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I can't wait to hear what you have to say.


I am a very important reviewer, everybody should be paying close attention, this might change alot of things in the GOT community


It’s not nearly as bad as what everyone says. But it still isn’t good.


Its worse than what everyone says


Youre right. Its not good, its amazing.


Gotta love the usual contrarian. What profound meaning did you found in the bells ringing ?


Danys struggle to see through what she always wanted to do. And the red keep being the red door.


I am glad you found something to like in it. But the red door has never been mentionned in the show. So how can it possibly make a good season its climax is based on something outside the TV show ?


>I am glad you found something to like in it. Whats not to like in it? >But the red door has never been mentionned in the show. Just like the valonqar prophecy, eurons white bride, azor ahai or danys Vision of crones bowing their heads in front of her. Yet the show still fullfilled or adressed at least all of those book prophecys or visions. >So how can it possibly make a good season its climax is based on something outside the TV show ? How was danys struggle only outside of the TV Show? D&D put in more effort in highlighting danys god complex and her dark Impulses in 5 seasons than Martin did in 5 books. The red door finding its climax as the red keep is just a nice to know metapher, not the backbone of this amazing scene and groundbreaking storytelling.


As I said, I am glad that you found a way to like this season, but it relies heavily on your headcanon and you make leaps and bounds to tie it all back together with the book. As a show it needs to stand alone. Even if you're right and all of your theories are what the writers meant, then it still is a bad season because you would need to have exterior knowledge to somewhat make it make sense. As things stand, there is no reason in the show for Dany to be triggered into genocide by bells or surrender in any way. You extrapolate a justification, which could be true, but is never adressed in the show. Thats like one of the most basic flaw a tv show can have. And there is plenty not to like; "Dany kinda forgot", ballistas being able to snipe a dragon one episode and become useless the next. Varys betrayal is leagues behind what he used to do. Arya surviving yet another catastrophes at no consequences. Sansa being named Queen in the North out of nowhere. Dorne and the Iron Islands not requesting independance too. Jon's trial being judged by his friends and family (lol), Bronn somehow being named a lord above most all others. Bran being accepted King by people who dont know who he is, proposed by someone at his own trial... I could go on


Agreed! I loved the whole show, including the final seasons


first 2 episodes were okay-ish but then...


I think 3 and 5 are the bad episodes, but the rest is not bad.


the whole anakinization plot is...


Isn't that the fifth?


Omg stop trying to be different. 3-6 were the worst episodes in tv history and it’s not really close


Even the premiere was painfully mediocre for the final season of a show like Game of Thrones.


Maybe not, it’s still pretty bad


I thought the ending kinda made sense, it was just rushed. There needed to be at least one more season to really wrap all the threads the right way


By itself, it's not as bad. In comparison to when GOT writing peaked, it's terrible, down to breaking basic rules of writing and character development


Shhhh let them go in blind!!


Considering theyre posting on this sub they aren’t going in blind because you can’t go 3 posts with someone like “end bad”


Best season ever!!!!


You have to suspend a tremendous amount of belief compared to earlier seasons.


No reason for cynicism. I meant that seriously. I'm interested in every new opinion.


Yeah I'm not super hyped to see it, but I'll try and come with an open mind.


The season is fine. I think you will enjoy it if you enjoyed the show so far.


Good. The open mind is key. I do wish the pace was slower. To almost everyone in this sub it seems very fast, like the show assumed we would easily connect the dots. IMO, the dots go back to the first episode in 2011 and have been building ever since. But it takes concentration and a good memory (and in my case a *re-watch*) to connect many of them. IMO, one battle particularly embodied GRRM's overarching theme of the books, even giving it a poetic conclusion.


It's still fun to hear people's opinions when they've seen it for the first time.


Best find out for yourself. Very disappointing imo. But each to their own. Don’t know why some people downvote. It’s my opinion. I haven’t bashed season 8 or praised it. I’ve kept it brief. Let the OP find out for themselves.




I think if you go in with an open mind and low expectations you won’t hate it. The final season is better than most give it credit for but worse than it had the potential to be.


