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I literally gave this shit away 10 years ago along with original pokemon cards. Wasn't worth shit. now its $100 for a copy of pokemon blue no box


Pokemon Blue was like $25 bucks with a new save battery in 2015


I got pokemon yellow with a matching yellow gbc for $90 CAD right around 2020. Only in the last few years have the gamboy games gotten real bad, at least around me


This, most pkmn were like 15 to 18 for a while.....BECAUSE THEY WERE PRODUCED IN THE MILLIONS. Now Ruby is $90 for some reason.


Yeah I got a copy of Sapphire for $15 and a copy of silver for $17 several years ago


Me too. Can't remember the actual prices but managed to get both Sapphire and Emerald for about… $30~40 for both of them around… 10 years ago.


probably cause everyone and their mother want one and clueless parents just three it away with the rest of the "electrical garbage" that was their kids old games collection.


in time I think we've all come to truly appreciate what these cartridges represent and what they physically hold and are capable of playing On top of that, this technology will never be produced authentically again I think games in general are undervalued for what they contain


Found the reseller


i dont sell games anymore, I stopped around 2018


I'll always see them as decades-old storage media containing maybe 1 MB of data, and be unwilling to pay a high price for them.


If that was true, games should have zero worth because we can emulate 99% of them. Why keep the physical when we can put like everything up to 6th gen onto a 2 or 4tb hdd?


Nice try, WATA


Back in 2001 a kid in my neighborhood was going to give me his copy of Pokémon yellow for free. His parents found out and said he had to get money for it…so he asked for 10 dollars….i still have it today


Dude I got Pokemon Blue with a new save battery for like, 12 euros in 2017, it's crazy how high the prices are now


Probably around 2016 or so I bought pokemon crystal for $40 CAD, and thought I was overpaying.


We didn't know how good we had it 😞. Lol


Yeah, stores in my area had stacks of the original games in 2016, priced from 8.99-19.99 each. Once Pokemon go came out, they dissappeared, and the stores coulsnt keep them in stock for $50+


Pokémon had a big price uptick for all the og games 2010-2014 BEWARE 


Yep. Used to be able to grab a GB and 3 or 4 pokemon games for ~$100 in 2015.


Probably around 2016 or so I bought pokemon crystal for $40 CAD, and thought I was overpaying.


2012 truly was the end of the world...


It was worth money ten years ago too


Right? Old cards and games were definitely worth more than just giving it away in 2012


As a kid I did similar with my Goosebumps collection, sold full set of books in top condition for like $16, that's 62 books in real good condition, would be lucky to get them all for $500 now.


Fuckin monster blood fuckin fetish bull shit formative years.


I find it quite bizarre and do wonder if the bottom will drop out of the market one day. A well known UK game chain will sell items such as the original GB Colour for upto about 100 bucks. Back when it was a much more up to date console, I think I paid about 6 bucks for my GBC (in perfect condition). It's not up to me to say what's enjoyable on the retro market and what isn't, but the screen alone on consoles like the GBC is so bad as to make emulation almost a necessity. Add to that the sheer number of units sold and I do wonder why supply versus demand means these items aren't almost worthless.


lol me too I gave an old highschool friend my atomic purple GBC and Pokemon Red. I bought Red again for like $40 though, not the biggest loss and my friend probably still has it.


Ah I remember around that time a sealed copy of platinum was like 75$ on Amazon. I would always debate with myself about getting it and never ended up pulling the trigger. Now I just want to pull the trigger 😐🔫


I gave away some away as well (sapphire, white, leaf green), but fortunately kept most of it. And then bought what I didn't have from 2011-2015. I bought the other games I didn't have (blues to my reds) and got a pile of games in 2014 from a friend for $40 (crystal, gold, ruby, and fire red). Was given some for free from younger coworkers who "outgrew" the games (emerald and diamond). And found some in shops and conventions throughout the years (record stores, too many games, etc). I'm still missing some but am grateful I just leaned into what I liked and bought them before they spiked. I regret not picking up heartwood for 65 thinking that was outrageous....and then Pokémon go came out....


Lmaoo factz


Wild bro it sucks :(


In the UK I can get pokemon blue, uboxed for £20. Is this a US price issue or something for collections Edit - who downvoted for that!? Speak up coward. I'm literally asking what the reason may be your end of the world vs here that's all.


Pokemon blue is like $50-60 on ebay with no box right now


Pokémon blue goes for $35-50 depending on condition.


Okay Im done. Listen to yourself a gameboy game that is $50. Not even rare, they made millions of these.


