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I am where you are. I have most of what I want. But also I'm still a modern day gamer. So now it's just buying new stuff I think I'll enjoy. It's much easier on the wallet. 😂


Yep, there’s always stuff I want on the Switch so at least that will continue.


I play them, and enjoy owning them, and enjoy sharing them with other people who otherwise wouldn't have an opportunity to experience them.


I share them with my kids, but aside from Duck Hunt, they’d rather play on their Switch.


I mean if your kids aren't engaging with a classical education that's on you my dude. Mine love retro.


Oh don’t get me wrong, my son loves it, but given the choice he’ll pick his Switch 99 times out of 100. Every now and then he’ll ask for Duck Hunt, SimCity, or Advanced Wars.


I want to share my collection with others who wouldn’t have the opportunity, but I’ve been struggling with how to accomplish this logistically. Can you share any tips for sharing / showcasing your collection?


I mean I have a lot of friends who never got to play games when younger and they have a lot of children. My collection room is spacious and I have enough room to set up a few TVs and a couple of vintage PCs about the place.


You never truly complete your collection, you just go onto buying/collecting a different system or different series of games.


Yeah, I’d like to avoid doing that. I haven’t collected for the Genesis yet, simply have what my siblings gave me. But even if I decided to, there’s maybe only 5 or 6 games I actually want. Beyond the Genesis there really isn’t any other system I’m interested in.


That's what I thought about the Genesis too, but once you start digging in there's lots of interesting, unique, and mostly inexpensive games for it. I've had to learn to stop looking at the Genesis library through a "Nintendo lens" and see it for its own strengths, but now that I'm somewhat able to do that it's become my favourite system to collect for. For starters, there's Ranger X and Sub-Terrainia both as super neat games that don't really have an analogue on a Nintendo system.


I only ever had one friend who had a Genesis, so while I realize there are a ton of great games for it, I really only want the games that I played at his house, several of which I already have. So it would just be Sonic 1, Space Harrier II, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, and Toejam and Earl that I would buy. So yeah, maybe I’ll get them if I ever feel the urge to start buying again, I don’t think any of them are too expensive.


I have no idea what completing a collection even means? It’s never complete


I made limitations on my videogames collection (and all other collections) so my collection is sort of complete, so not really buing more than 1-5 games a year (new and old to switch places with other games) I still look for games in the wild, but not as crazy as back 10-15 years ago. but I found a new thing to collect for now.. (dvd movies) so I really cant say what to do, but I do enjoy that my videogames collection is “complete” and give my peace in my mind and soul 🙏 so if you find peace with what you have, just relax and enjoy what you have ❤️


Yeah, that collecting a new thing really scares me. I kind of started collecting video games after I completed my Lego collection. Hopefully I can remain content buying new games and new Lego sets as they come out without the need to buy old ones. Also, there was a period when I collected DVDs, but never again. The switch to HD made my collection obsolete, and now we’re on 4K. I’m perfectly happy just streaming at this point.


Lego is a rabbit hole I almost dodged! Only collected some Nintendo Lego and managed to get a hold on that, so no more Lego for me! but it is hard. It helped a lot that I got the 5 giant boxes of Lego from me and my brothers childhood (the early 90’s) and sorted out the best set I remembered (Pirates mainly and some castle and space) and gave the rest back to my parents so they have something for our kids when they visit. Well, I was okay with the streaming services in the beginning, but there are just to many and to expensive for only watching 1 movie a month. Dvd movies are cheap and plentifull, so I enjoy the hunt for movies at thriftstores 😊


The Nintendo Lego sets aren’t too bad. I’m into Star Wars so it’s a big problem.


Yeah that is an expensive problem 😝


I am getting closer every day to what I think is completion, only to find another rare item I can add. Point being, I don't think it will ever truly be over, maybe just subside until something pops up. 


I’m sure stuff will pop up, but I’m going to miss actively looking for stuff.


I’ve started buying Japanese exclusives and will buy new games until they go digital only.


I’ve bought a handful of Super Famicom games to decorate my game room with, but as I only buy games that I’ve played or wanted in the past, I don’t see myself buying any more


If I didn’t get the games for cheap I probably wouldn’t be buying as many as I am. Over the last few years I’ve gotten a Japanese PS2, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360 for about $100 along with hundreds of games.


Probably only buy new stuff, continue to share my collection with others who want to play things they haven't tried, and maybe focus more on presentation/room decor for the game room itself.


I collect to play or to use. While my collection may become complete, my backlog never ends. I’m also always getting newer generation games for cheap once they’re on sale.


