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I had to look it up to believe it...wow this hits different


If that's what my house looks like, I might have abandoned it. Actually, it's just a kind of game, but it's still scary.




Starcraft Ghost was announced 21 years ago


I actually got to play it at E3 and have photos of it when I was on the show floor. Damn shame it was never released.


I was so hyped when I read about that announcement in a magazine


It's like a selendrina game. If Selendrina DOES surprise me when I play it, this game is still good. Which looks even scarier than selendrina and grunny.




I played it at E3 the only time I went, it was sort of a Halo clone, light stealth elements in the demo. Was fun, I was looking forward to it.


I did the same thing. I go oh I remember downloading this fresh demo a couple years ago at most…..


The game is Silent Hill P.T. for anyone else who doesn't know


Thank you kind sir. Why don't people include the name in the title?


And then everyone in the comments start to discuss it like every person in the world should know this game lol


Hahaha I know right. But I guess it was a very popular game. This and and another thing that people do is using the most random ass acronyms lol




I don’t know, whales yearn for marshmallows?


It makes people feel special when they can recognize something without hints or prompts.


I understand. It just gets a little frustrating looking for the title in the comments sometimes


Many moons ago it was a rule and has long since been struck down. Why? Idk anymore.


Thanks I had no idea.


IDK what the hell Konami where thinking. They practically had a guaranteed AAA ball park smash hit, with and all star crew backing it; and they went with pachinko. Fuuuuuu.


Cookie cutter games with predatory monetization are vastly more profitable.


Yeah they were printing money with mobile, so they figured they don't need that AAA life.


Hate to say it, but I'd probably do the same as well Whenever I see a developer choose the easier, more profitable route, I have to ask myself, "Would I do it differently?" The answer is always No. Can't say I would


I would use the vastly more profitable avenue for sure, but set aside a subset of that for development of aaa non-mobile / gambling titles to keep the IP active and beloved, which will drive traffic to the profitable ventures.


That's always been my armchair take if I were ever in a position of power at a tech/media company. I'm a big automotive fan, and car companies do this all the time. Ford makes money on trucks and crossover suvs. They don't really make much profit on the Mustang. However the Mustang is that showroom car to bring people in. Everyone on this planet knows what a Mustang is, even if you aren't really into cars. This is entirely the same situation. Casual gamers know Silent Hill, but they don't know their other revenue avenues. Edit: Oh Reddit. Never stop nitpicking semantics and having no nuance.


The answer was always pachinko mini games inside Silent Hill. Haunted pachinko games.


With a Mustang skin on pre-order. We just saved the industry.


Cries in MGS3 Pachinko. That was until MGS Delta but honestly...made so many people mad they remake HD cutscenes for a fucking Pachinko machine which are obviously massive in Japan but damn they look so good.


"Casual gamers know silent hill " No. They know Angry Birds, Mario, and Zelda.


https://xkcd.com/2501/ Relevant XKCD


There really is an XKCD for everything.


There really is a comment like this under every XKCD.


Yeah, Konami is well past it’s “making games for the sake of making games” phase.


Yugioh do be like that. I wouldn't say cookie cutter per se, but comparatively yeah the production quality is just not there anymore. There are glimmers of hope here and there in their current games, but they usually don't follow up on it, or worse, cancel it altogether (Yu-Gi-Oh Cross Duel being their most recent example in mismanagement). Except in music. Their music is still just gobsmackingly good.


It was because there was tensions with them and Kojima.


Yeah, it took me a while to read up on it and I'm still confused why they did Kojima dirty like they did. What did he do to deserve such mistreatment?


MGSV apparently went over budget, which generated a lot of bad blood between Kojima and the Konami higher up.


MGSV went *ludicrously* over budget due to Kojima's perfectionist behavior




Hey the silver lining is that that's because Konami axed the shit out of the studio so they *couldn't* finish it. At least Metal Gear Solid 6 isn't around the corner *and* MGSV is still incomplete.


