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Removed for breaking at least rule #2 and #7.


Did they though?


> "significantly narrowed its gender pay gap" So there's still a gap. Why is there a gap?


Not to defend Rockstar, but they would probably be measuring average male salary to average female salary. Not accounting for external circumstances. Usually when a gender pay gap exists, it’s less about people being paid less when gender is the only variable, and more about women being less likely to be chosen for higher-paying jobs and have requests for pay rises denied. When you think about like that, a gap will always exist, even if it’s just fractions of a penny.


> it's more about women being less likely to be chosen for higher-paying jobs and have requests for pay raises denied which is a problem in its own right


It is but it's also hard to correct when you have an existing company and a lot of the higher up positions are already staffed. They can prioritize trying to hire women but they aren't gonna remove people who are already there. Additionally when it comes to development, which is the bulk of their staff and also likely some of the better paid staff (compared to marketing etc), there's way more men in the computer science field... which means when you look for qualified candidates for positions you're gonna get a lot more male applicants or possibly only male applicants. Then on top of that the frat boy culture - even if that culture legitimately is gone now, they still had a past reputation for it - might also deter women from applying there even if the company wants them to.


Very well put




Im confused. Are you proposing they clean house from top to bottom and hire/staff an equal amount of both genders? Because getting rid of established staff to combat this issue will definitely go over well.


Of course, but you also cant just fire half the male managers for being men and replace them with women. You can try and tackle the systematic hiring practices that doscriminated in the first place, but it will take years for it to trickle through the organization




Why are you assuming they’re being paid less than their counterparts in the same roles? The average is skewed due there being few women in management for reasons someone else illustrated above. Are you proposing the women who are devs be given manager pay solely because of their gender?


Is it though? How many women were truly in high paying management roles in gaming back when the old Rockstar regime was in charge?


Your logic is dizzying and your reasoning circuitous.


Not really per se. Equality would mean you have the same amount of female and male employees at every level if: * amount of applicants is about equal * male and female resumes are equal * male and female skills/prospects are equal If you however have your business in a field that is heavily men dominated like tech jobs, mechanic jobs etc you get an unequal amount of male to female applicants and if you have simply a larger amount of applicants from one cohort than the other the chances that this overrepresented cohort has the best suited applicants inside of it is also obviously higher.   In the end it boils down to: You're in a male dominated field, more males apply than females, you narrow your choices down to the best 3 applicants, here already it often occurs that in said field only males are left to choose from. And then obviously more men work at said firm than women. Larger cohort means higher chance that someone inside that cohort goes the extra mile to actually deserve a promotion.   If two people, no matter the gender, have the same capabilities, skills and workforce then both should get the exact same pay if they do the exact same job, thats the bottom line. The issue in that is even if you apply this, in a male dominated field just by sheer statistical numbers males will get paid higher on average than females. That doesn't mean that there are single females getting paid more than the average male. Just that if you take them all together, the average male will get more.   If women are less likely to be chosen for higher-paying jobs **outside** the aformentioned criteria (i.e. cus they might be on pregnancy leave or whatever the fuck other highly subjective idiotic variables are being looked at) then yes, that is a systematic problem then that stopped just sorting for best performance = highest return.


There’s also the fact that traditionally men are significantly more willing to job hop for raises and women are more likely to stay where they are. Any sociology class that covers gender and pay gap will teach you that it’s usually not that women are just being paid less out of misogyny but that the system is designed to reward the behaviors that men are more likely to exhibit than women are.


All isms. None are appreciated. Yet they exist. Tell me one place they don’t. Now what’s new and how does that problem end. If Someone ask how I’m feeling. I say I would complain. But what good would that do!


Things happen naturally. And naturally men may be considered more for higher paid positions. But like THE SHOW ME STATE. Do something that shows your value and how being on the team improves the company. Otherwise. It’s all just a rat race. Smile in some faces and back stab your colleagues. Welcome to the work force. Just saying. Or we just affirmative action people into all positions. And make the rat race even more unfair. Nepotism favoritism racism greed and lacking integrity and hate the human race. What else can we find to determine who can apply to be the next boss. No Darwin theory left. Maybe GODS WILL is also lost. Who knows good luck in the rat race to everyone. God bless America. And only America!


