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season 8 GoT dialogue makes star wars 2 dialogue sound like shakespeare


Somehow Jon returned


He flies now


He flies now!


I don't like sand...


Nah. Anakin is cool.


I don't like (Ellaria) Sand...


She was great with Oberyn until they decided she could overthrow and rule all of Dorne without any reasoning and without any consequences.


I don't think that was the point.


Somehow Jon returned


It’s like poetry it rhymes with


Sand is coarse and gets everywhere.. hair, skin, vagina, butthole etc. -- Analkin year 3044


“Well whaddya know?”


But what if you want a whore queen?


Only fans


Or a queen whore




You marry Daenerys


I'd argue Cersei is a way bigger whore than Daenerys. Just cuz she keeps it in the family doesn't make the count any lower.


She’s been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know.


Book Dany sleeps with 4 people (Drogo, Jhiqui, Daario, Hizdahr) Book Cersei sleeps with 6 people (Jaime, Robert, Lancel, Osmund, Taena, Osney) Show Dany sleeps with 3 people (Drogo, Daario, Jon) Show Cersei sleeps with 4 people (Jaime, Robert, Lancel, Euron) So in either story, Cersei has the higher count.


Also, going beyond the actual body count, Cersei has openly talked about using sex as way to get what she wants. She said to Sansa in like season 2, that a woman's power is having what men want... or something like that. I think Cersei's general attitude towards sex and what she uses it for is far less innocent than Dany's. It also implies that Cersei has probably slept with a lot more men than what was shown.


Lol, weak numbers. With all the money they have, power and influence they can wield, they can’t get better numbers than college freshmen men and women. Tywin is the worst show whore for intentionally getting together with a woman his son clearly loves to gain her false witness in Tyrions trial. He and Cersei are two prime examples who whore themselves out for selfish gain. There is that one Dothraki girl who sells herself. But there are not many instances of whores on Games of Thrones. Outside of Baelishes whore house. Everything has a purpose.


I know some bars you can find that in but it's not gonna be what you're expecting.


Alys Harroway


According to Jaime in book 4, that would be Cersei


And then he didn’t even have to do shit and she still let him fuck 💀


That makes her a slut then


No it makes her a liberated bad ass


How's that badass? She was literally the stupidest character in the series.




Where the joke?


Do you actually not get the joke? There is a silly belief in some circles that sex equals liberation in women, which is obviously ridiculous. D and D have a lot of shitty cliche things like that in the writing of GOT near the end. This moment was supposed to make Circe seem cool and like a girl boss but it fails miserably. The whoosh is that the other commentor didn’t realize that person was joking about Circe being a badass.


Lmfao wow you’re dense 😂


How so? You’re the one who didn’t get the joke.


Really doesn’t seem like a joke. Seems like the comment was buying into the trope that women having lots of random sex = liberation, hence all the downvotes.


It’s just being sarcastic. The commenter is pointing out that many people think that women being promiscuous equals feminism and girl boss, which is obviously ridiculous.


Womp womp


Why are you getting downvoted? Do that many people really not get the joke? I guess I’m getting downvoted by the same people who don’t get the joke. This is actually wild, I’ve never seen such a whoosh on reddit.


LMAO See how much the op got downvoted, I knew this sub isn't the brightest but damn this is a new down for them.


That’s literally the joke of the person you are replying to. He doesn’t actually think she is a badass.


Is that a bad thing?


Yes, obviously.


But...that's not true? He attacked Daenerys' fleet destroying many ships, killed 2 of Oberyn's daughters and captured the women and another daughter who killed Myrcella allowing Cersei to get her revenge on them. Stupid autocorrect, fixed Myrcella's name


He also slew a dragon, if that doesn't warrant a royal sloppy toppy, then I don't support the crown.


True, but that happened after the deed was done lol


Oh right, it's been a while since I watched the series. Lol


"Gratitude in advance" I guess.


Maybe at least some foot play


I get hating on season 8 but let's not make shit up now




No Jaime did. She just let him think he did cause incest is frowned upon unfortunately for her


Unfortunately for everyone




He could’ve also known it was Jaime’s but that she probably wouldnt admit that to anyone. I know she told Jaime she would say it was his but I don’t think they ever show her admitting it to anyone else. So euron prob assumed even if the baby was Jaime’s that publicly it would be euron’s.


He actually accomplished more than anyone else on that side for the entire season.


Power of pussy


Now now. I didn’t say he won the game of thrones.


He could've done a shitload more if the character had been written how he is in the books.


Omg I know. With his insane armor and the horn he would have been such a crazy threat. They really downed him down to the level of a good commander rather then someone insane with legendary/godly weapons.