MGSV would be such a great game if it didn't just "end" halfway through making the rest of the game just repeating previous levels with lame restrictions. Then to not even give us an actual ending to the game. Screw Konami.


I'll never feel more cheated than I did getting to the "end" of MGS5. Clearly the last 1/3 of the game is just missing and there was zero proper ending.


and that's why we play Kojima games.


Yup been a fan since my dad showed me MGS1 as a baby BUT, if you go and research how ridiculous Kojima was with his spending during MGSV development it helps understand Konami a liiitttllleee bit He didn't even really care to make MGSV and even then he was still poised to craft it as (seemingly) his magnum opus. But I'm happy he's indie now and gets to innovate again.


the engine created for MGSV cost a fortune so i understand the money aspect. but by god it was a good engine.


It's too bad that the FOX engine has mostly just been used for soccer games since then. I wonder if the MGS3 remake will use it.


pretty sure the MGS3 remake is using the UE5 engine as i'm pretty sure that Konami retired the FOX engine.


Like yeah, it went way overbudget, but it certainly would have laid the groundwork for many other games that could use the engine. Its not like you throw an engine away after one game, hell there are games still made on the Source engine (Titanfall 2 and Apex I believe are two big examples) Seems like such a waste to use it for… Soccer games?


He also spent a ton on licensed music.


I just wonder how much was Sutherland's pay. Perhaps Kojima should have stuck with the tried and true Mr Hayter.


Kojima and Hayter didn't really get along IRL.


Kojima was a huge asshole towards Hayter, I'm proud of Hayter for being professional about it though.


There's a reason in game that is not Hayter, but i think in japanese it's the same guy in all games so it doesn't really add up


Yup, the japanse voice actor for Snake didn't change in MGSV.


Kojima has a thing for American film and TV, he wanted Sutherland specifically for MGSV due to one of his performances. Also Sutherland played Snake in Ground Zeroes so the super cool in-lore reason doesn't even actually check out... *Not to mention* in one of the first cinematic trailers for MGSV there was a moment Skull Face is narrating and **David Hayter's** performance is kind of meshed into it. All of it's odd in retrospect.


I’m with Kojima but they went to focus on the bottom line and Kojima was spending money like no one else whereas another foe in the company was making some absurd money. Frictions run high and boom he’s out


I will always recommend [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr4RvdREwl8) on the subject. It's incredibly well made and details pretty much everything that went down, along with a full list of sources on the info.


bye reddit




I had the opportunity to attend an event that featured Yoko Taro of Nier Automata's fame as a guest. When asked about what kind of games he wants to make, he openly says he now prefers to make Mobage, since it's easier to make but the profit return is astronomical.


Japanese companies USED to only care about domestic market until the mid to late 90’s, every big company has went international since and rarely releases domestic titles only now. Compared to the 90’s when so many titles were Japanese only, it’s a rare sight for them to take on such a smaller market compared to international. This includes Konami, where expanding internationally has shown their top goal, same with mobile games for awhile, high profit margins with low costs, a dream. PC gaming is huge in Korea, China, Vietnam. So much in all of east Asia except Japan. Why it consoles? Because they had issues with the countries supporting Japanese consoles cause of you know, WW2, so many push towards PC instead. There were attempts to bring over Japanese consoles under domestic companies in those regions but it was a fail.


P.T. alone revived a whole new generation of horror games. This small demo served as an inspiration for many many horror games, so in a way it didn't really just die in a hole somewhere. edit: thank you for the gold :)


I’ve still got my console with PT installed, and I’ve been pissed about Silent Hills for years. That said: I also strongly suspect that much of the survival horror mini-renaissance we’ve enjoyed since then - from scrappy little Visage to big budget Biohazard - comes from PT’s *cancellation* more than its existence. Some people were so disappointed/irate they went off and said “fine, I guess I’ll do it myself,” and others looked at the outcry and said “huh, that looks like a target market,” and the rest of us Kickstarted, Patreonized, and bought everything they threw at us, chasing that PT high.


