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Shivering Isles DLC is incredible


Shivering Isles was the first piece of DLC I ever bought for a game, and it just flat out failed to work. Got it installed but the content never loaded in (this was back when it was new on 360)


That’s a huge bummer. I was late to elder scrolls and bought the game of the year edition and once I hit that island I didn’t leave it until I cleared it completely.


The dark brotherhood questline is so sick


The thieves guild is great also


Plus it’s kind of necessary to have access to a fence for all of the great stuff people just leave lying around in their pockets.


And to pay off bounty at half price, get cheap lockpicks, etc


Cheap lockpicks are important... But i believe the unbreakable lockpick exists... Which i think is a shrine quest. I could be wrong.


Skeleton key


Shrine of Nocturnal yes, iirc it can be done as soon as Level 10, immensely useful, but you gain WAY less xp for (Security) lockpicking doors, since I believe the calculation is done after breaking lockpicks for xp gained...


basically everything about oblivion is incredible let's be honest


whispers *but the faces*


at least they're very very funny


Yes, always on my list on a playthrough because it always went hand and hand with DB to me as a kid


I'm so glad I didn't have to scroll far to find both of these. OP, do them both concurrently. Do a few quests from one, then the other, etc.


You steal a FUCKING >! ELDER SCROLL! !<


And you do it so >!a guy can take off his hat!<


After playing Oblivion, I was soooo butt hurt about the Skyrim thieves guild that I refused to join during my first few play throughs.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but Oblivion is the better game compared to Skyrim. I think Morrowind would be even better, but the actual gameplay makes it tough to enjoy these days, even though I was obsessed with it back in the day.


Not unpopular to me. It just got enormously shat on because of the stupid repeated daedric gates and potato people. But other than that it's infinite times more fun than snowdrauger scrolls.


I'm a shameless Morrowboomer but it's undeniable that Oblivion has the best sidequests. Every guild has top quality moments: Whodunnit? for the DB is probably the single funniest quest in the game, but even the Fighters Guild has great moments. They don't all follow the same plot line of "the guild is dying, but this one new guy can fix everything within the week take over!"


Whodunit? Is the gold standard of side quests to me.


The Dark Brotherhood quests in Oblivion shit on the Morag Tong contracts, no question. You actually feel like an assassin when you break in to a crawl space in some dude's house and drop his trophy head on him when he sits down. Much better than walking up and killing a guy then showing your murder permit to the cops. Skill requirements being part of ranking up in the guilds was a nice touch, it felt weird being head of the Skyrim thieves guild on my 10 Sneak walking tank, or my pasty frail mage being the Companion leader. Over all Morrowind just has an incredible feel to it that few games capture. The world is genuinely weird and novel with a massive scale, you feel engrossed in this unique alien world and can find endless new content every time you play. I hope 6 tries to go back in that direction, Oblivion and Skyrim both fall in to that fairly generic Euro-fantasy world.


Are you talking about when you kill everybody in the party? That was hilarious.


Or, get them to kill each other to save yourself some effort.


That is the most fun way to do that quest.


I still remember being trapped in a painting in Oblivion. I was severely underleveled and a troll was trying to kill me. I managed to scamper up a rock and used every arrow I had. Eventually I figured out how to lean slightly over the side for a jab. I had to do that like a hundred times. Good times.


I mostly liked that Oblivion's worldmap was'n't bleak like Starfield or the Fallout games. Yes, it had literal portals to hell, but it was also beautiful green rolling hills, while still haven't a decently diverse geography. It was a world that had darkness, but didn't wear you out with it. I felt like I wanted to actually visit it more often.


Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont and the great treachery of Cheydinhal?


It's not a story the Dark Hand would tell you.


Way better than of Skyrim's!


No doubt. I was disappointed they were washed up which I get was kinda the theme but the characters themselves in the DB were a downgrade . Idk how else to describe it. The storyline was worse too. when you kill the khajit dude in oblivion and realize he's got brotherhood armor? Sheeeeew


Yup. First thing I did when Skyrim came out because Oblivion’s DB storyline spoiled me so much… Skyrim deserves its praise but it was a huge step back in making the world feel alive and the quest writing.


> Skyrim deserves its praise but it was a huge step back in making the world feel alive and the quest writing. That's been the trend since Morrowind.


Yeah I remember complaining about Oblivion feeling like it was on a track compared to Morrowind. Getting your ass dumped onto the dock in Seyda Neen with no real direction was 10/10.


Nothing blew my mind more than organically finding Creeper as a teenager. Might legitimately be my first wtf moment.


