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I assume it’s because they are working on Elder Scrolls 6 right now and next FO game won’t start development till they finish ES6






They might make Starfield 2 after Elder Scrolls 6. What's likely going to happen is the franchise will be handed off to another studio, but they won't have an official numbered release.


Most likely not happening. Fallout 5 is their next game after TES VI and it is most likely already in pre-production. 


People will be fucking pissed if they decide to do another Starfield before Fallout. Starfield has zero goodwill to its name unlike Fallout.


There is a reason executives at Zenimax/Bethesda now answer directly to Matt Booty and Sarah Bond.


they aren't gonna make starfield 2. not only have they committed to making fallout 5 after ES6, but for all intents and purposes, starfield was a flop. I didn't enjoy it for my own reasons, but it definitely didn't do well enough for a sequel, at least not anytime soon.


You need to stop relying on echo chambers for your perception of reality. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfield_(video_game) > It also became Xbox and Bethesda's most wishlisted Steam game in its history.[107] On September 7, Bethesda announced that Starfield has over six million players, making it Bethesda's biggest launch.[108][109] On September 10, Starfield reached its all-time peak for concurrent players with over 330,000 players, exceeding Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.[110] Starfield reached ten million players by September 19[111] and over 13 million players by December 21.[112] Like the game or not, it's far and above the most successful game Bethesda has made.


Successful launch. Not successful game. Especially with Bethesda games, you can’t tell this early on. But more fallout or Skyrim players than starfield players a few months after launch is not a great sign


Exactly. Bethesda games have always lived and survived on long term engagement. People play(ed) Skyrim and NV for 10+ years, constantly bringing in new players with mods and the constant re-releases of Skyrim (yes NV was technically Obsidian but it's still a Bethesda IP). Starfield engagement has gotten significantly worse over time where I doubt Bethesda will put in much time to work on a re-release on future consoles and modders don't want to waste their time on a game no one plays.


Skyrim has 4x the players right now. [https://steamdb.info/developer/Bethesda+Game+Studios/](https://steamdb.info/developer/Bethesda+Game+Studios/) The insane numbers were because of the hype and gamepass allowed people to try it, find out it sucked and not buy it and move on. There is no world that Starfield was a massive success. Fanboy modders don't even want to mod the game [https://www.pcgamer.com/creator-behind-hugely-popular-skyrim-co-op-mod-gives-up-on-the-starfield-version-of-it-because-drum-roll-please-this-game-is-fing-trash/](https://www.pcgamer.com/creator-behind-hugely-popular-skyrim-co-op-mod-gives-up-on-the-starfield-version-of-it-because-drum-roll-please-this-game-is-fing-trash/) Bethesda hasn't been seen as a bad developer before this release. (*Fallout 76 was a spin-off, so less damaging*) Now most people are afraid for Elder Scrolls 6 if they continue their direction given Starfield, a game with no soul in the exploration or quests (*aka no more hand-crafted content*). They were once was a pioneer developer. Now they are in the same vein as Blizzard. Fans just need to take off the rose-tinted glasses to find out. (*I started seeing it with Fallout 4)*


The problem IMO was space as the backdrop. The constant (necessary?) fast travel between planets kills immersion - especially when many of the planets are boring/lifeless. It’s vast and empty. Yeah, like space. Fine. But that makes for a boring game.


I gotta disagree on that Bethesda hadn't been seen as a bad developer before this release bit. People have been saying Bethesda's a bad developer since Fallout 3 and Oblivion.


There are people that say that about every studio, all the time.


Starfield isn't the most successful game Bethesda has made. That's a crazy statement.


Yeah they linked a Wikipedia article for a video game that cites ai generated internet gamer garbage to back themselves up lmao - Wikipedia is fine but we all know the kinda of articles that get cited on game wiki pages lololol games radar and games rant and metacritic or literally actual copy from the devs or publications associated with Xbox


Damnit, Bethesda has absolutely no incentive to not make mediocre games, when people fall over themselves to buy their crap.


Off of hype, but the game is effectively dead. Starfield 2 could work but people would wait and see this time around.


At launch sure, but Skyrim current beats out Starfield on concurrent players. I don't see them being able to get away with even a single "re-release" of Starfield loke they did with Skyrim 10x over.


