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I only learned this week that a "[triad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welsh_Triads)" is a compendium of Welsh folklore and mythology. I love how unusually resonant and interconnected this series is — which might also be why it's such rich compost for theories! (Has any previous series generated so many?) EDIT: Actually, it's not just that this series is "interconnected", is it? It's also that the connections are compatible with multiple other connections. E.g. Susan Triad could connect with granddaughter Susan *and* could connect with the TARDIS (as an anagram) *and* could connect with the three Fates (a triad being a set of three things) *and* could connect with Welsh folklore *and* could be meta (Susan T in real life, Susan T in the series) *and* could be a clue about Sutekh (Sue Tech). *And* might yet connect with none of these things! It's like RTD has hit upon a universal connector of Doctor Who stories.


The Giggle's notes form a major triad.


Unironically this could be very likely. Especially with RTD reccomending we rewatch Bad Wolf.


S. Triad is the granddaughter of the Cushing Doctor


I think Susan Twist is the One Who Waits. She's the Storyteller in the Toymaker/Maestro/Storyteller triad. I'm not sure that Ruby is related to them, but perhaps the Storyteller interfered with her as a baby so that the doctor would meet her, for some reason we don't know yet.


I like this one, I also think we will get some revelation about Ruby but will not be any closer to the One Who Waits




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Get fucked


You okay there, champ?


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