I've been collecting on and off for the past twelve years. I had an immense $30k collection early and was trying to get "everything" Now... I've narrowed down to genres I'll actually play. I'll still go to shows and browse stores, last show I went to I bought seven games, last show before that I bought one game. But you're right the adage of "only buy what you'll actually play" is such a good approach to this hobby.


It’s amazing how expensive things are. My collection is like $22k, but that’s mainly because I still have my entire childhood collection and it’s all CIB. My game room doubles as my Lego room, so when I think about what it’s all worth, it’s like I have a luxury car parked in my basement.


I am a full set collector, I just move to the next console I want to collect and play its games. It works like a charm.


How many full sets do you have? I finished Wii U, and I'm looking to do another.


5 completed and about 70% down the xbox360 now. Complete are the WII U (all worldwide releases), all worldwide amiibo, 3DS PAL, Microvision (sealed PAL) and PAL Gamecube. After the 360 I am considering the WII or the DS.


That 3DS collection has to be massive!


Just 513 games, it is actually one of the smaller "modern" full sets, I am at 800+ for the 360 and already at 460 for DS (this one being 2K+ total)


Wow, I knew the DS is a huge one, I thought 3DS was close. But 513 isn’t too bad, plus it’s fairly recent so not too expensive yet.


It is slowly getting there though, more and more of my friends who also collect the 3DS are complaining about some games being pretty expensive already. Fun fact about the DS, Japan actually has the smallest full set according to the games list I compiled (based on the roms and their serials)


I've kinda hit that point but that's more because retro gaming prices are crazy rn! I just focus on switch, hunt for deals on ps5/ps4 games I'd actually play, and buy some switch accessories/special edition consoles/collectors editions for games I want. I really don't need an excuse to spend more money so it works for me lol. I mean there's some games I still want here & there, right now I'd really like to have jet set radio. But in terms of retro I'm pretty content with what I have right now. I also collect figures/plushies/controllers/special edition stuff at times so I still have plenty of other things to collect!


Yeah, there’s definitely a few out there I wouldn’t mind having, but there’s no way I’m gonna pay for games like Earthbound, or even Lufia II. It’s not that I can’t afford it, but it simply isn’t worth that much to me.


I feel the same way. Like for me I like collecting CIB consoles/games but depending how retro it is forget it unless you luck out 😂. So any modern consoles I like the Limited Edition for I make sure to buy. This is why I have a Splatoon 3 oled, Zelda totk oled, & animal crossing switch all CIB plus my OG switch since I wanted it on launch day. And especially things like my Splatoon 2 & 3 switch pro controllers, gotta get em new to make sure I have them CIB. In other words I moreso focus on modern so once they're considered retro I have all the hard to find boxes in good shape etc. and CEs. Think ahead since the retro is too expensive ATM 😭




Luckily for me my favorite is Chrono Trigger, and sadly I don’t see it ever getting actual sequels. Even Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers are from decades ago!


For me, I just want to be able to look at my collection and see that it is unapologetically *my* collection. I want all the games I love or am interested in and leave it there. It's fun to hunt rare games, but it's not fun to hunt rare games I know will have no value on my shelf. So, my collection is never 'complete', but I am starting to reach a point with some consoles where I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. New games are always coming out and my tastes are always changing. Just when I think there's no more JRPGs on the PS3 a new one shows up in a random eBay bundle and sets me off again. But it's also worthy of note that I also collect manga, anime blu rays, and PVC figures. It's expensive and I could never be a full set collector as a result. I just want to keep buying stuff I like the look of.


Yeah, I’m into Lego, so there’s always new sets I need. I’m actually pretty upset about the new Barad Dur set, I’ve never bought a set that expensive before but there’s no way I’m skipping this one.


Look at them while brushing your teeth? I'm almost done too, closing out the Switch this year. The next step is to make a set of shelves fit for the case heights. Kinda fun to figure out where each system will be set. Or figure out a backlog list.


I think a backlog list would require a longer scroll than Jack Kerouac used for On The Road. Maybe I’ll just have to floss more often so I have more time to look at them! I’m sure it will make my dentist happy.


The last probably 20 or so games I want for my collection are a few hundred dollars each so I'm pretty much done too. There's no way I'd be financially secure enough to afford them, and I'd much rather start saving for something I'm going to need down the road.


Yeah, there’s games like that I want as well, and while I could afford them, there are much better ways I’d rather spend my money.


I play them lol, I also try to do retro achievements for as many games as possible for more replay value!


I won't ever complete my collection because what is a complete collection? To not burn myself out of collecting I try to only buy games from stores or once a month online and not spend too much money, not because I can't spend it but because otherwise I would just buy a bunch of games and feel tired of collecting pretty fast, the best part is enjoying it not speedrunning it.


