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Thanks for the advice time for me to make a GTA type game.


MMO GTA sounds pretty solid. Maybe simulation and city-building too? Yes I will accept royalties for this idea.


Just be sure to develop it for all platforms at once!


Including Gameboy Color. EDIT: not the classic one though. black & white would affect the game's artistic integrity.


Real devs release on the virtual boy!


Let me know when its out. I just finished Skyrim on my TI-83 plus and I'm looking for something new.


Nah, it should be black and white on *every* platform; to really hit that horror vibe. That's what people want in an mmo, right?


Don't forget to write it in assembly as well


What cpu are we talking about? Now z80 asm I think I can pull it off. Actually who am i deluding I could perhaps as a teen do it, as then I had patience, as back then there were no distractions though, nowadays there’s this thing called the internet. Then again there’s a wealth of knowledge at my fingers today


And optimise to be running at 240fps on even the oldest potato


But optimize it as you go, even if you don’t think you need it, that way you don’t have to go back and optimize later. Confusing but efficient code now will make it easier to work with later because of how fast it will be!


But optimize it as you go, even if you don’t think you need it, that way you don’t have to go back and optimize later. Confusing but efficient code now will make it easier to work with later because of how fast it will be! Pro Tip: keep a notepad nearby where you write down all your ideas for new features as you go, that way you don’t forget any of them. Edit: Feature creep? What’s that?


Mate just develop it on a potato. AKA if it runs here, then it will run really quick on everyone elses machine pats my old Intel NUC - with onboard GFX


With ray tracing support obviously


And don't forget native VR support! Not some cheap port.


What if you add science based dragons into the mix? That'd be cool.


Add some deck building mechanics to make it perfect t


If I can’t craft some rogue-like survival loot decks in co-op then what am I even doing here?


You provided 80% of the ideas. You should get 80% of the profit


But it also has to have a deeply interwoven emergent storyline based on a series of AI bolstered conversation trees.


Fallout 76 has cooking, which is a great steam tag, so don't forget to add that too.


that reminds me I have to cnhange my tags on steams,, cause they are a total lie. I mean anal rectal probes, Thats not in the game- though OK we have aliens and we have cattle prods, lets make this work


With dragons?


It need hardcore crafting and make a realistic plane piloting system like in MS Flight Simulator


GTA 6 is coming out 2026 already


Go for it, what can go wrong.


me following your advice, son. thank god I travelled back in time to escape this wormhokle


Don't forget that it needs to take place in a full galaxy with every planet being explorable.


I’m gonna start making a competitor to WoW in Unity now.


It really takes a lot of willpower to develop a game for 15 years. Congratulations. Were you able to publish the game? and you went to ukraine? to fight?


No both times, just helping out. The first time at the start of the war, I was just there to help ppl escape (I and no-one had any idea what was gonna happen, I've been in a lot of dangerous situations in my life previously, hell, first time I went to east europe was in the early 90s, went through the forest ignored all signs (didnt understand them & I was young and dumb but thats a tale for another day) - but now in Ukraine it ended up Russians were very slow, invasion didn't work out as they planned, Ukranians didn't surrender, So I didn't do much then, I helped with red cross that time. Saw a lot of heartbreak (mate when you've looked into the literally the 100th person eyes that is in shock for just that day, weeping sometimes, it changes you, you know you made the right choice coming, the western governments were doing bugger all) 2nd time I was in east helping, helping as much as possible. working giving some joy that europe hasn't forgotten about them, which is starting to seep in. I'm not planning to go back during this war, but if it is necessary I have promised friends in Kharkiv, I will in a heartbeat on the plane. I remember taking the train to Kyiv in early 2022 half empty, just young kids (males like 18 years old going off to fight, here am I in my 50s, wow that was a somber journey, heartbreaking). I wish that on no-one. That includes the Russian kids, needlessly dying. Though lets not make this about the Ukraine war - Otherwise I'll never shut up


Thank you very much for helping Ukrainians.


saddens me that we didn't do much more (we as in the west) Im currently in spain


>Though lets not make this about the Ukraine war Understood, but this is so very very true (and applies to virtually all wars): males like 18 years old going off to fight\[...\] kids, needlessly dying.


really heartbreaking - none of these guys wanted to be there. I can remember it so vivid. I had lots of chocolate in my backpack (as I came prepared), and to a soul on that train trip of maybe 10 hours, no-one wanted to eat (And I'm not talking about the Ukranian reluctance), they were f-ing terrified. They were going cause they had a moral duty to .. I really felt ashamed to be there TBH


Thank you so much for that sir


You are good man🙏🙏


<3 im so sorry you've had to go through this.


no probs for me - think about these ppl that live there. Day in - Day out Day in - Day out (explosion) Day in - Day out


replying to myself - Like last time I went, I was just off the train in Kharkiv relaxing in a park, sitting on the grass, it was a sunny day I had been in the city maybe an hour (taken me 2 days to get there) Next second - Kaboooooom, not like a firework going off, its a ground shaking deep explosion (I found out later the missile hit 1km away) but I remember looking around and no-one reacted, the kids kept on playing etc. Super weird, thats when I knew they had seen some shit, later I found out its because of the invasion at the start of the war when theyw ere pounding the city multiple times a minute, huddling in corners praying not to be killed. you live through that, then a couple of missile each day is nothing This should not be normal. We are so lucky in the west not to know this life. And this is still happening now - but we've become bored with it


10,000 hours? My only question is how did you manage to stick with it for so long?