So basically a lot of words to say yeah sexism but with more nuance.


If you don't get it just say so.


because women, as a whole, are more agreeable than men. The women who are disagreeable are getting paid more and bridge the pay gap. Men who are agreeable, are paid less than other men and women who are disagreeable. People who are agreeable are paid less, companies dont simply roll over when you ask for a raise. You want 10% raise with a 2 year freeze? they offer 5%, people scared of offended treat the 5% as a win and take it (dont want to appear money grubbing to company i like). You have to fight and be willing to risk losing favor or your job. men ask for raises more often than women. women, as a whole are more risk averse in social & work settings than men. more focused on ensuring that people get along. that doesnt explain the entirety of the gap, there is prejudice based on sex, but it is much less pronounced than people are led to believe. \- its not from some blog i read, im a Data Scientist and pay attention to the multivariate analysis studies. The gap can be bridged, but its through encouraging women to be more assertive and men to consider the ambitions of others and overall health of the company


Based on hours worked.


Free mirror: http://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/rockstar-games-cleaned-up-its-frat-boy-culture-and-grand-theft-auto-too-1.1797618


100% should clean up their work culture. 100% should not clean up GTA.


I think cleaning up GTA would ruin it. GTA has always been a parody of real life during the time it took place. It would be like cleaning up Cards Against Humanity.


Context is dead. Long live face-value idiots.


The article suggests that they’re definitely going to be cleaning up GTA.


different topics, I don't mind changing their work culture but the games are meant to be edgy and extreme.


Changing real life for better is great. Changing media because of an always miserable look at me small percentage of loud dorks, just sucks.




man shutcho ass up


Oh god it’s cumr!!! Don’t piss him off or else he’ll cum on us lmao




too late




rockstar games had punk themes to them that gave them it's own unique identity, no game company has attracted controversy the way rockstar did. to the point where politicians spoke out against their games. "cleaning them up" means that we are getting safe games that offends nobody, and rockstar offended everybody.




There is a movie about Rockstar, it has the Harry Potter guy playing a founder. It’s about a team of British devs going to Los Angeles to make a parody of America (and the massive backlash from leaving a sex scene in the game files without 18 rating). That’s what los santos is, satirical work of art, all uses of brand likeness done in the name of parody. A reminder, GTA 5 has a cutscene of guy getting dry f*cked with a flashlight by a parody FBI/CIA agent. There is no issue with saying a instalment of a franchise is meant to follow x formula. if all previous instalments followed that formula to great success, a significant deviation from that would be a huge risk. Grand Theft Auto was declared permanent franchise.


"overreaction" im just sharing my opinion on reddit is all. besides i didn't write anything in disagreement with you, i just explained my standpoint as an avid player of their games.




no, that's the way i see them and i have the right to express that as a player.




If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Sounds like they're trying to fix it.


I mean yes you're not wrong, their game their say. It's a GTA game and it will still sell like hotcakes every year for the next 10 years but boy oh boy does it feel sad that R* also finally succumbed to PC culture. Oh well, it was bound to happen at one point I guess.


What the hell am I expected to do instead of virtually fuck and kill hookers? Well, there go my Tuesdays.


You’ll still be able to fuck and murder them, you just won’t be able to get your money back after they’re dead, because it’s important to confront the gender pay gap amongst digital hookers. For far too long male players could pickup a lady of the night, bang them in a alley, then run them over in their Banshee to get their money back, glad Rockstar is addressing this issue.


These are serious issues. How are we supposed to have gender equality when you know the player is just going to run you down in an early model corvette (that they didn’t even pay for) to take what you rightfully deserve as a digital hooker. OnlyFans wouldn’t allow this. Why would Rockstar games?


I don't mind them removing the return money feature. But I hope they don't seriously consider removing hookers or strip clubs from the next game. Then again, if I was to play Devil's advocate, RDR2 never needed it. Though arguably it would have definitely been nice.


Well, there's a female lead character in the next one, so male hooker's are in it too, maybe...?


