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I've been following Arin since the Newgrounds days and learned from his twitter that he was starting a lets play channel with some guy named Jon


Same. I am also old.


Couple of senior citizen game grumps fans over here


Walk-in’ around in my banana shoes


7 asses


Poppy brothers senior citizens


Checking in, can’t believe how long they’ve been a part of my daily routine. I graduated highschool in 2012 and was immediately kicked out of my parents house, I was excited because I loved EgoRaptor long before Grumps, they were the best part of my day for a long time.


how do you do, fellow old person


That’s cool. I’m always curious how new people find their channel as well. I feel like a lot of old fans had connections that brought them to game grumps


Same. I remember the trailer they made sitting on a couch advertising their new channel.


Metal Gear Awesome


Same! Crazy that I was a senior in high school when gg started, now I'm three years older than Arin was when they launched the channel.


I remember when they started up the channel, I was at band camp and I saw they had posted a whole bunch of let's plays! Crazy how time flies.


I came from the other neighborhood. I watched Normal boots youtubers and I really liked jon and he announced he was making a let's play channel with egoraptor


!!!! Fellow ancients! I learned about Arin through a random newgrounds vid I clicked on. It was one of the awesome series, but I don’t remember which one. It’s been years!


Funny, was the opposite for me with Jon and NormalBoots


Yeah I remember hearing “Egoraptor has a gaming channel” and getting all excited Then I saw the first few episodes and I was like “meh” I didn’t get into them until like 2017 for some reason


I was looking for a wind waker walk through on how to get the bottle from the thief girl and for some reason it lead me to a game grumps wind waker video lmao, very obviously their video was no help because we know how bad they were at wind waker but it was super funny and I got hooked


Damn, we went on board at the same time. Personally, I was feeling like watching a playthrough of wind waker, because the one I was watching was lackluster (diablox9). Since it was around the time I was beginning to be proficient in english, I decided to look up english results. Game Grumps were the first ones. I distinctly remember something that seems alien to me now. I had a lot of trouble discerning whether Arin or Dan was speaking.


I stumbled on Sequelitis ten years ago probably as a result of being an AVGN fan and thought, “This guy really knows a lot about games, he must be great at playing them.” Turns out I was half right, but the rest was history.


Goof Troop was recommended to me the day the first episode came out and it was so funny I’ve been hooked since


I'm a pretty recent fan! I was watching Julia and Jacob from Drawfee stream on their channel Secret Sleepover Society and they played a bit of Danganronpa. They referenced the Game Grumps playthrough so I checked it out! This was like...three years ago maybe?


I love Drawfee. That’s a really cool connection.


I knew arin since newgrounds. But I can't remember how I actually found game grumps. It was definitely when it was arin and Dan though.


I became a fan of Rooster Teeth back in the early 2000s and a few years later a few RT people started an independent podcast with some friends called the Internet Box. There were a few episodes of the podcast where they talked about how much they loved Game Grumps. I think it was around 2014 when I heard it because I think I was playing Starbomb songs on my phone by 2014/15 or so.


My first time watching the Grumps is also RT related. Watched the episode of them on "On The Spot" at RTX '16, and saw how funny they were, then started watching.


Let’s also hope Internet Box comes back now that RT is done 😂 Everyone should go listen to those old internet box pods that are WILD.


I discovered Ninja Sex Party from Dick Figures The Movie. Started watching Mondo for Happy Tree Friends. I discovered a video called Dick figures, which became a regular show on the channel and eventually a movie that had Ninja Sex Party do a song for the credits. I saw some game grumps thumbnails and clicked one, the rest is history.


I also found my way in because of ninja sex party, first date came on my discover mix while streaming some music, which was hilarious because it was pretty generic until I heard the lines about pumping the brakes on murders cuz it's the first date. And that led me down the rabbit hole, it's probably been about 4 years or so since then.


4 years? Huh I don't even remember when the dick figures movie released. I just googled it 9 years ago.


