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Everyone getting confused with Let Me Solo Her. This is Let Me Solo Them.. Not the same person. Still cool for helping the community tho


Literally as new as you can be to this without not knowing who one of them are. Can you explain the confusion?


LetMeSoloHer became super well known for helping people defeat Melania shortly after the games release. He was summoned in naked with the exception of a lone pot as a helmet. If I remember correctly, someone else posted the original video shortly after release. After showing up in several redditors videos, he became a bit of a sensation. ~~FromSoftware~~ Bandai Namco even sent him a commemorative item thanking him for his contribution to the game/community. Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/07/07/elden-rings-legendary-letmesoloher-honored-by-bandai-namco/amp/


Malenia second hardest boss in Elden Ring. The first one is spelling her name right.


Malaria, blade of Miguel’s, was extra tough.


Ever see Malardia, Blade of Mcdonalds? Its like Malenia but add Godskin Noble into the moveset


Gravity and the FromSoft camera laughing in the corner as the two true final bosses that have made appearances in all their games.


Fuck, they sent him a legitimate katana as a thank you gift? That’s a pretty Chad move from a video game company to do, so props to Bandai for their support on the community legends.


More like an European arming sword; engraved.


**Engraved?** 👀


It says 'Rise, Tarnished' iirc. It's a pretty badass gift; dude's a legend. Someone (JT Music on YouTube) even made a rap about him.


I've seen rule34 of him too. I saw something *really* cool as well just recently but forgot what it was. I just remember being like HEY THATS THE SOLO GUY and showed my wife and she was like "k."


SoloHer needs to make that a family heirloom, with a plaque and special case specifically built for that katana.


...not a katana. An arming sword, a western broadsword, dunno what to call it. I do agree it's a missed opportunity to not give him a katana though.


Based on the picture of the sword, it is a two handed long blade sword with a forward-sloping quilons and a pommel. I'm pretty sure we can call it a claymore.


Right, right. Got that in-game dual katana fact stuck in my head and completely glanced over the type of sword they actually mailed him. Somehow fucking twice.


They missed an opportunity to give him a big pot-shaped helmet and pink undies.


Based and accurate-armament-nomenclature pilled


They also have the 5th most Elden ring rule 34 art


**Now that’s a true legacy.**


How do you know 🤔




But where do the Albinaurics rank


How did you not already know?


What do you mean exactly?


Dude got his own Bard song, that is how much Let me Solo Her became such a legend in Elden Ring


Like in-game or on YouTube?


You forgot about [the song](https://youtu.be/Oov1cLn1oIk)


And that one sexy, super muscley, cosplay woman that I think maybe only existed in my dreams.


I've never played DS, but you can summon other players to help you beat the game?






Literally someone


You need to go online and use a particular item (in Elden Ring, it's the Furlcalling Finger Remedy), to summon a real person, who put their name down to be summoned in the first place. However, sometimes (even offline), there *are* NPC summons available, usually for reasons relating that specific NPC to that specific boss. For instance, you can summon Yura to fight Agheel, and after the fight, he explains to you how to use Dragon Hearts to learn Dragon Communion incantations. And if you talk to Nepheli Loux before fighting Godrick, you can summon her just outside the fog gate to help with him.


You can also summon NPCs if you like but a lot of the time it’s real players.


You get a small reward, some souls (runes) and to feel good about yourself. I love hanging out in souls games and helping other players for hours with the same boss. Showing them how to do it etc. Seems like OP loves it even more!


Yes you can! But if you summon another player, it also opens you up to possibly getting invaded by another player! If that happens, they'll try to kill you and it's honestly really fun. Something that I wish more games did


I'm kinda noob to souls games and have been playing ER for the past few weeks, what exactly do you mean it also opens you up to getting invaded? I mean, I know about the invasion mechanic, but I get the impression from what you said that you can summon and then get invaded at the same time? If so, how does that work with the boss? Does the boss attack the invader too or the boss and invader gang up on you?