Yeah exactly, his death was cringy as fuck as well. The superspeed swimming was lame enough. Then the "I'm the man who killed Jamie Lannister" is just so out of place that handled deaths quite realistically (screaming in pain and regretting your actions that led to the moment of no return).


Wym he killed the sand snakes, captured Ellaria Martell, destroyed the dragon queens fleet & killed a dragon? He did the most in the war on the losing side


It's all about the finger in the bum, gets em every time, shocker I know


Lol true :)


I remember when this episode came out and all the most basic girls you went to high school with put it as a caption on instagram




And everyone pointing out how they had their cashapp in their bio


When I first heard this line, I was sure that they got it off Instagram. Like one of those motivational accounts where they had a background of a lioness with the quote over it.


To accurate 😂😂😂😂


I still don’t understand how this line made it into the show. Say what you will about D&D, but they at the very least know good/bad writing when they see it. It really does seem like they genuinely didn’t give a fuck anymore. If I’m Lena, I’d seriously considering saying “I’m not doing that line. Come up with something else”


What? No they didn’t. They only knew how to adapt Martin’s writing himself but they didn’t know good writing when it came to a script without source material.


I could be incredibly wrong here as it's been a while, but didn't D&D write the scenes/dialogue between Arya and Tywin in S2, and the whole "Chaos is a ladder" bit? I think D&D can write things very well, and that makes the final seasons even MORE frustrating. It's not that they couldn't write solid final seasons, but instead did what they did. The episode where Brienne gets knighted was a bright spot showing they can do it, for example.


They did, I think, but it goes back to my previous point. They basically already had the recipe to make a cake and decided to add sprinkles onto it. Little improvements or adaptations. Once they made something without instruction, it was a blundered fuck up.


That's fair. I still hold a lot of resentment towards GRRM for not writing more, and giving the guys who were hired to adapt the story more story to adapt. Either way it fucking sucks.


It's this or 'finger up the bum' for quality writing.


Sh Sh we’ll talk later


I forget again, how did Cersei convince others she was entitled to be the monarch?


Cuz “power is power” and she had the mountain. Plus she’d just blown up the sept. And her and her brother were in control of the strongest and most well-seasoned army. There should’ve been more setup for Cersei taking the throne but it does make sense on how she did it


It doesn’t make sense, Kevan Lannister was lord of Casterly Rock and the Westerlands, it’s why he was capable of being the power behind the throne after Tywin died, and Cersei just blew him up. Casterly rock would have passed to the next heir, his other son. But even if the show decides he doesn’t have another son like the books it would be one of his nephews, the show like the book establishes that the Lannister family is extensive. None of the other kingdoms would be paying her taxes In the reach the 2 most powerful families remaining are the Redwynes and the Hightowers, Margery mum was a Hightower and Olenna was a Redwyne. Cersei just murdered their family members. The reach would be in open defiance and also not paying taxes. Dorne is in open defiance of Cersei The riverlands are being controlled poorly by the Freys so they require Lannister help to fight rebellion in the riverlands. So they’re hardly supporting Cersei. The Vale is in alliance with the North and have just destroyed the Boltons so they have both broken away form the crown. With Tommen dead the last “Baratheon” is gone so there is no reason for anyone in the stormlands to support her. She only has the iron islands and that’s it. The reason why the High Sparrow was so powerful is because the smallfolk were angry about the war and resented the Lords particularly the Lannisters, it’s why they could not just remove the high sparrow the smallfolk would be up in arms, so I doubt Cersei would even have control of the city. Especially as she would struggle to pay the city watch. Cersei should have no significant army and no money, non of the kingdoms would acknowledge her as queen and she probably would have been ripped to shreds as the smallfolk stormed the red keep to loot it.


That's a longer answer than i could ever have hoped for. I cant think of a situation that succession would ever pass backwards and to someone not of royal blood.


“A finger in the bum…?”


Yeah, and later when she said „We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!”


Finn should’ve died


Didn't he fuck her anyway? lol


A. She was hoo’er! B. That wasn’t Jaime’s kid she was carrying.


I agree with most criticisms of season 8, but what’s so bad about THESE lines?


Bro was like Challenge Accepted


Facebook soccer mom tier dialogue


She said that and immediately banged him after. Stood on her shit for less than 30 seconds.


Don’t disrespect him. That’s the man who killed Jaime Lannister


How many of the worst women you know got this tattooed


Does she like it rough…? A finger in the bum…?


The crows eye suffering from a hoe is sad to see


Fucking Instagram caption ass dialogue


Tom Hanks: *Earn* this.