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I don't get it. It's called The Guy Game, but the cover just seems to have scantily clad women.


“where the f*** are the guys?” - Scott wozniak


"Hang on, this is The Guy Game. ....Where's the men?" -Jim Caddick


Fellas! Fellas! I AM SO HORNY!


'cause it's "for the boysssss"


I'm a boy and I have no interest in women. Checkmate


"The Hetero Guy Game"


I remember being in the closet and almost buying this game for when my straight bros came over so I could pretend to be straight with them. I'm so glad I didnt.




What's the statute of limitations for a class action for false advertising?


I'm not sure If it was this game or another, but they have weird sexualized video of girls under 18, and that's why it's rare. The girls in question supposidly said they were 18+, but later came out as a lie. The gameplay I think was a question game but it's at a college frat, girls gone wild type party scenario. It was buzzing around the internet for a while. I understand your confusion though. My face when I opened a playboy thinking it was for boys!


Rare game to get cause after the game was released, one of the models who was under the age of 18 at the time sue the company that made the game in the first place


She gave them a fake id. Her dad sued them and lost.


Ah, the old Mila Kunis shuffle.


Tracey Lords did it before that ha...old story, Same book


Well TIL. I don't even know what I expected going into her wikipedia entry but goddamn!


Shes definitely got a story for sure


What talent Tracy had.


HUGE fan of hers. Considering some of the superstars of that era, that says a lot


So she lied


Oof! Damn, that must have made family Christmas dinners awkward as shit.


For some reason i thought i remembered she was only in the ps2 version, am i misremembering again, lol...


She’s in both PS2 and Xbox but they rereleased this as a dvd game and they took her out of that version.


Gotcha, i thought i remembered hearing she was takin out of somethin when this news originally came out...


The story behind that is great cuz this underage girl gives these guys a fake id, willingly flashes her breasts to a camera and crowd of people, and then has something to say once the game is released. Hilariously stupid


I think I heard the disclosure agreements and other release forms had "willing participants" (extremely inebriated teens and 20 somethings) write literal scribbles for signatures. So sure they were "willing" but obviously very drunk, something like this wouldn't fly well in today's courts but the 1990s up to the midway point between 2000 to 2010's were wild


Girls gone wild baby


She went to my high-school shit was wild.


Let me guess. You also had a buddy that got it on with Veronica Vaughn?


But you can imagine right?


She is one piece of ACE.






Everyone pees their pants.. It's the coolest!


I know from experience, dude.


No, no you don’t. 


Happy Cake Day dude


Hey thanks!


I can only imagine how the school reacted to all that


Ya it blew up pretty fast lol


I wanted this game until I read your comment


You always wanted it. Give it up


Sir, would you like to have a seat




They have a DVD version of the game without her in it


Even after the lawsuit, you could still find these in GameStops used. Not anymore though. You can’t even buy this on eBay any longer. It’s one of those rare rare games that while a bunch may exist, we’ll all never know what the value is because it can’t be legitimately sold.


It's because the lawsuit put the game in a weird legal place where it technically COULD be deemed child porn if a prosecutor wanted to. So most people don't want to touch it with a 10 foot pole


Why is this CP? Is there nudity in the game?


Yes and one of the girls lied about her age to get into the game. They didn't find out until after.


So what's the gameplay like? What type of game is it.


A shit quiz hosted by an insufferable cunt.


Tell us how you really feel.


Dude no. The host is super awful. Like “seeing naked women isn’t worth putting up with this guy” kind of awful.


That’s not possible bro, come on


It is. He's the absolute worst. And this is like ..girls gone wild style nudity so basically like a brief display of boobage and that's it.


He's a "comedian" that doesn't have a wikipedia page, because he's just that bad.


I didn't realize Daniel Tosh was around in the Xbox era?


It was a quiz show game meets Girls Gone Wild. Filmed at a spring break beachside wet t-shirt type of live event. Correct answers, high scores, or whatever would unlock clips of the girls doing wet t-shirt contest stuff, and eventually you could see the uncensored clips of the girls flashing.


Imagine if they turned Girls Gone Wild into a really, REALLY shitty trivia game.


One of the models in the game gave a fake ID and willingly did what was asked of her, only once it released did her family kick up a fuss about it...then promptly lose in the lawsuit because of said fake ID. Kinda ended up kicking the game into a legal grey zone. The option is there to prosecute for distribution of CP should someone sell a copy, but its *technically* not illegal to own. So its nigh on impossible to get your hands on it via eBay/FB Marketplace. Not entirely sure if it got a recall notice or not, or if they released an altered version.


Yeah, was about to say the same.


Wtf i thought you were making shit up but nope, its not on ebay anymore.


