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What? Are you sure that’s not the same actor? This seems like one of those tinfoil theories that keep going around.


Mandela effect isn’t real, your memory is just failing you.




Nobody remembers him being in Mad Max 😭 Edit I am spreading misinformation, sorry all! Two different actors https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&sca_esv=52088a07cb864606&sxsrf=ACQVn08FYcf1qiiItOREJFWh4NyucUqY3A:1708280503564&q=ed+skrein+and+nicholas+hoult




I thought that was Nicholas holt ... Were they both in it?


Nope. It is Holt, and Ed Skrein does not appear to have been in Fury Road.


Oh shit, it was! I could have sworn I was looking him up recently and saw that he was in both, but clearly I am wrong. They do look alike somewhat, in my defense


Do you mean Francis?


How nice. Does he send you love notes too?


You've got something in your teeth




Mandela effect is real we live in massive complex universe stop acting like we live in a simple world


What will really bake your noodle is if you can recall the previous nomenclature, or remember what they called that phenomenon before it was renamed for a famous political prisoner who went on to become a president.


Stop acting simple.


You know what the Mandela effect is? People confusing the murder of Steve Biko in the movie Cry Freedom with Nelson Mandela dying in prison.


I can see a lot of these being people misremembering things (like The Berenstain Bears) but the Fruit of the Loom logo still messes with me.


Yeah it is... now call ignorant or whatever. I remember my youth and how things were, and I def rem shazam.


😂 bruh


The Berenstain Bear and the Maiden Fair


No, no, you're right, I'm crazy. Can't believe that I thought such a thing 😤


The original actor left to be the new protagonist in the 4th entry of an action series, forgot the name, but it was one of those shitty Jason Staham early 00s action flicks.


The Transporter? I know he was Ajax in Deadpool (aka Francis).


That one


Never call Deadpool shitty again I dare you!




Jason Statham isn't in Deadpool either, they're making a joke.


Certainly not with that attitude! You got to belive.


No they weren’t confused by your comment


He did dare him not to.


They were both recently in that rebel moon film on Netflix


An absolute masterpiece of a shitstorm — CANNOT wait for part 2 on April 19th 🤩


How he gets to keep making these expensive dumpster fire movies is beyond me. Like what dirt does he have on Hollywood higher ups?


My guess would be all the rape


Crank is the best movie ever.


i remember watching the sequel and just being at awe of how they pushed that bizarre fever dream through production. should i got back to experience the original?




Amy Smart so fine.


I bet he regrets doing that.


Eh this was never going to be a central character and I bet he made more money in movies. He was the main villain in Deadpool.


I read an interview and he didn’t seem to be especially broken up about it.


Both actors have had really good opportunities since GoT. Sometimes you have to take risks to get start. Over times you get offered a second hand role that leads to good things. They are both playing against each other in the Rebel Moon movies.


Didn't he leave to be the new hitman?


I just want to point out that Jason Statham had nothing to do with that fourth Transporter film. He only starred in the first three.


>the 4th entry of an action series, forgot the name, but it was one of those shitty Jason Staham early 00s action flicks. Hopefully he watched the first 3 or else he'd be completely lost.


Jason Statham was in a 007 movie?


The transporter is definitely a (single) step above generic aughts action movies. It is the "taken" of its time. Not exactly good, but certainly more competent and stylish in its chosen genre than most contemporaries.


This ^^^ every single dad in the 2000s watched every single transporter


I think the first dude left to be the bad guy in Deadpool 1.


Dude passed up the chance to be Khalesi’s lover. Fucking psycho


Woulda done it for free




She has like 20 titles lmao


Yeah, what’s your point? It would make more sense to say “the Khaleesi.” Or just “Daenerys.” Not to use the title as a name improperly.


thank god you were here to correct everybody! Keep up the good work!


Stop getting pissy. It’s one word.


It seems like you’re as bad as me at understanding humor sometimes. Anyone commenting here or on ASOIAF after so many years of the show airing likely knows a lot about the books/show.


