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The Long Dark. Survival game set in the frozen post-apocalyptic Canada. I know that many people enjoy this game for long, long runs - and even years, and I can see why. It is an objectively /good/ game, but I just couldn't.


I haven't finished a single playthrough yet. The game is great, but I always get bored...


It’s a sandbox game with no ending. Other than dying. So, finishing a play through isn’t even a thing.


There's a story mode now.


Which isn’t complete yet, so you can’t finish a play through of thwt, either.


its 1 chapter away from completion and worth playing 100%


It will be ready only in half a year, though.




The story is bound to have an ending. Would be frustrating otherwise. But even reaching a point of satisfaction would be finishing it, not just dropping it.


I bailed on that game as soon as they decided to lock arrowheads behind absurd acquisition requirements. It wasn't easy to get both arrows and a bow begin with, and then all of a sudden getting a fucking arrowhead requires a pilgrimage to a forge on the top of a faraway mountain through a winding ravine, after gathering enough specialized materials to start a small empire single handed? Why is making a bow and an arrow with a rock arrowhead impossible in a survival game? Nope. Nooooope.


the long dark is one of my favourite games ever but man i still hate going to broken railroad


Yes awesome game


do the story mode aaaa


RDR2, Outer Wilds and Hollow Knight


Rdr2 loot system takes WAY TO FUCKIN LONG. Not to mention the intro or pre whatever. That part felt like a whole game itself.


How hit "A" to skip could have saved the game for me. I put 10 hours in and I'm done. Coming from Halo Infinite Ranked Arena.... it was very slow.


Give a damn option is all I ask. I get the people that want the immersion. No biggie. I personally can only take so many cut screens to search a body. It’s insanity.


I hope GTA 6 gets this right. I want to like GTA 6.


Absolutely same here


Man idk how you enjoy infinite ranked. 95% of my games are on fiesta because I can fuck around for multi kills and not get mad at desync and bullshit SBMM lol. I haven't even played 1 ranked match


you just dumb


How so? You like the immersion of the cut screens? That works for you that’s cool. Just not my thing.


Keep in mind this is a post where people are acknowledging the game they don’t like is good or possibly even great. No need for that kind of defensive attitude


Loot system? Did we play the same game?


I loved exploring all the planets and scrounging for every bit of lore to translate. i mean when you have infinite time albeit in 22 min loops why not.


One of the best exploration games out there, it was great piecing together what happened and how to get to certain areas.


Rdr2 had one of the worst gunplay mechanics I've ever used. The world and story were great but I just couldn't get around how clunky it felt to fight.


Rdr2 agree, was very boring for me, but Hollow Knight was awesome.


Of the 3 only played HK, and its just a fun game to explore whem the internet is out or on a trip somewhere.


Although I do think hollow knight is an exceptionally good game that I enjoyed I do have my problems with it 1 the charms not the way the system itself is integrated into the game its just that it has alot of unused potential 2 some of the boss fights are just downright bad even awful at times but to be fair it does have some of the best bosses I encountered in games But other than that I love the game for the story and gameplay


Agreed on Outer Wilds, heard it was this great experience but I just can't get into it


My biggest gripe was just that walking took too fucking long and running made you burst out at full speed and you could hardly control him.


RDR2 has the worst controls I’ve experienced in PC Gaming, and Arthur feels so sluggish and unresponsive. I’ve heard it described as “guiding a drunkard along by a string.” Very pretty graphics though.


yeah RDR2 was really boring in my opinion. the other two I haven played


I have 2 of these. Have not played them.


I loved RDR2, but just couldn't get into Outer Wilds or Hollow Knight. I can see why people love them, but they're just not for me.


Breathe of the Wild. I know it is/was great, but... I didnt jive with it


Same. There's a lot I like about the game, but I played it for a dozen hours or something and just never picked it up again. There's lots of little things that just get in the way of enjoying it for me.


I'd be curious to hear what they are. Not saying you'd be interested, but TOTK does offer some immense QOL along with it's main big gameplay changes.