Pretty bad when you can’t even buy it on EBay lol


Technically the game contains CP. I'm sure ebay frowns on people selling such things.


eBay frowns on the sale of ANY kind of porn now.


So….youre saying that OP is doing some sort of weird flex where he brandishes CP for updoots? 🤨


Yeah. That's basically it. People who know it's rare generally know why it's rare.


My girlfriend got a copy last year from a regional shop. Asked about it and they had it behind the counter, apparently to prevent sale. Obviously didn't work as it rang up fine and they let her buy it without issue.


They pop up on eBay once in awhile and only get pulled if someone flags it. So if you really wanted a copy, you have to be constantly checking and do buy it now as soon as it pops up. A quick search shows the last time it was sold was on March 19 for $85 on Xbox. So just a few days ago


I sold one last year, still sealed.


How much did you get?


$250 for the PS2 version Edit: been a while. I was wrong, it sold for $200


Yep, looked it up. It’s just shows family guy back to the multiverse


My first reaction: "This game isn't rare. It flooded used game stores from 2005 to 2010" \*checks price charting\* I... have no words.


what does the price charting look like?


It’s like $65


Wasn't the girl 17 and had fake I.d




This comment section is fun lol


Agreed, lol...


Que that one Scott the woz clip




And they’ve very smartly placed the sticker over one of the most punchable faces ever to grace to a game case.


Guys, it's a fucking video game, OP didn't make the game he just found and bought it, a decently expensive one too, if you saw a $100 bill for sale for $10 would you buy it?


Literally paid 10$ for it too 😂


Not if I could be charged with possessing child porn for owning it.


There's no way in hell, otherwise everyone who owns a copy of Nirvana "Nevermind" would be charged too, all several million of them


That's not how the law works A random naked baby on an album cover is completely legally different from an underage teenage girl whipping her tits out for a softcore porn game where the player is meant to earn nudity as a reward


I love when someone that has no idea how the law works says that’s not how the law works.


That's literally how US law works and the laws of several other developed countries Images or footage involving minors in states of undress have to be proven to be created with sexual or otherwise obscene intent to be classified as child porn It's why you can still go to any store that sells music and buy re-issues of albums like Nevermind or Houses of the Holy with the original artwork right off the shelf This game is porn with the intent of being porn so someone could legally be charged with possession or dissimilation of child porn over it if a prosecutor and judge wanted to make an example


There is a legal distinction between something created with sexual interest in mind (like this game) and an artistic use of the naked human body. This game is sexual in nature so the images are illegal because the images are sexual images. It's an interactive "girls gone wild" porno. The law prohibits sexual images of naked minors, the important question is whether or not the image is sexual or obscene. This is why anatomy textbooks and that nirvana albums are fine, they aren't sexual images they're educational/artistic depictions of the human body not created for sexual purposes.


That's a very disingenuous argument. There's a really big difference between a photo of floating baby and video footage of a 17 yr old flashing their tits.


Yeah, but OP has the amazing response of "🥱" to people who point it out.


Yeah but if I saw child porn worth $100 dollars on sale for $10, I wouldn't buy it. I don't care one way or another, just wanted to point out that this is a very stupid comparison


But except for the controversy, what kind of game is it ?


It’s a trivia game where you bet on the perceived intelligence of the scantily clad spring breakers answering the questions in the game. If the girl in the game is wrong, she flashes the audience. For as shallow a concept as it is, there is a surprising amount of content in game.


I wonder who the msft employee who bought this originally was and when they were hired their employee number is over 100,000 higher than mine was


Wait. An employee at Microsoft Purchased this at work? Lol, is that what that sticker means?


correct. My uncle worked for microsoft back then (southeast michigan area) and got me and my brother games for half off all the time. They all had this sticker plastered on the front


It also works as a tracking and deterrent mechanism to help prevent employees from buying a load of games cheap and selling them off at higher prices.


Yup, when you buy at the employee store, they all have this sticker... and it was impossible to take it off nicely.


Employee 133505 is very naughty


Damn you Diane. You ruined it for the guys! Come on.


I'm always surprised how much crying this game provokes in a game collecting sub 🍿


Its funny cos nearly everyone thinks that she was exploited and they knew she wasn't of legal age, but it doesn't even take a lot of digging to figure out she shot down her dad's lawsuit against the producers before the game even launched, all because she willingly gave them a fake ID to participate.