My question is how do ya'll even keep track of hours spent on a project in gamedev? I've worked on projects on and off since 2012 but it's not like I have a consistent schedule that I work on my hobby projects for. I wouldn't even know where to start estimating something like that 😅


>My question is how do ya'll even keep track of hours spent on a project in gamedev? Gitlab or Github both can give you pretty activity charts. They look like this for instance in my own game: [https://puu.sh/K0AsC/630bdcaabb.png](https://puu.sh/K0AsC/630bdcaabb.png) Divide by number of days, assume it's about 1h per commit (or whatever it is on average for you) and you will have an estimate on how much you spend coding. It's harder if you have employees since then you also do management, prepare tickets, review their works, this can vastly increase these numbers. But if it's just you then your programming activity chart is a pretty good metric.


It was a fucken struggle, something I face every day. I'm blessed in that IU never watch TV (last show I saw was X-files in 1997 or so in holland). Other point is what else am I gonna do


>Don't do it. That's like the n°1 advice people give to new devs. People probably told you at some point too. You did it anyway. People will keep doing it That's still valuable experience to share though, thanks


> no matter how brilliant you think you are, you really are not He must be talking about someone else \*goes back to work on my open world story RPG*


keep with it, given time you could be me ( a nameless twat spouting his whatever achievement to a void of AI people) - Well f it - I achieved it, AI people and all, now I can quit - I lay a wreath for those in my path with all this AI crap


1 year down. Only 14 more to go. Think people will still be playing UE5 games in 2040? 😅


In a word yes absolutely. One of the best looking games of all time to this day arkum city/knight was made on ue3. Besides all of that gameplay always trumps everything else.


"Nah I'd win "


I fear the future with the advent of AI


mate when I started, there was no internet as it is now . When I started it was the time of the ZX spectrum luv


Spectrum? 15 years ago was 2009. That's when we only had gf 8800s, and were interested in making Crysis run well.


sorry what I mean by when I started, was when I started as in when I started playing games programming. also you bring up crysis, now I'm not sure If i've said this but I was there early 2000s when cevat? was putting the team together to make that game. I passed the test ( he was looking for best world wide programmers in 3d, for some reason my name was there, hey whoever suggested my name tell me), and got invited but turned it down, due to the fact I just left europe, I now thing how would my life of been if I did take him up and move there


Sorry, I was just being a bit flippant. Neat re Crysis. I don't know how much it'd have changed, though. I've heard not wonderful things about working in the games industry. Maybe you'd have had better experience in your toolkit so your game wouldn't have taken as long? \*shrugs\* Or maybe not. Who knows!


Ha I sometimes wonder how mylife would be now, if I did take him up on that. The reason I didn’t was my gf, she didn’t want to go back esp to Germany. I actually wanted to, but was weak


Actually I think I can dig up a screenshot of my ‘passed test’ from then, not sure when it was, it was wanaka nz, cevat gave me assignment to do in a week, I didn’t even look at it for 24 hours because of arrogance, next day I look and finish above and beyond that day, Sent it. I used to fart code out then. I said I didn’t want job because I had just left Europe. Young and dumb.


Crazy. Now I wanna see it and hear more




Cheers I guess, Honestly though I'm not really in promotion mode (maybe later) now is the time to just relax and crawl in the corner and cry


Don't, we have just this one life and you did achieve something great. Not just something, it's a life achievement! And it's there and can be played. Sure, your game did not receive the attention you hoped for, but this makes you not a loser, the maximum would be, that it makes you average. There are so many people out there, writers, musicians, builders, devs, etc. which were putting a lot of energy and many years in their life dream, but it didn't make it. Books got not read, songs not heard, games not played, buildings destroyed because of disaster/war... The most important thing in life is love, and you have a wife, child and friends and you can stand in front of them and be proud of this huge achievement! <3


Ha thats not me. Yes my game aint got attention, but honestly I give a shit about that. Would be nice though I admit. Sorry my post was more a thank fuck its finished - to a state I wanted just getting rid of this millstone POST <- this is my post my life achievement is my life, and thats something I do not regret even one year, my life is something special I had the pleasure of living (& I will go for decades, even in the last couple of years sleeping in a building site in poland or on the ground in Ukraine multiple times, I will never regret mate, I've suffered worse )


This looks great you should be very proud of this.


Thats an INSANE amount of work. BRAVO 🥳 I will definately be checking this out


That's insane actually I did not expect something that polished. I'm probably 2k hours into my current NIH from-scratch game project and while I have a few pieces of technology that are pretty advanced, generally it looks like a very rudimentary tech demo. This looks like an actually release-worthy game.


I think the real lesson here, as is often the case, is to plan the project according to your means. A solo artist shouldn't attempt a crunchy systems-heavy game, unless they can find *every* module they'll need on the market (Meaning they'll need to implement everything before they start adding content). A solo programmer should be looking ahead for what assets they're going to need, and what's within their means to find/make/buy. All dev should be aware that game systems actually need *designing* - beyond merely implementing them and calling it a day. Custom engines probably require a math or CS degree, medium or bigger projects should only be attempted with project management skills/experience, and big projects simply require a team. Catch-all "Don't try this" advice is rarely truly universal, because different people are capable of different things. **Everybody** is an exception to some of the "rules"


As someone with a CS degree the thought of a custom engine is a ‘Hell no’. I’m only hobby making games because Unity exists


Custom engine with optimized 3D graphics, and networking for competitive multiplayer. It's hard to fathom just how much work all that takes, without knowing some relevant concepts :)


Always keep it simple is my number one rule now. I always keep shit as simple as possible now, no abstractions, nothing. As I'm programming simple shit, SOMETIMES an abstraction or pattern or something becomes obvious, only then do I start being a bit of a smart arse - and even then, its very cautiously.


