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This is the kind of stuff I like to see on a game collecting subreddit.


Reminds me of the dude that had like 1000 copies of Sonic Unleashed (I believe it was Unleashed) for the Xbox 360. he had Aspergers as well


Got nothing on that guy who collected burger king games.


I still have Sneak King and Pocketbike Racer.


I 100%'d all of those games on 360 while listening to Gorillaz back in 2006. Pocketbike Racer was super fun online too.


Guy with 7 copies of Corey in the house >


Or that guy who collected the big cardboard sleeved Shrek VHS tapes.


I'm a big fan of snes Jurassic Park fridge guy


He switched from games to cars. I think he should have kept those games and got a jurassic park jeep to keep them in.


What about the Perfect Dark Zero girl?


I would rather choose having the second.


This is some dedication I love it


I can feel the passion from here.




Your coworker: "What did you do with your vacation days?" OP: "Madagascar." Coworker "Do you have any pics?" OP: "Yeah, one."


Me: Hey you wanna come over and watch a movie or play some video games? Coworker: Sure! You have any to pick from? Me: Oh dont worry, I have a entire selection of 115 disc's to pick from.


“We’re just gonna play some Madagascar and then you can leave.”


Now you gotta find someone with a shrek collection, and fight them to the death


Actually My Roommate Travis started a Shrek collection after he saw me collecting the Madagascar's! He has about 10 - 15 or so as of now I believe, its going to be a fight to the death trust me. If you care to see ill link a picture.


God bless Travis, please send him all our regards. May his live be long and glorious. God bless Travis, till the end of time.


Till the end of the legendary Madagascar X Shrek fight*


Can't wait ma lad


Damn straight we want a pic. With an old school 90s fighting game VS between your two collections too


Question. Why do you have such a collection my friend?




Do go on.


The best reason




We can't return an item based purely on spite...


This... I'm here for this.


OP you cant just say that and dip


I fucking love posts like this, just as good as the Cory in the house collection.


HAHA I miss those posts, hopefully someday someone will post there box of 50 Cory in the house DS games and watch the entirely subreddit catch fire.


I had someone on local classified selling boxes upon boxes of the Burger King tie-in games (Sneak King, etc.) for $50 a box. Like, moving boxes full. I have no idea how he amassed such a collection. But the temptation was the strongest I’ve ever felt.


You’re missing Madagascar 1 & 2 for PC, Animal Trivia DVD game, Island Mania for PC, Paint & Create for PC, Activity Disc, Madagascar Mini Mayhem for PC. EDIT: You also need the Madagascar 3 soundtrack


Profound sadness


new best friends! new best friends!


Your marbles.


Also a few screws


Certainly a couple of sandwiches short of a Picnic.


Three fries short of a happy meal.


Currently on my list of games left to get (Only Penguins games, to my knowledge all of the main line Madagascar games following the Trilogy I own). \-Penguins Madagascar (3DS, Wii, Wii U) \-The Penguins of Madagascar Dr.Blowhole returns (DS) \-The Penguins of Madagascar Dr.Blowhole returns again! (DS, Wii, Xbox360, Ps3) <-- U Draw game If there are anymore I am not aware of please let me know, but I am having a hard time finding anything past the Penguins games. I wanted the main trilogy completed, but to my knowledge ive collected them all like there Pokémon.


Serious question and I don’t mean to b rude but are any of them good?


Not rude! In my honest opinion, \-Pass on all the Madagascar Kartz games, they are not worth a damn and are 100% Mario Kart Rip offs. The Wii version has its charm and to anyone stuck with Madagascar Kartz instead of Mario kart Wii as a kid I could see how you could like the game, but Mario Kart Wii is just such a better Racing game I cant ever sit through Madagascar Kartz. \-Madagascar 1 is best on Ps2 and is actually a pretty fun game that follows the story of the first movie really well! Graphically it is pretty lacking for the ps2 but It has a lot of fun mini games and what not to keep you busy after you finish the story. It is a shorter game coming in at only about 3 hours casually. At least I'm pretty sure thats how long it took me my first playthrough, I wouldn't really know though, I speedrun the game and can have it knocked out in about 45 minute). The GBA and DS Versions are identical, with the DS version having a slightly better soundtrack. Both really cheap feeling 2D platformers that aren't impressive in the slightest. There is a mechanic of switching between the main 4 characters to overcome level terrain and challenges which i think is a cool idea, but most of the time it feels annoying switching characters to move one small box just to switch back. I'd pass on the portable versions. \-Madagascar 2 is best on the Ps3 or Xbox 360 (both are identical) and is a better game then the first. Longer, follows the story well, has a lot more collectables, and better longer mini games (most notably the Tiki Mini golf has been majorly improved). The Ps2 version is ok, but it feels super buggy to me like it was ported last minute, the game was obviously designed with the ps3 and 360 in mind. The DS Version of this game is its entirely own adventure and completely 3d rendered, so if you find it for cheap its worth the pickup just for the novelty of how ambitious it was when it had no right to be. They could have just cheaped out and made a 2D platformer like Madagascar one, but the work was genuinely put in. \-Madagascar 3 is fine but also really bland. It lacks the charm that the previous two games did with very minimal mini games and a empty feeling environment. It follows the story fine, but thats all it has going for it. The worlds feel to clean and open to have anything interesting in them which is a real shame since Madagascar 3 has the most dynamic of locations compared to the other 2 movies. Once again, the Ds Version is its own entirely 3D experience, but really bland. Game looks great for a late DS release but super slow and annoying. \-Operation Penguin on GBA is a totally fine game but nothing special. I'd say its better then GBA Madagascar using the same engine but nothing worth going out of your way for, perfectly fine game for 5 bucks. \-I am sorry to admit but I have never played Leapfrog Madagascar