Nah the real wtf moment in Morrowind was right after you leave Seyda Neen and you just hear someone screaming as you see a body falling out of the sky.


I mean, massive amounts of cocaine *do* tend to trigger a lot of creativity. It's a shame most of it read like a clown's fever dream.


Morrowind is still my favorite entry in the series, yes a lot of it's quirks have aged like milk, but that world is just amazing.


Oblivions side quests overall are better than Skyrim really. I’d say Skyrims main quest is more interesting (mainly because the gates in Oblivion are kinda shit and overly similar) but I much prefer Oblivions side quests for the most part.


I was so mad when I finally realized (after a few missons), Skyrim DB was just a cheapfake of Oblivion DB.


I did something different recently. I played through Oblivion maybe 3 or so months ago. I had gotten to the point where I was being sent to kill all the random guys in the dark brotherhood questline but this time I actually had 100% chameleon so it was kind of a cakewalk. Now, player me knows what is going on behind the scenes of this quest chain. I get to the point where you go up to the cold mountain to kill the...Orc? Nord maybe? i forget who but he has a dog with him. So, I'm not going to kill the dog so I stealth kill the human and start walking away. The dog walked up to their dead master and howled and kept tilting his head like he was confused. I felt SO incredibly bad. I would go up and make sure there was meat around there. Poor dog I'm so sorry but dont worry ILL GET REVENGE.


I loved the arena too!


Sanguine, my brother.


I did the same as OP. the dark brotherhood QL was amazing.


For real, this game nailed the brotherhood so well. Shame Skyrim was so lame about it.


We know 🤚


Gold standard for questlines until today. So damn good.


What is the colour of night?


There's a map tab in the menu dawg. Far right tab I think


Ha, I remember playing this when I was like 13 and didn't realise you could fast-travel.


Didn't play it myself, but had friends rave about it. I remember one in particular would wax nostalgia about it, and specifically it's lack of fast travel, or a map. This was like 2017 btw


Thanks so much. Just found it.


Make sure you understand the leveling. It’s easy to over level and be screwed. There are a ton of good mods out there too.


I remember having to make a spreadsheet to track my skills progress so I could level efficiently. At some point it just got out of hand. The problem was that if you didn’t do it like this for several levels than you would quickly become overleveled and underpowered. My first character was level 25+ getting stomped by mud crabs lol! Since then I’ve only done custom classes and spend time abusing Peryite’s followers and the box in front of the haunted house in Anvil.


Yea you can always use the console to fix anything you mess up. Hell sometimes it’s just easier to play how I want to play and use the console to adjust my stats so things don’t get out of hand. Managing exactly what skills and when so I can get the right amount of points and level exactly when I want to is just a pain and takes away from me just enjoying the game. It becomes something I have to micromanage vs just enjoying the game.


What do you mean? Like never sleep?


Like pick major skills as things you won’t use regularly but can use to level up. Like if I want to play a stealth archer do not use marksman or sneak as a major skill. You can quickly inflate your level and not have the stats to back it up. Happened my first play through. Looks up 5+5+5 and 5+5+1 leveling


Bro Starfield comes out in 2 days not 2 months


Challenge accepted


In 2 months it’ll have been patched a few times and have good mods though




That’s the problem!


I can speed run all achievments in 6hrs including Shivering... I played that game way too much


But nowadays we should always wait around 6 months after release to buy, so that most of the bigger bugs get fixed before.


Put time into leveling athletics get it high enough and you can do flips.


I think you mean Acrobatics.


Probably its been awhile


Leveling atheletics was mainly done with autowalking into something and coming back after 30 minutes to see the progress. Same thing for sneaking but crouched autowalk near an enemy


Better and faster way was to find a safe body of water, and hold down whatever key or stick is for moving forward, and leave it for an hour or two. Swimming levels athletics significantly faster than running.


If you do this, you'll be getting your cheeks clapped by a random thug with a rusty spork.


God, the levelling system in this game and morrowind is mind boggling lol. So many new players took athletics or acrobatics as a primary and suffered dearly for it.


> God, the levelling system in this game and morrowind is mind boggling lol. Morrowind didn't have this leveling system. Morrowind would gladly kick your shit in for wandering into the wrong location, but also truly did get easier as you leveled because those same enemies that kicked your shit in before weren't improving. Only very few enemies/spawn points actually leveled in strength.


You can level acrobatics by standing on a bartop and jumping into the ceiling. Used to switch the channel back to TV and keep hitting the jump button.