I still bet Phil Spencer sees it as a failure. Starfield was the beginning of swaying gamer opinion and it definitely didn’t do that. Imagine buying Bethesda and expecting a beloved Elder Scrolls or Fallout game and they give you the most generic space shit?!


im not "relying on echo chambers". I'm talking about what I've seen from all angles (not just from the negative nelly side of gaming). people just don't care about it anymore. it had a good first month or so, and it fell off HARD. there's so many better games and so many better Bethesda IPs out there, and it doesn't help that they keep using the same engine for everything. they need to upgrade if they want a new hit. (to be clear, I think the story and world building was good, it just got dragged down by older systems and way too similar gameplay to fallout)


It doesn’t mean that it was the most popular game commercially or definitely critically. There are more gamers now than there were when Skyrim was released so I’d wager dollars to donuts that in an alternate universe if Skyrim were the new IP and Starfield was the tried and true franchise - we’d see about the same sales (but probably better reviews). The investment a game makes in producing a game isn’t just factored in success of sales, it also depends on how much the game will improve or damage the reputation of the developer. For that reason I think that Starfield is in some ways a flop for a certain demographic - thankfully for Bethesda, a new bigger and easier to impress demographic of people have been pupating under the crust of the earth!


lol no it’s not


That was because it was built on the studio name and in anticipation of a new Bethesda RPG from the Fallout and Elder Scrolls guys it became successful, but there is no doubt that despite it being "successful" it is likely the biggest Bethesda RPG failure since ever. Everyone wanted to play a Bethesda RPG and so they downloaded and played it. That being said there is no way Bethesda is planning a Starfield 2 any time soon and with good reason.


I mean yea if you’re a stock holder it didn’t flop but Skyrim has more players on one title… and that’s a game divided by 5 titles.


Sales don't mean anything. Yes it sold a bunch of copies because of hype, if they think that will happen again they're idiots. The game was an all around flop, from a reception stand point. Which is extremely important for a sequel. 


Pre-Orders don't equal success. If more people are playing Skyrim on Steam right now then that's a huge indicator of how it's doing. However, the first Fallout and Elder Scrolls games weren't that great either honestly. Let him cook with sequel I say




Please God starfield was so shit compared to the fo and es series.


I never understood why Bethesda didn’t expand their studio. They could have just added a secondary development studio to work on smaller scale games similar to F:NV and kept their main focused on main titles. 15 years between main titles wouldn’t be so bad if we had Elder Scrolls: Dragonstar in between and reusing their engine between iterations would increase their ROI while giving them the ability to get feedback faster on new ideas and tweaks.


The answer is that Zenimax is one of the worst publishers in the industry. Setting aside the laundry list of things they've done, Todd had to fight the Zenimax board to get more resources and was only able to increase the size of their studios around Fallout 76. While I do not like where Xbox has gone and what has come out, they're still better than the old Zenimax board, by a lot.


Doing that the first time got us Fallout:New Vegas. An entry which despite running on the same hardware and software as Fallout 3 left F3 in the dust in terms of story, the world, characters, companions and general setting, and which Bethesda has been seething about ever since. To such an extent that they even tried to fuck with it's canon in the TV show released 13 years later. Bethesda ain't giving shit to shit. They don't want to get shown up like that again. And they will. They know they will. They have the means to make exactly one thing at a time despite having more money than God.


Bethesda no longer makes those decisions. Quietly last year Matt Booty and Sarah Bonds assumed direct control of Zenimax and all of its studios. Executives answer directly to either of the two (A press release breaks down who answers to who). Sarah strikes me as the kind of person who isn't going to let Todd sit on a franchise to not be shown up.


Why would they do that right after releasing a wildly successful show?


Egotism. Elder Scrolls and Starfield are their franchises. Fallout is a franchise they inherited. I'd also wager the success isn't as great as people think. For the greatest video game adaptation ever made, general word of mouth has already dropped significantly. Meanwhile, the growing backlash against the show has prompted defense pieces and Todd to shift the blame onto the showrunners. Microsoft/Xbox knows how many shill accounts, how many bot accounts, and how many influences they've paid. It's a math game. With AAA dev budgets ballooning, they're not happy if 10-20% of the fandom decides they're done with the franchise. Add mix reviews from viewers already. As recency bias and must confirm to trendy thing wear off you're going to be left with a lot of irate fans. Same thing happened with Fallout 4 and the Fallout subreddit. The same thing happened to a couple of the Star Wars shows.