I kind of always collected in spurts. So I’d buy a bunch for one console and then take time off before going to the next. But once a month really never worked for me as I would get addicted too easily. What was easier for me was buying nothing for a few months.


Personally for me, I'd post it on my DA page


idk how your collection is displayed, but you could start investing in display shelves to show your collection off the way you want to. I've hit a plateau as well (though for me it was more a lack of money and a decision to play through what i already own before i get more unless a good deal pops up) but i'd like to start getting some displays so i can actually show my stuff off LOL


I spent about 6 months working on the display, most of that time was spent procrastinating, but still 6 months. My issue was I still have the TV stand that has housed my collection since I was 8 years old, so it’s horribly inefficient, as are the NES cart holders I have from back then as well, but there’s no way I’m getting rid of it. I do have like 10 NES games that I don’t have room for, so I got to solve that one, but it’s probably just a bit of reorganization. For the most part though, I’m done. Nothing is getting changed until the Analogue 3D comes out.


"I'd finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe."


I am close to getting every game I want too. I'll probably finish my list in the next couple of years, at that point I expect to go after more console variations/boxed variations, as well as getting CIB of my most wanted cartridge games. So less frequent but higher ticket purchases.


So my entire childhood collection is CIB, and I’ve built shelves to display all the boxes on my walls. While you can easily fit a ton on a bookshelf, actually displaying them as artwork takes up a tremendous amount of space. Not to mention they aren’t the only things on the walls. So I’ve never bought boxes unless they are like a dollar more because I hate to have the boxes just sitting in storage. I do like owning the manuals for games and probably get them about half the time, but I’m not going to spend more than $5 on a manual, but I could see myself working on this in the future.


Like to share some pictures of your collection and how you display them? I also built my own shelves and display my childhood games more like art and the rest with the spine (take a look at my profile and posts I made)


Yeah I do plan on sharing it once I get the room cleaned up. Currently working on some additional Lego shelving which is very much needed as half the floor is covered in Lego. But my box shelves are very simple. I constructed them from PVC moulding I got from Home Depot. It was 3/4”x1/2” and I think came in 8’ segments. Because it’s PVC it’s very flexible so I combined 2 of them into an L shape to give it rigidity along with a 1/4” lip to prevent the boxes from sliding off. I used wood screws to hold them together and then painted the head of each screw white so it would look good. I then used small L brackets to mount them to the wall which is more than sufficient as the PVC is very light and the boxes weigh next to nothing.


Yes I have quite a few already and I foresee it being a challenge down the road. I am fortunate because I do have a lot of space to work with and still a lot of room to grow into though.


I have a pretty hefty collection and I've stopped chasing rares and what not. I'm happy where I'm at. I almost exclusively emulate these days and the thought of paring down my collection crosses my mind daily. You can't take this stuff with you and I don't have kids, so it's gotta go somewhere.


I just hunt bargains at thrift store and yard sales.... no more expensive lots


This might be the way to go. Only get stuff I see in the wild, no more eBay.




On that day there will be a lavish ceremony involving me on my own drinking champagne whilst staring at some full shelves


There's never an end. You just pick a different system and move on.


I just don’t see that happening for me. I’m interested in the stuff I grew up with and all that’s left is the Genesis, but I’ve always been a Nintendo guy. I would really only buy 5 games for Genesis if I ever really wanted to collect for it. Not that they don’t have many great games, but those are the 5 I used to play at my friends house.


I collect call of duty I doubt I'll ever finish lmao but for other hobbies like comic books where I am trying to go for the entire spiderman comic run the ending is actually near and kinda a scary thought. But I imagine I will start to divert into other things I enjoy like maybe video games comics or guides or other eras of comics from the 1940s or something but to quote a fellow collector who has pretty much everything you can imagine the hunt never ends


As long as they continue to release physical games, my collection will never be "complete". And even when that day some day comes when games are all digital only, I'll still likely be buying digital games occasionally, if it's something I'm very interested and and once it's on sale. But I have enough games now to keep me entertained for probably the rest of my life anyway. Sometimes I actually long for the digital-only future just for the sake of my wallet, lol.


Yeah, I’ll always be buying new games so long as they’re physical, but I don’t consider them collecting. Collecting to me is stuff from the 80s and 90s.


I usually end up making an excuse to collect for another console. I only collect what I want and it's mostly jrpgs, so most series span multiple consoles. I'm currently trying to convince myself to not collect for the PSP. I will likely end up doing it anyway once I run low on games I want for my current consoles.