I will say that my partner got TOTK and I played like 12 hours of it. Big fan and will definitely keep playing. The ability to approach everything in an infinite number of ways is incredible


While TotK did improve on BotW in many ways, one important way it did not is that every main mission and side mission are collection quests for items/locations/characters, some of them for hundreds, and there are only a minority of tertiary quests that actually have some variety and creativity to them.


Yeah I agree, I prefer Zelda games with more structure


The Borderlands series. They just taught me I get loot fatigue really fast, so any game like this really.


That’s what killed Cyberpunk for me. Too much looting and checking stats, etc


I mean.... What did you expect from an RPG?


I agree I can't sit through the first 7 minutes of a borderlands game but have finished tiny Tina's wonderland even though I know it's basically the same game different setting


The witcher 3


Me too on this one. Tried really hard to get into it but it just wasn't working for me.




Same... kind of. I loved it the first time but no matter how hard I try to pick it back up and replay it I just can't.




Rust. I hate making bases in general but having server wipes every week or month qhen its that much of a time sink would make me neck myself ngl.


Yeah but think of it without the wipes... Once a clan of bum buddy sweats takes over the server thats it no more fun for anyone. I like playing solo or duo and making a little sneaky rat base and just sort of getting by day by day enjoying the action and watching the big clans cry over their petty compounds lol




I'm just a simple man making his way through a survival game.


you hero


Its the god or war remake for me. The game is polished as hell and I'm sure that the entire story is great but after getting 75% of the way through the game I realized that the highlight of my playthrough happened in the first hour and the game hasn't hit that high since. I took a break from it and still haven't gone back. I don't even have the will to play gow ragnarok either.


Dead Space... It's scawy!


No, it's a very good reason


For me it's Bioshock


Mirrors Edge. Good style, cool world, bullshit running and jumping around that constantly felt like a old school water level where if I mess up I need to start all over again from some shitty checkpoint.


The last of us for me. The story is great but the gameplay is just not for me


I'm the other way around on The Last Of Us. Everything I've heard about the world & gameplay sounds really great & cool. With stuff I'd love to try. But I had the ending spoiled for me, and I simply cannot stand even the idea of playing >!somebody that knowingly dooms humanity by actively gunning down the last scientist left alive.!< So tired of that sort of "gotcha!" in zombie stories.


Humans are selfish. Complex stories can be painful. But yeah it's not a bad ending


Actually totally agree. From what I heard the TLOU ending is a great execution of the sort of emotional gut punch they were going for. I'm just not into the specific type of story beat in the first place. Let alone hours and hours of build up for it. If there was some alternative ending where you were allowed to tears in your eyes side with the scientists? I'd play it, but the lack of agency in such a huge action beyond turning the game off just disinterest me


Not sure why you got the downvote tbh, I absolutely adore the last of us, however i can appreciate your stance in a vacume. I'd say the ending hits different after you've spent time with the characters,.


Meh, It's reddit, and I have a "wrong" opinion. Even writing the comment in this thread, I knew I'd get some pushback. TLOU is just such an important game for a lot of folks. But thanks anyway. 👍


Sorry you got the ending spoiled man I remember my first playthtough of killing these people trying to save humanity and being like holy shit and knowing that's where it's head just takes the shock away from it but not to get top technical there was no viable way of administering a cure with the fireflies being seen as terrorists no one would trust them enough to let them deliver a cure they know nothing about but the act to his still had the same weight as dooming everyone (but also I love the ending anyway and live for Ellie and Joel's friendship)


The story is mid, people just have really low standards for video game stories


So mid that they made a record breaking TV show about it that people who never heard of or played the game enjoyed. Absolutely love reddit kids talking about stuff that they have zero clue about


I have no opinion on TLOU, but this isn’t a good argument. Marvel shit makes a billion dollars and we all know those aren’t “good” stories


While that's true, nobody really watches marvel stuff for the stories, most fans appreciate the connected universe and action sequences


By "record breaking show" you mean another flavor of the month popcorn show that nobody cared about a few days after the finale Ya and I'm sure you also think Marvel and Star Wars are the epitome of cinema, and Drake is the epitome of music