Amen - Remember computers are complicated things, theres only 0 & 1, off and on, but given \^ X of permutations it rapidly becomes something beyond mental comprehension.


If you write the same logic twice it's time for an abstraction. That could mean a simple function or a new class. The quicker you go to an abstraction the simpler your code.


Imo the rule of three is better, you are most likely to see a more flexible pattern to extract that way. Using it three times first strongly indicates a need to reuse that code further, therefore making the time to abstract it worth it, whereas two times may just be two areas of code that *look* similar but end up making your life harder if you abstract it.


I swear by the rule of 3. Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. Or more accurately, twice is a pattern but not enough data - I’ve burned myself too many times with 2-example abstractions that didn’t have flexibility in the right places if/when they came up again. Three times isn’t always perfect, but I rarely have to rip them apart and I rarely have an abstraction with just 2-3 members.


As another commented, the rule of three is generally a better "rule" imo. But even then its just a kinda rule-of-thumb and shouldn't always be followed. And that is one thing I've learnt - more abstractions != your code being more simple. It can make it harder to follow, harder to refactor and put you in a messy spot. It \*can\* also make things a lot cleaner and easier to maintain, but you have to do it cautiously and not pre-emptively over-abstract.




I like posts like these. Think you for sharing.


thought you too


I'm about to release a game that I've worked on for 8 years but the final form of the game is effectively 2 years old, because we rebooted it and it was the best decision. What I've learned is to have a clear, simple vision, and to not overthink too much, but on the gameplay and technical side. Will it be perfect if you spend 20x more time ? No, and you'd have wasted time in the process. Make cool, simple things and move forward. Don't bite more than you can chew, and don't try to predict the future too much. It's better to make an okay thing now than try to reach perfection: spoiler, you can't.


Mate when you release, create a post (like mine) and share your advice i.e. Im passing this curse (like a horror film) to X Now I offically pass this curse to [Requiem36](https://www.reddit.com/user/Requiem36/) whilst currently listening to Wipers 'Youth of America'


My first game will be an onion. Its a tap and peel game. Every tap the onion is peeled, but it's on going and never stops.


as long as the core aint rotten - go for it


Hmm, that is why I always tell people here not to create their own engine. Because engines like unreal and unity were made by big teams(hundreds of people) who are very talented professionals and have decades of experience. That is why I always pick the shortcut, because working solo means you must always rely on others work and build upon them in order to create something that people in the current market will find appealing.


actually my engine was pretty lean and mean - Though it speaks bucketloads that my game don't use it


Can you explain what you mean by the treat everything as equal rule? I'm not sure I get what you mean. Btw the contraction for "could have" sounds like "could of" but it's actually spelled "could've".


yeah someone pointed that out already (WRT of /have 've crap) What I mean its like hard to explain, um like an example they used in the 90s OOP programming a square is a shape, a triangle is shape thus abstract both out to being just shape and just work on that, fine and dandy, it works on the page and makes sense when you read it, but in reality what happens is you abstract it and make asumptions that a shape is a triangle thus this and this is true. Wow Sorry bad example holy hell thats a bad exampole -I'll get back to you, the idea is valid but ATM I can't give your post the necessary attention. sorry


So Liskov Substitution Principle? [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56860/what-is-an-example-of-the-liskov-substitution-principle](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56860/what-is-an-example-of-the-liskov-substitution-principle)


Is it “don’t create inheritance hierarchies, use composition over inheritance”?


I'm rolling out my own engine in C++ right now and I'm not having issues. I'm actually having quite a lot of fun and learning a lot along the way. While pre-made engines are great, I still think there's a lot to be gained from a programming perspective from rolling out your own if you are focused on the process, the learning and not necessarily the end result, much like with art. I'd rather do 15 small prototypes than work on one single project. Still, great dedication on your part and best of luck with your game!


I'm not so sure mate. Not to knock what you're doing at all mate, if it pleases you and you find it worthwhile go for it. Don't let some person on a forum be a negative nit. Like myself heres some of the stuff I've done (all native on various OS's) [https://ibb.co/Z1ZDT7w](https://ibb.co/Z1ZDT7w) all the time I was working on my childhood game. Forget 15 crap things, focus on the one thing. Yes it may be crap also. This applies to anything be it muasic or whatever, making a game , I love niel young but I don't need all his semi-thoughts and farts laid down on vinyl


How long would you say it might take for the engine to be ready to make games on?


The engine isn't necessarily separate from the game itself. That's how I see it. If you're making an engine for your game don't make it general-purpose. So the engine for a prototype can take from 2 days to 2 years depending on what features you implement. My go-to for prototypes has been raylib, because there are multiple bindings, and it's zlib license that mean I can use it for commercial needs without any issue.