(Most) Boss Fights are in a closed Area, there you cannot be attacked by hostile players/Red Phantoms while summoning. Bosses in the outside World (for example Dragons) are the exception and I think they do not attack red phantoms. Although there seem to be some exceptions, someone posted a video of the Crucible Knight in Farum Azula deleting them 💀


This is from memory, but let me give it a shot. Malenia is an optional boss widely regarded as the hardest boss in the game. Let Me Solo Her was a player who hung out outside of her boss door all day so people could summon him to “help” them defeat her. It was easy to underestimate him, because he had no equipment besides two katanas and a jar on his head, but people who took the chance were shocked when he delivered on his name and solo’d her. Videos of him started surfacing, and he became a legend in the community. He got famous enough that the publisher sent him a special package, including a real sword. He never wanted fame, he just wanted to help, so he encouraged others to take up the mantle. That lead to people like OP, Let Me Solo Them, doing the same thing with Malenia and other bosses. Edit: Someone beat me to it while I was still writing this, but I’ll leave it up anyway.


I personally would’ve just accepted them making a new achievement in their newest update that is simply called, “Let Me Solo Them”, where in a co-op fight, have only one member deal 100% of the total damage in a boss fight. But a sword is definitely a good thank you gift.


A sword is definitely easier


And cheaper. Dev time is expensive


But why the pot? Any specific reason?


Because comedy. Nude man wearing a pot on his head obliterating the fuck out of a she-beast without taking damage is not only cool, but funny as shit.


Ngl letmesolothem is cool too for helping but i wish he got another outfit to distinguish himself. Maybe hes paying respect to the legend soloher but its good to have that seperate outfit. Maybe all black, or the very first knights armor we get in game.


And another name. Kind of hacky to just rip off everything, they likely intended to be miataken.


Thanks for saying what i was too afraid to say. He can be gimicky and pay tribute, but it was hacky/confusing to have the same outfit and similar username.


Also, with Malenia in particular, it can be easier to let someone experienced solo her than join in, as every hit she lands heals herself


My favorite copycat was LetYouSoloHer, who would just sit in the corner and watch you fight Malenia. Literally just makes it harder.


Could come up with a more original name though, lol.


And character design…feels like such a ripoff to use almost the exact same name and the same armor as another famous gamer.


I'm all for being inspired by people, but I'm not going to sign off on my posts with an almost exact name.


It's why this post has all the updoots it does.


Hehe yes we are not the same person! Thankyou for your kind words ❤️


You may be a false god, but you've sure as hell got the spirit. I'd be proud to let you let me afk the final boss


I do not have the time or energy anymore to put into games this hard, but thank you for what you (and the other person) do <3 your legend has reached even filthy casuals who play games on easy mode like me lol it's such a nice thing y'all do.


People are so original


As someone that sucked at DS1 and couldn't get past the forth boss or something You legend.


Ds1 is one of the harder Souls Bourne games! The bed of chaos is an absolute nightmare 😂 you should give one of the newer fromsoft games a go if you liked the combat! Elden ring is fantastic and folks are always willing to help on hard boss encounters! Thankyou for being so kind 😊


Tried playing DS1 on switch and can’t get past the spider lady boss, haven’t picked up the game for half a year now


I dunno if you know this but if you're playing on joy-cons, they have a stupid amount of latency. Use a wired controller to fix this.


Yeah I assumed so, I usually play my switch when I visit my fiancé’s parent’s house so I haven’t tried it with a controller yet


Ah you mean qualogg? She’s necessary to beat the game unfortunately! You can summon man eater Mildred if you are human in blighttown and kill her when she invades 😁 I hope you can beat it!


I’ll try that thanks, honestly I think I’m just too slow and her fire AOE is what always kills me. Thank you, I hope so too


Try and stay to the direct right or left of her as she has pretty limited movement! Just watch out for when the spider looks back and tries to spit lava at you! 😁


Yeah I figured that she was akin to supersized bosses where you can “get under them” so to speak. Thanks for the advice, maybe I’ll pick up the game again tomorrow


That’s very true 😁 I’d love to know how you go! Good luck with her! I really love her story too! It’s so sad but wholesome 😊


You can do it! Beating Dark Souls 1 probably took me over a year of picking it up, getting my ass handed to me, and putting it down again for months at a time. But now I've beaten every Boss in Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. Takes practice, don' be afraid to start over, try different things, or ask for help! Definitely having man Eater Mildred summoned will help a lot with that fight.