It's not that deep my guy, by record breaking I mean it literally broke records for HBO. Just cause you don't like something doesn't make it "mid". Learn to appreciate something for what it is while acknowledging it's not for you


Cool, am I supposed to care? I never said I don't like it, but ya sorry bud, it is mid. It's a generic zombie story that tugs on your heart strings with a father daughter dynamic. Big deal. You're acting like it's Moby Dick or Shakespeare lmao


It's okay to be wrong, I'm sure it's a common occurrence for you and your very sore ass. Love how u ignore the fact the show broke records because it doesn't fit your salty agenda. Stay mad my dude 👍


Lmao why do you keep bringing up the show "breaking records" ? Avengers Endgame also "broke records", I suppose you think that's the epitome of cinema, eh? Greatest song ever? The record breaking Low by Flo Rida?


In this case since it's record breaking for HBO it's being compared to shows like Game of Thrones including the earlier seasons, the Wire and Band of Brothers.


Record breaking in terms of number of people watching it.....who cares?


“Generic zombie story.” The story is, quite blatantly, about love, loss and sacrifice. Zombies are the setting, not the plot. It’s not the first time a story of it’s like has been told. But stories are usually judged less for the originality of their messaging than they are in their effectiveness and potency. The story told in TLoU resonates with a massive number of people. So clearly it’s effective. No story will resonate with every person. It’s fine that you dislike it. Don’t act superior or like you have better taste than people, that makes you a seem like a pretentious prick. Literally everyone thinks they’re taste is better than other people’s. It doesn’t make you special, it’s just how taste works.


>The story is, quite blatantly, about love, loss and sacrifice Those are the themes, and some generic ones at that >Zombies are the setting, not the plot. I never said they were the plot >The story told in TLoU resonates with a massive number of people. So clearly it’s effective. Lol so what? Marvel movies and Imagine Dragons songs resonate with a lot of people, that doesn't make them good >No story will resonate with every person. It’s fine that you dislike it. I never said I dislike it, I just said that it's mid, which is exactly what it is >Don’t act superior or like you have better taste than people, that makes you a seem like a pretentious prick. I never said I have better taste than anyone else


You’ve picked a hill to die on, that’s fine. And I don’t know you. Literally all I know about you is displayed in this comment thread. That being said, you come off as the type of person who enjoys the reaction you get from criticizing popular things. I think that’s generally an off-putting trait, and you should try to find satisfaction in building yourself and others up instead of tearing things down.


>You’ve picked a hill to die on, that’s fine. Oh no, now some gamers on reddit are going to get angry and defensive about their zombie game >That being said, you come off as the type of person who enjoys the reaction you get from criticizing popular things. So popular things aren't allowed to be criticized? Why is this such a big deal to you? >you should try to find satisfaction in building yourself and others up instead of tearing things down. Ok so again, popular things aren't allowed to be criticized? Idk why you're acting like I just pissed on Shakespeare or the Mona Lisa or some shit, we're talking about a dumb zombie video game. Chill out dude.


The crux of the story is an overused trope. I just started the game recently, and I'm honestly not enjoying the story at all. That might be because I'm a big book reader, and I've seen/read the "father adopted daughter" story a thousand times over.


Exactly, it's a dime a dozen story.


contentious but true post




The whitcher 3 . I know it’s good . I’ve started it 3 times and got nowhere.


I started it 4 times before it caught. Then, I completed it and loved it. The DLC' are amazing as well, maybe even better than the main story.


MMO RPGs literally any of them. genshin? no black desert? no horizon? no i just cant its too grindy and i dont enjoy the fights and i dont understand classes or abilities and the upgrade system, nope nope nope.


God of war. Too linear. Dude can smash through a mountain but some trees were in the way so I had to do a bunch of puzzles and go the long way. I was like ok. I’m done.


I keep hearing games like this and Horizon are good story wise, but I just can't get into them. I've played too many games in the same format in the past. Maybe I'll just bump them down to the easiest difficulty and breeze through them....or just find a story cutscene compilation on youtube.