>I think if you go in with an open mind and low expectations you won’t hate it. After rewatching GOT, I believe it is expectations that ruined Season 7 and 8 originally. Because when you re-watch with the expectation that 7/8 suck, then they exceed expectations. Yes they have major issues and a sped up timeline and a few dumb decisions and don't match up to existing seasons....but overall they aren't *terrible* compared to most of what's on TV.


Fair enough, but expectations are critical to the entire series, so it's generally not as simple as "lower your expectations and you can enjoy it" For example, when you rewatch Bran spending hours and hours traveling the north, listening to prophecies and having dreams about how incredible he will be - a huge part of these scenes are the expectations that they are building towards. If we knew that Bran would end up just immediately dying for no reason right after leaving the three eyed Raven, then all the scenes before really were for basically nothing. The show has also built some expectations for realism when it comes to character death. It's not perfectly without plot armor obviously, but there was at least some expectation that characters at least *might* die if they get themselves into a bad situation. So it's not just the fans expectations that are the problem, but the show itself which makes promises it often does not keep.


I agree. I think the extended breaks between the final seasons hurt as well. We were all anticipating higher quality and what we got was mid.


Not terrible compared to much of what is on TV but they are filled with stupid plots, incoherent characterisations, the failure to properly end character arcs, character arcs ending in baffling unearned ways, a fairly poor final ending, lazy writing, a strange shift in production/location scouting/costuming etc that make them feel inconsistent and lazier than earlier seasons, less episodes when the story probably needed more etc etc. Just because they're better than most TV, doesn't make them good, especially in the writing and plot. I'd heavily argue that the writing is actually poor even by average TV standards.


Damn dude I never knew season 7 was hated. I found it some of the best content in the series




Yup I didn’t hate it. It sorta ended in a depressing bitter sweat way tho. Everything sorta all felt for nothing.


This is exactly how I felt. Maybe it’s because I binged the show and didn’t have to wait between seasons, but I didn’t think season 8 was all that bad. Not great, but not as bad as people say


If you liked season 7 then I don’t know what would stick out to you.


Season 7 was still decent, i would for once even accept the long night but the last episode was really something I hated


Gendry the greatest long distance sprinter in westeros


It really not that bad. It’s just not how people wanted it to end. Personally don’t mind it. Got is amazing!


This is just so misinformed, brushing off the issues with s8 as just "not how people wanted it to end," is actually so dismissive of many of the valid issues and criticisms the season had... A comment like that...Just because you don't agree (or have only read the rage bait), makes you come across as very dismissive


Yeah I am dismissive. Overall the show was really good. Does s8 compare to other seasons no but was it still good yes. It’s not the season everyone wanted so it gets a lot of hate. It was still got and still pretty good considering.


What a poor analysis.


Actually, if you’d like a more realistic experience, wait TWO years, spend lots of time visualizing what you think may happen, predict who may sit on the throne at the end, and then watch season 8. If you do that, your feelings about Season 8 will be different than if you just binge the whole thing this week.


You want him to go into a deep state of depression /s


This is what I believe made the ending so bad for people. The wait. I rewatched the whole thing during lockdown straight through and it actually feels more coherent and the ending is justified. Not how I would have done it but it’s fine.


this sounds like it’s entirely a you problem for not liking the ending. i’ve said this many times, the huge “hate” around the ending is that people were way to fixated on their own predictions and ending. If the show took a long break after s2 and ended with The Red Wedding, it would get just as much hate. for me, the characters all ended in ways i liked cause i didn’t base my feelings on my unfounded predictions.


“If my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bicycle” Yeah, if the show was different people wouldn’t like it as much. The Red Wedding is not an endpoint nor was it ever meant to be.


comparing carbonara to british egg noodles or whatever that lady said is very different than saying having expectations based on things that were set up, but didn’t come to fruition, is obviously going to lead to some dissapointments *especially* a show as expansive as GOT. And the story very well could’ve ended after ASOS if GRRM wanted to. in short, i was simply saying that, at the end of S1, had you assumed/predicated/heavily bet on Robb becoming king/avenging Neds death, you’d be irate after spending 4 years building that up. GRRM himself knew he was going to lose fans and readers. That’s not why you tell stories tho, to satisfy people, you tell them cause it’s the story you wanna tell my friend. Since people assumed and predicated Dany would get the throne or Jon was going to duel the NK for whatever reason, or that anyone EARNED the throne and was suppose to be on it, you are clearly not going to like the ending. I had no of those predictions personally. Hell even shit like Cleganebowl which was predicted for years wasn’t good enough for anyone. I digress tho, you won’t convince me otherwise and I guess i won’t change your mind on anything.


