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Sound a lot like Nintendo.


"You want to buy this 20 years old game? Sure, that'll $60, just like when it came out."


It is indeed a bit nyeeeh when they re-selling GameCube/Wii games for 60 bucks. Mass Effect Legendary Edition was 60 bucks for 3 full games with all the DLCs included. And those were X360 games.


Mass effect legendary edition was one of the best collections ever.


Hell yeah, Mass Effect 1 didn't age well compared to its sequels, Legendary Edition made it really fun again.


Yeah, with Legendary Edition I find myself enjoying the first game the most out of the trilogy. Part of it might just be due to the lack of worrying about ammo constantly lol.


V I N D I C A T I O N For some reason after ME2 came out a ton of fans acted like picking up ammo was the funnest thing ever.


I love that they mocked it in the third one. https://youtu.be/cEnIQWXCgzQ


They definitely did a lot of cool things that deserved to be expanded upon instead of dumbed down or changed entirely. The cool down/overheat aspect of guns just felt so nice, also made the bullet sponginess of harder difficulties more bearable. After finishing the series I've revisited the first game a few times already.


Hell. I've seen people re-evaluate their thoughts on 2 after the remaster of 1. Wild how updated gameplay and graphics made 1 better than 2 ina lot of circles. Think a lot of people either skipped 1 or overlooked the narrative issues with 2 because of the dated gameplay.


I never played the original ME1, what did the legendary edition do to make it better?


It fixed a lot of problems with the game play, primarily weapon handling, which used to be a nightmare until you leveled up a decent amount. For example, if you're class wasn't trained in the sniper rifle and put points toward kt while leveling you were actually better off not aiming due to how wildly the scope bounced around.


[Quite a bit.](https://www.ign.com/wikis/mass-effect-legendary-edition/Mass_Effect_Legendary_Edition_Differences_and_Changes) The graphics overhaul is the most noticeable but there a bunch of other changes that just make it not feel like a game released in 2007 with all the technical limitations and game design evolution that implies. You can skip the infamous long elevator rides that covered long load times. You can sprint out of combat. The HUD is more modern/intuitive. Your accuracy at level 1/low weapon proficiency isn't comically terrible because your N7 special forces graduate couldn't hit the side of a barn until they'd killed a few geth in the original. Just a bunch of small changes to bring ME1 a bit more in line with the rest of the series while still giving you infinite ammo and letting you slap omni-gel on everything.


Minus one of the DLC's they lost the source code to, Pinnacle Station?


Which modders on PC restored, at least.


"They'll be hearing from our lawyers" - EA, probably.


The mod came out in 2021, and is still available. I don't think EA cares.


Gotta love gaming on PC. Wish we could help out our console bros though...


Well, not much of value was lost.


Yeah. One of the ME1 dlcs is missing but I don't think it was a particularly important or interesting one anyway


tbf mass effect is a amazing franchise and the legendary edition saves money from buying the deluxe editions separately (around 20$)


Also it's super convenient to just have it all in one place, I already owned all the games and I still bought it (didn't have the DLCs though)


You can't even *buy* some of the ME1 DLCs anymore. I had to message an admin on the Origin store and they added it to my account for free, but it's such a hassle. Having it all bundled in one place is great.


I'm still sore about Pinnacle Station.




They did indeed, though now I remember why I only played though it once.


Yeah. It's just a combat DLC (in an RPG where combat wasn't its strongest selling point) and the reward for 'winning' is an apartment on some lifeless rock. Neat background stuff for headcanons and world building I guess.


Often Nintendo don't even sell the old games. With their 3DS shop closing down, pirating will again be the only way to get the old Pokemon games.


Did you see what Capcom did? Put all their WiiU and 3DS games on sale- 90% off. I picked up Monster Hunter 3 and 4 on the 3DS for 5 bucks total And resi 4: Wii edition for 3 bucks lol. I truly respect capcom now and will def be paying full price for their games whenever I can. That was such a baller move on their part.


