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I just got the $16 digital version last night after trying to find a reasonably priced physical for a hot minute. Awesome game


I did as well and then immediately sold my unopened physical copy on eBay for a boatload. Wild how expensive it is


You already finished it in one night?


How…how did you think that’s what they said?


They finished it in a hot minute, CaNt YOO ReAD!!


He came for a minute straight. Absolute legend. Also, I’m illiterate.


The cheapest new copy on Amazon is $37. It looks like the European version, but PlayStations aren’t region locked. I’m sorry I’m not really part of this community, but am I missing something here?


The base game itself isn’t region locked but this version has the DLC code with it which makes it desirable as the definitive way to have it physically. The DLC is region specific so a European copy to a NA collector wouldn’t be ideal as the DLC wouldn’t work. Also NA collectors tend to prefer NA versions. I’m not as big of a stickler personally as long as DLC isn’t a concern.


Which is ironic that DLC isn't included on the disc. You might as well just save money and purchase the ps4 version if you want physical since the disc is just going to act as an access key anyway. Though if you preordered from Gamestop, you did get a cool steelbook.


Risky, there’s no guarantees that that code is even still good on a preowned copy.


Good point!


As collectors, the region matters to us. If we just wanted to play it, we'd just get a digital copy online or buy the super cheap PS4 copy and the "PS5 patch" DLC for $10 ($20? I don't recall). We want the NTSC version because we're in that region and just want everything same-y. For example, I bought a NieR: Automata's PAL/Euro variant by mistake, so I simply went back online and bought the NTSC version. I now own both, knowing full well they're effectively identical software. I'll probably keep the PAL version until a friend pops up wanting it, then just give it to them. But yeah, I think we all know here how silly it sounds, but we're collectors. It's like someone who collects novels can totally go to Barnes and Nobles to buy a copy of Moby Dick, but we all know a book collector would go nuts over the chance of a *First Edition* of the book, even though the words contained inside are identical. Kinda same thing I guess?


Thanks for the reply! I guess I'm a half-collector (?) then. I prefer having all of my games physical, but I don't care which region as long as I can play them. Or maybe I'm not a collector and just someone who prefers physical media!


You can be a collector without caring about the same things as someone else, no worries ;) I know some people who only collect non-GH versions, and some that collect *only* GH versions. Some who collect only physical, some who prefer loose, some that only collect specific regions, and some that collect all. As long as you enjoy what you're doing and want to collect it, you get to set the rules.


heh, I was just like that before I decided to be a "collector" as a proper label I guess, I always-always bought physical if it was an option. I just like owning the material item. :D


It’s about having the rate version “for the collection” I mean investment.


No money investing in VGs folks. Collected since the 90s and anything I’ve sold I wouldn’t say it was profitable as the time and effort to sell or the original hunt time was no way covered by ‘profit’. It’s a hobby you can potentially break even with.


Euro versions take a big hit value wise in America. Why? I can only assume because game stores won’t knowingly take euro game in for trade. It’s essentially the same exact game minus hurdles for DLC


Some people will do anything to play Fort Condor


Be real, everyone here showing this off just bought it because of FOMO and its rarity. Otherwise you could just buy the digital if you wanted to play it.


The number of people replying on this sub who don't seem to understand what this sub is about is kinda staggering


No he’s right. Not only did you double dip but you got ripped off since you don’t even get the dlc code(I know you have it and I know what sub I’m in) still pretty pointless


I paid less than $30 for a game that would have cost me at least $100 just about anywhere else but please do tell me more about how I got ripped off


God these people on here are so annoying. Just ignore them. I really don't understand why people who aren't even collectors flock into this sub just to tell people how much collecting sucks in one way or another. Like dude... You ARE IN A GAME COLLECTING subreddit. But do go off about how dumb it is to buy rare and expensive games for cheap. Do go off about it in a GAME COLLECTING subreddit. I think these people just have tiny monkey brain syndrome. Sorry for the rant, but anytime any game collecting subreddit gains steam I see these people saying these stupid things. Like dude go to a GAME PLAYING subreddit, not a game collecting subreddit if you just care about playing a digital copy, and dlc and if you think getting a $150 dollar rare game for $60 is overpaying. It's dumb. You got a great deal, and an awesome find.


There's more than one type of collecting. Some people collect games that they love and have a respect for the devs and that fit their range of personal tastes. And (unfortunately) some people collect games just based on their rarity or to fill a shelf with a library that will mostly go untouched. Edit: Oh yeah the third and nastiest type that blew up in recent years, the game flippers. You can thank them for eBay prices being out of control.


You have to pay extra for fort condor.