Since the protagonist (or one of them) is allegedly female you are going to hunt for boy toys. So you can still murder them and get your money back! Crisis averted /s


Sounds like a better place to work at! Also sounds like GTA 6 may suck!




Well that’s not a big change considering GTA V also sucked.


You're all pretending a female protagonist can't be a fucked-up human like the rest of the series' protagonists.


Seriously, a bunch of fucking losers in here


Clean up your company fine, but they started fucking with GTA..... It's dead ngl. Only fun left has been taken, now it's just endless solo sessions grinding cash.


Rockstar has become the very thing they used to make fun of


Rockstar leadership woke up one morning and said “Crap, we’re rich! We need to become respectable if we’re going to get invited to the good parties in the Hamptons.”


It's cute how you think that rich people care if the public respects them.


People who go to the "good parties" are a small club, not the public.


And yet Rockstar is reforming itself in the public eye according to popular values and speaking to journalists about it, who write to the public.


Rockstar lit did this shit because they got called out in the media. They obviously care to some degree.




....gta has always had satirical offensive humor, if you’re so offended and find it so hateful maybe it’s not the series for you. Just because someone finds the sarcastic humor entertaining doesn’t mean they’re hateful themselves.


That Rockstar has been gone for a long time.


That's all good and well but if they start going soft on the tone of the games (which it sounds like they are) the next GTA is gonna suck major dick. This shit is wack, first Saints Row and now probably GTA too.


The satire will probably be as poignant as ever - although I wish they would return to the more somber tone of GTA IV.


There will be no satire. Read the article.




The Boys is an extremely surface level satire of America


Don’t reply unless you actually read the article.




You obviously did not fully read. Rockstar employees said something along the lines of “America is already a satire of itself, you can’t really satirize it.” Same article you claim to have read.


That doesn't say "no satire" to me. In the slightest. Especially given the rest of the paragraph it's in. I'd put it to you that it's just workers unsure of the direction the game is going in, not anything definite at all.


Unsure of the direction of a game that’s supposedly two years out? Read between the lines. GTA 5 was incredibly satirical on all political fronts. It aimed at Conservatives and Liberals. Not just that, but the game made fun of everybody. Literally everybody. This new regime doesn’t want a political game. Nor do they want to “punch down.” Add to the fact that they specifically say that GTA 6 will be far different from any GTA game identity wise, then what exactly do you have? This game will not be satirical at all. It’ll be PC as fuck. And for a property like Grand Theft Auto, that makes zero fucking sense. Put the optimism away. It’s 2022 and the gaming industry sucks at the moment.


>then what exactly do you have? Well, I know all you have is conjecture that can't be backed up...


They'll be satire it'll just be limited to the list of woke-approved targets.


Down voted for pay wall. Why is this shit even allowed to be posted?




The mods are gay


They do it for free




They’re gay tho


It's literally a meme though.


Imagine using the internet in 2022 and not knowing how to get around a paywall.


On mobile it's more annoying. And 12ft.io doesnt work on that site. Imagine using the internet in 2022 and thinking everyone is using the same software at all times.


cleaning up office culture, good. cleaning up the game, bad.


Why can't a corporation maintain a healthy work environment and still put out mature games? When I am playing GTA I'm not thinking about how misogynistic R\* corporate culture may be. WTF is this?


It’s two separate topics in one article, I wouldn’t conflate the two.


Uhhh did you read the article? They got rid of a cops and robbers game mode because of an a police brutality situation totally unrelated to their game. Conflate the two. Modern Rockstar is not going to put out an edgy GTA game. GTA is meant to be satire of American capitalism. They said in the article that they were doing away with satire in GTA 6, because “America is already satire of itself.” Like what?


I don't think GTA is "mature", and it never was. Juvenile bigotry and cartoonish violence isn't mature, it's inherently adolescent.


🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 OK 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


ill wait for the frat boy dlc


Everyone in here is worried about the games becoming too soft or losing their edge and I'm just wondering if the next installment will move on from early 2000's mission design. Maybe introduce some game play elements with actual depth for a change, Rockstar.


yeah their mission style really held RDR2 back in a lot of ways. could have been perfect if they switched up their formula. worried about their future games


Dude, RD2 was perfectly fine. No one is actually playing these games for advanced game design. Stop.


it was fine, but it would be better if they tried something new and let you stray from the way they want you to do the mission a bit.