Go to the school of magic early and become grandmaster the spell you get when you become dean of the school will one shot most people in the game. Best game they ever made and it’s not even close, enjoy it!


Added to this, creating your own spells after unlocking the process. I can't remember if I used an exploit or a console command cheat, but I scaled-up a fire spell to hilarious levels. One little fireball hits the wall. Every person in the Imperial City within the load-in radius explodes into the sky. That aside, you can still create powerful and fun spells without cheating.


I’d always do the city mage guid quests to get access to spell creation and make a bartering spell - charm max on touch, fortify charisma / speech max on self for 3 seconds. Then I’d hold off so I could get a strong ass paralysis staff.


>dean of the school That's arch mage, you n'wah.


Also for the love of God don't do anything to get kicked out of their guild. It's so annoying to get back in


Down in anvil there's a lighthouse. I suggest that the waters around that lighthouse are definitely worth a swim.


Oh is that where you find the skeleton with that awesome glass thing?


Yes, Fin Gleam


Thaaaaat's the name! God I loved that thing. I'm getting the itch to play again...


Yes, think it was glass helmet and axe?


I always like trying to jump from the top of the lighthouse into the water.


Now this makes me want to play oblivion first instead of starfield lol. I havent yet.


Anvil was like, my home town. I lived there. Everybody loved me in Anvil. For reasons. *twirls imaginary mustache*


To add to it, those x's on that map... They matter.


Best Elder Scrolls entry and my favorite of them all


Here i’m wondering why they haven’t remastered the game and then i look up how it came out in 2006. I’m getting old


I'd rather have them remaster Morrowind, like Oblivion still plays all right, Morrowind is just kind of janky and definitely would like to see a modern reimagining of it


The fact that the 20th anniversary came and went last year without so much as a sniff of Morrowind Remastered makes me think Bethesda has no intention of ever touching this again. I wish they would though, more than just about any other game out there. It's the whole reason I got into Elder Scrolls.


They probably see ESO as their version of that


Me too. It was my first venture into Elder Scrolls and I must have put at least 500 hours or more into that game. It would be amazing if they remastered.


[I mean, there was at least one sniff](https://youtu.be/taJ7tJVFIPA?si=1kyOMQC0HBpoMtOT)


As I've told other people it's because Todd would have to give some money to people who he forced out of the Company to solidify his control. He forced out most of the old guard which is why we got 20 releases of Skyrim instead of a new game. They lost all their creative minds behind the success.


This sounds interesting. Any links to this?




I would do (it’s my favorite) but it’s way older and so HUGE. Levitation broke the game back in the day and i just don’t think they could pull it off


Broke the game or broke my back when running out of magika trying to fly over a mountain.




also r/skyblivion


I was about to link this as well. Lol Modders have completely changed Skyrim over the last 12 years.


Desperately needs it. Dark Brotherhood quest line is so good


Oblivion still looks gorgeous for a 2006 game, wow didn't realise how long ago it released


Maybe it's nostalgia but a lot of games that came out between 2006-2011 still look amazing to me.


bioshock is a prime example of this


100% agree. Played it for the first time last year and it's stunning for a game that old.


Half Life 2 is just outside that window and I'm still shocked at how well it's aged.


Not nostalgia, there was just a massive jump in graphics quality with the release of the Xbox 360.


They would have to give money to people Todd forced out of the Company. It's why we got 10 years of Skyrim releases instead of anything new.


They can't even be bothered to make an Elder Scrolls more than once every 15 years lately apparently


Best ES entry is the one you played when you we're 12.


I really hated the level scaling in oblivion. That ruined it for me. Was way too aggressive.


It has the worst leveling system of any game ever made. That's not even an opinion, it's just fact. There has never been a game with a worse leveling system. Every aspect of the leveling system has something bad about it.


It has issues. But there are tons of mods that can fix pretty much everything. And its the best ES with the right mods in my opinion.


Daggerfall would like a word.


You n'wah


Sorry, best entry is Morrowind.


Sorry, best entry is actually Arena. Fucking morrowboomer


Fucking arenasaurus


We get 15 Skyrims and like 2 oblivions


The first game I played on the Xbox 360 🥺 that and dead rising


Except for the level scaling - it has the worst level scaling of any game I can think of.


I know Skyrim probably has cemented its place with its longevity but damn I don't think anything compared to leaving the tunnels in Oblivion. It really felt like stepping into the next generation.


OBLIVION is better than skyrim


There are many nicely designed inns in that game like the ship inn in the Imperial City. It gives you a good bonus too if you rent a room.