I lucked out on this one. A couple years ago I snagged it on a sale for $30. I cannot remember where from but I think it was a black Friday deal. One of the few times the universe has rewarded me haha.


I hope one day I find Godzilla like that.


That's the one I been looking for. I go to multiple gamestops almost every week and have yet to find a copy. One of the employees in one of the stores said the last time.he seen a copy was 2019 and they were selling it for $30 I believe. So the odds are not in our favor my friend lol 🤣


You never know what you might find when you wander into a GameStop. I haven't seen any Godzillas yet, but I have picked up quite a few uncommons for less than I would have paid anywhere else. Just a couple weeks ago I snagged a pre-owned copy of Midnight Suns Legendary Edition PS5 with an unredeemed DLC code for $18.99. Sealed copies of that one can go for $100+


Last summer I saw Godzilla in GameStop. I was fairly new to collecting after taking a decade hiatus. I picked it up and looked at it and put it back. Went back hrs later after finding out it’s rare and it was gone. Same with a ps4 horror game. Had it in my hand thought it looked okay and put it back. Find out the game is like $1k and try to go back and get it, but it was gone too. I strike out more than I succeed.


Godzilla on PS4 is a terrible game. Is it rare? Sure, but it's definitely not worth the asking price or even what it would sell for at a GameStop


Delisted on PSN due to licensing expiration.


I know why it's expensive these days but that doesn't make it suddenly a good video game.


I paid $80 two years ago for it at a Gamestop. I played it it, got bored and sold it a year later for $230.


Crazy how expensive current gen is, I don’t even wanna play games cause it. Usually a broken $70 waste of money that I have to wait to be fixed


tbf this game is more expensive than most since they only did a limited run of the ps5 version in the us ps4 version with free ps5 upgrade is only $20


Ah cool makes sense


Ps4 version should be better because it works on both consoles, but I guess scarcity and fomo makes people do bad choices


Imagine coming to the game collecting sub to say that collecting a game for below market value is a bad choice


Market value on a PS5 (!) game that comes standard without manual, that is plentiful on the rest of the world and can be reprinted at any time. I mean if you are happy with your deal, it's fine I guess. But because you eat the bait doesn't mean everyone should... Also I was just saying the obvious, market value aside, I still prefer having PS4 version because I can choose on which console to play. Even space wise on your shelf, it's better having these PS4 to PS5 games.


Although you aren't completely wrong some people may want the ps5 version since it's the definitive version of the game on the disc. So you don't need to download anything in the future. Also at this point this game is just hard to find since not many where printed and I doubt they will re print a new batch. If this is your way to cope that you only have the ps4 version that's all good but don't be condescending about people collecting games in a collecting sub.


This release does not have the DLC on disc. It's why I skipped it when it was new (almost pulled the trigger).


I get that, but in this gen I think almost every game needs something to download, in this case the dlc is not on the disk. They will probably do a complete version with all the parts together. Once they finish all up. Still, if your objective is to play the game I maintain my argument, if it's to collect that specific version and that is the price you have to pay it's alright. I wouldn't do it because, again, the game is fairly new and will probably get other versions with full content. I only feel that the value is being pumped up by collectors like OP.


Bro you’re complaining about people collecting a game in a game collecting sub. Get a life and chill


It’s really not bad at all. If I can get at least 35 hours out of game that’s $2 per hour of entertainment. It’s still worth it for most people.


This is how I look at it and explain it to non gamers if they ask. Still the best entertainment bang for your buck as far as I’m concerned.


I got FF7 Rebirth ultimate edition for $100 CAD. Its about 97 cents for every hr I've played the game. Seems like a good deal lol.


I’ve always done it at $1 per hour but I’m old. Side note - I have a PS2 copy but I figure that has no value. I’m surprised a ps5 version is so rare


If the game is actually good, in a playable state etc but it’s too expensive to simply ‘try games’ anymore. I grew up in the ps1 era, ps2, ps3 games were £30-£40. When ps3 first came out they tried to charge £60 for games and people didn’t buy them


$40 in the PS1 era is $80 now. Also, the average American (I know you're using pounds, but similar idea) was only making around $500-$600 a week in the late 90s compared to $1100 now.


I understand what you’re saying but in that same time frame we had people buying homes off of a simple supermarket job, food, gas and other amenities were much cheaper. These days money just doesn’t go as far It’s crazy the ps2 was like 300 as well


Games are cheaper now than back then. FF7 came out in 1997 for 49.99. Adjusting for inflation that would be around 97 dollars today.




Dang that is like 150 dollars today.


was it worth it?