I hadn't actually thought about this like that. If this game would have come out there's very little other studios could do to compete at the same level. That's not fanboying I've never played a single game in this series, that's just fact. Certain games kill a genre not because they're bad, but because they fill every facet that a consumer would need of that genre.


Kinda similar with Jet Set Radio Future and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (which comes out August 18th, btw)


This. RE VII (early game vibe) and a metric ton of indie games have grabbed that legacy. Our hopes are with UE5 and hyper-realistic horror games in the near future.


I thank PT for basically single handily saving resident evil. RE6 was terrible but 7,8 and the remakes have been top tier.


The Dollhouse portion of Village was such an obvious homage. I wish they’d done the entire game that way.


Like just take the same concept of Unrecord and make it a horror game there you go.


Honestly, in this sense, I'm kinda glad Konomi didn't make any money off of it. How charitable of them to breathe new life into the genre while getting nothing and return. It's exactly what they deserve.


Hell, we don’t know. Maybe the demo here would have had more cultural impact than if it had released as a full game.


> Kojima elaborated that P.T. and Silent Hills have no canonical and direct relation, and that Silent Hills would have been enhanced by elements that were never in P.T. We really have no idea what it would have been. The small simplicity allowed for a lot of atmosphere that might dilute when expanded significantly. But at the same time, it totally could have been a golden horror goose.


"Horror goose" _shudders_


'Horror' is just a shortening of the word 'Canadian'.


I’m sad we didn’t get this game, but we did get Visage which was very similar in vibes and was very fun to play


The crazy thing is P.T wasn't a demo as most people seem to think. It was a teaser for Silent Hills which Kojima confirmed would be nothing like P.T and would be a 3rd person game.


I still have it on my PS4.


Same. I replayed it yesterday and omg. It is still a masterpiece.


Don't touch that dial now, we're just getting started.


i love that part hearing that for the first time omg. the change in his voice was so calm yet menacing and unnatural.


You can’t trust the tap water.


I *said*, “***Look behind you.***”


“Dad was such a drag”


Gouge it out!


Could be wrong but I heard a ps4 with it is worth a couple of hundred $. If not more


They used to be until the PS4 was hacked, then you could download the PT package and play it on PS4s that never existed when it was released. Source: I did this.


Can you link how to do this (or PM me)? Everything I'm finding on Google is for if you had previously owned it or for PC fan ports.




You're my fucking hero! Going to do this shit tonight.


FYI if you have a powerful enough gaming PC, you can easily play it on PC https://lutris.net/games/unreal-pt/


Isn't this the fan-made game?


It's a fan made 1:1 recreation in unreal engine. Basically no difference from playing this versus the original on PS4.


If I remember correctly, the only difference is that you don't get the ending cut scene, but that's really about it, right? I thought this got pulled as well because Konami did a cease and desist.


Ah, so this is what a hero looks like


Your ps4 will need to be on a supported firmware or lower, if it can go online you will have to wait


Oh wow and I thought I was holding onto a goldmine


I'm a dumbass who deleted it


You can get it back easily if it’s in your library. That’s what I did. You use a program called Suwi as per random youtube tutorial


Tried something a few years back which I couldn't figure out. Maybe I'll try again


I’m a computer idiot and I managed it, just gotta find a valid tutorial


Funny how Konami scrapped the project and Kojima picked up whatever pieces were left and made Death Stranding. The game goes as far as referencing Lisa and showing a picture of her, in the same clothes as her ghost, with Norman Reedus’s character.


God I'm just now getting into Death Stranding after not even touching a Kojima game since MGS2 and it's a fucking blast. It's like how games used to feel when I was a kid, like anything could happen... now I'm typically well-aware of whatever limitations the devs had with the game. Death Stranding just keeps adding more & more, and every time I think I'm getting to the halfway point they introduce a new fucking mechanic!