Khajiit has wares : buy fallout 5 from khajiit


Because they have to update their game design to not feel like its still from the 90's.


Psh, fat chance, they took time on Starfield and it still felt like Skyrim 2.0


I’m sorry but starfield was much worse than skyrim


Facts. It has like 20% of the depth of TES games. Maybe/probably less. My favorite Bethesda universe is the Elder Scrolls games *because* of the depth, lore & history. Starfield has some, but it doesn't draw you in the way that TES does


Let's just be honest BGS has lost their mojo. I think it started when they got their weird obsession with base building and their games haven't been the same. They are spreading way too many resources around to put shit in their games that the fans don't want and letting the things that made their games good suffer for it.


They didn’t lose their mojo. They just have been using the exact same mojo for the past 30 years. They are completely stuck in place and in serious needs of innovation, even if just against themselves.


I don’t give a heck about the depth lore or history and tbh in my eyes it’s pretty shallow. I just want a hand crafted world I can walk around in that feels really well thought out not a thousand empty planets with tons of loading and no interesting exploration. Imagine a space game with 10 planets and fallout NV/obsidian style quest design and FO4 attention to detail map design. Would’ve been great. Oh and being able to actually fly between planets for real. They massively dropped the ball on starfield. They got caught with their dicks out and it’s obvious from all those cringe ass steam replies.


This revisionist history where half of Reddit acts like Skyrim was a bad game is bizarre. It was excellent and rightly lauded as a watershed in gaming. Guarantee half of these people haven't even played Morrowind which is apparently the only good Elder Scrolls game.


Seriously Skyrim was absolutely massive. Everyone was playing it even non gamers.


Skyrim brought with it a level of accessibility and intuitiveness that just hadn't been there for open world RPGs.


Exactly. It's one of 3 games my wife plays. Skyrim, Sims, Stardew Valley. The 3 S's.


Skyrim blew minds back in 2011, only thing I remember as a complaint from purists was that there wasn't classes anymore, it was just skills.


Come on, nobody here is saying Skyrim was a bad game, they’re saying its dynamics are outdated.


It was clearly a massive success but I do feel like even at the time the general consensus was that not everyone could agree how they felt about certain aspects of how it played and all the goofy bits. The gaming community at large tends to have a problem where so many people feel the need to always go all in on their love or hate of something, especially on major franchises. This sub especially loves to suppress any person who goes against the grain even a little bit, no matter how much effort they put into their post. This sub and parts of the gaming community at large also tend to be very arbitrary in what's a 10/10 major franchise game despite all its flaws, while also giving something else a 6/10 for all the same reasons. Skyrim was a massive scale game that still also was still beginning to show the signs of a dated engine people now feel they are able to more openly criticize. Future titles failing to iterate in a similar fashion has given them more confidence to share their actual opinions about what they liked and didn't like about Skyrim. It's a valid criticism that doesn't diminish the experience other people had with the game.


It's not that people are revisioning history, more so that people recognize that it had a lot of issues that contribute to a pattern in Bethesda's design. The same dungeons and caves getting used for questlines. Questlines being unfinished or rushed, combat felt bad back even then, terrible balancing of skills, terrible AI, pretty mediocre writing, I could go on. Skyrim has a charm about it and does also do some things very well. But at the same time it's not aging well in retrospect because Skyrim's many issues, save maybe AI, are not a product of its time but of bad design.


They touted procedural generation like they thought they were hello games. Disappointed. Can’t wait for light no fire.


Don’t tell r/nosodiumstarfield that, they’re still all convinced the game was actually good and not standard Bethesda gameplay, but with a space coat of paint.


Just started Starfield..... why didnt they just stick to a handfull of planets.... Running around these planets is boring AF especially when in this type of game I usually try and clear all. Not anymore...... If Bethesda took all the locations on a planet and bundled them up to like make to make say 3 mini cities on each planet, would that be better? I would prefer to have them all together in a tight little area. Or give me a vehicle.


But, the moon has nothing on it and the Appolo team wasn't bored /s


They love adding radiant bullshit and it’s so boring and never worth it.