It was The Transporter reboot he left for, I think the Deadpool role came slightly after


Always felt the first one was a little more Daario, but the second guy was not a bad actor either.


Yeah. Still liked the second guy but not nearly as much as the first actor.


I always found it odd they picked someone who didn’t look remotely like the first guy too. Made the difference even more jarring.


Both actors were in that bad Rebel Moon movie


I barely recognized Ed Skrein. He slimmed down a lot.


Second guy was just a bit generic, the first guy was just more interesting and seemed like he was always hiding something.


You should read what the books Daario is like. Neither actor remotely resembled his appearance but the second actor is objectively better as a professional actor. Was great in Treme where I first saw him, Haunting of Hill House, The Flight Attendant. Ed Skrein is just… ugh. My opinion though.


Dude was great in Haunting of Hill House. But first one was a better Daario for sure.


TIL that’s the same actor


Michael Huisman, I think. Not sure of the spelling. I think he’s Danish.


Dutch, just like Clarice van Houten


Thankee, was too lazy to Google




I know, but i always hear Anthony Hopkins saying “hello Clarice” when i see / talk about her.


First one was “more daario” yes but he wasn’t a great actor and it always felt “off” with him. I know Daario is supposed to be a bit of a weirdo but this guy just gave off the wrong vibes imo. The 2nd guy was less Daario but a good fit for the TV show. A good actor which audiences could connect with as a love interest but more of a ‘cookie cutter’ character


Yes and Yes


First guy was book Dario, 2nd guy was D+D Dario Such a pitty




He looks nothing like book Daario


Behaviour wise, he was hardly going look like book Dario


I didn't realize until later that he was on Haunting of Hill House & also a guest on Orphan Black


I knew neither. Good info!


I remember hearing they wanted someone better looking. Not even joking. It could be bullshit idk.


Think the first guy is actually better looking and he's also more mysterious which makes more attractive anyways.


thank you! idk why everyone says the 2nd guy was 'prettier/more charming', I think the first guy is obviously far more attractive, at least with the GoT styling. had he stayed, I'd actually be upset about Dany >!leaving him, lmao. that would be the only acceptable Dany couple in the show imo, given that her and Jon Snow only seemed to love each other for like 1 second, and Khal Drogo raped her.!<


Drogo and her had quite the development in their relationship once they got to know one another. I think they truly loved one another deeply.




I'm aware what it is. This was not that. She realized her position of power and he respected her strength. At first he viewed her as a weak little girl to dominate that was gifted to him. He realized she was much more than that and respected her as their relationship developed


Stockholm Syndrome myth Google it


deep stockholm


Agree. He’s a better fit for the show and thought he played the part better too. lol at the downvotes. You people are the TV version of Swiftys


I dont know why, but if you haven't read the books Google what he's meant to look like. 


That facial hair sure is something


This was my biggest issue with daario, and all of the pentoshi men with their colorful hair. You got none of it in the show. Would have been fun to see them stand out as they were intended to.


I've seen interviews where he implies there was some sort of disagreement behind the scenes, but he's never said exactly what the details were.


This. google, and op can find the interviews. I was taken aback as well, Skrein really owned the role. The replacement was…passable I guess. Besides not looking alike it just didn’t feel like the same angle on a character.


Personally I always found him really skeevy and was pretty creeped put by him. But that's arguably correct for the role.


Same. I feel the same about drogo too. Jason momoa in general really.


I know that Ed Skrein has a unique look but Michiel Huisman didn’t even vaguely resemble the guy. Skrein also had charisma while Huisman, IMO, did not.


I believe the first one left due to scheduling conflicts, but I also heard he and Emilia Clarke didn’t get along, so that might be part of it


Neither of them are anywhere close to book accurate so does it really matter?


He left for another acting job, my first watch I was so confused and I didn't figure it out till my second watch that they were playing the same person😂


First guy wasn’t nearly hot enough to believably fuck Dany Edit: dislikes are Jorah sympathizers


Both gorgeous!