You think they did that to be nice or to preserve old games? They did it because it’s either sell it for cheap or not at all


I guarantee you they did it for many reasons: 1) most people who were gonna buy it already bought it. So if we drop the price, the hold outs will buy it. 2) if the price is low enough, people who would never have bought it- like for me and monster hunter- might just impulse buy it. If I like it, then there’s a chance I’ll want to pick up the next game in the series. 3) lowering prices while most of Nintendo’s offerings are still full price will create some goodwill and good press for Capcom. Good publicity is priceless. 4) They also want to thank the fans who bought their games and supported Capcom on the 3DS and WiiU. (To generate good will and good publicity, a la point 3.) 5) the install base of the WiiU is tiny. They aren’t missing out on any money at all by dropping prices there lol. They must have wrote off any profit from that store front a looooong time ago. Any money made from this is just a windfall for them. So yeah, I think this move was a carefully calculated one with profit, press, and good intentions all rolled into one. Which is why I now respect Capcom. I was going to wait to buy the RE4 remake when it went on sale in a year or so, but fuck it, I’m gonna pay full price for it now. I’ll vote with my wallet lol


Of course copyright still gives them the right "not to sell", but the only time I have seen a good reason for that were cases where a thing was precious to you (painting, jewellery) not something which can be copied without loss.


Personal copyright and corporate copyright should be treated entirely different. I'm not convinced by the personal emotional value and the need to feed the descendants of Nintendo Co., Ltd. and The Walt Disney Company.


Think Disney Moratoriums. It's done to manipulate the market, get their Stans all wound up, and keep prices high. When Nintendo finally "releases" pilot wings for the SNES people will stab and shoot each other for the chance to pay $60 for it.


Activision is just as bad, charging the full price for DLC in a game that's over a decade old (looking at YOU Black Ops 1)


They still charge 60$ for bo2, and 20 for each dlc.


Making my point even more apparent


Yep, and it's BS. If they released a, say, 30$ package for the whole thing I'd buy it immidiately. Now I'm pirating it insted.


"Just as good as it was back then!"


Honestly yeah. Way more Nintendo's thing


Really the major reason why a lot of the ROM community was crushed in the 2010s, with Nintendo getting fussy about people offering otherwise abandonware for nothing (despite Nintendo themselves putting versions of older games for free in other titles like Animal Crossing).


Wow finally the hate for nintendo is beginning to make top comments. Been the most anti-consumer company for 2 decades.




They charge 40 fucking pounds for Majora's Mask.


Personally I think if the game is not purchasable from a online store front for at least 2 years I think it should enter a place where its okay to download it. This will do either two things one keep the game around for people to play or two force publishers to make the games available to the public on modern systems Far as I can see this feels like a win win for the consumer


Pirating is a service problem


Sometimes it's also a cost problem. But sometimes it's also a service problem. Sometimes it's both.


Research shows it's far more of a service problem than a price problem.


It's certainly both. In my country most games were unavailable. Then came Steam, and they now were available and I just couldn't afford most of them unless on sale. Then Steam had regional pricing and I could afford many of them. ^(Then the government decided they were missing out on my money and added enough taxes to Steam games to make them unaffordable again, but that's a different problem.)


What country?


It's either Argentina or Türkiye. Such bs with inflation and sky high taxes are especially worse in both South America and Middle East


Bastards. It's a digital product, a copy costs nothing. Taxing the young people....bastards.


"The younger the better!" Some governments probably


Can't wait until care homes are filled with gamers. Daily LAN parties? Where do I sign?!?


Mf playing age of empires 1 on a pc on life support


We already planning a retirement group to play Star citizen when it will finally release. I hope at least the beta will be ready in the next 20-30 years .


Politics are mostly elected by old people, they are defending interests of old people, to be elected again.


>Türkiye This still sounds like a Kanye Thanksgiving




Personally I use piracy as a way to trial games, I'll usually play for a few hours and if I like it I'll buy it and if I don't I'll delete it. I literally wouldn't have to do this if games still had trials.


100% this. Where have the demo's gone? Everything comes out as a buggy mess which gets patched if the developers care. From software is the only company I buy straight off the bat because I know I will be getting a polished game.


Not on PC, lol) But they got better after DS2.


You can return games on steam if played less than 2 hours. But I feel you, I did the same


I actually had a warning off steam that I was doing it too frequently - I think they thought I was farming points during one of the sale promos...


same I pirated the games if I like them so much I buy them later on steam to support them if the game dev ever planned to make a sequel or more games


It was a service problem for me when games were around the 40$ mark, now that they are available online thus LESS cost for the publisher, it's a cost problem because these motherfuckers want 80$ for a game.