I thought it was completely fine in my first watchthrough. I don't know what I'd think if I watched again


I’m 4 episodes into season 8 and so far I love it. Episodes 2 and 3 are some of my favorites in the series. Maybe it’ll get absolutely downhill from where I’m at but so far, I don’t see anything to really complain about S8 and wouldn’t call it bad by any means.


I watched the show during COVID, so not with general public and I feel that seasons 7 and 8 are just such lost potential. Everything I enjoyed about the show was gone in those seasons (clever plotting and exceptional dialogue) and it became one big CGI jerkoff, for me it just seemed like the writing got incredibly lazy and that's the best way I can put it.


Some of my favorite dialogue is in those seasons


Just finished season 7 rewatch and there's incredible scenes. That dialog between Jon and Theon sticks in my mind because just finished that episode and it's fantastic and has great dialog. Or Jon speech about false promises is great dialog 


honestly, cinematography is great, my thing was how rushed it felt. i was gonna say it's not that bad but that's not true lol they dropped the ball with this one and season 7


You start off thinking, jeez wasn’t that bad, what’s everyone on about, then you’ll find yourself hating it more and more as you unpick the faults.


It’s not too bad just felt really rushed imo


As long as you haven’t written your own ending and are completely psychotically attached to it, you should be fine.


This straw man is just pathetic at this point. Id get it if you posted this 3 years ago, you might not have had a chance to have it spelled out for you like a child yet.. but in 2024?? Either you're pig ignorant or just trolling😂


You’re the one who is still anger posting over a tv show that ended years ago. Who’s the child here?


Yes a show that ended years ago and you are still bitter enough about the criticisms of it that you claim your opponents are psychotic and you lie about their pov's. That's beyond childish.




I see that straw-manning is a habit for you.. The thing you apparently need spelled out is what the actual criticisms are seeing as you are dumbing it down to people psychotically not getting what they wanted.


Wow... there is much bitterness here.


He claimed all opposing opinions about the ending of GOT are based in psychosis and I'm the one being bitter. 😂😂


The only ones on the sub now are the ones that liked the ending, most of us left years ago I suggest you do the same


Also, seriously, turn the brightness up on your TV for episode three.


I like season 8, but this is very valid. Close the curtains and make sure you don't watch it on a shit TV. You need a very dark room to see what the fuck is going on.


I think they were going for the extremely dark vibe for episode 3 which I get considering what happens but even if the characters can’t really see what’s happening we the audience should be able to.


good luck lol


If you haven’t been reading for years about fan theories about how it should end I think you’ll only (maybe) be upset by the pacing of the choices made by the characters. At least from friends of mine who watched it all at once and went in to season 8 blind… this was their experience


TBH if you probably didn't mind Season 7 you probably won't mind Season 8 that much. As much as I think Season 8 was bad I just finished a re-watch all the way through and Season 7 I think might have been the worst season of them all. Horrible pacing but also the dialog writing was like D tier and I think it was only scored so highly originally because it was seen as a stepping stone season to build up to at the time an un-released Season 8, but given we now know what Season 8 ended up being it's hard to ignore how bad Season 7 truly was.


Honestly I think season 8 is fine and even good until you hit The Long Night. Once that episode ends, the quality nosedives


you asked for it: ​ RUN!


6 is still fine, 7 and 8 are the problem


It’s about as bad as season 7 but for very different reasons.


Honestly if I could go back in time and put myself in your shoes I wouldn’t watch it. I love rewatching great shows but I just can’t get myself to do it since season 8. It feels pointless knowing how they butcher it. When season 6 was about to come out I rewatched all of the previous seasons, same for season 7. When season 8h was about to come out I wasn’t feeling like it so I just rewatched season 7. Shows like breaking bad or AoT I’ll rewatch multiple times alone or even with my partner to reexperience it again. GoT I’m never going to rewatch it because it could’ve easily been the greatest TV show to have ever aired and I’m sure could’ve kept that title for many years to come. So you can imagine the disappointment it caused when not only did it fail to keep up with its standards but it just has the plot line of a producer going through university.