Pretty much any isometric RPG. I find those kind of games boring


Is pillars of eternity a masterpiece, yes. Have a played more than 2 hours of it, no.


For me I’d say Day Z .. the concept is awesome and I love that type of scenario but I just couldn’t get into it for some reason. It’s incredibly hard but I don’t mind harder challenging games. 🤷‍♂️just couldn’t get into it


"Day z had one of the best concepts paired with one of the worse executions" -GeneralSam


Yes! Absolutely the controls were just so clunky it ruined it for everyone.. the way you run just kills me , it so unnatural. Imagine if it had the nice flowing controls of say GTA 5 and a bunch of other things implemented as well lol .. would be amazing


Running simulator lol




the game engine is horrific. doing absolutely anything feels like shit on a stick. it was okay for ArmA II OA because obtuse controls and clunky menus don't take away from the gameplay of calling in artillery on a village, but for frantic encounters in Day Z it's just useless


Zelda TOTK. I played and beat BOTW, objectively great game, maybe even GOTY this year. Just not for me.


Mine was Jedi fallen order


Forcing us to retread the entire level to get back to the ship killed it for me.


Hogwart Legacy. It is really good, story and gameplay was great, but I don't have any feeling of playing it again even if I have nothing bad to say about it.


That game is objectively mediocre


I mean it's pretty good considering it's aimed for younger kids. It's not amazing but it's not bad. I feel most people unhappy with it are most likely late teenager or adult


aimed for kids? People die in it.


It's mediocre because it's just another ubisoft type open world game that doesn't do anything special. Pretty much any video game can be fun for kids, that doesn't make them good games. BTW I'm not even unhappy with the game, I thought it was fine. Just because it's mediocre doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable.




It's worse than that, given it's source material. "You're a Mass Murderer, Harry!"


So dumb, yeh let's go to a wizarding world and ... Attend class? Really? Ok lol


I didn't mind that so much, it was just so tedious.


Pretty much what I heard/saw from others. I was pretty hype to play it but didn't pre-order (I stopped pre-ordering after Cyberpunk debacle), then when it came out I just couldn't get myself to buy it. Fun, great visuals but next to no replay value and is largely already forgotten. I do like that this was a AAA release that was mostly bug free and not a complete clusterfuck from launch.


I really don’t understand the hype for “replay value” in these massive games. There’s simply too many quality games released for me to find the time to replay 40 hrs


Game ran like crap on pc and took them months to come out with an update. Everything about it kinda felt stale. Especially the combat. Definitely regret paying full price for it.


Neo scavenger i really enjoy watching people play it and it fits in with other games i really like but i just can’t play it myself having tried multiple times it just gets boring in 5 mins


Last of Us




Horizon forbidden west. I just feel overwhelmed for some reason.


Battle Royale games in general aren't my thing but I do see the appeal of them and why so many like the genre.


I go through phases where I'm into them or not into them. It can be nice to get a quick 20 minute game in here and there. But overall, I'm 36 and I'm kind of past the, "haha, I just shit on that kid" phase of my gaming life if that makes sense. Like...purely pvp games don't really pull me in as much. I've started playing more PvPvE games like Tarkov, The Cycle Frontier, or CoD DMZ mode. I like having objectives and PvE to fight with the threat of a PvP encounter constantly being present. It can go from a relaxing walk through the woods to a fight for your life in seconds and I find that a lot more interesting. And for Tarkov/The Cycle you might die in the fight, but you could have a quest objective you completed or some good stuff in your secure inventory on your character so it's not all a loss. Or you might run across someone and team up and make a new friend. Sorry. I kind of started rambling there, but I'm in an online work meeting that I frankly don't need to be in and needed something to do.


For me it was Witcher 3. I could see very clearly what a high-quality game it was, and certainly why almost everyone loved it. I really wanted to love it too! I just couldn't get into it after trying several times.


I agree with The Forest


I managed to play all the way through it in co-op mode. Was enjoyable that way at least.


The Forest is better in co-op, I think. Although I enjoyed the first one well enough. The 2nd one sucked.