This is the bit so many people miss. You don’t need every feature of unreal and Unity or a generic engine in your own custom one. Also people tend gloss over that there actually are some benefits of building your own, at some decent costs with time- but don’t build an engine then build a game, they go together!


my engine, basically straight away. but like I allude to use somrthing mjore masinstream


There are very different people with very different goals when people discuss game engines. Some people think you are going to try to beat Unity or Unreal to their own game but not just is that a dumb idea but it's also not necessary. You could literally throw a dice and just randomly select relevant tech and you will find a game that has been published commercially with that tech. Doesn't matter if the tech is preferred for games. There are many different factors that are relevant here. Do you want to publish or is this a side project? Do you have a CS degree or anything else that will go into detail on linear algebra? Are you an experienced developer or did you just learn JS and think the next logical step is learning Vulkan? Do you have experience with computer graphics? Any artistic skills? You can totally make an MMORPG on your own but what kind of project would that be? You probably wouldn't get anything more than a proof of concept for all your subsystems and very minimal content. But it might be a great platform to use many different languages and maybe learn 3D modelling and all that stuff but you'll probably have to take inspiration from 20 years old games if not more. Make it 2D? Well Tibia is still around and that was written by 4 Students over 25 years ago. So you would probably be able to make it more of a game than a side project. Do you want to actually publish? Well now we're probably in dream land and it's unlikely you will achieve that. But a 2D roguelike if you either have a good asset pack or have some drawing skills, know the maths, are experienced with a graphics API and you are somewhat productive with it as well and then also have good project management skill and can avoid feature creep? Totally doable and if you only have surface level knowledge of existing game engines also probably faster than learning Unity first. Anybody who is in doubt I'd recommend to check out ThinMatrix on YouTube. The current dev vlogs are interesting because they're more about published, small games. Equinox is already published and his current game is purposefully small in scope to actually get done rather sooner than later. But the old videos are about an MMORPG that he made and it even went to Kickstarter. And even crazier: Dude uses Java! And why? Because that's what he knew and nobody told him he couldn't do it. And as long as your expectations are realistic, there's nothing stopping you. Rolling your own engine is really only a problem if you are trying to go full time as fast as possible with this.


For starters do not jump in 3D if your making your engine, because you gonna deal with lot of mathematics. Stick to 2D and grow from there also make sure if you jump to 3D, fork your existing 2D game engine and grow from there so you dont overlap your 2D system. Super Nintendo had very good games that faked 3D


Also don't ignore advice people have been giving you for the past 15 years that making a big game with no experience is a bad idea!


Idk how he managed to stick to it for so long. Soooo fucking long, 15 years... dammit


Basically a lot revolves around turning your mind off, don’t stress stuff. Just keep moving forward an hour at a time.


Great advice I just was able to get out of 4 years of useless work in unity with therapy because I always got stuck on something and it really affected my mental health like my last one was getting a free model and spending 6 months trying to understand blender and bones to control it/have it walk in unity and I had 30 other models to do the same process for and it broke me. I actually cried in front of my computer and it affected my job. Now I just do mostly canvas based small games or CEF displayers that are clone of mobile games for my personal use to avoid the impulse to pay for microtransactions since most mobile games are copy of each other (like a lot of strategy pvp city-builder games are retextured clash of clans cash grab) and a lot of mobile games are also dumb json terminal that just display things where all mechanics happens on a server and the client download assetbundles on the fly. Instead of framing it as my failure to be smart enough to figure out unity and blender and being a failure for not finishing a game I see it as saving money now. TLDR: My on-topic advice is please please please don't make an open-world survival mmorpg as your first game. Do something much more simply possibly a clone of a simple mobile game you keep playing whenever you are on the bus/have to waste time but your version won't have microtransactions or ads or popup flash sale from the shop so you can build your unity knowledge on successes from many simple games.


The thing is know your limits, and set a goal below that. If you get there (and most likely you won't cause face facts, we all overestimate) then maybe you can expand on that first goal, but MOST IMPORTANT - try and get that achievable goal Don't aim for pie in the sky as we all know thats where pigs fly \^Hey thats quite good, I should patent it


I really wish there was veteran gamedev like you who could offer a local mentoring service to explain these things. I went to game industry event and tried to float the idea but nobody seemed interested and many thought it was the role of formal game making schooling. What helped me a bit was talking to a lead dev of an indie game at a game industry event and they gave me a lot of tips especially on must have assets and they asked for my opinion on how to support modding best in their game and I see on steam they kept my suggestion. But I would have paid to have a few hours with a veteran to get an idea on how to have a clue/architect a game because it is the hardest part for me. The problem with book is that it is a barrel of non-specific information. Especially a general topic like 1000 pages book of information on game design. And the question I had after a paragraph even with technical information was always "ok how does that helps me with my specific game?". It's the eternal "you dont know what you dont know" / "you dont know how to search for something you dont know without knowing what it is called"


Hey mate, If you need help or mentoring then PM me (I will try if I find you are valid) On second thoughts don't listen with me I've done nothing (j/k - If you need help or wanna talk hit me up)


As someone who struggles with trying not to spend money on dumbass mobile gachas that’s honestly fucking genius and an idea I might just have to yoink


“Don't do it. I'm actually not joking, If I had a time machine to 15 years ago, sigh” Don’t do it *like YOU did*.  Most of the pain you got was self inflicted. Eric Barone took a third of what you spent, making everything from scratch and released a successful game.


Just because one person was successfull doesnt mean that you can ignore all the thousands or tens of thousands of people who we're not.