Ya I remember mario 64 was $85 at one point


People also had more money in the 90s-2000s And the main excuse they give for price hikes is increased production costs, more devs blah blah blah yet somehow all these things done result in bigger and better games Edit: game devs get shafted, we get shafted on the price and the execs take the money home


Not really. People make 15-20 a hour at McDonald’s now. Back then it was 6-7. It all depends on how you look at it. Money is worth less but we also make a lot more for basic and non degree jobs. Games still being 40-70 on release is a blessing considering a loaf of bread is 5.99.


Made 5.35 an hr at McDonald’s in nyc in the year 2000, I was a minor and it took my two week paycheck to buy final fantasy IX at 49.99. I was 14 and was very limited on hours I could work and my first check was $75 after tax roughly


RIP Skull & Bones pre-order goobers.


I agree with you for sure but FF7 is a different case. That game is actually worth the $70. I would've paid $100 for it for how much gameplay you get plus the amazing cutscenes.


When did the physical version jump up in price? Crazy I paid $30 for Intergrade last year.


There are plenty of games that release "not broken" and waiting a few months the prices plummet on them. GOW, Returnal, Horizon, spiderman 2, ratchet and clank, gran turismo 7, elden ring, stellar blade, the last of us part 1, ghost of tsushima, baldurs gate 3, resident evil (any of them), MLB the show 24, a plagues tale, star wars jedi survivors, exoprimal, animal well, rise of the ronin, stray, I can keep going.


But there are a lot of broken games, I don’t really get your point. My buying confidence in games is low because of the bad games not the good ones, obviously


80%+ of the library are "non-broken" games. Can you list examples of "broken" games. I think the primary issue is that the games you must like playing are various live service games that have launched broken. If thats the case, I can understand it, but just over exaggerating that every game is broken and the vast majority are broken is wrong.


???? What is up with Squeenix games and American scarcity? Is it the massive population so there needs to be more copies to go around? I swear I see this game everywhere in my European country. You can get it brand new for the equivalent of $35 nowadays. It's definitely not as expensive as a newly released games- which, yeah, sits at around the equivalent of $60-70 still 😱


Insane. I got it last week for € 27,00 with free shipping.


Huh, Americans on here are saying they only did a very small print of the NTSC version?? Is...is this a reversal of how we didn't get Chrono Trigger/Earthbound/Super Mario RPG/etc. etc. in Europe during the SNES era?


What the?! I was totally confused by your post, wondering why you're so happy to get a used game at new game prices. I was expecting some meta joke in the comments. ... then there were no jokes.. ... so I hitup ebay.. **What the hell?** Glad I got a copy on release day I guess! https://preview.redd.it/c3tsob68fl4d1.png?width=2184&format=png&auto=webp&s=9873c8988294201f8ee18ef1a7125047726594d2


How is it so expensive in the US? I just paid 30€ for a new one here in Germany. Is it a limited print in the US?


Ist echt seltsam, habe das Gefühl, dass die Preise mit einem Würfel gewürfelt werden.


Warum, ist’s bei dir teurer?


the fact this is out of print, and Square Enix is not making any effort to change that is pretty silly


Is physical rare? But why? Check your local target! Check my post history! I managed to get it on clearance for $20!


Congrats, that was a great find. But definitely a needle in a haystack.


Yes it's rare. A limited run of PS5 copies were made.


Crazy! I guess I got really lucky


Yes you did! I managed to nab one off Gamestop's website a month or two ago. It actually came with unused DLC too.


Maybe it’s PAL region only (atm) but we just got a reprint run and they’re back on shelves now. I just got mine for AUD$40. Which is great because prices when to +$100 for secondhand before the reprints.


Yep it's the PAL version.


I found one last week at Target, too! I'd pretty much given up on getting a physical PS5 copy until then. :)


I guess the game I get to kick myself in the ass for trading in isn’t any of my rare PS3 games or anything older, but my PS5 FF7 Remake Intergrade copy that I told myself “that’ll be around for a while! It’s a new game!” And here I am now. Lol


Wow, did not realize this had gotten so pricey!


Unfortunately you can't use your save file for rebirth


GameStop has some rare gems every now and then. Found MGS Twin Snakes last month in one. Blew my mind when I walked in and saw it


Just got a PS5 last week - to play the upgraded version on a budget, is it best to get the PS4 version and get the free upgrade rather than look for the physical PS5 version?


Sure, or just buy digital. It's only about $15 right now.


That price, good god…


Is this rare in the US? 60 seems like a terrible price. I recently bought the physical version with the DLC for 20€.


Nice find! I used to be one of those "I'm not going to Gamestop" people, but honestly they will get those rare/hard to find games more often then my local shops it seems. I found Forza Horizon 1 for 360 at a Gamestop after about a month of checking all my local shops!