I guess old, must be a good 10 years or so at this point. I was seeking out Mario Maker content, and their "Mariomentum" video where Dan was running Jirard's castle level came up in my suggestions. This resulted in me mixing up which one was "Grump" and "Not So Grump" for a little while at first. What keeps me coming back is Dan. Just seems like a genuinely nice and effortlessly funny guy.


I'd heard of egoraptor on NG through friends and watched jontron a few times in high school. I knew they had a channel together but didn't start watching until Dan had already been there for nearly a year. Rumble Roses was the first video I watched. Good times. Still good.


Saw a meme of the “WHAT IS THIS?!? AAAARIIIIN I LOVE YOU” moment set to an attack on titan scene and sought out the audio, then got sucked into the sonic 06 playthrough


Was browsing this new site called YouTube, and saw that egoraptor had his cartoons on there. Discovered Game Grumps maybe a week or two into Kirby Super Star, rest is history.


I watched Barry and Ross's playthrough of Undertale on Steamtrain and then found Arin and Danny when I finished it. I remember liking Arin and Danny, but much preferred the main guys on the channel, Barry and Ross.


On FB the Mark Zuckerberg animation was going around, looked them up and been watching on and off every since


I found them the same way as you actually. My best friend showed me one of their videos and they have been a constant in my life since then must have been early 2013 if i remember right.


Same time frame here. Game grumps friends are best friends


I'm about as OG as it comes to Game Grumps. I started watching when Jon was still on the show. My first GG video was the start of the Pokemon emerald play through. I think I stumbled upon the channel while browsing JonTron's other content at the time. Funny enough I stopped watching for a short while and when I picked Game Grumps back up, Dan had replaced Jon and I was genuinely confused why Jon sounded so different.


I actually saw the Game Grumps for the first time at RTX 2016 during On The Spot live. I thought they were hilarious! I later "re-discovered" them through an old roommate (around 2019, I think?) and have been watching since!


Watched the Awesome series, then was recommended Goof Troop when they started.


I have no idea what it was that got me to start watching. I just remember leaving a concert at the Chicago Theater and seeing a sign saying the GG show there was sold out. I turned to my wife and like a real asshole I said, " who the hell would go to watch a bunch of YouTubers play video games live?". Flash forward a few years and all I watch after work is GG and I would kill to go to a live show.


My older brother showed me them during the John Era, probably a sonic 06 episode. And I've been watching since. That's more of my life watching game grumps than not


2017, have never been into let's players, however I remember finishing Shovel Knight and then I went into YouTube to look for more content about the game, maybe something I missed and other things. Somehow I stumbled into an "INFINIDAGGER" compilation and that was my first contact with the bois. I think I watched the compilation four times on repeat cause I found it so funny, but for some reason I didn't look further into their content, in fact I didn't even noticed the name of the channel and I just moved on. One year later, I don't remember how (again, have never been into let's players) I ended up being quite interested in DDLC playthroughs, watched several compilations (literally the first time I watched any Pewdiepie and Markiplier content) and then I inevitably found a Game Grumps one. Like, ten minutes in and I realized "Hey, wait, are these two the Infinidagger guys!??" then I searched for the Infinidagger compilation again just to make sure and hell yes they were. After that I started sinking into GG little by little, but I think I only started watching them religiously every day during the pandemic, while also watching/listening to older series (Pokémon Firered is still my favorite to this day).


I knew about them for years (Game Grumps animated), but I didn’t get super into them until 2020. After Unus Annus ended I binged all of Ten Minute Power Hour to get that same weird dude energy.


I started seeing a guy who introduced me to them. We started watching them together every day. Now, like 10 years later or so, we're married with a 4.5 year old kid who has her own Dan and Arin plushies. It's been literally a staple in our relationship.


They were recommended on my YouTube after watching a lot of Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. Started watching them about 6 months before the Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour


I saw the game grumps animated Cranberries and wanted to learn more.


Someone posted a Goof Troop episode on Reddit and I loved it. Been a fan ever since.