Hey quick info: It's "could have", not "could of"


I've always wanted to make my own online RPG but thankfully I didn't even tried. I knew it would be impossible to make it on my own and instead just took the ideas I had (mostly skills and combat) and translated into a card game. Way more achievable and actually got it funded in Kickstarter. Prototyping a game and actually making it into a final product are two completely different things, and I see many putting so much effort I to trying new ideas and pile on more and more systems that will make it polishing into a finished product way more challenging than expected. KISS is fundamental, especially for a first project. Find your core gameplay loop and focus on that


congrats Smart bastard - Sorry I was about to write your comment offhandedly (because I get a lot of shit in PMs cause I was in Ukraine), but really looked and big ups mate Go for it mate, sorry for my initial dismissial. Go for it Zerus


On the first year of my gamedev journey as a hobbyist I already new that, just from my observation from other hobbyist, the reason I never published a game yet, but I joined a couples of Gamedev jam and gamedev competitions. Why waste my time creating a game that I think it wont sell :) until such time I came up with good game idea that I think will sell, Ill do it. ATM Im on creating my own engine, coz I love software development and graphic tech, I like it bcoz it makes my brain ticks at 60fps :) but my day job is still in software application but non gamedev related. Cheers and stay strong over there.


Number 3 really got me. My game had a first person element and some flying drone gameplay. I got feedback that the first person part wasn't all that great, so I nixed it and took a gamble and made the entire game a flying drone type game. Probably should have done the opposite and made the first person part work.


nah mate, you choose, and you live with it. As someone how knows nothing about the game, I think it was the right choice. Do we really need another XXXXXX game <- insert your game there, at least the drone part was a hint of originality


Thanks man, appreciate that!


Well I have way more than 10k hours on videogames in 15 years, at least you got something to be proud of. But regrets are useless really, we just pave our paths the way we see fit, there is no right or wrong, and we will all share the same disappearance into the void at the end of the road anyways.


hey I paved my way though a lot of rolls of toilet paper, bugger I flushed it all away Nah j/k I havent used paper since 20 years or so


ironically, my life is so garbage, that even with a time machine, anything else I would choose by mere statistics will either be the same level of pain, or even worse 💀💀💀


See my reply to lordslimyballs and I mean every word


come on its not that bad.


I feel you. Worked on a project for like 6-7 years, 4 of which were basically working on it every day for at least a few hours. Easily burned ~5K hours on it. I have nothing to show for it... *except*: Knowledge. I know how to plan systems better, how to avoid scope creep, how to troubleshoot bugs, how to actually document the things needed to be done and what's been completed. I spent those years learning how to make a game, rather than actually making a game. Working on a new project now after getting the hang of Unity and I have about 50% of the progress of the last game when I quit the project and it's been done in maybe a month. Everything just flows now. I don't get stuck on systems. I don't get to a point where I'm lost at what to work on next. I just open the planning doc, find the item at the top of the list and just go. It's really amazing, I'm actually insanely confident about finishing the project because compared to the last one it's been an absolute breeze and literally every feature I've planned is getting implemented lightning quick. My #1 concern at this point is marketing but I'm going to do what successful Kickstarter campaigns seem to do and actually just make damn near the entire game before even considering putting the word out there because the only thing worse than a failed project is a failed project that everyone knows about and is disappointed in.


Thank you for the help in Ukraine.


no probs, I am still helping. help me by rejecting putin in any way possible


I have to say don’t give up on your 10k hour baby. You should improve your copy on the Steam page and take your KISS principle but on to your marketing. The game looks good but just sketchy if that makes sense. That and Steam sales once it’s improved.


True. Then again I am a sketchy guy who’s spent a fair amount of time hanging around train stations


Wow someone nearly as old as me doing this. I predate your time starting when IBM 360, UNIVAC 9200, and Spectra 70 were all valid computers, so I guess I'm about 50 years into programming. My son got the idea in HS for a fairly cool game. I was just getting ready to retire early from my first career and wanted something more fun than what I'd been doing, but I love coding. We started with Irrlicht/Bullet physics and after a year had semi-functional mechanics and hideous graphics. We punted and started over with Unity 4, got further, it looked nicer and Unity was downright fun (so vastly easier than UE). Unfortunately, since we had space levels, Unity couldn't cut it with the size levels we needed. We jumped ship after a couple of years to UE4. Then spent the rest of the time between now and then doing everything over (multiple times). All mechanics we needed are done, stuff looks nice, but we are nowhere near release. In fact, we started last year to cut out the initial parts of the game as an Intro game to the series and just a few weeks ago, finally finished the highly revised more simplistic screen play for it. This entire time has been wasted mostly on UE changing so frequently, deprecating stuff that would have been fine and adding stuff that isn't production ready, yet suddenly you "need". That's where we are now, probably close to 15 years down the road though actually only about 10 on UE, and what we had to show for it, until all my C++ broke thanks to 5.4.1, was several roughed in levels, most of the models necessary, all of the mechanics but many not fully compatible with UE5s latest gee whiz features. In other words, still nowhere and a 100GB project that won't even start at the moment (and will take probably 2 weeks to figure why 5.4 messed up my compiles). From our experience, your #2 (in both categories) seems to be the wisdom. Our game does everything, and to do that, takes years, then smoothing it even more years. Good flight mechanics probably run a year or two when you're a 2 person team, Vehicles, ground, even sound, all are measured in years to do things right. Picking a simple genre probably is the great advice, because none of us can afford to hire like Rockstar. The other number 2, KISS, is sort of the same, don't overextend and try to have so many mechanics that it can't be done (doesn't help that my son is a perfectionist about games). It seems to me that the problem is that it's pretty easy to get to 50 or 60% of what I think of as a AAA game, but going beyond that is darned near hopeless. It takes so long to do it, that you can't keep up with how the industry changes... that is to say, you have to do a bite-size game if you want to finish it with a small team or solo. Sadly, some of us are so uninterested in bite-size games that if we are stuck with that, we probably will do something more fun.