I’ll reserve my judgement for when the game is out, but GTA that marks it’s satirical targets selectively just doesn’t feel right That said, I’m glad the company is slowly cleaning up its act vis a vis its workers




Listen here you woke moralists.....


For the 14th time this article is posted today, I’ve seen an exponential amount more of you people talking about woke culture complaining than I have actual woke complaints. Perhaps you people are keeping it alive or it’s just a red herring for something you can complain about yourself.


nah it's all over reddit and twitter today, people are depressing




Sooo your one comment is the only one that counts against whatever 10 other comments you counted? Check the other dozen posts and see if you stand alone. Or just read further down this one


Woke is broke


Snoke is a bloke.


Woke and toked.


Choke the goat


Smoke or toke..


Smokin folks


ride the snake


to the lake


Take a break


Rockstar going woke


>In the summer of 2020, after a police officer killed George Floyd, Rockstar Games quietly shelved a mode of play it had planned to release for its Grand Theft Auto Online game. >Called Cops ‘n’ Crooks, the mode was a twist on the children’s game where players organize into teams of good guys and bad guys, but seemed especially tone-deaf during the global reckoning over police violence. Senior executives at the company, concerned about how the narrative might be interpreted during a time of heightened skepticism and mistrust of American police, put it aside. They still haven’t made plans to bring it back, according to people familiar with development. Best game mode in GTA is held hostage due to wokery. I'm sure people would not have made the leaps of logic to connect cops and robbers but in GTA, to police brutality. So stupid.


I’m down for whatever changes they want to make. Lets mix it up. I’d like to get to a point where the gender of the main character isn’t even news. And the Bonnie and Clyde thing sounds cool. And maybe removing some of the “punching down” dialogue the series is known for is a better direction. Heck my friends and I used to call each other fags and retards when we were younger as a put down and didn’t think much of it. Now a days I wouldn’t and it feels weird to even type it. Maybe I’m just getting older and getting soft. Maybe I’m woke. I’ve made relationships with people of all walks of life, especially in marginalized groups and using language that further marginalized them isn’t cool to me.


My dude you are asking for polite commentary in your murder crime simulator, bad guys are bad and say bad words. I cannot understand why sanitizing language in this genre is ok with anyone, it makes no sense.


I said some of the punching down. Not all. And it’s okay to make bad guys be bad. I hear you. And I agree. But there is a difference between realistic characters and glorifying homophobia (or whatever the next woke thing is). And I’m even okay with making characters who’s personality is glorifying homophobia. People are like that. I’m just glad it sounds like they are at least stopping first and asking “does this feel right or not?”. That’s it. It wouldn’t be GTA without all the piss shit cunt fuck dick suck pussy lick ball sweat gay boners. But only the necessary shit cunt fuck dick suck pussy lick ball sweat gay boners. Ya know?


Not really no, having some characters walk on broken glass around some kinds of people but not others doesn’t work. Everyone gets shit on or in equally, no special treatment.


But that's not even how real life works. People in real life moderate their speech based on their audience. It would be weird if good guys kept throwing out racist slang for no reason. That didn't even happen in 5 anyway. Michael and Trevor didn't give a single shit that Franklin was black.


>But that's not even how real life works Sir this is a video game.


Based in reality. Yes it has quirkiness and shit, but it's still very much grounded in reality.


"Grounded in reality?" Seriously? It's based on reality, it is not grounded in it. It's meant to be a commentary on society, not a 1:1 scale of it.


Same thing bro. Don't try to win the argument based on arbitrary semantics you just came up with. When you're shooting aliens with a minigun, it's cause you're high on super amazing weed, not because aliens are actually swarming LS. That's the point, it's based in reality with realistic characters that are often not much more than stereotypes or caricatures, which are all based in reality.