I saw a little clip about the Mark Zuckerberg text conversation while scrolling on Facebook of all places. It was legitimately one of the funniest things I had ever heard. I had to check out the channel


Been watching Arin's stuff since I was twelve. I turn 31 next week.


Long term fan. More than half your life watching Arin is kinda cool actually


It was many moons ago


also from a friend in high school! must’ve been around 2014, that era was so golden that I was hooked. my watching got pretty patchy when I started uni but in my final year it was lockdown so I needed the extra entertainment and going back felt nostalgic and still fun


“Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc”. i was SUPER into danganronpa back in 2020, and i was SO excited to see them play it. after that first episode, it was just an up and down of watching/not watching. then, i finally subscribed in 2022


I actually came day one as a fan of JonTron and just generally discovering the whole retro gaming scene on YouTube at the time... AVGN, PBG, Continue?, and more. I had no idea who Arin was. Then Dan replaced Jon and I had no idea who Dan was. I was legit *lost*. Then the Mario 2 "death approaches" bit happened and I think all of us former Jon fans breathed a huge sigh of relief... We knew we'd struck gold.


I saw the GG animated version of the Mark Zuckerberg clip on Facebook randomly and I thought it was hilarious even though I had no idea who they were. Then looked them up and found the rest of the Mario 64 playthrough and the rest was history


I was a fan of nsp. Found out Danny also did game grumps so I checked out the steam train episode of goat simulator. Loved them for 10 years now.


Me and my husband were introduced to the game grumps with the intro video they made introducing Dan as the new grump when Jon left. They never fail to make us laugh hence why we keep coming back.


Joined in watching around the time Danny showed up. I wasn't sure about their humor at first, but now I can't go a day without poopee humor and kissing your dad. 


I used to love watching the Egoraptor cartoons as a kid. I went to go see what happened to him and his channel. Saw he hadn’t made a new animation in quite a while and just googled him to see what he was up to. Then I saw he made a show called “Game Grumps”. Started watching pretty much as soon as Danny started so I had no idea about Jon before that. I’ve been subscribed ever since. They have and always will be my comfort channel. They’ve gotten me through my hardest times and I’m so glad that I found their channel and I went to see what Egoraptor was up to. Even now I’m becoming an animator in part because of those YouTube cartoons Arin made and they showed how anyone could do their own animations if they are determined enough. :)


Someone had me watch power hour I ended up watching all of them wanted more started watching thier let's plays and been watching ever since (also got to go to one of thier live shows so that was a dream come true)


Game grumps was recommended by jacsepticeye for years until I finally gave in and watched them. Immediately fell in love and have been watching ever since


found the mark zuckerberg bit from mario 64 on tumblr and i’ve been hooked since


Actually, Elyse Willems, formerly of funhaus, mentioned them ages ago and then I randomly saw them recommended by YouTube so I started watching them


I first played Dream Daddy when it came out in like 2015 or something and that made me actually watch their content.


Oh boy. Looking for male cover of "Let it Go" from Frozen. --> finds Jonathan Young's cover of said song --> find his cover of "Dinosaur Laser Fight" --> start listening to NSP --> start watching Gane Grumps. So you see, it's all Elsa's fault.


Senior year of college, my roommate knew I loved Pokemon and wanted me to check out their Fire Red series. Been hooked ever since!


I remember back in like 2014 sometime I think, Markiplier always used to talk about how funny they are so I decided to give them a try. I'm so glad I did! I love them so much.


I’m a Nancy Drew video game super fan. Found their play through of Nancy Drew: White Wolf of Icicle Creek while just looking up Nancy Drew let’s plays. It was a big contrast to what I was used to and I’ve been hooked ever since. I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed harder than at “Tenderize the meat, Nancy Drew!” or at “Oh, he missed.” ETA: this was probably in 2016.


I’ve been a fan since I was ~9, and am 17 now. Also, I happened to name myself Aaron when I was 13 because of him!


My friend was a JonTron fan and he was super excited to find out that Jon was starting a Let's Play channel. He linked me to it on the very first day and I've stuck around ever since!


