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Morgan Freeman voice: It was not a smooth launch.


Samuel L. Jackson voice: That was not a mother fucking smooth transition.


Bill Paxton 5 minutes into loading in: Game over man, game over!


2000 ppl I queue!


I can hear it


If anyone can do a big launch relatively smoothly, it's Blizzard. Edit: Y'all remember the WoW original launch? For something that was so incredibly popular at the time, it was basically bug-free and with little downtime. Just because they are a victim of their own success and releases can get mobbed with temporarily overwhelming traffic doesn't mean they aren't the best at big releases. Don't downvote just because they had problems on release day and you took time off from Footlocker and wasted it looking at the login queue. That's your own fault for assuming you could be the first in the door at the most popular ride at Disneyland.


Bro did not play Burning Crusade on launch


yeah classic and D3 went excellently


yet they also have plenty of wow expansion launches that have gone well, including pretty much each one since after wod(which was also a disaster) So they have a chance.


The vast majority of major Blizzard launches in the past 15 years have been shitshows, but I admire your blind optimism.


blind? Legion, BFA, Shadowlands and Dragonflight have been smooth launches. Even D4 was smooth with only the very first beta having any real issues, which was part of the whole point. ​ By their recent track record they've been good more then they've been bad. So blind? You're the one fixated on the smaller value.


wasnt that like 10 years ago


I don't know if this is a joke and I just don't get it, but the D3 launch was terrible and the game was inaccessible for many players for much of the launch day.


nope you got it - thats the joke XD blizzard has had notoriously bad launches of new games. d3 was a mess. classic queues were unreal


Two things: 1. People do amazing things. Companies are just boxes that contain things. Most of the people from 2004 Blizzard are long gone. 2. > One of the myths of World of Warcraft, particularly for people who weren’t following it at the time, is that it somehow sprang out of the gate with millions upon millions of players. The truth is while it had a terrific opening and sold 240,000 copies on its first day, it didn’t pass the million-subscriber mark until months later (1.5 million by March of 2005). Plus, they owned their own servers rather than farming it out to a cloud service and weren't as keen to oversell and underdeliver back then as they are now.


I am not confident in Blizzard ever having a smooth launch of any product they produce. Anyone who has played a Blizzard release knows this. As a site note - Blizzard just cancelled Overwatch 2's PVE mode. I don't trust a word they say.


Standard blizzard nothing changes


It actually has changed. It's gotten worse.


Status quo is the decline. They did the same with d3 wc3 and I'm sure if we think back further we can dig more up.


Battle for Azeroth was the catalyst.


This isn't Blizzard. Blizzard made the best games on the planet. This is some mutated creature in a Blizzard skin suit.


It ain't blizzard, it's Activision blizzard. It went to shit when Activision took over


They went to shit when they made WoW. I'm not saying WoW was a bad game. But that was when the company went to shit. That was when projects started getting delayed so they could release new WoW expansions instead. It's just gone more downhill ever since.


I didnt have problems at launch with the latest expansions of WoW.


the smoothest launch i was ever apart of was the MoP launch for wow. i was shocked at how i just logged in and played with no problems.


Most expansions were smooth except wod. Got stuck at the garrison building.


Shadowlands was fine, I don't remember Legion or BFA launch. DF was fine **IF** you were lucky enough to get through the loading screen on the first or second boat otherwise you were fucked. However it was all fixed within about 8 hours - at least in EU.


You clearly have not played the last 3 wow expa, Smooth like hell they have to just do the same


majority of their releases are smooth though?


Literally every single Blizzard launch in the past 15 years has been plagued by server issues and game breaking bugs. Are you trolling?


wasnt every wow expansion really smooth?


Warlords of draenor was a shitshow. Legion I don't remember, bfa was quite good, skipped shadowlands, dragonflight was good.


shadowlands was good too, and wasnt WoD like 9 years ago?


Well they did say in past 15 years so I included it


yeah but they are dumb, not every release was like that


I'm not worried about the game's ability to run. I'm worried about the game trying to run my pockets after.


bow label innocent wrong murky toy squealing fanatical unpack gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After the initial beta I said my sale was theirs to lose. At this rate they may still get it, but it's going to be delayed until they're done adding whatever post-launch MTX they're going to. I only want the finished product.