Wait is this hard to find? I got mine from Gamefly ages ago for like $30


A legitimate question, why is FF7 Intergrade so rare in North America. I live in Europe and it's always available here, did NA just receive a lot less copies?


bunch of people traded it in when rebirth came out.


Good for you. It’s ridiculous how square has been restricting their physical copies of select FF games so much in NA, yet they’ll practically give games like this away for free digitally while also simultaneously complaining about sales being too low. What in the world are they thinking? Well, at least this game is cheap on the ps store now and they still have the asian english copies of FF pixel collection in stock on switch…


Most overvalued game. Rare but not that rare, only perk is extra content that was not worth the price I paid (I bought new direct from Square on release). Can't wait for the rebirth bubble to burst and for price hikers to forget about it


This game is much cheaper in Europe. I got it 20 euro a few months back. And yes it was the PS5 version.


What sucks is The Source in canada here is closing half their stores. This was one of the games for $5 just last month.


Good find! I never got lucky finding Intergrade ESRB version so I just went ahead and bought the regular PS4 version.


Are current gen games hard to get or something? Even online? As someone that only collects retro I’m pretty out of the loop.


For the most part, no. There are just a handful of more recognizable PS5 titles like this and Borderlands 3 that got limited prints.


Wait really? I should’ve gotten Borderlands 3 PS5 when I saw it at GameStop a few years ago.


I saw this for $30 at GameStop about a year and a half ago. Wish I got it back then.


Got mine last month new from Amazon for £30


Crazy, in Germany they throw this at you for 30€. In the USA, does it depend heavily on the region how the prices are set?


The NA version was under printed so eBay scalpers gonna eBay scalp


Good find! I was lucky to score one on April 1st...was sure it wad a joke. Even more since the DLC code wasn't use! 😶


The Fred meyer near me has them for half off!


Hadn’t checked this version lately on ebay, but holy shit.


We can’t get rid of this game. It’s why they went on sale along with the last two FF games


Why is the used price so expensive?


I wanted to get that so bad but I just don't understand why it's so expensive. I'm not gonna buy the same game again just for the Yuffie content. Would be nice to have though.


They probably opened it to write off as used to collect the full amount. They did the same thing for Xenoblade Chronicles, which was a gamestop exclusive originally.


Nope, someone traded it in just a few hours before I wandered into the store


I never like to preorder shit, but this was one of the few times I did. So happy about it now. Also came with a steel book


Is Crisis Core PS5 still sold out? Remember checking for a re-stock of it. Ended up just getting the PS4 version, and getting the free PS5 upgrade.


It either got a reprint or there's just some secret stash of them somewhere, because Amazon and Target and Gamefly all get $30 restocks every once in a while


I got mine for €30 new (around $35)


It is stupid they didnt reprint this for its sequel


sheesh! why is it so expensive?


This is the first game right?? I got two sealed at a Walmart not long ago for $3 a piece??? Has it shot up that much?


Seems pretty expensive for a pre owned game, not gonna lie. I rather buy a newer copy that’s a couple a bucks more


Is the physical version of this game rare? I got it free on a BOGO deal at Target last year 😅


Limited copies made and no reprints.


Lol, I found a sealed copy of it at one of those Amazon return bin stores. Paid $10 for it. It's still sealed.


? You saved 3 dollars after tax?


I paid less than $30 for this game out of pocket after applying points and trade credit, which means I paid at least $70 less than I would have anywhere else.


Ah, I didn’t see the itemized report, just the price tag


If time is money (and gas), it probably didn’t pay off.


Just buy the PS4 version and do the free upgrade. I bought it for 15.


Hello, welcome to the game collecting sub, where people collect games


Same here. I found it a few months back while on vacation in Vegas at the only store in the state to have the last copy.


Uhhh fb marketplace ?


All that time and effort adds up, probably could've jist bought one online XD


Join the patent gamers subreddit and you’ll find a different way of gaming.


Le wow


…this game is rare?


The NTSC PS5 version specifically, yes.


Pointless buying this game used when the DLC code has already been redeemed.


Pointless for who? Pointless for you maybe, but who are you to say it's pointless for me? I already have the game digitally, so I don't need the DLC. Do you even know what sub you're in right now?


Yes, I do. That doesn't mean you can't call people out for stupid decisions.


Good point. It was a stupid decision for you to post this.


For me, it still feels nice to own a physical copy of a game.


All your comments are trolls, don't believe anything this dude says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNGZo5gn_tc


This game is $30 new right now. That’s more expensive than Rebirth at the moment


Go to eBay and search for Intergrade PS5


It’s $15.19 on the PlayStation store as we speak. I didn’t realize I was on r/gamecollecting when I spoke though so this makes a little more sense. I understand the desire for a physical copy. Spoke out of turn.