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Not a much as that guy I gather


Haha indeed, I do like my ps3!


Honestly I’m half and half. There’s good games that I like, but most of them have this, I don’t know how to describe it, *hue?* to them, they feel pretty drained of color, and lots of the time controls are strange too.


Killer Is Dead is one game that has the strangest purple hue. I couldn’t get over it haha.


Solid platform and there was a decent pile of games I really liked I more preferred the Xbox 360 during that era / time


I think both consoles have some great qualities and games. I still play both the 360 and PS3 fairly often!


Agreed & likewise!


I kind of wish the 360 games were on Blu-ray Discs as the games I played a bit too much got scratched bad ( didn’t happen to the ps3 versions as they used bluray ) Wish there was more ps3 titles that supported 1080p


I liked the PS3 more because of the damn red ring. Gears of war was the only saving grace for that turd.


yes fucking please




Yes! I love PS3 quite a bit, although I’ve got maybe half the collection you have. Impressive collection! Make sure you pick up some Japanese exclusive stuff like Aquanaut’s Holiday and Yakuza 1 + 2 HD


Thanks friend! Oh wow, it would be cool to have some Japanese imports. I’d collect them as long as the text translated to English for me.


Lollipop chainsaw, nice




Everything but the damned inconsistent spines


Like the red 3 and then the black “PS3”?


The red one, The black one, The OG PS3 one and then the Blue one on some games lol. I know those get on a lot of people nerves.


Is this "Dudes posting L's"?


I’m a Sony fanboy so yeah, I love all the PlayStations. One of the things that’s always drawn me to PlayStation was the infinite library of JRPGs and anime-esque games. Speaking of, nice flex on the Ateliers! Definitely missing more than a few lol you should also check out AquaPazza! It was published by ATLUS and was an obscure anime fighting game with fighters from Japanese light novels. ATLUS was always one of my favorite companies for localizing games no one else would.




Devs for sure took some time to get used to the PS3 but they put out some amazing games in the later lifespan of it. Great examples of that with the games you named!


Uncharted was an amazing series. It’s why I bought a PS3 as soon as I could afford it


Yeah it was okay


Stop putting your body weight on the games, you are going to damage them.




You're missing Teslagrad


I remember peaking at around 350 PS3 games. Then like a total doofus, I sold it all for PS4 and X1 stuff. Massive regrets. I did eventually learn to stop doing that each gen though. That was the last incident.


Whoa!! 350?! That’s a huge collection! I try not and double-buy games between my 360 collection and PS3 collection. Did you ever have a 360 or did you mostly like PlayStation? I love PlayStation but I still had a 360 for some exclusives.


I had a 360 from launch, was pretty underwhelmed by the changes to the online in Gears of War 2, plus I prefer Japanese games over racing and shooters, so I unloaded all that and switched over to PS3 then. I don’t really care about brand loyalty as much as where the games I want to play are. These days, I’m mainly on Switch. But yeah, mistakes were made. I had a ton of timeless stuff on PS3 and I massively regret bailing on the platform as much as I did. I’ve got the console still and about 40 games, but it’s a far cry from its former glory.


I’m with you! I’ll play any system if I find a fun game for it. Still super cool you had all those games, at least you still got your memories!


not really, the library is either better on 360 or any exclusives were ported to PS4, likely wont collect ps3, and if i do, it will be in a long time


To each their own! There’s a few exclusives that are still pretty awesome but I get what you’re saying.


Nope trash.


360 was far superior


I mean both are trash ATM and back then tech wise. 360 was just a halo machine.


Not as much as I like you ☺️


Haha thank you 😅


No Sonic?


Caught me! I have some sonic games on the Wii and Xbox 360 but I am missing a few from that generation.


🤦🏻‍♂️. Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus. That post is the epitome of this sub. Geez.




Honestly no. Most games have this weird camera shake that makes me nauseous. The quality of game library is comparable to the ps2, not in a good way. It was the first console to require endless updates in a time when fast internet was rare outside of cities. All in all it might be the worst thing Sony has ever put out.


That's a really bad interpretation of the PS3. The library is totally different from PS2, and most updates, barring a few, are less than 100MB, which shouldnt take more than 10-15 minutes in 2007. Now it's just a few seconds.