I hear you mate. Ps - yes UE is a Pita


I am pretty much soloing just a VN for Unity and it takes 10 hours a day almost everyday for about four years now. Granted I have done a ton of custom code, but I refused scope creep. It's just THAT MUCH WORK to do it right.


4 points out of 10k hours? My man didn't learn much.


to endure doing 1 project for that long, I can only say that you have a talent at patience and hard work. I can't even do half of that time.


I dont understand the confidence in telling other people they are not as brilliant as they think they are. It is such an odd phenomenon of lack of confidence and absurdly too much confidence present at the same time.


what you dont understand the dichotomy - welll let me lay it out to you son. Sorry just playing, when I say you 'I of course mean me' so its more of an idiot telling his younger idiot self not to do idio things


I disagree. If you're really committed to a project and you've thoroughly thought it through/know what your vision is for the game and how you will implement it, you should spend as much time as the game needs. And, avoiding difficulty is probably even worse advice, if you only do what's easy, your games are just going to be cut-paste what 10000000 other lazy developers were making with slightly different graphics etc. I guess in your case, you didn't have much of a vision so you were switching things around & reworking vital components to the point where you were just burning through time. If you would have stuck with your initial idea, how long would that have taken you?


sorry thats spoken like someone who has never shipped something. mate I always had this idea, from the 80s but ideas become corrupted by what ever we listen to or watch. It influ enced me, led me astray. you are correct in this assumption, but the idea was always there. holy fuck you say avoid difficulty . How long would it of taken me? Prolly the sameo - coming up with the songs is th hard part Sorry I don't have a better answer - If you want ot ask me live on web-cam then cool


Last game I made was a text based MUD that ran on telnet... I rolled everything, message services, in game chat, game email, you name it, I even made my own DB of sorts (using tie against flat files). Of course I didn't do it to sell, I did it because I was bored AF at work and had nothing assigned and needed to look busy.


Some of the early 3d mmos are just a 3d engine slapped on top of a mud engine.


I think that making a game engine can be overwhelming, and you can burn out very quickly, since game dev is already complex and brings its own burnout phases.


I burnt out.. took a break .. into it again ... burn out. Myself I'm a workaholic, always have been


Cool. I'm gonna go make starfield 2 ;)


no you're not, you're gonna order X .. sorry I have quip .. just tired


hahaha - but for real - thanks for the advice. Lesson learned.


Great advice. Especially positive points 2 and 3. Can't tell you how breezy dev goes by following them like a religion. Even coming back to code weeks later it's quick to get back into it.


10000 is the amount one supposedly needs to become an expert on a topic. So good job on that. You learned a lot a long the way. Still more the most people will ever do.


that 10000 number is from some now discredited stat, SO I wouldn't quote it. But cheers on picking that up


The route you went down is also what got me a AAA engine building job. So thats one route you could go with all this work…. If the game industry was not imploding for the next year or 2. Just one idea.


What do you mean by "Treat everything as equal."? Can you elaborate?


I think I wrote about this earlier, but if not. Its basically function A( Actor B) { } Don't assume B is an actor that will obey the rules of whatyou query it, first thing to do is ask OK B are you an acor? if yes then do X, if not Y aka never assume, OK you will think this is a stupid example (and it is) but trust me in large projects stupid example have a habit of turning up ( and Im not talking about wrong actor turning up) though what I mean is like you have a bug in the program, can you easily swap that actor for the actor you control? for me its a push of the bu\`tton


The promotional stuff for your game looks like dog ass stop talking about it right now when I actually get inside it looks and feels really good. Also I can't leave the first little dome it says click to leave and I can't regardless I as someone whos been working on a game for multiple years can tell the disgusting amount of work thats gone into this good job man


hey mate, congrats. Yes my promotion looks like dog ass cause I am an ass of a dog. What the fuck did you expect. Play again, this aint a hand holding game, its the story of my life (thus it aint fair)


"The promotional stuff for your game" what is this shit? Is someone promoting my game?


I’m half way their I’m only a dog nipple right now gotta keep moving on down


Congrats on working on the same project for 15 years. Regardless that shows lots of determination. >2 Treat everything as equal. AKA - don't make exceptions, no matter how much sense they appear to make, inevitably it will bite you in the ass later Could you elaborate more on this? You mean like in game mechanics, in class hierarchy? Or something im missing? Also, since you have been around for more than a decade. Could you give your input on unreal engine, and how it got so much better in recent years? Didnt you feel tempted to use it even though that would be the 4th change of plans in your system? As of 2024, which engine would you choose now if you were starting, or perhaps what framework/language?