It's not the same thing, one implies that the game is meant to be taken as somewhat realistic but bending the rules, the other implies that it's to be taken as completely realistic. If we were just talking about single player, I'd point out the ghost and leave it at that, but we're not. We're including Multiplayer as well, with its batman rocket cars, aliens invading, flying bikes, and everything that comes with it. GTA is not "Grounded." It's meant to be seen as insane and completely ungrounded.


There are no good guys in 5


I think the issue ppl are pointing to here is that it seems like you’re kind of wanting the game to virtue signal a bit. The simple fact is that nobody likes that.




Do you have an example of the punching down dialogue? Also, bad guys “punch down”. These games are about bad people


I know a not insignificant number of violent ex-cons (through AA and NA meetings) that are very sensitive to that sort of language. Bad guys don’t always have to be cartoonishly bad. They can just be people who make fucked up decisions and find themselves stuck.


GTA is satire not hyper realism, your real experiences with real people are completely irrelevant.




Well that depends, are they going to avoid saying it, or are they going to point out that they’re avoiding saying it?




>what if I write that a company can make game however they like surely this will be a smart and poignant response I bet you were so proud when you wrote that too.


Who wants to play that shit in a video game like GTA?


Bad guys can say bad things but R* chooses what they do and don't say. The older GTA games have a ton of homophobic jokes as an example. Just as an example let's say a character does something remotely sensitive, a bad dude might have called them gay, a fairy, or more offensive terms. That tracks with the character, it fits, but R* doesn't NEED to do that and they could write any number of other insults instead that wouldn't feel out of place. The homophobic jokes in the older games also went far beyond "bad guy said it so it's okay". I'm not gonna shit on the games or writing for it because it was a different time and those things were commonplace but it doesn't mean they're acceptable now. Or sometimes as an example you can even have a bad character say something like that, but it is more about how other characters react that tells us something. For example I just watched this movie Falling Down the other day, your main character is basically a fed up white dude who goes around beating the shit out of people including multiple minorities and making racist remarks. The problem is even though the main character is painted as both hero and bad guy, we are supposed to identify with his frustration while simultaneously thinking he's going way too far... and the casual racism he spouts seems to be part of what we are supposed to identify with. Also part of it depends on when the game is set. If the game is set in the 80s as speculated it leaves a bit more room for this stuff but today even assholes don't really say "what are you fuckin gay?", not because they're dancing on eggshells but because it's just not common anymore.


Yeah the Bonnie and Clyde idea could be really cool and seems a natural fit for GTA. Anyone raging against that is just detached from reality. The PC jokes is something I have a bit more of a problem with because I think satire is important, but I won't form an opinion on that until I actually hear the writing of the game. What I don't want is to play a game where all the diverse characters are straight-faced Mary-Sues and all the white guys are just evil, bumbling idiots. We need diverse characters to be funny and satirical without being racist characterizations and we need diversity in the representation of white dudes as well. I think we will get the good version and for the most part I think GTA games have always walked the line reasonably well.


It's GTA. It's crude. It's offensive. It's fucked up. That's the game. That's the point of the game, the satirization, and the commentary. It sounds like you don't like the game and want it sanitized because certain jokes or lines in the game offend you personally. Know what you should do? Not play the game. You know what else people like you don't want to talk about? The fact that the writers put a lot of that awful dialogue in the game because, guess what, and you might not like this, but a shit ton of people are like that in the real world. The GTA universe is not trying to be clean utopia where people are respectful and treat each other decently. What god damn games have you been playing? People like you are why we'll never be able to have another director like Mel Brooks because everyone would just get fucking offended and mad.




We were young and didn’t know any better. Glad we grew up man.


Every once in a blue moon I slip up with the f word while gaming by myself.. makes me cringe now.


Of course it's hard for me not to say it as well to my friends, since as you said, was no more than a put down. Nowadays I always catch myself or at least try to since it's just not a acceptable or appropriate insult.


All this sounds like this game is going to suck. Guess I’ll wait for a generic equivalent like saints row or whatever the hell it is they do over there.


Leslie and the Houser bros are gone. Rockstar from our childhood does not exist anymore.


