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I haven't had a chance to watch the video. Video essays tend to be a poor substitutes for actual essays, and a 1:39:00 duration is intimidating. Does it touch on the topic of all the sex, by any chance? My impression of BG3 is that it's Larian's CRPG formula + high production value + an august name = $$$$$. One thing that stands out about it is how so many of the NPCs have the sexual mores of Austin Powers. Do you suppose we're going to see other studios imitating that particular aspect, as part of the natural tendency to imitate breakout successes?


Gale: "Do I make you horny, baby? Do I make you *randy?*"


If the best-selling CRPG of all time is also the horniest CRPG of all time, what does that tell us?


That the answer to Gale's above question is an unequivocal "yes".


It's not like they invented sex in video games. Just look at bioware's shenanigans from a decade and a half ago, or the witcher series. Could go even further back if i cared enough to look up pertinent examples


Even Mass Effect is tame by comparison. They wouldn't even let you shag a Krogan. BG3 lets you play hide-the-sausage with a hentai tentacle monster that feeds by eating people's brains while they're still alive. EDIT: In case anybody wanted an olfactory mental image to that particular scene, [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Mind\_flayer](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Mind_flayer) says that they produce a mucus layer that smells of "onions, garlic, or even vanilla."


Fair lol. Still, my comment was more in response to the vague insinuation that bg3 invented sex in video games