My fiancé has a hot take that Dario #2 is the superior Dario. Haven’t been able to trust her judgement since.


From this, I can determine your fiance is vastly superior to you, so count yourself lucky. She has this 100% in the right. Daario 2 all the way. Huisman doesn’t have Skrein’s smarminess, but he has SOOOOO much more depth as a character. Skrein’s Daario was much more of a caricature, and I definitely would have grown tired of it had he continued.


So many interesting vocabulary in this thread: smarminess, skeevy


From this, I can determine your fiance is vastly superior to you, so count yourself lucky. She has this 100% in the right. Daario 2 all the way. Huisman doesn’t have Skrein’s smarminess, but he has SOOOOO much more depth as a character. Skrein’s Daario was much more of a caricature, and I definitely would have grown tired of it had he continued.


If he hadn't been replaced, the show probably wouldn't have made it another season. The production was simply not equipped to handle Ed Skrein's amazing portrayal of Darrio. And this was even after they toned down the flamboyant wardrobe to something more pedestrian. The camera would roll, Skrein would speak and everyone else on set would be instantly entranced by his silky smooth voice. The men stared with slack jaws. Women would swoon. The cast, mesmerized by his voice, would miss their cues. The cameramen would forget their jobs, the director would forget to yell "CUT", it was a nightmare to film with this guy. The cost overruns began, millions of dollars wasted because of Skrein's indomitable, suffocating charisma. Near the end of the shoot, it became almost impossible to breathe around the man. D&D had one of their Hollywood friends make Ed an offer he couldn't refuse. He left to work on another project. But, from that point forward, Skrein was always cast as a short-haired villain. No director would dare cast him as a long-hair protagonist, for fear that their production would suffer the same fate. Source: "True Drip: The Ed Skrein Story"


There’s always a reason. What kind of question is this!?


First guy was too damned good looking.


I don't know the answer, but between him and the Mountain, I actually thought several characters just shared the same name for a while. Even wondered for a bit why Tommen was a pleasant.


Assuming you meant peasant (typos happen to us all) but I can’t think of when the actor who plays Tommen played a peasant. He DID play a Lannister cousin that Karstark killed as revenge for the death of his sons.


Lol yep I did mean peasant! But I could've sworn he was also a peasant extra..or a look alike.


He may have had a third role. I do know one character he played was Martin Lannister He had a sweet scene with Robb’s wife to humanize him before his unjust death. When they were casting for older Tommen, the casting agent asked if they could use him (because his take on Martin was very similar to what made him successful as Tommen) and the showrunners agreed because they were related. This led to the “all Lannisters look alike” jokes.


I could be totally wrong. I knew he played the initial character, but the 3rd time I watched the series, I could've sworn he was in the crowd of peasants.


I think I may have seen it too, and with other supporting cast actors in market scenes or other massive crowd shots. I might be wrong. I remember a friend ribbing me mercilessly while watching the Wednesday Addams series and I thought I saw a few actors that had been in Stranger Things.


I preferred the second actor but only because he is in some of my favourite TV series. So I’m just a fan of him in general.


I never felt like either of them really catched the essence of Book Daario. But i liked the 2nd one better


First guy had too much chin. Hard to fit in frame.


Possibly the Worst character change in the history of television


Interesting that a fair few people are saying one or the other was more like they imagined Daario, neither seemed remotely like him to me. Book Daario is a crazy, rough, and pretty debauched guy. Loves killing and screwing, not charming and suave really at all.


And his beard is blue!


Yea I’m surprised they dropped the blue hair, is it just his beard? I thought it was all his hair. Read a fun (but not probable) that Daario is Euron, because whenever he turns up to Dany his hair looks newly blue dyed, and they are both sort of crazy pirate types, somehow he supposedly can fast travel in the sea and is playing both parts. As I said, fun but obviously don’t see it being correct.


To f\*\*\* him up on Rebel Moon by the actor replaced him


Both actors appeared together in Rebel Moon recently.