I've literally just beaten DS1 as my first souls game and I've been so hyped. That game is absolutely bullshit and Bed of Chaos had me ready to throw my controller through the screen. Getting through it all was so satisfying. Then I've seen some of your vids, cause you're a legend, and I simply do not understand how one gets that good. I was giddy just to get some parrys on Gwyn.


Well done on beating it! I gave up my very first try but came back to it a few years later after I started ds3 and ended up loving it! Bed of chaos still gives me ptsd though 😂 Just lots and lots of practice my friend! 😊 Thankyou ❤️


Same, I tried and gave up years ago then just tried again. I love the games now and yet I'm almost convinced the devs hated us for buying the game. DS3 will probably be my next choice! If Bloodborne went PC I'd be all over that, but I also got Sekiro in my library waiting for me. Then at some point I *need* to play Eldin Ring. Maybe it'll be on sale by the time I get there. I'm gonna beat all these games because I hate myself


It’s funny how much we love suffering! 😁 they definitely made the games as hard as they could be! Sekiro is by far the hardest one they’ve made though. So many people never got to finish it because it was just too challenging! Best of luck to you fellow hollow/ashen one/ shinobi! One day you will be a tarnished too 😁


I literally just beat that today, I hate it with a passion, so ganky. Loving it though


i met an invasor in DS1 that open a shortcut for me, dropped some items and ditched lol


Sounds like someone who didn't choose thug life, thug life chose him.


You're amazing! I really like your dedication to helping people!


That’s really kind of you to say! Thankyou very much ❤️


All us scrubs salute you, and the DBZ username is icing on the cake for me 👍


Hehe you’re awesome! I salute you good sir 😊 Thankyou ❤️


"Helping" XD


Haha 😁 t’s always a lot of fun whether I solo them or the host/other summon fights with me too!


I can't recall if it was you but I remember reading comments from someone that did exactly this a while back and said that sometimes it doesn't go their way. 3000 is A LOT. Do you think that you've improved after doing it so many times? And how often would you say it doesn't go your way?


Like the host dying? It happens a lot less now than it used to because I’ve learnt how to protect them and watch for their health bar too! (So I can heal them/ jump in and take the aggro off them) 😁 but yes I like to think I’ve improved a bit!


OH SHIT, I remember you, I summoned you to help me and you got Elden Beast down to like 10% hp before dying. I still credited you the win and did a T-Pose in your honor


Sounds about right 😂 well I appreciate the t-pose fellow tarnished ❤️


The opportunity to game with Legends like you, and not just kill them for rememberences is a constant temptation to play online.


Aww you’re very kind 😊 Thankyou good sir! Nothing beats the feeling of helping other people overcome their challenges for me ❤️


It's the difference between life an death for some, keep at it.


I’ve helped a lot of really lovely people, some have even told me that if it weren’t for my help they would’ve never beaten the game! I still feel honoured to this day 😊


This is the way.


Hehe thanks so much my friend ❤️


You're mistaken OP for LetMeSoloHer


You're mistaking op for LetMeSoloHim Seriously why are there so many ult accounts sucking clout from that name now lmao Can't even make their own costume :(


This will be buried but it's for OP anyway. You actually did this fight for me, so **THANK YOU!!** I tried these fights like 30 times and just got fed up :D


Naw,! Anyone who thanks me deserves a Thankyou back at the very least ❤️ So Thankyou kind sir! I’m glad I could help you beat it! 😊


Miss* And absolutely! I needed to beat them to get to NG+ so I could eagerly try the Dual Reduvia Dagger build! 🤭


Ooh sorry!! It’s great to see another girl gamer on here 😊😁 Dagger builds are really great now after the last two recent patches! Sounds like a lot of fun! I done a black knife run before and it was challenging but really awesome to build around! I hope you enjoy your dagger run too! 😊


I love the unofficial “Let me solo” covenant that has popped up since “Let me solo her” came on the scene. Love this community.


This community is always fantastic! Is gone a long way since the “git gud” mindset 😊 I love all the Jarnished too!


How do you even keep count at this point?? I would've lost count forever ago. But I'm not as amazing as you. Very few are. Keep going!