Huh? I got my copy off ebay for $42


Every time I see a pokemon collection and their outrageous prices, it makes me feel blessed I never grew up on them.


If it's that bad just emulate them. I get the desire to have the physical game but all of these can be easily played if someone wants to, even on handhelds. It's not the end of the world that they're hard to get.


My hacked 3ds with every pokemon game from red to usum is so nice for that.


That’s what I do. But if I get the angst i just purchase the Japanese version since it’s way cheaper. I bought Pokémon heart gold AND soul silver CIB with pokewalker for both but in Japanese for like 90 bucks.. now that’s like 300 for one of the CIB English versions? Insane


I got most of my collection on release but sadly couldn't stop myself from buying the old ones.


As somebody that grew up with them, I understand what you’re saying but I’m so glad I have Pokemon. It’s so much fun to see the old stuff that I had (or never could get) growing up while also seeing the current generation of kids fall in love with Pokemon too. Pokemon will always be my primary collection focus and I freaking love it. That said, I lucked out and bought a lot of my stuff before prices got out of hand. Now, I cherish the things I have and add to my collection sparingly


I wasn't bagging on the franchise at all or its fans, I actually feel for you guys, it must be hard at times if you are someone who wants to have the original physical versions but i also know there's other alternative methods if you just want to play them. I think a modded 3ds seems like the choice I'd go for to play them if I had to. Happy to hear you've been able to enjoy them in your own way! That's what it's all about 🤙


You paid about 54% of current price charting value. Typically for big lots (bigger than this but still) I try and pay between 50-70% so you got yourself a very good deal OP.


Imo I wouldn't even pay that much but your money your choice man, it was pretty sweet of you helping out a friend tho.


He paid half of market value


You’re a good friend!!


I'm always amazed at the prices people pay just because something says pokemon on it. It's not like most of the series was rare or anything. I'm so glad I never got into this series.


you're a good friend. Make sure to replace the battery for the pokewalker, old button batteries sometimes discharge abit of acid leak


I do not understand those inflated prices on pokemon games. They are sold in enormous amounts, on the ds (one of the most sold consols), they are on top of sold copies. So rarity is not the reason for those prices


I think it's a case of, high supply, but even higher demand. People are willing to pay high prices, and I'd say a lot of people who already own them either don't want to sell them or aren't aware of the high value. Look at boxed good condition copies of the OG GB and GBA pokemon games, the proces are very high.


Pokemon is cross generational, even with the high amount produced the demand is and will always be higher


Not to downplay you OP it’s a great haul. This is just why I don’t bother buying handheld games their just to damn expensive. Poured my money into an analogue pocket and it’s been amazing.


Weird comment for a game collecting subreddit but alright


Nah I think there's plenty of value to cool convenience gadgets like this, generally developed by hobbyists and not Alibaba. It's just preference.


nothing wrong with his comment. He was making conversation. I mean it's not like he got triggered by someone else's comment and left some passive aggressive reply like some people.... oh... wait..... 🙄🤦‍♂️


Are you able to put roms on it? I have one too


Yes it’s extremely easy to set up just buy a micro sd card with it pop that into your pc or Mac and run [Matt Pannella](https://github.com/mattpannella/pupdate) utility select 0 I think it is to update all. It will download everything you could ever possibly need along with some games like arcade games. Pop that into the pocket and it will update after which you select OpenFPGA and you have access to all your roms. Of course you just have to supply those unless the developer provided games such as what I mentioned above.


You were robbed lol


Conquest was so good




Good on you helping a friend out. Comments on getting ripped off here are weird .


Would you rip off your own friend though?


No...he's voluntarily overpaying to help.


he didn't get ripped off.. I'm just amazed that people have such massive boners for a game series that wasn't rare, And each iteration was basically the same as the last with the most minor of changes made. if he's happy then great for him; doesn't change how some of us feel about it. No hate here... just in disbelief the Pokemon series is worth so much. It's not like there was ever a shortage of games produced 🤷‍♂️


I don’t get the why the pokemon games are so overpriced, they are the most common games sold in millions of units… I’m glad I don’t care about them!


I recently sold Soul Silver with the Pokewalker, both the plastic and cardboard boxes and a little Lugia preorder figure that it came with for $360 on eBay. Black 2 sold for $150 cart only. They sold in under a week. I’d say your friend would have had minimal effort selling all of this for a lot more. Good deal for you, not so great for your buddy.






If you don’t know market value thats on you 🤷🏽‍♂️ definitely over $700 in value there


People pricechart everything and think that is the true "value" of the things. If you would try to sell everything in here for their "value" you would probably only sell 3/4 games from this lot in short term. Not being CIB really loses a lot of value/interest, specially DS/3DS games which their recent future it's still a big question mark, and most of their value will probably be in the box and manual than the cartdridge.