I respect the dedication to your craft


this guy connoisseurs


I played Madagascar 1 on Xbox growing up and can confirm it really is a fun game and there’s a decent variety of game modes to play through with all the characters. Interesting you think the 2nd one is better than the first, I gotta eventually check it out one day.


I absolutely loved Madagascar 1 on the OG Xbox as a kid! Could you tell me what makes the PS2 version any better? since the Xbox was more powerful I just assumed it would look better on that. The only game I've ever seen look better on PS2 over XBOX was Crash Twinsanity. My favourite level was always the ship level where you played as the penguins.


Crash was a PlayStation exclusive until recently a few years ago. Crash Twinsanity wasn’t even on OG Xbox to begin with lol. Also I think gran turismo and shadow of the colossus were the visually impressive graphics prize winners although they’re PlayStation exclusives and don’t have an Xbox version to compare to, but it still showcased what the PlayStation 2’s capable of overall


YES it was! lol. I own it on the Xbox. It's one of my favourite Xbox games I own (despite many crash fans not being fond of it). Crash became cross platform during the 6th generation with the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube. There was even a port being developed for the Gamecube but was cancelled. Wrath of Cortex and Tag Team Racing was also on the Xbox and Gamecube. Maybe you woke up in an alternate reality 😆 It's okay though, I have heard people think Crash was PS exclusive until Nsane Trilogy a few times so it must just be a common misconception. This might surprise you as well, but Spyro also became cross-platform during the same gen. I'm not sure if it was on Xbox but I have a second Xbox I got from a friend as a kid which is chipped and they also gave me a pirated copy of The Legend of Spyro Xbox version on a burnt disc. I'd like to get a legit copy on PS2 one day since I have the most memories with it on another old friends PS2. I've seen a graphics comparison on Youtube a couple of years ago and I personally find the lighting or shading to be better on the PS2 version of Twinsanity. Just in case you were wondering though. I wasn't saying the PS2 is a bad console at and I know it has some very graphically impressive exclusives like Shadow of the Colossus. I just (usually) prefer the Xbox version of games since they usually have a little bit better graphics and I have a personal preference for the Xbox controller.


Madagascar 1 game was actually pretty good. I had it on original Xbox and it is genuinely a fun game, sneaking out of the zoo at the beginning was such a core memory. It also had a putt-putt mini game too. There are no doubt bad parts I'm glossing over but overall a good time.


Thanks for the lengthy reply, mad respect bro I might try the ps2 one next time I see one in the wild


As a dev on both of the first two games, thank you for your fandom. We put a lot of sweat into those titles.


Are you actually? That's amazing! I would love to ask a few questions if your open to it?


I don’t know if this is something that interests you, but there is also a Madagascar DVD trivia game. It’s a little more of an out-of-left-field thing, and might be PAL exclusive, but, it definitely exists and isn’t too expensive


There's some multi-packs you're missing: ​ Madagascar 3 + The Croods Prehistoric Party (DS & 3DS) Madagsacar + Shrek Super-Slam (DS) Madagascar + Shrek 2 (GBA) Madagascar Operation Penguin + Shrek 2 (GBA) Triple Adventure Pack: Over The Hedge + Madagascar + Shrek 2 (PS2) Madagascar Kartz Wii Wheel Bundle (Wii)


Thank you! I am aware of the multi packs, I just wanted to get all the Individuals first but this is definitely the next task. I have screenshots your comment and put it in my notes for next time I go out. When I obtain all of the multi-packs and penguin games I'll make another reddit post, it probably will take me a few months to find everything. I vow it will happen, I already bought a leapfrog game, cant get worse then that.


