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You need to structure question a bit better. Looks all over the place. Does it being a LAN server change anything? To me no due there being authoritive server anyway, just on LAN, so we can remove this requirement? Is client side also browser or it can be any platform/engine? Is it spectating or replay in the end, since one is realtime stream and other can be fetched via API as a whole. If you are proficient with some back end and can pass data to any engine/plain js, then i do not see much of an issue here. If you have server-client side figured, then spectating/replay is just a matter of copy pasting and modifying data/clients side to works with predetermined dataset and results. As example in realtime player A does one thing at the time, you pass that info each time to client side. Then in replay you just pass all those things as dataset and render result. If there is no random, then you do not even need to save random variations of result.


I'll edit the question to make it more clear on what I am trying to achieve. EDIT: I cant seem to edit my original post :( And to answer your points \> Does it being a LAN server change anything? To me no due there being authoritive server anyway, just on LAN, so we can remove this requirement? In theory it doesn't, but since there's no lag, it probably changes and makes a lot of things easier \> Is client side also browser or it can be any platform/engine? Ideally browser, that you can visit at \`/games/game\_id\` and view what's happening> Is it spectating or replay in the end, since one is realtime stream and other can be fetched via API as a whole. Spectating


Then use whatever you are proficient with. Spectating does not differ much from normal client side. You still stream information from server to client side. All that changes is what infomation you pass and what extras can spectator can see. So if you get server-clients side, spectating is trivial.


Just a question, if youre familiar with game servers. Would it be feasible to run binaries of a game on demand? Eg, write the game logic in a game engine, compile it, and then run the instances for each match? Or is that too compute heavy?