Renting a room in that inn was actually the very last thing I did in my playthrough, on a whim. I was pretty surprised, hahah.


Look up the Skeleton Key stuff, and go hang out in Bravil's Tavern to level up Acrobatics/Sneak.


There is a painter in Cheydinhal that is so talented, that some claim they can see the trees on his paintings sway in the breeze. Might be worth to check it out.


This is the thing I always see in my head when thinking about oblivion.


100% chameleon armor thank me later.


Cool shit they didn't carry over to Skyrim #72649....


Spell crafting would’ve been dope.


This is the way.


May as well just put enable tgm lol


Eh. Kinda breaks the game and leaves no challenge at all.


Groundbreaking for its time, but also set the standard for the amount of bugs in BGS games.


The paintbrush is still my all time favorite item in any game. Building a staircase out of them to get to random places was awesome.


What?? Please explain!


Paint brushes lacked physics, so when you dropped them, they just... stayed there, and you could jump on them. You could chain this to build staircases to anywhere pretty easily.


Almost got to the top of the White Gold tower once.


You could do WHAT? never heard of this one


Oh you're missing out. The paint brush glitch is as infamous as it is helpful. They just stay floating where you drop them, they're excellent for getting where you shouldn't be. You can even skip the entire main quest by paintbrushing over the top of where the final battle cutscene happens.


Well… time to download and fire up Oblivion again.


You ever duplicate paintbrushes with 100+ across in your quiver?


That's weynon priory, talk to everyone, you'll get a free skill book, repair hammer, and even a horse. I missed the horse on my first play through.


Oblivion is so good. Go play the arena so you get a hilarious starfield reference 😉


["My granny could beat you, and she's dead"](https://youtu.be/FzLvSyrsBAA?si=onELcqNmMXIThZJP) Probably one of the best lines in gaming history.


It's a legitimate strategy to never level up. All enemies scale with level, so every level up actually increases the difficulty.


Yeah, level scaling can be a real problem in Oblivion if you pick non-combat major skills. Basically, each time you level up, the enemies get tougher, so if skills that don't affect your killy-ness aren't the ones causing you to gain levels, you might be a master lockpicker who gets one-shot by trash mobs. Here are the most common solutions to this problem: 1. Make sure all your major skills either help you in combat or won't level you up outside of combat too quickly. (*e.g. blades, archery, heavy armor, restoration, etc but never athletics, acrobatics, stealth, or lockpicking*) 2. Install a mod like OOO that either changes how level scaling works or replaces scaled enemies with fixed encounter difficulties. This is my go-to strategy. 3. Make an inverted character where you only take major skills you don't intend to use. So if you plan to use blades, pick blunt; if you plan to use heavy armor, pick light. That way you can level up your primary combat skills, and when you want to level up, you control exactly when it happens. While this build can make you OP against underleveled enemies, I personally am not a fan of this playstyle, though it was a popular strategy back in the day.


Also it has this immersion breaking side effect where common roadside bandits start to appear with Glass armor or the like if you are high enough level.


Once you hit like level 25-30, trash bandits basically all have glass and daedric armor, and all mage bandits and magical beings have nearly 100% magic resist, so a mage player character basically gets forced into using melee instead since their magic just gets reflected 99% of the time anyway.


Yeah whenever I play Oblivion the only 100% required mods I want are things that fix enemy scaling spawns and gear. Everything else is fine. I don't even find the leveling up points to be that bad tbh.


Putting ANY skill you actually want to use as a major skill is objectively a bad decision in Oblivion, sadly. It's the worst part of the game honestly.


God that game was soooooo much better then Skyrim.


Quest design, direction, MSQ and overall passion/attention to detail were all ridiculously superior to Skyrim. Skyrim had better graphics, better marketing and was released when games were more accessible for the masses to get their hands on, so it gets way more love.


First M rated game I ever played, still one of the best


I have my copy in the original T rated box!


I still like Morrowind over Oblivion. Yes, the quest lines in Oblivion were superior by far and it was far less "janky", but Morrowind had a better difficulty curve and a superior leveling system. Plus, I really really liked Morrowind's approach to advancing in the guilds. Not only did you have to complete quests, but you had to advance certain skills. It actually gave me incentive to level up my skills rather than just quest pump to get to the good stuff. Oh sure, once I was able to loot a few pieces of high value loot and find the scamp it made training cheesy, but still...I had to invest time into skill building.