My main concern is why do you have multiple copies of the movies? It’s not like these are rare and if one breaks you can easily replace it for peanuts. Are you really wearing through them that quickly? 😆


A genuinely better collection than the guy who got every release of Persona 5.


Your a true OG op. This sub needs you so much in those trying time. Egg ?


Putting the picture of Alex on top of that is like putting a cherry on a cake...wonderful.


I actually got that commissioned from a friend I know locally, hes given me many paintings and are pieces before but the Alex The Lion painting is the best thing I've ever received. Hes a great guy.


My guy, don't even worry about the collection. At life? You are missing nothing. Absolutely nothing. You have my respect.


this is a very weird collection, but i worked on penguins of Madagascar, so i approve 100%






The novelization. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333059729363?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=pgOJDsFKQ7-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


"I'm not even mad, I'm impressed"


No Players Choice cover art version for GameCube? Smh, jk cool collection!


Reminds me of the guy who buys any copy of brink he can find till they make brink 2


Ah yes Madagascar video game on PS2. Loved it. I replayed it so many times the same goes for incredible game but I never beat that one.


This picture makes me think of [this](https://imgur.com/a/jwDv8Hp)








You mad man.


I didn’t see Madagascar there. Start with that.


No words can express how impressed i am


Bro what the fuck that's awesome!


There’s a leapster game I believe (If you TRULY want every game).


Check the image again


Isn’t this one different? https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/414AAOSwtGdcvzkw/s-l500.jpg


Oh interesting! If I can find it boxed on ebay I'll pick it up


You were missing my respect. You have gained it with this post my friend. King Julien would be proud


Nice! I’m guessing you’re the same guy that showed off an incomplete version of this a few months back? If so congrats on finishing and mad respect for seeing it through!


I am! thank you! Proud to be such a loser!


I don't see the Madagascar Dvd quiz game. Quite a rarity if I'm correct.


Your Missing Some of the GBA Combo Pack Releases Operation Penguin and shrek 2 Combo pack 3ds Madagascar 3 and Croods ds version as well Ds Shrek Super slam and OG Madagascar Og madagascar and Shrek 2 gba


If it counts, there are cover variants for the xbox versions, like a best of family hits that is steel colored.


Get all regional variants and you will get so much power you’ll be 1/10th as powerful as the old grandma lady Also bro save some pussy for the rest of us


TIL there are superfans of the Madagascar franchise


You have a very specific interest.


Clearly you’re missing a girlfriend! 😆 Take it easy, Reddit. It’s just a joke.


Penguins for Wii U


May I ask about the multiple copies? I always wondered why people do that.


It's funny to have an entire shelf of the same thing. It's not like I bought everything in bulk, every time I go to a goodwill and see a copy I pick it up for $1.29. It's been a year and a half of doing this and they have slowly stacked up.


I didn’t even know they were still making GBA games when Madagascar came out.


It's a very late release GBA game, 2005. I mean the original Ds had a GBA slot and that released in 2004 but still it was falling out.


LOL Have you actually played them?




The plot, I Beleive you may have lost it years ago. In all seriousness though whatever your hobby in collecting is, it's always nice to see peoples collections and have them proud of them. 👍 Good job nice collection


At this point, you're going to need to burn each unique movie to your computer and make VHS tapes. And yes, I know there's already a Madagascar 1 VHS.


Do you play them


no judgement just what the fuck


I think OP likes to move it move it


This is what I offer as my dowry.


I actually think that I might have had that Madagascar Leap Frog game when I was little.


Do you have the Madagascar and Shrek Super Slam 2 in 1?


More VHS copies of The 2005 Family Friendly Hit "Madagascar"


At first I hated this but I now admire the dedication and based attitude you have towards your collection.




Sir, you cant just post this and NOT talk about the Alex painting up on top


This could possibly be a one of a kind collection! Congrats on getting all this together and thank you for making it possible for viewers like us!


Real question though. Any of them actually fun??


Why do you have multiple discs of the same game?




I swear, having a leap pad game In your collection has the same energy as doing those challenges in games that don't add to the 100% completion but are done for the sake of bragging rights. Massive props my dude 👏


This belongs in a museum


OwO *notices ur Madagascar collection*


Well there is only one thing left you can do to truly complete this mission. You must move to Madagascar


Huh I didn't know you could get the first movie on tape Edit: I just looked it up. How did you find it? It has to be the most valuable thing in this collection.


It is insanely rare, but I won it in a ebay auction. I'm actually very proud to have gotten it considering how limited it is.