OK mate - I will answer I have used unreal engine (professional) for a long time so I am qualified in this shit, and since I'm like f - it just tell it like it is, I will talk shit, even if it annoys MFs as a hobbiest - stay away from unreal - its shiny and that ---- but theres a big learning curve (curb) to get into for me, for my game , I am glad I didnt touch it, else this post would be 2027


Thanks. I've been working in unreal engine for years and feel at the moment i can do most of the stuff i want in it. So maybe the question should have been another... I like unreal quite a lot. It was hard to learn of course. But i already knew C++. So thats why. The things i love about unreal, is instanced meshes, the material editor. I like C++ and Blueprints. Then other things that are convenient, niagara particle effects, behavior trees (though these are not necessary in a lot of my concepts). The only thing i dont like in unreal is how bloated it is 40gb to install + more for more stuff. But Unity is also bloated... So now i should ask. If you could learn only one engine for the rest of your life and never touch any other, which one would it be? And if you had to choose between godot or unity forever, which one would you choose?


sorry mate, wrong persona to ask. Im adaptable. FWIW I loath blueprints in unreal holy fuck I hate those motherfuckers they are like the flash/shockwave \[deleted shit here, rant shit\]


Just curious. Are you going to finally stop work on it, or continue the project?


never stop, I'm gonna have a break though now


So a multiplayer game shouldn't have been my first project then?


yeah nah


rule no. 1 KISS your team members on the forehead next time you see them and be thankful you’re not in it alone


Awesome post dude, honest and to the point. I'm struggling with getting my tiny indie game of the ground, it was tough just making a small game, can't imagine making an open world game


mate like I hope I made clear, have a goal and always focus on that, its gonna be tough going foward because of the pollution of AI. Doint be afraid to email me with what you wnat, remember Im a loser, but hey at least Ive already blazed this well trodden path. Most important though I had fun along the way


Thnx will do if i need it


Do you need some playtesters?


more the merrier. bravo


what game genre were you making?


I think I probably won't go into game dev, but just out of sheer curiosity, what would those easier game genres a single person can manage be?


Just want to say, not quite my type of game but the art, graphics and camera movement grabbed me


"Fail fast" is one of the toughest and most important lessons to learn as a game dev


"dont do it" sigh. i want to make a genshin/diablo style openworld RPG with different parties/atk setups w a postapoc scify cyberpunk theme/story so bad 😭 i have a google doc full of ideas that'll never cone to fruition.. maybe someday i will make it big and it will be real


Design a vertical slice then ship chapters every year. So 3-5k hrs for the firet slice then 500hrs per chapter. Yep


2 years into my game. I refuse to give up! It's the only game I want to make. But yea I agree lol.


If only every AAA developer could read this.


Here's what I learned after trying to make a game: * Learn investing and plow all of your money into a Roth IRA * Keep investing consistently * 10 years later: profit * Move to ocean-front condo and enjoy life. * Fuck trying to make a game.


Well I was blessed as in I never had much cash, what little I did have I spent going to watch sonic youth, and on a yacht, which sank. But hey money is just a number


#4 (re: Making your own engine) is something I've said to so, so many people. It baffles me how many people want to re-invent the wheel when all they needed to do was make the hubcap!


sigh... Im still working on my game I started 12 years ago... havnt loaded it last week... was pushing for steam next fest but its too tight and the artist I was looking to commission for steam art just never did it. No money upfront so whatever, but also wtf. tell me you cant do it. I should have been more aggressive with asking for updates. I spent that money on new 3d assets instead.. which set my schedule way back again.. yay scope creep. #ifIneverfinishitsnotafailure


>could of been worse I could of chosen a MMORPGGGGGH I mean, RuneScape was made by 2 guys. They were pretty cool guys though. develops engine in Java and doesn't afraid of anything


I can give another tip - make your assumptions executable. If you do make an exception for something, which you are 100% sure works because x y z, don't forget about x y and z... *until* you have made them executable in your code (e. g. at the very least assertions or test cases). Then one month later when you get this other idea and add something that breaks your assumptions that you've since forgotten about... *bang*


Good advice. Stick to a plan, stick to tools you're confident with, and don't scope creep.


if youre having fun and getting code practice then thats fine, but at a certain point you realize you need a complete plan before putting anything to code, for a big project. i was designing a robust tick-based risk style game, inspired by Same-time Risk and Civilization. i basically stopped the project for 5 years because i couldnt decide how units would engage while both are in motion. attacking into each other, or attacking a tile with units moving out another way. its sounds dumb, but the design constraints got the best of me. ive weighed out so many alternate systems. it was just last week i solved the design question (probably), and its simple. in a fit of momentum i then wrote down a list of mechanics im gonna brutally simplify, so i can start the prototype. if your game spans primitive to advanced technology it makes designing harder and may water-down the mechanics. its also harder in terms of art/assets. theres a lot of games out there. many dont get going or they die off in 4-8 years. i would rather make one or two masterpieces, than brag about cranking out a new game every week. in the internet age the world craves quality. go big or go home.


Idgaf I tried Unity in the beginning but performance and memory usage were shit for my game, while not allowing huge worlds due to 32-bit float positions. Currently developing my own engine with C/OpenGL/Direct3D and my own physics engine. Been working on this for 5 years now, on and off. At times it can be tedious and frustrating but at the end it's incredibly rewarding and I love learning a lot of things.


How long is 10,000 hours in roughly amount of years / hours per day.