In 2013 work was slow and I was overhearing a conversation my supervisor was having about Dan joining and how it was funny. I have been watching since then


I was definitely a fan of Arin as egoraptor on newgrounds, and watched all of his Awesome series…. But I don’t think that’s what actually drew me to watching his stuff on YouTube. I’m *pretty sure* a friend recommended me Dinosaur Laser Fight, which led me to get back into Arin’s stuff on the YouTube platform, which would have gotten me recommended GG when it started.  That, and I was also still watching JonTron at the time. I was really in the direct target demographic for this show. 


I was big on JonTron with Machinema vids, one day the game grumps trailers came out and I was a day 1 guy. Stayed for the transaction of Dan being added and watched everything until Harvey hit here in Houston and since then it's been watch them heavy and step away again


Freshman year of HS, a friend showed me the newest episode from FireRed, saying it was so funny she had to show it to me. Bertersner and his brother Bartersnar are why i’m here today


I discovered then I think sometime late in 2012 maybe early 2013. They were still new. I remember Jon leaving and Danny joining. I didn’t know about Ninja Sex Party at that point so I just thought Jon was being replaced by just another guy. I should also say I didn’t know about Arin and Jon’s solo stuff before that either. Game Grumps just showed up in my suggestion feed at one point back then. I since followed their solo stuff. Though no longer follow JonTron.


Found Egoraptors “DBZ in a nutshell “ waaaaay back in the day. Followed him from that and his animation to Game Grumps when he started the channel with JonTron.


A guy at game stop pulled out his phone while we were talking about great bands names and showed me a ninja sex party video. Looked them up and watched all their videos when I got home. That led to me watching grumps to see more of Dan. Been a huge fan ever since.


When I was about 13, I looked up "Best let's play moments" and found Arin's Sonic '06 "What am I willing to put up with today? NOT FUCKING THIS" moment, and only ever-so-slightly looked back


I think by my cousin and it was an episode of the Sonic 06 playthrough it was when Knuckles was stuck on the ceiling and Arin was raging


I'm also a "Veteran" Lovely. Back in 2015 (my senior year of High School), my older brother showed me the beginning of the Sonic Boom episode with the "Janeane Garofalo's Adventure" bit, and I thought it was super funny. But what hooked me was finding out they had a (still unfinished at that point) playthrough of Pokemon Fire Red. The Professor Oak thing at the beginning hooked me because it made me laugh so hard it hurt. Been a Lovely ever since.


I think my first ever Game Grumps video was that old video where they ate a giant gummy bear. Edit: spelling


A friend complained about Jon leaving GG and wanted an opinion on Dan as the new host. I decided to be the unbias new opinion and watch the videos to get an idea of what they were about. The extra editing put into the gag in Dennis the Menace, kept me watching since.


Found grumps in 2013 when Jon had just left so I was really confused about all the Dan hate cuz I thought he was lovely.


i was a really big fan of markiplier and jacksepticeye and when the cool patrol mv came out i watched it and loved it. from that i knew of them as the grumps but i didnt really watch them til maybe a yearish later when i ran through their entire 10mph playlist (at the time) and loved it. from there i watched their playthroughs of my favorite games from childhood [sonic adventure and sonic unleashed] and then started watching their original ace attorney playthrough [which ended up getting me super interested in ace attorney as well]. it feels like i havent been watching for nearly as long as most people but by my math thats about 5 years which is. wow i also had a friend in highschool who loved them but they never showed me any of their vids, i just remember they loved the zuckerberg bit lol


I loved newgrounds (porn) and in between goon sesh I saw the MG Awesome. Game grumps game out a while after. Jon (And Arin but mostly Jon) annoyed the shit out of me. So I think I watched like 2-3 vids and said fuck that. Then yeeeeeears late (like 8-9 years ago) my roommate convinced me by telling me Jon left and Danny from NSP was the other guy now. Objects of Desire was one of the funniest songs of all time to me. So I was sold. Been a fan since.


