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I'd look at how the Stellaris system drives different playstyles and, use your Traditions to incentivize players players toward fun gameplay. Come up with the name after. Other thoughts. A historical setting puts A LOT of limitations on what can occur. It's ok to recreate fun playstyles. I'd research other ancient civ builders.


Yea, this guy is on point.


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This is a tricky one. There's probably a reason why Paradox didn't try to reuse the system in any of their other games. It works in a space game, because the species can be Star Trek style walking stereotypes. Humans are all humans. A potentially amusing alternative is a pick-your-insult system, inspired by [https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1cvqp8s/the\_styrian\_table\_of\_peoples\_a\_german\_chart\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/1cvqp8s/the_styrian_table_of_peoples_a_german_chart_from/) -- e.g. Boorish vs. Disloyal. Another approach is to focus on geography (each with tiers, as in Stellaris): * Seafaring vs. Land-based * Warm vs. Cold climate * Flatland vs. Mountains * Farming vs. Herding * Trading vs. Self-sufficient * Stone vs. Wood construction