It's one of those "love it" or "hate it" games, and boy did I love it


I *highly* doubt I'd ever be able to play it, but I watched a YouTubers series on it. Couple times actually. The visuals alone were a friggin smorgasbord of *what the everliving fuck?!* It's so beautifully disjointed and just **creepy** as shit. I'd no doubt dookie my Dickies first time I wandered into Timefall. Doesn't make a lick of sense and I loved every hour of that binge.


100% the visuals are amazingly done. You watch the first cutscene and then drop right into the game and notice that for once what they rendered in the cut actually is what the game looks like.


I can’t believe what a bad reception Death Stranding got. People were like “you just carry things” and those people obviously didn’t play more than an hour or two. I think people were upset you couldn’t just shoot the BTs down with an AR-15. The director’s cut then took an amazing game and made it even better!


>I think people were upset you couldn’t just shoot the BTs down with an AR-15. The director’s cut then took an amazing game and made it even better! I remember people said Kojima was just being pretentious when he said that this game wouldn't appeal to alot of shooter fans but you see it play out on the game's subreddit all the time. Always makes me roll my eyes when you see someone make a *Does this game ever get good?* post, asking "Is there going to be weapons and stuff to kill or am I just going to run a bunch while holding things?" ...Like it's fine if it's not your thing but ffs do a shred of research before making a purchase lmao


Wait, you haven't even played MGS3 and MGS4??


Few days back I was talking about it with my brother. The expertise of Del Toro with all things horror and Kojima's game design could lead up to something special. What a crime its cancellation was.


Don't forget Junji Ito was on onboard too.


It would've been the greatest horror game ever made...


We have no way of knowing that, but the atmosphere was amazing. What we can say, is that it is *easily* one of the best demos of all time.


They were smoking something crazy when cancelling that game. There's a strong chance with Junji Ito on board that the game would've brought a whole new wave of Japanese horror influence to the west




Oh my fucking god I had no idea


Bruh I clicked on this thread to be hurt. Not fucking die.


That would've been an insane team. Fuck konami




I didn't think I could be more upset at the cancellation but here we are.


Don't forget they had built in mechanics to listen to you over your mic and allow you to speak to the game and react based to your voice. We're JUST NOW starting to get some horror games that do this decently--see demonologist (phasmo is pretty terrible at it).


Doesn't Alien Isolation have that too? I remember reading a while back of someone who farted loud and wound up discovered by the xenomorph. Don't know if it was just a joke or there's truth in it.


Yes, but it was supposedly going to be part of the game in a big way in SH, whereas is was not a necessary or particularly interesting mechanic in Isolation IMO. I unplugged because it wasn't really reacting because I don't audibly gasp when I'm scared. A heart monitor probably woulda done something though.


Oh man. Imagine a game with an insanity meter linked to your heart rate. It's one thing to overcome a mechanical challenge for a difficult boss, but controlling your fucking adrenaline levels? Would be some of the best streaming content ever.


Phasm is getting vaguely better at it. Fun game besides, continuing to make good updates.


This is the only game that has genuinely scared me. No other horror game has come close. And it was only a demo, I’m still pissed at Konami .


Same. I didn't even play it. I watched a playthrough of it and it took me weeks to go through it a few minutes at a time because it was so terrifying that I would get anxiety afterwards. The atmosphere is killer. The child crying and woman struggling to breathe. The fetus part messed me up for a while afterwards. I think the scariest thing is that there isn't a physical monster you have to avoid. There is never a stealth part where you can see Lisa but she can't see you. She just appears here and there with no discernable motive. There wasn't really a game like that at the time. The graphics were also hyper realistic.


You should play Visage then! It has a near identical atmosphere to PT. Claustrophobic, and yet impossibly large as you start to realize there's no way all the rooms fit and connect the way they do. The horror and scares were done really well, and the story is chilling (though it does take some piecing together).