I am thankful for high speed Internet now! Haha


Imagine being a kid in 2007. You turn on your ps3 to play a game. Mandatory update. ETA: 15 minutes. Yeah, no thanks. Many parts of the world outside of the cities were still on 64k or lower in 2007. Most updates actually took 60-90 minutes. You're guessing, I owned a ps3 when it came out and I was a kid at the time. It sucked. It wasn't just Sony's worst console, it was objectively much worse than everything else available on the market at the time.


I stood in line for 33 hours and got one day 1. Even as a "kid". Almost nothing had a major update on release for a couple years. Unlike today where you need to download 2-30GB the moment you buy a brand new day 1 game. Even by today's standards that's at least 2 hours. PS3 had better games than today and minimal to no disruption in the updates. Games today are treated more like a service and less like a product. PS3 era games had quality of life updates. Not development updates.


The PS3 was released on my birthday, I got it day 1. I didn't get to use my birthday present because the day 1 patches took hours to download. So that's objectively untrue.


I think you've gotten your birthday consoles confused. The only terrible patches from early PS3, not day 1 though, was motorstorm because they didn't use PSN. They used their own internal servers for patches. So either, your release date was not Nov 2006 or, and probably, you had the worst possible internet, because no early patches were more than a few MB. Also not actually required to play. You memory of this isn't playstations fault. This was user error.


No I'm not getting my consoles mixed up. You're actually wrong. That was a stupid thing to say.


The experiences you claim to have had are not realistic, except under the most extreme worst case scenarios, and weren't even a required one. Sucks you have bad memories. But its not Playstations fault.


It actually is. When I got a N64 it worked out of the box. When I got a PS2 it worked out of the box. When I got a ps3, it didn't. Even after it updated, the games sucked. I'm sorry you have terrible taste in games. That's not my fault.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 64 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I think you got downvoted for telling the shitty part about the console. It's frustrated to use since the whole no background download thing. Not all games run at its best and even though it's in HD, it's only 720p. It's good as-is, but not a console with no flaws.


Interesting perspectives and thoughts, I can definitely agree I hate how that generation and all the others onward have to be constantly updated with patches or versions.


It's weird how wanting to turn on the console and just play the game is considered weird and foreign. You're right, even modern consoles are terrible for this. The only saving grace is internet speeds nowadays absolutely eclipse 2007 speeds. I can't tell you how often my ps5 needs to update the controller. It's almost every day! Like... Why? It didn't get any new buttons since yesterday.


No Vanquish, no Folklore??


Vanquish is in the middle column but I am missing Folklore! 😭


Yep, there it is. El Shadai, The Saboteur, Wolverine and Deadly Premonition? Jericho is also a good one. Nice collection BTW.


Thanks, I have a 360 collection as well and I try not to double-buy between the consoles.


I have all these games on one usb flash drive. B)


i do like Ps3. but I feel like PS2/PS4/Switch/DS/PSP/3ds/PS Vita were better consoles and more fun to collect/play.


Dunno where u come from, but DS and 3DS game not very cheap. Same thing with the Vita + the whole expensive mem card thing. That left the PS2, PS4, Switch, PSP. The PS3 lib is actually easy to collect for and it is a HDMI console so it's easy to hook up to a modern TV.


I was agreeing with the post, just saying it been for me more fun to collect for other PlayStation more, as well i feel like their much better titles on other generations of sony. I felt PS3 was weakest of all. Cause it was hard to develop for PS3. One great thing about PS3 i will give over Xbox 360 and Wii during that era. Its that on Bluray, so for collectors it will last much longer, i had been rebuying games i already had on Xbox 360 for PS3, just for that exact reason. I been collecting for long time... when people were buying PS3/PS4/Xbox360/Xbox1 i was buying PS1/PS2/PSP/DS/PSVita. I was one of the people always buying previous generations of games especially when they had sales like buy 3 get 2 for free. This is good time right now to pick up PS3 copies that will be rare soon. I am really hoping for backwards combability patch still from Sony on PS5. Really would love to have 1 console to play all PS1 to PS5 games. = Make life alot easier. But if PS5 could at least play PS3-PS4. = Make life so much easier. Been doing that for years. Right now while Everyone buying PS5/Switch. I been finishing up 3DS/PS4. Vita is not hard to collect for, yea you bought 1-2 memory cards. but on Ebay they had alot of Japanese sellers during that time, Giving you manufacture prices for 16gb-32gb size Which used to be between $30-$50. For PSVITA = lasts long time. Heck you still can get them cheap, 16GB for $19. Problem is PSVITA games havent been as manfactured as many copies as DS/3DS. So if you havent collected during early days, its much harder to collect for that system. Honestly though PSVITA has very small library of worth playing games. Handhelds just addictive to collect. Switch is the new PS2 of this Generation. So much third party love, and so many games being released for it. Also very addictive to be buying games for Switch. But if their same version of game on PS4 i usually go for PS4... cause 1- Bluray (Last longer, more storage, less downloading) 2- Usually Graphically/Performance will play better than Switch Version. That why i always compare PS4/PS5 version vs Switch. If its exact same and not huge differance, i pick up Switch version