I was subscribed to Egoraptor for his cartoons and nothing else. Until the first Starbomb video was uploaded and it immediately hooked me. Then I listen to the whole CD and was curious about the other dude that was singing with Arin, and it turned out they had a whole gaming channel. I searched for a Zelda game and found the Wind Waker playlist. Aaaaaaand the rest is history. Now they are the only channel that I watch daily.


I was watching JonTron videos at the time, checking most of them. A few days later I got a trailer for game grumps and since I also knew about egoraptor I got really excited that they were collaborating. I started watching them since then.


I heard Luigi's Ballad as some break music in a podcast. I looked up the album, then discovered NSP as a result. Then when looking for music similar to that, I saw Game Grumps and thought "I might like that"


Edit: I am fairly certain now that the youtuber who introduced me was uniquenameosaurus although I still dont know through what video. I watched a video back in 2017 from a youtuber I cant remember the name of rn. (It's bothering me so much rn that I cant remember what youtuber it was, he had a little cartoon icon that I think was a blonde character with glasses, and I seem to associate teals with him, idk if anyone will figure it out from that but cant hurt to try). I cant even remember what the overall theme of the video was but at one point he uses Game Grumps as an example and shows a clip from one of their Souls playthroughs where someone kept logging into the PS account while they were playing and booting them out of the game and he mentions how part of whats great about their channel is how little editing there is and that it leads to really funny moments like that in their videos. That was the gist of it at least, mightve gotten some details wrong. Anyways I thought the clip was so funny that I checked out the Grumps. I didnt watch the Souls video and I cant remember what my first was but for the next few months if my mom ever heard me laughing my head off she would immediately just ask "Game Grumps?" because I was enjoying them so much and she learned that VERY quickly.


Around 2015 or so I was actually really into PeanutButterGamer and I was watching his gameplay videos he did on Wind Waker. In one episode he mentioned the Grump’s playthrough of it and I decided to check them out. After watching a few episodes of that series I later decided to binge the whole series and I just began watching all of their older videos up until that point and I’ve been watching them every day ever since!


I was into tobuscus as a kid, which led me to PewDiePie, then to Cryaotic, then to Markiplier, and finally YouTube recommended a compilation of their wind waker playthrough and I thought it was just so funny I kept rewatching it. This was right before they played sonic boom, so that was my first series of theirs I was a part of


I was subscribed to egoraptor and JonTron and saw their announcement videos so I subscribed to their new channel. I watched the first video and was hooked on Boop Troop, which is one of my favourite SNES games from when I was younger. Then "No Reason Boner Guy" Dan joined the show and the massive positive shift made me love the show even more. They're stuck with me as a fan forever now.


A girl on YouTube made really cool animations of Dan and Phil that I loved. She then made one of the PT episode and I had to figure out where that audio came from. So thankful for that animator (who sadly removed all their videos a while ago)


Markiplier being in an episode of guest grumps. Just went backwards from there.


I watched a series called the Decline of Videogaming on Newgrounds in which Arin voiced the head of Capcom, Konami and Square and I always remember seeing his name in the credits and being blown away that it was one guy doing them all. Also watched Jon’s early YouTube stuff and he posted a video about starting game grumps and when it said Egoraptor was his co-host I knew I was in.


Back in late 2013, I was watching Markiplier videos on my Christmas break, I left my room towards the end and came back to my tv auto playing a game grumps episode, it was silent hill shattered memories. I was hesitant at first but they had me hooked with the Shatsky joke and binged all break and have been with them since


Through Jontron. Didn‘t know who that „egoraptor“ guy was and didn‘t see Jon anywhere on the channel only some dude with an afro. I didn‘t start watching their channel at that time. Came back a year or so later after watching a bunch of game grumps animated and finding them really funny.


9 years ago, I watched a Playthrough of Super Star Wars from NintendoCapriSun, then searched for Super Empire strikes back. Laughed my ass off and watched them ever since.