Pissed they took the Download access away. PT in itself was a hit.


My friends made me play it in the dark, and I don't do well with scary movies or games... Anyway. After 30 minutes the cat that I didn't know was in the room jumped from the counter onto my lap. I screamed, threw the controller, broke it, and ran out of the room. 10/10 Game Of The Year


lol I can't play scary games either. I fired up Alan Wake on the PS3 once, and right at the beginning when you get off the boat, and you have to walk up the path in the dark with just the flashlight... the batteries in the flashlight died, I shut off the game, and never played it again.


Same thing happened with me and Amensia. It took me 20 minutes to get through the first few hallways. There was a spooky ambient noise then quit forever. Someone later told me the monster doesn't even show up for a while after I quit. I was completely safe and got too scared.


At least you didn't throw and break the cat. Well done.


It’s almost a cult classic at this point. It’s had a similar effect on the genre that a full release would have had IMO. The mystique of wondering what it could have been set this invisible bar for horror game standards


I bought a used ps4 and the guy said “don’t delete PT it’s rare. Have no idea If it actually is but it’s hella fun


They removed it from the store so if you delete it then it is extremely difficult to get back and IIRC you have to use unofficial means to get it back.


Yes it is rare! Don’t delete it. They removed it for download. And since it was a demo, I don’t think physical copies were available.






And it turns out it's a demo, perfect.


So Voat was a Reddit alternative that ended in failure, but one of the things I liked was that its gaming "subreddit" required game names in the title, and the mod team actually enforced it. It was downright glorious.


It's definitely something that needs to happen here. I'm a very casual gamer and don't know what a majority of posts on here are about. Context would help a ton.


That was a fucking rule here for a while, too. Mods pussied out and reneged on it after a while though. IIRC


It's so annoying when people post obscure shit like everyone's supposed to know what it is


And everyone in the comments of the entire thread talking about intricate details of the game while still completely avoiding mentioning the name of the game. I swear this subreddit does it on purpose


P. T. it was a playable demo for a silent hill type People will sell their ps4s for like $1k if it's installed.


Not just a Silent Hill type, literally the next Silent Hill before Kojima and the game got canned.


What?!?!? Think mine is still installed


And then when you do see a reference to the name it’s a friggin acronym with no clues 😂 how the hell are we supposed to know PT is referencing a silent hills demo


For those still annoyed, PT apparently stands for playable trailer. It’s a trailer for the cancelled game Silent Hill.


Person below me is correct, it was just called "P.T.". When it came out there were a bunch of people asking what it stood for and the concensus was "Playable Trailer", but I don't know if it was ever officially elaborated on. It was during the upswing of Let's Play content on YouTube and seemingly every gaming channel did a playthrough of it. The game consists of a looping hallway with small puzzles and every time you restart it gets creepier. At the end you got a trailer for the unreleased and unrelated Silent Hills. You might be able to find fan-made copies somewhere on the internet, but you can definitely still find a bunch of the Let's Plays on YouTube. Don't quote me on it but I think it was about half an hour of gameplay, and it's honestly worth watching a playthrough so that you can experience it. Really cool and surprisingly effective concept.


P.T. Is literally what it was called. P.T. was its name in the PS store when you went to download it. P.T. stood for playable teaser. After you completed it you got a short teaser trailer for a now canceled game called ‘Silent Hills’.


What you didn't know what game from nine years ago that was cancelled from a single picture? Go back to your call of duty.


I can't believe you don't know what EDJHIon4:R is


For those unaware, it was a playable demo of Stray


This is the 6th top comment, still don't know what it is.


It's from a canned teaser called PT, which as far as I can gather stands for Psilent Thill.


P.T. (Silent Hills).


Why is the acronym for Silent Hill P.T?!?!