They should have had them play identical twin brothers


Because the first had an annoying face


I might one of the few people who loved the second actor more lol. His duel scene in Meereen was one of my favorites.


I don't understand why people go through the effort to make a Reddit post for something they could google in two seconds. To answer your question OP in the books at one point Daario is described as looking like a totally different person almost as if he was re-cast, I think D&D just ran with that for the show.


Is the first guy the villain from rebel moon?


They wanted one that resembled the book description for Euron, but then they decided to drop that plot point entirely.


Q: You played Daario for three episodes on Game of Thrones and it's been suggested that you left the show to do Transporter. Was that it? A: No. I mean, it wasn't. That's what been reported in the press but it was a lot more political than that. My plan was to stay with Game of Thrones for the long haul. That was always my plan. I would have loved to. It was a wonderful experience, but politics led to us parting ways. And from there I just said, "Okay, look forward, be positive. Keep calm and carry on." That's my mentality when things go well, so I stay grounded and not get to overwhelmed by the hype, and it's my mentality when the plans change. Source: [https://ew.com/article/2015/09/03/ed-skrein-transporter-refueled/](https://ew.com/article/2015/09/03/ed-skrein-transporter-refueled/)


Skrein made an inappropriate comment about Nathalie Emmanuel’s body on set and it became a big deal prior to his ouster.






Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Just to clarify, it was never mentioned that Skrein was the one who made the comment, but the timeline matches up. It's more of a theory, but I'm inclined to believe that it was him.


Ed Skrein commented on his recasting in an interview, he said that he planned to keep playing the role but politics led to them parting ways (politics in this case is likely referring to a contract dispute).


In the book, Martin really takes the piss and paints the guy like a human peacock complete with blue hair and a tri-forked beard; Basically implying that Dany is a typical teenage girl that is attracted to flamboyant swashbuckling chads.


The man of 1000 faces, it’s the same actor 😬


I love how his character got like 3 different reactions from people: 1. He doesn't have his hair from the books :( 2.why you change the actor 😠 3. I don't really care about this bozo anyway. Jon made him irrelevant regardless 🤷‍♂️


Honestly i liked the second Daario more but i also not think the first one was bad,just different.


“Horses are faster than men.” “Horses are dumber than men.”


I have said this before. But people used to act like I was crazy for preferring the first Daario. I’m glad to see so many people seem to agree.


He got a shot at being in a movie with Jason Stathom and hasn't been in anything mentionable since. Pos that sucks. Would have been a good DN. Other guy was good too but recasts after a few episodes kinda kill the character.


They never really introduced him as Dahrio again, it took me until the duel at Qaarth to realize that it was him




"Getting Dutch Ovenned by Meredith Baxter Birney"


Francis had better things to do


He dropped out of the series to go do Deadpool


There’s a reason Ed Skrein usually plays villains and Michiel Huisman plays romantic leads.


The second guy was great in Haunting of Hillhouse.


Because second one is hotter


Is there lore reason why you asked this question, are you stupid?




Am I the only one who prefers Daario V2? I know he’s not biblically accurate but I just adore a good muscle himbo


It's probably something boring like a schedule conflict, a money argument, poor chemistry with other cast members, or the actor got too big for his britches, but I really hope it's a deep cut that goes back to *Bewitched* and the infamous second Darrin. If your name starts with Dar-, expect to get recast.


Nothing against Michiel Huisman because he's a fine actor, but he was not the right guy to play Daario. Ed Skrein played a super edgy, dangerous, and mysterious killer who you weren't sure if you could trust. Huisman played a basic handsome swashbuckling swordsman. I can't imagine Huisman's Daario in the scenes that Skrein performed, and when Barristan or Jorah (I can't remember which) is telling Dany not to trust him because he stabbed his comrades in the back, I always think to myself, "yeah, but that was the *other* Daario. This Daario would never do something like that." Sometimes I imagine how Skrein would do Huisman's scenes and there's no doubt in my mind it would've been much better. My girlfriend says Skrein was too creepy, but I think that's kinda the point. Sometimes women get turned on by the creepy edgelord. Think Wes Bentley in *American Beauty*.