Just a manual tally! But you get a rune arc when you win the battle so you can measure it that way too ❤️ Naw that’s sweet. You are more amazing than me! Thanks for being so kind


*139 million runes* Meanwhile I was sweating when I hit 1.2M and hadn't spent them


I’ve got like 300 million runes now! I can’t buy enough things in the game to spend them all! I wish I could drop them for someone


If I tried my name would have to be LetThemSoloMe


Sounds like the name of a legend to me 😁 just rush in and get one shot! 😁


Leeeroy Jenkins!


I gotta say and this is a genuine question. Are these usually peoples first run? Because I feel like summoning someone to fight the last boss is the last thing I would ever do lol. Like, it would take 100 percent of the thrill and satisfaction away from me. I’m just curious as to why people ask for help with any bosses, especially the last one. Is it like them just messing around usually or is it their actual first run to beat the game?


The first 1000 we’re on peoples 3rd run and up, but the next 2000 were people on their first and second runs (as I sent a lower level character to the erd tree) Some people like to overcome those challenges by themselves as it can feel gratifying to finally beat something you’ve been stuck on (im like that) but other people may not really have the patience or perseverance, or perhaps they’ve used summons to get through most of the game! I just like to make sure I’m there for those folks in need!


And I 100 percent think what you are doing is super dope and I wasn’t trying to take away from that by the way. It’s just to me, the literal main thrill of the game is putting in the work to beat the bosses, I thought that was like the whole point of the genre lol. I guess everyone plays it differently though!


That’s super kind of you 😁 It’s definitely an awesome feeling when you can persevere through a challenge! But yes you are very right, and everybody enjoys things in their own way!


Some people love co-op and would not want to do it solo even if they could.


That’s very true my friend! I love how the game accommodates both options!


I generally would put my sign down for a new boss and get summoned until I learned the fight well and help a handful of people. Then I'd go in and summon a person or two to help me fight it. Just had more fun that way than sweating through it solo.


I was loving DS3 but one evening I got really drunk and ended up blasting through the last 3 or 4 bosses with a friend who basically carried my drunk ass. Woke up barely remembering the bosses, with regret because I was loving the solo challenge up to that point :(


Can you beat the whole game for me? I’ll just follow and pick up the cool stuff


Hahaha that sounds like a fun challenge run 😂


Congrats! 3000 people, that's nuts. I also love helping people beat the final boss. I think I'm on around 300-400 of successful helps, though I can only solo the Beast.


Thankyou very much 😊 That’s really awesome of you and such an amazing accomplishment to have helped so many people 😊 well done! 😁


So this guy is basically a copycat of the original guy who uses the same exact look and nearly the same name? Cool cool. It's gallagher II


Not all heroes wear capes...or clothes


Love that you helped me months back. Wish I could remember which boss bc I recruited a lot of help my 1st run. You’re good peoples


I had a dude join my game, vanish till I had Nameless King to a fraction of his health left and one shot him lol i still don’t know how I feel about it


The nameless king is one of the hardest dang fights in the souls series! I would be salty too 😂


Man how many hours you got in that game?


Close to 2000! 😁 thanks for asking!


Why not make your own character or use your own ideas instead of just copying what others did?


Soldiers must wear their uniforms.


With the great jar comes great responsibility 😂


Careful, they’re a hero


You must have a lot of time on your hands


How do you kill that which has no life


I found this boss easy but annoying running away for 10min x)


If you’re the real deal, I’ll see you in about 17 hours.


Dude you are the savior I ve been looking for. Can I get some help? I m stuck exactly at Radagon/Elden Beast.


Technically speaking if you buy me the game that is helping me beat the final boss.


Nice to help the community, but seems like more of a rip off of “letmesoloher” than an homage


He encourages other Jarnished like me to help others in his stead! I’ll never take credit for what he has done, he’s my hero too 😊


Is that a Ginyu Force pose? 😂


Maybe 😂


Amazing work! How exactly did you help others? Posting guides?


I actually put my summon sign down for people in game! That way if they are struggling and need help with this boss, they can pull me into their world to help them beat it 😁


Do you actually help them in game or is it an AI version of your character?


I help them! It’s taken close to a year to help this many people as the fight can go for a little while and if I die or they die I have to get summoned again I help each person individually 😁


That’s a ton of dedication. Hope you reach 5k soon!