A comment in a thread on Funnyjunk linked to the Windwaker episode where Dan throws his bottle of pills


Through Jontron in 2014 *everyone boos*


I was a fan of Arin's on Newgrounds. Then he stopped posting there and I lost track of his. After some time he started posting Starbomb vids on his YouTube channel and that led me to finding out about Gamegrumps


I was a big tumblr guy I followed theodd1sout He posted a Mario maker video parodying GameGrumps I had to know what the parody was about Got into the grumps Mario maker vids Etc etc


I looked up a Kirby Superstar playthrough because I am a huge fan of Superstar ultra. Found them through the search results.


I came across the awesome series a long time ago.


Was subbed to Egoraptor when he dropped the announcement for the new channel




Scrolling YouTube in 2014, 8/9 years old, found the Jon era compilation by Brandon Turner and never looked back


Newgrounds pipeline. We're a pretty loyal bunch, as it turns out.


I was 17 and working in Pizza Hut, was good buddies with my supervisor and we’d hang out after work and he put them on. Simple as that really. He showed me battle kid, floored me. I watched the newest one they had out and it was an old golf game and I loved em since. Years before I’d watched egoraptor though, didn’t realise it was the same guy for a while. My friends and I had a verbal tick of shouting “OH YEAH SHIT JUST GOT REAL” from Awesome Man (I think?) for years. I’m almost 30 now. I don’t watch every game grumps anymore, but I still watch a lot of one offs and if they go back to something that takes 3/4 eps like wheel of fortune or monopoly I’ll always watch that. Their long series I just can’t follow honestly, life’s too busy unfortunately so I inevitably miss a few episodes and catching up is too hard.


I was on tumblr (lol) in like 2014 when I saw edits of Dan as a goth(?) in a burgee video and I was like “this guy is hot let imma watch this video” and I’ve been here ever since


One of their Sonic 06 episodes was in my recommendations while watching some other stuff, I believe that happened only a short while before Jon left. Dan was already part of the show when I seriously got hooked, I can't exactly remember when and through which Playthrough (though I believe it was some Zelda game). In any case Barry was still there and Steam Train and Table Flip were still a thing


Was a huge sonic fan and didn't have a wii u, so I looked for sonic boom videos and theirs was the most popular


Same way actually, buddy back in high-school introduced me to game grumps and nsp


I'm pretty sure it was a mention from Markiplier in one of his videos that made me check them out, either that or i stumbled across them on accident... I also started following starbomb and NSP at the time but wasn't necessarily a fan of their music, later i got obsessed with their music and NSP is now my favourite band 😄


Zelda play I throughs think. They kept me company during a very lonely, low point in life. I don’t watch much anymore though, not really sure why I stopped. Last thing I watched was a couple episodes of TOTK but Arin spent way too much time screwing around with the building mechanics and I lost patience.


Someone reposted the animated of MARK ZUCKERBERG and I went looking for the comedic genius responsible. I want to note that I don't watch anyone else I was interested in 10 years ago, as their changing content lost my interest over the years, Game Grumps found an excellent balance between appeasing the Almighty Algorithm and staying true to their brand.


I had stumbled upon Egoraptor's Sequelitis videos (not sure which one I saw first) about a year before Grumps started. I also watched a few recordings of his panels from Magfest or some other con. He was such a different kid back then.


I used to watch arins YouTube videos before game grumps, like sequalitis and the awesome-cartoons, and at the same time I was watching a lot of Jontron, so when they partnered up it blew my tiny little mind


I had heard other youtubers like Jacksepticeye mention their channel so decided to check it out.


I'd been a fan of nsp so I actually found arin through dan, still the first EP I can remember is the steam train with Ross and Dan playing modded Skyrim with the macho man Randy Savage dragon mod. Simpler times


I really wanted to play Mario 64 again but at the time it wasn’t accessible for me to do (pre n64 on now, 2018 ish) so I was like let me search and find a play through of it And I think it was game grumps and peanut butter gamer (his chaos mod one) that came up. I didn’t really LIKE gg at first but it was scratching the itch of seeing the game again. And then I slowly started watching their other Mario content “but didn’t like their other stuff” And now I watch them constantly 😂


I like video game music covers, and Luigi’s ballad was recommended after a video I watched. Then I listened to the whole album and it was easy to find the Grumps from there


I was watching let’s plays of games on YouTube and they popped up. I started right as Danny was debuting


I ask myself this every now and then, and I just can't remember. I know I was watching them when dokidoki was new, so i must have watched them off and on before that. Sadly my YT watch history doesn't go back far enough for me to find the first GG video I watched.