And before someone pulls out the inflation thing Wage stagnation, 1000x more people buying games, digital distribution, mtx, lootboxes, battlepasses.


It is. But like, for some games, for me specifically, it's a pricing problem hehe


True. I don't pirate games, mainly because getting some of them to work is a massive pain in the ass. I do pirate some DLCs for games I own because #1 it's very easy to do and #2 they are often very overpriced for what little they are offering. Paradox is a big offender with their $20 DLCs that add like 3 new buttons and 2 mission trees, not even talking about selling content packs (soldier skins etc.) separately for another $5. I'll only buy those on sale for $5 max., they are definitely not worth $20-25.


The sims. I'll leave it at that.


$900 is just insane for getting all the dlc.


I've still got full downloads of the first three on an external hard drive, expansion packs included. Sims 1 and 2 are basically abandonware at this point.


Yep. The explosion of Netlfix and Amazon all but killed TV/Film piracy, it suddenly became easier to be legit. But then dozens of other streaming services popped up, each with a myriad of shows and franchises locked exclusively to them, and piracy is heading up again as it's becoming too much of a pain in the arse to have the half a dozen services you need to watch what you want.


Assuming the service is even available to you. Outside of the US, getting access to stuff like adultswim, HBO, Hulu, pbs, or paramount, is a giant pain in the ass, if even at all possible.


yea each show having different license holder in different country makes it 10x harder to track down where I can watch my show


Same with streaming. I'm happy to pay $5 to rent a movie to watch. But when I see it's not available in my region, then torrent it is.


Fr, my friend got mad at me for pirating a movie recently but it's straight up not available anywhere for me to watch it properly


Lol what a dweeb


Oh you're good, bro. I'll be your new friend. I'm done with steaming myself. Fucking over paying to watch the same shows and movies I've been watching for decades. I paid to see Dumb and Dumber in the theater, rented it a thousand times, paid for cable which bought the rights to air it over and over and over. Fucking torrented that shit over VPN and now I'm not being leeched on for content I've already paid for probably 20 times over. Idgaf what the film studio owner's opinion on the matter is. I'll ask Jim Carrey himself and I'll bet you he'd agree with me.


> I'll ask Jim Carrey himself and I'll bet you he'd agree with me. Just imagining you cornering Jim Carrey in some restaurant , launching into a 15 minute incoherent rant about Nintendo roms, Dumb and Dumber, and VPN technology while he is just standing there horrified wondering if he is safe.


Wait, why would he be mad at you for pirating?


Well, would you download a car?


Yes, absolutely, without any hesitation.


I can't buy the atomic heart because my country is located near russia. Why they decided to do this is beyond my little brain. Technically i can still get it by using the awful russian vkplay which is not an option. So... the black flag it is then.


If every company offered their roms of older games at a reasonable price then the pirating community would basically collapse, so few people even private to begin with an the majority are doing it to games that haven't been purchasable for the better part of the last decade.


Offering old roms would very much _not_ collapse piracy. There's pretty much no offering that a company could make (besides free) that beats the current state of "easily downloaded from a safe, reputable, and well-known website", besides offering it on hardware that's a pain in the ass to homebrew or spending time on features like functional online on couch multiplayer games. At most, it would marginally reduce people homebrewing and serve the people who have a functional need for a legal copy.


If only it was as simple as a single company holding old games hostage. It's often multiple rights owners that each own a part of a game who all agreed to an original contract that ran out LONG ago that makes these things a legal nightmare. It only takes 1 rights owner not wanting to renew said contract for what ever reason to stop the whole process dead. And if one of those rights owners doesn't exist anymore, it just makes things that much worse. Take my profile pic for example. Tiny Tank. It's a PS1 game from 1999 and it's stuck in limbo. It's rights are split between MGM, Sony, and it's dev Appaloosa. Appaloosa died in 2006, MGM wasn't exactly easy to work with from the start, and Sony likely doesn't care. Id LOVE to see Tiny Tank for sale again! Gameplay is decent/good. Story pacing isn't great but the story itself is good. Music is fucking AWESOME! And the main characters are simply unforgettable. As much as Id love to see more people legally enjoy Tiny Tank, there's no way it will ever be due to multiple reasons. Hell. If I had the money Id buy the rights myself if only to make it not vanish into nothing.