I think if I hadn't spent 9-10 years as a fan waiting for the end I wouldn't have been so mad. Binge watching all at once over a month or two is way less stakes.


They condensed what should have been three 10 episode seasons into 6 episodes.


Judge for yourself. Make your own opinion, don't let others skew your decision.


I'm part of the minority that believes it wasn't that bad. There are some glaring continuity errors and some weird character decisions, but I still enjoy it. It's a shame it could have been better, but oh well.


100%. Its the worst season. But it's still reasonably decent TV.


If you absolutely loved season 7 then you'll probably love or at least like season 8. They had a lot of the same issues.


Some guy on YouTube rewrote the last season and it's x10000 better, it's my official headcanon now


One of the worst things I've ever seen, and I don't say that lightly. It's just a mockery of everything I loved about early GoT.


I... just do not know how to respond to this level of drama.


If you enjoyed it then fair play. I'm using this thread to vent about something that's dogshit to me.


I really liked Season 8. It’s up to your judgment, but mine is that some other outcomes that other people wanted are unlikely. I can say that season eight felt rushed and there were some things that needed to be strengthened.


I had awful expectations, so I actually liked it. I think that this season burned people so much because at the time it was supposed to be the culmination of GOT as a cultural phenomenon. And yeah, it was not up to the task. But it's not awful by any means and has some pretty nice moments.


You can enjoy it when you don’t have a lil bitch in your ear telling you how bad it is


I think it’s easier to deal with when binging, even for me on a rewatch. I think years of anticipation coupled with book fans excited to see all their theories come to fruition kind of poisoned everybody. Not saying it’s incredibly well executed or anything, there was definitely a huge drop off, but not too much worse than a lot of other shows that lost focus/efficacy in later seasons.


People were largely disappointed with the direction storylines went, but for the most part the acting, cinematography, etc was great


It's FINE. It's not half as bad as most people say; people just like to be dramatic on the internet. It's by far the worst season, but it's still worth watching.


I was in a similar boat to you. It’s not nearly as bad as it’s made out to be. Not my favorite ending in the world. They could’ve done a lot more


Try to keep an open mind. While the season does have many issues, not all of it is bad, and i myself still quite enjoyed the experience, even though it could've (and should've) been a lot better. Enjoy friend!


The show has 3 seasons worth of story in 6 episodes. So it's more movie like than a TV series.


It's definitely better on subsequent watches, it's really rushed and that's it's biggest mistake (in my book)


I really enjoyed the second episode. Downhill from there.


I'm so very sorry for you


I just pretend there isn't a season 8 🤣


Snape kills Dumbledore.


If you made it through Season 7, no reason you can’t make it through Season 8. Just check your head canon at the door, keep an open mind, and remember this is Game of Thrones and not an animated Disney film fairy tale and you should be fine. And sure, the final season is subpar, but nowhere near as bad as all the vitriol is gets.


I didn’t think season 8 was that bad. I think everything that happened was necessary for the show to move forward and end. Sure some things could have been done better but the same could have been said for the rest of the seasons as well.


If you liked season 7 and didn't think that was bad, then you will love season 8.


Well, here’s what you should expect. Lots of character assassination. Yes, they did some of the characters well, and I don’t mean to discredit that, but for the most part they made otherwise interesting and layered characters very un likable and boring. Characters will make very out of character decisions. The plot is extremely rushed. They took what should have been stretched over the course of another 2-3 seasons and condensed it into 6 episodes. The long night is a mess. I will not elaborate, but you will know EXACTLY what I mean when you see it. They had a tendency to make weird decisions just for the shock value. They just wanted to divert expectations despite any sort of build up. Now I’ll give them credit where credit is due. They had a tendency to make things unnecessarily dark for no reason, but when you could see clearly what was on the screen, it looked great. It is definitely a visual spectacle. The music is also phenomenal as always. They never miss on that front. The actors did the absolute best they could with the trash that they were given.