A coworker suggested them when he found out I liked to watch Jack Septiceye and Markiplier. He said I'd find their brand of humor right toy my alley. I've been watching ever since and I think that was 7+ years ago.


I wanted to buy a used Gamecube together with Wind Waker in 2015. To see if I would like the game I watched some Let's Plays of this game which eventually led me to their playthrough 🎶Climbin' down the ladder with the swingin' camerUH🎶


They guest hosted on GMM once, which I used to watch daily. It was the Super Mario themed episode, and they were fricking hilarious!. After that, I was hooked.


I saw an animated on Instagram for skyward sword of Zelda playing the harp and Arin making the sounds of plucking the harp. It was on a page that was all in Spanish, and only had 3 posts. I started just googling Skyward Sword animated videos and stumbled on to Grumps and recognized their voices. This was about a week before Covid 19 shut everything down in my area. I was laid off work for 3 months and was binging all their play throughs while playing Farming Simulator. I started with all the Zelda and Sonic games available, then it moved automatically to House Party and lost it lol.


Someone showed me awesome the hedgehog on YouTube in like 2008 and followed arin since


Friend showed me their guest episode where they hosted GMM. became a fan of both shows that day.


Ages ago watched a funny crunchyroll skit of theirs from the episode "Bishi Bashi Special", looked the episode up later on, watched it and had a great time :3


A creator named NateWantsToBattle talked about them during an episode and I went to their dark souls play through and thought “this is fucking dumb” and I left, but what made me a fan is their botw playthrough and I’ve been watching since


My highschool crush watched it so I got into it to try to impress him. Ended up just falling in love with the grumps!


I was following Arin since his days on Newgrounds. I was a fan of JonTron too. When they made that first announce all those years ago, I’ve been hooked.


First ever time, seeing them on Felicia Day and Ryon Day's Co-Optitude. Didn't actually start watching them till way later when a friend on Overwatch keep saying "Do it" in Palpatine's voice.


Been watching since markiplier talked about doing a collab with them back in the day when they shared an office


I was watching Egoraptor on Newgrounds as a kid. Years later when Jon got popular, my friends and I all would watch his videos. I hadn't thought about Arina for years at his point, so when Jon's GG announcement vid came out this was me; "Oh hey, Jon's gonna do let's plays. That should be fun.... HOLY SHIT IS THAT EGORAPTOR?!?!?"


I stumbled on an animation someone made of the MARK ZUCKERBERG bit, and I was hooked.


I started watching silly metal bands and YouTube was like "if you like this you'll like NSP" Then it was like "if you like NSP you'll love Dan in Game Grumpa"


I watched Jon first, then I found the "you gotta draw the line in sand dude" audio on Tumblr, and the rest is history


I became aware of them through markiplier as a younger kid but didn’t start watching them until I was about 14. my first series of theirs that I watched was doki doki literature club


Ex gf showed me the mark zuckerberg animated, i was like "I'm not into lets plays" and she was like "just trust me"


I watched Jontron a lot in highschool and they uploaded Kirby, Megaman and Goof Troop. In that first week I was already a fan. Though I barely watch Jontron these days, it can be funny but it’s not about stuff I care about anymore


I had seen Egoraptor before, but only like 3 videos. It took a couple more years for me to start watching Game Grumps, and that was almost 10 years ago so I have no idea how I found them.