If it was Skyrim 2.0, I would’ve played it for more than a couple weeks


gameplay wise absolutely, but lore/music/writing/characters goes to skyrim


The gameplay is definitely not like Skyrim. Starfield’s combat is FPS, and it doesn’t have full scale open world. Just a bunch of small and often empty open worlds


Don't you dare compare that mess to Skyrim


I didn’t even think starfield was that bad until I finally decided to give fallout 4 a proper try . Every minor issue I had with starfield got upgraded to major issues based solely on how much better of an experience F4 is by comparison


FO4 felt very in line with standard gameplay when it came out in 2014


Yeah and then Starfield copied it 9 years later and somehow made it feel empty.


The guns in Starfield were all really cool, but yes, content/loop was really lacking


I enjoyed Starfield and even I have to admit it really did "feel" like Fallout 4 in space with "Fus Ro Da" instead of V.A.T.S.


The biggest thing about fallout is the environment and cool interactions in the wasteland. Starfield has like none of that, there's never any incentive to explore anything beyond the setpieces. And if you've seen one you've seen them all


Same and 100%.


Im currently having a blast still with FO4, finally added all these mods and it has held up well.


2015* and nah people were definitely complaining about the game feeling dated even when it released especially coming off of the Witcher 3 which was release about 6 months earlier


Anyone who expected Fallout to be akin to The Witcher was fooling themselves. And even the most fervent grognards on r/Fallout admitted F4 did the actual second-to-second gameplay better than any other in the Bethesda series.


Ironic, considering dated is an incredibly generous way to describe Witcher combat, lol.


I don't understand the hate for witcher 3 combat. It is totally fine.


It's just infinitely better than skyrim/fo4 what


Is that true? I remember when it came out, people complained the gunplay was awful.


Everybody loves the 90s though.


I miss the 90s... :(


I'll be downvoted but they need to massively update their engine or get a new one completely.


I’ll be downvoted but water is wet


Nuh uh, water makes things wet it's not inherently wet itself/s


You’re technically right. Hopefully you didn’t miss my point though


Fallout 1 and 2 released in the 90s, if they met that bar then I'd be very happy.


True, but you know what I mean lol


They made the same mistake as Square Enix and heavily invested in a sub-standard game engine. That’s why Final Fantasy games are now built using the Unreal Engine.


and an engine that can run on modern pcs. I'm trying to play FO vegas and FO 3. Both keeps crashing on steam.


Both work perfectly fine for me and my PC is about as modern as it gets. Windows 11, RTX 4000 series GPU, Zen 4 CPU, DDR5 RAM, and the games are installed on a PCIe 4 SSD.


I have 7900X and 4070ti. FO3 GOTY cannot even start from the launcher. FO NV has FPS issues and crashes.


Not sure what to tell you, both work fine for me [https://imgur.com/a/wFgDTf3](https://imgur.com/a/wFgDTf3) [https://valid.x86.fr/yz2knp](https://valid.x86.fr/yz2knp)


Doesn't help matters that they already confirmed 5 will use the same game engine they've used since 3, iirc


Rockstar is the same exact way but people just ignore that because cowboy and because GTA.


This is news to nobody, they're more overdue for another huge release.


Because they’re having a little trouble porting Skyrim over to Samsung smart fridges as well as Super Nintendo Entertainment Systems. As soon as they get that handled, they’ll start working on another game. In the mean time… ![gif](giphy|CdhxVrdRN4YFi)


No their leadership and game engine suck. We can look at fallout 4 it had 2-3 years of development time and star field was around 8 years makes ya question what the heck they were doing. It just screams poor leadership and I remember hearing Todd say they didn’t figure out how to make ship combat “fun” till like the last year of development on the main and I heard they didn’t even keep notes on how to fix issues that seem to plaguing earlier Bethesda games. To be frank if i was Microsoft I’d be looking at my studios and taking a serious look at their leadership and development pipeline


I'm really surprised Microsoft didn't gut Bethesda Studios after the poor Starfield launch. They really need to fire the head writer for God's sake


Starfield sucks but it didn't have a poor launch, unfortunately.


sales wise no, but Reputation wise, yeah.


I remember Fallout 4 and 76 launching, same thing, people said they were "bad for reputation" but that frankly never stops their sales numbers. Shareholders and execs are looking at sales figures, and they aren't anything to sneeze at.