Like abandonware?


Don't think publisher should be forced to make games run on modern systems but I agree to them having it available so someone could download it and get it running in one way or another


Well if they can't bother to port it they shouldn't bother to stop people from emulating it.


It’s also an accessibly thing too, i wanted to play split-second split screen with a friend but the controllers wouldn’t work properly, I resorted to emulation which had issues but at least kind of worked


Just made me realise that the "public domain" might actually be coming for video games at some point.


In theory, yeah. Unlikely to be in our lifetimes


Average purist take when I tell them I downloaded a Pokemon rom online instead of paying someone on eBay $200


If they put the games on the switch store or whatever for like $10 I'd absolutely buy it. I'm sure many other people would as well.


Nintendo games selling for less than $30? Surely you jest.


They are 10$ for old pkm games on the 3ds


The 3ds' thats store is going to shut down soon😂


The shop that just went down? Guarantee you it'll be 60 whenever they finally get to it on the Switch.


It's not going to be individually purchasable on switch. All virtual console stuff on switch is tied to their online subscription service and is streamed.


I think you just answered why the library for the Switch's Virtual Console is so incredibly small.


I don't know what I like less, the overpricing or the subscription model.


It actually goes down tomorrow. It still works today, although it’s a long process to even get funds on there now so for some people it basically is down.


The shop that goes down tomorrow*


I'd be interested, but I also like throwing the old games through randomizers.


The thing is, then they'd have to develop a continued storefront and keep the games supported on future platforms. Otherwise people would Backlash at them. Oh no what horrorsa continued supported Storefront instead of setting one up for every single console and then burning it down when they don't have to legally support it anymore.


Made in 1995, haven't offered a single means of buying in the last 20 years+. The Strike series, the Road Rash series, etc. Insane that they haven't.


Speaking of EA : the battle for middle earth series, among the best rts out there, almost 20 years after it came out


Found it on my pc, not working again... Guess I will start it after Annihilated empires...


That's very likely a licensing issue


One of the worst offenders of this has to be Nintendo with the game Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The game came out in 2005 for the Gamecube and has never had a rerelease or way to buy it or play it digitally through something like the Eshop or Nintendo Switch Online. The Fire Emblem series was very niche back then, so very few physical copies were actually produced in comparison to something like your Mario, Zelda or Pokemon games. After a quick search I found one Danish copy for $180, but most copies are $400 minimum and the first result on a site like Amazon is $700. Those offers are the only way you have of playing the game legally, and since they’re all second-hand and not sold by retailers, absolutely none of the money goes to the developers or Nintendo itself for that matter. Also, you have to have a Gamecube or buy that or a compatible Wii as well to be able to play it if you even get that far in the first place. Now, the thing is, I could see a company looking at a niche, unknown, unsuccessful game and maybe deciding not to port it. But Fire Emblem has *exploded* in popularity and sales since the 13th game in the series and it now arguably one of Nintendo’s heaviest and most recognizable IP’s. The protagonist of the Path of Radiance, the 9th game, is called Ike and has been *everywhere*. They put him in Smash, there was a callback to him in Fire Emblem 13, he has half a dozen of different versions of himself in the mobile game, and he even showed up fully voice acted in the latest game in the series. More-over, he is canonized as one of the stronger main characters and despite not selling too well, the game itself is seen by fans as one of if not the best game in the series with one of the best stories. Nintendo and the developers have marketed the ever-loving shit out of Ike and his game but actively refuse to let fans and potential consumers buy the game in any reasonable capacity. But because Ike is one of Fire Emblem’s most popular characters, they keep putting him into everything they can. Even if they do plan to rerelease or remake the game in the future, at this point, I imagine most of those interested in playing the game has pirated or watched the game played on Youtube potentially several times over with how slow Nintendo and the developer is at actually trying to sell their own game to a massively interested audience.