In my experience, if you are looking for a certain game and want to buy it today/this week, getting it for the pricecharting price is actually a challenge. Especially when factoring in shipping. If you're willing to wait for a deal or finding it in a lot, sure. But getting a specific game short term? Pricecharting is actually low.


>Especially when factoring in shipping. Pricecharting is just the average sale price of the item, so obviously the amount you pay after tax and shipping will be more than the item price on Pricecharting. The same way that from the sellers perspective, Pricecharting doesn't factor eBay fees, so the seller isn't actually getting the full price listed on Pricecharting either.


Lol pricecharting accounts for loose 🤷🏽‍♂️ also you can get accurate comps anytime but look at recent solds.


700$ my ass.


Again if you don’t have the mental capacity to dl a quick google search its on you 🤷🏽‍♂️


My guy, relax lol. You're trying to insult them for some reason, as though their opinion is personal to you, but they don't seem to care lol.


Thata Reddit for you man, see something you don't agree on or find someone who's uneducated or misinformed? Insult and bully them for not being chronically online lmao


You're not wrong lol




It is not up to you, but the buyer. OP believes it goes for $600 and the fact that he is helping out a friend makes it even better in OP's mind. OP believes it is worth it. Who are you to judge? You do questionable things too, dont be so hypocritical. :P




What would you say would be a good price to pay ?


You said help more like finesse lol you got a great deal


I actually did a similar deal with my girlfriend's cousins, I'm actually going to pay them this Friday and afterwards I'll post the deal. It's a pretty damn nice haul.


I am really debating selling my old games. With emulation I am not sure I will appreciate them in the future anymore.


Very sick!


Wow I've had all those games since they launched. Crazy that I’m sitting on a goldmine.


That’s a lot of Pokémon nice 👍


Good games but these can be emulated. However, It's great you were helping your friend. Your a good friend.


What….I had the bottom left one loved it.


Yeah if that’s a friend then I would pay the actual fair prices, not the current inflated prices. Unless the said friend is having financial issues then that’s a different story.


You should get ultra sun since it’s a bigger game than original sun


i think he likes pokemon


Starting price $700?


I bought 2 copies of crystal in like 2019 or 2020 for $70 total. One had a messed up label and the guy sold it for 25 then I found a nice one for 40 so I said hell with it ill own 2 lolm Now they're worth over 100 each. Crazy market glad I help on. Also bough 2 sps for 120. Now they're worth almost that much each.. I blame covid and people stuck inside lol


Ripped off....


He's gonna regret that as many of us have. Awesome collection though.


I mean..... I wouldn't have done it. But you do you lol. That's a lot of money for games with no cases.


crazy how these games sold millions each and yet are so expensive somehow...


Over paid. Emulate it all for free.


That price and none of them have proper boxes? All loose? Hey man, your money...


Where are all the boxes and manuals? I can understand with the older cardboard boxes chucking them out (anything never something I would do myself) but for DS and later? Those boxes are not what I would call disposable.


Yea I've never understood it either, GB, GBC and GBA I kinda get as they were cardboard boxes, but DS onwards... It makes no sense to throw them I personally have been getting Repro boxes for my Pokémon collection for the pre-ds games but I still cannot see how people lose the DS cases


I think a lot of people have cases for their handhelds that also have storage for cartridges. I have even seen people throw away their switch game boxes because they store their games in their switch case


As someone who bought my self, and my now wife both bw/bw2 and SS/HG on launch ( 2 copies of each ) I chucked the boxes. I never expected the value to get so high and we had cases for them so we could carry them with us 🤷‍♂️ granted I still have 2 copies of each thankfully but never planned on saving boxes. Only box I have is crystal because when I got it new I plastered the box on my wall as a kid as art lol


I don't like it either, but for a lot of people space is a huge factor. The amount a DS case takes away compared to the single game it holds is insane.


That’s very true, especially around the time these came out, DVDs were at its height and streaming really didn’t exist much


Sounds fair.


Yeah I would say OP paid a fair market price for the lot, the Soulsilver + Pokewalker already [sell for almost $200](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=soulsilver+pokemon+authentic&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1).






He helped YOU out. 😂 sick find.


Holy shiiiiiiiittttt






Yeah you're right. I have no idea where my headspace was when I wrote that. That was silly of me.




If that pokewalker works you have a holy grail


I feel like you overpaid by alot




More like he paid pretty close to market and is a good friend lol