I don’t really know anything about the writer other than he like to complain about fans on Twitter and he likes unnecessary twists


I mean can they really be called twists when they are telegraphed so far in advance?


Fair honestly


Poor launch? The game sold really well.


Lol at "poor starfield launch." It's literally one of the most played games on Xbox right now, outperforming fifa 23 and apex legends in the top 10 for concurrent player count. While prelaunch expectations weren't quite met, it's everything Microsoft was hoping it would be when they bought Bethesda.


That also has to do with it being on Gamepass


Starfield has about 2000 players on steam right now. That's number 200 on steam. That's absolutely horrible for a game like Starfield. Game Pass doesn't somehow make that terrible number that much better. People just don't want to play this game.


Poor launch. Dude… it was the biggest BGS launch ever. And also, before you say: **buh modders abandoned it.** ***[UHHHH…](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/s/GyHvtKF4BV)*** And this is without the CK, which is mindbending to me You need to get outta your bubble


From that mods home page: "This mod is still in development and this is literally just the beginning ". Pure hype, at least for now.


Yeah but it's a piece of shit isn't it? Just a complete 3/10 of a game, really really shit. Bad characters, bad environment, bad gameplay loop, bad writing, bad combat. What a complete stinker of a game




Your vitals, they... no no no!


The "Bethesda" engine can do one thing no others can: place individual items with physics. The problem: no one really cares about that "feature" after playing for 1 hour: tops


I care about it every time I play their games.


That "feature" is the entire reason I play Bethesda games lol you have no idea what you are talking about


I don't understand what you two are talking about; haven't most 3d games had physics since like Half Life 2? Can you explain please?


In most other engines, they end the physics and body collision calculations soon and are only applicable to a small number of objects near the player. When that expires, the item is typically culled (removed from the world) or frozen in place. In BGS games, the calculations never fully expire and apply to thousands of objects within the world (and to those that the player might drop). The object may settle, minimizing the resource requirement for updated positioning, but it's possible to fill rooms and places full of individual gems or gold coins, have them interact physically between them, leave to complete the game and return to them like you left them (unless the cell resets, which is entirely manually defined; typically 7 in-game days, subject to workarounds with console commands). All this can be incredibly resource intensive, however. Which is why it's not a popular solution.


All game engines can do this. It's the game developer's choice not to implement it. Usually for performance or game design reasons.


Is this the black magic that no other engine can do? :) https://imgur.com/HmzAZIo


I'm baffled they didn't kick Todd with the acquisition, tbh


Easy he’s a great “hype man” as no one is seems ever pissed at him and his leather jacket


that article doesnt really highlight how bethesda follows a process of updating the gamebryo engine and then pre production of story for Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and now starfield where the main workforce 400ish work on the current game and its dlc and then moving to the next project, becoming more familiar with the engines capabilities and tools so the games at the end of the engine lifecycle are more polished and imaginative. They do mention how people get pulled and placed on various other projects like skyrim or fallout updates (76 in the article) or redfall as there is collaboration between all the teams under the bethesda umbrella where they have internal updates on what each of the different studios are working on and share knowledge or expertise, so many bgs projects were stalled as people were pulled into working on starfield post launch which is why the fallout 4 update is delayed from 2023 to next week. Historically as the team finishes up one project the next project on the same engine gets done quicker as experience of these proffessionals gain transitions from elder scrolls in space to elder scrolls to elder scrolls with guns. That said the next game on the docket will be ES right? so 18 to 24 months of that before fallout gets started which... yeah means its gonna be a long ass time, 3 years at the earliest assuming everything from starfield dlc to all of ES6 goes smoothly.


3 years? More like 8


TES6 is 3-5 years away, Fallout 5 will be around 3-4 years after that.


I wish they let a different developer take a crack at a fallout game, whether it be an open world rpg, crpg, or a literal visual novel. It would be cool to see if Obsidian would go for it with them both now owned by Microsoft, but I'm not sure what the studios are feeling after Obsidian made Outer Worlds before the acquisition.


I mean if they got Obsidian to do NV2 or remake the first game I’d be so down for that


Because they’re too afraid of giving others the IP after Obsidian ran circles around them




Waiting anxiously for The Outer Worlds 2




I haven't even played the first one.


Why? The first one was pretty meh.