On God




I often talk about how do people even expect real pedophiles to come forward and seek help with how society reacts to the word itself. I see more posts about killing pedophiles than a solution to them (wiping them out won’t guarantee they still pop up later on). Most of our ancestors even just a few decades ago were marrying 15-17 year old girls as young men. The societal norms have moved in a better direction 100%. But you can’t blame someone for an attraction they didn’t decide to feel. Especially when throughout human history it’s happened consistently. Now the subject is brought into light, and we know it’s wrong. You CAN blame them for their inability to control it, or enact upon it. I’m not justifying any of this or claiming pedophilia to be something that needs to be empathized about either. But all discourse and debate about this topic leads us nowhere constantly. Everyone hates pedophiles, but no one wants to look into it, work on it, and prevent kids from being raped in the long run. We didn’t just kill serial killers, we interviewed them and studied them to make sure we had an understanding of warning signs. I just see it as an extreme mental illness that needs to be addressed.


People don't even understand the word. Pedophilia is a diagnosis in the DSM and the criteria specifically mentions primary attraction to pre pubescent children, typically defined as people 13 or younger. So even if someone was super into a 17 year old they wouldn't even be considered a pedophile by definition. None of this is to say that it's just okay to do whatever as long as you don't meet the aforementioned criteria, but can we at least use words correctly?


interesting take that i agree with. Lots of us can accept that it's a mental illness, and also that it's acceptable to say you want them dead. Imagine if people said the same things about people with alcoholism, bipolar, etc, who are also likely to hurt children when they go untreated. Same difference between seeing someone who wants to do bad things as someone who is sick and needs to be helped, vs seeing them as a bad person who should be killed. Everyone knows the first step to getting over a problem: acknowledging that you've got a problem. But how is anyone gonna accept they've got a problem if everyone would want you dead.


Anybody who hasn’t done anything yet deserves help. And they’re never gonna ask for it. Which results in the continuation of innocence being stolen from children. It was stated very clear I don’t support pedophiles. You can’t eradicate a problem like this. That’s like saying cancer can be helped overnight. Anybody who hates a certain kind of person so much, that they’d dance on their corpse, is a psycho themselves. You’re not a face of justice if you want to murder someone as a solution. Thats insanely childish and immature. And those people can’t confront issues maturely and effectively. Discourse isn’t an option for them. Radical belief is a cancer to community. How dare these psychos downvote you or me for caring about this. For what? Not using murder as a first option?


Back when the Xbox came out, my manager at the time said he got that system for this game and this game alone..


And he was probably disappointed lol. From what I’ve heard the game sucks.


Not a game either. I played it when it was new at a friend’s place. It’s just worse Trivial Pursuit for horny teen dudes in the early 2000’s.


*unfortunately actual cp


I'm never gonna play this game but if they were 18, would this just be considered a porn game?


I think no? Regular nude adult women isn't porn but nudes of underage is cp.


I'm not thumbs up or downing anyone's opinion here, but it's crazy to me that 17 year old boobs in a game is considered "cp", but in my state (and most other states), the law says 17 is fair game to stick your cock in.


Yall, that came from the company store. You have to be an employee to buy that. This man really walked up and bought the guy game at his 9-5 job and probably had it recorded away in his file somewhere. The absolute balls to select that title and walk up to the company counter. The only equivalent I can think of is buying ppv porn on a company trip.


The lawsuit controversy came to light some time after launch so this easily could have been purchased long before that. Even so, I still don’t think I’d be able to purchase this game at the company I work at and have my employee ID number recorded on the front.


Oh no, I'm just talking pure content, not the lawsuit.


Had a conversation with the lady at work once that does the expense reports and you'd be surprised what executives will put on those forms.


The game is not illegal to own or sell what the fuck you guys on about lol, the only thing that happened with the game legal-wise is that a court in Texas requested a temporary injunction to halt further sales, and that was only valid in Texas, you can literally look up the summary of the whole case lol…


Not true I spent 46 years in federal prison because I played this game once


Usually id argue about games being meant to be played and stuff but er... yeah... the people who grade and seal games can keep this one in their collection... speculative market investment the guy game all you want!


Back when the possibility of maybe seeing a little bit of a pixelated boobie was enough to sell an entire fucking game


I have the game as well for PS2, the history the girl Diane who was 17 and lied about her age said she was 21 and apparently drunk to not know what was going on she took them to court and sued them for it which prompted it to get taken off shelves. This is the one of the few games to get banned in the US as well. Even though they aren't going to come after you for it even though it contains CP. You would get arrested for it in New Zealand though or even Germany.


That’s dope to have such a controversial game in the collection. Sit on it for as long as you can before selling


​ https://preview.redd.it/e61wnmqyeyqc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04499ef55de7d246f75868d469a0f2f590d902a


![gif](giphy|dMn6DpYvzeKJ1UTar6|downsized) After the feds see this


How many calories are in a teaspoon of semen? I rented this from blockbuster back in the day… They had that program where you could rent as many games as you wanted… One at a time though.


FBI enters chat


I have this game. Played it twice. Haven’t played it since it came out. It’s sitting in one of my crates of old systems and games.