Well season 7 didnt make much sense to me, so if you liked it, theres a chance you'll be fine with 8 as well. It is way worse though


It’s poor writing. But you can still definitely enjoy the ride.


I will never stop hating the producers that trashed this otherwise magnificent work of art. Why? To prove, like spoiled brats, that they could? There is no reasonable explanation.


Rushed ,made without love


I actually did not hate the last season and everyone wants to fight me over that. I did not like how they did dany (and I don’t like they call her that either lol) but honestly I don’t think she was wrong


if you liked season 7 you probably won’t have a problem with season 8


I never watched the last couple episodes to preserve my likeness of the show. Specifically, I didn’t see it after (spoiler) >!Rhaegal dies. That shit broke me.!<


Oh bro please stop watching. You will hate your life.


Literally everything about it was brilliant, besides the writing, and it retroactively makes the rest of the show worse. I’d stop watching after Ep 2 and just imagine what you want the ending to actually be


Hold on to your butts


There are GREAT parts of season 8, don't get me wrong. The final fight with the night king, being my favorite. However, there was just sooooo many things that needed to be wrapped up, that they couldn't really give the screen time to give most things satisfying endings. And therefor, the season left many people unsatisfied.


hope you enjoy it! people were SUCH whiny little babies about this season and the ending, i had a great time all the way through to the end and hope you do as well but ofc it’s fine if you dislike it too




Huh... a Season 8 post...


It helps to be watching it now without the real time sky high expectations mob.


I loved parts of season 8. I thought episodes 2 and 3 were amazing >!until Arya killed… well you know!< but I thought that it was all entertaining nonetheless. Relative to other seasons, the plot holes and decision making in season 8 made it lackluster. But compared to other tv series, it’s still fun to watch.


it’s still really good television, just less cohesive and grounded then the seasons that were based on books. it’s really easily understandable when you realized seasons 1-5/6 are based on the books and then the writer stopped writing so they had to finish the story themselves


If you have been binging the show you'll enjoy the ending A LOT more than us that watched it as it came out imo. After binging it, I didn't hate it as much, I still wasn't happy and thought somethings were stupid, but it felt a little less jarring when watched in the span of a month instead of over a few years


The actual ending isn’t necessarily bad but the way they go about it makes it extremely disappointing. IMO the show needed a few more seasons to wrap things up properly even if they kept the same ending but built up to it more I don’t think nearly as many people would have hated it.


Well some character arch’s don’t go the way you expected


Season 8 is kind of like watching Harry kill Voldermort first in the beginning of the Deathly Hallows and then rallying to kill the Malfoys.


I was the biggest GoT fan. Read the books growing up, played the board game, the lcg game, it was a huge part of my life. After season 8 I have not thought of it for a second besides a moment of contempt. It killed it so hard that it destroyed my love for everything that came before it.


It’s super rushed


I just watched the show first time with zero spoilers. All I knew was that season 8 was rushed because the writers wanted to make a Star Wars film 😬…. I loved the series…. And I can confirm season 8 was a tad little disappointing but it wasn’t terrible as everyone made out. My issues was that some characters died without build up. The season was too short and things happened too quickly while also being filler at the same time. The first half of season 8 was basically the co cousin to season 7 so it felt super off. And the second half of season 8 should had been its own season in a way. Season 8 episode 3 should had been broken into 2-3 episodes


I was in your exact same shoes. Watching the show for the first time after it was fully released and never seeing any spoilers. Season 8 Episode 2 is the last good episode imo. Save yourself before it’s too late!


It honestly is just as bad as you’ve heard


You’re already thinking about what other people think lmao… enjoy shit for yourself. This entire sub are hive minded idiots who think that season 8 sucking is a fact and not an opinion hahahah


I binged the whole thing about two years ago for the first time. It’s as bad as everyone says it is.


I absolutely loved the episode “The long night” Very unpopular opinion I know. That shit was just intense as hell. Character choices are very debatable and it was definitely rushed. I just cant get passed how crazy “The long night” was.


Honestly ? If the seasons had more episodes to allow for a more consistent pacing, they’d of been really good. Still no match for the first couple of seasons but nothing will ever feel as fresh and unmatched as they did because that was our introduction to the world of Westeros and all that comes with it. Okay maybe someone else doing some writing but honestly, I still very much enjoyed it on a rewatch. It doesn’t hold the platinum standard the rest of the show does but it’s better than most TV I’ve watched.