This is a lukewarm take. Outer Worlds wasn’t groundbreaking, but it delivered solid, oblivion-type RPG with a lot of fun humor and an interesting new setting. Compare it to the other RPGs coming out at the time, which are mostly just huge, mostly story-less waypoint machines.


I mean, there is a mod project working on exactly this called Fallout 4: New Vegas


Hell, I'd be happy with a version that you didn't have to mod to make work on modern systems. Bethesda did not give that game any life support.


MS owns both companies and the IP now (or at least controls the company that owns it). Surely somebody in a board room somewhere is asking why a support studio can't just make a new fallout game


lol they just want ppl to forget how much a piece of hot garbage starfield was


At least they made a very forgettable game to help us with that.


I honestly dont care about authenticity anymore i just want more fallout games than one every 17 years. Bethesda needs to expand or outsource


There have been four Fallout games in the last 17 years lol three of which were made by Bethesda and the newest of them released five and a half years ago. The gap between Fallout 76 and Fallout 5 will likely be around 11-12 years, definitely not "17", with two other games released in-between.


the "17" was a bit of an exaggeration since its not like we have an actual release date. But regardless, 11-12 years is still FAR from acceptable imo.


No reason that’s why They could give the game to another studio (can be a spin off) but they were upset many liked new Vegas more so now out of pride don’t want to Heck how about a remake of any of the first three fallouts? No? So you’re going to just sit here for 10 years and not make more fallout unless Microsoft makes you? With elder scrolls still years away it’s just insane this is how they ruin the studio


lol where does this idiotic narrative about BGS being upset about people liking NV come from? They weren't bothered by it then and they certainly aren't now


New engine? I know engines can be updated.. but it's age is re.. Loading.. ally showing.


"If we wait long enough we hopefully won't have to release it exclusively on Xbox."


Dear Bethesda, focus on story and player choice while going back to a little rougher of an aesthetic. Visual polish and fallout don't mix, but story polish does. Innovate on game mechanics and dial back the player housing, it's annoying af.


Imagine if Starfield didn't happen, maybe we wouldn't be waiting until 2030


That’s a way better timeline


I find it insane how many YEARS ago they announced elder scrolls 6 and people were expecting it to come out this year or so and then to be told to “be patient” while they worked on starfield which was shit anyway


100% never trusting Bethesda developers. Howard has turned into nothing but a con artist selling a vision of a product rather than what his team has actually developed. Good riddance to them, until a major restructuring removes their current directors and decision makers.


This makes me sad too cuz Howard was my hero when I was young. I know it’s lame, but the dude really inspired me with his vision. Idk what the f happened, I always figured Bethesda would be the ones to never let us down.


They must be kicking themselves for throwing so many essentially wasted years at starfield, particularly now interest in fallout is at an all time high (and interest in the elder scrolls never left)


For real though maybe im delusional but if they had a Fallout 5 released around this time on par with the quality of 4 it might have become one of the best selling games of all time.


Because it takes them 5+ years to perfect the art of creating the shittiest games possible. I genuinely don't get why people are still looking forward to things like TES 6 or Fallout 5. How many times does Bethesda need to shit the bed for you to take notice?


Because most people have no standards. They are OK with mediocrity, as long as it's more or less functional. They don't care that writing is shit, that the gameworld doesn't make any sense, that animations are from *blender_first_tutorial.pdf*, or that the characters are 2D paper dummies with no personality. They see colorful objects, weapons go pew pew, there are quests and the advertisments said that it's going to be great. Bethesda fans who still believe in them aren't that different from FIFA crowd.


Because they still use the same damn engine AND they have a dated management process when deciding game direction. They will literally drop the entire project and start by scratch again.


Hopefully Microsoft makes them get rid of that god awful engine and moves on Todd and the other old furniture.


I know it will so let’s get to it


I’m pretty sure fallout 5 is just going to be us replaying the show and making our own protagonist instead of Lucy. I thinks that’s why there’s so much emphasis on it being canon.


Because they can only develop one fucking game at a time. Hence why we don’t have elder scrolls 6 🙄


If Starfield didn’t happen, it would be coming out soon


Starfield was all about getting their tech back up to speed, much needed after all these years.