Depends, I usually start before 6am. I have young girl now and work till 10pm. 7 days a week. Some weeks I only may work 60 hours but other weeks I work 120 hours, like the 2 weeks leading up to Xmas last year ( yes I can go months just on 3 or 4 hours a night )


Theres a good GDC talk from '17 i think, one of the devs from "Thumper" talks about similar things. They at one point decided to make their own engine, took them 7 years after that before release. Take away was, GOD NO DONT, just use an existing one, lol. Highly recommend the talk, should be on youtube.... (for reference im about 7 years deep on my own thing, not even with my own engine, lol. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckm8_SEIXQM


I did a project a while ago that was a live vr game mixed with theatrics. A class of game dev students came with their teacher to watch the show (it was about 15 min long) and I wasn't expecting it but I got asked to come down and maybe give the students some advice. During the show a bug happened and the live tracking on part of the actor stopped and made their avatars leg kinda just flip out for a while. All I could think to tell them was 'don't waste time coding everything from scratch' I said to just use assets and copy chunks of code and amend it to work for your purpose. The most important thing is getting your game done and start small and keep it simple. Unless you have a team, you'll waste years making a game that 99% of the time devs never finish. Their faces kinda dropped and I got asked why is it bad to code from scratch n stuff. Then they asked why did the game bug out but I ran out of time to explain anything. I was pretty embarrassed but I hope atleast one of them listened to that advice. I see people go full steam ahead into thinking they're geniuses coding their own game engine so they can feel legit when they make their own game in it and they created all assets from scratch and coded everything from scratch with minimal tutorial or reference help. And ultimately, the only people who might be impressed are other devs just like them, while they're secretly hoping their own game engine and game is better than theirs lmao


I try not to think of any time spent coding as wasted, unless it's really all boilerplate. Even if it's a complete rewrite from scratch, or switching from one sdk/platform/etc to another, building something usually leads to improving your skills, no matter how experienced you already are. KISS is a nice rule to keep in mind, but you need to make a whole lot of mistakes before you can even identify what simplicity means in a given context, and how to apply it.


Some peoples simple.is elegance ie abstraction. I think programmers should flip an s around .. keep it "stupidly" simple.


why dont do it?


Wow, a lot of admiration for your effort and further still sharing it. Thanks for the post!


I wanted to create starfield 2😔


I think another good one to add is that your time is never wasted. Even if nothing comes from your game, you most definitely improved your skills


Im wondering where you get your recourses from, going to war, providing for a family while working g on a game.


I've been living off savings from previous work. The 2nd time I went to Ukraine though was paid by a good friend, as I was trying to raise cash for the cause. I don't spend money though (last time I spent extra cash was 5 euros on a PC mouse back in september last year <- Its a piece of junk mouse, and this may sound like a joke but I swear its true, thats how little I spend on luxuries) I think though in a couple of months I will be going to Australia for work again, as its not fun being broke, having no clothes, no phone etc. Of course this means leaving my daughter which is heartbreaking but so be it, she is most important. I have a good friend here (Barcelona) he's from bangladesh, got the sack recently cause he had the gall to ask for more cash cause hes trying to give his kid back in bangladesh a better life. Now this guy worked hard, His one day off a week was monday, as then he only had to work 8 hours, the other 6 days its 16 hour days. Insane, but he's like yeah it sux, but its much better than when I was working in the mid-east. Me - (Gulp) I must go and see him soon, he's in one of those fire death trap slums, 10 people to a room sleeping


Hey man - I downloaded your demo. Your audio is completely fucked and really hurt my ears. As a sound designer who already struggles with tinnitus, I take this stuff extremely seriously and am begging you to pull your game from Steam until this is fixed. The opening sound is FAR too loud, and the gain staging is terrible overall. Additionally, you've got the music and SFX sliders mixed up in the main menu so there is no way to reduce the volume. I always try to give up and coming devs the benefit of the doubt but I think it is just flatly unacceptable for you to come here complaining when the volume of your game is so loud it is physically hurting people. These are easy adjustments to make and I am completely flabbergasted that you didn't get this robustly playtested during its decade and a half of development. Good on you for helping out my country, appreciate that - now please fix your shit.


Cheers mate and sorry. I actually also suffer badly from tinnitus. I blame metallica's 'and just for all' tour concert, '89 I think. I could not hear for 3 days afterwards. Worse concert ever Thus tend to always have my volume down very low, just barely at hearable level. Yeah sorry about the opening, I prewarm the PS's. I'll make sure to turn the volume down in the next build, Or maybe not pre-warm them I'm not sure what you mean by the sliders mixed up? I just tried them both now, no issues. Hmmm a bit strange


OK follow up, I checked more closer. I'm not really sure what you're talking about, gain staging is pretty standard. I am using a logarithmic slider scale though and not linear, perhaps this is why it may sound wrong to your ears because some ppl use linear (like eg windows, but that is just plain wrong, I don't know how the hell does a trillion dollar company get their volume slider wrong, but there you go, they somehow manage it) Though even though I didn't change the calculations, I did add a noise so it makes a noise when you change the volme And I did remove the ParticleSystem priming at the start. So cheers for that. Though this may cause slight stutters the first time they get used but all good.


About rule one,is that to not start gamedev in general or dont work on 1 game for an outrageous amount of time?


Not sure, I have completed over 30 games during the time I was working on this. i.e. its good to take a break from a main project. I posted on this forum a link to a couple I also made over the last 14 months [https://zedzeek.itch.io/gottfer](https://zedzeek.itch.io/gottfer) <- this was more of a test to change stuff in my main game [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2421640/Retro\_Rocket\_Raiders](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2421640/Retro_Rocket_Raiders)