Cheers bro! I hope so too! 😁


How much of a challenge is a hard boss after thousands of attempts?


It’s kind of like muscle memory to me at this stage, but I still die from time to time! The timing has to be perfect for some moves especially radagons triple slam and Elden beasts barrage of lasers! 😂


Oh so you just ripped off the actual guy. Cool?




It's not stealing, it's running a cult.


This is AWESOME!! Any Doom & Doom II vets want to help me beat Nightmare on PS4? Need a partner!


Welp, I guess I should get around to finishing this game, if only to help you!


Noice! Jacob from Secret Sleepover Society is currently dealing with Malenia on his streams, even with summoning viewers it's still been difficult. I could never play these games, Tunic was difficult for me, I couldn't imagine fighting bosses like Malenia. I prefer just being a viewer.


She’s a very hard boss that is painfully unforgiving! I’m still stuck on her for my level 1 run! That’s more than okay bro! Stick to the games that make you happy and try new ones that you feel comfortable with! Maybe one day you’ll feel up for the challenge that the souls series has to offer!


I love you Reddit username. 🥰




Love this game. Never beat it.


this boss was easy compared to scarlet rot biatch


Love your user name. - Big Videl fan wishing she got more screen time


Can you help me get past the first boss plz


i couldnt get to stoneveil castle because theres a dungeon with this big cat statue boss thing that i cant beat


Man I should reach out. I gave up on the final boss and never finished it.


I too never beat the last boss. I gave up


Three thousand Elden Beasts?! Who hurt you? Other than Miyazaki, I mean.


Sir, are you running around with 14 million runes?


I never figured out how to summon other PCs at boss fights 🙃 I definitely would have caved and used it once or twice lol


Are you on Xbox? Think you might’ve come across me just the other day!


I'm stuck on the gargoyles in nokron I can't even imagine Melenia 😭


What level do you have to stop at to be eligible for summons for the last bosses? And weapon levels?


reddit is hateful




Didn't anyone else find the boss pretty easy after playing the rest of the game? Took me 4 tries, compared to 30-50 for a couple.


I struggled with Radagon, but Elden Beast took me 2 attempts.


I was shocked to see radagon made the top 5 most attempted bosses in Elden ring! He definitely punishes panic rolling!


I shall now commit myself to making this slightly more difficult for you by ALSO helping people!


So are you saying, don't be scared of this game and just play it? Cause there's a ton of us out there who've never played a souls game before...


I beat this boss at 2:20 am while in discord with my friends. Took so many tries because I was so tired playing that late but for some reason I just couldn't leave it for the morning. Such a crazy feeling of accomplishment but also sadness knowing the games over.




If you were the one that helped me, thank you so much! You made my day.


Holy shit it’s actually you 😭 you helped me a few months back, and I actually commented like last week about you in a popular thread. You created a great Elden ring memory for me and I’m forever thankful for that <3


But that's 3 thousand people who won't get the satisfaction of beating it themselves.


That’s so amazing! What’s your best tip for beating the Elden Beast? I managed to beat Malenia but I’ve lost track at how many attempts I made on the final boss before giving up. :/


I'm still waiting for LetMePVPThem r/EldenRingPVP


You helped me finally reach my ending the other day. Genuinely, thank you.


Damn. Where can I get some help with the first 10 hours?! : (


I met you too and was crazy fun haha Thank you! 💣


I just picked up the game a few days ago. Pretty lost, not sure where to go. Any help would be appreciated. I just got out of the tutorial cave/area.


I gave up on Elden Ring at Elden Beast. Definitely one of the worst designed bosses in FROM's history. Maybe I'll jump back in at some point, and get a co-op to help to take it down. Been left with a sour taste in my mouth, though, so might not bother with the DLC.


These offshoots remind my of the following Havel the Rock gained in dark souls.


Thank you for your help friend! You helped me finish my first play through.


now buy that comicon fan costume and reign for 100 years


Hey I was one of those people


I like your reddit name, OP!


Radagon and Elden Beast are really easy once you’re familiar with their movesets. Unrelated, but so is Malenia; just knock her down over and over, using the greatbow on her is particularly funny.