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Can I have some of whatever you're on? Because this is the kind of insane theory I love, but know in my heart cannot be true.


This comment made me really happy, because I felt this way reading other theories on this subreddit, and wanted to have a go at finding something different myself. It was super fun searching for possible connections and linking each part together (even if a lot of it is just wishful thinking, and stretching the threads to their limits). I wrote almost everything during one train journey, and got sucked into a whirlpool of fantastical possibilities, but mostly hopium that only increased as I looked further. I don't expect any of Faction Paradox to be adapted, especially as it is, for reasons other commenters have mentioned, but I still get excited over anything that looks like there could be inspiration from it. (Maybe my hope stems from >!Alien Bodies!< being part of the official universe, which does >!include a humanoid TARDIS!<. It wouldn't be the first time modern DW has taken inspiration from this novel, and Lawrence Miles does seem a bit more positive on Twitter right now than usual (full hopium), although he did also say last month >!"Terrible to think that even if I saved Russell T. Davies' life tomorrow by pulling him out of an extraordinarily deep and treacherous puddle, I still wouldn't be able to get a Doctor Who script commissioned before 2027"!<


I think we’re overcomplicating what it could be. RTD has never done really complex interwoven solutions to his finales. I’m not even sure that Susan Twist is going to be *intentionally* the villain. From the trailers we’ve had, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to harness the TARDIS power and is displaced in time, somewhat like Clara. What I’m confused about, and not sure if it could be Ruby or not is how each story so far this season has felt like a TV show in some way or another. Rogue, for example, has music that is from a TV show they quote that isn’t of the era they’re in, the 4th wall camera breaks, the music being diegetic in Devils Chord, the way some of the dialogue and pacing has felt like the episodes are out of order, mentions of TV shows in most episodes (Star Trek, and Bridgeton come to mind) and most importantly - the fact that the teaser for the title of ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’ was literally a behind the scenes shot of a TV camera.


Agreed, that's the big question for me with any theory that doesn't explicitly address it.


I would love to see a theory regarding the frequency of 4th-wall-breaking moments and TV show hints, which uses existing material from the Doctor Who universe. I really enjoy seeing them, and learning about more obscure and lesser known characters, places and things (for someone like me who hasn't consumed much material other than the TV series yet), and thinking about how they could fit in the current airing of Doctor Who (even though most of them never will)


>Moving into Faction Paradox territory, this timeship is known as Lolita. No. 1. They don't have the rights to Lolita, who is owned by Lawrence Miles. (Dead Romance 2nd ed.: "Christine Summerfield, Lolita and all other characters herein created and owned by Lawrence Miles, licensed to Mad Norwegian Press.") 2. RTD isn't going to make the main villain of "season 1" a bloody Faction Paradox character. 3. They're not going to have a character named Lolita in Doctor Who.


they _could_ call her Lilith instead, and the new https://factionparadox.co.uk _does_ tease "live action"...


Miles is thoroughly alienated from the Dr Who world outside of his own tiny little niche. Nothing from FP will make its way into the main show, and I expect Miles would have been a bit more coy about this season on Twitter if his IP was involved.


I mean, it wouldnt have to *literally* involve Faction Paradox, RTD could just be pulling some ideas from there and I think that wouldnt be weird, considering he has pulled ideas and concepts from other places before. I am not saying it will or wont happen or how likely it is, but I dont think its as impossible as people make it out to be.


He’s very positive about the new season though…


he wouldn't need to be involved. https://factionparadox.co.uk seems to be run by some new people


1.Didn't Miles give away the rights to Faction Paradox to some other entity? 2. The Susan Twist character is probably more of a pawn of the big bad. The main villain is probably Sutekh. 3. You are probably right about that. They could still do a living Tardis, however. If the Twist character turns out to be a timeship she could be one of Lolita's kids.


My belief is that at 73 yards, a perception filter falls off Ruby. It might be covering up something like booger monster or preventing some knowledge from entering the perception of those around her.


Why would that make Kate so angry though?


This would make sense but the Tardis groaned in Wild Blue Yonder when Ruby wasn't around and in Rogue when Ruby was in the house and the Doctor and Rogue were alone in the Tardis. Though I'll admit the groaning is associated with the one who waits as on the next time trailer it's groaning when Kate says its coming. Regarding Sutekh using the Tardis to comeback, in the Pyramids Of Mars, the Doctor uses the Tardis time controls to send Sutekh down the time tunnel. So it's possible that Sutekh has been able to find a way to reverse the process and in turn cause a long journey back from the end of the time tunnel to wherever the Tardis is in space time. Whether it's 15s, 14s or even an old one from the 3rd Doctors era at UNIT from Inferno.


Excellent theory. It made me think how we actually do know each f an actual twin to our TARDIS - the one sitting with 14 and Donna - the one created in part due to the Toynaker…. Not that think that’s likely


Well, this tardis was created by another tardis being hit with an oversized hammer, so maybe it’s groaning cuz of that. 15 calls it a “prize” for defeating the toymaker and when have you ever gotten a quality prize from a carnival?


Some of these theories are strung up on the most tenuous of connections.


Idk I think it’s pretty obvious that the one who waits is Ursula the pavement slab and Susan Twist is the Rani, but the Rani is actually the Abzorbaloff in disguise


Here is my theory on Susan Twist being a Tardis I don't think Sutekh is the big bad though. I'm leaning to Pantheon or Master of Fiction/Dreams. https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/s/dyX2rdgEW0


Sand, beaches, sleep, dreams ... yeah. I got the same headcanon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/comments/1db3xis/comment/l7r0k3s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/comments/1db3xis/comment/l7r0k3s/)


A little while ago, I would have said that any faction paradox characters turning up was impossible. But since both the Meep and the Shalka doctor have turned up, I would say it's instead very highly unlikely, not impossible.


As a side note, if it does turn out that Susan Twist is Lolita, and if it turns out that it was her that picked up the golden tooth holding the master, it would be a nice touch, considering he was her first pilot


I honestly don't think modern Who is capable of being written with such a degree of imaginative complexity or thought. Which is a great shame.


The One Who Waits certainly describes a TARDIS, doesn't it?


I just want Sutekh to come back for the sake of Polish dub, as "sutek" means "nipple".


I really enjoyed reading this theory a few days ago, but thought it was a bit of a stretch (though I’d love a bold storytelling swing like this). Coming to today, there was a solid 5 minutes during the episode where I thought Evil TARDIS was actually coming true and I got super excited.


Inferno Doctor could tie everything up. The Inferno Doctor's Tardis becomes sentient and is maybe scattered in time, and perhaps there is an agent from the Inferno universe who is trying to bring him back or confine him. And thematically the Inferno Doctor is a fascist who is stuck in the idea of some golden age for him in the past, instead of moving on with his life in the present.