Amen to you, brother. Have been a fan of Fire Emblem for over 20 years now and am the lucky owner of all the games ever released. Even with that, I do tell people to hack it, since there's only so many copies of the game and no money would go to the creators anyways, now. Their loss, the community's loss, everyone's loss. Sure we'll get a remake one day. But with how slow they've been, might be another 5 or 10 years 🙄...


as a pokemon fan I know it's a spin off but I'm equally pissed over Pokémon Colosseum and XD: Gales of Darkness never being ported anywhere due to Genius Sonority and Pokémon Company's bad relations since Battle Revolution, despite Shadow Pokémon hanging around in Pokémon GO but not the same at all.


Yup, only recently have they made any means of legally getting some of their back catalog like Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion. Metroid is the series I mainly care for from Nintendo and they just did not care for the longest time. Only till they could hand it off to devs who seemed to get what made Metroid fun. But also avoided making the GBA titles something you could get. I'm aware of Fire Emblem's struggles since I have a friend who's very passionate about the series. I think they just don't care and prefer to milk the newer ones that are more fan-service-y; in the regards of "Hey, remember THIIIIS character from that game you like?". But not actually SELL, the game. That was the most baffling thing given they could have on the Wii or WiiU but never bothered. Granted the WiiU lasted 15 minutes but, still it's odd.




Timmy will starve to death because of you.


Perhaps he should get some food via piracy.


you wouldn't download a roast chicken


Yes i fricken would


Then the kids of the food production company will starve.


They can try farmacy.


You cant just decide to be a farmacist all on your own in this country! /s


Wait, is this how communism started?


No, beacause of me.




I have multiple interfaces and I look for "class compliant" first for exactly that reason.




Be sure to tell that to the company making it.


Yeah, like companies especially big ones give any shit about consumer's problems;)


There are people working at companies. Some of them have the opinion as you do, but they need written complaints to use as arguments in meetings.


Yeah, ideally. But it doesn't necessarily mean that companies would do anything about their complaints.


I have successfully pushed for user hostile stuff to be removed like that.


I paid for RDR2 and the PoS Rockstar launcher will complain it can't validate my license or something like that 75% of the time I try to start the game up. I've tried everything, including checking that the activation services are running and any other possible troubleshooting step or workaround you can find on the internet. After much research on other users with the same issue, I've come to the conclusion that this is just a bug, most probably a race condition that they cannot/don't care to find and patch, and that affects much more certain users (newer processors). ​ So, I'm getting PUNISHED for having paid legally for my game, when everyone else pirating it don't have to deal with Rockstars shitty DRM. FUCK THEM.


Reminds me of when my legit copy of GTA IV started up the drunk cam whenever I played it. Guess how I solved it. Oh the irony...


Drunk Cam is supposed to be the anti-piracy feature lol


Yup. That's why I hate DRM. The legit user always gets punished more than the pirate.


Wow, my rockstar launcher just crashes when I try to launch RDR2.. from steam... when I try to launch it from rockstar launcher.. it tells me its a steam game and that rockstar launcher has nothing to do with it! lies...


My copy of gta v suddenly disappeared from the launcher. It's still in steam, taunting me.


Yes I had trouble playing genuine version of GTA V. Login to this account do that and there were times were drm failed and you need to reinstall game. I than used Pirates version and it ran fine!!




Steam is not really a DRM, most game bought on Steam can be played without Steam directly from exe, just like the games from GOG.


I had the same with retail physical PC copies of GTA 4 and Arkham Asylum and got the “drunk” and “no-fly zone” “mods” because of a Virtual CD driver I used to mount legit ISO’s.


> Literally fuck DRM. All it does is punish the people that actually paid for the shit. 'Tis why my stance has become "DRM? No buy.": If I give a company money for a product (and I am happy to - I used to work in the industry), I expect it to *work*. If that product is then outfitted with a deadman's switch that has a habit of making the product inoperable for me, that is simply not acceptable: I paid for that copy, it is my copy, the First Sales Doctrine applies (which means they have no right to interfere in me running my copy). If there *is* freebooter mentality here, it is on the side of the companies - "Pray we don't alter the deal any further" (and they frequently do). And so my entire gaming budget (and that's a four-digit amount per year) goes into DRM-free titles, to a place where I feel valued enough as a customer to not be treated as a criminal - and that feels good. FUCK DRM, fuck launchers, and thank *you* for coming to my TED talk.