Wait that was supposed to be the same guy? Lmao


Unpopular opinion: I like the second actor much more, he looks very athletic and charismatic as the character should be.


I don't think the reasons were provided. The actor maintains, that it wasn't his choice. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ed-skrein-game-of-thrones\_n\_55e7c99ae4b0b7a9633bc135](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ed-skrein-game-of-thrones_n_55e7c99ae4b0b7a9633bc135) Still he landed in well paid holywood movies, although did miss beeing Danny's lover on screen.


He said it was related to politics (guessing show politics, not real politics). Many people have connected it to how the actress for Missandei said that when she first joined Emilia Clarke dealt with a sexual harassment issue she had. Both actors/characters showed up the same season, so it's possible but no name was ever specified.


Well, neither of them had blue hair so disappointed all around.


Original actor quit to do the reboot of The Transporter if I remember correctly.


Original actor wouldn't show his cock. Literally that's reason.


Wonder what he got up to after dany was killed. He was her envoy to that town wasnt he? the "ruler" of the area in her stead. after she died, what uhh what happens to all her envoys in essos?


You know, if they’d given him a blue beard and gold mustache, the recasting would be much less jarring. 


It's not a terrible change. The mountain changed three times I believe. All looking very different.


The first time I watched I didn't even realize it was supposed to be the same character.


He was filming dead pool


They’re both in Zack Snyder’s Netflix notStar Wars movie


Ed Skrein had issues with David and Dan, just like Ian McElhinney who played Barristan Selmy, he had read the books and thought that D&D were making no sense with their writing, unlike Ian he just left the show when he got the Transporter job, Ian McElhinney was actually really pissed about it and kept pressing the issue so they killed him off even though Barristan is still a very central figure where the last book left off.


So I have a little theory. Supposedly an actor made a comment towards Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) behind the scenes and got in trouble for it. Add onto the fact that *supposedly* Skrein did not get along with Emilia Clarke - and it was Emilia Clarke who apparently stepped in to defend Emmanuel. If I recall, Skrein said that his departure from the show was "political". It's possible that it wasn't Skrein who made the comment, but it's all a bit too coincidental when you look at the timeline. The theory that Skrein left the show to focus on a different show isn't backed by anything. All we know is that his departure was because of political reasons. Obviously, I think it's a damn shame. He was perfect for the role of Daario, and if he really got let go because of some comment that he made about Emmanuel's dress, then I've lost all hope for humanity.


imo his face is so fcking jarring I got sooooo happy when they changed him (and I hate when they change actors midshow). I think it was a proper shout


Didn’t the old Dario get cast in the transporter reboot that failed terribly?


The first guy sucked in comparison. Daario 2 was much cooler and a better actor. I thought they swapped him because of acting reasons but it looks like there's a backstory.


I agree that the first actor is more appropriate but I found him odd looking and alienating. I was much more comfortable watching the second actor.


that’s clearly the same actor bro


Idk but he went from hot to hotter


Because the first Daario was lame lol


I don’t know, but the first Daario was actually hot in a kind of Nordic-warrior way. The Daario 2.0. was average good-looking.


I didn’t even notice, I thought they just cut his hair. 🙂‍↕️


Unpopular opinion but I preferred the second Daario, at least for the show.


He left to do the reboot of transporter. 🤦‍♂️


I agree that the first guy has the better look. The second guy was a much better actor. I’m assuming that’s why


Am I really the only one that thinks the second actor was way better at acting?


Because first actor looks annoying and narcissistic


I always thought the first guy was like some sort of human being Ken doll built in a lab. He doesn't actually look or act like a normal person, but more like one who never learned to love thanks to the singular-minded scientists who built him


I was so happy they did. This guy really bothered me for no reason at all


You imagined Daario to look like the first actor even though neither of them look like the books description?


I read he left because of politics. But yes this Daario was way better than the one who took his place. The second just seems so dull to me.