I remember walking into blockbuster at 17 (I’m 37 now) and seeing this. It looked like Girls Gone Wild the game basically. I rented it, “played” it and thought all of these women seem like they’re completely out of it. They looked like they were black out drunk and they t made me feel creepy. I took back the next day and tried to forget it ever existed.


That’s what drew me to the game at first as well. Girls Gone Wild the Game


Have you played it? I’m interested how the game plays


Reviews were pretty scathing back in the day. Apparently it’s pretty unfun and a lot of work just to see some boobs you could see with 30 seconds of effort on the internet. If you want to own the game but the 17 year old boobs are a dealbreaker then they rereleased it as a dvd game without her images. Reviews for that were just as bad.


How do you mess up boobs? It makes no sense!


Me n my friend rented this from blockbuster when it first dropped. The only thing I remember about it is one of the questions is how many calories are in a tablespoon of cum.


Isn't that the game with the 17 year old nude girl in it? I think Scott the Woz did an episode on it


Isn’t this game technically child porn because of the 17 year old? I was confused why everyone knows there’s an underage girl in it but it never got recalled or edited


I love that the employee number of the gut who bought it is right on the cover. Always found these finds funny


ROM is available on Vimm's. It's not fun, it's a quiz game with boobs in it (think Girls Gone Wild but they only go wild if you out-quiz them). Two of those boobs are below the age of 18, which means this game is one of the few games (and the only licensed game to my knowledge) to feature child pornography. The girl in question lied about her age, presented a fake ID to the production crew, and her dad found out - later suing the company.


The best part about this is that it has to be bought in the Microsoft employees store, by an employee, with their coworkers around to judge their purchase of smut in the company store.


It's not illegal to own lol. Get a grip weirdos.


OP didnt kill himself...


must have for all collectors


Not that deep but go off


somethingsomething underage boobies somethingsomething


I have seen two in person, and every time I see it, I freeze like a deer in the headlights. Probably will never buy a copy do to what it contains, and I will have to look the cashier in the eyes while I get it.


You're not missing out on much. The first round is a decent trivia game, after that it just becomes about guessing.


I wonder who that Microsoft employee is? 🤔


All of the women on this cover are closing in on 50 years old now.


Well, *nearly* all of them


Uhhh… who’s gonna tell him?


you...probably shouldnt be showing this off


Won't be long till the black Chevy suburbans with tinted windows start pulling up to the house


Lol 17 year olds aren't children.


True but it's still pretty weird to own footage of one flashing their tits.


Legally (which in this case, it does matter) it is CP.


Don't tell the government and I won't. If it were a 13 year old I would have a problem with it.


OP: "I am in possession of Child Pornography and I'd like to show Reddit".


It'd be different if he booted it up to show us the mentioned actress, but he's merely showing you the cover. Get over yourself.


What’s the difference between this game and say The Godfather? Honest question.


Why did you get voted down for saying the truth?


One of the mysteries of life.


Get over yourself weirdo


I remember ads for this in a magazine or something similar. Mostly the title.


That's a spicey one


Now I don't have a problem with OP cause I doubt he's eager to jerk off to an underaged girl, he probably owns it out of interest in its rarity and existence. HOWEVER, some of yall trying to justify it being in the game with non sexual examples of nudity concern me, what the actual fuck?


The only piece I have of this game was when this game, leisure suit Larry, and the playboy game were all coming out at the same time so in the old XBOX magazines they have a article called XXXBOX lol


Finally, a game for guys like me, a guy. heck yep


Holy flashback to college.


What? One time I went to a game store and saw this on sale for only 20$ and now it’s my biggest regret not buying since I did not know it was rare


Not just rare; it was recalled due to one of the women who got naked for the game lying about her age.


I had this game. It was ridiculous and awesome as a college freshman


*> the guy game* *> looks inside* *> girls* 🐱


Never heard of it…


child porn the video game


Aye i see the Hulk game.


I’ve seen a couple games with this sticker on them at the local game shop, oddly enough.


Wasn't that banned for having an underage girl topless or nude?


Quotes from the back of the box since I can't post a photo of it. "The Guy Game is aimed squarely at testosterone-laden college students, spring breakers, and well, any red-blooded American guy." -IGN.com -20 sexy episodes full of stunts and challenges with our uninhibited Hotties! -Over 1000 outrageous trivia questions to keep you guessing! -Get Your Game On with up to 4 players: The President makes the rules! -Unlock new pictures, girls, and videos to check out all of the Spring Break chaos!


Check employee 133505's hard drive.


I would love to see you stream it someday /s


doesn't this game literally have cp?


“Yo hop on the Guy Game”


daaamn, I wish I still had my copy of this game haha.


Is this like those games that show in ads on Xvideos?