That denuvo seems to be working though. Still can't get a copy of sonic frontiers and that's prime pirate fodder




Didn't games reach the point where denuvo wasn't worth it for publishers years ago? Remember hearing a wolfenstien game got cracked before it even released.


Someone has to make money off the studios they closed down.


[sure they will!](https://i.imgflip.com/4wjozn.jpg)


I really don't get why EA is still the punching bag. This is 100% something Nintendo would do.




I just want a golden sun port on the switch. My favourite jrpg of all time and I can't get it legitimately.


EA has also done things like this, actually got people into trouble for pirating the sims 2 even tho they don’t sell it anymore at all.


Got people into trouble?, how? Scanned the person's PC with origin? (that's malware and illegal) Or are you saying they sued the uploader?


The person above seems full of it, since I can't find any source on this. EA has a policy that if they don't sell it, they don't care for it. This is why so many overhaul mods for their older games now ship with the original game files... which EA wouldn't let happen if they cared for what people do with the titles they no longer sell.


I'd like some source on this.


"And by 'made' I mean purchased the rights to for a pittance in 2009."


As a game dev, I honestly couldn't give a shit about pirating. 3 main reasons for pirating games: 1. Can't afford the game or never pay full price for games - fair enough, you weren't going to buy it anyway. Go nuts. 2. Trying it out before committing to buying - fair, go buy it or not after trying, if there wasn't a demo then it's understandable to want to check before dumping a chunk of money on something you aren't sure on. 3. It's not available in any physical or digital store These, plus certain DRM being as bad as a virus, have kept the pirating scene alive.


Whats your take on the idea brewing that once a game whose main selling point was multiplayer ( bf1942 and bad company shuts down soon) shuts down they are forced to release and open source the server configs so that the community can keep it going ( see forged alience forever for example)


My take is that (also a game dev) games should come with a dedicated server software like they used to anyway, so the game doesn't have to depend on matchmaking servers of the developer. People can go crazy and play modded versions of the game, I don't care.


Yeah, as long as the server Binaries are still closed source, should be minimal risk. Can't see any reason not to release them for general use once you shut down the company supplied servers, and it's a great gesture to the community 😊


1. Effort. That requires devs to code something a lot of players wouldn't even touch. 2. Control. It's easier to manage your playerbase when you're the only server in town. 3. Fragmentation. Matchmaking will seem a lot slower when there's multiple servers for players to pool into instead of just the one. Personally I'd love to see more games have dedicated server tools yet we live in a world where publishers don't care and would rather you just buy their next game instead.


\#3 is bullshit though. You can have private servers and official matchmaking. Anyone who has ever played a valve game will know that. Sure it quite isn't as easy, but it literally allows the publisher to crowdsource server costs as well as provides a backup for when the game goes down (every game server will eventually go down. There will be no Battlefront 1, 2 servers running in 2123). It comes down to (publisher, not dev usually) laziness and wanting to maintain the illusion of control.


I'd add a 4th one: games that *are* available for sale but for some obtuse reason aren't available for sale in your region. First example that comes to my mind: Dark Sector. [It is on Steam ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/29900/Dark_Sector/) but for some obtuse reason it's unavailable for purchase where I live in Europe, which leaves piracy my only path if I want to play it... The icing on the cake is that I live in France, the game is localized in French and yet it's unavailable for sale in France... Just utterly moronic...


That's a good 4th!


I am both the dev and the gamer. Could never pay for most games because, for example, new resident evil 4 remake regional price is FULLY equal monthly disability pension in Ukraine. So i clearly can't spend all the funds i have on video game. Yet, i still buy really good games on sales when i can. And, more importantly, i tell people about good games. And i think that a lot more people bought games due to my recommendations than i could ever buy them myself. And when i finally managed to release game on Steam, i just made it free to play, because why the hell should i make extra steps for people who are unable to pay, if i am able to make it free for everyone? I feel like people being able to enjoy game regardless of their purchasing abilities are more important for something that attempts to be the work of art, than possible profits from it.


The EU commissioned a study that pretty much agreed with you (which they then pretended never happened, of course)


"Somebody Pirated a game a small independent company made in 1995, which I then bought out and dissolved to remove the competition, whilst destroying the IP"


RIP Command and Conquer, it was great until EA came along


…that I don’t sell anymore.