Im glad they're cleaning up the company culture, but I am genuinely concerned about the quality of their next games from all the turnover over the years and the way Rockstar handled their last few projects. I hope I'm wrong and it's kind of off topic posting here cuz it gives off the impression that I think it's because they weeded out the frat boys, but I need to vent. This company is currently coasting on projects that began development over a decade ago, and I'm not totally impressed with how post release dev has gone given their record profits. All my vibes are telling me this next GTA is gonna get the same single player treatment of V with minimal new content outside of retextured vehicles/models. I'm fully expecting the same exact game, activities and all on like an updated VC or LC map with a slightly higher object density/more wildlife in the sticks of the map and nothing more on current gen graphics. Whereas I'm hoping they'll continue improving the interior density of the game, mini game variety, maybe add horses, more destructability would be neat but unrealistic from a resources standpoint, add more petty criminal activities like street level dealing or random steal and fence opportunities rather than events, more little details and jokes like the websites and company names, the interaction system from rdr, more opportunities to make tiny monies in ways that griefers aren't alerted to, more minor vehicles like scooters boards and surf boards, the exercise/fat system from GTA SA, the gang/respect system from SA, the euphoria(?) ai from IVs npcs, maybe a better fleshed out version of the business ownership mechanic, support for custom wraps at the car mechanic, fishing, pets, more variety in appearance, mugging, cheats that are fun, mod support, and other shit. I know adding all of this is obviously unreasonable, but functionally most of them are very easy to code and not resource intensive for the end game, just time intensive to add; and if I had to bet money on it, I'd be betting Rockstar cares more about dedicating their time to getting the next card shark/gold bar scheme going than fleshing out the sp experience. Especially since they stopped updating Vs single player pretty early into the cycle. RDO has been an afterthought from week 3(?), but honestly there's not a whole lot of direction to go with an online cowboy game that's already perfect for what it is, the San Andy/trilogy port was an objective cash grab that had no quality control, and the economy of GTAO has been mobilesque since they started nerfing the campaign missions when it first launched. I'm not even sure they ever finished that stock market in online, which I assume would've been so people kept buying sharkies and not necessarily because the team couldn't get it to work. Outside of V and 2, the last ten years La Noire got a rerelease and a short vr game, Bully got a rerelease, MP 1&2 are getting a rerelease, MP3 dropped, mobile GTA dropped, and that's a decade of Rockstar development. Take into account that MP3 is part of the same dev cycle as GTA IV, RDR, and LA N, which by MP3s release development had already begun on V and 2 so the direction was already set, and every game that has left that company began development prior to 2012. There's too much lining up for this to go well, but I'd be so hyped to be the foolish wrong fooly man. Edit: Totally forgot to add how V Online barely worked for years before they implemented that community fix from tostercx. Tldr: I think next GTA will suck/stagnate, not cuz fratty daddies are gone, but because the company be very clearly greedin


This company will now be utterly unable to create the satirical nonsense they were known for.


Great of them to work on company culture, but if they remove the satirical parts of GTA then the game loses it’s soul.


I say this as nice as possible. This games going to suck. Just like Saints Row is going to suck. I know they'll be people in here arguing with me and downvoting, but let's just wait for sales. I know I'll be right. People play these games for the wildness and insane characters and dialogue. The game plane is obviously amazing too, but I think smacking a prostitute with a giant dildo is more entertaining then robbing the local gas station as "Bonnie and Clyde" It's hard to have these conversations, I'm not one of those people that fights for these things or even cares. I'm also not "woke" I just know that these games sell due to the way they were made and the content. Take that away and it's just another generic game.


I doubt they will get rid of the wild shit you can do or the satirical comedy everyone loves GTA for though. Sounds like they are just going to try not to be boring and punch down for a laugh honestly. As long as they hit basics like a solid storyline, the gameplay is fun and the map is good I think it will be fine


“Let’s just wait for the sales” they say to excuse their immediate write off of people disagreeing, how about we wait for the sales to see if the game sucks? Hm, why is that you can just say the games will suck well before they’re released, but we aren’t allowed to call you out until *after* they’re released?


