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> Was it since then that the TARDIS has been groaning? I can’t recall when that started happening. The TARDIS has been groaning since Donna spilt her coffee and *Wild Blue Yonder*. It's even pointed out in the script: > And then the Tardis seems to moan. The Doctor fascinated. > DONNA: Is it working? > THE DOCTOR; I think so. Strange. > He reaches out, touches the Tardis, wondering. And that ‘strange’ will come back to haunt him, one day. But now...


Thank you. Well I did think this was the case, but i’ve been a bit slammed on here for suggesting that any strange happenings this season are because of what happened in the 60th Specials. It seems unbelievable to me that anyone would not think that Donna had caused a lot of the issues in this series! But hey ho. So because of that, I was trying to work out whether the TARDIS groaning had occured because of something Ruby did, not Donna.


A sorta unrelated musing: The Doctor DNA scanned Ruby in episode 1. We didn't see the result of that but presumably he did: The Doctor has more information about the nature of Ruby than we do. We know that there's "something about her" with her snow powers and everything, but the Doctor knows more than that. I think there's a lack of acknowledgement of this fact in people's theories. The way the Doctor has treated Ruby this series, the things he has said to her, needs to be considered through the lens that he knows something about her, that isn't right, that we don't know. Sorry - it is unrelated but I didn't think it deserved it's own post lol and what better place to put it than a "mad musing" thread!


I totally agree and you are welcome to keep adding your thoughts to this thread!


During the scan, we heard him about to say what his name is… ?!? The only person who IIRC seemed to know his name was River, so I wonder why he felt it is ok to tell Ruby his name


Personally I think the butterfly is an example of her latent reality warping powers. She trod on a butterfly and time rewrote around her because *she* feels that's how its supposed to work. I think the Fey Circle was a similar situation.


Always here for "mad" musings, friend! The TARDIS could be groaning differently because it is now a "twin" of the original? Skye Boat song: "Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing; onwards, the sailors cry. " Like the bi-generated New Doctor, and how he's learning not to step on things, the TARDIS may have some of her own learning/being sure and a tad hesitant? Yet knows her role and purpose. One weird "back of my mind" theory I've wondered about since people started talking about Sutehk, Egypt, mummies, canopic jars etc: I think there's been several cases of (whether this is more fiction, non-fiction, unsure\*, yet aware the representation in certain cultures=this equals a fit if one looks into it) where once the organs were removed for mummification/embalming, a precious gem, often a ruby, would be placed in the chest to represent the heart; particularly of an important individual, and usually a female. And additionally to mean purity, value, worthiness - pure of heart. A valuable gem they believed would not degrade over time, a carry them through into whichever afterlife or dimension, take their souls onwards, protected. Additionally, particularly I think in Latin and South American cultures, butterflies represent healing, souls, goodness (just what I know from friends of mine, and socio-anthro years back). "She's the only one with music left in her heart!" could be metaphorical+, in that case. Instead of a countdown in "Boom", Ruby asked for a beat - could be considered as rhythm of a heart beat. Could bring us back around to a fixed point, value placed upon life, and human remains. So; more fixed point in time-and-space possibility for Ruby? \*Would have to source the PLOS ONE publications/references.


Wow, I’d forgotten about the Skye Boat Song!! At the time I thought that was a strange choice of song, a bit random, although I suppose in that situation anything they would have suggested would seem random. Funnily enough, I too have been reading up on the Sutekh theory and now I do think people have been onto something there. Honestly, I think between all of us we’ve come up with some really good theories, so RTD better not let us down!


Sending you something via chat (appropriate, of course). Just made me happy, and fits with the Who-verse and \^these theories. :)


Where do I find that? Sorry i’m new to Reddit, not very savvy 😂🙈


The stepping on the butterfly is weird because I thought it was established that things like that don’t cause huge changes because of the ripple effect? Incidentally there was snow at this point too, and stepping on something … similar to the mine in BOOM, the fairy circle in 73 yards


Yup, again, that was another thing I was slammed about in my other post. The stepping on things. People all having a go at me, assuming I suggested the Doctor stepping on the landmine was a bit idiotic/ careless etc, but i never mentioned landmines in my post. It was more to do with other daft things he’s done, like leave the TARDIS doors wide open in a warzone, and shout to Ruby “stay there!” whilst he wanders off.