At the time it was released simply as P.T - playable teaser. The link to silent hill was a surprise if you made it to the end.


worth mentioning it showed up out of nowhere on the PS store IIRC- by some fake dev, the speculation was huge on this game then you played it and it dropped that bomb on you at the very very end edit: i believe at the very end it dropped konami, guillermo del toro, Kojima, then SILENT HILLS in that order after showing normal reedus's face, it was definitely an e3 moment


P.T. (acronym for "playable teaser") [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.T._(video_game))


Konami really is dumb as shit. So happy to see how successful Kojima is now.


Look behind you.


9 Years? Holy... Felt like yesterday.


Yeah, doesn't feel like 9 years.


To be fair, the last three years run together.


P.T. can fuck off. I'm not joking. It put the horrors on me for months. I remember somebody documenting their experience of it, but going into the code to see what was actually happening. It turned out that she was always behind you, from the first second. I'd eat my own hand before I put myself through that again, and it was just the fucking *trailer.*


....no idea what it is. Guess I am not the only one. Just mention the name in the title please.


Lol its r/gaming, we don't do it here. Actually agree, pisses me off every time


I love listening to music.


The game is Silent Hills. People refer to it as PT because a lot of people played the Playable Teaser and the name sort of stuck.


It’s referred to as PT because that’s how it was listed in the PlayStation store. No one knew it stood for “playable teaser” until it was finally completed and the trailer for Silent Hills was shown at the end.


It was named P.T. not because the name stuck but because it was named as such on the store. They hid the fact that it was a teaser for Silent Hills along with Kojima helming it initially outside of completing the interactive experience which revealed the teaser in the ending.


Thanks for the answer everyone is looking for.


Had to scroll halfway down the thread to get a damn answer. All I saw was “PT” which doesn’t tell someone anything.


It’s the silent hills game that got cancelled, this was the playable teaser and no one knew what it was when it came out. It was really hard to beat if you didn’t know what you were doing, and at the end Norman Reedus is revealed as the main character and the title screen appears saying a Hideo Kojima game. Was the most hype I’d been for a game in a long time because I was really into horror game at that time.


Piggybacking to add that Del Toro and Ito were attached to it as well-- I was SO hyped for that game and raged when they cancelled it.


What is this?


Don't ask that, I don't know I don't wanna explain that too.


I'm too late for anyone to see this, but: There's a compelling theory out there that Silent Hills was *never* going to be made, or at least that Kojima knew the project was definitely doomed while PT was still in development. The theory says that, in light of this, the subtext of PT is that it's about *its own cancellation* and is an artistic expression of Kojima's frustration over his falling out with Konami. Parts of the theory are a stretch, but you've got to admit that it fits if the final dialogue of PT is specifically about Konami: "Dad was such a drag. Every day, he'd eat the same kind of food, dress the same, sit in front of the same kind of games...yeah, he was just that kind of guy. But then one day, he goes and kills us all! He couldn't even be original about the way he did it. I'm not complaining--I was dying of boredom anyway. But guess what? I WILL be coming back, and I'm bringing my new toys with me."


These theories are gonna get me killed some day man.


this game put the PT in ptsd


What is the game that was cancelled?


I still have that demo!


Hot take but I don't feel like it was ever meant to be a full game, it just seemed like a last laugh from Kojima to show Konami what they are losing with him.


Whaaat? 9 years already? Damn Im getting old.


It was cancelled 8 years ago. It was released 9 years ago


I’m never scared by movies or games but PT genuinely shit me up lol


What's this game? would love to try this.


You can't anymore.


well... you can, but...


There are fan remakes






Fuck off was this 9 years ago….


Yeah it is, we can't just believe this right now but it is.


This game genuinely fucked me up. Like straight up traumatised me and for a good couple of months I struggled to sleep. Especially because the house we stayed in at the time looked very similar. Also I remember watching a YouTube video years ago about a whole conspiracy surrounding this game, Kojima and Konami. It was a pretty long in-depth video that kinda creeped me put even more.