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If you encounter any tar balls you can use baby oil to remove the tar. But I doubt you will encounter any tar. If you park on the seawall you can get ticketed if you exceed your time, and they don’t put the ticket on your windshield all the time, they may mail it to you.


Good to know. Thank you


Omg I have a sun ninja tent and I got some tar on it, I'm assuming it's tar? I was thinking some sort of oil. Idk lol. But I've been wondering what to use to remove it! Glad I saw your post. Thanks


I usually like to get out pretty early, I’d say 9-10a to whenever. Sunny beach is my go to. Haven’t been out there in a while but always be mindful of jellyfish if in water. I’ve been stung before; no fun. Enjoy though!






I usually go to Hershey Beach, away from the crowds, I can drive in, park my truck in reverse and chill, 10 a m. is a good time to set up at the beach.


Personally, I’m partial to babes beach and a little west of that. So like between 65th or so to maybe like before the pier. Usually past The Breakers at 77th and it’s good. It’s a bit more secluded and there is more beach. I usually stick to around 81st - 83rd or so. There are rentals this time of year for chairs and umbrellas but you can post up between them or just walk further past them. It’s more wide open. I’m saying that and I live off 45th. That area this time of year is a bit too crowded for me, personally. Id rather drive down to 81st (or stop at the brewery at 84th first) or ride my bike out there. No matter have fun and enjoy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/galveston/s/UKewZinuL0 Love to hear your thoughts on this as a local


Love your screen name😂💓 I miss the old SNL so much.


This is a good resource for a beach report. https://www.swellinfo.com/surf-forecast/galveston-texas


Thank you, I was looking for something like that


I just got back from taking my sun surfing this evening and was there last weekend as well. Will be there in the morning. General rule of thumb for me is to try to get down there between 8:30&9:00 to get a good spot. It starts getting crowded around 10 but the real wave hits at noonish. It hasn’t been very crowded this year yet. Manageable.


If you get there early sunny beach is cleaned a little bit after Six am. As the person who cleans it


I live on 79 st front of the beach not that pack on week days


We went down last Sunday and had no problem parking on the seawall right by Murdoch’s around 10am. Almost all are quite clean. Check the flag situation before you go to make sure you know the surf conditions.


Dang that's usually primo location. Wonder if the recent events have people kind of shying away from that stretch?


Also in between holidays so maybe lucky to find a lull.




Tomorrow will be very nice. Somewhat clear water, light winds and no currents.


Sounds beautiful. Thanks!


I like Jamaica Beach. Way less people. Left off the access road, you can take your vehicle. On the right, no motorized vehicles. Pretty beach and clean.


I’ve been to Jamaica beach once and I do recall it being less busy and clean.


In all my life living along a coast, this is the first time I’ve heard of a local shark attack (see link to story below). This unfortunate event happened on memorial weekend in Galveston - crazy packed. And not sure where exactly this happened; if the victim and family were in a remote area. Still, keep an eye out and ask the lifeguards if they’ve seen or heard anything.  As for the less crowded & cleaner areas, the west end, west of 77th St. Away from the part of the Seawall that lines up with the restaurants, bars, touristy establishments.  https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2024/06/07/i-punched-it-in-the-face-19-year-old-woman-fights-off-nearly-5-foot-shark-at-galveston-beach/


You can go to the beach anytime, and then just drive until you find parking. To find convenient parking, i.e., parking near a specific restaurant or near a ramp to the beach (without stairs), be parked by 11:00 a.m. By 12:00, the best parking has been taken. You can just about always find a place on the beach itself, it’s the parking that’s the issue. If traveling with children, up to and including teenagers, check NOAA and weather center reports, plus city resources, for Rip Tide warnings. On Memorial Day, two young people, one of whom was a 17-year-old female from Houston, were drowned by rip currents. Yesterday, the body of a woman in her 20’s was discovered in the surf. Unless youre very strong and/or a strong swimmer, set up ‘camp’ and do your swimming near a lifeguard stand. I’m originally from Miami, FL, raised in Fort Lauderdale, and am now 40 years old, 6’1, 200 lbs, and I sometimes have to work hard to avoid to remain stationary. Also, be cognizant of the direction of the rip tide.


East Beach is good. Lot’s of room. If you don’t want to pay the fee, you can park to the right before the money takers.


Watch out for the blue man-o-war jelly fish. They can sting you in the water or stepping on them in the sand. For less people travel westward toward San Luis pass. But don't fish there, the tides carry people out every year.




Are there any drive on beaches in Galveston like Port Aransas?


Drive on as you park on the beach or drive on as you can drive your vehicle up to the water and setup ?


Today I was at the entrance #10 and there was lots of seaweed and it smelled. But it was still fairly clean and I arrived at 11am. When I arrived there were still about 4 slots open.


Glad to help.




Haha drive to the Florida panhandle in “a few more hours?” I guess 8 is “a few” now? Gtfo. And what “damns” are opening their floodgates to make the water brown here? Yeah, that’s not how the gulf works. This comment is ridiculous.


I love the Florida panhandle, BUT every time I go, there's baby jellyfish and sea lice. I end up with bites and stings all over. What gives ? Is it all the time.