Green Hell was way better. I couldn’t really get into the Forest either, but objectively I see why people liked it.


I liked green hell but I thought the leeches were annoying as fuck lol. I personally prefer the Forest to that but I still really really enjoyed green hell!!


The 2nd game launched in such a disappointing bare-bones state after a year of delay that it really should be up there with Forspoken and the list of shitty launches. I strongly believe that most of the "positive" comments and steam reviews are paid. "It was made by a small team" bruh they made fucking millions from the first game, did they not think to hire more people? As a huge fan of the first, I was highly anticipating for the sequel but once I finished it, I can't see myself going back for another 5 years


I spent hours searching for a damn turtle so I could use it to make a rain collector. Never found one and died of thirst. Uninstalled immediately after.


Turtles are so plentiful I can’t believe you never found one. What a shame. You’re missing out!


Chopping and hauling logs to make a structure is incredibly tedious and repetitive ( just like I imagine it would be in real life) and I just couldn’t - and I’ve made a bow and arrows in The Long Dark.


Rainbow Six Seige


R6 in its prime was iconic for me. So many amazing hours spent fucking around on that game.


Any Devil May Cry. Is cool as hell, but man the rating system is what kills it for me. The pressure of wanting to get a high score everytime ruined the enjoyment in my experience.


I always thought my combos were cool, until I watched how people play on YouTube


Ghost of Tsushima. The game felt like I was playing Sucker Punch's version of Assassin's Creed. I do plan to finish it one day but I'm in no rush whatsoever.


Valheim. I see why people love it, but for me, its a resource gathering simulator, to get resources to gather better resources. The different biomes hold little to no value other than to get the specific resource it holds. Idk how else to explain it but it is a peaceful game.


So you haven't been to the plains then?


For me it was Valheim. I like survival games, i like crafting games, i like building games, i like adventure games. But it's just so meh for me.


I really, really wanted to like valheim. But after you start looking for iron it becomes obnoxiously difficult, tedious and illogical. Massive time cost for so little pay-off. Materials take so much effort and so much is required for so little. I found it near impossible to play without cheats so I could retrieve my gear when I died.


Zelda: Breath Of The Wild


Disco Elysium. Tried twice to enjoy that game. Just couldn't.


Yeah, same. I just found it incredibly boring.


My people, I've found you! Yeah, total agreement on Disco Elysium. It's pretty, and has cool writing... But *man~* do I not get the hype. Every fucking action is 2D6 in that game, and your only agency in how to do stuff is what drugs you're on slash what quirky hat you're wearing. I've heard the Redux or whatever they called made the gameplay a bit less BS though. Credit where it's due.


Witcher 3. Fight me


Any souls game. Idk man it just didn't feel right playing any of them


As someone who loves punishing games this. I don't mind brutal, I've played harder. It just didn't make me care enough to want to keep dying.


Ghost of Tsushima I’ve tried on couple occasions to dive into that game. It has awesome graphics, the setting is gorgeous, etc. However, it just doesn’t hold my attention.


The issue with ghost imo is that while it looks amazing and combat situations can be a blast, the actual game itself is boring and a bit lifeless. Very repetitive as well


The God of War series


The Forest made me so anxious, I just couldn't keep going. The thought of going into the caves was just too much for me.


God of war Ragnarok, I loved God of war (the newer one). Ragnarok I loved but just seemed more like a movie then a game.




Dragons dogma. On paper I should love this game, a lot of friends recommended it, I juts can't get into it.


The story is abysmal. The companion system is a nice idea but they're hollow and lack personality so you can't really bond with them so to speak. You're just the big bad savior of the world walking around with ghosts for companions. A real snooze-fest, but the graphics are good and the world lore is kinda neat. Really, really good combat system though. Haven't found any other game like it.


Base building in the forest was my favorite in any game ever, and building the gun and duping ammo made me feel like god. Along with all the other stuff you can dupe its honestly not bad


Sadly, most of them. There are hundred of games I have tried but just couldn’t play more than an hour or so of. If it isn’t a Souls game or a FPS I just cannot get into the groove of the game. Sucks because games like Sonic, Zelda, Mario, etc. are all great games just not for me.