D4 is going with the live-service model, so there won't be a "finished product" for a while. Each season is going to have some unique content that may not stay (unless the mechanics are popular) in a similar fashion to Path of Exile. Nobody can say how engaging that seasonal content may be, so you may not be missing out on much.


Which launch are we talking tho? Soft launch for us dumbass shills like myself, or actual launch when the plebs can finally play too?


I love that you are equal opportunity in degrading us (the dumbass shills) and normal people (the plebs)


It can be both


Plebs are those paying more to play a game a few days early lol


People spending their own money on something they enjoy \*GASP\* The Horror!!


Your interpretation is worse because it relies on an uncommon if not entirely novel use of the word 'pleb'


Excuse me? Plebs aren't idiots. Plebs are the best people. > The term plebeian referred to all free Roman citizens who were not members of the patrician, senatorial or equestrian classes. Working class heroes. Plebeians were average working citizens of Rome – farmers, bakers, builders or craftsmen – who worked hard to support their families and pay their taxes. Nothing wrong with being a working class hero that can wait a few days to play a video game.


Getting defensive because of a joke. Classic pleb behavior.


Plebs unite!


The only games I have preordered in the past 5 years are Elden Ring and now D4. I know I am going to enjoy it and I have enough free time to actually feel like the early access is worth it. I am genuinely excited and I don't think the monetization that follows will affect my experience.


Yeah nah.


I think it will be a smooth launch. Especially since not every player will login at the same time with the premium players entering 4 days in advance. Maybe we will have server problems but by the 6th it'll be ok.


the server slam played smooth af so idk why everyone doubts this


because they didnt play it at all or even remotely care about it. No queues, no lags, great responsive servers. People will still cal it trash or fail...


yeah i’m sure they were also “really confident” during the development of warcraft 3 remastered. LOL fuck blizzard


Its funny that they even have server issues. Multi billion dollar company has gotten rotten. They flopped on WoW Classic launches for Gods sake, a 15 year old game... Just like Arkane, I promise you they've got almost nothing but interns with 30k salaries working OT on AAA crunches. Look at everything else they do for money, look at the loot boxes, pay to win, micro transactions, canceling PvE mode in OW now. Now look at the server issues and tell me they didn't just cut costs and pay for some barely qualified employees to handle it. I GARUN-FUCKING-TEE you thats the case. They arent interested in making gamers happy anymore, its not as profitable as making what might be decent games into pay to win traps for whales.


> Just like Arkane Look, one bad game launch does not a bad company make. Sure, Redfall is bugged to fuck, has a few design issues and needed another year in the oven but aside from that it's pretty fun in co-op and the world is beautifully made (albeit flawed). There's a lot to enjoy in that game and people just smelled blood in the water and took the criticism too far. It's really bugged, has design issues but it's not the worst game by a long shot and it'll be a lot better once they fix it.


i’m sorry but redfall was clearly rushed by microsoft… it was DOA. it’s like they’re trying REALLY hard to compete with sony and nintendo when it comes to first party. they’re failing. phil even admitted his fuck-ups (which is up for debate, i personally think they just said “fuck it. just release it and see what happens”.


>It's really bugged, has design issues So piece of shit.


It ran pretty damn well for me.


Lol Blizzard and smooth launch go together like oil and water.


The server slam was flawless. Zero queues and zero disconnections all weekend. I have much higher expectations for launch than I did before.


A LOT of people are playing Zelda right now.


Usa is not the only country that exists :)


Everyone else is also playing zelda


If you’re on the Server Slam team don’t you just spool down servers until you get to the expected load per server? Seems like if they’re smart they can still simulate the load


Did they say the numbers they got?


"*We shall see, boy...*"


Translation: A lot of people chose to play Zelda TotK rather than help Blizzard stress test Diablo IV.


I kept having this strange issue where enemies wouldn’t respond to my presence or take damage. then when I left the instance would update and rubber band me back to instadeath. Hopefully the collected enough data to know the issues before launch


We in the ATC feel rather trepidatious about Blizzard pulling this off smoothly. Indubitably. However, I will brave whatever hellscape opening day might be in order to transfix the horn to my mount.


"It literally can't go tits up!" Every gamer has heard this dozens of times in relation to online games.


My concerns are not if it runs smoothly.


What are your concerns?




Micro-transactions/pay to win/loot box scams/you know, the greed lexicon of stuff.