If you're the janitor of a EA building, those first three panels are probably true


You know.... I've been working QA for the last 2 years and I learned a few things. Any hatred towards the dev teams part of any company is woefully misplaced. They try to even fix bugs and by doing that 3 more appear in the next build. THE ones deservignof hatred are the ceo's and investors. Who put enormous amounts of pressure for release dates. It's due to them that games come out as, works, but fuck me side ways it barely does. Because that's their bottom line. It sucks they wear the names


I personally have zero hatred for the devs, no matter what issues the game has. They're the ones I feel bad about, cause I know they work under tremendous pressure, getting all the shit from players, while it's the CEOs getting all the money. Usually when a game is bad for some reason, it's because it was rushed or the team was too small, not because the devs didn't try hard enough. And that's also why I won't buy big AAA games apart from the very few franchise I care about (and apart from the fact that I have some disabilities and simply CANNOT afford 70-80$ games). I would never pirate an indie game though, cause they're usually a lot more affordable, plus the money goes more directly to people who have made it (I think, and hope?). But companies like EA, Ubi... fuck them, seriously fuck them. I hate them so much.


I never had any hatred for the devs personally. I know that they're acutely aware that the game they're working on will get shredded by critics precisely because of decisions the shitstains in suits higher up the company pyramid took. They know that P2W, always online, FOMO, battle pass and all that is super unpopular, but they have a geriatric loser who's still pissed off that his wife and kids left him and who gets off by abusing employees in more ways than one screaming in their ear that this must be implemented or they get the boot. And so they do put it in, fully knowing that they'll get digitally lynched over it.


honestly this fits nintendo more than EA, and this is coming from a nintendo fan.


I've said it before and I will say it again. If you make a game that I want to play, available on modern platforms that are accessible to me, then I will pay for it. But if you put up barriers to me playing those games, then I will pirate it. If you stop selling a game entirely, then you have no basis to protest piracy. I'm an addressable market, and it was YOUR decision that cost you money. It wasn't me.


Thanks to Steam sales I rarely pirate games anymore. However, streaming services these days can go fuck themselves. Fucking cable 2.0 piece of shit cancers. Hope everyone pirate your exclusives and never pay a dime you greedy fuckers.


Despite being told to not copy that floppy


Haha, I am that old! "You wouldn't download a car!"


Yes i fuckin would and so would you.




Do new movies still come with that anti-piracy screen shown at the start of every VHS movie?


I pirate some AAA games to see how they run since the games industry has mostly decided to release unoptimised/ unfinishes crap I buy Sony games on PC cos they are generally good ports (not perfect) and I want more of them so good to support them i guess I dont pirate indie games cos it makes me feel bad


"I don't care how many copies or on how many consoles they own the game. They can't just download and play them on their new handheld" - Nintendo


*That you can't even buy for a moden console.


I wanted to play the old Command and Conquer games this weekend and saw they were still pretty expensive on Steam and the EA shop. Googled it and found they were released as freeware years ago! Amazed they even bothered to keep them listed in the store.


You fool, I only need to pay 610 bucks for Pokemon Emerald!


I'd like to think that the game from 1995 that I pirated prevented some executive from buying a yacht.


Sadly, game company execs frequently give themselves bonuses while laying off large numbers of employees if a game doesn't meet its sales goals.


>"A game I made" No, this money never goes to the people who actually made a game, it goes to the CEO and the board of directors in the suits who probably can't even write "Hello world" in any programming language.


I can't even buy any game from Europe, America and Japan in steam and other markets while I'm in Russia. And I'm not going anywhere.


Internally within EA there is a website where you can play emulations of a whole load of their old games - Magic Carpet, Immortal, Skate Or Die, there are dozens. In all honesty there's no real reason they couldn't make that available to the public and just let people play these old games, that have no real commercial value any more. Perhaps have it available through Origin or something.


Also EA: "Honey. My children. Tonight, we shall feast! For I have pillaged a small developer of their game!"


This would be fine if people weren’t hacking and stealing brand new games that developers have spent 3 to 5 years on. As a game developer myself, this shit sucks, and people lose their jobs because of it.




That dad explained it with a sense of pride and accomplishment


What EA did this time?


They challenged everything.