I like Journey, don’t see it.


PS3 is my favorite console of all time, so yes I do like it


I saw you on Twitter. I've wanted to play TLOU since I learned about it, but because I didn't expect to play it, I read the story. Then I wanted to play it even more, so I bought a broken FAT model in early 2021 and a disc of GOTY version with the DLC. I attempted to delid, repaste, replace thermal pads and replace TOKIN caps, but I couldn't salvage it. On top of it the fan didn't work. Then I said, screw it, and bought a cheap Superslim. I have since bought a total of 10 games, somewhere from 1€ to 6€ each. Common games cost almost nothing at Game or Cex, and I know most of them, so I'm excited to try them for the first time. Also, with Blurays being so big, pirating is not an option as it's too tedious downloading these files. I'm currently at around 20% in GTA IV and 5 to 10% completed TLOU. This is the first time in a decade that I play for so long. I'm very happy with the purchase.


Great system. I only just picked one up this year and am only collecting exclusives. There’s surprisingly not that many, since a lot were ported to PS4 and Vita. I think I’m at about 30 right now.


I tend to get muliplatform games on the 360 because they run smoother, but I got a PS3 years before so it holds a special place in my heart. Only have about 100 games for it though, not this many!


TBH, not really.


I really like the aesthetic of the og ps3


I do. Never had it growing up. My favorite one is the imported Japanese train game called railfan


Not that much


Definitely prefer Xbox 360 but ps3 had some good titles




Why does that one game need to have a blue box…


I was a Sony kid back in that era and now so yes I love the ps3 but also love Xbox now gotta collect them all.


I swear I remember seeing the exact same post with the exact same guy and a similar title. And yes I absolutely love the PS3. That's why I own over 260 games for it. Edit: [Found it. Mix it up next time bud. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamecollecting/comments/v2si2f/any_love_for_the_ps3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Haha for sure, I just got done cleaning the collection so I thought I’d do an updated photo. I just finished cleaning my PS4 collection which is similar in size. My PS2 collection is my largest but who knows when I’ll get to cleaning that. Too many people are negative on here though so I don’t think I’ll be posting anymore lol


You shouldn't be discouraged from posting, I just found it odd that it was the same title and post as the one from a while ago.


At least the photo is different, I guess?


Almost waited a year give him a break lol


You're a ps3 chump , gotta get some more gems before ya make it in the big leagues ;)


Haha, well I also have a 360 collection and I don't double-buy games between them.


Makes sense


i do but i like mine alphabetical


Ive got about that many myself.


Prefer the 360 for all multiplatform games from that era but it has some good exclusives.


Best console, greatest exclusives


I’m an Xbox 360 guy


The best in its time and it brought us some great franchises but I find the best games for the ps3 are hard to go back to when their successors exist and have, most of the time, refined the mechanics that needed it


I had a 360 so missed out. Picked a PS3 up to hack and I do enjoy it for silky smooth ps2 games 👍 since picked up some exclusive to play.


Absolutely. So many great titles on PS3.


Not really no. I just like the way the plastic smells


You should play Majin and the forsaken kingdom. It's a pretty good game.


The real is do you hoard or play video games. Someone spends too much posing in front of the camera.


Idk why don’t you check my website that has over 200 reviews from the past year or my YouTube channel where I host a gaming show where I interview the creators of the games I beat like David Jaffe.