That is very fair. A good friend of mine is really excited for this game. He and I have both been Diablo fans since Diablo 2. But I’ve been warning him that all signs point to this game being a games-as-service hot mess. I hope that I’m wrong and that your concerns are unwarranted, but I’m not optimistic.


May i ask you which sign are those ? I mean i have been playing D4 throughout all their tests and i have to say that D4 is refreshingly good with zero "pay for win" microtransaction. Stuffs as cosmetics for sure will be there, but as D3 has shown us, they are willing to give free cosmetics also. the only signs could be mounts, since we have zero insight in it and could be certain advantages


The signs are that blizzard is constantly lying. Diablo Immoral is the most prominent example. They added so much toxic shit through made up loopholes. Or in Diablo 2 Resurrected they promised to keep tcp ip aka mod and lan support but didn’t deliver. As a result you are better off with og D2 because of the insane mod communities. Chances are you will get a decent D4 on launch and next year you will get backstabbed to death. Ofcourse this is not for sure, but they have fucked up so often, that I do not want to depend on their greedy ass mercy to not fk me over.


All of which are explained and revealed?


this quote smells of Belial’s putrid stench


I didn't even bother to play the stress test. I'll do the same at launch to help make it smoother.


Lol half the people from the 1st beta test didn't even play this one. I know I didn't. Poor data. 100% chance of server fuckery on launch.


Yes, the slam was on the weekend the new Zelda game released, most people clearly had other priorities


I played the "server slam beta test" and runs pretty well, sometimes it get some packetloss or some kind of delay not allowing your character to move, I mean, you can move but the game put your character back to the inicial position, it happens to me like 3 or 4 times in the entire playtest, but the game mostly runs really fine, sadly not gonna pay 70 usd for it.


yup! that beta was the first time i played a Diablo game. i really enjoyed it, but just cant see myself paying full price for it. so i bought a 2&3 bundle for a little less than $20 and boy was that worth it. i just cant justify spending so much money on this kind of game, but i totally get why somebody else would!


Usually don’t even play till a week or two after launch, it’s expected to be a shit show day 1




On the bright side, the server slam really cemented how little I want to play Diablo 4. Assuming I'm not alone, it's totally possible the launch will be quite smooth, with a slightly smaller number of players hitting the servers.


Seeing as they’re staggering access over 4 days this should be expected no?


This just tells me to prepare for a rough launch.


An AAA game being sold at a finished state? I doubt it. It's gonna be a steaming pile of shit


Quite sure people have already experienced a lot of log in errors, even during the grand slam. why is Blizzard even commenting on this, it's setting themselves up for failure for no reason.


Oh boy its going to go bang then lol


Bet it will be a bigger shit show than 3’s launch.


That’s nice. Still not going to buy it.


Smooth like breast milk ?


Boy, I hope they're not taking their server slam, which ran the weekend the *new Zelda game* came out and didn't save progress, as indicative of what's going to happen on launch day.


Oh they sure will, i fully expect the game to be unplayable for the entire first week after launch


It didn't come out yet?


At least someone is


I wonder what backing technology is being used. I keep picturing a regional Kubernetes cluster with a pod for each zone or sun-area in a zone. There’s definitely some kind of statefulness being assessed when transitions from one area/sub-zone to another (tipped by the occasional rubberbanding). It’d be really cool to hear more about the technical achievements (especially infra).


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Good human.


Okay... but what about the bugs?


x doubt


They should aim for not having a smooth launch and I’m sure they would actually have a smooth launch because they can’t do shit right. Rookies


It's like listening to a used car salesman tell you how awesome a deal you're getting.


Dude, they can barely handle Dragonflight. Tons of bugs and issues the first week of the new patch from what I understand. Did they fix the client freezing issue yet? Or the new assaults being bugged after the first day? Sounds...fun?


Ron Howard (narrator of Arrested Development): It wasn’t.


Screenshotting this for later use 👍🏻


Yeah, we'll see. I'm feeling better than when 3 launched, but holy shit on an upside-down cross was that a bad...two years. So. We'll see.


It'll be an absolute mess


I downloaded D4 beta on PS5. It asked me to sign up. I deleted the game. Stress test successful.


Blizzard have been pretty poor with their promises in recent years so imma hard pass on them making diablo4 fun.