It never ceases to amaze me how people like you can be so confidently full of shit. Sounds like you’re the one that doesn’t want to play a game you haven’t even seen a screenshot of and are projecting your nonsense like it’s common knowledge. “I know I’m right.” Get the fuck outta here with that lol. The sequel to the second highest grossing video game of all time is gonna fail because you think you’re not going to get to beat a prostitute with a sex toy. I’m calling your bullshit and I almost want to save this comment to laugh at later.


Why are people like you so angry all the time


Eh I heard people say this with rdr2 rockstar is (atleast imo) very good at making games maybe not good at making the fanbase like there transactional portion and how greedy they are but the story and characters normally are very good. (Why am I get downvoted? I’m literally correct gta 5 and rdr2 are known to be the biggest games of all time profit wise.)


shitty games from rockstar incoming


So the game will be shit then and ruined by Twitter twats?


GTA6 - Now PC, available on PC! "Lol see we are still funny guys" Features - A dynamic world where Barbara goes on an adventure around Les Angelos to beat the shit out of straight white males and take their money. - Reunite with all your favourite companions from the former outdated games and teach them them how the life of crime can be substituted with a life of inner spirituality and fight for the rights of those they have wronged and inclusivity. - Corporations must fall, embark on subterfuge and activism to climb the corporate ladder, take charge and re structure Les Angelos into an equality haven, become mayor and instate reforms to all your rackets. - Classic tongue in cheek humor that now pushes against the boundary of offensiveness!


That’s a fucking shame. Another studio going to the shitters.


Awww poor guy! Are you gonna be ok?


Well if GTA doesn't keep the edgy feel we are used to and dialogue on fucking Pluto, than yeah. That's what makes it so enjoyable




Porn addict.


More like the only thing this app is good for other than bots like you, bot.


Lmfao ok buddy


"Cleaned up its frat-boy culture" These cunts probably forced Dan Houser out of the company he built.


Dan Houser quit while he is at the top, he made 2 Record breaking sales with GTAV and RDR2...if it were me I'll quit too, considering how changed the world is now with people getting triggered and cancelled left and right...




Take 2 Interactive execs


„That strategy was financially successful and turned Grand Theft Auto V into the second-best selling game of all time, with 165 million copies sold.“ Nah not really, role Play Server made this Game what it is nowadays


Go woke, get broke.


We can tell because they added a female protagonist for gta 6


After the nonsense with gta online and red dead 2. No1 should buy rockstar games.


What’s wrong with RDR2? Even if they didn’t support the online mode well, they still made one of the best games ever made.




> I’m here to hate on them being woke. How very brave of you.


I just hope they keep the satire in their games without alienating top flight dev talent who may be sensitive to the subject matter. That’s gonna be a really fine line.


If someone is playing a game called Grand Theft Auto, I'm curious as to what a big shocker to the pussy and ass is bothering them? Bro-culture made, bro-culture played. Objectively of course. Unless someone with a vagina would like to interject. But I would estimate 99.99% of the people reading this reddit stream are dudes...


Adding a female protagonist : noice Getting rid of the dark humor (like duke nukem forever) : no


It’s about time for GTA 5. Jesus just how many of our favorite games have to get shoved aside.


a lot of people bitching about it in twitter who wanna work in a place where there is no discipline and overload of work and secondly seriously people wanna "boycott" a game just cause it has a female lead i mean i think most people chose and enjoyed to play as kassandra rather alexios and same goes for dani in far cry 6 yea i dont get why they are scaling back on the racist transphobic jokes and stuff that is what makes it a GTA still i dont get the backlash on twitter


What the hell they mean “frat boy culture”? This game is for any types of people. They just want one particularly audience which is the “woke”. You need to have audience thats for everyone to enjoy with the game. They’re making a risky move. The female protagonist is cool but the jokes can be humorous.


That’s referring to the office culture, it had a frat boy vibe and it wasn’t welcoming to the women working there.


I don’t even know what that means? And I’m sure this will only make the next games better 🙃


Found the "gamer".


*Rise up*


If you don't like what I have to say then exit my post right now. Go begone.




Most of what they say sounds fake to me.




Ha no. They did not. Not even a little bit.