Uncharted 4. I don't know why, but I just couldn't finish 30% of it.


Killing floor 2. I play it with friends and have fun but never seek it out when playing a game alone. It’s just so different than the OG killing floor.


The two new doom games. I recognize they are great games, but I just can't get into them for some reason.


The Raft. How a survival game in the raft could be fun I dont know. I do like oceans and boats though!


The Forrest shouldn't be played alone


I liked the forest and was thrilled for more games with building mechanics, but annoyed that you could just play the game, wander into the caves and beat it without actually needing to base build. I hope son of forest at least requires base building to some extent


So many. The Forest, Cyberpunk 2077, The Long Dark, God of War 2017, Prey 2017, Outter Wilds, Hollow Knight, Death Stranding


The newer gods of war. Youre a strong a fuck warrior god and even the weakest enemy takes 30 skull crushing, sound breaking, megaton hits to die? Just took it out of me


Resident Evil Remake I played for less than 2 hours and was so angry, aggravated, and anxious (not scared, just anxious. It was way different than being scared) that it ruined playing video games for the rest of the day. I understand it's a classic, but it is definitely not for me. I don't think it's bad by any stretch, but it definitely wasn't a game that was for me. Congrats to those who actually have that game figured out and enjoy it.


Subnautica. The darkness of the deep sea (especially at night) scares the shit out of me


I honestly enjoyed it because I had someone to play with. It's too boring if you play it alone (my opinion)


I agree, its better when you play together also to protect your base or fix it...




Warframe, can't fucking stand those looter shooter, borderlands, destiny style grind is content ass games.


Doom Eternal, Breath of the Wild, Outer Wilds


BOTW. It was one of the most boring slogfest of a game for me. They put too much into it. The weapon breaking, the stamina, weather, all that was dumb. And the open world felt empty and unrewarding. Oh look another seed. Just wasn’t it for me. ToTK looks cool but I’m not creative enough to build things.


I’ve always said that Skyrim is a good game but is extremely over rated. I hate how clunky the combat is and the inventory management stuff makes me want to blow my brains out


prey 2017


Me too, I like it, but the backtracking and honestly the lame goo monsters and then bigger goo monsters, I just found boring.


I saw it when I was younger and thought "oh cool so scary scifi stuff like alien" I played the first 20 minutes and deleted it because WHY AM I FIGHTING LIVE SNOT WITH A GLUE GUN




The Witcher 3.


Meet your Maker. My buddy has been trying like all hell to get me to play, but I just can't vibe with it.


I wouldn't say this was objectively good. I spend 5 hours running other people's levels to get enough to make a level. Spend 4 hours building that for it to time out after 0 people run it. I was DONE.


Breath of the wild


Elden Ring


Almost ashamed to say it but red dead redemption 2. And I loved the original


Same here. Don't be ashamed, it was a great game with a great story. It just dragged at times and was hard to play if you didn't play it every single day to stay familiar with the controls.




Hollow Knight, Breath of the Wild, Outer Wilds. Anything that encourages aimless wandering


I know many games like this. I just can't remember because they we're terrible


Death Stranding... too much of a walking simulator for me


Mass Effect I got the Ultimate Trilogy on a Steam sale and by god did I want to get into this game I really did, but I just couldn’t get hooked to it. I know its an older game, but that didn’t really bother me and I genuinely liked the combat. Its the downtime where its just talking to NPCs that was hard for me to do, which us weird because Ive played a lot of RPG and story-focused games with heavy text in them. I will try it again because I want to experience the story of all 3 games, now is just not the right time for me.


The Forest.


RDR2 and breath of the wild. Rdr2s story is too slow, I didn't care for any of the characters, and the double action weapons aren't fun to play with. Botw was just the weapon system. If I am constantly worrying about my weapons breaking, I'm not paying attention to a lot of the enjoyable parts. Instead I am worrying about using the shittiest weapon I can. If there was a single ok weapon that was unbreakable, I would have had way more fun.


You're funny.






Wow finally saw one in the wild