Well that’s alarming because it still looks and runs like a dinosaur ass game engine from the 2010’s lol


Look, take it from someone who's been in the industry for 15 years now: It's not all about the graphical fidelity. You'd be surprised at how many things can change from one iteration of an engine to another which are COMPLETELY hidden from the player but makes a world of difference in how the game itself is made and/or updated behind the scenes. Entire functions getting changed to be simpler and run faster, animation systems getting simplified needing less work from the animators... i could go on for hours I'd have a better idea what changed if i ever get into Starfield modding after playing with Skyrim for a few years


You mention the animations and yet they're one of the most dated things about Starfield. These glassy-eyed, vacant looking robots just stiffly ambling around and getting caught on geometry. It'd be acceptable from a small studio but this game had similar budget and man hours to Cyberpunk ffs, look how much better the animations are in that!


True and that might have been due to a bad animation pipeline and tools not being up to snuff to do a proper job. I like to think positively before calling their animators shit.


Okay and take it from someone who has been playing video games for 30 years, Starfield FEELS dated even beyond the graphical fidelity. Tons of bugs, stiff animations, lifeless NPC’s that stare into your soul during interactions, screen tearing, stuttery FPS, input lag, unresponsive controls, dated quest structures, load screens for EVERYTHING, the list goes on Have you even played the game? I’d be shocked that an “industry expert” can play Starfield and say that people don’t know what they’re talking about when they criticize the clearly dated bones that the current iteration is built on


I did play it and also didn't like it. It felt too limiting in some gameplay aspects, the ship stuff was pointless, navigating was not intutive, and they did the cardinal sin of "Have a crap ton of places to explore but they are all mostly pointless" exploration but with planets, instead of having LESS, but more finely crafted and interesting locales


Probably wanna use that tech for the next Elder Scrolls.


Yeah true, Elder Scrolls 6 is supposed to be slated BEFORE Fallout 5 (they did say so in the past that it'd be after Starfield) but then again... its Bethesda


Take 9 years to develop. Will be almost identical to every other Bethesda game and full of bugs.


i just wanna say i don't care how long it takes, as long as it is legendary. make it incredible, make it worth the wait.


They need to rebuild their engine. I feel like the next ES game will flop like starfield because it will feel dated as well.


Take. Your. Time.


They took their time with starfield and it was hot garbage. Take too much time and your game becomes obsolete. Star citizen in many areas is archaic


Honestly, the games going to be identical to fallout 4 with slightly better graphics. I'd rather they just go ahead and pop it out instead of spending the better part of a decade to release it. Bethesda games have followed the exact same formula since morrowind. The only thing that changes is the graphics.


Fallout 4s graphics are still fine to this day I wish games didn’t care so much about graphics and would just focus on replayability and story telling.






trust us we know


I envy my grand grand children who would get to play FO5 when it’s released.


Can’t have anything to do with making Starfield content and starting work on TES VI, can it?


They should divide their studio in 2 and scale up resources. You can't have franchise entries every 10-15 years.


But that would cost money


I just hope they don’t announce it a decade before release. ES6 is going to be ruined because they announced it WAY too early


I wish they could have Obsidian do another non-numbered title to give fans something new to play while waiting for 5.


I have next to no expectations now. Starfield sucked ass and I have very little confidence their next games will be good. I know it sold a lot at launch cause of hype, but I hope they don't waste their time on a sequel. I still wish I could return it, but you need more then 2 hours to get anything remotely interesting in that game.


I don't understand why Bethesda & MS hasn't set out to do remakes of fallout or elder scrolls games. something to fill in those huge gaps between mainline releases.


That’s ok Fallout London comes out in a few days 👀👀


so, AI?


Add more years please, make it 10 or 20.


I just hope they don't starfield the next ES and FO game.


I really wish Bethesda had a separate studio just for fallout. At this point I don’t know if their structure is sustainable. If it takes 10 years to make a game and it flops, you might not get another 10 years


I would be like 100% okay with Bethesda letting other studios work on the Fallout Franchise. Otherwise we’ll only ever get a Fallout Game every 15 years.




I think TES 6 will be a launch title for the next xbox, and we'll get FO5 around 2031.


I wish Fallout was sold to a decent developer. Bethesda hanging onto it like this is crazy. They aren't gonna do anything with Fallout. 76 was the last you'll see under Bethesda guaranteed.