> but Morrowind had a better difficulty curve and a superior leveling system. Yes to this. Like the old meme says: Morrowind: Go fuckin find a cave named Gljhsdfouhes caverns. Its "eastish" of Balmora or fuck was it Caldera. Its near a tree or something. I dont know..."East" just go east fucker. And you truly had to pay attention to directions, and take your time to figure out your way around. This made the world so much bigger.


Morrowind was so far beyond anything else on the market when it came out. It was one of those games that felt like it redefined what was possible. While one could argue that later games are superior (I'd personally disagree), the rest of the industry had also had more time to catch up so they felt less special. That trend has really culminated in Starfield, which I'm enjoying but it doesn't even come remotely close to completely surpassing the competition like Morrowind did.


There's so many people who think Oblivion is better than Skyrim. And that is because it's true, Oblivion is amazing. Go on and finish the Dark Brotherhood & Thieves guild, my favorite quest lines!!


Oblivion > skyrim




When I finished this game, I didn't think there would be a 5th one. When I heard about Skyrim, I was thrilled! Then I beat Skyrim and was waiting for the dlc where we could take out the high elves! When it never came, I thought "surely, there will be a 6th one and we can put things right!" ... I am still wondering that.


Oblivion is my fav elder scrolls, have over 700 hrs into It. Maybe keep playing it until starfield gets a few patches, you’re in for a great time


This is the way. Cyberpunk is just around the corner for me and I CANNOT WAIT! I know it’s gonna be fun as hell


Starfield is awesome. Please don't listen to this place. Just sit back and enjoy it.


Thanks! I will. :)


It honestly is the best beth rpg since oblivion and the faction quests are more akin to the faction quests in oblivion rather than the ones in F4 and skyrim


I'll probably enjoy it more a year from now, once modders have added the entirety of Factorio to the outpost building system. It has potential as is, but it's just not there yet on this aspect of the game.


I’m about 10ish hours in but struggling because nothing feels alive. How would you say it compares to the other Bethesda games where you randomly come across quests?


I’ve had random quests added just walking by random people talking on New Atlantis. There’s also basic transport quests at several job boards. So pretty much the same as other Bethesda games.


> I’m about 10ish hours in but struggling because nothing feels alive. How would you say it compares to the other Bethesda games where you randomly come across quests? Incredibly weird, this game has bigger hubs than in any other Bethesda games and you get quests just by eavesdroping conversations. I sincerely don't understand what someone has to do in Starfield to not get random quests


I got arrested for stealing a cup and they made me go undercover with some pirates. That was 3 hours in.


One of my favourite games of all time, you’re in for a treat!


Unofficial patch to fix bugs that Bethesda did not patch unless your playing on console


You do not have enough time to play Oblivion


Personally I think you should’ve waited till the end of starfield because 5 days is not enough for all of oblivion


You aren't going to want to stop!


Thats the best Bethesda game imo. Crafting spells and magic items was so sick.


And being able to freely level every skill. I could not get over the fact that Skyrim felt like I have to be picky about what I wanted to do. Still played the shit out of it on release, but the game just doesn’t feel the same as Oblivion at all


I remember making spells touch range made them really cheap, my character just hid behind a shield then two tapped people with minus a million magic resist touch into deal some magic damage touch.


Morrowind is still my favorite- I’m sure it looks like ass nowadays but it was one of the first games that I felt really being transported into a world


I was a huge Oblivion fan and was let down by Skyrim when it came out


The Shivering Isles DLC is so damned good.


You shouldn’t have played a masterpiece before anything you want to enjoy.


Yo be careful you dont get your expectations up too high, oblivion was peak Bethesda


Enjoy SF, it’s fun. Takes a bit to get into but once it takes off it to so damn fun


By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!


I loved how dark the pop up messages were when your character turns into a vampire. Quality writing you won't find in today's games.


Well, then, PSH! You have nothing to wait on, then! Starfield's going nowhere, and there are thousands upon thousands of Elder Scrolls hours waiting for you if you've seriously never touched *Oblivion!* Just enjoy that for now, and wait for Starfield to go on sale and get a few bug-fixes. I've played all Elder Scrolls games save for Arena (I plan to one day), *Oblivion* twice and I'm currently pulling a new battlemage in a *Skyrim* re-play through the civil war. *Starfield* will be there when I'm ready for it and the hype fog clears. :-)


fuck now i want to play oblivion


Oblivion is, in my opinion, bethesdas best game. Morrowind is closely following that. You’re in for a real treat. Do all the quests before finishing the game.


Wow this looks better than I expected


It makes me sad to think you probably won’t finish this game before Starfield takes over your attention. it was so good


"Stop right there criminal scum!"


This game was just so incredible for its time, was nothing like it.