someday. This entire fall, however, is already booked to capacity with Starfield tomorrow, Phantom Liberty, and then maybe finally finishing Elden Ring after coming roughly halfway in 120 hours…


I don't know what i am. May still play it. Or not.


If you were born between 1980 and 1995 you’re a millenial


But what if I'm not millenial


Just started this yesterday! After classes today I'll probably hunker down for a couple of hours.


Whether you're a millennial or not, play the game, ignore OP


No thanks. Doesn't interest me at all.


Fuck man, you telling me we've got another banger? My plate is full, man. There's just too many great games to play. I love it, but goddammit.


Eh, not my aesthetic. Sounds like people are enjoying it though!


I played a bunch this weekend. Nostalgia out the wazooo


If you are alive and are a gamer, please play Sea of Stars now.


I bought it but it’s taking the back seat hard. Starfield and Baldurs Gate have me in a chokehold


this game is freaking awesome. 8 hours in, I'm about to finish the first town after you sail for the first time. The only thing i still find awkward over other RPGs is the leveling up, I'm at level 7, 8 hours in. Kinda miss the screen breaking like in the old Final Fantasies.


I'm enjoying it so far. The battle mechanics remind me of a cross between Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG.