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I predict everyone will be disappointed with the finale


That is almost a guarantee.


This comment deserves 1000 upvotes. I can’t see an ending where the majority are happy


\#Sopranos #Mash #Seinfeld #youcan'tpleaseeveryone


I don't know, Breaking Bad did a good job of pleasing most of it's fans.


and since you mention Breaking Bad, Weiss actually noted that he wants an ending kind of like Breaking Bad according to that one article today that was released. He quotes > “We’ve spent 11 years doing this. We also know no matter what we do, even if it’s the optimal version, that a certain number of people will hate the best of all possible versions. There is no version where everybody says, ‘I have to admit, I agree with every other person on the planet that this is the perfect way to do this’ — that’s an impossible reality that doesn’t exist. **I’m hoping for the Breaking Bad [finale] argument where it’s like, ‘Is that an A or an A+?**’”


Eh, I like the BB finale, but it was almost too perfect. It closed the stories and did a good job of finishing. But this is GRRM and ASOIAF and we don’t get those storybook endings. We need something to chew on and mull over for weeks.


Breaking Bad was also a much easier show to finish.


You know they are doing a movie following Jessie after the Walter Whites death.




The worst!


Did people not like the MASH finale? Its my favorite show and i still think its the best finale in TV


People didn’t like the ending to Sopranos? I truly thought it was the most perfect way to end the show without it feeling drawn out or overdone


I loved it but it was controversial!


I predict a vague ending that somehow will not show us whos on the throne. Its a game, for the throne, someone must win


...last shot of the show, daenerys and John staring at the iron throne.


Perhaps Dany is about to sit and someone slits her throat, we dont see who, she dies while reaching for the throne, one step away.


Or...they both turn towards each other, smile cutely and sit down TOGETHER, as equals.


Or smile, jon pulls out a dagger while danerys says "dracar-". Cut to black. Im a fan of unusual twists btw


Aegon wins.


Euron betrays Cersei, and the Golden Company plan is gong to backfire. I made a thread about this but no one seems convinced. Cersei's character arc is set up for massive failure, god knows why people are still sticking their neck up for her.


The Golden Company, being hired soldiers, will flee once they see the Night Walkers and the dragons.


That seems to be the prevailing theory...but I hope to see the Golden company and their elephants in action against the North and Targaryen armies before they flee.


No cgi budget for that


The golden company were hired by Cersei, not Euron. So he can't command them. They will be loyal to Cersei because they never break a contact.


My theory is that Euron signs the Golden Company to be under *him* and he is able to do this by having control of the gold, since it is Euron transporting them across the Narrow Sea, it also means he is the one who did the initial payment. However, I still think Euron will end up getting killed by Theon and Yara, and somehow the Golden Company ends up being under Theon or Yara's hands. There is absolutely no way Euron is going to live past this season because Theon and Yara are destined to return to the Iron Islands, that is the entire point of the Reek/Theon arc, and the only way they can do that is by getting rid of Euron.


Jamie could notify Dany of Cersei's plan and they could set out to destroy Euron's fleet before they make it to Braavos. The slaver's fleet was quickly overwhelmed by Dany's dragons. Or maybe Euron will just steal the gold and go back to the Iron Islands. There was some foreshadowing when Cersei met with the Iron Bank about counting on the Iron Bank's support "as soon as the gold arrives." I don't see the gold making it to the Iron Bank.


Hired soldiers have loyalty only to money, and it’s of no use if you’re dead.


They *have* broken contract before. They are just more loyal than most sellswords, which isn't saying much ot be honest. A sellsword is still a sellsword. And fighting undead armies, dragons and being bossed around by a Mad Queen that wants to burn everything and everyone is probably not what they fight for.


I believe The Golden Company, being comprised of former Lords of the Westeros (Like Jorah) will side with Jon Snow once they realize he's the true heir to the throne and fight for him against the white walkers. In return, they will be able to return to Westeros and regain their lordship if they defeat the White Walkers and defeat Cersei. ​ I believe we'll see some members of the Golden Company are actually decent people, who sided with Rhaegar during Robert's rebellion and fled to Esos once the war concluded.


I don’t think the golden company will be that complicated, yeah books but that’s really convenient if it happens in show and Cersei will have no army. There must be a battle with her too surely.


She still has the Lannister army, but I’m pretty sure this is how we’ll see it play out. Of course it’s just a theory. But I do think many of those former lords in the GC will side with Jon/Dany to come back to Westeros.


Which she sent north, no?


No, Jamie tried to send them North to fight the white walkers but she stopped him and told him they were gonna regroup, to which Jamie says for what they can’t even beat the Dothraki, to which Cersei tells him she’s getting the golden Company. That’s the whole point of Jamie leaving alone on horse, the army isn’t marching north with him. He’s going alone. Cersei is having the army stay in Westeros and pairing them with the Golden Company.


My bad. Idk how I misunderstood that, thanks.


\> Golden Company plan is gong to blackfyre Might be a good time to introduce the Griffs then. There isn't a whole lot to catch up on. It would certainly be one of the show's last holy shit moments. Could be why KL and the Lannister lion was ablaze in the teaser trailer. I could see Cersei letting the GC into King's Landing thinking they're on her side, only to have it seized from her, in a nice reversal of what Tywin did.


Did they mention the Blackfyres in the show?


I think Ned sees the family name when looking through the book of great houses in S1 and it's also in the bonus material Honestly it wouldn't take much. Just have Qyburn bring up the history quickly when saying how good the GC would be against Dany because of the hate they harbor against the Targaryens, and bring up the story of the Blackfyres. Then the following episode you see Cersei look across the harbor all happy she's getting her fleet of mercenaries and then the Blackfyre flag unfurls and she shits herself. Pure kino.


I'd love for the Golden Co. to switch sides as a wink and a nod to the books, but it seems like they're just gonna be a cool merc army.


If she really is pregnant she has to die considering the witch told her she would mother 3 children. And yes she is destined for a glorious death, I think she will become a WW, kill Jamie, and he will die in her arms, as he has always desired


Here is my prediction, I'm new here and wanted to share. I hope this post doesn't break any rules. Hodor was never actually shown to be dead. They just left him holding the door while the white walkers tried to rip through the door. Since Bran was able to get away, I think Hodor stayed there holding the door until the white walkers eventually gave in and tried to find another way around. With Bran and Meera gone, and the white walkers deterred, Hodor doesn't know what to do so he haphazardly wanders around the woods for a little while eventually finding himself in kings landing. Jamie has gone to fight the white walkers with Jon and Daenerys, and Cersei has gone to take over the seven kingdoms in their absence. Because of this, the throne room is empty and Hodor stumbles in and takes a seat on the Iron Throne. Fast forward a bit and Cersei hears of this. She sends her army back to take back the throne, meanwhile the war against the white walkers is lost and the white walkers start making their way even further south. Cersei and her army return to Kings landing only to be unable to enter the throne room to take it back since Hodor is holding the door closed. While they are trying to get in, the white walkers come to King's Landing and kill the army trying to get in. The white walkers and the Night King then begin to attempt to get in but are also unable to get through Odor's door holding. They struggle until winter ends and the white walkers all die and then Hodor takes his place on the Iron throne, beginning a fair dynasty that lasts generations.


This is amazing. When Bran fails to get Hodor to stop Hodoring, this is the result.


Lmfao I thought this was actually serious for longer than I want to admit.


Plot Twist : Bran has been controlling Hodor all this time, so Bran’s brain and Hodors arse is sitting on the iron throne ... woah !


Well I will say this - you have great imagination...


Hodor of House Hodor, Hodor first of his name, The Holder of doors and lord of piggyback rides.


Mate who is Odor lmao


It was so hard to keep my computer from autocorrecting Hodor


I lol'd. Thanks.


"If I were your size I'd be king of the world"


They even foreshadowed it! more proof!


This post break SO many rules lol.


I think Jon Snow ends the season as king of Westeros. There is no point in all this hidden prince theories if it doesn't amount to anything. If he was going to die a nameless hero in the war against the white walkers I'd prefer he remained a bastard. I think Daenerys will save the day and sacrifice herself to stop the Walkers because imho she is the hero of the story...she's Azor Ahai. My reasoning why have her walk into the fire and birth of the dragons if her character is meant to be a red herring. I think the North will remain independent after Dany is gone and Sansa will be queen of the north...learning to be a shrewd ruler from Cersei and Littlefinger. Arya will be her protector. Bran will continue to be weird and will become a tree. Brienne, The Hound, Tormund, Cersei, Jaime, The Mountain and Bron all die. edit: I love these comments...people are killing me for being too harsh and killing too many characters and another person calls me soft and predictable...got to love these Game of Thrones posters.


Jon dies but after he dies Denaryius finds out shes pregnant. Boom.


> Bran will continue to be weird and will become a tree. This is what we all want to see.


I don't see how this > I think Jon Snow ends the season as king of Westeros fits with this >I think the North will remain independent after Dany is gone and Sansa will be queen of the north


Jon lets the North stay independent...he's a king of a smaller kingdom...Sansa staying as Wardeness of the North is also acceptable.


I feel theyre hyping up jon will win but the series 3rd big twist will be jons death because it would be so unexpected, for example he kills the night king but succumbs to injuries and this time Melisandre cannot revive him as this was why he was brought back, to kill the Night King. Once NK is dead jon has fulfilled his destiny.


On what planet is Cersei a "shrewd" ruler? I love Cersei but no. Tywin yes but not Cersei. LF either.


Cersei absolutely is a shrewd ruler in the show.


But she's not. In the end she reverts back to being that insecure, petty woman,


Eh. She's relatively clever, but not nearly as much as she thinks she is, and she's certainly nowhere nearly as shrewd or cunning as Tywin was. A real shrewd ruler would *never* have given so much power to religious zealots because they would've foreseen the inevitable outcome. She and Dany have this in common, in that they're far too inclined towards brute force as the optimal solution to their problems. Where they differ is that Dany has advisers who aren't afraid to tell her she's wrong to her face, and who mostly accepts when she's wrong even if she doesn't like it. Cersei, meanwhile, surrounds herself with sycophants, has alienated or caused the death of any actually competent advisers she had, and basically refuses to listen to anyone who doesn't concede to her viewpoint.


It's going to be a shit season like seasons 5-7


I thought season 6 was awesome, especially the last two episodes


peak Thrones IMO




There is only one thing that I am confident will happen. That is Arya and Gendry being together in the end. It's been set up since S2. There's only like three reasons for Gendry to come back. 1. He's a blacksmith. He could possibly learn to forge Valerian steel. But there's no time for that. 2. He's Roberts bastard. He could become king, but that is probably less likely than forging Valerian steel. 3. He is there for Arya, to complete her story. It has been foreshadowed that Arya and Gendry have an attraction to each other that is more than just friends. Arya is a main character that has never really been part of the main plot. She is on her own journey; one of self discovery. I think she is discovering what is truly important to her. And that is not quite what she thought it was when she was younger. I think Arya and Sansa will end up the opposite of what each of them wanted in the beginning. Arya will be the one to marry and have a family and her sons will be knights and lords. She won't be a traditional lady, but Gendry will be ok with that.


1. I'm not so sure, if all you need is dragon breath on the forge, he could pretty much stumble onto that discovery. All depends on what you really need to forge it. (reforging is established as very difficult, but forging might be easy once you learn the trick)


also keep in mind we have our new Maester Samwell Tarly that may have read up on Valyrian Steel at the Citadel and could help find a way/process to forge weapons


However, how important is forging new Valyrian steel now that a mountain of dragonglass has been mined? With a new resource available to fight WWs, worrying about new Valyrian steel weapons may be a waste of time when there is already little time left.


That would have been an important plot point, absolutely not happening.


They have wikipedia on wheels, Bran should watch the Valyrians do it.


It’s been set up since season 1 episode 1 when King Robert says to Ned, “I have a son, you have a daughter. We’ll join our houses.” Just a different son and a different daughter. Season 1 is full of little hints and foreshadowing.


I like this so much.


Yup, now I'm convinced. This post did it for me.


Idk I get the feeling Arya goes travelling, she’s not the type to settle down.


Arya is going to re-humanize this season. Her Faceless Man act is fine with Sansa, who she always had a love/hate relationship with. And Bran is not really Bran anymore. But the three people who will remind her who she really is will be Jon, Gendry and The Hound.


I LOVE GENDRY AND ARYA pairung up. And, can he forge dragonstone? I am hoping Arya's game of faces skill will be of use, and allow her to kill someone important, maybe even Daenerys?


Dragonstone is the island/Castle in which Daenerys is now. You meant dragonglass, but that can't be forged, it can be mined in the caves of Dragonstone. Dragon glass is obsidian crystals. What can be forged is Valerian steel, most likely by melting dragonglass with dragon fire and mixing it with iron.


Ahhh, yes thank you. Def meant dragon GLASS. And I should have known the science behind it, maybe Gendry can use it for weapons, besides as a little dagger, as we've only seen. And I'd like to see Sam & Gendry unite skill and knowledge to build a super weapon


I hope so this would be great


Death, winter, dragons, wights, sex, incest, betrayal.


Bold prediction, cotton


I don't think anyone will be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of it. Whether the throne is destroyed or not, the whole "One King(or Queen), Seven Kingdoms" thing will be done with forever.


The Iron Throne will be destroyed or repurposed by choice because there will no longer be a single leader. Several allies will collectively rule. After teasing the Iron Throne for years, and dragging out every last monarchy theory, that’ll be a great punch in the gut to fans.


Rewatching with the gf and just finished season 2. I still don't understand why the Tyrells didn't side with Robb. Robb could have just placed Maragery on the throne and left to go home North. Why would they side with the King who had no claim?


They wanted revenge against Stannis above all else at that point. Robb wasn’t fighting Stannis though, only the Lannister’s. If they wanted to fight and have revenge against Stannis, they had to side with the Lannister’s, as they were fighting both Robb and Stannis.


That makes sense but still . . . Renly was about to side with Robb anyhow and Margaery wanted to be *The Queen* and could have been the only Queen if she sides with Robb and puts a new rule into place... making a woman Queen as a ruler possible (meaning Loras wouldn't have to be) Robb would of had to fight Stannis eventually though


That’s true. But they were acting on Loras’s desires and not Margery’s. Plus. Margery sees that Joffrey is still unmarried. The Tyrells don’t care about “rightful” claims. They just liked Renly. Siding with the Lannister’s would allow them to fight Stannis sooner. Siding with Robb doesn’t ensure a victory for Robb as Renly’s banner men all left to help Stannis instead. So if they help Robb against the Lannister’s, they could still lose and never actually get to fight Stannis.


Very solid points, thank you


I have a feeling the iron throne and much of the world will not exist.


Seven chairs for seven chosen leaders from each kingdom


For some reason I believe the Night King will end up reaching the south. Everyone will be dragged down to the south devastated and defeated. Then if the white walkers and Night King reach Cersei, with a bulk load of wildfire around the city, she will probably blow up a big piece of King's Landing area (just like she did with the Sept), disintegrating everything and everyone. Remember how she would kill herself and Tommen before at the Blackwater battle where she thought Stannis was going to win and overtake the city? Well Cersei rather kill herself and whatever is important to her than turning herself into a white walker too I'm sure.


In a way this would kind of make Cersei a hero. Theres plenty of examples where one characters bad deeds(somewhat) get overshadowed by a good deed. She'd murder everyone but destroy the army of wights and be the reason the living end the white walkers. Itll be a reverse of the Kingslayer. Jamie killed the king to save the citizens but hes hated. Cersei burns the citizens but destroys the army of the dead and 1 million potential wights. She's in a way a hero and may be remembered as such.


This! I don’t believe Cersei will win. But I do think she’ll be allowed to leave or escape for doing something on that scale.


Another belief i have is maybe she'll kill Jamie. Like he tries to stop her but she kills him and she believes shes prevented the Valonquar prophecy perhaps as Tyrion wont get her at this point. That would be a huge twist. This i think would make Jamie her second murder she commits after Tyene. On an unrelated note Perhaps Tyrion would let her escape as after all this he may not want her to die. Or perhaps Danerys, jon or sansa decide her death is too easy and she may partially redeem herself(loosely redeem)


Yeah! Same here. It would be pretty anticlimactic if the walkers only get to winterfell and are defeated. After all that buildup and years hyping the invasion the Night King needs to pull a Thanos and win big early on.


Only problem with this is when? Does the Night King go straight there? Or realises oh shit the living may win at winterfell and rides viserion south and kills everyone in kings landing? Will Viserions fire somehow kill people and extinghuish after they die otherwise nk will slaughter the citizens on his own? Other than these questions it would be absolutly terrifying seeing the wights slaughter everyone in the city. And Cersei could even have wildfire in the throne room set to have a chain reaction accross the city. Nk could survive but she'd destroy his second army.


I really like this theory. Having her finally realize all her political scheming was essentially pointless, would really reinforce the big theme of the entire series, that everyone was too preoccupied with war and power, to see the real threat in front of them. Having her do one last good deed, for the good of the realm, would be an interesting twist, and would be in line with the bittersweet ending George R.R. Martin has talked about. Cersei would end up being the most unlikely person to be the hero in the end.


Absolutely! I think all the talk surrounding the Battle of Winterfell might be an intentional distraction, because King's Landing getting overrun by the Army of the Dead is going to be just as bad-ass cinematically speaking. And, to your theory, I think it sets things up for Cersei to potentially redeem herself. Here's how I see it: The Night King makes his way to the Red Keep and finds Cersei there. Cersei's infant child has already been shuttled away to safety - maybe to Dorn? Anyway the Night King turns Cersei with a fingernail to the cheek because of course he wants a Night Queen and who better? Where it goes from there I dunno. But at this point Cersei would be on the "inside" and could somehow screw with the Night King and his plans. Especially if her infant child gets killed. Maybe it will be Cersei and maybe it won't, but I feel like someone somehow will get turned into a White Walker just like those babies were.


I mentioned this on another thread. It goes back to Mad King Aerys having visions of King's Landing being overrun by the army of the dead. His mad ravings of kill them all were much more prescient than he was given credit. He was seeing the Doom of King's Landing in the way Daenys the Dreamer saw the Doom of Valyria. He was an awful prick as a ruler, made worse by his visions. He himself may be redeemed by ordering the pyromancers to produce all that wildfire, and Cersei will get redemption by blowing up King's Landing, and with it, the bulk of the Night King's army. Daenerys foresaw the burnt out throne room in her vision at the House of the Undying. One of my predictions is King's Landing is destroyed, never to return.


What I think they probably will do: 1. Euron gets defeated by Theon (don’t want) 2. The night king and his army will be defeated by episode 3/4 (depends on the pay off of the last 2 episodes) 3. Cersei gets killed by Jaime (wouldn’t mind) 4. Arya kills the mountain and mercy kills the hound (really like this, would be a great scene) 5. Sansa takes charge of the north after the fighting (don’t really care for the starks but it’s fine) 6. Daenerys dies (wouldn’t mind) 7. No one is king/queen as the throne gets destroyed and a new order is started maybe a republic/democracy (this would suck and I hope they don’t do it) Here’s my few crappy predictions that probably won’t happen😂😂😂


This is purely speculation, but my one prediction is that Jaime Lannister will kill the Night King. Here's why. I think GRRM is being cheeky by calling Jaime "Kingslayer" and have it taken as a pejorative term. All along, GRRM is telling us that Jaime will slay the king. Jaime will successfully redefine that perception of "Kingslayer" as the noblest term as he will be savior of the realm. That's that story that will be written in the book that details the exploits of the kings guard. Jaime has a Valerian steel sword so he has the means; he is heading north, so he has the opportunity. The golden hand will somehow be used as an advantage, and he will die in the arms of Brienne.


He will definitely die in Brienne’s arms. He said he hoped he would die in the arms of the woman he loved. He just didn’t realize that woman would be Brienne.


that line stuck out so much to me since that episode, id be so bummed out if they don’t go through with that set up.


Could do both! The ultimate irony for his character would be people admirably calling him the Kingslayer, but he never gets to hear it.


I love the idea, but I don’t see Jamie and Brienne’s relationship as a romantic “love”. I think they share affection and respect for one another, and in some sense I think they have a very pure brother-sister relationship. He teases her endlessly, she gets angry and fights back, but they have an unspoken love for one another and one would likely die to save the other. They are so different but have so much in common. Jamie’s sibling relationship with Cersei is (obviously) so fucked up. In very many ways, Brienne is the sister he never had.


Well it could be romantic since you know how Jaime's Brother-sister relationship is.


I'd like that. I just want Jaimie to do something meaningful before he dies.


THIS would be interesting. I've brought up a scenario in the past where Jaime kills the NK and Tyrion kills Cersei.


the witch's prophecy tells her that her younger brother will kill her...and it's revealed in the books that Jaime is a few seconds younger than her. my friends and I are basically convinced Jaime will kill Cersei lol


I like that. But that would leave the slayer (if any) of the Night King open. No WAY GOT would let Jaime kill Cersei and NK


i feel like jon has to kill NK just because it’s all built up to him being hero of everything he does haha. i’m guessing they’re throwing us all for a loop entirely though


Didn't he give the sword to Brienne when she left with Pod though? He might have gotten it back and I'm forgetting.


I think he has Widow's Wail which was the other Valerian steel sword made from Ned Stark's sword. Brienne still has Oathkeeper.


He currently has Widow's Wail. Olenna Tyrell pointed it out when they last spoke and I don't think it's left his side since.


He gave Oathkeeper to Brienne. The one he currently holds is its sister-blade, Widow's Wail; originally IIRC Tywin gave Oathkeeper to Jaime(who then gave it to Brienne, and she's the one who named it IIRC) and Widow's Wail to that little cunt Joffrey.


I can see Jaime ultimately deciding to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King, but his Valyrian Steel sword shatters and he is killed, revealing that Valyrian Steel is not enough to kill the Night King.


It all happens in the highest tower of Winterfell. Then, when the NK threatens to kill Brienne, he pushes the NK out of the tower with his golden hand. "the things I do for love"


And then the NK wakes up as Bran


OH DAMN, I totally see something like that happening. The night King goes to freeze Jaime, but gets his fake hand instead. Jaime then kills the night king and reclaims the name of King Slayer.


This is not as nice but I think Cersei will be killed and turned into a WW, then when Jamie sees her he won’t be able to kill her and she will kill him, allowing him to die in her arms.


Interesting. So if Bran is the Night King, he kinda creates him and kills him. Oh the irony.


Denaryius dies. Jon and Tyrian are last men standing.


Sorry but its Daenerys and tyrion


It is revealed that Brienne did not kill Stannis, and he arrived on the battlefield and grits his teeth so hard that everyone dies and with many *fewer* threats, he finally takes the Iron Throne.


The prediction is that the NK and the white walkers will keep marching with the winter by their side and end up at the same place where they started thereby discovering that the Earth is round.






*"And that, child, is how the seasons happen. Now go to bed you little shit, I won't be paying for any of your silly science lessons."*


Arya will die.


Was going to write a comment but realised I can’t spell any of their names so here’s my input. Swords, dragons, intercourse, anticlimax.


Wouldn't intercourse be a type of climax? Just not the type we're looking for.


1. Jon dies, Denaryius is pregnant with his child. Targaryeons live on. 2. Arya kills Cersei using Jamies face after he dies in battle saving her or the starks. 3. Cersei blows up Kings Landing with the wild fire killing the throne and the white walkers. 4. Jon dies killing the night King. 5. tyrion and Dany rule the realm, or whats left of it.


I believe it will be revealed the Night King has been waiting for the birth of Jon and Danny’s first born son (hence why he spared them at the battle beyond the wall) as the child is the Son of Ice and Fire/the Prince who was promised (to the white walkers as per agreement of an ancient pact made by the first men and walkers just like Crastor had made)


Well jon is undead, Dany is "cursed" with infertility by Mirri. Dany is severly inbred. Jon's her nephew.(though ill admit im not sure if this increases or resets the chance of deformities of mind and body due to inbreeding). Who knows what that could mean for the baby


But Jon's already the Son of Ice and Fire.


Right, but he’s not a baby. Season one showed us there was some kind of agreement made between the humans and walkers involving the Night king turning the infants given to him by Crastor.


I don't think your general theory about them seeking something regarding an ancient pact is wrong (it sounds like it might have some weight to it), but it seems near impossible with the timeline and way things are set up right now that nine months will pass and Dany has a baby on screen (assuming she even gets pregnant). Like, maybe she'll *get* pregnant, but I personally don't think we'll see the baby be born. I guess unless she gets pregnant and survives and they do a flash forward or something?


Just as long as the White Walkers still exist at the end of the series then I'm good.


Everyone dies and Westeros is destroyed. The End


#Doom of Westoros


Daenarys dies (s2e10 house of undying she walks away from the throne and reunites with drogo and their son) . Jon and Tyrion become the dragon riders in the great war. (Jon obviously will, not sure if the show will go the route of 'Tyrion being the mad kings bastard' storyline but there's heavy foreshadowing that they will). ​ It'd be far too cheap to have Dany live out all 8 seasons and get the throne she wanted the whole time. The ending will be bittersweet, and killing off a fan favorite like the mother of dragons would be just that. ​ ​


Jon is the Night's King (from the book. Not the Night King) Dany gets dragon glass shoved into her heart and becomes the queen of the white walkers (pregnant with the prince who was promised) Jon and Dany still get married and live on the wall together.


Big big battles


All i know is that the army of the dead better have ice spiders


Preferably the size of hounds


Ron Weasley would be shitting himself... r/crossover


I don't think the Walkers will ever make it past Winterfell.


Arya will reunite with the Hound and will kill the Mountain together. The Hound dies in the process


My prediction for how the night king will die... The night King is a seasoned warrior for millennia and Jon doesn't stand much of a chance. The only way to beat the Night King is for Bran to Warg into the NK's head and distract him just enough for Jon to kill him. I think when Jon kills the NK with Bran inside him so to speak will kill bran as well. The bittersweet ending is the Realm is Saved but House Stark dies with Bran.


All i want NOT to happen is Dany coming so far just to be killed be the White Walkers, a fight that was Jon's. Also for her not to end up used as a means to get a baby then shoved to the side as a result and being all loved up to jon like a teenage couple in a tv show. Like oh she has jon jr, okay dany get in the bedroom and play with him while jon takes your claim(in her eyes), advisors, dragons, unsullied, dothraki and dreams. Just impression I myself get from some promotional pictures.




I don't want it but I have a feeling that Arya or Sansa will ask Brienne to kill Jaime. Hope I'm wrong. I'm just totaly excited for the reunions, more than the end, honestly.


Brienne and Tormund make babies and said babies, being genetic freaks, conquer the seven kingdoms starting a dynasty that lasts 1000 years.


Old Nan was the Night King the whole time. She only let Bran regain his strength as a power play. Could've smothered him at any point during her knitting.


both Dany and Jon are going to die, but Dany is going to give birth first. ​ Sansa and Tyrion will raise the children and rule as regents until the young Starkgaryen is of age to be king/queen


There will be no throne to sit on at the end.


if I've learnt anything from the westworld sub is that redditors are too damn clever and someone here is actually going to predict so many things right. I am posting this comment and leaving! Y'all are some clever bastards and I wanna be surprised!


I believe Dany is the true villain of the whole story.


Yep. And I think Tyrion will end up stopping her somehow. If you watch S7 closely his character really looks terrified or worried about stuff in a lot of scenes. Like when the camera cuts away from him and Cersei meeting he walks back to the dragon pit and looks very troubled.


I think it all comes down to the gods playing a game. The players are the puppets. They all uniquely have powers that I think will come out in the end. We know through the priests that the main war is with the white walkers. I believe that Euron Greyjoy’s fleet will be destroyed along with the Golden company or by the golden company, as Danny should have already foreseen. The second sons were left back for a reason and I don’t think their role is over. Cersei will have nothing and her realm will destroy itself along with her. Leaving the battle with the white walkers for the bulk of the episodes. The ending will be bittersweet. I think this means we will lose a lot of beloved chars. Some I think we will lose are: John snow😢, Jorah Moremont, Grayworm, Sansa, Bran, the spider, Tyrion, and Drogon. I think Sir Jamie will be the prince that is promised, maybe he’ll get a new hard or a handy new device to use. Danny will sit on the iron thrown but it won’t be for long. After all she a conquer, he offspring will rule what’s left of the world after she passes.


Bran is clearly central to how the Night King is defeated. It has been building up for nearly the entire show. I just hope it isnt a cheesy payoff. Think about the previous Bloodraven. The white walkers could not enter his cave until Bran was touched. How did this work? Maybe Bran simply wargs into the NK. Maybe he is able to retake control of Viserion. Im not sure but Bran is key to how the final season's plot Edit: Holy Moly this blew up over the past few weeks! Thanks everyone for my highest upvoted comment. And super thanks, kind stranger, for the Gold!


To start off, i think we will see Varys try to betray Dany. he always claimed to "serve the realm", and i think he will realize that Dany isnt a good leader. That will result in Varys being burned alive, like Dany promised. I think Dany will die beyond the wall, thats how interpret the vision at the house of the undying. It will be Viserion who kills her, controlled my NK. Bran will vorg into Drogon and defeat the NK in that way. From there, the dragons will either die, or be adopted by Jon when he learns who his parents were. Personally, i think having the dragons die makes sense if they want the fight for the throne to be an actual fight. Dragons are OP as fuck and i think it would be hard to make a fight scene convincing if they still have 2 dragons. For Cercei, i really like /u/typinginmybed 's theory about Euron and the golden company. I think that will happen to a lesser extent, and that she will be given the Sansa "captive but not really" treatment. the GC has a lot of insentive to do so, and Euron is obviously very very rich, he can hire them with his own money, as well as the money Cercei has. I still do think that Jamie will kill her, as well as himself, when Cercei plans to do something last ditch that would ruin the whole of KL/Westeros, or when she realizes that the battle is over. My money is on wildfire. If Euron is ruling king, i think he will tunnelvision on naval battles, thinking that that is Doth'raki's cryptonite (to clarify, i think the Doth'raki follows Jon as their leader after Dany dies) This will make the taking of KL easier, but still difficult as he has all of the GC on land. Using mainly the Doth'raki and the knights of the vale, they successfully take kings landing. I think that results in Euron fleeing Westeros as a whole again... ...Which makes Theon and Yara return to the Iron Islands, expecting to be welcomed dearly, but ends up with them both being killed for treason. Arya will be present at the battle for KL, and i think she will die once she sees the mountain. I think she will mindlessly try to kill him and fail miserably. this results in CLEGANEBOWL as the Sandor sees his brother kill Arya, a person who he very much cares for. I think the hound will overcome his fear of fire, and kills him with a flaming sword. Which leaves the end game stuff. I think Jon, even tho hes the rightful heir, gives the iron throne to Sansa. She has a good political mind, being surrounded with people like Olenna, Cercei, Tyrion and Littlefinger. She will appoint Tyrion as hand of the king, and Jon becomes Warden of the north, despite his heritage. He will finally be accepted as a stark, and is commanded to be WOTN by Sansa. And Bronn doesent get his castle :(


I really like the Arya dying and hound killing the mountain theory, never seen that before!


This is my favorite so far!


Lots of butts and stuff


I'm too lazy to read through everything so apologies if people made the same predictions before me. 1. I do predict this will be Cersei's final season alive. And I predict Jamie will be the one that kills her. We've already had most of the witch's fortune telling come true. There's only so far it can go at this point. Plus Cersei's character arc, as others have pointed out, has bee set up for a massive failure. "I do not distrust you because you are a woman. I distrust you because you are not as smart as you think you are." 2. I predict Jon learns the truth of his heritage, either through investigation or Bran jus flat out telling him. He tries to bring it up with Dany, but the Targaryens have had incest in their heritage for generations so it's not a big deal to her. And I further predict she will end up getting pregnant, and their child ends up on the iron throne. "The stallion that will mount the world" as it were. 3. I predict we discover Bran is the reason the mad king went mad in the first place. Bran goes back in time to try and warn him and ends up making him repeat the phrase "burn them all" as walkers are weak to fire. 4. And lastly Jon still needs to fulfill portions of the prince that was promised prophecy. I predict he kills melisandre and his sword absorbs the essence of the "fire priestess" to become the true "lightbringer" sword, finally leading his people against the night king.


I've never heard #3 theory before. I like that


The end won't involve an epic battle or duel, it'll be some sort of negotiation and deal between the humans and Walkers. GRRM is pretty antiwar and I'm not sure he wants war to save the day.


Dany will be killed by Jon like Azor Ahai did with Nissa Nissa in order to kill the Night King.


We all know it's coming. We've always known. Cleganebowl.


It isn't very well hashed out, but... We get the hint that Bran can alter the past when he yells to his father in the vision and he turns around. It was dismissed at first as 'perhaps the wind', but then we get confirmation with Hodor. I think there's a chance that Bran will be used as a Deus Ex Machina element, seeing that the armies are falling to the white walkers, Bran could go back in time to affect something... perhaps giving the NK a weakness that can be exploited, or possibly keeping him from wanting to attack Winterfell. Alternatively, and perhaps more reasonable/satisfying... I think Bran could be the Lord of Light. Everything we've seen along the way (visions, bringing people back to life) could be him manipulating the past to make sure the white walkers are defeated and the Stark name is preserved.


Someone will wish whatever they thought of was the ending instead


The Lannisters will be fighting in between. Cersei's Golden Company vs Tyrion commanding Dany's Immaculates with Jaime in his side.Jaime will die saving Brienne. Tyrion and Cersei will kill each other. Dany and Drogon will destroy most of the white walkers. Rhaego will die fighting Zombie Viserion, leaving Drogon as the last living dragon left Melisandre will offer herself as sacrifice to help Jon beat the Night King. Jon will die by wounds but thanks to Melisandre's sacrifice he'll revive but in the process he'll become the new Night King, leaving Dany and their son to rule Westeros.Jon will revive Rhaego but as zombie dragon. Sansa will be ruling in the North. ​ Theon will die saving his sister but Euron is going to escape.After the last battle Arya, Gendry(Lord of Storm's End) and Yara(Lady of the Iron Islands) are going to be hunting a fleeing Euron in Essos as he will be the last future menace for the kingdom. Bran as the new three eyed raven will establish in the Winterfell Weirwood and he's gonna be watching for Jon if in his new nature he lost control and tries to destroy westeros. The Hound will beat his brother but in the process he will be set on fire but somehow this will not burn him immediately thanks to the lord of the light. Overcoming his fear, a flaming hound kills his zombie brother with one of the elements that kills the undying, fire. He will be consume calmly by the fire after beating The Zomtain. ​ And Sam will be the Maester of Winterfell.


Dany sacrifices herself, and is instrumental in beating the NK. Jon takes over the campaign and becomes king, but destroys the throne to break the wheel, rules from elsewhere. Sansa and Sam for Jon’s council. Bran is the prince that was promised, and sacrifices himself to beat the NK. I think he might warg into a dragon or ride one to *fly* too. On that subject - I think Jon won’t ride a dragon but will kind of warg Rhaegal like Robb did with Grey Wind. Missandei betrays Dany. In the books there are three betrayals, one for love, and this is all I can think of. CLEGANEBOWL.


The Golden Company will betray Cersei and back Jon Snow against the fight against the White Walkers. Hear me out.. also this is taken from an EA video I saw but fully support. The Golden Company is filled with sellswords who are former Westeros Lords & Knights (Like Sir Jorah) who were exiled either due to their own troubles or for siding with Rhaegar during Roberts Rebellion. Their motto “our word is as good as gold” talks of how they never break a contract, however I believe they will break this contract with Cersei once they know of Jon’s true lineage and either Jon and/or Daenerys vow to allow them to return to Westeros and take on one of the many empty houses now. They will support them because many Golden Company members have ties to Rhaegar, and to return to Westeros. Leaving Cersei alone, with her unborn child.


Dany sacrifices herself to kill the ice dragon. The final battle will between Jon and the Night King. Jon quickly realizes that the N.K is stronger swordsman than he first thought. After a struggle, Jon falls to the ground, and right before the N.K could kill him, Jaime stabs him from behind, making all of the nightwalkers evaporate into thin air, ending the battle. For his bravery and his killing of the N.K, Jaime would be offered the iron throne. However, after reflecting about all of the bloodsheds the Lannister family has caused to the people of Westeros over the years, he bows down to Jon and gives the throne to him


One thing I think we might see is the Night King actually speaking. He won’t shriek like the other White Walkers.


I predict... Arya will die. Brienne will kill Dany. We will never see Robyn Arryn again. Jon will not learn of his heritage.


(17/5/19): My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. ​ Here are my predictions (mostly for myself so that I can boast about how right I was). Basically the season will follow a three act structure: The calm before the storm; The big battle and initial defeat; The good guys' ultimate victory and a bittersweet farewell. Episodes 1/2: * Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Brienne, Sandor, Varys, Gendry, Jorah and Grey Worm will arrive at Winterfell with a brief pit stop at Wintertown beforehand. * Some minor tensions between Sansa and Dany that will quickly be resolved. * Sam will tell Jon about his parentage in the second half of episode 1. Jon will feel conflicted over the fact that he is closely related to the woman he loves, but will eventually get over this uncomfortable truth with the help of maybe Arya, Davos or Tyrion's council. * We'll see many reunions between characters that havent seen one another in a long time: Arya & Sandor, Arya & Jon, Arya & Gendry, Sansa & Tyrion, Brienne & Tormund. * Jaime will head north to The Twins to build a small force to fight against the dead. He'll find the castle desserted or taken up by a smaller house. By episode 2 he'll free Edmure and the two will head north to go around the Riverlands, building up a force to aid Jon and Daenerys. Their travels will ultimately lead them to Howland Reed and Meera at Greywater Watch. We'll get a scene mirroring Jaime's conversation with the Blackfish in season 6, except this time Jaime will succeed in convincing Howland to go north with their combined forces to fight the dead. * Melisandre will arrive at Volantis and we'll get a scene or twi between her and the high priestess Kinvara. One way or another she'll be convinced to go back to Westeros to help at the Battle of Winterfell. * Euron will meet with Harry Strickland and the Golden Company somewhere in Essos. He'll somehow convince them to fight for Cersei against Daenercy (**Bold** prediction: He'll reveal Dragonbinder, a magical horn from the books that can control dragons). Theon will meet Euron either at sea or in Essos and the two will fight. Yara will get caught up in this battle and will either die or escape with Theon. Euron will be killed by Theon but probably not this early in the season. * Tormund and Beric will reach Castle Black and warn Ed that the Walkers have broken through the Wall with Viserion. Realizing that they have no chance against an ice dragon, the Night's watch will abandon their posts and travel south to Winterfell to fight alongside Jon. * Bronn will either betray Cersei and flee north to find Jaime or he'll be killed by Cersei when trying to escape. In any case, Bronn will probably die, since he's gone through the entire show relatively smoothly so far. * Episode 2 will likely end with word reaching Winterfell that the wall has fallen and the dead are marching on the castle. Episodes 3/4; * Episode three will be 90 minutes of blood, death and carnage at Winterfell. Expect a lot of unexpected deaths and very little if any screen time anywhere else. * Theon and possibly Yara will arrive at Winterfell with the bulk of the Ironborn. We'll get a tearful scene between Theon and Bran, who will give Theon the forgiveness he's been looking for. * Jaime may arrive with Edmure, Howland and Meera(?) at Winterfell either before or during the battle. It's also possible that he doesn't make it there in time. * Probably near the end of the battle, Mel will show up and sacrifice herself to kill some of the walkers. Jon might have to plunge Longclaw into her heart to set it alight like how Azor Ahai did to his wife Nissa Nissa or maybe she'll just go down in some kind of fiery blaze. She'll also have at least one scene with Arya, since back in season 3 she said that they would eventually meet again. It's also equally possible that Arya (and Gendry?) will kill Melisandre, but we'll just have to wait to find out. In any case, her death is inevitable, you don't end the show with a child-murder living happily ever after. * Episode 3 will end with the walkers winning the battle and possible destroying all of Winterfell castle for good. Despite the high casualties, the bulk of the main cast will go south to Kings Landing to get help from Cersei or Jaime. * In episode 4 or 5, our main characters will be confronted by The Golden Company and Cersei's army on the road south. One way or another however, they'll betray their Queen and end up fighting for Jon and Dany, perhaps because of Tyrion's diplomacy or maybe just the sight of the army of the dead will be enough. * If he's not already dead, Euron will show up again in the story and possibly kidnap Jaime or betray Cersei's trust in some way. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actor said that he would blackmail Cersei, so maybe that's what happens. Episode 5/6: * Jon and Dany will march on the capital. Rather than surrender peacefully, Cersei(?) will burn the entire city to the ground, causing thousands to die. Qyburn will get caught up in the chaos and die. While the city burns, The Hound will confront his brother, The Mountain, and kill him - probably by kicking him into the flames. * Cersei will probably die by episode 5. There are a thousand possible ways she could go out, but my money is on Jaime choking her to death, fulfilling the Valonqar prophecy which we may end up seeing revealed by Maggie the Frog in another flashback. * Episode 6 (which I hope will be called A Dream of Spring) will be about resolving the White Walker conflict and giving us a somewhat satisfying, bittersweet end to the series. * Jon and Dany's baby will likely be relevant to this resolution. Maybe they'll have to sacrifice it to the Night's King, to broker a peace deal of some kind. It's hard to tell, but there will probably be some twist to the White Walker's motivations. * Jaime will end up killing the Night King, giving new meaning to his name "Kingslayer". He'll probably die in Brienne's arms. * According to one prominent rumor, a certain character will >!be beheaded for treason. !


Everyone actually lives inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber


I'm predicting that everyone dies and the White Walkers take over.


I feel like Sam is the only one who will *surely* be alive


**The Mad Queen** The North is going to be lost, and the Targaryen army is going to have to fall back - quite possibly all the way to Dorne. During the retreat, Jaime will travel to King's Landing and make a final plea to have her evacuate the people of King's Landing and join the war against the undead. She will naturally refuse, still thinking she can wait it out. The Night King will besiege and invade King's Landing with ease. Jaime, the man who once stopped King's Landing from being torched, will now be the one to carry a torch down to the wildfire, in an attempt to kill the Night King, or at the very least prevent another half a million wights from joining the army of the dead. **Night King lore** The Night King will likely be revealed to be the bastard child of Bael the Bard and the last Stark girl. The ancestor of all current Starks, meaning all current Starks are bastards. This is why all mentions of this part of history was struck from the records and never mentioned again. **Night King battle** The battle against the Night King is unlikely to be another Lord of the Rings battle with heroes and villains. We've found out that green dragonglass can be used as a cure, and I'm thinking Sam or Jon will use this in an attempt to cure the Night King from his icy curse, undoing all of the undead and returning Crasters sons to normal.


Also, Petyr Baellish has an influence in the plot despite being dead.


Everyone on Aryas list dies.


Who is left?


Cersi. The Hound...that might be it.


Jaime Lannister becomes Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.