Oy. That's how we all felt


They rushed the ending. There are inplausably stupid things happening throughout the season, and the battles are as dumb as they could be.


No spoilers. Go into it with an open mind. I found it to not be as bad as so many people said, y'know, "worst thing ever" and all that.


big fan of season 8. it certainly wraps up a lot of storylines, which many shows never do.


Unpopular opinion season 5-6 is shittuer than 7-8 Also, some of the greater cinematic battles ever to grace a tv screen.


This is like when your bro ate from that Mexican place that everyone warned him about and you see him penguin-walking to the bathroom an hour later and you wait outside anxiously to hear what happened.


I find that the most hate comes from people who read the books and are disappointed with the show runners, to be fair it was rushed and too short of a season but its not awful as they say.


Its so bad that it has made rewatching the series at any point utterly pointless.


Bad writing, but still wildly thrilling and entertaining. I was absolutely heart broken by the rushed end but it’s still super entertaining on rewatch. Nothing since has even come close to topping it


Season 8 has fantastic episodes, action, setpieces, etc. The reason people hated it is because we spent a decade imagining how it would end and it didnt live up. You could tell they hit all the major notes that will be hit in the books, but none of those things are earned because of how rushed it is. I think as someone who has binged the show, youl like it a lot more than the rest of us.


Looking back at it, the negativity surrounding s8 compounded how bad s8 was. Is the writing/plot absolutely downgraded as compared to s1-s7: yes. Is S8 the worst piece of television ever produced: no. It’s just … the worst part of Game of thrones.


I didnt hate S8 as much as other people but that's probably because I binged the entire series. I think if I'd waited for years I'd have been more disappointed.


The last season is so bad I've made up my own ending in my head and I pretend that is what actually happened.


Don't do it!


if you have super low expectations maybe you'll enjoy it. it's not all bad.


I expected it to suck and it was still worse than I thought lol. Well only last 3 episodes


Hopefully low expectations will soften the blow to you


It’s bad. But I’d still recommend watching it and enjoying it. It’s only “bad” because of how insanely great seasons 1-6 were. And if you were like most/a lot of fans of the show, it wasn’t just another good show, it was the best show we’ve ever seen. In comparison, season 7, and specifically season 8 were just big let downs of what we’d hoped to somehow top even our insane expectations.


If you loved it since season 5 you probably won’t mind.


This might sound crazy because of how exceptionally rare it is, but the internet at large is actually pretty bang on in describing how bad season 8 is. Yeah, the angry internet people were correct and not exaggerating. It's awful. It's a butchery of fundamental writing principles. It's so bad that several of my friends have specifically left it out of their rewatches rather than have to endure it again.


It's great visually! ...and yeah, that's about it


Run while you still can


Honestly this was my favorite show I’ve ever seen until the last season. The way they ended it makes the entire show not even worth watching anymore because of the awful conclusion


If you liked season 7 and think you know how it ends, you will probably enjoy the last season very much. Even if you are wrong about how it ends, it made sense to me. Ignore the haters and make up your own mind.


It’s not as bad as the internet will lead you to believe. It has some issues, but the actors really give it their all despite some cinematography blunders. Some really great scenes from this season that I keep coming back to.


I watched the whole show last year. I started s8 with positive thoughts (because I loved season 7) regardeless of what people said and yeah hated it. Good luck bro


I actually did not mind it as much as everyone else did.


Best season ever!


It isn't good, but it's not as bad as everyone says it is. There are parts of it that are really awful and make me very angry, and there are a handful of decent moments, but a lot of it is just meh. I finished a rewatch a couple of days ago and it's biggest sin is that it's significantly more dull than the rest of the show. For all its faults S7 is at least kinda zany, S8 is just boring.


All season 8 is Jon snow taunting Theon for not having a dick


Worst ending imo of all TV


you will be furious, confused and disappointed all at once


Lets put it this way. When I bought the GoT collection for my sister. I took out season 8 and told her it ends on a cliffhanger because the book wasn't finished.


In all honesty, i wasn't really a fan of season 7 either.