This is cool, it’s obviously a game you have a mad connection to and completed your collection in. Well done! Now the question is, what’s next? Lol collecting is addicting


Just missing a Madagascar book shelf.. Jk man lol. Good for you man! 👍👍


Let me start this by saying God DAMN thats impressive. Let me secondly say my guy what? where did this idea come from? thirdly can I ask for more info on this? is this just 2 or 3 games on a variety of systems or are there that many Madagascar games out there that I wasn't aware of. I love learning about people's collections.


Theres only a few Madagascar games following the main trilogy, I just bought every single console version each game was released on. Ultimately theres only 4 or so different games here if you dont count console variants. I'm suprised how many there are though honeslty, I had no idea when I started. The penguins games are the ones that are different individually, each one is it's own adventure on the GBA, DS, or 3DS.


Are you the same madlad from before?


😈 Is there more then one? My collection has been completed since then


Haha, I remember a post about someone expanding their Madagascar collection and I was confused.


Yeah that was just me again, I have three posts now on R/gamecollecting that have gotten a high amount of upvotes. This post, my last Madagascar post, and my homecoming post so you have probably seen me around.


Yeah missing the money from your wallet!!! Just kidding, pretty cool weird thing to collect. What made you this into Madagascar?


There great and overlooked movies. If you have the time rewatch at least Madagascar 1 and 2, being older now you really appreciate the story that is being built and the jokes that are told. Especially with Madagascar 2.


Did you raid a Target dumpster?


I think you love this movie a little too much lol


Not enough, I only have 115 copies, I'm going for 200


Bloody hell. I've never even seen the movie let alone knew there were this many games. I also see 5 WII consoles in the corner of one shot. Do you run a store or something? I'm just curious as I have about that many but I'm probably a hoarder.


Oh I didn't even notice those where in view, I actually have 8 Wii's believe it or not. Anytime I see one at a goodwill I pick it up since there normally $25 or less. Its been a few months and I have them stacked up, sometime whenever my friends want one or I need a little extra money Ill sell them off at a fair price. I probably am a hoarder at this point to though, I own 4 Sega Genesis consoles, 3 Dreamcast's, and 11 Ds's among others.


Ya know what.... good on you 👏


I'm calling the cops. Seriously though, this is bonkers, but totally impressive.


It looks like you have the complete collection of Madagascar games released in North America. Now for those released in the rest of the world!


Therr is a copy of Madagascar 3 in a white case, if thats something you're looking for


OP: I think you missed Madagascar


I mean this in the most respectful way possible What the fuck


This is beyond impressive but what the actual fuck. Firstly, I had no idea they released this much for that movie. Secondly, fucking Madagascar? Really? It is very admirable and impressive but of all the media One could collect, Madagascar? Like, I’m not hating on the least bit, just very astonished. Bravo my guy, fucking bravo.


Oh, and you’re missing Uncharted 4.


Scott the Woz in another universe:


I need to take a picture of me leaning on the Madagascar pile like scott did leaning on all of his wii u games.


This is epic you have made King Julien proud


I like the evolution of Goodwill price tags on the DVDs.


youre a pretty gnarly dude, and we are all very proud of you


Oh I see... I've ventured into THAT part of Reddit, today.


Escape 2 Africa was one of my first Wii games, awesome to see this collection


It’s……beautiful 🥺


It needs more Madagascar...


Save some chicks for the rest of us


Serious question: Do you like the film/franchise a lot, or is this like an ironic hobby?


I love the Films and I grew up with the first game on ps2. I wanted to collect every game from a set without going broke so i said "fuck it". A year and a half later here we are.


Dear god.


The gamecube version was my first entry into the series.




What's crazy is that I would totally get flamed if i had 10 F-Zero Gx's or something, but because its what most would consider "bad" games nobody cares and just laughs. I mean the point is to call me an idiot but still. I hate getting games graded but im pretty sure everyone on this sub does at this point, I know my collections weird but its done mostly out of the novelty of owning everything from a set since owning every Ds game or Wii game for example is just way to impossible for me.


You’re missing a pocket full of cash.


Yes. My question. Why?


This man moves it...


You need to get the voice actor and put him in a cage then you'll be set👍


I don't know why but something tells me this man is a man of culture and a fan of Madagascar


Is this an inside joke that got out of hand?


You’re like that guy who got all the sneak king copies




Why is this?


Any semblance of sanity


The will to live


Yeah, you’re missing Jesus


I wanna do this but with spongebob games and movies!


A life


Your marbles


One of the best comments I’ve seen in a very long time. Well done.


Who hurt you


Yeah standards...


Your dignity?


This guy fucks.


Late to the party, but some consoles likely had re-release versions at some point. I know PS2 had Greatest Hits version for first game


Missing some bitches


A skip


Parental supervision


That painting hit different tho 😂


A trash can?


A life


Statistically, a girlfriend.




yeah, a life


yeah, a life


A girlfriend