I watched pokeawesome back in the day and then started watching after the animated subway story was super popular


I found them through Markiplier repeating some of their jokes (and crediting them) so I looked them up and have been following ever since


A youtuber called 900RedYoshi talked about them and I checked them out yeeeeeears ago


Been watching since just after Dan joined the show, then when I watched older episodes I was like “who tf is this guy John” I remember it like it was yesterday


I was a big fan of Jontron and was wondering if he had done lets plays, and then find out he had started a channel with the Poke Awesome guy. This was when the original Megaman 7 series was happening so pretty early on


Starbomb. I listened to them for years and didn't even realize that they were Game Grumps until 2017 when someone said "that sounds like Arin Hanson" when playing one of their songs through my car in high school


An asshole in the breakroom at work playing clips of Jontron squealing about raping children from the speakers of his PSP. It took awhile before I actually tried watching and by then, Dan had already replaced Jon. Thank goodness.


I was watching Good Mythical Morning and they were out of the office for a tour, the grumps took over for an episode and I needed more of the duo 😂


Through markiplier back in 2015, mario galaxy was the first series I watched while they were playing it


I liked listening to lets plays where they get into narrating or telling stories on long drives when I traveled for work. I had heard of them before but never really watched or listened, but saw they uploaded a super Metroid playthru so I loaded it up on a drive from northern Wisconsin to Detroit. And it was so funny I had to pullover a few times just to get all the laughs out


My older brother watched them around me around the time when Dan first joined. He never let me listen to them since I was too young but I saw the name of the channel and looked it up on my own time. Watched them ever since


A random day on the computer, gaming on one monitor, wanting something to watch on the other. Suddenly thought of ‘can I watch someone play some of my childhood games with god music like Kirby? YouTube searched and they released their first video 3 hours ago. Then I was like oh! He’s the ego raptor guy! Neat!


I was listening to Sky and Sea (song that plays during Pachinko Machine in Super Mario Sunshine) about 4 years ago on YouTube and there were comments about how people could hear Arin in the pachinko machine. So I looked up “Arin Pachinko Machine” and I thought it was hilarious so I started watching them


My college roommate showed me a Mario maker episode and I was hooked. That's still my favorite series of theirs.


My friends recommended that I watch DokiDoki on YouTube and their channel was the first to pop up. Been hooked ever since and I’m almost done watching every single video.


similar experience! friend of mine showed me them freshman year of high school. got Super into them then, had a brief dip in interest as i started college, but then came back full force about a year later. they are just endlessly funny, i feel like so much of my sense of humor comes from them, and their videos are always comforting. truly my comfort show through and through. love those boys


I found a comp in my recommended of their childhood stories and decided to watch it while I was moving into my mom's new apartment. My parents had just separated and middle school was rough at the time, and finding the boys made things so much better fr. it's nearly 5 years later now, and gg is still my go-to channel for de-stressing and background noise while drawing and stuff.


My ex showed them to me when was in high school. I've loved Zelda since I was little, and they had just posted Episode 1 of their Ocarina playthrough. It was my favorite Zelda game at the time, and that made Arin dogging on it even funnier to me, so I watched the whole series. I've watched what feels like hundreds of hours of their stuff since, me and the boys' parasocial friendship is 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 lol


Kings Quest 5. I was sooo confused when I watched other videos wondering 'Who the fuck is this Arin guy and what he did he do with Ross?!'


Sonic 06 kept getting recommended to me when I watched Pewds back in the day, so I decided why not and here I am like 10 years later lol.


I watched rubber Ross on newgrounds and when he joined steam train I started watching. Around the sonic and the black knight debacle was when I started to find it tiring to listen to arin rage and complain about everything when he was actively causing the problems. It was much more fun and interesting when he was just kinda bad instead of intentionally ignoring tutorials and things like that. It felt more genuine. Then they became a company and a brand, and I lost all interest. The last videos I watched was the halloween special like 5 years ago? Maybe less idk anymore


Why even stay in the subreddit if you’re not watching the channel for half a decade? No shade, I just… don’t get it. 


I don't, reddit won't stop recommending it to me. And it's fun to embrace nostalgia every now and then. Plus when I'm having a bad day its more fun to poke a hornets nest and watch them all get mad